Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical Spondylosis
Skeletal spine
Cervical spondylosis
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Spinal injury
Bowel incontinence
See also:
• Neck pain
• Herniated disk
• Spinal stenosis
These changes can, over time, press down on (compress) one or more of the
nerve roots. In advanced cases, the spinal cord becomes involved. This can
affect not just the arms, but the legs as well.
The major risk factor is aging. By age 60, most women and men show signs of
cervical spondylosis on x-ray. Other factors that can make a person more likely
to develop spondylosis are:
Symptoms often develop slowly over time, but may start suddenly.
• Loss of balance
• Loss of control over the bladder or bowels (if spinal cord is compressed)
Examination often shows limited ability to bend the head toward the shoulder and
rotate the head.
Even if your neck pain does not go away completely, or it gets more painful at
times, learning to take care of your back at home and prevent repeat episodes of
your back pain can help you avoid surgery.
Symptoms from cervical spondylosis usually stabilize or get better with simple,
conservative therapy, including:
If the pain does not respond to these measures, or there is a loss of movement
or feeling, surgery is considered. Surgery is done to relieve the pressure on the
nerves or the spinal cord.
§ Do regular exercise to maintain neck strength, flexibility and range of
§ Use firm mattress, thin pillow.
§ Do turn to one side while getting up from lying down position.
§ Wear a cervical collar during the day.
§ Regularly walk or engage in low-impact aerobic activity.
§ In order to avoid holding the head in the same position for long periods,
take break while driving, watching TV or working on a computer.
§ Use a seat belt when in a car and use firm collar while traveling.
§ When in acute pain take rest, immobilize the neck, and take medications
as directed.
§ Avoid sitting for prolonged period of time in stressful postures.
§ Avoid running and high-impact aerobics, if you have any neck pain.
§ Do not lift heavy weights on head or back.
§ Avoid bad roads, if traveling by two or four wheelers.
§ Do not drive for long hours; take breaks.
§ Avoid habit of holding the telephone on one shoulder and leaning at it for
long time.
§ Do not take many pillows below the neck and shoulder while sleeping.
§ Do not lie flat on your stomach.
§ In order to turn around, do not twist your neck or the body; instead turn
around by moving your feet first.
§ Do not undergo spinal manipulations if you are experiencing acute pain.
What are the bad postures that can worsen cervical spondylitis?
Most people will experience neck pain at some point in their life. It is very important to attempt to
ascertain the facts that can cause it. A thorough knowledge of the structure and functioning
of the neck has become essential to understand and hence successfully treat cervical
spondylosis. There are several theories about why many people suffer neck pain. For most
people, no specific reason for cervical spondylosis can be found. Cervical Spondylosis can
come from a number of disorders and diseases of any structures in neck. Neck pain can be
caused by an injury, muscular problem or by trapped nerve between vertebrae.
Inappropriate working or sleeping posture can also be the cause. Biochemical engineering
has helped us to understand the dynamics of the functioning of the various joints of the
cervical spine and thus their role in production of the pain. Mobility of the spine is
dependent on several small joints, the derangement of the functioning of one of which, can
cause neck pain and reduced movements. It has also been possible to study the effects on
the spine of external influences like concussion, hypertension, hyper flexion, etc. Routine
activity like traveling, household work, office jobs though in themselves quite innocuous are
potential harbingers of serious damage to the neck which results in prolonged cervical
spondylosis. This will be explained later along with measures to avoid their deleterious
A knowledge
of such
factors would
beneficial and
ensure a
therapy. and
thus helps
fighting this,
should always
be taken to
avoid it.
With the
L in k B a r 0
xample, the skull has to rotate to look at the back. To provide this
y movement; the joint between the skull and the top of the spine is
pivot joint. Similarly the spinous process of last cervical vertebra is
ongest and strongest because it has to anchor muscles and the ligaments
g from the head.
vertebra has at its back four joints, two on either side of the
ne, one above and one below. They are known as intervertebral joints.
e front, a disc of soft elastic but strong tissue of about 8mm
ness is interposed between two vertebrae. It is known as
vertebral disc and is made up of elastic fibres and is compressible.
ession of several disc can produce a smooth curved in half or one
of a circle.
e animals, human beings walk on two legs. The spine is called upon to
mit weight of the body to the ground. The bodies of the vertebrae do
unction of transmission of weight. It is the law of physics that if
eight is transmitted alona a straight line the stress is maximum.
our spine is provided with curves so that it can last. In the
cal spine the convexity is at the level of disc between fifth and
cervical vertebrae.
s been mentioned earlier that laminae coming from each side of the
bra surround the spinal cord and meet at the back.
roots come out from the spinal cord at each lever of the vertebrae on
ither side. At their exit from the canal the nerve roots must not be
essed or pinched during normal movements of the neck.
Medical Treatment
Usually Analgesics and muscle relaxants are advised . In more severe cases the
orthopaedic doctor may suggest cortisone injections near the joints of the vertebral bodies
to ease the swelling of the nerves and relieve pain.
Surgical Treatment
The goal of physiotherapy treatment is to relieve pain, and enhance movements of the
Shortwave Diathermy - A disc or heating pad is placed over the back of the neck. The
warmth obtained from the shortwave diathermy current relaxes the muscle and the pain is
Cervical Traction - Traction is a mechanical device, which supports the head and chin. It
is used to relieve the nerve compression by a bone.
Posture correction - Simple postural exercises can be taught to correct the faulty
position of the neck.
Soft Collar - Soft collar is used during night times to prevent awkward position of the neck
during sleep.
Firm Collar - Firm collar steadies the neck and relieve pain, especially during traveling or
work. It is removed when the pain subsides.
Relaxation is essential part of treatment. Tension in neck and shoulder muscle, pain,
anxiety are all relieved by relaxation.
Physical Relaxation.
Mental Relaxation.
Physical Relaxation:
The whole body is relaxed by free suitable and comfortable positions, so that the muscles
are freed from tension and the pain is relieved. For eg., position of relaxation - when you
are lying flat on your back.
One pillow under the head
This position will allow relaxation for your body while lying down.
Ergonomics concentrates on the architectural design of furnitures like desk, chairs, tables
etc. The design of the furniture should be such that it should support the body structure
without causing any undue strain to the muscles of the back and neck .
If you are prone to cervical spondylosis, Avoid bad roads, if travelling by two or four
Do not turn from your body but turn your body moving your feet first
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Muscle tightness
The muscles covering the regions like back of neck shoulder , side of neck will be
stiff and painful.
