Sebook: The Essential Language Guide For Contemporary Iraq
Sebook: The Essential Language Guide For Contemporary Iraq
Sebook: The Essential Language Guide For Contemporary Iraq
The Essential Language Guide for Contemporary Iraq
Acknowledgments xv
Introduction xv;i
Abbreviations xix
Ch apte r I
Contents Contents
Conunu Conf~nl'
Iraqi Alphabet and Translation
Iraqi Arabic has thiny-one consonam sounds, almoSl all of which
' ' 'RIJ_ have equivalents in English and other European languages. The few
IRAQ with no equivalents in other languages will require more practice by
It is very important that yo u familiarize yourself with the phonetic
writing (transcription) and the sounds of the consonants that follow.
Notice that an underlined letter (such as "t," "z,'" or "s") has a differ-
- - -
enc sound than "t," "z," and "s." The underline represents the "thick"
version of each letter, pronounced with the tip of the tongue on the
roof of the mouth rather than against the teeth. Two underlined let-
ters (for example, "dh" or "kh") are read as one sound ("dh" as in
"that" and "kh" as in "8 ach"). T he following table provides a list of
the uanscriptions used in this book, as well as a pronunciation guide.
Iraqi Alpltabe! and Tronllo!iOn
IntrodIlCI;O" 10 Iroq; Arabic
pencil parda
TronKriplion AI In £Jcomple p
qaal (like the "c~ in
uh-oh sa'al "cool" but produced
9 9aali (almost silent farther back in the
ah, pronounced dc:c:p
II throat)
in the back of the
, Alhambra nuur
, sit sarr
, !2ad (emphatic ~s,"
similar to the "s" in
I d deed d,ff "sum," with the
Diphthong As in Exemple
Iraqi vowels, like all other Arabic vowels, are of two types, shorr and aw/aaw how, cow mawja (one
long. The timing of the length of Arabic vowels is very important, wave)/kaawli (gypsy)
because a. shorr or a long vowel in the same word gives quite differ_ ay/aay by, bright jaysh (army)/jaay
ent meamngs, as in "jama1~ (camel) and "jamaal" (beauty). (coming)
Short Vowels
Vowel AI In Word Stress
, syllable~
fit, give
qalam (pencil)
film (pepper)
All Iraqi words have one "suess that is pronounced more
forcefully than the others. A stress syllable is one that contains a long
P"' ruzz (rice) vowel followed by a consonant, as in the word "bariid," or a short
0 piano raadio (radio) vowel followed by two or more consonants, as in the word "h uwwa.~
Long Vowels In words with tWO or more syllables, the stress is always on the last
syllable, as in "ju9aan /ju9aaniin/ju 9aanaat." If the word has none of
Vowel AI In Example these characteristics, then the stress falls on the beginning of the
" father jaab (to bring) word, as in the word "ri kab."
"ii wait beir (house)
feet, beet din (figs)
uu rOOt, cool nUllr (light) Grammar
00 dog, fog mooj (waves)
Diphthongs Iraqi Arabic nouns are either masculine (m.) or feminine if.J in gen-
der. Most feminine words end with the vowel "a," as in "madrasa"
~ip~thongs in Iraqi Arabic are combinations of a shon ("a") or long (school), and most masculine words end in a consonant, as in "mak-
( aa ) vowel and a semivowel ("w" or "y"). tab" (office), although there are C){ccprions. For words that refer [Q
Introduct loll 10 Iroq l Arabic
nin~. and plural. The masculine adjective usually ends in a consonant
ibin (son)
ibna. (daughter) (jamiil (beautiful)); the feminine ends with the suffix ·a Gamiila);
? aJ.ib (student)
~aa1iba (student) and the plural ends in -iin Gamiiliin. m.) or -U t (jamiiiaar,j).
daJiil (guide) daliila (guidd Another common adjective plural is the ~ broken plural," as with the
k~b (dog)
kalba (dog) word "kabiira" (big): kabii r (m.), kabirra (fJ, kbaar (m.,f. pl. ).
Masculine Noun.Adjective
MoS{ nouns have three forms: singular (Jing.), dual (d!.) , and plu-
ral (PO:.The most common masculine plural is made by adding the Sinru/ar Plural En,lIsh
suffix -lin , and the dual is made by adding the suffix -cin. The femi- ~aal ib jdiid ~ullaab jdaad new stud~nt1s
nine plural is most often made by adding (he suffix -aat, and the aani zein. ihna zeiniin. I amlW~ ar~ well.
fem inine du .. 1 by adding the suffix -tein. ~ull aab ju9aaniin
?alib juu9aan hungry studenu s
Ii'I Inr.odu cr lon fa I,oq; ~rab;c
Independent Pronouns Independent pronouns are personal and some other words such as prepositions. A noun plus a pronoun
pronouns and are always the subject of a statement. suffix indicates possession (Mary's). A verb plus a pronoun suffix
indicates the object of the verb.
E1J,'I,h Arabic
With Verb Pronoun
I (m.1f) WIth Noun
you (m.) my m' -i, -ti, -ni
if.> ou, ·n,
huwwa you r (m.)
you . ",
III{'QdUC{/QII {Q /,,,q/ A,,,blc
Note that -i and -t i are used. only with masculine and feminine
nouns, respectively, and -ni is used only with verbs.
you (m.), inta
you I,f), inti
you (pl.) . intu
you smdi~
you studi~
you 5tud i~ I
diras ~ studied
qalami my pencil he, huwwa
she studied
sayyaarti my car she. hiyya ." dimt
dimw they smdi~
huwwa y~jb ni . He likes me. they, humma ·,w
The HollowVerb: saaq (he drove)
Verbs Pronoun SoffIx V." Meonlnr
siqit- I drove
Iraqi verbs have twO basic tenses; past and prescndfutore. In addi- I, aani -it
siqna we drove
tion to the tWO tenses, mOSt verbs have an imperative form. The past we, ihna ·n,
siqit'" you drove
tense is formed. by adding suffixes to the verb. The present tense is. you (m. ), inta -it
siqti you drove
generally formed by adding prefixes to the verb, although sometimes you if.'J, inti ·n
siqtu you d rove
suffixes arc also needed. Each verb tense has eight forms correspon- you (pl.), into ·m
saaq he drove
ding to the independent pronouns (aani, inra, inti, huwwa, h iyya, he, huwwa
she drove
i~na, intu, and humma). Each Arabic verb consists of a root-which she, hiyya ." saaqat
saaqaw they drove
provides the meaning of the verb--and a prefix, a suffix, or both- they, humma ·,w
which define the doer of the action. There arc four main types of The Double Verb: ~a!! (he put)
roots: regular, double, hollow, and weak. Notice that in the past v... Meoninr
Pronoun SoffIx
tense these four roots have different conjugations. The following are
-cit haueit' I pOI
model conjugation tables that can be used for reference. An asterisk I, aani
hatteina we put
C') indicates identical conjugation. we, i~na -eina
ha(teif' you put
you (m.), inta -eit
hatteiti you put
Past Tense you I,f), inti -eiti
haueitu you pOI
you (pl.), intu -eim
The Regular Verb: dins (he studied) han he put
he, huwwa
she put
Pronoun v... Meonlnr she, hiyya ." hanal
halt2w they put
I, aani -it dirasit'" I studied they, humma ·,w
we, ihna d irasna we studied
Introd uction to Iraq; Arabic
Introdll(lion to Iraqi Arobic
this (m.) haadha
Conjunctions ar~ used to conn~ct words, phrases, or clauses. this if.) haadhi
th~se (m.1{) hadhoola
although wal,w
,nd wVw- that (m. ) hadhaak
~caus~ Ii-an ,hat if.) hadhiich
bu. Lukin. bass th os~ (m.1{) hadhoolaak
if 100, idha
o. 100, aw
Composing Basic Sentences
so that Th~r~ ar~ thre:~ state:m~nts
-hatta basic ways to form or sentences in Iraqi
harta, Iii Arabic.
There Is/Are Phrases A phrase consists of a noun and an adjective, either with
or without a defmit~ article ("th~").
The invariabl~ word "ak u" (there is/are) is an understandably impor-
tant word in Iraqi Arabic. as it is in any language. It is negated with hot tea chaay ~aar
the prefix maa-. the hot tea ich-chaay il-~aar
small room ~urfa ~ayra
There is a policeman here. aku shuni hnaa.
No, there is no policeman h~re. Jaa. maaku shurti hnaa. Statements Statements of the "equational" type normally consist
There arc many cars. aku saryaaraat hwaaya. of a subject and a predicate. In English these sentences are formed
There aren't many cars. maaku sayyaaraar hwaaya. with the verb "to be."
IntroduCI;On 10 Iraq; ArCl!lic
Arabs generally use elaborate sers of greetings and courteous o:pres-
sions when meeting one another. There are formal greetings among
strangers and informal greetings among friends. Greetings always
include an inquiry about the well-being of the members of the other
person's fami ly and friends. As in the Western world, it's customary
ro shake hands when you meet people. When you sir down, yo u are
always greeted with the expression "aiJ aa bil_kheirH (God bless), to
which you should reply with the same phrase. Travelers are advised
to stick to one of the standard greetings. Certain circumstances
require a specific set of words and expressions that should be learned
and used appropriately.
Note: Most often. only masculine forms of words and phrases are
used throughout this text. For the feminine or plural, see the diction-
ary in Chapter 5. Multiple translations for the same word are sepa-
rated with a comma. When the plural is given. the words are
separated with a slash (I).
" 19
Geuilll Stor U d
Basic Vocabulary and Expressions I am well, praise God. uni zein, jl-hamdu Ii-Haah.
M •. saryid How are you (mY (reply) inta shloonak?
Mrs. saryKla Please sit down. tfazul istariih.
Miss aanisa Thank you. shuknn.
Excuse me. 9an idhnak. Thank you very much. shukran jaziilan.
