Rs A Guidelines
Rs A Guidelines
Rs A Guidelines
November 1, 2015
MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
Table of Contents
Appendix A. Recommended Email Invite
Appendix B. Sample Agenda
Appendix C. Safety Review Prompt List
Appendix D. Agency Contact Information
Appendix E. RSA Report Template
Appendix F. Sample Crash Data Summary
Appendix G. References
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MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Definition
In an effort to reduce the number of crash-related fatalities and incapacitating injuries, Massachusetts
Department of Transportation has developed a Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The mission of the Safety
Plan is to Develop, promote, implement, and evaluate data-driven, multidisciplinary strategies to
maximize safety for users of the roadway system. One of the many strategies noted in the current Safety
Plan is to conduct Road Safety Audits (RSA) at high-crash locations throughout the
Commonwealth. A Road Safety Audit, as defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is a
formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent
audit team. Simply stated, an RSA is a relatively quick process that identifies safety improvements
focused on decreasing the number and severity of roadway crashes. The safety improvements
recommended typically vary from low cost measures to significant improvement projects. Many States
that have employed the RSA technique and implemented the recommendations, have seen measurable
decreases in the number of incapacitating and fatal crashes as a result.
1. Projects that include roadway or traffic signal improvements located within a High Crash Cluster
(Vehicle, Bicycle, or Pedestrian) of the most recent available years.
2. Projects that include improvements adjacent to a High Crash Cluster or are anticipated to impact
the operations of a High Crash Cluster. (ex. Increasing the traffic volumes to a high crash cluster)
3. Projects securing federal funding through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) or
are anticipated to utilize HSIP funding.
Knowing the success of an RSA, the MassDOT Safety Management Unit is encouraging MassDOT
Districts and communities to conduct RSAs at the initial stage of the design process so as to help guide
the design and reduce fatalities and injury crashes for locations in which safety has been noted to be a
factor in determining needs for improvement.
Tips: To determine if your project is located within a high crash cluster (vehicle, bicycle, or
pedestrian) visit the MassDOT Top Crash Location Mapping service. High crash clusters within the
most recent posted year will require an RSA. The designer should also check previous years crash
clusters to verify that the location has never been classified as a high crash location.
The designer should also verify that the location does not exceed the threshold of a high crash cluster
by comparing the calculated Equivalent Property Damage Only (EPDO) to the regional maximum
located in the latest Massachusetts HSIP Guidelines.
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MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
1. In relation to a MassDOT project scope, prior to the development of the 25% Design Submission
2. In relation to a Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) filing, prior to the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) filing and prior to the Transportation Impact Assessment
(TIA) report. Note that the RSA may be conducted following the Traffic Scoping Letter.
In the case where an RSA is being conducted after either of the listed stages have been completed, or
MassDOT has determined that the project designer cannot be considered an independent organization, an
outside consultant shall be retained to facilitate the RSA and prepare the RSA report in accordance with
these guidelines.
The necessary steps to prepare, conduct and finalize a RSA are described in Section 2.0. Generally, RSAs
last approximately three hours and include a pre-meeting, a field visit, and a post-field visit meeting so
that an audit report can be prepared. During the pre-meeting, the team gathers to discuss the location and
project, review materials and discuss general concerns of the location. The team, as a group, visits the
project site and walks / drives through the area. The team then reconvenes to discuss the safety issues that
were noted and to develop short and long term recommendations to ameliorate the safety concerns.
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MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
Assemble the Conduct the Prepare the
Audit Team RSA Meeting RSA Report
Crash Data
Traffic Volumes
Traffic Speed Data (including regulatory speeds)
Other Safety Concerns
Note that the crash data summaries obtained from the MassDOT Statewide database (Crash Portal) are
not adequate and that the actual crash reports (including narratives and diagrams), from the police
department reporting the crash data, are critical to a successful audit. The designer shall submit a request
to the police department(s) within the study area (State, Local, or other). Such request should encompass
an area larger than the study intersection or project limits to have more accurate data for analysis (as an
example, requesting crash reports for the entire length of local roadways intersecting the study corridor).
The designer shall incorporate all crashes that occur in the study or are a result of the design of the study
area (for example, crashes occurring within the limit of the queue storage of an intersection).
The designer should cross-reference the provided crash reports with the Crash Portal using both a
mapping method and AdHoc Query tool separately (to compile located and non-located crashes). This
cross-reference will help determine that the police department has provided all relevant crash reports for
the study area.
The actual crash reports shall be used to prepare collision diagrams and summaries (See Appendix F).
Details of the crash analyses must be concise since they will be used as the before information when an
evaluation is performed on the effectiveness of the countermeasures. Other relevant information regarding
the location may include, but is not limited to: traffic volumes (including pedestrians and bicycles if
available), speed/citation data, available roadway plans, traffic reports, and/or signal timings and
phasing information (if appropriate).
