5 Crash Analysis
5 Crash Analysis
5 Crash Analysis
1. Review TSIP
Review Funding Options 2. Review U-STEP
3. Review C-STEP
4. Review local funding
Crashes are rare events. A typical intersection experiences less than one crash per million vehicles that
navigate the intersection. Crashes occur because of various factors including the driver, vehicle, roadway,
and environment. The primary source of crash data is the local law enforcement agencies. Local law
enforcement agencies are usually an excellent source for current conditions at a particular crash location.
Crash data are used to help understand why crashes occur, to help identify high-crash locations, to aid in
the choice of safety programs or countermeasures, and to assist evaluations of countermeasure
effectiveness (Robertson 1994). The main purpose of crash analysis is to improve safety by identifying
crash patterns, mitigating crash severity, and reducing the number of crashes by adopting suitable
The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) Office of Traffic and Safety has developed a
website to assistant jurisdictions in identifying locations within their jurisdiction that are candidates for
safety improvement. Please refer to www.dot.state.ia.us/crashanalysis/.
The first place to navigate on the website is the City or County (as appropriate) Safety Improvement
Candidate Locations (SICL) link. See Figure 5.1. An individual can select their jurisdiction from a list of all
cities or counties in Iowa having a candidate location. Once a city or county is selected, the intersections,
links and nodes with the highest ranking of crashes, crash rates, and crash severity for that jurisdiction are
The same website also provides a list of the top 200 Safety Improvement Candidate Locations (SICL)
within Iowa as shown above. This link provides the same information as listed above but for the top 200
intersections of concern within the state.
The main safety problem(s) at a given location can be quantified a few ways:
The Iowa DOT Office of Traffic and Safety’s City or County (as appropriate) Safety Improvement
Candidate Locations (SICL) listings (www.dot.state.ia.us/crashanalysis/) provide each location’s
statewide rank and crashes by year for a five-year period. Locations that do not meet minimum criteria
are not included in the listings. The minimum criteria are at least one fatal crash, four injury crashes, or
eight total crashes in the most recent five-year analysis period. The locations are ranked according to a
composite of the number of crashes, the severity of the crashes, and the crash rate per traffic volume.
SICL listing also provides a breakdown of crashes at each location by crash severity and injury severity.
Free of charge, the Iowa DOT Office of Traffic and Safety will provide statewide crash data, programs to
query and print crash data, and training to use their computer programs (see also Appendix D.2). The
computer programs are Access-ALAS (accident location and analysis system) and Crash Mapping and
Analysis Tool (CMAT). See Figure 5.2. These two programs are available as a set. To find information
about obtaining these programs, refer to www.dot.state.ia.us/crashanalysis/. The most currently
available crash data can be viewed within these programs. Every year the Iowa DOT Office of Traffic
and Safety distributes the new crash data to the jurisdictions that have the programs.
CMAT is used to view crash locations on a map and select the crashes needed for further analysis. An
individual can enter CMAT, zoom to an intersection, select the crashes needed for analysis, and export
them to Access-ALAS. The crash data is then queried and printed from Access-ALAS. A step-by-step
process is given in Appendix D.2. Once the data are active in Access-ALAS, an individual can find the
number of crashes for the predetermined study period.
The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) also offers a service to jurisdictions called
the Iowa Traffic Safety Data Service (ITSDS). ITSDS provides timely access to crash analyses and
reports from many safety and geographic information systems tools developed by the Iowa DOT and
CTRE in recent years. ITSDS facilitates decision-making, effective presentation of information, and
education. The ITSDS is not available to all requestors and is not meant to relieve all traffic data users
from performing their own analyses. Rather, it fills the large gap between what data users can get for
themselves and what can be obtained by experts with the best software and hardware. An example of
crash mapping produced by ITSDS is shown in Figure 5.3. For more information, visit the ITSDS website
at www.ctre.iastate.edu/itsds/.
Finally, a jurisdiction can calculate the crash rate for an intersection and compare the rate to statewide
averages as shown in Table 5.1 (Iowa DOT 1989).
To calculate the crash rate for an intersection, the following data are needed: the number of crashes at the
intersection for the time period of the study (found using the computer programs as described above), the
number of years in the study, and the annual average daily traffic (AADT) for each leg of the intersection.
To develop a crash trend, it is recommended to collect three to five years of crash data.
