Mueller Messenger: What Is Happening in 4 Grade?

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Mueller Messenger

Volume 2, Issue 3 November 5, 2010

What’s New? What is happening in 4th grade?

November Character Trait is Two Digit Multiplication

RESPECT!! We got off to a great start with 2 X 2 digit multiplication this week
using the Break Apart method. Have your child teach you this
Demonstrating honor and value method for extra practice!! Next week we will move onto the “Old
through actions! Fashioned” Algorithm method.  Please continue to practice
multiplication facts at home to make this process as easy for your
Weekly Quizzes &Work child as possible!!

Friday ~ Math Check Up, Spelling Test, Responding to Reading

Reading Skill Assessment One of the easiest ways to increase your child’s reading
Daily- Reading towards 100 minutes for comprehension is ask them questions about what they read. After
the week, DLR your child does their nightly reading, take a minute to ask them
questions like these: Who are the main characters? When and where
does the story take place? What is the problem in your story? How
Future Plans! do you think that problem will be solved?

Nov. 5- PTA Movie night

Box Tops Competition
Nov. 10- Veteran’s Day Assembly @
Mathews Elementary once again is collecting Box Tops until
9 a.m.
December 3. The top collecting class will be rewarded with a
Nov. 24-26- NO SCHOOL
celebration. Please send in your box tops to help support new
resources for our school. It is a quick and easy way to gain new
items and/or technology for our school.
Website Awareness
Practice with Working with Words:
Our Merit Award winner for this week is:
On this interactive website, students
will be able to complete a variety of
activities using their spelling words. Morgan Willoughby
There are multiple games and printable
worksheets for students to practice
their spelling words.

What’s Coming Up?

Reading: Fact and Opinion
Writing: Persuasive writing
Working With Words: everything. don’t, our, continuous, swimming, queen, quart, quilt, quick, quiz
Suffix: - ing, -ous Pattern: qu- words
Math: 2X2 digit multiplication using the algorithm method
Science: Ecosystems

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