Cable Differential Protection Relay
Cable Differential Protection Relay
Cable Differential Protection Relay
2 TD_XD1-L_03.08_GB
The relay XD1-L of the PROFESSIONAL LINE has the fol- Extended version (type suffix SAT)
lowing special features:
• Ability to recognize saturation of the main current
• Fault indication via LEDs transformers
• Extremely wide operating ranges of the supply volt- • Extremely stable even during saturation of current
age by universal wide-range power supply transformers
• Very fine graded wide setting ranges • Additional printed circuits for recognition of satu-
• Extremely short response time rated C.T.s can be added at a later stage, e.g. as
• Compact design by SMD-technology the power system develops and fault levels increase
• Static, three-phase differential protection relay
• Dual slope percentage bias restraint characteristic
with adjustable bias setting Further features of the unit XD1-L:
• Applicable for 45 to 65 Hz • High reliability and easy-to-service arrangement
• Burden < 0.05 VA at rated current • Plug in design makes it possible to simplify extension
• Setting ranges: of the basic unit
Differential current: • LED indication of the operating conditions
10 to 85 % IN in 16 steps • Automatic supervision of bias current connections
Bias slope:
10 to 85 % of through current in 16 steps
• Isolation between all independent inputs
• High electromagnetic compatibility
• The use of precision components guarantees high
• Permissible temperature range:
-20°C to +70°C
• According to the requirements of VDE 0435,
part 303 and IEC 255
• Wire break supervision for C.T. lines
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2 Design
4 TD_XD1-L_03.08_GB
3 Working Principle
The fundamental operating principle of differential pro- With many differential protection systems, relay insta-
tection is based on a comparison of the current to the bility may cause to trip if the main current transformers
star point with the current to the busbar. For an ideal saturate. In the transient condition of saturation the
line the currents entering and leaving must be equal. C.T.s on both ends of the protected zones do not pro-
Or according to Kirchhoff's first law "the vector sum of duce the correct secondary current according to the
currents entering and leaving any point must be zero". primary current. The differential relay measures a dif-
If the sum Id of currents is not zero, an internal fault is ferential current on the secondary C.T. side which is
indicated. not present on the primary side. Hence a false tripping
might occure.
The basic equipment of relay XD1-L recognizes these Such transient phenomena causing C.T. saturation
differential currents Id and the relay gives the tripping may occur due to:
command according to the precision measuring char- • Heavy through faults (external short circuit)
acteristic (see tripping characteristics). • Starting of big motors
• Magnetizing inrush currents of transformers
To explain the function at XD1-L the working principle
is shown in figure 3.1. The figure 3.2 explains the saturation of the C.T. core
due to a short circuit current. In the instant of a short
circuit often a DC-component is present in the current.
The high primary current induces a flux in the C.T.
core, reaching the saturation level. The iron-core re-
tains the high flux level even after the primary current
falls to zero. In the time periods of saturation the C.T.
does not transform the primary current to the secondary
side but the secondary current equals zero.
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Dissimilar saturation in any differential scheme will Fig. 3.3 shows the two secondary currents in the in-
produce operating current. stant of an heavy external fault, with current i1 sup-
posed to C.T. saturation, current i2 without C.T. satura-
Figure 3.3 shows the differential measurement on the tion.
example of extremely dissimilar saturation of C.T.s in a The differential current id represents the measured dif-
differential scheme. Fig. 3.3 shows the secondary cur- ferential current, which is an operating current. As this
rent due to C.T. saturation during a fault (internal fault). differential current is caused by an external fault and
The differential current id represents the fault current. dissimilar saturation of the two C.T.s, the differential re-
The differential relay must trip instantaneously. lay should not trip.
The wave forms for the differential current Id for internal and external faults are seen to be different for the cases
t t
id id id=i2-i1
t t
Figure 3.3: Current comparison with C.T.s saturated by DC offset in fault current wave form
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The saturation detector SAT analyses the differential
current of each phase separately. The SAT module dif-
ferentiates the differential current and detects:
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3.3 Block diagram
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4 Operation and settings
For adjustment of the unit the transparent cover has to LED „ON“ is used for display of the readiness for ser-
be opened as illustrated. Do not use force! The trans- vice (at applied auxiliary voltage Uv). LEDs ΔI and TRIP
parent cover has two inserts for labels. are provided for fault indication. LED Δ2 indicates
changeover to the coarse measuring element (only
with an additional SAT module).
If there is no wire break in the pilot lines and they are
correctly connected, LED CABLE lights up green.
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4.1 Parameter setting 4.2 Setting of the pickup value for
the differential current ld1 and ld2
For each phase the relay calculates the differential cur- The pickup value of the differential current Id1 and Id2
rent Id and the stabilizing current IS. The differential cur- can be adjusted by means of the step switch Id1 and
rent Id is the vector difference between star point and Id2 in the range from 10 - 85 %. (Scale 5 %).
outgoing currents. The value of differential current at
which the relay responds is dependent on the stabiliz- Example:
ing current, as shown in fig. 5 "Tripping characteristic". Adjustment of the characteristic is shown on the
IN is relay rated current (1 A or 5 A) and the two quan- following diagram:
tities Id/IN and IS/IN are scaled in multiples of rated
The basic version of the relay is equipped with the
"fine" tripping characteristic only. The differential cur- TRIPPING
The minimum differential current at which the relay For this step-switch for Id1 has to be in the following
picks up is defined by the lower section of the charac- positions:
teristic. For stability during transient conditions with ex-
tended version (SAT) of the relay the protection auto-
matically changes over to the fixed "coarse" tripping
characteristic. In this case the following settings apply:
10 TD_XD1-L_03.08_GB
5 Relay testing and 5.3.2 Checking of the pickup and
commissioning dropout value
Before this test is initiated by means of secondary cur-
rent, it must be ensured that the relay cannot cause
any switching actions in the system (shut-down risk).