Excusro. (reply) tfazul. God bless. (idiom, after alba bil-kheir.
yes (forma l) one sits down)
yes (informal) 'ii God bless. (reply) alba bil-kheir.
no W hat is happening? shaku maaku?
OK maykhaalif Nothing. (a reply) maaku shii.
please (requesting something) min fazl ak, rajaa'an
Please. (reply) tfazzal. Timely Greetings (tahiyyaat yawmiyya)
Sorry., Pardon me. 9a fwan.
God willing (a very common inshaalla Good morning. sabaah il-kheir.
expression) Good morning. (reply) sabaah in-nuur.
God willing, I will visit you. inshalla, azuurak. Good afternoonfevening. masaa' i1-kheir.
Congratulations. mabruuk. Good afternoon. (reply) masaa' in-nuur.
Thanks. (reply) shukran. Good night. tisbah 9ala kheir.
Hurry up. ya~a.
Good-by<. ma9a s-salaama., fiimaanillaa.
Hurry up and go. ya~a , ruuh.
Cellin, Ster,ted Sercjer/,z,ne
I am from Paris. aani m in Paariis. How arc you? (reply) shloonak inta?
u nada. Kanada. Pleasc sir down. rfazzal istariih.
I like Canada. ahibb Kanada. Thank you. shukran.
I'd like to visit Canada. ahibb az uur Kanada. God bless. a1laa bil-kheir.
What ki nd of work do you do? sh-tusht us!!ul? I am an archaeologist. aani aarhaa rL
I am a businessman. aani rajul a9 maal. a businn.sman. ,ajul a'mlJlll.
How long are you staying here? shgadd ra!!-[ibqa hnaa? II doctor. ,abiib, dilrtoor.
One month. shahar waahid. an tngm«r. muha"diJ.
Where afC yo u staying? wein naazm a journalist. sa~afi.
At the Mansour Hote/. b-Findiq il-Ma n~u ur. a Ph.D. dilrtoor, ustaadh.
Do you like thc hotel? y9 ijbak il-findiq? a photograph~r. musawwir.
I like it. yi9jibni. a sci~ntiJt. 'aalim.
I don't like it. ma-yi 9jibni. a studrnt. taaJib.
It's very nice. zein hwaaya. a ua(h~r. mu' allim.
Would you like to visit md rhibb tzuurni ? What kind of work do you do? sh-rushrug!!ul?
Later, God willing. ba 9dei n, inshaalla. Do you like Baghdad? r~ibb Ba~daad?
Good-by<. ma9a s-salaama. I like it very much. ~ib ha hwaaya.
H ave you visited Babylon? zirit 8a.abil?
No. I",.
Meeting Peoplellntroductions
Yes. na9am.
Let's take a picture together. khalliina naakhudh suura suwa.
I'd like (0 introduce my friend, ahibb ;a9ar fak 9a la W hy not? leish laa?
M r. Ahmad. ~diiq ii sayyid ~mad . Smile, all of you. ibtasmu kulkum.
my wifl, Mrs. Samitra. Z(J(Jjti saJJida SlImiira. I'd like to see you again. ahibb ashuufak marra thaanya.
my husband, Mr. Sami. Z(J(Jji sltJJid Sltami. We can meet tomorrow at mumkin nidaaga baachir bil-
We arc honored. tsharrafna. the hotel. findiq.
The honor is ours. (reply) wilna ish-sharaf. Which hotel? ay findiq?
H ow arc you? shloonak? The Babylon H otel. Findiq Baabil.
Well, praise God. zein, i1-hamdu lillaah. W here is the hotel? wein i1-findiq?
22 23
Geul/lt Storied 5Dcio'I· ,/l1
24 25
GeH;"f StQned Number<
You speak good English. inta titka1lam ingiliizi zein. Do you have children? 9indak wilid?
Thank you. shukran. Yes, I have a son and a daughter. na 9am, 9indi walad
How old are they? shgadd 9umurhum?
Visiting a Family (zjyaarat 'oa'ilo)
Do your children go to school? wildak yruu~uun lil-madrasa?
Thank you for inviting us to shukran li-da9iwtak ilna May God keep them for you. alia ykhalliilak yyaahum.
your house. l-beitak. Praise God, you have a large maashaalla,9aa'iltak
to viJit your family. l-ziyaarat 9aa'iltak. family. chibiira.
This is ... haadha (m.) or haadhi If.) ... Thank you. shukran.
my aunt. khaa!ti. Where are you staying? wein naazil?
my brother. akhi. At a hotel. b-findiq.
my daughur. binti. With a friend. 9ind !adiiq.
myfather. waaldi. Vou have honored us with your sharrafima bi-zyaartak.
myfrimd. !adiiqi. visit.
my grandfather. jiddi. The honor is ours. (reply) wilna sh-sharaf.
my grandmother. jiddiiti. Good-bye. ma 9a s-salaama.
my hUJband. zooji.
my mother. waalidti.
my JiJter. ukhti Numbers
my Ion. ibni.
Basic Words and Phrases
my uncle. khaali.
my wifi. mojti. equal ysaawi
Are you (m.) married? ima mizzawwij? half n~
Yes, I am married. na 9am, aani mizzawwij . math, account, bill hsaab
No, I am nO[ married. laa, aani ma-mizzawwij. numberfs raqam/arqaam
I am single. aani a9zab. percent nisba mi'awiyya
I am engaged. aani khaatub. quarter rubu 9
This is my fiancee. haadhi khatiibti.
I am divorced. aani m~allig.
II da9ash 21 waahid-wa-'ishriin
12 thna9ash 22 thnein-wa-'ishriin
13 dar-ra' ash 23 rlaatha-wa-'ishriin
14 arba 9-ta 9ash 24 arba'a-wa-'ishriin
15 khmus-ta'ash 25 khamsa-wa-'ishriin
16 sit-ta 9ash 26 sitta-wa-9ishriin
17 sbaa-ta'ash 27 sab9a_wa..9ishriin
18 rhmun-ra'ash 28 thmanya-wa-'ishriin
19 tsaa-ta 9ash 29 tis'a-wa-'ishriin
20 ' ish riin 30 daarhiin
31 waahid-wa-daathiin
Numbers three through nine can be increased to multiples of ten 32 thnein-wa-daathiin
by adding the suffix -iin after dropping the final vowel "a" from the 100 m.l')'>
Gettinr StClrted Time
Numbers three through ten are followed by plural nouns, while second thaani
numbers higher than ten are followed by singular nouns. third thaalith
fourth raabi 9
Masculine Noun fifth khaamis
one lesson daris (sing.) sixth saadis
two lessons darsein (d/.) seventh saabi9
three lessons dath druus (pI.) eighth thaamin
four lessons arba9 druus ninth taasi 9
five lessons kharns druus tenth 9aashir
six lessons sin druus
seven lessons sab9 druus first lesson awwal daris
eight lessons thman druus second lesson thaani daris
nine lessons tis 9 druus third lesson thaalith daris
ten lessons 9ashr druus
eleven lessons da9ash daris (sing.)
twelve lessons thna 9sh daris Time
Basic Words and Phrases
Feminine Noun
one car sayyaara (sing. ) , nd wa, w-
twO cars sayyaartein (d/.) before ilia, gabul
three cars dath syyaaraat (pt.) dayls yoomlayyaam
four cars arba9 sayyaaraat future mustaqbal
five cars khamis sayyaaraat h~1 nuss
eleven cars da 9ash sayyaara (sing.) hourIs. rime, watch saa9a1saa 9aat
last, past lu,
minute/s daqiiqaldaqaayiq
monthJs shahar/ashhur
Gtllinf Storied
h is the month of January. haadha shahar Kaanuun yesterday afternoon i1-baarha I-'asir
ith-Thaani. day before yesterday awwal il-baarha
Ftbruary. Shbaat. last week li-sbuu9 il-faat
March. Aadhaar. last momh isb-shahar iI-faat
ApriL Niisaan. last year is-sana I-faatat
May. M aayis.
Junt. Huzayraan. I didn't see you yesterday. ma-shiftak iI-baarba.
July. Tammuuz.
August. Aab. Present (
Stpttmbtr. Ayluul. now hissa
Octobtr. Tishriin i/~Awwal. ,od.y ii-room
NOlltmbtr. Tishriin ith~Thaani. this week haadha l-usbuu 9
Dtctmbtr. Kaanuun il-Awwal. this month haadha sh-shahar
How many months in [he year? kam shahar bil-sana? this year haadhi s-sana
There are twelve months. thna9ash shahar. this year in [he spring baadhi s-sana bir-Rabii 9
next week li-sbuu' i1-jaay The Sacrificial Festivallthe Big Festival (9iid aI_Azhal 9iid al-
next month ish-shahar i1-jaay Kabiir). A major four-day festival follows the pilgrimage (~ajj)
next year is-sana I-jaayya to the holy cicy of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The name of this fes-
a week from today ba9ad usbuu 9 tival comes from the ritual act of every pilgrim sacrificing a lamb
an hour from now ba9ad saa9a at the end of the ~ajj.
tomorrow night baachir bit-leil Muslim New Year's Day (9iid Raas is-Sana)
Prophet Muhammad's Birthday (9iid Mawlid in-Nabi)
I will see you tomorrow night. rah-ashuufak baachir bil-leil. Ashoura Day (Yoom 9aashuura), The Shiite Muslims commemo-
rate this day in memory of the martyr Imam al-Hussein, grand-
son of the Prophet Muhammad.
Holidays and Festivals ('utal wa
a'yaad) - , C hristian New Year's Day (9iid Raas is-Sana)
In Iraq, as in all countries, people celebrate religious and national National Holidays (9u!al wa!aniyya)
holidays. Religious holidays are universal all over the Arab and
• Iraqi Army Day (Yoom ii-Jaysh iJ-9iraaqi), January 6
Islamic world, whereas national holidays vary from one country to
- . Spring Day (Yoom in-Nawruuz), March 21
another. Friday is the official weekend holiday in Iraq.