Referred pain
There may be no pain felt over the neck but referred pain maybe present in arm,
elbow, thumb and fingers.
Limitation of movement
The neck movements are limited. Extending the neck up is difficult and restricted
due to pain and stiffness, but flexing the neck down is possible.
In extremely severe cases, if the spinal cord is affected, there will be loss of
balance and also loss of bladder and bowel control.
Muscle weakness
The muscles responsible for maintaining the neck in erect position can become
Sensory loss
The bones of the neck applies pressure over the nerves passing through them and
can causes loss of sensation in the arm or fingers.
Bad posture
Incorrect posture adapted by habit or due to poor skeletal set up in the neck predisposes
abnormal tear of the neck joints.
Occupational strain
The physical discomfort, which arises through an occupation is occupational stress. The
physical strain, intensity of work and duration of working hours all constitutes the
occupational strain.
Life style
The various styles of activity adapted in daily life can cause strain or tear of the structures
of the neck and lead to cervical spondylosis. An example is awkward positions adapted
while sleeping.
Body type
These body types are more prone to cause strain or tear of the neck tisues.
Cervical Spondylosis
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Cervical spondylosis is a 'wear and tear' of the vertebrae and discs in the
neck. It is a common cause of neck pain in older people. Symptoms tend
to wax and wane. Treatments include neck exercises and painkillers. In
severe cases, surgery may be an option.
The spine is made up of many bones called vertebrae. These are roughly circular
and between each vertebra is a 'disc'. The discs are made of strong 'rubber-like'
tissue which allows the spine to be fairly flexible. The cervical (neck) spine is the
upper part of the spine.
The spinal cord, which contains the nerves that come from the brain, is protected
by the spine. Nerves from the spinal cord come out from between the vertebrae
to take and receive messages to various parts of the body. The nerves coming
from the spinal cord in the cervical region go to the shoulder, neck, arm, and
upper chest.
Strong ligaments attach to the vertebrae. These give extra support and strength
to the spine. Various muscles also surround, and are attached to, various parts of
the spine. (The muscles and most ligaments are not shown in the diagram for
What is cervical spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis is a cause of neck pain. It tends to develop after the age of
30, and becomes more common with increasing age. The underlying cause is the
age-related degeneration ('wear & tear') of the vertebrae and discs in the neck
As the 'discs' degenerate, over many years they become thinner. Sometimes the
vertebrae develop small, rough areas of bone on their edges. The nearby
muscles, ligaments, and nerves may become irritated by these degenerative
changes which can cause troublesome symptoms.
Symptoms can vary from mild to severe. You may have a flare up of symptoms if
you over-use your neck, or if you sprain a neck muscle or ligament. Symptoms
• Pain in the neck. This may spread to the base of the skull and shoulders.
Movement of the neck may make the pain worse. The pain sometimes spreads
down an arm to a hand or fingers. This is caused by irritation of a nerve which
goes to the arm from the spinal cord in the neck. The pain tends to wax and wane
with flare-ups from time to time. However, some people develop chronic
(persistent) pain.
• Some neck stiffness, particularly after a night's rest.
• Headaches from time to time. The headaches often start at the back of the head
just above the neck and travel over the top to the forehead.
• Numbness, pins and needles or weakness may occur in part of the arm or hand.
Tell a doctor if these symptoms occur as they may indicate a problem with a
'trapped nerve'.
Painkillers are often helpful. You need only take them when symptoms flare-up.
• Paracetamol at full strength is often sufficient. For an adult this is two 500 mg
tablets, four times a day.
• Anti-inflammatory painkillers. Some people find that these work better than
paracetamol. They include ibuprofen which you can buy at pharmacies or get on
prescription. Other types such as diclofenac, naproxen, or tolfenamic need a
prescription. Some people with asthma, high blood pressure, kidney failure, or
heart failure may not be able to take anti-inflammatory painkillers.
• A stronger painkiller such as codeine is an option if anti-inflammatories do not
suit or do not work well. Codeine is often taken in addition to paracetamol.
Constipation is a common side-effect from codeine. To prevent constipation, have
lots to drink and eat foods with plenty of fibre.
• A muscle relaxant such as diazepam is sometimes prescribed for a few days
during a flare-up of pain if your neck muscles become tense and make the pain
Other advice
• A good posture may help. Brace your shoulders slightly backwards, and walk
'like a model'. Try not to stoop when you sit at a desk. Sit upright.
• A firm supporting pillow seems to help some people when sleeping.
• Physiotherapy. Therapies such as traction, heat, cold, manipulation, etc, may be
tried when you have a flare-up of pain. However, the evidence that these help is
not strong. What may be most helpful is the advice a physiotherapist can give on
neck exercises to do at home.
Treatment may vary and you should go back to see a doctor if:
Other pain relieving techniques may be tried if the pain becomes chronic (persistent).
Chronic neck pain is also sometimes associated with anxiety and depression which may
also need to be treated.
In some cases, a nerve may become irritated, pressed on or 'trapped' which can
cause persistent severe pain or other symptoms in an arm such as muscle
weakness. In some cases special x-rays and scans may be advised to look for
the exact site of the problem. In some cases, surgery may be an option to relieve
the symptoms
Physiotherapy means physiotherapeutic system of medicine which includes examination, treatment advice
and instructions to any person in connection with movement, dysfunction, bodily malfunction, physical
disorder, disability, healing and pain from trauma and disease.
The physiotherapists skill are required by the health care team in most disciplines of medicine including
surgery, neurology, orthopedics, gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology, ENT, cardiothoracic, vascular
surgery, pediatrics, rehabilitation and sports medicine, etc.
Purpose of physiotherapy :
The purpose of physiotherapy is to decrease body dysfunctions reduce pain caused either by trauma,
inflammation, degeneration, and surgery. The various conditions in which physiotherapy useful are as
1) Management of a fracture and return to normal function is possible with simple methods of
physiotherapy. It allows for regain of full joint movements and muscles power after healing of a fracture.
2) In joints and soft tissue injury rapid repair of damaged tissue occurs with quick reduction of pain and
3) Restoration of full joint movements with reduction of pain and deformity is possible various kinds of joint
diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid, arthritis juvenile arthritis etc.
5) Chest physiotherapy has a vital role to play in medical and surgical conditions like bronchial asthma,
chronic obstructive lungs disease, pneumothorax but also surgical procedures involving spine, pelvis,
extremities and abdomen.