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5.4.1 Adjustment of the interposing
The internal measuring voltages proportional to the in- In case there are deviations from the expected value
put currents may be measured as follows. The measur- please check all wiring to the relay. This check must
ing instrument should be a digital multimeter set to AC- include the connection of the primary C.T. side and
voltage measurement, range 2.0 V. The readings the secondary side.
stated below refer to nominal current of the transformer
(referring to the order form). Any current value below If the single ended measurements (e.g. U1 - GND)
may be calculated proportionally. differ within one phase, e.g.:
U1 - GND: 400 mV
Please also note that due to the C.T. errors and the U2 - GND: 600 mV
transformer magnetizing current the measured values U1 - U2: 1000 mV
might deviate up to 10% from the theoretical values. but the differential measurement equals the sum of both
the deviation may be balanced using the concerned
Nominal load current of the transformer is generally potentiometer on the front plate.
transformed to the internal measuring voltage of
550 mV AC. Both amplitudes of the measuring volt-
ages of one phase, e.g. U1 and U2, should be
equal. The phase angle of the voltages of one phase,
e.g. U1 and U2, must be 180 degrees.
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5.5 Maintenance
To prevent unintended switching off of the lines to be
protected, the tripping line should be disconnected
and then after the check reconnected again.
Do not open the electric circuit. (Danger to Life). Be-
cause the secondary winding is bridged, this current
does not flow through the summation C.T. and so a
considerable differential current develops, causing the
differential protection to trip.
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6 Technical Data
Relay XD1-L is designed to be fastened onto a DIN-rail acc. to DIN EN 50022, the same as all units of the
The front plate of the relay is protected with a sealable transparent cover (IP40).
Connection terminals
The connection of up to a maximum 2 x 2.5 mm2 cross-section conductors is possible. For this the transparent
cover of the unit has to be removed (see para. 3).
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Figure 6.2: Dimensional drawing C.T. XD1-GW135
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6.2 Technical Data
Measuring input
Rated data:
Rated current 1 A/5 A
Rated frequency fN: 50 - 60 Hz
Power consumption
in current circuit: at IN = 1 A < 0.1 VA
Thermal withstand capability
in current circuit: dynamic current withstand (half-wave) 250 x In
for 1 s 100 x In
for 10 s 30 x In
continuously 4 x In
Type: XD1-GW135
Design: cast resign (winding)-C.T.
Transformation ratio: 5/5/5/5/0.25 A or 1/1/1/1/0.25 A
Power: 2 VA
Class: 5 P 10
Series: 0,8/3 kV
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Diameter of wiring: secondary wiring min. 2,5 mm2
Auxiliary voltage
Rated auxiliary voltages UH: 35 - 275 V AC (f = 40 - 70 Hz)
19 - 390 V DC
General data
Dropout to pickup ratio: > 97%
Returning time: < 50ms
Returning time after tripping: 100ms ±10ms
Minimum operating time: 30ms
Output relays
The output relay has the following characteristics:
Maximum breaking capacity: 250 V AC / 1500 VA / continuous current 6 A
Max. rated making current: 64 A (VDE 0435/0972 and IEC 65/VDE 0860/8.86)
Making current: min. 20 A (16 ms)
Mechanical life span: 30 x 106 operating cycles
Electrical life span: 2 x 105 operating cycles at 220 V AC / 6 A
Contact material: silver cadmium oxide (AgCdO)
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System data
Mechanical tests:
Shock: class 1 as per DIN IEC 255 part 21-2
Vibration: class 1 as per DIN IEC 255 part 21-1
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Tripping characteristics
Einstellung Id2
Einstellung Id1 = 200%
t [ms]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
18 TD_XD1-L_03.08_GB
Accuracy details
Idtrip − Idset
for IS < IN: e= ⋅100 %
Idtrip − Idset
for IS ≥ IN: e= ⋅100 %
If the operating temperature or frequency are outside the ranges quote, additional errors are:
• Temperature range
-20°C...70°C: eadd < 2,5 %
• Frequency range
45 Hz...66 Hz: eadd = 1 %
7 Order form
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Setting-list XD1-L
Setting of parameters
Default Actual
Function Unit settings settings
Id1 Differential current % In 10
Id2 Differential current % In 10
20 TD_XD1-L_03.08_GB
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Woodward SEG GmbH & Co. KG
Krefelder Weg 47 ⋅ D – 47906 Kempen (Germany)
Postfach 10 07 55 (P.O.Box) ⋅ D – 47884 Kempen (Germany)
Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 1
Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 635 ⋅ Telefax: +49 (0) 21 52 145 354
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 614 ⋅ Telefax: +49 (0) 21 52 145 455
e-mail: [email protected]
22 TD_XD1-L_03.08_GB