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Design of 360 Degree Steering System: Saransh Tiwari Dr. Rajeev Arya

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Saransh Tiwari Dr. Rajeev Arya

BE Scholar Professor
OIST, Bhopal TIEIT, Bhopal
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract- The design and fabrication of 360 degree wheel goods, patient etc. But most of the time, they have to
rotation vehicle using Servo motor and steering is done to face the problem like taking U turn etc. So have to
reduce time to turn from one direction to other direction.
This vehicle can move in all direction at a same position by design a 360 degree wheel rotating vehicle to reduce and
used of steering, sprocket, Servo motor, bearing and chain eliminate problems in the industry and at the railway
drive. Main function of this vehicle is easy to move from platform. Zero degree turning radius of a vehicle implies
one direction to other direction. Modern development and
the vehicle rotating about an axis passing through the
economical progression of Indian society resulted in
increase of people on railway platform, increase of vehicle center of gravity of vehicle i.e. the vehicle turning at the
on the road, due to space constraints, in hospital is major same place, where it is standing. No extra space is
problem of the country. Present study aims for required to turn the vehicle. So vehicle is to be turned in
development of a system to reduce the turning radius of
vehicle. In this system at first vehicle is stopped and wheels the space equal to the length of the vehicle itself. In this
are then turned in the required direction with help of system, steering is connected to sprocket and this
steering system and DC motor. It has turning radius nearly sprocket is connected to sprocket of front wheel by chain
equal to negligible of length of the vehicle itself. This drive. Steering is used to provide the direction of front
vehicle used to carry the goods in various area such as,
railway platform, hospital, industries and market. wheel.
The Servo motor is connected to sprocket bolt at above
Keywords: Servo motor, Steering and wheel, Easy parking,
360 Degree rotating. of frame. When power supply from battery to Servo
motor then rotary motion transfer from Servo motor to
1. Introduction
the wheel. The bearings are provide below sprocket
Modern development and economical progression of which allow to wheel rotate 360 degreeabout vertical
Indian society resulted in increase of cars on rods. Due axis. Then this same rotary motion is transfer to the rear
to space constraints, car parking is the major problem wheels by sprockets and chain drive arrangement.
faced in most parts of the country. Present study aims for So as a result this arrangement of the vehicle wheels to
development of a system to reduce the turning radius of turn 90 degrees left and 90 degree right from original
a car. position, but front wheels of this vehicle rotate 360
The indigenously developed system consists of degree by steering, sprocket and chain drive
Ackerman steering and various mechanism with arrangement. Without moving from the spot, i.e. the
arrangement of the various kinematics links. In this vehicle has zero turning radius. This helps in
system at first vehicle is stopped and wheels are then maneuvering the vehicle in tight spaces such as parking
turned in the required direction with the help of steering lots and within small compounds.
system. It has turning radius nearly equal to negligible of The various functions of the steering wheel are to control
the length of car itself. This system can be useful in the angular motion the wheels, direction of motion of the
better parking, traffic jam, back turning on narrow roads, vehicle, to provide directional stability of the vehicle
etc. while going straight ahead, to facilitate straight ahead
This project is about design of 360 degree wheel rotating condition of the vehicle after completing a turn, the road
vehicle. This vehicle moves in all directions and this irregularities must be damped to the maximum possible
design provides better comfort and also saves the time of extent. This should co-exist with the road feel for the
customers, most of the people using this vehicle to carry
driver so that he can feel the road condition without swivel pin ball joints that replaced previously used
experiencing the effects of moving over it. kingpins of the stub axle of the steered wheels via tie
rods and a short lever arm called the steering arm. The
2. Steering System
rack and pinion design has the advantages of a large
Steering is the term applied to the collection of degree of feedback and direct steering "feel". A
components, linkages, etc. which will allow a vessel disadvantage is that it is not adjustable, so that when it
(ship, boat) or vehicle (car, motorcycle, and bicycle) to does wear and develop lash, the only cure is
follow the desired course. An exception is the case of replacement.