6) In hemiplegia or paraplegia physiotherapy greatly helps the patient to gradually increase his mobility.
7) In children physiotherapy is assuming real importance in children with cerebral palsy, spina-bifida,
clubfoot, muscular dystrophy etc.
8) It easies labour and return to normal after delivery. It is also useful in gynecological problems like
incontinence, prolepses of uterus, pelvis inflammatory disease.
9) Sort medicine- A physiotherapist is mandatory for any sport event. He maintains the fitness of sports
person and provide first aid in case of various sport injuries.
Scope of Physiotherapy :
• Hospitals
• Nursing homes
• Residential homes/ Rehabilitation centers
• Private offices/Private practices/Private clinics
• Out-patient clinics
• Community health care centers/ Primary health care centers
• Fitness centers/ Health clubs
• Occupational health centers
• Special schools
• Senior citizen centers
• Sports centers
• Teaching
• Foreign countries
• Companies
• N.G.O
• Public settings( e.g. shopping malls)
Courses : 1) Bachelor of physiotherapy/ B.Sc. (Hons.) physical therapy duration:- 4 and 1 /2 year
(including Internship) Eligibility for admission: - Inter Science with Biology with 50% marks.Process of
admission: Through entrance test. Entrance test will be held in April or May.Age: not less than 17 years.
2) Master in physiotherapy (M.P.T) Duration: 2 years , Eligibility: B.P.T. (4 and 1/2year) Speciality:
Neurology, Orthopedic/ Musculoskeletal, Sports, Cardiothroacic and Rehabilitation. Commencement of the
course: The course will commence from the 1st April, every year.
Cervical spondylosis is a common degenerative condition of the cervical spine. It is
most likely caused by age-related changes in the intervertebral disks. Clinically,
several syndromes, both overlapping and distinct, are seen. These include neck and
shoulder pain, suboccipital pain and headache, radicular symptoms, and cervical
spondylotic myelopathy (CSM). As disk degeneration occurs, mechanical stresses
result in osteophytic bars, which form along the ventral aspect of the spinal canal.
Frequently, associated degenerative changes in the facet joints, hypertrophy of the
ligamentum flavum, and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament occur. All
can contribute to impingement on pain-sensitive structures (eg, nerves, spinal cord),
thus creating various clinical syndromes. Spondylotic changes are often observed in
the aging population. However, only a small percentage of patients with radiographic
evidence of cervical spondylosis are symptomatic.
Treatment is usually conservative in nature; the most commonly used treatments are
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical modalities, and lifestyle
modifications. Surgery is occasionally performed. Many of the treatment modalities
for cervical spondylosis have not been subjected to rigorous, controlled trials.
Surgery is advocated for cervical radiculopathy in patients who have intractable pain,
progressive symptoms, or weakness that fails to improve with conservative therapy.
Surgical indications for cervical spondylotic myelopathy remain somewhat
controversial, but most clinicians recommend operative therapy over conservative
therapy for moderate-to-severe myelopathy.
A 48-year-old man presented with neck pain and predominantly left-sided radicular
symptoms in the arm. The patient's symptoms resolved with conservative therapy.
T2-weighted sagittal MRI shows ventral osteophytosis, most prominent between C4
and C7, with reduction of the ventral cerebrospinal fluid sleeve.
Cervical spondylosis is the result of disk degeneration. As disks age, they fragment,
lose water, and collapse. Initially, this starts in the nucleus pulposus. This results in
the central annular lamellae buckling inward while the external concentric bands of
the annulus fibrosis bulge outward. This causes increased mechanical stress at the
cartilaginous end plates at the vertebral body lip.
Subperiosteal bone formation occurs next, forming osteophytic bars that extend
along the ventral aspect of the spinal canal and, in some cases, encroach on
nervous tissue.1,2 These most likely stabilize adjacent vertebrae, which are
hypermobile as a result of the lost disk material.3,4 In addition, hypertrophy of the
uncinate process occurs, often encroaching on the ventrolateral portion of the
intervertebral foramina.1 Nerve root irritation also may occur as intervertebral discal
proteoglycans are degraded.5
Age-related hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum and thickening of bone may result
in further narrowing of the cord space.2,7,8 Additionally, degenerative kyphosis and
subluxation are fairly common findings that may further contribute to cord
compression in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy.6,9 Dynamic factors
relate to the fact that normal flexion and extension of the cord may aggravate spinal
cord damage initiated by static compression of the cord. During flexion, the spinal
cord lengthens, resulting in it being stretched over ventral osteophytic bars. During
extension, the ligamentum flavum may buckle into the cord, pinching the cord
between the ligaments and the anterior osteophytes.7,10
Spinal cord ischemia also most likely plays a role in cervical spondylotic myelopathy.
Histopathologic changes seen in persons with cervical spondylotic myelopathy
frequently involve gray matter, with minimal white matter involvement—a pattern
consistent with ischemic insult. Ischemia most likely occurs at the level of impaired
Stretch-associated injury has recently been implicated as a pathophysiologic factor
in cervical spondylotic myelopathy.12 The narrowing of the spinal canal and abnormal
motion seen with cervical spondylotic myelopathy may result in increased strain and
shear forces, which can cause localized axonal injury to the cord.
See Background, Pathophysiology, and History.
Cervical spondylosis may affect males earlier than females, but this is not true in all
studied populations.
Irvine et al defined the prevalence of cervical spondylotic myelopathy using
radiographic evidence. In males, the prevalence was 13% in the third decade,
increasing to nearly 100% by age 70 years. In females, the prevalence ranged from
5% in the fourth decade to 96% in women older than 70 years. Another study
examined patients at autopsy. At age 60 years, half the men and one third of the
women had significant disease.14 A 1992 study noted that spondylotic changes are
most common in persons older than 40 years. Eventually, greater than 70% of men
and women are affected, but the radiographic changes are more severe in men than
in women.15
See Sex.
The various clinical syndromes seen with cervical spondylosis manifest quite
In addition to age and possibly sex, several risk factors have been proposed for
cervical spondylosis.
Laboratory Studies
Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B-12) levels and a serum rapid plasma reagin may help
distinguish metabolic and infectious causes of myelopathy from cervical spondylotic
myelopathy. Metabolic and infectious conditions may coexist with cervical
spondylosis, and, thus, an abnormal laboratory profile does not exclude cervical
spondylotic myelopathy.
Imaging Studies
• Although plain films of the cervical spine are the least costly and most widely
available imaging modality, the imaging study of choice is MRI.