• Overthrown Saddam's Day (9iid it-Takhallu! min Saddaam),
April 9 (new national holiday in 2003)
Religious Holidays ('u!al diin;yya) • Labor Day (Yoom i1-9umaal), May 1
• 1958 Revolution Anniversary (Yoom Arbaa?9sh Tammuuz),
The dates of the Islamic holidays are based on the Islamic Hijra cal-
July 14
endar, which is a lunar system. Thus these dates change from year to
year in relation to the Gregorian calendar. Religious holidays in Iraq
are as follows:
Weather (U-jaww)
AI-Fitr Festivaltthe Small Festival (9iid aI-Fi~rf9iid aI -~a~iir). A Weather in Iraq varies geographically among the southern, central,
major three-day festival occurring at the end of the month of and northern sectors. In general, summers are hot and temperatures
Ramadan, when Muslims refrain from eating and drinking from can reach 120·F/SO·C; winters are cold and temperatures may fall
dawn to sunset every day. below zero. In the spring and fall, temperatures are moderate and
Gutin, Started Corarl
Basic Words and Phrases What's the temperature today~ shgadd darajat iI -~araara
clouds ~uyuum
What's the weather going to shloon rah-ykuun ij-jaww
cold baarid
be like nO[t week? lis-buu!J ij-jaay?
d,y jaaf
n~xt month? ish-shahar ij-jaay?
dust 9ajaaj
Summer is hot in Iraq. i~-~eif ~arr bil-!Jiraaq.
dust storm 9~ifa turaabiyya
Winter is cold in Iraq. ish-Shita baarid bil-!Jiraaq.
ho' hue
Fall is moderate in Iraq. il-Khariif mu 9tadil
humid ratub
moderate mu9tadil
m~n gumac
ram mutar
Colors (alwaan)
snow thalij
,un shamis black "",d
temperature dara;at iI-~araara blue "'>g
warm daafi brown joozi, asmar
weather jaww. manaakh dark ~ookh. ~aamuq
wind ri~ gray rumaadi
How is the weather today~ shloon ij-jaww il-yoom? light
It's hot. il-yoom ~aara. navy niili
It's cold. il-yoom baarda. orange punuqaali
It's humid. iI-yoom ra~uba. pink wardi
It's neither hot nor cold. il-yoom laa ~aara wala baarda. purple banafsaji
There's dust. aku 9ajaaj. cod ahmar
It's moderate. il-yoom mu!Jtadil. white abya:
It's raining. il-yoom mu~ar. ydlow asfar
Ie's windy. iI-yoom aku riya~ .
It's cloudy. il-yoom m~ayma.
It's sunny. iI-yoom mshamsa.
3. 3.
Commo" Sir"'
Common Signs
The following are some of the common signs that uavelers are likely
to see in Iraq.
qu.arter rubu 9
Entrance J,;.,
half a kilo nuss keilo
GUt; nr St arted
Exit [.~
For sale ~
t""" General Phrases
Men's room J~,,"
Museum ~
No bathing l...4-l't"""
No parking ...i"J.,J1 t~
No smoking Uri-~ I t~
Traveling to Iraq
Private .,.lo. At the Airport (bil-mataar)
Public ~l. airlines khu! uu! ?yyaraan
Iraqi Air/ina Khu!..u u~ i!..-!.ayyaraan
Reserved ~
Stop ..... Lufthansa Air/ints Khu!." u!.. !.ayyaraan LufthaTUll
Street t.)l:;. airplane !ayyaara
arrival wusuul
Taxi ~ Baghdad International Airport Ma!aaI Ba~daad id-Diwali
Toilet ~I~ canceling il~aa'
Train ~lJ.i changing r~yii r
confirming a reservation ra'kikl ~ajiz
Vacant .,Jlo.
currency exchange office maktab tasriif
Waiting room .)ua:ul"'~
Walk, Cross .,..., customs
depart ure
inspection tahiish I am staying at the Qanat Hotel. uni naazi! b-Findiq il-Qanaat.
luggage jun? I want a currency exchange rajaa'an, ariid makrab [:i!riif.
passport paasport. jawaaz office, please.
plane ?Yl=' Please change $50. rajaa'an, ?Trufli khamsiin
porter hammul duulaar.
rip bakh shiish I want a taXi, please. rajaa'an. ariid tabi.
Please take me to ... hotel. rajaa'an. khudhni l-findiq ...
How much is the fatd shgadd il-ujra?
On Arrival (wu!uul)
Where is passport control ~ wein qisim il-paasport?
On Departure (mu/l!!aadaro)
Where is customs control ~ wein qisim ii-gum rug?
Where is my luggage~ wein junu~i? Where is Lufthansa Airlines, rajaa'an, wein Khu!Uu~
Where is my passpOrt? wein paasporti? please? ! ayyaraan Lufthansa?
I have no illegal items. maa 9indi ashyai mamnuu9a. Over there. hnaak.
I have nothing to declare. maa 9indi shii a9ilna. Is this Lufthansa? haadhi Lufthansa?
I have gifts and personal items. 9indi hadaayaa wa ashyaa' Yes. na 9am., 'ii.
shakh ~i yya. I have a reservation on flight 110. 9indi hajiz 9ar-rihla 110.
Do J have to pay duty? laazim adfa 9gumrug? I have a first-class ticket. 9indi bi!aaqa dara;a uulaa.
Can I close my bag? mumkin asidd junu~i? I have an economy-class ticket. 9indi bi!a.:tqa daraja si~iyya.
My bag is blue. junu~i
zarga. I have a business-class ticket. 9indi bi!a.:tqa darajar rajul
brown. jooziyya. a9maal.
t run . khllzra. What is the departure time? shwakit waqt il-mu&!!aadara~
khaki. khllllki. When is the arrival? shwakit il -wusuul~
rt(J. hamra. What is the gate number~ shunu raqam il-bawwaaba?
I arrived on ... airlines. wisaJit 9ala khutuut . This is my luggage. haadhi juna!i.
I am here on an official visit. uni hnaa bi-riyaara rasmiyya. I'd like a window sear, please. rajaa'an a!!ibb kursi yamm
I am here as a tourist. aani hnaa saa'ih. shubbaak.
I am just passing through. uni hnaa 9ubuur. With pleasure. (reply) iddallal.
I am staying for one week. aani baaqi usbuu 9 .
General Phrases AnammodoHons
Take me to the hotel, please. khudhni lil-fmdiq, min fa:1a. Somebody help me with the ahhad ysaa 9idni bil-juna!, min
Which bus goes to the hotd? ay p~ yru~ Iil-findiq? luggage, please. frna
h there a restaurant in the hotel? aku ma!9am bil-findiq?
Gerterol Phroas
80rt~inr ortd Monty Mart u s
number raqam
let like a seat in the smoking ~ibb maq9ad b-qisim
one way dhihaaban section. il-tadkhiin.
please rajaa'an nonsmoking sution. qisim 9adam it-tadkhiin.
murajja 9, dhihaaban wa iyaaban What is the flight number? shunu raqam i r-ri~la?
smoking section qisim it-tadkhiin bus number? raqam il-paasJ
taxi talesi train number? raqam il-qi~aar?
privau taxi (hir~d by on~ taksi khususi Where is the information office? wein makrab l-isti 9Iaamaat?
Where is the waiting room? wein ~urfat I-inti:aar?
public taxi (shartd by taksi na/raat What time does the plane leave? beish is-saa 9a ~aadir
uvt ral indivIduals)
tadhkara, tikit train? il-qi!.Rar?
tourism office maktab sjya~i bus? il-paasJ
qi?a r T hey say the plane is late. yguuJuun i~-?yyaara mitalchra.
travd office, agency maktak safar Why is it late? leish mitakhra?
When shall we arrive? shwakit rah-noosal?
Buying Travel Tickets (shiraa ' tikit safar) These are my bags. haadhi juna!i.
Thank you. shukran.
I want a bus ticket, please. rajaa'an, ariid tikit paas.
a train ticlut tikit ql~aar. -
an airlin~ ticker. tikit ~aYJaara.
from here to Basra
Banking and Money Matters
m in hnaa Iii-Basra
Musil lil-Muusil The monetary unit of Iraq is the dinar, which is divided into one
Babylon il-BaabiL thousand fils. Although you may get better exchange rates on the
round-trip murajja 9 black market, it's advisable to make all money transactions in banks
one way only dhihaaban bass or authorized currency exchange offices.
first class daraja uulaa
economy class daraja siya~iyya Basic Words and Phrases
I'd like a window seat. ~ibb maq9ad yamm
ish-shubbaak. automated tdler, cash machine aalat sahb fluus
bank bank, m3Sraf
Genuo/ 'hr(JU'
"OSlOfe ond Commlln;CO(jO"
Gene,gl Plt,atef
I'd like to make an ahibb asawwi mukaalarna pany, and you should have an international driver's license issued in
imernational call. khaarijiyya. your country of origin.
to Amman. ;Iaa 9ammaan.
How much is one m inute? shgadd id-daqiiqa?
80sle Words ond Phroses
How can I gee the operator? shloon ahassil il-haddaala?
Operator, can you please get baddaala, mumkin min fazlak air hawa, hawaa'
me number ... ? t~~illi raqarn ... ? battery baatri
Thank you. shukran. brakes breikaat
My number is .. . raqml ... flat cire panehar
May I speak. to ... ? mumkin atkallam wiyya ... ? baanziin
I can't hear you. maa agdar asim'ak. gas station mahattat baanziin,
The line is busy. i1-kha~ mash~uul. baanriinkhaana
Wrong number. raqam ~ala!. highway ?tiiq sarii'
There is no an!>Wer. maaku jawaab. in a hurry mista'jil
Could you reconnect me? mumkin t~ll!iIIi ir-raqam marra later ha 9dein
thaanya? lavatory, toilet mirhaaz. lWUieit
The phone is not working. it-talafoon kharbaan. 1,& yisra, yisaar
May I have a wake-up call for mumkin tga'K:lni is-saa'a ... Hgha ~iya
... o'clock, please? m in fazlak? little shwayya
May I reserve time for a call mumkin ~iz mukhaabara miikaaniiki
. ,
at ... o'clock? Is-saa a ....
