Microsoft® Windows Cairo: Product Planning
Microsoft® Windows Cairo: Product Planning
Microsoft® Windows Cairo: Product Planning
Product Planning
Product Requirements
Note: This is a product p~annlng clocument for a software system tha! is st~ll in
development. Some of the intom~atiofl in this ~ument~n may be inaccurate
or may not be an accurate representatio~ of the functionality of the final retail
product. Microsoft assumes no responsibility for any damages that nught occur
either directly or indirectly from these inaccuracies.
MS 004281
rPlaintiff,s Exhibit-~
Comes V. Microsoft
I. ProductCa~’s
. Gres LobdeL! ................................................................................................ I
T~ge~ ~ ................................................................
U~ ~ ~ B~fi~ ...........................................................................................2
~ A~ ...................................................................
S~ .....................................................................
~ P~ ...................................................................
~ ~ ~i~ for ~ ........................................................................8
E. R~u~ Gm~ .................................................................. 9
W~ws ~ ~~u - D~I Co~. B~ Mu~ ....................................................
~ppl~m ~b~ - Bob Mug~ ..............................................................................I ~
N~ ~g~ Su~ - Oio~ M~ ..................................................................... 13
~g~ ~ ~m~- ~ul ~ ...................................................................... 15
Ill. R~~ U~ ~ ..................................................................................................... 18
V, ~~ D~ ~~ ..................................................................................41
~ - Yu~ N~ ~ ~ ................................................................
S~K ~~ - ~ B~ ............................................... 63
Edit history ..................................................................................................................................71
Apptndix l - ’Ttzminoiogy .......................................................................................................72
Contents .........................................................................................................................................74 }
MS 004283
Windows Cairo Product Requirements
User Experience and Benefits
When loddn~ a~ the beew~ ~ fm~cdonali~j of Cairn, his imporm~ m remember thae, everyon~ isan e~d-user-
MS 004285
The F=xplo~er provides the ~ wi~h intuitive and powerful ways ~o ~ore for infonn~ion.
Via/in| ~d I~o~i d~a (o~,~ ~i~ ~ vi~) ~ th~ m~ Bet
¯ Sm~,~ F~Ld~rs (a.k~. Delphi coUecdoos): Use~ ~iLl see ~ folders ~h "in~ellisence."
exile of sznan-foiders in use. i.n addi.5on, Caizo wiZl ship a~ lea,st an Emad cScn~
¯ ~nd~S L, ffonnadon is much ~ 0m~gh que~s. Cabo provides onm~-index~s f~" aJI
polxd,v ~oplicadom (which Woduce ~my kind o~ document). This means ru~l~ng
i~rommdon ~n be virm~y ias~m~neous. For e. x~mpl¢, ~mding ~1 decumen~s conmb~ng
"NoveU He~ 4.0" is now a simp~ que~, rad~e~ th~n a p~nt~l sextch t,’m~ugh the
dimcu~ hicra~,hy Iook~g I’o~ c~es i~ ~e names.
¯ The netwod~ dbappems m~l users t’eel ~J if they have a huge pool of i~forma~3on ~
single namesp~.e. Usea~ no longer have to connec~ to explicit nenv~, sh~res m t’mcl
¯ Us~" As~ance (Help): Users have 2 levels- QuickIM’o fo~ simple pop.up help and d~led
~ r.~anicle~
help be mmo~ed by M]$
which a,-e de4m~e~ts
browsed or an as
i~ the Explorer i~Svidual (wkhcoUecdon
a cus~nized " ~opmpr~te
¯ Task Assistmts ~low users to easily amon~e foUl/he zasks (such ~ t’d~’ing and filing
e..mai] nu~,sag~). Th~ graphical envbx~unent for crewing Task Assistant sc~ipLs is intuitive
and easy to lean~
¯ Ex~q~p~ica/ionsrun: [f~heuserlmsbtS-DO$,Window~3.x, Vv’indowsHT3.1.or
Chicago applications d~.y n,m the same in Cab’o.