• Although a narrow spinal canal with a sagittal diameter of 10-13 mm (as
visualized on a plain radiograph) has been associated with a higher incidence
of neurologic deficit and cervical spondylotic myelopathy, this measurement
has become less important with the widespread availability of MRI. MRI
allows direct visualization of neural structures and allows a more accurate
estimation of the cord space.
• Plain radiography can help assess the contribution of spinal alignment and
degenerative spondylolisthesis to canal stenosis.
• MRI is a noninvasive and radiation-free procedure that provides excellent
imaging of the spinal cord and subarachnoid space and is a sensitive method
for determining involvement of these by extradural pathology.
o MRI allows multiplanar imaging, excellent imaging of the neural
elements, and increased accuracy in diagnosing intrinsic cord disease.
o It may detect pathology in the asymptomatic patient, or the pathology
may be unrelated to the symptoms. In one report, 57% of patients who
were older than 64 years had disk bulging and 26% of patients in this
age group had evidence of cord compression on MRIs.25
o Some spondylotic changes (eg, small lateral osteophytes, midbody
calcific densities) may be overlooked by MRI.
• Overall, the advantages of MRI significantly outweigh its deficiencies, and
thus it has become the standard diagnostic study for spondylotic disease.
o It has been demonstrated to be an accurate imaging modality in
several studies.
o When surgical results were used as the criterion standard, agreement
with MRI findings was found in 74% of cases, agreement with CT
myelography in 84% of cases, and with myelography in 67% of cases.
o In one study, MRI was demonstrated to be 90% sensitive for the
diagnosis of cervical stenosis, while CT myelography and CT scanning
were 100% sensitive.26
• Plain films of the cervical spine are an inexpensive way of assessing
spondylotic disease in symptomatic patients.
o Cervical spine films can demonstrate disk-space narrowing,
osteophytosis, loss of cervical lordosis, uncovertebral joint
hypertrophy, apophyseal joint osteoarthritis, and vertebral canal
o The nearly universal presence of spondylotic radiographic changes in
elderly patients (and the similar appearance of a cervical spine film in
a symptomatic patient and an asymptomatic patient) allows the
classification of an individual patient as having mild, moderate, or
severe spondylotic changes.
• CT scanning is another important imaging modality. Superior to MRI in its
definition of bony anatomy, CT scanning better defines the neural foramina.
CT scanning is often used to complement MRI and to provide additional bony
detail to characterize a lesion responsible for neural encroachment.
• Myelography is also useful for demonstrating nerve root lesions. Myelography
demonstrates nerve root take off very well.27 It is particularly useful in patients
under going reoperation.
o Some authors, however, report that CT myelography has a lower rate
of false-positive results compared with conventional myelography.
Some researchers have concluded that CT myelography provides
additional data only when myelography results are positive—negative
myelography findings followed by CT scanning in the case of
suspected spondylosis is unlikely to show any clinically useful
o Recently, dynamic CT myelography has been reported as useful in the
surgical planning for patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy, in
some cases altering the surgeon's approach on the basis of dynamic
o Nevertheless, the exact role for dynamic imaging such as dynamic CT
myelography and dynamic MRI remains to be determined.
Other Tests
Histologic Findings
Histologic findings associated with cervical spondylotic myelopathy are greatest at
the site of maximal compression. Changes in the gray matter range from consistent
motor-neuron loss and ischemic changes in surviving neurons to necrosis and
cavitation. Frequently, involvement of white matter is minimal, although it varies in
degree. White matter changes, when they occur, are generally seen in the ventral
inner portion of the dorsal column or in the lateral columns bordering the gray matter,
with the anterior columns being only slightly damaged. Nongliotic necrosis is
frequently described. Wallerian degeneration of posterior columns cephalad to the
site of compression and of corticospinal tracts caudal to site of compression is
frequent. Widespread proliferation of small, thickened, and hyalinized intermedullary
blood vessels is frequently reported.
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Diclofenac (Voltaren)
Has analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory activity; inhibits inflammatory
reactions and pain, probably by decreasing activity of COX, which results in
prostaglandin synthesis.
25 mg PO bid/tid; if well-tolerated, increase daily dose by 25 or 50 mg at weekly
intervals until satisfactory response obtained or until total daily dose of 150-200 mg is
reached; doses greater than this generally do not increase effectiveness
Not established
Probenecid may increase concentrations and possibly toxicity of NSAIDs; effect of loop
diuretics may be decreased when administered concurrently; coadministration with
anticoagulants may prolong PT; consider effects on platelet function and gastric mucosa;
monitor PT and patients closely; instruct patients to watch for signs and symptoms of
bleeding; NSAIDs may increase serum lithium levels and risks of methotrexate toxicity
(eg, stomatitis, bone marrow suppression, nephrotoxicity)
Documented hypersensitivity; because of potential cross-sensitivity to other NSAIDs, do
not administer to patients with hypersensitivity to aspirin, iodides, or other NSAIDs
B - Fetal risk not confirmed in studies in humans but has been shown in some studies in
D - Fetal risk shown in humans; use only if benefits outweigh risk to fetus
Potential exists for cross-hypersensitivity to aspirin, phenylacetic acid, and other
NSAIDs; caution in patients with bleeding tendencies or on anticoagulants; acute renal
insufficiency, interstitial nephritis, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, and renal papillary
necrosis may occur; patients with preexisting renal disease or compromised renal
perfusion are at greatest risk of acute renal failure; low WBC counts occur rarely; if low
WBC counts occur, they are transient and usually return to normal while with ongoing
therapy; persistent leukopenia, granulocytopenia, or thrombocytopenia warrants further
evaluation and may require discontinuation
Used for potent anti-inflammatory activity and relieve inflammation associated with
cervical radiculopathy.
Prednisone (Sterapred)
Decreases inflammation by suppressing migration of PMN leukocytes and reversing
increased capillary permeability.