, mechanic's shop, garage mahal miikaaniiki
Thank you. shukran. much hwaaya
must, should Wzim
National Insurance Company Sharikat il-Ta'miin il-Wa?Jliyya
Automotive now hissa
oil dihin
Cars drive on the righ t-hand side of the road in Iraq, and interna-
tional traffic signs are used. If you are planning to drive in Iraq, you
., 100
please raja.a'an, min fa:Jak
must buy auto insurance from the Iraqi Nacionallnsurance Com-
price, COSt si9 ir
pump m~a,pamp
Genutll Pll rtlJu
right yimna, yamiin May I see the car? mumkin ashuuf is-sayyaara?
road !ariiq I want a car with an automatic ariid sayyaara otomaatikiyya.
straight 9adil lransmiSSlOn.
sneer shaari 9 May I stop/park the car here? mumkin awagguf is-sayyaara
I'm having problems with the 9indi 9a~ bis-sayyaara.
Re nting a Car (ta'ji;r sayyaara)
I want to rent a car, please. rajaa'an, ariid ta'jiir sayyaara.
I want an American car. ariid sayyaara Amriikiyya.
a Japan~u car. lIlyyaara Yaabaaniyya.
On the Road (fi!-!ariiqj
I don't care about the color. ma-yhimni ii-loon. I'm lost. aani !:layi9 •
For how many days? kam yoom? Please tell me the way to the rajaa'an, gulli ay tatiiq il-Findiq
ant day. yoom waa~id. Rashid Hotel. ir-Rashiid.
Two daJl. yoomtin. Should I go right or left? aruu~ yisra 100 yimna?
Thru daJl. tlath tiyyaam. or Itraight? 100 9adiH
Four daYI. arba 9 tiJJaam. Should I take the highway? aakhudh i!-!ariiq is-sarii9?
ant wult. UJbuu 9 waahid. Where is the main street? wein ish-shaari9 ir-ra'iisi?
Two ux~ItJ. UJbuu9~in. How far away is it? shgadd bi9jid?
How much is the fare? shgadd il-ujra? Can you show it to me on mumkin tshawwifn i 9al-kharii??
This is too expensive. haadha ~:aali hwaaya. the map?
I have an international driver's 9indi ijaazat siyaaqa 9:aalamiyya. Is this a good road? haadha ;ariiq zein?
license. Where is the nat gas station? wein aku baanziinkhaana
Do you have car insurance? 9idkum ta'miin sayyaaraat? thaanya?
We have rwo drivers. i~na saayqein.
May I have a driver with me mumkin (a'jiir saayiq wiyya
At the Gas Station (baonzlinkhaana)
=' is-sayyaara?
Do you have an office in 9idkum maktab b-madiina Hello, please ... marhaln, min f~ak ...
another city? thaanya? Fill the car up with premium 9abbi s-sayyaara baanziin
May I return the car to mumkin arajji9 is-sayyaara (g,,). mumtaa1..
another city? b--madiina thaanya? rtgular (gas). 9aadi.
Accidents (!!aadithj
Problems and Repair (mashaakil wa ta!lii!!J
lecklent haadith, is tiidaam
I need a mechanic's shop. mi~taaj m~aI miikaaniiki. car accidtnt ~aadith sayyaara
My car has broken down. sayyaarti khurba[. 9
sayyaarat is aaf
Can you help me, please? mumkin tsaa 9idni, min fazlak? car license raqam is-sayyaara
Can you give me a push? mumkin tidfa9 sayyaarti? doctor diktoor
Check the car, please. if!!~ is-sayyaara, rajaa'an. driver's license ijaazat siyaaqa
T he car is overheated. is~sayyaara ~imat hwaaya. insurance company sharakit [,a'miin
T he car doesn't start. is-sayyaara ma-tushtug!!ul. police station markaz shurta
I have a flar dre. 9indi panmar.
I ran out of gas. khilas il-baanziin. I had a car accident. saar 9indi haadith sayyaara.
The battery is dead. il-baatri mayyit. Where is a telephone? wein aku talafoon?
There are no brakes. maaku breikaar. I was not driving fast. ma-chinit asuuq b-sur9a.
There are no lights. maaku a:wiya. I want the police to come. ariid ish-shu,:a tiji.
The windshield is broken. missa~aat ij-jaam kharbaana. I want to go to the police ariid aruuh l-markaz ish-shur?
The engine suddenly stopped. il-muharrik wugaf 'ala ~afla. station.
I forgot the keys inside the car. nscit il - mafaatii~ bis-sayyaan.. People are injwed. aku naas musaabiin.
00 you have a phone? 9indak talafoon? Do not move him. la-marka.
I want to call my company. ariid akhaabur shankti. Can you help, please? mumkin tsaa9idni , rajaa'an?
Can you repair the car? mumkin t?lIi~ is-sayyaara? He hit my car. huwwa sidamni.
How long will it take to repair? shgadd taakhudh waqit He is a witness. huwwa shaahid.
lil-rasliih? I do not speak Arabic. maa atkallam 'arabi.
Can you fix it quickly? mumkin ~a1li~ is-sayyaara I want an interpreter. ariid mutarjim.
General Pllratu had and Drink
• good-bye
ma'a s-salaarna
inexpensIve rikhiis
Food and Drink
lunch ~ada
Iraqi cuisine is essentially Mediterranean in nature, but it displays a market ,uug
large variety of influences, including Indian, Persian, Turkish, menu mmyu
British, and American. No stay in Iraq is complete without eating please rajaa'an, min fazlak
the famous Baghdadi Masguf, which is river fish caught fresh daily reservation ~ajiz
and kept alive in a tank. After you choose your fish, it's grilled on an restaurantfs mat'am/mataa'um
open fire of tamarisk wood, giving it a delicious flavor. s(teet shaari 9
Palmint Strut Shaar;' Filistiin
Rashid Strut Shaari' ir-Rashiid
Basic Words and Ph,.ases
Salldul1 Strut Shollri'is-SIl'duun
appetiz.en thank you, thanks ,huknn
b" b= thirsty 9atshaan
b", biira tip bakhshiish
bill tu..b tomorrow baachir
breakfast fu!uur, rayyuug tonight ii-leila
caft, tea shop gahw, traditional food akil sha9bi
casino gaaziino waiter bcoy
delicious ~ayyib
Generol Phroses
Food ond Orin'!:
. j,
General "" ruel Food ond Drink
here, among them the famous Masguf fiSh. It is said that if a "visitor mi,,"al waur. bu~ul man.
to Baghdad docs not eat the Masguf, it is like he has never been to J UIC~. 9as i;r.
the city." millt. haliib.
The bill, please. li-hsaab, min f:u.lak.
Abu Nuwas Sneet shaari9 Abu Nuwaas Good·bye. ma9 a s-salaama .
.1", a~n, hammein
fish simach
At the Food Market (bls-suug)
Masguf fish simach Masguuf
&"h ,,= Iraqis shop for food (meat. fowl. vegetables, fruit , and so on) in the
heavy thigiiJ open market, buying what they need from the various stalls. There
light khafiif are no fixed prices, and bargaining is expeCted. Don't forget thaI Iraq
uses the menic system (one kilo equals 2.2 pounds).
Where is there a good casino wein aku gaazino zcina
for MasguH lil.Masguuf? b>g chiis
Do you have fresh fish? 9idkum simich raaza? bakery makhbaz, abu il· khubuz
Make us Masguf fish. please. sawwilna simich Masguuf,
rajaa'an. I bread (flat)
bread (Italian loaf)
with salad.
Bring us Arak (a drink) also.
wiYJa %a/aa~a. I
chicken dijaaj
jiibilna 9arag hammein. f"h
The Masguf is a traditional il.Masguuf akla 9iraa.qiya fruits fawaakih
Iraqi dish. sha9biyya. kilo keilo
Please give me tea. min f~ak in!iini chaar. half a Itilo nUSI Ittilo
with sugar. ma 9a shaltar. a quarur Iti/o Tubu 9 Itti/o
without IUgar. bjduun shaltar. market suug
light ua. chaay Ithafiif. food marlut mug Ith~Tawaat
Itrong Ua. chaay thigiiL pnce si9ir
cofftt with a lill/~ IfIgar. gahwa ma 9a shaltar vegetables khuzrawaat
COffit with millt. gahwa ma9a ~aljib.
Food and Drln~
General Phrasu
Gen e ral P"ra5es S"oppinf
,. 9
Gener lll Plt r llfes Shllppinr
How much is . .. ? ibbeish haadha ... ? Can I pay with traveler's mumkin adfa9 b-shdkaat
This is very expensive. haadha .s!!aali hwaaya. checks? siya~i yya?
Give me a better price. intiini si9ir ahsan.
What is the last price? shunu aakhir si9ir?
Go down a lin!c. inzil shwayya.
Books, Newspapers, and Magazines (kutub,
I will give you ... dinars. anriik ... danaaniir.
Jaraayid. wo mojolloat)
Is there one cheaper than this? ak u waahid arkhas min haadha? One of the oldest markets in Baghdad is the Saray Market, located
in the old Baghdad disrrict along the Tigris River. Here one can buy
Going Shopping old and new books, newspapers, magazines, maps, writing materials,
and so on.
