Pepsin's Fleet After Turn2

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CLASS: Oberon Pts 370

Name: Eternal knowledge Ld: 9 = 9+1 (8+1 admiral's)

Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
Battleship/12 Starboard launch bays Fury: 30cm 2 squads - 5+
Starhawk: 20cm 2 squads -
Speed: Port launch bays Fury: 30cm 2 squads - Shiled:
15 Starhawk: 20cm 2 squads - 4
Port weapons batterry 60 6 Left
Turns: Starboard weapons battery 60 6 Right Turrets
45 Port Lance battery 60 2 Left 6
Starboard lance battery 60 2 Right
Prow weapons battery 45 5 L/F/R
Dorsal weapons batter 45 5 L/F/R
Hits Remaining augumented sensors +1Ld
1 2 Repulsory shielding
3 4 Emergency energy reserves
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12

CLASS: Lunar Pts 215

Name: Enduring Exporer Ld: 7 DOCKING
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
Cruiser/8 Port Lance battery 30 2 Left 6+ front
Starboard Lance battery 30 2 Right 5
Speed: Port weapons batterry 30 6 Left Shiled:
25 Starboard weapons battery 30 6 Right 2
Dorsal Lance battery 60 1 L/F/R
Turns: Prow torpedos 30 cm/turn 6 Forward Turrets
45 3

Hits Remaining Advanced engines

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

CLASS: Lunar Pts 215

Name: Guardian of secrets Ld: 7
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
Cruiser/8 Port Lance battery 30 2 Left 6+ front
Starboard Lance battery 30 2 Right 5
Speed: Port weapons batterry 30 6 Left Shiled:
25 Starboard weapons battery 30 6 Right 2
Dorsal Lance battery 60 1 L/F/R
Turns: Prow torpedos 30 cm/turn 6 Forward Turrets
45 3

Hits Remaining Advanced engines

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
CLASS: Tyrant Pts 250
Name: Pursuer of enlightment Ld: 7 DOCKING
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
Cruiser/8 Port weapons battery 45 4 Left 6+ front
Starboard weapons battery 45 4 Right 5
Speed: Port weapons batterry 45 6 Left Shiled:
20 Starboard weapons battery 45 6 Right 2
Dorsal Lance battery 60 1 L/F/R
Turns: Prow nova cannon 30-120 boom! Forward Turrets
45 3

Hits Remaining Prow nova cannon

1 2 Pasma boosted batteries
3 4 Repulsory shileds
5 6
7 8

CLASS: Tyrant Pts 250

Name: Seeker of truth Ld: 8
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
Cruiser/8 Port weapons battery 45 4 Left 6+ front
Starboard weapons battery 45 4 Right 5
Speed: Port weapons batterry 45 6 Left Shiled:
25 Starboard weapons battery 45 6 Right 2
Dorsal Lance battery 60 1 L/F/R
Turns: Prow nova cannon 30-120 boom! Forward Turrets
45 3

Hits Remaining Prow nova cannon

1 2 Pasma boosted batteries
3 4 Advanced engines
5 6
7 8

CLASS: Dictator Pts 275

Name: Bringer of knowledge Ld: 9
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
Cruiser/8 Starboard launch bays Fury: 30cm 2 squads - 6+ front
Starhawk: 20cm 2 squads - 5
Speed: Port launch bays Fury: 30cm 2 squads - Shiled:
20 Starhawk: 20cm 2 squads - 2
Starboard weapons battery 30 6 Right
Turns: Port weapons batterry 30 6 Left Turrets
45 Dorsal Lance battery 60 1 L/F/R 4
Prow torpedos 30cm/turn 6 Forward
Hits Remaining Fleet defense turrets
1 2 refitted torpedos: Guided torpedos
3 4
5 6
7 8

CLASS: Gladius Pts 2*40

Name: Protectors Ld: 7
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
2xFrigate Weapons battery 30 4 L/F/R 5
Speed: Shiled:
30 1
Turns: Turrets
90 3
CLASS: Defiant Pts 140
Name: Delverer of retribution Ld: 9
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
Cruiser/6 Starboard launch bays Fury: 30cm 1 squads - 5
Starhawk: 20cm 1 squads -
Speed: Port launch bays Fury: 30cm 1 squads - Shiled:
20 Starhawk: 20cm 1 squads - 1
Prow lance battery 30 2 L/F/R
Turns: Turrets
90 3

Hits Remaining Fleet defense turrets

1 2
3 4
5 6

CLASS: Endeavour Pts 135

Name: Dedicated voyager Ld: 9
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
Cruiser/6 Dorsal Lance battery 30 1 L/F/R 5
Prow weapons battery 30 2 L/F/R
Speed: Port weapons batterry 30 6 Left Shiled:
25 Starboard weapons battery 30 6 Right 1

Turns: Turrets
90 3

Hits Remaining Advanced engines

1 2 Adept trimsman (come to new heading 3d6 pick lowest 2)
3 4
5 6

CLASS: Nova Pts 2*45

Name: Fireborn Ld: 7
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
2xFrigate Lance 30 1 L/F/R 5
Speed: Weapons battery 30 2 L/F/R Shiled:
35 1
Turns: Turrets
90 2

CLASS: Nova Pts (1/2)2*45

Name: Enlighters Ld: 7 Damage
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
(1/2)2xFrigate Lance 30 1 L/F/R 5
Speed: Weapons battery 30 2 L/F/R Shiled:
35 1
Turns: Turrets
90 2

CLASS: Hunter Pts 3*35

Name: Seekers Ld: 8
Type: Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Arc Armor:
3xDestroyer Torpedos 30 cm/turn 2 Forward 5
Speed: Weapons battery 30 1 L/F/R Shiled:
35 1
Turns: Turrets
90 2

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