5-60 mg/d PO or divided bid/qid; taper over 2 wk as symptoms resolve; injection into an
inflamed joint may provide temporary relief from pain, stiffness, and swelling
Not established
Clearance may decrease when used concurrently with estrogens; when used concurrently
with digoxin, may increase digitalis toxicity secondary to hypokalemia; phenobarbital,
phenytoin, and rifampin may increase metabolism of glucocorticoids (consider increasing
prednisone dose); monitor patients for hypokalemia when administering concurrently
with diuretics
Documented hypersensitivity; diabetes; mental illness; hypothyroidism; cirrhosis; viral,
fungal, or tubercular skin lesions
B - Fetal risk not confirmed in studies in humans but has been shown in some studies in
Caution in patients with hyperthyroidism, cirrhosis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis,
osteoporosis, peptic ulcer, diabetes, and myasthenia gravis; adrenal crisis may occur if
glucocorticoids are withdrawn abruptly; hyperglycemia, edema, osteonecrosis, peptic
ulcer disease, hypokalemia, osteoporosis, euphoria, psychosis, growth suppression,
myopathy, and infections are possible complications
Amitriptyline (Elavil)
Increases synaptic concentration of serotonin and/or norepinephrine in CNS by inhibiting
their reuptake at presynaptic neuronal membrane; useful as an analgesic for certain
chronic and neuropathic pain.
30-100 mg/d PO hs
Not established
Because drug metabolized by P-450 2D6 system, other drugs that inhibit this enzyme
system (eg, cimetidine, quinidine) may increase levels; phenobarbital may decrease
effects; blocks uptake and prevents hypotensive effects of guanethidine; may interact
with thyroid medications, alcohol, CNS depressants, barbiturates, and disulfiram
Documented hypersensitivity; MAOIs in past 14 d
D - Fetal risk shown in humans; use only if benefits outweigh risk to fetus
Caution in patients with cardiac conduction disturbances and those with a history of
hyperthyroidism or renal or hepatic impairment; because of pronounced effects in
cardiovascular system, avoid in older patients
Celecoxib (Celebrex)
Inhibits primarily COX-2, which is considered an inducible isoenzyme induced during
pain and inflammatory stimuli; inhibition of COX-1 may contribute to NSAID GI
toxicity; at therapeutic concentrations, COX-1 isoenzyme is not inhibited, thus GI
toxicity may be decreased; seek lowest dose for each patient.
200 mg/d PO; alternatively, 100 mg PO bid
Not established
Coadministration with fluconazole may cause increase in celecoxib plasma
concentrations because of inhibition of celecoxib metabolism; coadministration with
rifampin may decrease celecoxib plasma concentrations
Documented hypersensitivity
C - Fetal risk revealed in studies in animals but not established or not studied in humans;
may use if benefits outweigh risk to fetus
D - Fetal risk shown in humans; use only if benefits outweigh risk to fetus
May cause fluid retention and peripheral edema; caution in compromised cardiac
function, hypertension, and conditions predisposing to fluid retention; caution in severe
heart failure and hyponatremia because may deteriorate circulatory hemodynamics;
NSAIDs may mask usual signs of infection; caution in presence of existing controlled
infections; evaluate symptoms and signs suggesting liver dysfunction or in abnormal LFT
Muscle relaxants
Reduce associated cervical muscle spasm.
Carisoprodol (Soma)
Short-acting medication that may have depressant effects at spinal cord level.
350 mg PO tid/qid
Not established
Increases toxicity of alcohol, CNS depressants, MAOIs, clindamycin, and phenothiazines
Documented hypersensitivity, acute intermittent porphyria
C - Fetal risk revealed in studies in animals but not established or not studied in humans;
may use if benefits outweigh risk to fetus
Caution in renal or hepatic impairment
Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
Skeletal muscle relaxant that acts centrally and reduces motor activity of tonic somatic
origins, influencing both alpha and gamma motor neurons; structurally related to TCAs
and thus carries some of same liabilities.
20-40 mg/d PO divided bid/qid; not to exceed 60 mg/d
Not established
Coadministration with MAOIs and TCAs may increase toxicity; may have additive effect
when used concurrently with anticholinergics; effects of alcohol, CNS depressants, and
barbiturates may be enhanced
Documented hypersensitivity; MAOIs within last 14 d
C - Fetal risk revealed in studies in animals but not established or not studied in humans;
may use if benefits outweigh risk to fetus
Caution in angle-closure glaucoma and urinary hesitance
For use in short-term management of acute pain.
Patient Education
For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicine's Back, Ribs, Neck, and
Head Center. In addition, see eMedicine's patient education articles Vertebral
Compression Fracture and Neck Strain.
Medicolegal Pitfalls
Special Concerns
Cervical diskography is a controversial tool used to assess patients with nonradicular
or nonmyelopathic symptoms (eg, neck pain and suboccipital pain attributable to
cervical spondylosis). It is particularly controversial because some authorities claim
that diskography is a useful tool, while others remain skeptical because of a high rate
of false-positive results.
• The technique involves the injection of a small amount of contrast into the
disk space. A positive study result occurs when a patient's symptoms are
reproduced by the injection. Some authors also use relief of the symptoms
(elicited by local injection of anesthetic) as corroborative evidence of
diskogenic pain. The morphology of the disk after contrast injection is
important to some authorities, while others discount it as a meaningless
• Regardless, most advocates recommend it as a test of final resort once MRI
or myelography results are demonstrated to be within normal limits.
• In theory, the test can localize the pathologic disk responsible for a patient's
symptoms. One study reported that 70% of patients who underwent surgical
intervention based on diskography studies experienced excellent or good
There is a strong tendency for the symptoms of cervical spondylosis to subside spontaneously,
though they may persist for several months and the structural changes are clearly permanent.
In mild cases physiotherapy may be recommended (radiant heal, short wave diathermy,
massage, traction or exercises).
In the more severe cases judicious use of a close-fitting cervical collar for supporting the neck
(it should be worn for 1-3 months depending on progress) and rest to the neck is advisable.
In the exceptional cases in which the spinal cord is constricted, decompression from front or
by laminectomy may be required and thereafter it may be advisable to fuse the affected
segments of the spinal column by a bone-grafting operation.
In most neck conditions, pressure on the neck causes pain and pain causes muscle spasms,
setting up a cycle. The best way to break the cycle and stop the pain is to relieve both
pressure and spasms. There are various approaches to achieve each of these goals. Many of
them require daily applications, so they must be done by the patient at home.
Relief of pressure:
Lying down is perhaps the simplest way to relieving the neck of its heavy load. Bed rest gives
the muscles a chance to recover. The duration of bed rest should be advised by the
Not only is spinal molding a relaxing way to start and end your body, it also reshapes your
spine into its natural curves. Begin by lying on the floor or g on a firm mattress with rolled-up
towels under your neck and low back. Your legs may be straight or bent. Lie in this position for
15-20 minutes.