Tips: All information provided in the Collision Data Summary Table must match the Motor Vehicle
Crash Police Report. The consultant should include pertinent information in the comments section
for each crash to assist the audit team in identifying the specific cause for the crash. The MassDOT
crash portal can be found at the following location: http://mhd-arcgis/crashportal/
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MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
At a minimum, the RSA team requires a representative from Engineering, Enforcement, Emergency
Response and the MassDOTs SMU (as shown in bold above). Additional members and interested parties
may include the following:
The designer shall contact the MassDOT Safety Management unit initially for availability. It shall be the
responsibility of the designer to ensure that all required interested parties are available to attend the
scheduled RSA. An email invitation should be sent to all RSA team participants and include an
attachment with the RSA agenda, background materials, and prompt list. (See Appendix A for suggested
text of email invite and Appendix B for a copy of a sample agenda).
Tips: It is best for the meetings to take place in close proximity to the project location for meeting
efficiency. The designer should discuss with the City/Town officials those parties that would be
appropriate to attend the meeting. The designer should also conduct research to determine if
applicable advocacy groups should be invited to the RSA. This can include such groups as
MassBike, WalkBoston, Mass-in-Motion, etc.
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MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
During the pre-audit meeting, the designer will provide handouts of all information that was provided in
the invitation email. It will be the responsibility of the designer to facilitate the RSA meeting, take notes
and photos, and then prepare the report in a timely manner. The RSA participants will meet (pre-audit
meeting) to discuss the process and goals for the RSA. The designer will present the existing crash data
and any known related planned projects to the participants in order to provide an introduction to project.
The designer will then begin the conversation of what may be some of the safety issues so that
participants can explain why they may be happening (as an example, if a location exhibits a high number
of rear end locations from one approach, this should be suggested as an observation and solicit ideas as to
why this may be occurring). General comments, safety issues and concerns will also be solicited about the
subject location.
Tips: The intention of the RSA meeting is to solicit thoughts and ideas about issues and solutions;
therefore, the designer should avoid specific design details regarding any proposed project (for
example, that a signal or a re-alignment is being proposed). The designer should prepare visuals such
as overall satellite imagery or mapping to assist in pointing out specific issues. Good practice in
keeping a record of the safety issues discussed in the meeting is the utilization of note boards.
Following the pre-audit meeting, the team will perform a field visit (audit), during which specific issues
and concerns will be pointed out by the RSA team (and/or designer) and recorded by the designer. As a
minimum, the designer should use the safety review prompt list (see Appendix C) as a reference to ensure
that a comprehensive list of safety issues is discussed at the audit site visit. Additionally, the designer
should obtain photographs of key safety issues that may be included in the final report.
Tips: The group should verify the issues discussed during the pre-audit meeting. The designer
should also ensure that the team walks the site as a group so that all members are able to participate
in the conversation. Designers are advised to bring two (2) representatives as one may act as the
facilitator and one as the recorder/photographer to ensure that all information discussed during the
RSA is captured for the final report.
Following the field visit, the RSA participants will return to the meeting facility (post-audit
meeting) and the designer will facilitate a group discussion, which would confirm that a complete list
of safety issues had been identified during the RSA. This is followed by a discussion identifying potential
countermeasures. The countermeasures may include short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term
improvements and the entity responsible for each of the safety issues for the improvements will be
identified. It should be noted that recommendations should be comprehensive and may include
engineering, maintenance, enforcement, educational and behavioral countermeasures. In cases where
recommendations are presented that do not meet federal or state guidelines, it should be discussed and
detailed explanation given. If plans are already underway, the plans may be discussed and reviewed to
determine whether or not the existing concerns and issues will be adequately addressed. The designer
should then adjourn the meeting by describing the next steps in the process which includes the draft and
final reports to be reviewed by the group.
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MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
Tips: During the post-audit meeting, the designer should confirm that each safety issue discussed
previously is presented with one or many possible solutions. The designer should also stress the
importance of the report review process finalizing the meeting as this is critical to ensuring a quality
The MassDOT RSA Report Template in Microsoft Word Format can be found in Appendix E. It is also
recommended that the designer review past RSA Reports for examples.
The RSA Report preparation and report review will require the following submissions:
Submit via email to all Submit to MassDOT and Submit final accessible
participants within five roadway owner via email pdf to all recipients
(5) business days from including all received within five (5)
the RSA date. comments within five (5) business days of
business days approval (4 MB Max)
The final RSA report must be submitted in a fully accessible PDF format with a file size no greater than 4
MB. It is suggested to use the Adobe Acrobat Professional Accessibility Checker tool for verifying that
the document is accessible. This tool will provide guidance for identified issues.