rail transport by which rail tracks combined together
3. Turning Vehicle
with railroad switches provide the steering function. The
most conventional steering arrangement is to turn the The advanced new technology has led to various
front wheels using a hand–operated steering wheel modifications in the automobile sector. Out of these,
which is positioned in front of the driver, via the steering zero degree turning radius which is being analyzed in
column, which may contain universal joints, to allow it various vehicles e.g. hurricane jeep, JCB, Nano Pixel etc
to deviate somewhat from a straight line. Other [1]. The turning circle of a vehicle is the diameter
arrangements are sometimes found on different types of described by the outside wheels when turning on full
vehicles, for example, a tiller or rear–wheel steering. lock. There is no hard and fast formula to calculate the
Tracked vehicles such as bulldozers and tanks usually turning circle but it can be calculated using this; Turning
employ differential steering that is, the tracks are made circle radius= (track/2) + (wheelbase/sin (average steer
to move at different speeds or even in opposite angle)) [2]. Zero degree turning radius of a vehicle
directions, using clutches and brakes, to bring about a implies the vehicle rotating about an axis passing
change of course or direction. through the center of gravity of vehicle i.e. the vehicle
The basic aim of steering is to ensure that the wheels are turning at the same place, where it is standing. No extra
pointing in the desired directions. This is typically space is required to turn the vehicle. So vehicle can be
achieved by a series of linkages, rods, pivots and gears. turned in the space equal to the length of the vehicle
One of the fundamental concepts is that of caster angle - itself. This technology exists in heavy earth movers like
each wheel is steered with a pivot point ahead of the excavator which consists of two parts i.e. the upper part
wheel; this makes the steering tend to be self-centering cabin and lower part crawler chain. The upper part of
towards the direction of travel. excavator can rotate about its center, so that the direction
The steering linkages connecting the steering box and of cabin can be changed without changing direction of
the wheels usually conforms to a variation of Ackermann lower part.
steering geometry, to account for the fact that in a turn, Conventional steering mechanism involves either the use
the inner wheel is actually travelling a path of smaller of Ackerman or Davis steering systems. The
radius than the outer wheel, so that the degree of toe disadvantage associated with these systems is the
suitable for driving in a straight path is not suitable for minimum turning radius that is possible for the steering
turns. The angle the wheels make with the vertical plane action. This difficulty that is associated with the
also influences steering dynamics as do the tires. Many conventional methods of steering is eliminated by
modern cars use rack and pinion steering mechanisms, employing a four wheel steering system.
where the steering wheel turns the pinion gear; the In this system, the wheels connected to the front axles
pinion moves the rack, which is a linear gear that meshes are turned opposite to each other, and so are the wheels
with the pinion, converting circular motion into linear connected to the rear axle. The wheels on the on left half
motion along the transverse axis of the car (side to side vehicle rotate in one direction and the ones on the right
motion). This motion applies steering torque to the half of the vehicle rotate in the opposite direction. This
arrangement of the wheels enables the vehicle to turn 5. Literature Review
360 degrees, without moving from the spot, i.e. the The idea of 360 degree wheel rotation load carry vehicle
vehicle has zero turning radius. is analyzed from:
This helps in maneuvering the vehicle in tight spaces
such as parking lots and within small compounds. The Jaishnu Moudgil, et al. [1], presented a 360 degree
various functions of the steering wheel are, to control the rotating car to overcome the problem of parking space.
angular motion the wheels; direction of motion of the This car has zero degree turning radius of a vehicle
vehicle, to provide directional stability of the vehicle implies the vehicle rotating about an axis passing
while going straight ahead, to facilitate straight ahead through the center of gravity of vehicle i.e. the vehicle
condition of the vehicle after completing a turn, the road turning at the same place, where it is standing. No extra
irregularities must be damped to the maximum possible space is required to turn the vehicle. So vehicle is to be
extent. turned in the space equal to the length of the vehicle
This should co-exist with the road feel for the driver so itself. In this presentation, so got idea of 360 degree
that he can feel the road condition without experiencing wheel rotation vehicle and have plane to make 360
the effects of moving over it. Automobile giants in India degree wheel rotation load carry vehicle, this vehicle is
like Tata, Maruti, Hyundai, Honda, Ford, Mahindra and to be used in different area like industries, hospital,
Mahindra etc. are manufacturing more than 3 million railway platform, etc.