Cervical collar helps the neck muscles support the head, it also reduces neck mobility. The
therapist may prescribe wearing of a cervical collar for the acute phase of neck problems and
the duration of wearing it. The collar should fit snugly around the neck and be long enough to
support the chin. Men can minimize irritation from the collar by shaving frequently.
Extension and flexion is especially helpful when you feel your neck and back stiffen. While
sitting, place your hands on your knees and push down. Slowly arch your back and bend your
back backward. Then slowly slump forward. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Side bends increase your side-to-side flexibility. Start by placing your fingers together and
pointing your elbows outward. Bend at the waist, tilting your body to one side as far as you
can. Then bend your head and neck in the same direction. Repeat on your other side. Repeat
this exercise 10 times.
This exercise increases the flexibility of your entire spine. To begin, place your fingers together
and point your elbows outward. Slowly and gently twist at your waist, rotating your head and
neck to the same side
cervical spondylosis
computed tomography
Cervical Spondylosis
. Repeat toward the other sid
(Neck Osteoarthritis)
What is it?
Cervical spondylosis is a condition of the neck which results in pain and stiffness. It is an
age related condition in which the discs and vertebrae degenerate or suffer from ‘wear
and tear’. In a normal vertebral segment the bones are adequately separated by a full
size disc, the ligaments are nicely aligned and the cartilage covering the bone ends is
defect free. The effects of degeneration result in a narrowed joint space, thinned discs,
worn cartilage and tightened ligaments. When the joints become closer together the
pressure on the ends of the bones becomes greater leading to further wear. The body
responds by increasing the surface area of the joint ends by laying down new bone along
the edges of the joints. These projections of new bone are called osteophytes and they
are often responsible for nerve root compression which can lead to cervical radiculopathy
(trapped nerves).
Degeneration generally increases with age, is more common in men than women and
changes can start by the age of 30. It is thought that approximately 95% of men and
women over the age of 70 will show signs of cervical spondylosis. Certain posture types
can increase the likelihood of developing wear and tear symptoms earlier. As with many
conditions, education, postural awareness and preventative treatment can reduce the
Following a thorough examination and assessment of the presenting problem, advice and
treatment may include the following:
ICD-10 M47.
ICD-9 721
OMIM 184300
• 1 Treatment
• 2 Surgery
• 3 See also
• 4 References
• 5 External links
[edit] Treatment
[edit] Surgery
There are many different surgical procedures to correct spinal deformity. The
vertebrae can be approached by the surgeon from the front, side, or rear.
Portions of a disc may be removed. To prevent further dislocation, fusion of two
vertebrae may be done by taking pieces of bone from the patient's hip and
inserting them between the two vertebrae which are fused together and secured
by screws.
[edit] See also
[edit] References
Chiropractic & Osteopathy
Volume 17
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It has been stated that individuals who have spondylotic encroachment on the cervical spinal
cord without myelopathy are at increased risk of spinal cord injury if they experience minor
trauma. Preventive decompression surgery has been recommended for these individuals. The
purpose of this paper is to provide the non-surgical spine specialist with information upon
which to base advice to patients. The evidence behind claims of increased risk is investigated
as well as the evidence regarding the risk of decompression surgery.
A literature search was conducted on the risk of spinal cord injury in individuals with
asymptomatic cord encroachment and the risk and benefit of preventive decompression
Three studies on the risk of spinal cord injury in this population met the inclusion criteria. All
reported increased risk. However, none were prospective cohort studies or case-control
studies, so the designs did not allow firm conclusions to be drawn. A number of studies and
reviews of the risks and benefits of decompression surgery in patients with cervical
myelopathy were found, but no studies were found that addressed surgery in asymptomatic
individuals thought to be at risk. The complications of decompression surgery range from
transient hoarseness to spinal cord injury, with rates ranging from 0.3% to 60%.
There is insufficient evidence that individuals with spondylotic spinal cord encroachment are at
increased risk of spinal cord injury from minor trauma. Prospective cohort or case-control
studies are needed to assess this risk. There is no evidence that prophylactic decompression
surgery is helpful in this patient population. Decompression surgery appears to be helpful in
patients with cervical myelopathy, but the significant risks may outweigh the unknown benefit
in asymptomatic individuals. Thus, broad recommendations for decompression surgery in
suspected at-risk individuals cannot be made. Recommendations to individual patients must
consider possible unique circumstances.
Degenerative changes in the cervical spine are part of the normal aging process and are
nearly ubiquitous in older people [1]. They are generally asymptomatic [2,3]. Spondylosis,
with the development of osteophytes, occurs as part of the degenerative process. This can
lead to the development of clinical symptoms in some individuals if the osteophytes impinge
on neural structures such as the nerve root or spinal cord. If this encroachment occurs in the
lateral recess or lateral canal it can lead to radiculopathy. If it occurs in the central canal it can
cause myelopathy. However, encroachment in either of these regions can also be
asymptomatic with regard to myelopathy [1,4]. For example, Matsumoto, et al [1] assessed
497 asymptomatic subjects and found posterior disc protrusion with compression of the spinal
cord in 7.6%. While this figure was presented in the abstract of the paper, no details were
provided as to how this compression was measured. However, the figure was similar to that of
Teresi, et al [5] who found cord compression on MRI in 7 of 100 asymptomatic subjects. Cord
compression without myelopathy has also been found on CT myelography [6].
Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is the most common cause of spinal cord dysfunction
in older individuals and usually develops insidiously [7]. However, it has been reported to
develop after trauma [8-15]. Some authors have suggested that individuals who have
asymptomatic spondylotic encroachment on the cervical spinal cord are at increased risk of
acute myelopathy if they experience minor trauma such as a fall or motor vehicle collision
[16,17]. This has led some surgeons to recommend decompression surgery for the purpose of
preventing this trauma-induced myelopathy in presumed susceptible individuals [18,19]. For
example, Epstein [18] stated "Patients under 65 years of age, if mildly symptomatic or at risk
for quadriplegia with even mild trauma, may warrant early decompression". However, he did
not provide evidence-based recommendations as to how to determine risk of quadriplegia or
the level of risk that would warrant surgery in the absence of frank myelopathy.
The authors, all non-surgical spine specialists, have had patients consult them for second
opinion after being recommended this type of surgery. Each of these patients was
asymptomatic with regard to cervical myelopathy (though they had neck pain), but cervical
MRI had revealed cervical spondylosis which encroached on, and compressed, the spinal cord.