¯ Exisl~g applicadoes can take advantage of ~ .~rvice~ such as content indexing,
foide~, and n=pScal~m wid~om changes. Fn:~n the uses pe~’~T~tive, th~ san~ appScado~s
now appear m o~Te~ ~Id3do,~ be~.fiz.
ad~u’~tLurawrs a~l MIS: ~n Idd~tion Io the benefils described above,
~undJed wi~h Cabo wLII be ~u leas~ ~he foUowing sm~t-folde~ ~ designed m be used "~s
is’, I~t mot~ lily, to be ~mu~nized to fit orpnizatio~ need~
MS 004286
Product Definition, Structure and Features
MS 004287
Windows NT
As Um~ ~rati~ of Windows NT, Windows ~ builds upm th~ foum~ion provided i~ Widows
~r environment
MS 004288
System management
Caixo will p~ovide a sys~n .mnagmw.m infi-asm~u~ m ~ ~ectiv~ ~dminLm~on of aetworted appScadons
(ba:indinl operainl sya=~ UlXla==); easy co~’=ziee of Windo~= =Rdieadms for ~ use on a a~vork:
invemo~ =d ==et ~ ~m=e ~ aml eater, sit,St7 to Im~mi= ~elradoa of futu~ tools. As
it is mo~ =l~lk:able to the M~S =ysl~t admild.~al~, ~y~m ~ hlnclion~ly is Lq ~te CaJ/o Advanced
Object Composition. Comports-based =oftw~r~ dcvelol~ne~ allows us~$ I~ ~ and cmnlx~ "plugpble"
~on~truction Site. Th~ visu~y orie=’~l~l Conslr~tion Site forms editor e.nablcs d~velop~rs ~ combi.~ object
pn~mnu~in£ comlxmems aad ~ them as components ~ for ~=us= a~ b~kSng blocks.
MS 004289
MS 004290
MS 004291
II. Requirements: General
~k~soft’s previous W~ndows pmduc(s s~ d~ ~cpec~ions ~n how c~mpadbic ou" new ~ste.~ software ancl
¯ MAPI 1.0
Windows NT 1.1
The foUow~ feat~arecommittedm’tmde~’on.s~ fo~Windo~ HT 1.1. If theyare~ot camplezed f~
NT I.I, ~h~y w~l] be included
¯ Nenvar¢ client.
¯ Di~k ~ompre~ion. Full support
¯] 16/32-bi~i~e~)erabil~. laCairo, w~wiUuse~hedistributedbindex
infnsm~.m~ to suppan OLE 2 apps.
¯ Japan~e Product (-,’mall), NT 3.1J) - DOS V, Japanese ~ combined fcm~ for use~ del’med characten.
DBCS a~d Unicode enabling.
¯ Pagin# 0~ kernel and l~rnd mode dri~er~. Make k~y ddve~ paleable.
¯ At~rib~t~lkeraelprofil~..
MS 004293
¯ MPL Se~o fox MS-DOS w~rks~ons.
¯ Unicodt CMD.EXE.
¯ 3D Graplacs. Inl~ ~L into win32.
¯ More robust ~tm~wn. Rush the mgis~ bvXfen duri~g ~utdown.
¯ M~hiple tp.onilor ~toporl. ~ e.p~bl~s ~n 1~pli{~o~ d~ot;~ to rt~ o~I a ~ mol~to~.
¯ Mou.r¢ Tratls.
¯ Hi~h-~ ~iattr ~opon. T~oi~,s. fo~
¯ GDI Back.lag stor¢. Allow an app to draw
¯ Shared Tape Devices. ~y. only Ides and ~ de’cg~ can be shaged. Supporting ~ ~e drives
wa~ld dramatic.~y inc~ase the capacity of a backup srr~.
¯ X~opor~for remote con.role application~. (~tmently,, it is eXtRalg~ dilTg~t to write air efficient application
which suppcn-ts remo~ sc~en and keyboa~ c~ttroi of W’m~tows NT w~gkstatiam. Although we don’t plan to
ship such an applicanan with Cairo. we wiiJ enable 3re pames to ~ these apps.