vehicles per year [3]. Sudip kachhia [2],presented a 360 degree rotating
4. Problem Faced vehicle to overcome the problem of parking space. This
project is about design of 360 degree rotating car to
The main problem associated in city areas is traffic. This move in all direction. This design provides better
condition is very time consuming and also sometimes it comfort and also saves the time of customers, that’s why
is difficult to come out in the emergency situations for it is also the reliable for the customer. As it is also
example of hospital or fire safety conditions. Here Fig. 1 battery operated car thus no fuel is required. Hence it is
shows the traffic at the area considered. Sometimes it is economical to the environment. This also reduces the
difficult to park a vehicle in condition when two car cost of the car, and also got idea to use battery to operate
parked one to another spaced between them. Thus this this vehicle.
condition also consumes times for the life style. Also
there may be chance of sudden brakeage and chance of K. Lohith, et al. [3], presented a four wheel steering
accident and damage for the vehicle. system for a car. In four wheel steering the rear wheels
turn with the front wheels thus increasing the efficiency
of the vehicle. The direction of steering the rear wheels
relative to the front wheels depends on the operating
conditions. At low speed wheel movement is
pronounced, so that rear wheels are steered in the
opposite direction to that of front wheels with the use of
DC motor to turn left and right. In this presentation, the
use of DC motor is to rotate the wheels 90 degree left
and 90 degree right from original position.
Er. Amitesh Kumar, et al. [4], presented zero turn four
wheel steering system, the various functions of the
steering wheel are, to control the angular motion the
Fig. 1: Problem at Parking wheels, direction of motion of the vehicle, to provide
directional stability of the vehicle while going straight 1. Upper body
ahead, to facilitate straight ahead condition of the vehicle 2. Servo motor
after completing a turn, the road irregularities must be 3. Gear
4. Wheel
damped to the maximum possible extent. This project
5. Wheel motor
the use of steering is to rotate front wheels. 6. Gear
Mr. Sharad P. Mali, et al. [5], presented zero turn four assembly
wheel mechanism, in this project people have used DC 7. Wheel
motor and wheel to vehicle rotate 360 degree at a same rod
position. So in this project, the idea is to arrange of DC
motor and wheel.
6. Methodology
Fig. 3: Detailed View
Design of 360 degree wheel rotation vehicle adopted to
easily move in required direction. This vehicle is mainly
consist of Servo motor, Gear, Wheel, Wheel motor, Gear
assembly, Wheel supporting rod. The basic arrangement
of the 360 degree wheel rotation vehicle is as shown in
Fig. 2.

Fig. 4: Gear Assembly

Fig. 2: 360 degree rotating wheel
Main gear is inter in in gear wheel, routed gear lock and
complete this gear assembling process
applications because this vehicle consumes very less
space compare to other type of vehicle.
 This vehicle is used in small Industries for
transportation of raw material from one position to
another position.
 Modern development and economical progression of
Indian society resulted in increase of vehicle in park
so there are also problem. In park other vehicle are
taking more space to move from one direction to
other direction and 360 degree wheel rotation
vehicle have capability to move parallel direction so
this vehicle is easily move from one direction to
other direction in park.
 Take easily U-turn because front wheel of this
vehicle are rotating freely by steering, chain drive
and sprocket arrangement.
Fig 5: Wheel Mechanism  It is used in hospitals to carry the patient from one
room to another room. Because there are lots of
Wheel motor rotate the wheel the robot can move and
patients those are staying in one room.
servo motor is use to rotate this wheel in 360 degree
7. Conclusion
Advantages A prototype for the proposed approach was developed by
introducing steering and servo motor to wheel rotate 360
 It consumes very less time to turn from one degree. Thus it is concluded that vehicle can be allowed
direction to other direction. to guide vehicle in all direction. 360 degree of rotating
 It is more efficient compare to other type of load automobiles and also we can guide in parallel direction.
carry vehicle. In recent time the advancement is made in automobiles.
 This type of load carry vehicle is easily parked in So, it has been modified in such a way that it can save
any direction. time and also easily work with many problem. This can
 It is less costly load carry vehicle. give fast response and less space is required. The
 Eco friendly. developed model is recommended for inclusion in the
 Less noise operation. cars in various area such as small industries, railway
 More efficient. platforms.
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