It was reported in each of these cases that the surgeon making the recommendation did so
based on the view that the spinal cord encroachment placed the patient at risk of spinal cord
injury if he or she were to experience even relatively minor trauma. These patients expressed
a desire for a non-surgical opinion as to whether such surgery is truly advisable. This is
apparently a frequent enough occurrence in the experience of other spine specialists to have
warranted a "Curve/Countercurve" piece in a recent issue of Spine Line, a publication of the
North American Spine Society [19].
Evidence-based medicine calls for the clinician to provide counseling and treatment that is
based on the best available evidence, combined with clinical experience and patient preference
[20-22]. The purpose of this review is to investigate whether the scientific literature can be
used to inform the surgical and non-surgical spine specialist regarding how to advise patients
who have spondylotic encroachment on the cervical spinal cord in the absence of frank
The following databases were searched up to May 31, 2008: Medline, Cinahl, Embase and
MANTIS. Searches of the authors' own libraries were also conducted. Finally, citation searches
of relevant articles and texts were conducted manually. The search terms used for the
database searches can be found in table 1.
Regenbogen, et al [14] retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 88 patients over age
40 with spinal cord injury resulting from trauma and compared them with a group of 35 young
adults (16–36 years) with spinal cord injury. Of the 88 older patients, 25 had no bony or
ligamentous injury and another 17 had "subtle" signs of bony or ligamentous injury. In
contrast, only one of the 35 younger patients had developed spinal cord injury without severe
bony or ligamentous injury. All 25 patients with no bony injury were evaluated with
radiographs and 16 with pantopaque myelography. All patients imaged with myelography had
signs of "moderate to severe" spondylosis. Katoh, et al [15] reported on 27 patients with
ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament who sustained minor trauma ("such as
tumbling, slipping or jumping from small steps") to the cervical spine. Thirteen of these
patients developed new myelopathy, 7 experienced deterioration of pre-existing myelopathy
and 7 experienced no neurologic sequelae. Eighteen of the 19 patients with a narrow central
canal (<10 mm) developed neurologic deterioration, whereas this occurred in only two of the
eight patients with a wider canal (10 mm or greater).
The role of preventive surgery in patients with asymptomatic cervical spinal cord
encroachment has been a point of controversy amongst surgeons. Riew, in a point-
counterpoint piece, [19] argued that the risk of myelopathy in patients with asymptomatic
encroachment on the cervical spine is not worth the risk of surgery. Combining data from the
Paralyzed Veterans of America, National Library of Medicine, and the US Census, he estimated
the "worst case scenario" risk of myelopathy in this patient population to be 1:2100. He
argued that even if the risk of serious complication from surgical decompression was 1:1000,
this would be twice the risk of myelopathy after trauma [19]. As has been pointed out in the
present paper, however, the studies Riew cited on which he based the assumption of risk were
of inadequate design to assess true risk [25,26]. However, this point only strengthens his
recommendation against surgery in this population. Others [18] have argued that because of
the potentially catastrophic nature of spinal cord injury after trauma, decompression surgery is
appropriate in this patient population. The purpose of this study is to assess the evidence
regarding this risk and attempt to compare what is known about this risk with what is known
about the risk of surgery. It is hoped that all spine clinicians can take an evidence-based
approach to counseling patients with this condition.
All studies that related to the risk of spinal cord injury in patients with asymptomatic
encroachment located in the search were case reports, case series or retrospective cross-
sectional studies. None were case-control or prospective cohort studies. Thus, while it can be
said that there may be an association between the presence of asymptomatic cord
encroachment and spinal cord injury after trauma, no firm conclusions can be drawn about
causation. Case-control or prospective cohort studies would be necessary to make this
determination [35]. Also, in the majority of cases the size of the central canal was measured
with radiographs. Recent evidence indicates poor correlation between radiographically-
determined central canal size and that determined by MRI [36]. Because the studies were of
inadequate design to assess risk and used inadequate measurement methods, the present
authors did not feel that it was of benefit to undergo a formal critical appraisal of the studies.
Bednarik, et al [37,38] have studied risk factors for the development of CSM in individuals
with asymptomatic spondylotic cord compression using a prospective cohort design. In their
initial study of 66 subjects with this condition who were followed for 2–8 years [37], they
found that 13 subjects (19.7%) developed symptomatic CSM. The only risk factors for the
progression to CSM in this cohort were symptomatic radiculopathy at baseline,
electromyographic (EMG) evidence of anterior horn lesion at baseline and abnormal
somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) at baseline. In a more recent publication with a
larger sample size (n = 199) and longer follow period (2–12 years, median 44 months) [38]
they found that 45 subjects (22.6%) developed symptomatic CSM. Baseline symptomatic
radiculopathy, EMG evidence of anterior horn cell lesion and abnormal SSEP were found to be
risk factors for the development of CSM during the follow up period. There was a tendency
toward increased risk in males vs females and in those with abnormal motor evoked
potentials, but these did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.072 and p = 0.112,
respectively). Factors in their model that were not found to increase risk of the development
of CSM were age, type of compression (spondylosis, disc herniation or the combination of
both), number of stenotic levels, decreased cross sectional area of the spinal canal, decreased
Pavlov ratio and hyperintense signal within the spinal cord on T2-weighted MRI image. They
did not include exposure to trauma in their analysis, however, when re-analyzing the data
they found relatively few exposures to trauma and that these had no impact on development
of CSM (Bednarik J, personal communication 26th June 2008).
In all the surgical studies found in the search, the subjects had symptomatic myelopathy. No
outcome studies were found that included asymptomatic subjects thought to be at risk. Thus,
the role surgery plays in preventing spinal cord injury in asymptomatic subjects thought to be
at risk is not known. It is also not known whether the complication rate of decompression
surgery in patients with asymptomatic cord encroachment would be the same as in those with
myelopathy. However, as the reported postsurgical complications generally relate to the
surgery itself and not to the myelopathy (see Table 1), it is not likely that the complication
rate would be substantially different in asymptomatic individuals as compared to symptomatic
Based on this review of the literature, it remains to be determined whether an individual with
cervical spinal cord encroachment, without signs or symptoms of myelopathy, is at increased
risk of spinal cord injury after trauma. It also remains to be determined what the magnitude is
of any increased risk. This determination would require population-based case-control or,
preferably, prospective cohort studies. With these designs, bias can be minimized and
statistical conclusions can be drawn regarding risk [35]. Until such studies have been
performed, it cannot be stated with certainty that individuals with the findings discussed here
are at increased risk of trauma-induced myelopathy.
