Achenbach, 1991

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The passage describes the Youth Self Report (YSR) measure, which assesses behavioral and emotional functioning in adolescents. Norms and differences found between demographic groups are also discussed.

The YSR is designed to measure behavioral and emotional functioning of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18.

The YSR contains two main areas - competence items and 112 items measuring eight subscales: withdrawn, somatic complaints, anxiety/depression, social problems, thought problems, attention problems, aggressive behavior, and delinquent behaviors.

Psychosocial Measures for Asian Americans: Tools for Practice and Research

Name of Measure: Youth Self Report (YSR) (Achenbach, 1991)

Purpose of Measure: To measure behavioral and emotional functioning of adolescents

Author(s) of Abstract:
Choong Rai Nho, Ph.D.
Department of Social Welfare
Ewha Womans University
11-1 Daehyun-Dong Seodaemun-gu
Seoul, Korea 120-750

Reference: Nho, C. (1999). Psychological well-being of Korean American and Korean

immigrant adolescents in the New York City Area. Dissertation Research.

Description of measure: Youth Self Report (YSR) is derived from Child Behavior Check
List/4-18 (known as CBCL). It is designed for use with adolescents between the ages of
12 and 18, and the adolescent himself/herself fills out the form, whereas CBCL allows
for clinicians, teachers, and parents to cross check behaviors of children. YSR contains
two sub-areas: (a) 20 competence items that measure the child’s participation in
hobbies, games, sports, jobs, chores, friendship, and activities, and (b) 112 items that
measure eight sub-scale symptoms: withdrawn, somatic complaints, anxiety and
depression, social problems, thought problems, attention problems, aggressive behavior,
and delinquent behaviors (Achenbach, 1991). The first three subscales are referred to
as ‘internalizing,’ whereas the next two are referred as to ‘externalizing’. The remaining
three scales are categorized as ‘neither internalizing nor externalizing’. Overall
behavioral and emotional functioning are measured by the total problem scale. An
adolescent selects his or her response from 0 (not true) to 2 (Very true or often true).

Language availability: YSR has been translated to many languages. For more specific
information, please refer to CBCL Manual (Achenbach, 1991).

Translation Comment: NA

Description of Asian population: Two hundred and sixteen Korean American and Korean
immigrant adolescents who met the following criteria were recruited to participate in the
study. First, they resided in the New York City Metropolitan area, as defined by the
Bureau of Census. Second, their age was between 14 and 19. Third, one of their
parents was Korean born.

The data were collected between June 1999 and August 1999. The participants
consisted of 112 females and 103 males. The modal age of the participants was 16,
representing 27% of the total participants. Twenty-four percent of the participants were
17 years old, representing the second largest group in age. Fifty-seven percent of the
total participants reported being either in the 10th or 11th grades. Sixty-four percent were
born in Korea, and 34% were born in the U.S. Only 2% of the participants were born in
places other than Korea and the U.S.

Psychosocial Measures for Asian Americans: Tools for Practice and Research


Means (standard deviations) of the YSR total and sub-scale scores by gender,
language, and immigration

N Mean S.D. T
Total Male 103 56.16 9.45 3.00**
Female 112 60.05 9.61

Korean speaking 83 58.51 9.62 NS

English speaking 133 57.96 9.77

Born in U.S 73 57.67 9.34 NS

Born in Korean 138 58.41 9.90

Internalizing Female 112 60.31 9.58 3.11**

Male 103 56.02 10.65

Korean speaking 83 59.65 9.64 NS

English speaking 133 57.38 10.61

Born in U.S 73 56.38 10.69 -1.99*

Born in Korean 138 59.35 10.09

Externalizing Female 112 59.33 10.83 3.65***

Male 103 54.48 8.61 3.65***

Korean speaking 83 55.99 10.38 NS

English speaking 133 57.63 9.87

Born in U.S 73 58.32 9.36 NS

Born in Korean 138 56.48 10.26

Differences between Males (N=103) and Females (N = 112) on YSR Sub-scales

Mean S.D. T
Withdrawn Female 57.13 8.33 Ns
Male 56.12 7.07

Anxious/Depressed Female 61.22 9.92 2.75**

Male 57.86 7.79

Somatic Female 59.73 8.87 2.00*

Male 57.50 7.32

Delinquent Female 60.96 8.67 3.44***
Male 57.24 7.05

Psychosocial Measures for Asian Americans: Tools for Practice and Research

Mean S.D. T

Aggressive Female 59.32 9.29 3.52***

Male 55.55 6.23

Non internalizing & externalizing

Social problems Female 57.14 7.27 NS
Male 56.39 7.31

Thought problems Female 56.02 7.30 NS

Male 56.00 7.32

Attention problems Female 58.50 7.75 1.99*

Male 56.41 7.64

Reliability: Achenbach (1991) reported the mean 7-day test-retest reliability for the
problem scales was .65 for 11 to 14-year-old adolescents and .83 for 15 to 18-year-old
adolescents. Internal consistencies for symptom scales ranged from alpha .68 for social
problems to alpha .89 for externalizing problems and alpha .91 for internalizing
problems. This study yielded a reliability alpha at .86 for YSR when the scores of eight
symptoms were used for reliability test.

Validity: N/A

Original reference to instrument:

Achenbach, T. M. (1991). Manual for the Child Behavior Checklist/4-18 and 1991
Profile. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Department of Psychiatry.

How to obtain a copy of the instrument: Contact Dr. Achenbach;

[email protected]

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