¯ Imegrale RA$ and Ma~ supporl into the Cairo product, gAS and MAC are planned for shipment i~ the
~xpo:z in an op~a~8 sysz~m which wex~ no~ complcz~l in ~h~ Windows NT 3.] w.Jeas~ Provk~n~ supporz for
these missing features is a~ impotaam custom~ r~nt.
Non Goals
¯ Remot~ IPL ofUabro work~tatton~
¯ Generic haraw~e s~rtfor DOS/WOW.
¯ Multiple ~inudtaneou~ imeracti~e u~ers
¯ Support/or Pen
Under Consider~ion
MS 004294
Ca~u will allow usexs to n~ the ~ majority of their exiuxnS applica~ion~. In most cases, the applicmions
~ a,~lOSt ~ wall ~ C~iro = [hey did in theig n~ive ~ vis~t~nenL In sore© ca.~.s, Cah’o will p~v~de the user
The benchma.,t for apphcation COml~ubility is ~way~ the ~adve =vironmeaL Thu~ the be~chm~’k for 16-bit
Windows applic~ions is Windows 3.I, Win32 ~ops is Windows NT 3.1.16-bit OSf2 ~ is 0S/2 1.3.
16-bit Windows ai~lica~m will perform no woeJe rhea 10% dower under Cain. 16-bit OS/2 applicanons will
pe~orm no w~rse that 20~1~ slower trader Cail~. Wilt32 tl~licafimts will see a peffonnarv~ inc~ when
compam~ to Windows NT 3.! due to improvements made i~ the underlying OS. Chicaeo applications will
perform as we~l on Cairn as t~ey do on Chicago.
Compatibility features
¯ lO-bi~W~ndowsapplicat#on~. 16-bit Windows applical3on.s will run on Ca~o withont any specia.I user
configucation. They will on/y be able Io dr~g-znd-dr,~p o~to th~ Cah~ deskwp if they ~re OLE 2 enabled.
¯ t4/in32 appl~ca:wn~ All Win32 oppllca~ons which am on Wiadows NT 3.1 will run on Cairo. They wdl only
be able m dr~g-and-da~ omo the ~ deskmp if they ~ OL~ 2 enabled.
¯ Chtcogo apphcu~wn~. A C~icago application is a Win32 application with OL~ 2 xuppon. Additionally, the
apphcanon may rake advance of MAPI 1.0, ODBC, RITZ, or Chicago like de~dce independent color.
Chicago apphca~ions will run on C.a~o with drag-s/td.cirop s~l~ ~o the ~ de.sknop.
¯ MAPI. ODeC. ApphcatiOnS with u~fize MAPI or ODBC ar~ ~ppor~d on Cain.
¯ OLE 2. Both 16-bit and 32-bit OLE 2 appfic.~i~ts ~r~ s~ppcmed on ~. In ~ddition, full interoper-~bility
between 16 and 32-bit OLE 2 applications is sup~.
¯ MS-DOS opphcanon~ Both character ~nd graphical MS.DOS applications will run on Cairo. This includes
~pport for VGA grapfucs, both full-screen ~nd in a Wi~tdow.
¯ lb-ba 0S12 character apphcauon~. 16-bit OS/2 VlO Rppfic~io~ ~ sllpponed on Cairo.
¯ ] d-ha Prexenwt~on Manager appl~cat~a$. Aldtough ~ i~cl~ded wilh [he base pr~ducL Cah-o will suppo~
16-b~! OS[2 Presemafion Manager ~vplicalions wi[h the ~ddi[ion of the PM subsys~e.m. Prc,.,e.~u~ion Maaager
appbca~o~ mn ta a ~e.p~ra~e deskwp providing only ckpboard inmroperabitity with Windows applicanons.
¯ POSIX applicanona Cairo will ~Jpport ~e same POSIX appficatio~ thsl Windows NT 3.1 supports.
