Discharge Planning
Discharge Planning
Discharge Planning
Emphasize compliance and strict adherence to dosage and the time of intake of the
Make sure that the client understands the medication regimen, can read the instructions.
Instruct the patient not to alter doses of medications and emphasize the importance of
continuous medication.
Advise to have a clean, quiet, well ventilated room, conductive to rest and relaxation.
Instruct the patient to maintain a clean environment conducive to health for immediate
Encourage the client to relax and have adequate rest to prevent stress.
Educate the patient the importance of strictly adhering to the doctor’s orders.
Encourage the client to compliance on further treatment for the proper maintenance and
Remind client’s relative on close monitoring of client’s activities as some may interfere
Educate the patient regular physical activities strengthening exercises- help keep or
* Aerobic conditioning exercises- improve cardiovascular fitness, help control weight, and
* Range-of-motion exercises- help reduce stiffness and maintain or increase proper joint
Include the family in the teaching program so that they understand the patient’s needs,
support adherence to the therapeutic program, and know when to seek guidance from
health professionals.
Inform client and the relatives present regarding future check-ups and treatment and the
importance of compliance to the scheduled procedures to maintain and monitor the client’s
development of complications.
Tell to patient to eat nutritious food like fruits and vegetables and avoid caffeine, alcohol
Encourage the patient to read the Bible and pray to God always, ask for guidance and pray