Where is a bakery? wein aku
boolmou? malrtaba? Ing chiis. kiis
camml shop? mahali Iraamiraat? book ktaab
candy shop? malrhzan ~alawiJJaat? dictionary qaamuus
clothing stor~? makhzan malaabis? guidebook kraab siyaa~i
j~~Jtr? ma~al ~aaY;&!!f magazine majalla
pharmacy? ~aydaliJJa? m'p khariita
n~wsstand? ma~al jaraayid? newspaper jariida
r(Cord stor~? mahaJ sharaayi~ muusJiqiyya? ~n,~ncil q~=
tobacco stor~? malrhzan jigaayir?
Where is the Safafir Market? wein Suug i:~afaafiir? Where is the Saray Market? wein Suug is-San.ay?
th~ Shorja Marktt? Suug ish-Shoorja? I want to buy some books. ariid asheari kutub.
How can I get to the Shorja shloon aruu~ iI-Suug I want a guidebook. ariid ktaab si yaa~i.
Market? ish-Shoorja? Do yo u have newspapers in 9idkum jaraayid bil-Ingiliizi?
What rime does the market shwakit yfatti~ is-suug? English?
o~n? I want a map of Baghdad in ariid Kharii!ar Ba~daad
th~ marktt clou? y'azzil is-suug? English. bil-Ingiliizi.
Do you have . . . ? 9idkum ... ? I want a map of Iraq in English. ariid Kharii!at il-
Do you take credit cards? taakhudh bi~'la[ j'timaan? bil-Ingiliizi.
.. 8I
General PltraJu Shop pi nr
... . "
G~n~ro' Phros el Shoppinf
blanket ba,!!aaniyya I'd like to see that enameled ~ibb ashuuf haadhi i~-~iiniyya
bowl kaasa, taasa tray. bil-miina.
brass, bronze sifir Is it old or new? hiyya qadiima 100 ~adiitha?
9ilba, quu!iyya I want an old [fay. ariid ~ii n iyya qadiima.
canned mu 9allab How much? ibbeish?
carpet zuuliyya, b~aa! That is tOO much. haadha hwaaya.
copper nuhaas, sifir I'll give you ... antiik ...
enamel miina Do you have engraved bowls? 9indak !aasaat manquusha?
fabric qmaash How old is this bowl? shgad 9umur haadhi
food akil it-taasa?
large, big chibiir Do you have an older bowl? 9indak !aasa aqdam?
long tawiil I'd like to buy textiles. ~ibb ashtari nasiij.
mirror mraaya Where is the Shorja Market? wein Suug ish-Shoorja?
plate sahan, maa9uun Do you have silk? 9indak qmaash ~ariir?
po< jidir Give me four yards of red in!iini arba9 yaardaat ~arii r
pottery fikhaar silk, please. a!!mar, rajaa'an.
purse Jun~a Do you have a dress? 9indak fustaan?
short q~iir blouus, swraUrs? bluuzaat?
silk hariir jackm? jaakritaat?
size, measurement qiyaas nightwrar? qum~aan noom?
small, little l~ayir shirts? thyaab?
ro'p saabuun shots? a~ dhiya?
spices bhaaraat skirts? tannuuraat?
textile nasiij socks? jwaariib?
tray ~iiniyya ruils? badiaat, quu~?
tirs? arbita?
I'd like to go to the Safafir ~ibb aruu~ I-Suug i~-~afaafiir. trouurs? pan~aruunaat?
Market. undrrwrar? malaabis daakhiliyya?
I want to buy a copper tray. ariid ashtiri ~iiniyya nu~aasiyya .
84 .,
86 87
Generlll Phrases P~r $lInO' Core lind Ser./cel
J 89
General Phrases Pef5anQI Care and Servic es
,4 95
Murjaniya School. Madrasat i/~Murjaaniyya. b the museum open on Friday? hal il-mathaf faarih yoom
Mustamiriya School. Madrasnr i'-Mustan~iriJYa. ij_jum!Ja?
old Baghdad. Bn&!!.daad il-qadiima. 9idkum khariita lil-mathaf?
Do you have a map for the
old mark~/$. I-aswaaq il-qadiima. museum ?
a paM«. q,,!ir. 9idkum daliil bil-Ingiliizi?
Do you have a guidebook in
Tahrir Squarr. Saahnr it-Tahriir. English?
Th~ Tomo of tht Un/mown il-Jundi il-MajhuuL ibbeish il-po.ncanaat?
How much are these postcards?
So/dia. mumkin asawir?
Is it OK to take pictures?
WtIStani Gau. &ao il-Wastaani. biduun isti 9 maal flaash.
Without using a fl ash.
Do you have tours to Agargouf !Jidkum rihlaat ilaa Where is the museum library? wein maktabat il~mathaf?
(ancient)? Agargu uf~ aku kaaftiirya?
Is there a cafeteria?
&oylon (ancim t)? Baabil? wein il-hammaam?
Where is the bathroom?
CUIiphon (anrimr)? J:.aysafu un? [aaq Kisra? Do you sell souvenirs here? tbii 9uun tu~afiyyaat hoaa?
Is this an original or a replica? haadha ~li 100 taqliid?
Visiting Museums (z;yaorot iI-motoo!!/fJ Whose stame is this? ilman haadha I~ timthaal ?
Do you have books on the epic 9idkum kurub 9an malhamat
In Iraq, and especially in Baghdad, there i5 a large number of mag- of G ilgamesh? Gilgaamish?
nificent museums displaying valuable amiquities, interesting modern Thank you. shukn.n .
an , and folkloric exhibits. Generally, museums are excellent; many
are free or have nominal fees. Most are closed on Friday.
Trip to Babylon (safra I-Baobil)
Where is the Iraqi Museum? wein il-Mat~af il ..9 iraaqi ~ Babylon, the capital of ancient civilization, is only 90 kilometers
the ticlut window? shubbaak iNadhankir? (56 miles) south of Baghdad and 10 kilometers (6 miles) north of
One ticket, please. rajaa'an, tadhkarat dikhuuJ. Hilla. This magnifice:nr city reached its peak du ring the reign of
How much is the ticket? shgadd it-tadhkara? King Ne:buchadneuar (605-563 B.C.), who built the Hanging
Is the museum open? iI-mathaf mafruuh? Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the: Ancient World, for his
What time does it open ? ibbcish is-saa 9a yifta!!? beloved wife.
W hat time does it close? ibbeish is-sa.a9a yu~luq ?
Ge nua ' Phrases
I'd like to visit the city of ~i bb azuur madiinat Baabi!. How can I get to the road to shloon aru u~ li!-?riiq ilaa
Babylon. (the city of) Hilla? madiinat ii-H illa?
How can I go there by bus1 shloon agdar aruu~ilha bjJ- pa~? Thank you very much. shukran jaziilan.
by taxi? bir-taksi? ma9a s-salaama.
by train? bil-qi~aa r?
Where is the bus station to wein mawqif il-p~ il-Baabil ?
Babylon? Visiting Mosques (zjyoarat jaami')
W here is the road to Babylon? wein i~-~ariiq il-Baabi]? Baghdad and other major cities in Iraq have many magnificent old
Where is the information office:, min fazlak, wein maktab and modern mosques, holy shrines, and churches. You should nevC'r
please? l-isri9Jaamut? go into a mosque in Iraq by yourself unless you are invited or a
I'd like to visit (he ruins. ahibb azuur u thaar il-madiina. narive accompanies you. You must, of course:, be dressed properl y
Do you have: a map for the city? 9jdk um khariita lil-madiina? and show respect. Women must cover their heads. The following are
Do you provide a rour guide: 9idkum daliil siraa!!i lil-madiina? names of some mosques and shrines.
for the city?
How much is the guide fee? shgadd ujrat id-daliil? AI-Imam AI-Adham Mosque. The tomb of Sunni Imam Abu Han-
How long is the tour? shgadd rnuddat ij-jawla? ifa, built in 1066. Located in the district of Adhamiya.
How much is the tour? shgada ujrar ij-jawla? The: Arme:nian Orthodox Church (Virgin Mary C hurch). One of
W here: are the Hanging Gardens? wein ij-Janu'in i1-Mu9a.1laqa? the oldest churches in Baghdad. Locared in Midan Square on
is tht [mtar Gatt? Bawwaabar 9jshtaar? Rashid Street.
is lIN Lion of Babylon? Alad Baabil? The Caliphs' Mosque:. Built be[Wee:n 902 and 1289. Across from
is NtbuchadntZur's Palau? Qa~Jr Nabukhadnassar? Shorja Marke t on Khulafaa Sneet.
is PrOC(lJion Strut? Shaar;9 i/-Mawkib? Kadhimain Holy Shrine:. The tombs of twO Shiite Imams, built in
il tht Towu of Babylon? Buri} Baabil? 1515. Located in the district of il-Kadhimiya.
How old are these ruins? shgadd 9umur haadhi i1-aathaar? Sheikh Abdul Kadir al-Gailani Mosque:. Tomb of Sheikh Abdul
W here: is the Euphrates River? wein Nahar il-Futaa(? Kadir al-Gailani, built after his death in 1165.
Can we go to see: the river? rnu mkin nru uh nshuuf in-nahu? Sin Z umurrud Khatun's Tomb (Sin Z ubeida's Tomb). Built in
Babylon was a great city. Baabil chunat madiina 9aziima. 1202 in Sheikh Ma'ruf district.
Can I buy some: water? mumkin ashtiri rna}'}'?
.. 99
General Pllrcrses S;,IIueei",
Where is the Caliphs' Mosque? wein Jaami9 il-Khulafaa'? uilboats, a riding stable, sports facilities, a market, a casino, a cin-
Which mosque is this? ay jaami9 haadha? ema, and children's playgrounds. It is a place for relaxation and
May I enter the mosque? rnumkin adkhul ij-jaami9? enjoyment.
Must I take my shoes off? laazim anz.a9 hidhaa'i?
Must I cover my head? laazim a~a~i raasi? wein Bu~ayrat il-Habbaaniyya?
Where is Habbaniya Lake?
I'd like to contribUie money. ahibb atbarra 9 fIuus. 1 heard it was very nice. sima9it hiyya ~ilwa hwaaya.
