Deirdre Script

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Screenplay by:
Shreena Peshawaria, Salma Almazwagi, Meenas Badiudeen
By: Team Cronenberg
1. Catherine
2. Catherines Mother
3. Deirdre (the doll)
First Sequence
It is a still and sombre Christmas Evening, December 15th 2014.
(Fade into first scene from black)
Establishing shot of the house in Claremont Road Park; the house in which
Catherine (Yllka) is moving into.
(Soundtrack: The strum of Shreenas Christmas Toy tune.)
The camera slow zooms into the front exterior of the house.
A sound bridge of Shreenas old Christmas toy continues from establishing shot to
the next scene.
A rear long-shot of Catherine (Yllka) emptying cardboard boxes and placing them
behind her.
Opening credits of Cast, Set Designer, Producer, Cameraman, Editing, Makeup,
Director, displayed inside boxes as she opens the flaps.
Catherine: hums a slow tune (placing belongings beside her).
First person track shot of doll inside a box hidden under the table, camera peaks at
Catherine from an opening in the flap.
A long-shot of the girl approaching the box, switches back to first person camera
view as she picks it up and opens the flaps.
Birds eye view of the doll placed lying down inside.
(Soundtrack: Garageband Orchestral piano playing.)

An over the shoulder shot of her holding the doll in her hand. Camera focuses on
doll, non-focus on her shoulder and head.
Catherine strokes the dolls face, sonic flashback begins: insert sounds of her mother
Catherines Mother: Keep this doll for as long as you live.
Close-up shot of Catherines face: horrified, nervous, worried, looking around.
Catherine: Oh my God! (throws the doll across room)
Sonic flashback stops. Silence.
Soundtrack start: Garageband Orchestral piano plays.
Deirdre (the doll) sits across the room staring at Catherine, dolly zoom with
Catherine: (gets up and grabs the doll).
Cue the flashback of her mother.
Catherines mother: (hangs from rope, camera pan from feet up to neck.)
Whispering, screaming, garageband music getting louder, childrens laughter is
inserted. Flashback stops.
Catherine: (Gets up quickly from sitting down and runs downstairs and outside,
throws doll in the bin, watches bin, slowly reverses.)
A bang comes from inside the bin.
Catherine: (runs upstairs, stops abruptly) Ahh! (Screaming, she looks at her
arm, extreme close up shot of her arm, there is a scab. She glances behind her,
runs upstairs into bathroom, opens drawers, rummages through them for a
A creak of the door sound is inserted.
Catherine: What the (Turns around slowly, sees doll, screams, blackout.)
Title appears [Deirdre]

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