Although POSIX apptlcafions can nm on ~ny fde sysmcn sup~ by Cairo, the only t’fie sys~¢n wkich
Co~pa~lbifit’y ~h Wi,’ulows and Wia32 applk’~io~s en.~m: tha~ the large= baxe of GU] applicauons run on
Cam~ =u= ~ tl= u=r to early mow to Ca~o. MS-DOS appficad(m ~ m~ ~ ~ ~’t ~ve to
Non go~
MS 004295
National Language Support - Giovanni Mezgec
The term Na~ta~ Language Suplxrt O,’LS) rd’m I~ h~dw~ and mftwam IXtWiskm O~ make personaJ
comlmtert aece~e to ustrt m diffettm languages and ountrie,. The Imsic objective o~ Nationa~ language
5uppo~ m Cairo is to lev=’age ~he exist~g loc~iz~ion work’done in Windows NT and improve it a~ ap~,
Wmdow~ Ca=’o s~nuJl~neously.
¯ L,~rmse pet~u~on m imern~onaJ marke~s ~ name rccognifim and a mputat~ f= kigh
¯ Provide ]$Vs w~dt = we~ de.~l~ me~Kxtoiogy a~d tools to Ioc=fize their ~
Advanced N~S suppor~ Novel] - Ease of ~ntezna~cmaliza~o~: NeXTSIep - ~=, ~ ~ ~d ~ly
m~ of ~l~ v~: A~ie
R~ ~ To ~u~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 m 3 ~ ~ U~ ~
MS 004296
Cairo National Language Support by Compor~ent
NatIoRa] Language Support ,ssues am spread m all Cabo c=~mponcnts. This section de~;ribes the main NI~ issu~
reh’~ed to some of Lhe major Cairo components. It oud~tes major NLS 8uideSnes, but it ~s not e.xJ~us~ive in
~dentffymg aJJ ~ specific concerns, since mol~ issues a~e ~zpecled ~ arise as ~gn~ is made in the IxOdUCt
* User Imerfoce: TI~ C..ah’o shell will co~ltain a nmrl~:r of user-inLerface objects eligible for Ioc~liz,-d.ion.
Specil’ Lhe user interface ~tems th~ have u3 be I~ a.~: property n.lrncs, context menus.
convenuor~d menus, su’mg tables, acceJe~or table:;, fialog box templales, icons, cursors, and b~trr~ps. All
C.a~ro shell components will displa)/~ text slr~gs via Unicode character~. AJI Cairo obJeCts will be e~ffJy
Iocafized and deigned to rnee~ usability needs of mt~rr~ationa] users. The user mtedace will help users swttch
and s~lect locale information quickly and efficiendy, al least wilJ~n the botmdaries of I.~- 1 based ~guage.s.
¯ Cairo Design Environmem: The ~ Design Envy, cement will permit authoring of collections in the IocaJ
tanguage, including scripl~n$ of behavior. C.olJections autho~d in (me language will be usable born any
langx~ge client. Vie~s w~l display appropriate date/lime, cm~cy and numm’ic formatt~g for Lhe locaJe ~
the client. Prov~siot~ for ks:ale-specific forms, p~’operty names, and views ~ be also made. Da~a stored by
CDE genes, areal form fieJds (cusu~n comu~ts excel) wLU all be su:~ed in Unicode, or in appmprm~ Iocauon-
Object File Sys~on The OFS Ke~el exposes d~e obje[! store through the OFS API. Some of the ftu3cfions in
o Co~ue~u bud.x: This component has many NI~ implications since the~e will be a method for indexing and
t~t%-v~| ~cummm in any tanguage and muJdlingxml decumems. Besides the awe, chess ot tocaJe and
~ sxemma, and wot~l normafiz~. ~ ~ mpply Word Breaks, Woed Nommlizer and Word Stemmer
fi~:tionalide= for major imgtage~ dependi~ m lamne= ~ or encourage independent vt=~v~ to =upply
addiLio~ modu~ f~r tmguage~ neg mveg~d in the i~itial ~ Wot’d Bmai~, W~:l Notmatizer tnd Word
S~,mrner CairOie is~sfaces will be ma~e publldy ;tvai~ so ~ applk:alkms can be wril~m to take
advantage of their services.