Is this an old or a new mosque? haadha jaami9 qadiim 100 h 's not far from Baghdad. hiyya muu bi9iida min
hadiith? Ba~daad.
When was the mosque built? shwakit imbina ij-jaam j9? agdar aruu~ilha bil- p~?
Can I get there by bus?
What is the writing on the walls? shunu haadhi I-kitaaba bi/-Iaks;!
by taxi!
9aJ-judraan? Which bus shall I take? ay pa~ laazim aakhudh?
May I go up the minaret? mumkin as 9ad il-manaara? Must I make a reservation laazim asawwi ~ajiz gabul
It's a nice view from the top of man~ jamiil min 9aJa ma-aruuh?
before I go?
the minaret. I-manaara. rajaa'an, i~izli ~urfa b-sariirein.
Please reserve one bedroom
What is that building? shunu hadhiich il-binaaya? with tWO beds for mc.
What is the name of that bridge? shunu isim hadhaak ij-jisir? for tWlJ nights. ld/uin.
I'd like to sec that building. ahibb as huuf hadhiich ariid ta'jiir balam.
I want to rent a boat.
il-binaaya. a (abin. Itaabiina.
Can you take me to that taakhudhni I-hadhiich a sailboat. balam shiraa9i.
building? i1-binaaya? mu9iddaat &!!.a~is.
scuba tquipmtnt.
Thank you. shukran. Tiltit maa/ tanis.
a unnis TR(ktt.
an umbrtlia. mazal/a shamsiyya.
Do you have a swimming pool 9idku~ masbah liI-atfaal?
At the Tourist Village of Habbanlya Lake
for children?
A large tourist village built around the Lake of Habbaniya (Buhayrat Are there any showers? wein aku duushaat?
il-Habbaaniyya) is located about 84 kilometers (52 miles) west-of Can I fish here? agdar il!iid simach hnaa?
Baghdad. The village includes a hotel, restaurants, swimming pools, Is it OK to swim here? maykhaalif asba~ hnaa?
100 101
At the Theater/Concert (bil-mosra!y Is evening dress required? laazim albas malaabis sahra?
Where is the National Theatre? Must we make a reservation? laazim n i~iz?
wein il-Masrah il-Watani?
What is playing tonight? - -
ayy masrahiyya iI-leila?
Is food served in the nightclub? yuqaadam i!_!a9aam bil-malha?
Is it a local or an international Let's have an exciting night. khalliina nis-har leila murhiira.
i1-firqa mahaJliyya 100
group? Call us a taxi. khaaburinna ~a1a taksi.
~aal amiyya?
Wnat is the name of the play? ls there music and dancing in aku riqi! w moosiiqa bil-findiq ?
shunu isim il-masrahiyya?
I'd like one ticket (0 the folk the hotd?
ariid tadhkara lir-riq! is h-s ha~bi.
dance. Reserve us a nice rabie, please. min fa~lak, i~jizinna mciz zei n.
the music concert. What time does the snow SlUe shwakit yibdi il_9a':.?
1iI-~Ilf1a ilmoosiiqiyya.
fonightl opml. l-maJrll~iyat il-Idla.
f don't want expensive lickers. ma-ariid radhkara ~aa1ya. At the Social/Sports Club (b-noodi
Who is the: singer? minu i1 -mu~anni? Ijtimaa'ilriyaa! J)
Who is the dancer? minu ir- raaq i~?
Is a group dancing? There are several social clubs (also called sports clubs) in the major
hiyya firqa raaqisa?
cities of Iraq. To attend a dub, you must be a member or the guest
Is it Arabic or European m usic? il-moosiiqa ~arabiyya 100
of a member. Here you can find many European/A merican ameni-
Is the group populu? ties-spons activities (such as swimming and tennis), parties, fi lms,
il-firqa mashhuura?
I like Arabic mwic. dancing, and good food and drink.
aanj a!!ibb il-moosiiqa
l -~arabiyya.
Are there social dubs in aku nawaadi ijtimaa9iyya
Baghdad? b- Ba~daad?
At the Nightclub (bi/-rna/ha) How can I go to one of them? .shloon agdar aruu~ i l -waa~id
Lets go to a nightclub. minha?
W here is a very good nightclub?
-khalli ina nruuh lil-malha. Are you a member of a club~ ima 9 uzu b-naadi?
wein aku malha kullish u in?
Is the nightclub Nojoum good? Can I go with you sometime? rnumkin aruu~ wiyyaak fad
malha Nojoum ui n?
What kind of music do they marra?
ay noo~ moosiiqa y9izfuun?
play? Can I become a member? agdar 2!iir 9u~u ?
Eastern and Western music I'd very much like to swim. ~ibb asb~ hwaaya.
moosjiqa sharqiyya wa ~arbiyya
with danCing. pia] Un nil. al9ab tanif.
wiyya rigi!.
' 04 ) 05-
Ii:! Jik~ to SC~ a rac~(rack
What spon do you Jik~?
I li k~ bask~(balJ.
a!!ibb ash uuf sibaaq kh~il.
ay riya~ t~ibb? -
a!!ibb kurat is-sa.lla.
Ch op'., 4
joggillg. harwa!a.
kurnr iI-qadam. Specialized Phrases
swimming. sibaahn.
unnis. tnnis.
walking. il-mishi.
Thank you very much.
shukran jaziilan.
SPe cl oli:ed Phrafel Counlr; U ond No!;o no ll l; tl
) 08'
Indonesia Anduunosya Anduunosi France Fransa Fransi
I,," Iraan Iraani Germany Almaanya Almaani
I"q iP~iraaq 9iraaqi Great Britain Barii? nya Bariitaani
Kuwait iI-Kuweit Kuweiri Greece iI-Yuunaan Yuunaani
Lebanon Lubnaan Lubnaani Holland Hoolanda Hoolandi
Libya Liibya Uibi India ii-Hind Hindi
Morocco iI-Ma~rib Ma~ribi Ireland Irlanda Irlandi
Oman 9umaan 9umaani Italy l!:.J.alya haali
Pakistan Paakisraan Paakistaani Japan il-Yaabaan Yaabaani
Palestine Filistiin Filistiini Korea Koorya Koori
Qatar Qa!:.J.t
Qatari roland Poolanda Poolandi
Saudi Arabia is-Su9uudiyya Su9uudi Ponugai il-Punu~aal Punus!!aali
Somalia is-Suumaal Suumaali Russia Ruusya Ruusi
Sudan i1-Suudaan Suudaani Spain Ispaanya Ispaani
Syria Suurya Suuri Sweden is-Suwi id Suwiidi
Tunisia Tuunis Tuun;si Switzerland Swiisra $wiisri
Turkey Turkifll Turki Vietnam Fiitnaarn Fiimaami
Uoiced Arab il-Imaaraar Imaaraari
Emirates il- 9arabiyya
iI-Muttahida American and African Countries
Yemen il-Yaman Yarnani Country N~'onolity
Kenya Kiinya Kiini
SpeC/(lIlzed Phr(l su
site mawqi 9
) '2
Sumer (.ancient land of teemh century A.O., it became t he most prominent university
southern Il"2q) during the Abbasid Dynasty.
ticket radhk.ata, tikit National Museum of Mode rn Art (i1-M.athaf iI-Wa!ani Iil-
Tigris River N.aha r Dijl.a Funuun il- Hadiitha). Located on Kifah Street. It houses Iraqi
tour jawla, ri~1.a modern art in a permanent collection of paintings, sculptures,
ziggul"2t (.ancient st.aged zaqqUUta and ceramics.
structure) The Wa r Museum (i1-Mat!!.af il- Harbi). Loc.ated on Adhamiya
River Drive in Kasra district. It exhibits old weaponry and
military equipment.
Museums in Baghdad
Baghdad Muse um ( B.a.&!!.daad). Loc.ared on M.amoun
On an Archaeological Site (b-mawql' athari)
StU!et the M.artyrs' Bridge. It houses life-size sculptures in
traditional Iraq i costumes. ancient mound tall athati
T he Iraqi Muse um ( il -Mat~af il- 9il'2.aqi). Loc2ted o n the Museum archaeological expedition bi'tha athatiyya
Square in t he Karch district. It contains m.agnificent antiqui ties archaeologist aat haari
ranging from the prehistoric era to the Islamic era. archaeology, antiquities aathaar
Museum of Natio nal C ostume and Folklore (Mathaf i1- Fooluk- bone 'azum
loor wil-Azyaa' i1-W.a!.aniyya) . Loc.ated on Rashid Street, on brick ?2buu g
the eastern b.ank of the Tigris River. T he museum is in .an building binaa'
original Baghdadi building. '=p mukhayyam
Museum of Pioneer Artists (Mat~af il- Fanaaniin ir- Ruwwad). day, adobe tiin
Located next to t he Museum of National Co5tume and Folklo re dig hafur
on Rashid Street. It exhibits an interesting collection of paintings digger haffaar
by pioneer Iraqi .arrists in a Baghdadi-st yle house builr in 1909. digging equipment adawaat hafur
M useum of Popular Heritage (Mat~af il-Turaath ish-Sh a'bi). ditch
Located on Haifa Street. It cont.ains examples of traditional Iraqi excavation !!.afriyyaat
craftsmanship. excav.ator munaqqib
Mustansiriya School (Madrasat il-Mu5tan! iriyya). Overlooks (he expedition, mission bi' tha
Tigris River next 10 the Shuhada' Bridge. Built in the early thi r- field d irector mudiir bi'tha
11 4 ) Jf
Spec/III/zed Ph'lISe,
Med iCI/I CII'e
W hat period are these potsherds~ m in ay 9~ir haadhi I-kim
grave "'"
gabur il-fikhaariyya?
h", mishaa haadhi majmuu 9a min 9;amm
This is a group of bones and
house beir wa ma 9aadin.
metal ma 9dan haadha ir-raqiim 9alei ki raaba.