A complete RSA report should clearly state the safety issues related to the subject location and describe in
detail why this poses a risk to this location. An example of how to word a safety issue may be:
The sight distance on Side Street looking north is impeded by many objects including brush,
utility poles, guardrail, and the vertical curvature of the roadway. This poor sight distance
appears to be a contributing factor in the number of angle crashes occurring from this
The designer should avoid vague language and broad descriptions. An example of a poorly worded safety
issue description may be:
The sight distance looking north from Side Street is inadequate and may be the cause of
Each potential safety enhancement should then describe how it will mitigate the safety issue. The
designer should recognize that this stage of the design is intended to suggest possible mitigation
techniques and that multiple enhancements may be applicable to single safety issues. The report should
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MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
avoiding phrasing such as Install Traffic Signal but rather suggest this as a possible solution by stating
Evaluate the installation of a Traffic Signal.
As shown in Appendix E and below, the final report should be broken out into five (5) main sections.
The background should describe the RSA process and why the audit was
Background conducted. This should describe that the location of the project is within a high
crash cluster in the region (if applicable).
This section should describe the date and location of the audit, as well as names
Project Data and affiliations of the audit team members. It should also describe the process
that took place and materials that were utilized and discussed during the audit.
Project This section should describe the location in detail (required descriptions vary if
Location and project includes isolated intersections or a roadway corridor. It should also
Description include a location map of the area.
Observations This section must include all safety issues discussed during the RSA and
and Potential subsequent potential enhancements. This section may be laid out with each issue
Enhancements described directly followed by the enhancements.
Tips: All observed safety issues must have at least one clearly stated enhancement which describes
in detail how it would help to mitigate the safety issue being described. It is also helpful to highlight
the crashes that are occurring due to the safety issue. More Information for preparing the Road
Safety Audit report can be found in the MassDOT RSA Report Template with additional tips on
formatting and editing to create a fully accessible document.
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MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
The Road Safety Audit for LOCATION is scheduled for DATE/TIME at the LOCATION
Please note: on the day of the road safety audit, we will meet first at the XXXXX and then go to
the site as a group. Please dress appropriately for safety and weather (i.e. Safety vest, hard hat,
umbrella, etc) as required by your agency for a field visit and as necessary.
Thank you,
MassDOT Highway Division Road Safety Audit Guidelines November 2015
12:00 noon Adjourn for the Day but the RSA has not ended
Issue Comment
A. Speed (Design Speed; Speed Limit & Zoning; Sight Distance; Overtaking
Are there speed-related issues along the corridor?
Please consider the following elements:
Horizontal and vertical alignment;
Posted and advisory speeds
Driver compliance with speed limits
Approximate sight distance
Safe passing opportunities
C. Intersections
For intersections along the corridor please consider all
potential safety issues. Some specific considerations
should include the following:
Intersections fit alignment (i.e. curvature)
Traffic control devices alert motorists as
Sight distance and sight lines seem appropriate
Vehicles can safely slow/stop for turns
Conflict point management
Adequate spacing for various vehicle types
Capacity problems that result in safety problems
D. Auxiliary lanes
Do auxiliary lanes appear to be adequate?
Could the taper locations and alignments be
causing safety deficiencies?
Are shoulder widths at merges causing safety
E. Clear zones and crash barriers
For the roadside the major considerations are clear
zone issues and crash barriers. Consider the following:
Do there appear to be clear zones issues?
Are hazards located too close the road?
Are side slopes acceptable?
Are suitable crash barriers (i.e, guard rails,
curbs, etc.) appropriate for minimizing crash
Barrier features: end treatments, visibility, etc.
I. Signs
Signage is a critical element in providing a safe
roadway environment. Please consider the following:
Are all current signs visible (consider both
night and day)? Are they conspicuous and
clear? Are the correct signs used for each
Does the retroreflectivity or illumination appear
Are there any concerns regarding sign
J. Traffic signals
If present, do the traffic signals appear to be
designed, installed, and operating correctly?
Is the signal processing the traffic efficiently?
Is the controller located in a safe position?
(where it is unlikely to be hit, but maintenance
access is safe)
Is there adequate sight distance to the ends of
possible vehicle queues?
Issue Comment
Audit Location
Municipality of XX
Prepared For:
On Behalf Of:
Prepared By:
Road Safety AuditSite Location Description
Prepared by company
Table of Contents
Background ................................................................................................................................. 1
List of Appendices
Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda
Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List
Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data
Appendix D. Additional Information
List of Figures
Figure 1: Locus Map .................................................................................................................................. 2
List of Tables
Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members ............................................................................................. 1
Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ............................................................................. 3
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ..................................................................................... 4
Road Safety AuditSite Location Description
Prepared by company
Briefly describe why the audit was conducted.
