Common Surgical Instruments Module
Common Surgical Instruments Module
Common Surgical Instruments Module
The operating room contains a multitude of instruments fit for accomplishing a number of procedures. Note
that this is not an exhaustive list of instruments, but rather some that you will encounter frequently.
Used for initial incision
and cutting tissue.
Consists of a blade and
a handle. Surgeons #10 Blade: Used primarily for #11 Blade: Used for making #15 Blade: Smaller version of
often refer to the making large skin incisions, precise or sharply angled #10 blade used for making finer
instrument by its blade e.g., in laparotomy. incisions. incisions.
Pott’s Scissors:
Fine scissors used
for creating
SCISSORS incisions in blood
Used for cutting tissue,
suture, or for Iris Scissors: Used
dissection. Scissors Mayo Scissors: Heavy scissors Metzenbaum Scissors: Lighter
for fine dissection
available in multiple varieties. scissors used for cutting delicate
can be straight or and cutting fine
Straight scissors are used for tissue (e.g., heart) and for blunt
curved, and may be suture. Originally
cutting suture (“suture scissors”), dissection. Also called “Metz” in
used for cutting heavy for ophthalmic
while curved scissors are used practice.
or finer structures. procedures, but
for cutting heavy tissue (e.g.,
now serves
multipurpose role.
In varying forms,
retractors are used to
hold an incision open,
hold back tissues or
other objects to
maintain a clear surgical
field, or reach other
structures. They can Deaver Retractor: Army-Navy Retractor: Weitlaner Retractor: Self- Richardson Retractor: Bookwalter Retractor:
Used to hold back Used to gain exposure retaining for exposing deep Used to hold back deep Self-retaining retractor
either be hand-held or
the abdominal wall. of skin layers. or smaller surgical sites. tissue structures. Also system that is anchored
self-retaining via a to the operating table.
Also called “Wheaty.” called “Rich.”
ratcheting mechanism.
Suction tips, combined
with a suction source,
help to remove debris
and fluid from the Malleable Retractor: Rake Retractor:
surgical field. It can Yankauer Suction Poole Suction Tube: Frazier Suction Tip: Can be bent and Hand-held retractor
also be used to clear Tube: Used Used to remove large Used primarily in customized. Also with sharp teeth
primarily for surface amounts of fluid from ENT and neurosurgery. used to protect used to hold back
surgical smoke.
suction and some the surgical field, as well Usually angled. intestines during surface structures.
intra-abdominal as intra-abdominal abdominal closure.
suction. suction.
ACS Division of Education Student Resource Task Force
Used for reanastomosis
of viscera, vessel
ligation, and excision of
specimens. Can be
one-time use,
reloadable, manual, or Linear Stapler: Creates a Linear Cutter: Creates a linear Circular Cutter: Performs Clips: Used in the ligation
electronically powered. linear staple line; no cutting cut and immediately staples circular cut and staple. Used of vessels, may be metal or
function. Used in ligation and both free edges. Used in in reanastomosis of hollow absorbable material. Open
Staples come in
anastomosis. May be curved. separation and anastomosis. viscera, e.g., large bowel. and lap applicators.
multiple sizes.
Broad term used to
describe various
methods of cutting
tissue or sealing
vessels. May use Electrosurgery: Instrument that Ultrasonic: (Harmonic®) uses high- Endostapler: Used in laparoscopic
cuts or cauterizes tissue via an frequency sound to concurrently procedures, provides simultaneous cutting
electricity or sonic
alternating electrical current. cut and seal tissue. Less thermal and stapling. May be manual or electronic.
waves. Available in Some feature articulating heads to
Open (shown) and laparoscopic spread than electrosurgery, but
open or laparoscopic more time consuming. accomplish more difficult placement.
(Ligasure®) applications.
Many instruments are
similar to those used in
open surgery, adapted to
fit through narrow ports
placed through the skin. Light Source: Fiber optic cable
Camera: The camera is the hand- Lens: Available in multiple viewing
Laparoscopic work is then connects to lens and illuminates
held component and connects to angles to achieve better
field of vision. Caution around
conducted via the ports. a variety of lenses. There are visualization of anatomical
internal structures as light
usually settings for focus and structures. May require occasional
output can be hot.
white balance. defogging.
Insufflator: Injects carbon dioxide Veress Needle: One method of Trocars: Transabdominal working Laparoscopic Instruments: Hand-
into the abdominal cavity to achieving pneumoperitoneum. ports where laparoscopic held and shafted implements
create a working space for trocar Consists of blind placement of instruments are inserted. Also for used to work through trocars.
placement and surgical needle into abdomen and insufflation or removal of Can perform grasping, retracting,
procedures. subsequent injection of gas. specimens. Available in multiple cutting, cauterizing, and other
sizes, e.g., 5, 10, and 12 mm. functions.
Bypass: Pump circuit
CARDIO- that diverts blood
away from heart,
THORACIC oxygenates blood, and
SURGERY removes wastes, with
a separate circuit for
cardioplegic solution.
bypass, bronchoscopy, Operated by a cardiac Image attributed to Cancer Research UK Image attributed to Cancer Research UK
Endoscope, either
Ureteral Stent: Semirigid
flexible or rigid, that
tube that is used to
UROLOGIC is used for
visualization of the
maintain patency of ureter.
May be used as temporary
SURGERY genitourinary system
measure for obstruction or
Minimally invasive for either diagnosis or
placed prior to abdominal
cystoscopic equipment procedures.
surgery to identify ureters.
Combined with saline
is frequently used for Usually placed with
circulation to create
both visualization and cystoscopy.
viewing space in
performing procedures. bladder.
Image attributed to Cancer Research UK Image attributed to Hildpeyi at English Wikipedia
Joint replacements and Image attributed to Arthroscopist Image attributed to Netha Hussain Image attributed to Bszsurgico
other procedures Arthroscope: Endoscopic Orthopaedic Implants: Rongeur: Sharp-edged Bone Saw: Battery
require specialized technique to diagnose and Synthetic pins, nails, or other and sturdy instrument powered and used for
equipment. treat joint, ligament, and prostheses used to fix broken used for removing cutting bone, either free
tendon disorders. Combined bones or replace worn joints. bone or creating a hand or with the
with saline circulation to Usually implanted using window in bone. assistance of a jig.
create joint space. special surgical equipment.
Robotic Surgical
System: Electronically-
powered instrument
ROBOT- usually with multiple
arms and
ASSISTED interchangeable
surgical tools. Surgeon
SURGERY works from a console
Increasingly used for while surgical Surgeon Console: Operation Robotic Arm: Apparatus
procedures in urology, technicians replace center for surgical system, holding surgical instruments.
gynecology, endocrine instruments as needed. consisting of controls for Allows for increased range of
surgery, and other System usually robotic arms and stereotactic motion over laparoscopy
specialties. operates via video offering three- through articulating
laparoscopic approach. dimensional view of field. instrument heads.