This tablet has writing.
mound, rdl tall kitaaba mismaariyya Baabiliyy.t
Babylonian cuneiform
mud brick libin rnumkin aji daakhil il-binaa'?
May I come inside the building?
objects mawaad shunu haadha 9a1a ar:iyyat
What is that on the floor of
period 9asir, Farra the room? il -~u rfa ?
pick qazma in~iini fitcha, rajaa'an.
Give me a brush, please.
potsherd kisrat fikhaar aani arsim mukhatat Ijl-binaa'.
,,,I khatam
I am making a drawing of
the building.
cylinder seal khatm iJliwaani aani aakhudh haadhi I-mawaad
- - I am taking these objects to
~ajar, !akhar the tent. lil-kheima.
tablet raqiim How many months do you dig kam shahar thufruun hnaa?
temple ma 9bad herd
tent kheima Three months a year. darh rushhur bis-sana.
french khandaq aani ahibb jr-ranqiibaat.
I like exeavarions.
worker 9aam il
wrmng kitaaba
cuntiform writing kitaaba mismaariyya Medical Care
This is a large archaeological Bosic Words and Phrases
haadha rail arhari chibiir.
appointment maw9 id
Whar is rhe age of this rdl? min ay 92!ir haadha it-tall? mustawsif
The Sumerian or the
il-~ir iI-Soom2ri 100 il-Baabili ? dentisl tabiib as naan
Babylonian agd tashkhiis
Is this a house or a templd rabiib, dikroor
doclOr, physician
ear, nose, and throat dOClOr ~abjib idhin, ann: wa ~unjura
) 1
~r·"-··_·_ .... __ .~
Sp~ciGliud I'lt raJU
M~dlclll Cart
) 21
Specialized Phra su Medical Care
I may be pregnant. mum kin akuun haamil. 1>0 you want me to come back? (tiidni arja9?
I'd like to have a pregnancy Thank you very much for shukran jaziilan 9ala
a~ibb aakhudh fahis humi!.
test. your help. musaa9attak.
I haven't had my period for maa jatni I~~aada I~shahrein. Good-bye. ma 9a s~salaam a.
lWO months.
I have abdominal pain. 9indi wija9 baa!ini.
In the Hospital (bil-mustashfa )
I take birth control pills. aakhudh hubuub man9
--- ~id ysaa9idni!
il-hamil. Someone help me!
I use a diaphragm. asta~mi l diaphragm. Call a doctor quickly! siih tabiib b-sur9a!
Call an ambulance! !iiE ~yyaarat is 9aaf!
h '$ an emergency! haala mista9jila!
Doctor's Instructions (ta'liimaat i!-!abiib) ;addii lil-mustashfa!
Take him to the hospital!
Open your mouth. ift~ ~algak. I fell down. wga9 it.
Stick out your tongue. ta[[i~ Isaanak. Somebody hit me. waahid zirabni.
Cough. hh .,.
gu_., I !IS. A car hit me. sayraara :irbatni.
Take a deep breath. ukhudh nafas 9amiiq. I cut myself. jr~i( nafsi.
Take off your clothes. inu9 malaabsak. I burned myself. i~[iragit.
SPecialiud P"ralU
Medic,,1 Care
I am a reporter with the Triblln,. aani muraasil wiyya ~~iifat credit card bu~qat i'timUn
al-Tribyuun. daughter bint
I am a broadcaster with the aani mudhii 9 fii Idhaa9at PBC. driver's license ijaazat siyaaqa
PBC. handbag jun?t iid
I am writing a news story. aani da-aktib ?qriir ~~afi. husband roo)
May I ask you some questions? mumkin as'aJak kam su'aal? insurance company sharikat ta'mHn
Can you help me arrange an tigdar tsaa9idni fii tan:iim )ewelry mujawharaat
appointment? muqaabaJa? k,y miftaab
with tht dirtclor of th, TV wiJJa mlldii, ma~af! (a, kry miftaa~ iJ-JaJJaara
station! it-ralfiqoon! lost mafquud, :aayi9
tomorrow. haachir. money Ruw
tht day afttr tomorrow. 911gub haachi,. passpon paasporti, jwaaz safar
I would be grateful. akuun mamnuunlak. police shur~a, pooliis
How many news bulletins do kam nashra akhbaar 9idkum police station markaz shuna
you have per day? bil-yoom? ibin
Do yo u have news in English? 9idkum nashra bi l-Iu~a stolen masruuq, mabyuug
I-lngiliiriyya? wallet jizdun
At what time? shwotkit? watch =',
Do you have a translation 9idkum qisim tatjama? wife rooja
Thank you very much. shukran jaziilan.
At the Police Stotion (b-markoz: shu'"!o)
Good-bye. ma9a s-salaama.
Where is the closest police wein aqrab markaz shu r??
Lost or Stolen Is there somebody who speaks aku ~id yitkallam Ingiliizi?
Sasic Words and Phrases za.a9 ibni.
My son is lost.
ai rline ticket radhkirat ?yyaata My daughter is lost. za.a9at binti.
camen kaamira My wife is lost. :aa9at roojti.
Spec/II/Iud Phfll5U Secllflly lind Vi511
130 )3
Spec /Cltized Ph,Clsu Se(lIrlly lind Vln
132 •
Specialjzed .I'~rcl$U
Security and Vjsa
These are my official papers. haadhi awraaqi ir-rasmiyya. killed (adj.) maqtuul
Do you want to search the car? triiduun [htShuun is-sayyaara? looking for (we are) nfartish 9an
Do you want me to open the uiiduuni ~ i!-?Dduug? silim, slaam
P"" shas!!ab
nunk? rioting
Kaamil, open the trunk. please. Kaamil, jfta~ i!-?nduug, min
Do you want anything else? triiduun shii aakhar? saboteurs mukharribiin
You must be ti red. intu laazim ta9baaniin. search, inspection taftiish
It's very hot today. il-yoom haara hwaaya. security amin
Would you like some cold n iiduun mayy baarid? security police shurtat amin
water? shotS ~alqaat
Kaamil, give them some Kaamil, in~iihum mayy baarid. warning shots ~alqaat ta~ dhiir
cold water. Stay away! ubqa li i~aad!
With pleasure. !>ala !>eini. strike iuaab
Good-bye. ma 9a s-salaama. threat khatar
threatened fii khatar
traffic mumur
Demonstration (mu! aahara) il-'idaara I-amriikiyya
U.S. adminisrtation
administrator idaari U.S. aid il-Musaa9daat il-amriikiyya
9aam il/9um maal
angry ~a:baan workerls
barbed wire aslaak shaakka
crowd tajammu!> You, mister! ya.a sayyid!
da ngerous khatar What is that crowd? shunu haadha it_tajammu 9 ?
demonstration muzaahara Is it a demonstration? haadhi muzaahara?
hosti/t dtmonstration mu:!'ahara 9idaa'iyya What is it about? hawl shun u?
military dtmonstration m~ahara 9askariyya What do you (pL) want? sh-itriidu un?
ptactful dtmonstration mu:!'ahara si/miyya Are you military or civil intu 9as br 100 muwazzafiin?
employee/s employccs?
injured maj ru u~ Disperse! tfarqu!
Speci"lized Ph rases
Sec urity "nd Vi,,,
Spec/oliud p~'O$eJ
Public Ser~icu
SJ>eciolized p" ,(ues
Public Services
SPecialized Phratu
God bless.
God bless. (in reply)
No, please, no tea.
I'd like to inform yo u that the
allaa bil-kheir.
alIa bil-kheir.
laa, rajaa'an, ma-laazim chaay.
n~ibb nkhubrak il-madiina
Chap'" 5
city is full of trash. malyaana zbaala.
The condition is very unhealthy. il-~aala kullish muu sihhiyya.
English-Iraqi Arabic Dictionary
Our offices arc unhappy about nukaatibna muu ~9an
thaI. haadhi j-wasaakh;.
We brought two garbage trucks jibna wiyyaana looriyyein
with us. liz-zibaala.
You must begin cleaning laazim tibdi it-tanziif haalan.
We hope that you will begin In this dictionary nouns and adjectives are listed in their singular
narju tibdi il-9amal min
work in Republic Square. (s;ng.) and plural (pl.) forms, as well as the masculine (m.) and femi-
Sa~at il-Jamhuuriyya.
This is a map to the garbage nine if.) forms when appropriate. T he definite article iI- {thel has
haadhi kharii~a li-makaan
dump. been omitted. Verbs are given in the third-person masculine form
rami li-zbaala.
Do you need anything? (he) in the past tense followed by {he present rense. The root verb
ti~taai ay shii?
Please let us know when you type- regular (rvl, double (dul, hollow (hll), or weak (wlI}-or the
rajaa'an, ukhburna min tihtaaj
need anything. imperative (ill) is then indialted to help the reader find the verb's
ay shii. -
We want to see {he city clean. conjugation in C hapter I. Note that "Is" is used with English nouns
ndid nshuuf il-madiina naziifa.
in ord~r 10 br~lIth~ lush air. merely as a symbol to indicate the plural form, even though that plu-
~atla nishtamm hawa n"aqi.
Thank you for your ral form may be spelled differently, as in "woman" and "women."
shukran 9a1a ta9aawnak
cooperation. wlyyaana.
Good-bye. 9
ma a s-sa1aama.
Abbasid Palace il -Q~r il-9abbaasi
about 9ann, hawl
accident/s haadithalhawaadith
car accid~nt ~aadithat saJJaara
Elle,jlll-'raqi A,abic Oicfiollary
account/s Maab/hisaabaat America
Amriika ish·Shimaaliyya
adapterls muhawwib.lmuhawwilaat North America
Amriika ij.Junuubiyya
address/s !Junwaan/!Janaawiin So uth Am/rica
Amriiki (m. )/Amriikaan
adjacent y>.mm American
Amriikiyya (f)/Amriikiyyaat
administratorls idaari/ idaariyyiin
afraid, to be afraid khuflykhaaf (hv) amountls
qadiim (m.)