Project Data
Provide the date and location of the audit, as well as the names and affiliations of the audit team
members. Briefly describe the RSA process and what background materials were reviewed.
For a roadway corridor, include the length of audit roadway corridor, its end points, the jurisdictions and
functional classifications of all roadways, and any regulatory speed limits on the roadways.
For intersections, include the intersecting roadways, the jurisdictions and functional classifications of
each roadway, and the regulatory speed limits on each roadway.
Include any historical information or other pertinent information (if conceptual or design plans have been
developed, discuss the circumstances and, if possible, provide a plan in the Appendix) that may be
relevant to safety enhancements or final recommendations.
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Road Safety AuditSite Location Description
Prepared by company
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Road Safety AuditSite Location Description
Prepared by company
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Road Safety AuditSite Location Description
Prepared by company
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Road Safety AuditSite Location Description
Prepared by company
6 3/1/12 Thursday 7:03 PM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Snow Snow No Improper Driving 25 NB vehicle lost control and struck bridge barrier and traffic post
7 3/2/12 Friday 3:02 AM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Snow Ice Unknown unk Hit and Run driver struck Utility Box
WB vehicle turning left failed to clear the right of way and crossed in front of
8 3/25/12 Sunday 5:20 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 50 43 vehicle travelling EB
EB vehicle turning left failed to clear the right of way and crossed in front of
9 3/30/12 Friday 3:50 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 28 26 vehicle travelling WB
Emergency Response vehicle travelling EB thru red signal was struck by
vehicle travelling NB thru a green signal failing to yield to emergency vehicle
10 6/14/12 Thursday 5:29 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 39 29 with lights and siren activated
Vehicle travelling WB struck vehicle waiting to turn left from Roosevelt
11 6/23/12 Saturday 9:42 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 33 29 travelling SB
Vehicle travelling EB turned right on red onto Roosevelt and struck vehicle
12 8/14/12 Tuesday 10:39 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 27 71 travelling WB on green arrow turning left onto Roosevelt
13 8/29/12 Wednesday 2:12 AM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 56 57 Vehicle travelling EB stopped at a red light and was struck from behind
Vehicle travelling WB attempted to turn left SB and struck EB vehicle. Hit
14 8/30/12 Thursday 8:21 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Other improper action unk 68 and Run
Vehicle travelling EB stopped at a red light and was struck from behind.
15 9/18/12 Tuesday 1:35 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Wet Operating defective equiptment 20 42 Driver stated failure of braking system
Vehicles were stopped at red light when a third vehicle attempting to change
16 10/27/12 Saturday 9:46 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 44 47 56 lanes into outside lane struck the rear causing chain reaction
17 10/30/12 Tuesday 7:38 AM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Wet Driving too fast for conditions 20 37 Vehicle travelling SB stopped at a red light and was struck from behind
Vehicle travelling EB attempted to turn left NB and stopped for pedestrian
18 2/26/13 Tuesday 3:06 PM Head on Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 21 20 crossing and was then unavoidably struck by vehicle travelling WB
Vehicle travelling NB on Roosevelt stopped for a red light and was struck
19 4/4/14 Friday 4:40 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 19 51 from behind
Vehicle travelling EB attempted to turn left NB and was struck by vehicle
20 4/21/14 Monday 11:09 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 20 unk travelling WB
Vehicle travelling EB attempted to turn left NB was yielding to WB traffic and
21 4/22/14 Tuesday 6:56 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Wet No Improper Driving 19 47 was struck from behind
Vehicle travelling EB attempted to turn left NB and was struck by vehicle
22 5/2/14 Friday 12:57 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Made an improper turn 26 20 travelling WB
Motorcycle waiting to turn left was passed by a vehicle which attempted to
go around the motorcyle and make the left causing the motorcycle to
23 7/3/14 Thursday 3:52 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 31 83 sideswipe as they both attempted to make the left turn.
Vehicle travelling WB was waiting at red light and began to inch forward
24 7/30/14 Wednesday 4:10 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 59 21 when it was struck from behind. Driver stated sun glare issues
Vehicle travelling EB attempted to turn left NB and struck vehicle travelling
25 10/9/14 Thursday 6:58 PM Head on Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 19 29 WB failing to clear right of way
*Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver.
Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts
Roosevelt Avenue at Alden Street, Springfield, MA
15% 12% 12% 12%
10% 8% 8%
4% 4% 4%
0% 0%
20% 20%
15% 12%
10% 8% 8%
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Appendix G. References
Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department,
Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research
Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004.
Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal
Highway Administration,
FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration, 2006.
Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers,
February 1995.