MS 004297
Non go~l$
MS 004298
i~f~ l~lag ~ pa¢.~g~
Docu~m~a~n Plan. product doctll~ntaao~ objecliv~, $1za~i~, ~d COlltpOt~.lll~, $~ the Catro
discussion or ~t multiple procedures (for ex~nple, formulating a query) and concelxa~ i~onnation for users
who ~ to I~ fully l~Klu~aiv~ i.’a tl~ Cairo e~viro~l. It ~ill includ~ ~ compon~ ~
¯ Qui~t $~’t Pocket Reference. For all uses who, regardless of level of experience with computers iJa genera] or
WLndow~ in pa~iculat, want to get up and rua~ng quicldy. This re~erenc~ will t~ture concis~ procedur~
without conceptual iaforma~ion. Estimated I¢n~th: 6-8 panels.
¯ Ut¢r’s G~dt. Steps uscr~ through essential Caizo procedur¢~ This book is a st~pby.~zp tutorial aimed at
tts~s who, wka~evea" their expexience, want to take a more leismely approach to learning Cairo or who require
us¢~ through the vario~ procedure~. Eaimat¢d l~n~th: less than 100 pa~s.
¯ User’s Reference. Doonne~s all C~o IXocedux~ and Ftrvidns oneetx~! inform~oe - ba other words, a
Caixo "User’s Bible." Topi¢l ~ be orpniz~ acc0t, d~ Io m,ljor ta~ ~zoupl and within each ta~ ~’oup by
module; hx example, Co~i~,ing Yo~" $ ~em, Customizing the De~~, Sending Mes~es, and so on.
Esnmated length: 280-300 ~
The docum~md~xt’s cm~e ompo~mt ~dl lxo~d¢ ~ ~iOa on.demand dett~led ~ i~ carrying ~ut
MS 004299
¯ Tonr~. Two modules wflJ inm:xkc.e Cab’o ~ provide r~o~se main~g to both novice u.te~ and experienced
u=ecs who ~’e moving to Wbidows. The mouse ram" ~h um’oduce the basic mous~ sldJls needed to ope~"a~e the
Cab~ iaterfar.e. This tottr will lead imo a second unit th~ w’Lil o~ent users on how to get work do~e m Ca,b~.
cove~tg concepts and feap.~r= esseati,d to g~iag up =,xt r~ (e.f., the Desktop, the F.,xpkx~r, Cabo Help,
and d~e u’ansfcr mechamsm), k separam mu~ aimed a~ Window~ up~ users wilJ heJp mmsfer their I~ViOUS
Windows expedem’e so th~ ~ c~a b~ up and woddng with rninim~ disruption. It will also ~lzoduce new
C:am fe.a~a’es.
¯ 7askWizacffs.:z A Cairo TaskWiz=~ st~’uctu=~ a ~ a ~ wants Io ~¢.ompLLsh and aummme~ the Lask tn a
way 0tat removes the btuden of needles to kz~ow the process. For the use¢, a task etu~B more
Advanced Sy~rns User F.,duc~Jon Ix’opoeie~ the follo,wL, tg ~ TaskW-tz,lcds for Cairo fn’sl release: (l) a
custom Des~op wizacd Io guide users Itm:~ugh the optJocu av’aflable to cu=om~z~ t.~b de~kmp=, including
fores, wallpep~, color sct~emes, sounds, the ~ m be. saved as spe¢~c se~s ot’desk’top properties: ~2) a
printiag wiz.tjxi to d~splay a lJs~ of l:n~Jtting taslr.s, iatcludatg ..o~’=t3oet a~i option r, elx~g based on the
speci~ I~S) av-~leble to a ~s~. Users can that deaJ with more cleacly-delJ,.mated rusks one-by-<me: and
(3) a sean:h wiza~ to structm’e the seazchtng task as a s,:t of se.quendaJ choices and to provide eaough
mformaxion foe d=:iskm guidance.
e~e~da] for sy=etn managemenL thereby spar~g adm,iaist="alo~ fz~n )tavin$ to rely e.xclusJvely on either for
cnrlcal b’fform~tion. Fo~ optional or ~lv~nced ta.d~ admimst~om will consul! paper doc~mte~mtion for
conceptual and lugh-level proceduraJ information, and onlin~ documentation foe detailed instrucaons on
comple~’tg di~dog boxes.
