100603LessonPlan AR0921

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Visual Arts

Lesson Plan (stage 5)

Class: AR0921A Lesson/Period: P1 Time: Tuesday 9:15 Room: A 11 Lesson Length: 70min

Topic/Main Concept/Theme: Contemporary Painting – Self Portrait – ‘Me but not me’

Practice: Artmaking
Forms Frames The Conceptual Framework
2D Subjective Artist
3D Cultural Artwork
4D Structural World
Postmodern Audience

Syllabus Outcomes 5.1 develops range and autonomy in selecting

and applying visual arts conventions and
procedures to make artworks
5.6 demonstrates developing technical
accomplishment and refinement in making

Lesson Sequence Orienting Enhancement Synthesis

Students will learn Students will learn to:
the pleasure and enjoyment in Investigate the field of visual Make artworks using a range
making artworks arts and design and of 2D, including drawing, 3D
approximate some and/or 4D forms, materials
conventions, activities, and techniques and various
traditions and customs of the investigations of the world
field to make art

Cross Curriculum ICT Aboriginal and Work, Employment Civics and

Content Indigenous and Enterprise Citizenship
Difference and Environment Gender
Key Competencies Collecting Communicating Planning and Working with
Analysing and ideas and organising others in teams
organising Information activities
Using Solving problems Using Technology
ideas and
Literacy Multicultural Numeracy

Considerations/Preparation: Prior Knowledge/Experience Safety Risk

SLWDA – Students, M and J sit in Previous lessons and Risk assessment is as indicated
same place and receive support demonstrations (monotone, for this lesson, per unit criteria
from teachers’ aid. puddling) sheet. Glue, paint, brushes.
Inclusive principles are practiced Resources/Materials Key Vocab
for all students, M and J are given Handouts, classroom art supplies, Wit humour satire portrait
the first one on one instruction at Primed art card self distortion puddling
the beginning of all class work
time. layering tone mono blur
Introduce: Class seating plan Whiteboard Notes/Photocopies Key Questions
Class rules Images of artists, techniques, What does it mean to be me?
Word definitions prompts for reflection, Word How do I like others to see me?
Phrases, quotes definitions, phrases, quotes
1. ANTICIPATORY Explain seating plan, Follow teachers Complete as 10 Teachers
SET direct students to instructions instructed notes
places and assign Ask for clarification
code and job.
2. REVIEW Finish class critique Participate in Asking 15 Students
- of last lesson of students work. teacher lead students to work
- link to this lesson Round up and enquiries, offer analyse work
provide feedback for constructive of other
finishing task. criticism and note students.
suggestions for
own work
3. Provide quick Observe and listen Ask students 5 Art materials,
INTRODUCTION demonstration of to demo to repeat the classroom,
 Expected second technique steps students
 Key
 My job
 Your job
 Time
 Resources
4. THE BODY Give one on one Resolve and finish Observe the 30 Art materials,
 Modelling advice as students the second students classroom
 Guided proceed in task technique progress in
practice their painting
 Independent
5. CONCLUSION Direct students to Listen and follow 10
 Summary finish up now or clean up
 Future choose to stay for instructions and
direction recess to allow for procedure
more time to finish

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