CS2106 Tutorial 8
CS2106 Tutorial 8
CS2106 Tutorial 8
School of Computing
CS2106 Tutorial 8 Semester 1 10/11
1. We will not discuss this question during class. The answer to this question is given at the
end of this tutorial sheet. You should work out the answer yourself by tracing through the
Consider the following page reference stirng:
How many page faults would occur for the following replacement algorithms: (i) LRU,
(ii) FIFO, (iii) Optimal, if we have two frames, four frames, and six frames respectively?
Assuming that all frames are initially empty.
2. A computer has four page frames. The time of loading, time of last access, and the R and
M bits for each page are as shown below (the times are in clock ticks):
Which page will be replaced if the following algorithm is used: (i) NRU (ii) FIFO (iii) LRU
(iv) Second Chance.
3. Suppose that we define the working set of a process as all page referenced within the last
two ticks. Considing the WSclock page replacement algorithm with the following system
where the three flag bits stand for valid, referenced, and modified respectively. (a) If a clock
interrupt occurs at tick 10, show the contents of the new table entries. Explain. (b) Suppose
that instead of a clock interrupt, a page fault occurs at tick 10 due to a read request to
page 4. Show the contents of the new table entries. Explain.
4. Sketch the graph plotting how CPU utilization changes as the degree of multiprogramming
(number of running processes) increases.
5. A computer system that uses demand paging is suffering from a low CPU utilization (25%).
Upon measurement, the system designers found that I/O from the paging disk has a uti-
lization of 99%, while other I/O devices has utilization of 5%.
The designers hold a meeting and discuss how to improve the CPU utilization. Knowing
that you have taken CS2106, they invited you to join the meeting. A list of actions are
suggested to improve the utilizations. Which of the following actions do you approve?
(a) upgrade to a faster CPU
(b) upgrade to a larger paging disk
(c) decrease the degree of multi-programming
(d) install more RAM
(e) upgrade to a faster hard disk
(f) enable pre-paging
(g) use a larger page size
7 8 15 Optimal
10 11 18 FIFO
8 11 18 LRU
6 4 2
Page 2