1~ documen=aLion for network admmistram~ includes ~e following components:
¯ ,4dmmi.Tteo~or’S Roo, dmap. Shows admb’~-tr~or~ how and whm’e to get dh’Terent types of Ln.formauon from the
ad, mm~u-ator documentauon set.
SLmpte.Ne~wor~ Syslem Admi~bteazar’s Gu~e. A sho~;, easy-to-u.~ malt~ geax’ex:[ tow-afds hOraCe
admimstcamrs who aze responsible for d.mpl¢ clieat-s~’ver networks. TI~ manuaJ will en,~ble adminLm-am~ to
quickly get the.Lr networks and their users set up a~l nmning.
S.eftem Ad.,ni~i.m’~or’s Re[eeen~e. ExpLl~ns how to I~Zform the admJn,ist~a~ve ~sks ot’configuriag and
mar, aging a Cab’o system. The manual wLil c~r~tain only the conc~ and prcx:ed’m"al information ne~e~a,"y
to comple= the task.~.
¯ Mi~,, Guid~_ As.ds= adminisa-,uors ~gra.ting to "Ca~o f~0m othm nenvork o~g sy=ems. It wilJ also
¯ t/~ ~ued l~==~/~on Gu~d,e. Help= adm,’a=:~ plan and b’tsta~ ~ i~ he, york ea~ea[s. The
¯ Compre~ G/as.tin7 ~ Index. Provides an aJpe, ai~cal List~g and defi~dtio~ of ~ terms, as ~ as a
comprehensive index to the re~ of the admini.,ux’ator domanemmio=t. An ~ will be able to look up
MS 004300
III. Requirements: User Interface
MS 00430’1
~ of USe for ct:mun~ de~ appli~;~t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ m~ ~ ~t~ ~m
7. S~ ~ ~ ~ m~ ~ g~ ~ m~ ~ W~ 3.1 ~ ~ ~ ~).
¯ Anuna~on. The sheiJ mak~ use of va~ous animago~ as f~ ~y f~ ~ ~ (e.g.
~ ~ ~y).
¯ Appleue$. ~ W~ 3.1 ~1~ ~ ~ wit~ ~ ~~ m fit ~ ~ ~ ~ m~l.
New ~Im ~D) ~ ~ ~I~
F’~e.O~ (~ ~ ~)
W~3.1 ~ ~ ~.
MS 004302
MS 004303
VIS 004304
¯ b~egraled "som’c~-list" navigauon support, providing ac~:~ss to the list from which an object was opened o~’f
if$ window menu (e.g. the way nex~/p~vious work: m m,~. available generally)
¯ "l~’o.~cts’, which provide group window operazions o~ ¯ se.~ of objects thaz th~ u~ ~ on ~ a ~p
The goal for CaLro Us~ ,~ssiszance ~s to prowde users with easy, tmzely, and reliant in,"onn.~on about the z.zsk ~n
which d~ey are engaged. To faciLitate this god. th~’e a~ dLl’fe~,eat types of help information avaLlabl~ to me user:
ve~ quick and sp~:ific L,~ormazion (Quick Lnlro), more dem~ed information (CaJxo Help), sir~l and orientation
iz~form~on (Tomz), and imer’~tiv~ ~ assistance (Wizants). Usen ~re able to access all of mis udorma,on
born the Help menu on ~ Tray, which L; ZI~ place users can aJw~ys go to get Help. ~ will be other ways to
rno~ qm¢idy acc~.~ these forms of Help. i~ addition to the Hdp menu on the Tray.