Asymptomatic cervical spondylotic spinal cord encroachment is fairly common. It has been
said that individuals with this finding are at increased risk of severe myelopathy if they
experience minor trauma. In some cases, prophylactic decompression surgery has been
recommended. However, there is no good evidence that these individuals are at increased risk
and, given the potentially serious complications of surgery, the evidence does not allow for
firm and broad recommendations to be made regarding prophylactic surgery. Population-
based case-control or prospective cohort studies are needed to determine whether the
magnitude of any risk in this patient population justifies surgical intervention.
Competing interests
Authors' contributions
DRM conceived of the research idea, supervised the literature search and data extraction
process and was the principle writer of the manuscript. CMC and JKG conducted the literature
searches and were involved in data extraction. All authors reviewed and made editorial
changes in the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
- Myelopathy:
- characterized by weakness (upper > lower extremity);
- ataxic broad based suffling gait, sensory changes;
- rarely urinary retention;
- myelopathy hand:
- finger escape sign (small finger spontaneously abducts due to
weak intrinsics) indicating cervical myelopathy;
- upper motor neuron findings such as hyper-reflexia, clonus, or
Babinski's sign may be present;
- funicular pain, characterized by central burning and stinging with or
w/o (Lhermitte's phenomenon - radiatineg lightening like sensations
down back w/ neck flexion) may also be present w/ myelopathy;
- Radiculopathy:
- can be associated with myelopathy;
- can involve one or multiple roots, and symptoms include neck, shoulder,
and arm pain, paresthesias, and numbness;
- findings may overlap because of intraneural intersegmental
connections of sensory nerve roots;
- lower nerve root at a given level is usually affected;
- Spurling's Manuever:
- mechanical stress, such as excessive vertebral motion, may exacerbate symptoms;
- gentle neck hyperextension with the head tilted toward the affected side will narrow the
size of the neuroforamen and may exacerbate the symptoms or produce radiculopathy;
- Shoulder Abduction Relief Test:
- significant relief of arm pain with shoulder abduction;
- this sign is more likely to be present w/ soft disc herniation,
whereas, the test is likely to be negative with radiculopathy
caused by Spondylosis (osteophyte compression);
Surgical Indications:
- intractable pain;
- progressive neurological deficit;
- severe deltoid or wrist extensor weakness;
- myelopathy or pending myelopathy;
- Surgical Treatment:
- anterior approach: & fusion;
- fusion of one or more levels is performed by countersinking iliac crest bone graft between vertebral
- requires discectomy, removal of posterior osteophytes, and removal of the bony sclerotic bed of the
vertebral body;
- stability of bone graft is achieved by initial distraction of soft tissues as graft is inserted;
- once, distractive force is removed the graft will be held firmly between vertebral bodies;
- note: to maintain stability the posterior longitudinal ligament should be left intact, if possible;
- in most cases of cervical spondylosis involving one or two levels, the pathology will be anterior and
will be reflecting clinically as myelopathy, anterior cord syndrome, or central cord syndrome;
- when the primary pathology is mostly anterior, generally the anterior approach should be anterior;
- the one exception to this may be the rheumatoid C-spine;
- posterior approach:
- full laminectomy is required;
- removal of the spinous process & lamina on each side at multiple levels;
- facet joints:
- resection of > 25 % of facet can result in cervical instability;
- if destabilizing facet resection is needed in order to decompress cord, posterior arthrodesis
should be done;
- laminaplasty:
- may be indicated for multi-level disease;
- Apophyseal Joints:
- show early irregularity and blurring of the joint surfaces;
- joint space narrowing and eventual spurring and sclerosis;
- lateral view & oblique view:
- allows evaluation of facet joints;
- determine if osteophytes of apophyseal joints project medially into foramina canal;
- specifically, osteophytes arising from the ventral portion of superior articular process
may cause symptomatic foraminal narrowing;
- rarely osteophytes may also project anteriorly and impinge upon vertebral artery, resulting in arterial
- loss of disk height leads to reduced neuroforaminal volume, rendering root more susceptible to
- Joints of Luschka:
- joints give rise to bony spurs or ridges -osteophytes- as can main fascet
joints & edges of vertebral bodies adjacent to intervertebral disc;
- this is symphysis type of articulation between vertebral bodies;
- exiting nerve root on each side travels between these joints, & can be
compressed by osteophytes extending into intervertebral foramen
from any or all three of sources mentioned;
- See:
- Nerve Injury:
- Nerve Menu
- outside links:
- The Expert Electromyographer
- EMG Table of Contents:
- Technique:
- small needle is inserted into muscle to record electrical activity of several neighboring motor units;
- Specific Measurements:
- Rest Activity:
- S wave:
- occurs when action potentials travel from the point of stimulation of peripheral nerve to the spinal
cord and back to the muscle;
- another factor that may lead to normal EMG in presence of compressive radiculopathy is overlapping
motor innervation of single muscle;
- Nerve Entrapment:
- Motor Conduction Latency:
- Sensory latency:
- F wave:
- F wave is often measured to supplement routine nerve conduction studies because the F wave
permits evaluation of the proximal segments of peripheral nerves;
- F waves are valuable in evaluating disorders involving the nerve roots, plexuses and the proximal
segments of peripheral nerves;
- determine of F wave latencies is particularly valuable in evaluating patients with demyelinating
- Number of motor units under voluntary control;
- Duration and Amplitude of each Motor Unit Potential;
Cervical Spondylosis :
In case of intense pain in the neck due, to cervical spondylosis associated with painful or
painless weakness in the arm stoppage of neck movement is immediately required. There
is a lot of vibrations and jerks in the neck during travelling and it is advisable to stop
travelling and stay away from office /institution /academy for a few days. A cervical collar
is advisable to restrict undue movements of the neck. Whenever there is pain in the
joints, the muscles encircling that joint become tight and reduce the mobility of the joint
as a protective mechanism. When the tension in the muscle becomes too much, they
generate pain; Heat is the best agent to relax the muscles. Many gadgets and home
remedies can be used, i.e., hot water bags, electrical heating pads, infrared lamps etc.
The more preferable heat treatments are short wave diathermy (WD) and ultrasound
increases the intervertebral disc space and therefore the pressure of disc on the nerve
root is released. Traction can be intermittent or steady traction kept up for some time. If
traction fails to reduce pain in 24 to 48 hours, there is little reason to insist on the use of
Sciatica :