To obtain the AADT for your intersection, you may have to perform a traffic volume count study as
described in Chapter 3 of this handbook. The AADT is sum of the two-way traffic counts for all the
intersection’s legs, factored to account for the day of the week and the month of the year. In order to
calculate the AADT for an intersection, a jurisdiction may conduct pneumatic road tube counts for all legs
or 8 hours of intersection volume counts. These counts are typically conducted between 7:00 a.m. and
11:00 a.m. and between 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Once a jurisdiction has obtained these volumes, they may
contact the Iowa DOT Office of Transportation Data for assistance in using factors to calculate AADT.
The Iowa DOT provides the AADT for some legs of intersections at www.mmsp.dot.state.ia.us/
trans_data/traffic/aadtpdf.html. A jurisdiction can enter this website, click on their city or county and an
AADT map will appear. It is on this map that a jurisdiction may find the AADTs that are needed to
calculate the crash rate.
When using AADT to calculate crash rates, use the following equation (Iowa DOT 1989):
2 * C * 1,000,000
Ri = , (5.1)
∑ AADTs * Y * 365
where Ri = crash rate per million entering vehicles, C = number of crashes, and Y = number of years
analyzed. For example, at the intersection of 4th Street and Main Street, a total of fifteen crashes occurred
in five years. The two-way AADTs for the legs of the intersection were 4,000, 4,000, 1,000, and 1,000.
The calculation shows that there were 1.64 crashes for every million vehicles that entered the intersection
of 4th Street and Main Street during the given five year period. The statewide average crash rate for this
type of intersection is 0.8 crashes per million entering vehicles. That indicates the crash rate at this
intersection is approximately twice as high as the statewide average and the intersection should be
considered for further analysis. A crash may be higher than the state average but not significantly
The source of the problem may be identified in different ways, including using Access-ALAS and
Intersection Magic software programs and completing a crash analysis observation report.
Access-ALAS provides a major crash cause summary, a day/time and accident rate summary, a surface
and light condition summary, and details for all crashes. See Appendix D.2 or go to
www.dot.state.ia.us/crashanalysis/ for more information.
Also, free of charge, the Iowa DOT will provide another program—Intersection Magic —for crash
analysis purposes. To find detailed information about obtaining this program, go to
www.dot.state.ia.us/crashanalysis/. Intersection Magic is a Microsoft Windows based PC application for
crash analysis. Intersection Magic is a node-based application that generates collision diagrams. Starting in
the year 2000, crash data were recorded by real coordinates. Because of this, at this point in time,
Intersection Magic cannot analyze data more current than 1999. Intersection Magic requires intersection
node numbers locate crashes. The intersection node numbers may be obtained within the CMAT program.
Use the crash data selection process described in Appendix D.3 to select the node numbers and then use
Intersection Magic to create a collision diagram. See Figure 5.10.
Once a safety concern is identified, a jurisdiction can begin to evaluate possible countermeasures. Table
5.2 provides a list of possible countermeasures for safety concerns relating to pedestrians, speed, and sight
distance (Ogden 1996, SEMCOG 1998, NCHRP 2000). Additional information is provided in Appendix
D.4 (FHWA 1991).
Jurisdictions in Iowa may receive an expert opinion about a safety improvement by applying for a Traffic
Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) study through the Iowa DOT. The intent of this program is to
The Iowa DOT offers three funding programs to assist jurisdictions with safety improvements. The
programs are the Traffic Safety Improvement Program (TSIP), the Urban-State Traffic Engineering
Program (U-STEP), and the County-State Traffic Engineering Program (C-STEP). These programs are
described below. Additional detailed information about the current status of the funding can be found in the
Iowa DOT Funding Guide at www.dot.state.ia.us/fundguid.htm.
The intent of the TSIP program is to offer funding for traffic safety improvements or studies on public
roads under county, city, or state jurisdiction. Funding per project cannot exceed $500,000. TSIP provides
Traffic Safety Funds (TSF) on an annual basis to projects with the greatest safety benefit/project cost
The intent of the U-STEP program is to offer construction funding to solve traffic operation and safety
problems on primary roads in Iowa cities. Funding per project cannot exceed $200,000 for spot
improvements and $400,000 for linear improvements. Linear improvements are those that span for two or
more intersections. The city must engineer and administer the project, and the project costs are split, 45%
city and 55% state.
The intent of the C-STEP program is to offer construction funding to solve traffic operation and safety
problems on primary roads outside incorporated cities. The county must engineer and administer the
project. Funding cannot exceed $200,000 for spot improvements (those limited to one location).
Construction costs are split, 45% county and 55% state. Funding breakdowns for linear improvements are
described in the Iowa DOT funding guide at www.dot.state.ia.us/fundguid.htm.