Africa Afriiqya ancient
qadiima if)
after ba9ad
ancient mound tall athari
afternoon, early !Jasir
afternoon, late masall' ,nd
~~baa n (m.)/~~baaniin
Agargouf (ancient city near Agarguuf ,ngry
~~aa na (f)/~a:baanut
aakhar, laakh
age/s 9umu rla9maar another
agency/s wakaalalwakul:m, hay'alhay'ut antiquities
hawa, hawaa' appetizers m=
'" maw 9id/mawaa 9iid
fresh air hawa naqi appointment/s
9 arabi (m.)f9arab
air conditionerls mubarridalmubarridaat Arab (n.)
9ara biyya (fWarabiyraat
airlines khu!uu! ~ayyaraan
iI-lu~a il-9arabiyya
Iraqi Air/inn Khu~uu~ i~'IaJJaraan Arabic language
Arak (national Iraqi drink) 9arag
archaeological expedition bi9tha athariyya
airplane/s ?yya.aral~ayyaaraat
mawqi9 athari
airporus mataar/mataaraat archaeological site
aathaari (m.)/aathaariyyiin
Baghdad International Airport Ma~aar Ba&!!..daad id·Duwali archaeologist
aathaariyya (f)/aathaariyyiin
.II kull
,1>0 aathaar
a~n, hamein archaeology
mi9 maari/mi9maariiyyiin
although walaw architectfs
are, is h.J
A.M. sabaahan
9 9
11mbulance sayyaarat is!Jaaf armIs -dhiraa /adhru
En,Iish - IrCl qi Ar Clbic OiCl ionClry
£n, lilh- Ifllqi Afllble Dlc l lllnllr, £n,l ish- lrllq i Afllbl e Dle l lllnllfY
' If .,
Enrli slt - Irllq l Arllb lc D ICI;llnllry En rl islt- I," ql Arabic D ict;an llry
' 'c - 5 ~
Ent'hlt- 'raq i A,llbic DiCl;llnllry
Enfll.It-I,llql A,llbi, DI'lillnll'y
Ene/illl-Iraqi ArQblc Olcllanary
Enelilll-ira q i Arabic Dictionary
tlUnnce/s madkhal/madaakhi
earls idhin/aadhaan tmry dukhuul
eardrops tnvdope/s zaruflzuruuf
gaY'at idhin
u" sharq "1",1 ysaawl
Eastern Euphrates River Nahar il-Furaat
sharqi (m.)/sharqiyyiin
Eum yoom
sharqiyya (f)/sharqiyyaat
sahil (m.)/sahliin Europe Awruppa
sahla (f)/.sahlaat noenmg leila
fnfli ,h-Iroql A,ollie Olellono" Enfl is h-I,a ql A,ollie Oieliona"
sabaah iI-kheir.
gas stadon m~a~at baam..iin, Good morning.
- --
tisbah 9ala khei r. (m.)1
baanziinkhuna Good night.
bawwaaba tisbahuun 9ala kheir.
!?" -
gate number raqam il-bawwaaba r~b~i i n 9ala kheir. (f)1
general 9aam (m.) tisbahuun 9ala khei r.
9aarna (f) Good-bye. ma9a s-salaama.
general information ma9luumaat 9aama gnm si>'=
g" jaab/yjiib (hv) grandfather jidd
gifds hadiyyalhadaayaa grandmother jidda
Gilgamesh (ancient king Gilgaamish gravels gabur/gubuur
and hero) gray rumaadi (m .)
g!= jaam, zujaaj rumaadiyya (f)
glasses (eye) great 9aziim (m.)
na:aaraat, man~r
Go! ruu~! (m.)/ruu~u! (iv) 9a:iima (f)
ruu~i! (f)/ruu~u! green akh ~t (m.)
Go away. ruu~ lii~aad. {m.)/ruu~u kha:ra (f)
lii~aad. greetingls t~iyyalt~iyyaat
En rlish- Iraqi A,abi, Diuionll'y
Enr llsll-Irllql Arllblc DiClillnllry
168' 6
EIII"hh-'roql A.obie OictiOllory
married mizzawwij (m.)/mizzawjiin minaretls
ministerls waziir/wuzaraa'
miu.awja (f)/mizzawjaar
wizaaralwizaa raat
manyrls shahiid (m.}/shuhadaa' ministry/s
Ministry of Defense Wizaarat id_Difaa9
shahiida (f)/shahiidaar
Ministry of H ealth Wazaarar is-Sihha
masculine mudhakkar
math ~isaab, riyaa:iyyaat
Miss aanisa
manerls mawzuu 9/mawaazii 9
- - mafquud (m.)/mafquudiin
m ay~, perhaps yimkin, mumkin missing
mafquuda (f)/mafquudaar
measure mentis qiyaas/qiyaasaat
mi.srake/s ~al~aI~laa~
meat 1,),=
moderate mu 9radil
mechanic miikaaniiki (m.)
modern hadiirh (m.)
miikaaniikiyya (f)
~adijtha <J.)
mechanic's shop mahal miikaaniiki
money fluus
media j91aam
~awaala bariidiyya
medical ~ibbi (m.)
money orders
month/s shaharlashhur
tibbiyya (f)
moon gumar
medical care 9jnaaya ~ibbiyya
more akthar
medicine/s diwaladwiya
morning sabaah, subu~
meeting ijtimaa9, muqaabala
mosquels jaami9/ jawaarni9
mem~rls 9uz ula9ua'
moteUs, hoteUs findiq/ fanaadiq
menu manyo
motherls umm, waalda
metalls ma 9dan/ma 9aadin
mound /s tali/tluul
meterls matir/amraar
mouth/s ~aligl~luug
middle wasat
itharrak.! {m.)/itharrku! (iv)
Middle East, [he ish-Sharq il-Awsat Move!
i~arrki! (f)/ ir~arrku!
mile/s m iillamyaal
rqaddam! (m.)ltqaddmu! (ill)
military (adj.) 9 as kari (m.)f9askariyyiin Move forward!
rqaddmi! <J.)ltqaddmu!
9 askariyya (f)l\'askariyyaar
milk haliib moviels
fntli,,, -I,aqi A,,,bic 0 ;(lI"n"'1
fntllr" - I,aq l Ar"bic Ol,l/" n"'1
qisim 'adam it-tadkhiin
N nonsmoking section
noon iz-zuhur
nanon ~"m khashim, anff
national wa!ani (m.)/wa!aniyyiin muu/mu
wa?niyya (f)/wa!aniyyaat h"",
National Insurance Company Sharikat it-Ta'miin i1-Wa!aniyya raqam/arqaam
National Tourist Bureau Maktab is-S iya~a il-Wa!aniyya mumarrizaimumarriz.aat
nationalist watani
nursels - -
nationality JIOSlyya
near qariib
Near East, the
ish-Sharq i1-Awsa!
Near Eastern sharqi (m.)/sharqiyyiin objecus
s hu~ul , wa;iifa
sharqiyya (f)/sharqiyyaat occupation
neck ocean muhiit
E.n,IiIl, -I'll qi A,llb lc O iCl i llnll'Y
E.n,1I5,,-I,llql Arllbic Di(flllnllry
· 1
< 7
EnrHs/t-ltoqi M ob' c Dlc[io"O'1
E.nlUsII- lroq i Aro/) /c DiCl ion o t y
< if·
fnt Hsh-I ra q l Arabic Oict/anar,
fnt'ith-Iralji ArabIc Olctionary
En,llsh - lr oqi Arobic Oier/ono"
Enr l;,/t-/roql Aroblc 0;,(10110',
EIII, ;,/t-Iro qi A,oblc Oiet;OIlO',
fnrJJ,II-haqi Arabic Dlclionary
frtrl/llI-lraqi A, ab i, OJcllarta, y
uansformerls muwallidalmuwallidaat upon, on
musta9jal (m.)
tnnsit muruut urgent
musta9jala (f)
translate tarjam/ytarjum (rv)
translation!5 tarjamalcaraajum urine bool
U.S. administration il-ldaara l_Amriikiyya
translator!s mutarjim (m.)/mutarjimiin
il_Mu.saa 9adaat
mutarjima (f)/mutarjimaat U.S. aid
trash, garbage zibil. zba.ala
travel saafar/ysaafir (r v)
travel office maktab safar
traveler's check chakk siya~i V
treatment 9ilaaj khuzrawaar
trenchJs khandaq/khanaadiq hwaaya, juiilan
very much
trip!s vidyo/vidyoowaal
good trip safra saPiida manzar/manaaur
trunk/s, boxls ?J1duugl~anaadiig qaryalquraa
TV talfizyoon viiz.alviiyaz.
TV station m~a:.tat talfizyoon ziyaaraluyaanat
uar/yzuur (hv)
vitamins viitaamiinaat
umbrelJais shamsiyyalshamsiyyaat
uncle/s (maternal) khul/khw..J w
unclels (paternal) 9amm /9 maam booylbooyaat
understand fmam/yifham (rv) intiuar
unhealthy muu sihhi ~u rfat inri?ar
waiting room
United Nations Munaz.zamat il-Umam mishalyimshi (wv)
il-Muttahida mishi
university/s jaarni 9a1jaarni9aat jiulaan/jazaadiin
until hana, JjJ
(nr lit h-Ira qi Arabi' Dlcliana,y
("r lill, -Iraq i Arabic DICI lana ry
woman/s rnaralniswaan
word/s kalimalkalimaat
worlds shu~ul/ash~aal, 9amal/a9maal
workerls 9aamill9ummaal
world 9aal am
write kitab/yiktib (rv) About the Author
writingls kitaabalkitaabaat
cun~iform writing kitaaba mismaari.yya
wrongls, mistake/s ~a1a~/~laa~