Ships of The Adeptus Astartes - 1.0.1
Ships of The Adeptus Astartes - 1.0.1
Ships of The Adeptus Astartes - 1.0.1
Most Space Marine Chapters control two or three battle barges. They are very brutal vessels, with only one
purpose behind their design. As might be expected, a battle barge is configured for close support of planetary
landings and carries numerous bombardment turrets and torpedo tubes. A considerable amount of hull space
is given over to launch bays for intra-system craft and drop pods, observations indicating that up to three
companies can deploy simultaneously. The vessel is extremely heavily armoured and well shielded,
presumably so that it can breach planetary defences without harm coming to its cargo. Naturally the battle
barge would make a
frightening opponent in
any situation where
boarding is involved.
Crew: 250,000
Speed: 4
Maneuverability: -5
Detection: 40
Hull: 150
Armor: 28
Turret: 3
Ship Points: 100
Components: Jovian Pattern Class 7 Drive, Strelov 4 Warp Engine, Geller Field, Triple Void Shield Array,
Combat Bridge, Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer, Voidsmen Quarters, Deep Void Auger Array, Barracks, 6x
Battleship Mars Pattern Macrocannon Broadsides, 1x Double Launch Bay, 1x Launch Bay, Torpedo
Launchers, Battleship Bombardment Cannon
160 Space, 10 Remaining 150 Power, 23 Remaining Mounts: 3 Port, 3 Starboard, Dorsal, 2 Prow
Note: By default, the Battlebarge is equipped with a Deep Void Auger Array, which is already factored into
the detection rating.
Note: A battleship can fit a double launch bay into a single weapon slot, as well as 9 torpedo tubes. The
battlebarge holds 3 squadrons of fighters in its prow, as well as 6 torpedoes. For Rogue Trader purposes,
model this as 2 prow slots, 1.5 spent on launch bays, and .5 on torpedoes.
Light Cruisers
Strike Cruiser
While a Space Marine Chapter only rarely employs the might of its battle
barges, Adeptus Astartes strike cruisers are a more common, although still
rare, sight. Often the arrival of a Space Marine strike cruiser is enough to
quell a rebellious system. The Space Marines are quick to act if their
enemies’ surrender is not immediately forthcoming.
Strike Cruisers are fast, lightly-armed vessels which mass slightly less than
the Imperial Navy’s Dauntless class light cruisers. Their primary function
seems to be that of rapid response, reports indicating that they are
invariably the first craft to arrive at a threatened planet.
Crew: 50,000
Speed: 8
Maneuverability: 20
Detection: 20
Hull: 60
Armor: 24
Turret: 2
Ship Points: 70
Components: Jovian Pattern Class 3 Drive, Strelov 2 Warp Engine, Geller Field, Single Void Shield Array,
Combat Bridge, Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer, Voidsmen Quarters, M-100 Auger Array, 2x Mars Pattern
Macrocannons, Double Launch Bay, Bombardment Cannon
60 Space, 9 Remaining 60 Power, 8 Remaining Mounts: 1 Port, 1 Starboard, 2 Prow
Note: Though classed as a light cruiser, the top of the line technology and construction that goes into a strike
cruiser allows it to mount weapons and other components normally restricted to cruisers.
Gladius Class Frigate
Crew: 26,000
Speed: 10
Maneuverability: 20
Detection: 15
Hull: 40
Armor: 18
Turret: 2
Ship Points: 50
Components: Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive, Strelov 1 Warp Engine, Geller Field, Single Void Shield Array,
Combat Bridge, Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer, Voidsmen Quarters, M-100 Auger Array, 2x Sunsear Laser
40 Space, 6 Remaining 45 Power, 6 Remaining Mounts: 2 Dorsal
Nova Class Frigate
Of all the vessels in the service of the Adeptus Astartes, the Nova class
frigate is commonly the single class to which the Imperial navy take the
most exception. It lacks sufficient size to really fulfil the deployment and
assault roles for which Space Marine ships are primarily intended and its
lance armament and speed make it a menacing gunboat in its own right. As
such, the Nova remains rare in most Space Marine fleets, a trend the
Imperial Navy, the Inquisition and
other institutions perpetually
concerned by the balance of power
would dearly love to see continue.
Crew: 26,000
Speed: 12
Maneuverability: 20
Detection: 15
Hull: 40
Armor: 18
Turret: 1
Ship Points: 50
Components: Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive, Strelov 1 Warp Engine, Geller Field, Single Void Shield Array,
Combat Bridge, Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer, Voidsmen Quarters, M-100 Auger Array, Sunsear Laser
Battery, Titanforge Lance Battery
40 Space, 4 Remaining 45 Power, 3 Remaining Mounts: Dorsal, Prow
Hunter Class Destroyer
Crew: 24,000
Speed: 13
Maneuverability: 25
Detection: 15
Hull: 30
Armor: 18
Turret: 1
Ship Points: 45
Components: Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive, Strelov 1 Warp Engine, Geller Field, Single Void Shield Array,
Combat Bridge, Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer, Voidsmen Quarters, M-100 Auger Array, Torpedo Launchers,
Mars Pattern Macrocannons
40 Space, 5 Remaining 45 Power, 13 Remaining Mounts: Dorsal, Prow
New Equipment
Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP Strength Damage Rating Range
Supplemental Components
Bombardment Cannon Any 10 5 2 3 1d10+4 6(x3) 12
Bombardment Cannon Battlecruiser+ 20 10 6 8 1d10+9 6(x3) 12
Bombardment Cannon
The enormous bombardment cannon is popular among the Space Marine chapters, as their highly skilled crews allow
them to utilize its destructive power with pinpoint accuracy, either when supporting their forces on the ground, or in
ship to ship combat. It fires high velocity melta bombs, which shred through even the thickest adamantite plates. It
operates exactly as a macrocannon of the listed stats with two exceptions. It ingores all the but the first 12 armor of an
enemy vessel, as the thick plating does little to stop melta weapons. Secondly, whenever a hit results in a critical, roll
three times on the critical hit table, and apply all three results.
Battlefleet Gothic Images and Flavor text is property of Games Workshop, and is available at
Stat conversions are my own creation, but if you represent Games Workshop and don't want me making a
Fan Conversion with your IP, let me know.