The city of Carroll needed a crash analysis conducted at a high-volume intersection (US 30 and Grant
Road) that had numerous vehicular crashes in the recent past (see Figure 5.4). The city decided to analyze
the crash data for a five-year period.
Figure 5.4. Example Crash Analysis Intersection (US 30 and Grant Road, Carroll, IA)
Carroll opened the Access-ALAS program and selected Carroll County from the database. They then
located the intersection of US 30 and Grant Road within the CMAT program and selected the crashes at
the subject intersection. The data were then exported to Access-ALAS.
Once the data were in Access-ALAS, they could be broken down and specified into three summaries: (1)
major cause summary, (2) day/time and accident rate summary, and (3) surface and light condition
summary. A listing of all crashes was also available. The city printed out the three Access-ALAS data
summaries as shown in Figures 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7.
As illustrated in Figure 5.5, there were 67 intersection-related vehicular in the five-year period of the
study. Failure to yield to the right-of-way while making a left turn accounts for 30 of the vehicular crashes
at the intersection.
The data may also be exported to Microsoft Excel (not provided by the Iowa DOT) for further analysis
(see Figures 5.8–5.10). The annual number of crashes is shown in Figure 5.10.
Number of Crashes
4: M
6: M
8: M
4: M
6: M
8: M
12 AM
2: M
12 PM
Number of Crashes
Day of Week
Crash Count
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
The Access-ALAS analysis shows that most crashes occurred in the daylight under dry conditions. The
major cause of crashes at the intersection of US 30 and Grant Road was failing to yield to the right-of-
way left turning. Half of the crashes occurred on the days of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday between
4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
In order to better visualize the types of crashes within the intersection, the city needed a collision diagram.
Collision diagrams may be constructed within the program Intersection Magic. The node number for the
intersection is needed to run Intersection Magic. CMAT can be used to obtain the node number. The node
number is used in Intersection Magic to obtain a collision diagram of all crashes at the intersection of US
30 and Grant Road during the five-year time period. See Figure 5.11. Instructions for this process are
provided in Appendix D.3.
The intersection of US 30 and Grant Road was ranked 21st on the Iowa DOT’s list of statewide candidate
locations for safety improvements. At the time period of the study, the intersection has a leading left-turn
phase for eastbound to northbound traffic. From the Access-ALAS queries, left-turn crashes on the US
30 approaches may be identified as the predominate crash type. Vehicles making left turns from US 30
Information on contracting for a crash analysis study, including a project work order using the city of
Carroll example, is provided near the end of this chapter.
Information Gathering
Before a jurisdiction contacts an engineering consulting firm to perform a crash analysis study, a variety of
information may need to be collected. Any information may aid the consulting firm in adequately
completing the study. The following is a list of possible information that an engineering consulting firm may
• issue at hand
• crash history
• traffic volumes
• sight distances
• right-of-way information
• roadway geometry
• roadway classifications
• posted speed limits in and around study area
• preliminary speed studies
• citizen input
• location map
• appropriate contact persons
• any other relevant information
The following project work order may assist local governments in contracting to an engineering firm. The
example project work order contains information from the city of Carroll example (a blank form is
provided in Appendix E).
Referenced Agreement
This work order is part of an agreement between Smith Consulting and the city of Carroll for municipal engineering
This work involves conducting a crash analysis study at the intersection of Highway US 30 and Grant Road. A map
depicting the location is attached.
The city shall provide the following items to the consultant: historic traffic volumes, current traffic volumes, posted
speed limits, available sight distances, crash history, roadway geometry, roadway classification, and a list of
important contacts.
This work includes gathering and analyzing crash data. Crash mitigation recommendations will also be required, if
Labor cost $
Direct expenses $
Subcontractor cost $
Overhead $
Maximum payable $
Signature Signature
Date Date
NCHRP. 2000. Accident Mitigation Guide for Congested Rural Two-Lane Highways. National
Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 440. Washington D.C.: Transportation Research
Board, National Research Council.
FHWA. 1991. Highway Safety Engineering Studies. NHI Course No. 38031. Washington, D.C.:
Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, pp. 15–17, 61–72.
Iowa DOT. 1989. Accident and Related Data for Rural and Municipal Intersections in Iowa. Ames,
Iowa: Iowa Department of Transportation. Iowa.
Iowa DOT. 2000. Hazard Elimination Safety (HES): US 30/Grant Road, Carroll, Iowa. Carroll, Iowa:
BRW, Inc., pp. 3–24.
SEMCOG. 1998. Traffic Safety Manual. Detroit: Southeast Michigan Council of Government.