Compe~n$ o~:~,’.atmt systems provide qmck help (BaLloon l-i~.lp on Ihe l~tc) and applJc.=~ons themselves a~e
he~mnm~ m braid in qmck help lrunctiona/it), (e.$. Quicken ~" Mac/nTax). These provide the hencl~m~k in ~erms
o1" f~mction~ily for Quick L’tt’o. The benchmark for Cah’o Help ~tmcdon,~ty is based on today’s WinH=lp.
¯¢~/~[o. Quic~ Lnfo provide~ contezt-sensidve help f~- any object. This includes obje~.s on the d~ktop.
dements ~thm a diaJo~ box, menu contmands, molbar buuons, e.~. When = user accesses Quick Lnt’o.
window po~ up near ~e object and an arrow points fzo~n the Quick [nfo window =o the objecL The Qu~ck
L’~o ~L’tdow cont,lms information thai ~ve~ "W~l is it?" ~ does it do?" =rod provides -~ tip on how
use the objeCL For e.xample, when ¯ user ~s Qu~ck Info on the Prin! button in the Tooibat, the Quick Into
s~ams that the obje= is ~, Print button, explains v,,h,~ the Print botmn d~_s, and ~ive~ the user ..t hint on using
d,~ Print bumm.
Two methods of using Quick Lifo ar~ suppor~L Point-~md-Click (l~lp on whatever you point at) and R~f/-mg
(uses enu= a mode where wha=v~r they move Ut=b" c=r~or over IX~ up help: this mode is useftd/’or cautious
and net, u=r~). Each Quick l~lro window has a Mo~ Ix~tmn which Links the us~ bx~n Quick [nfo to more
~ m 01liCk L’~O wi,’ldOW wilJIOg¢ a=ty I£XL T}t~ alJl~lor ~ ~ ~t the ~e~Ls in the Quick IN’o window
Prom C=im Help. mm can tm=~ne thrush I~Jp £de~. s==~h for specit’=c help micle=, and view Lndividu.~
help a~ticle=. Caieo He/p e=um4s me tunctk~ty ixe=em = Winl~p uxlay. L/k= WinHelp. it d~plays
articles and suppom navig=io~ links, bt additior[. Cam) He.Jp provides acc~ Io o/! the ase~s help
from one loca~e. This me=..s a t=¢r can r~ a IL~ of ~i help I’~k= avtilabl~ m her (C.~n) =rid downJevet) and
choose wkich ~le is of intereSL No~ d~ some of the u~’= help ~le= ma). exis= o,t a netwod= =rvJ some may
exm on her disk. Calm Help also ex=ends the meat’s ability to se=atch for h~lp infom~io~ and m see the
organJ,~mo~al re.L~ionship between articles (as in a Tabte of Con,’nts). The ~ feanm~ of C,~ro Help f=dl
into two calegories: SUplXm fo~ mLiging WJnHelp flies md Feamn~ wi’dch addz’~z user feedback.
MS 004305
MS 004306
¯ Use.~ can easily 8e~ help from whereve~ they arc or w[~ve~ they are doing. With the combmauon of qmck
come~-sen~tJve help and more compt’cbc~ve on-Kn~ help (a.q.icles, wizards, Tom’s), uses have a rich
I~ ~1 suppo~ e~vu’onme.n~ th~ ~s I,~ored to d~ use~ learning slyle.
¯ Us~ will he moR likely Io f’md the informal~ II~ they need. A common complaim of" users tod~y is
they don’t know what ~3mething is called and therefore have a hard time finding it with on-li~e help. 1~ fact.
m.a~y users ~son m the Index jus~ so they can learn the ap~ keywoN,~ With ttte combination of
displaying the ~ of a help file for browsing purpo~s md content-based sea~hi~g, u,se~ should be able
to moR easily f’md i.~forma~on that they de~i~. Eve~ if the keywoN is utdmow’a to the u.~r. their sea~,.h will
be ove~ ~ the help co, tea= a:ul they can use the lue~’chy as ~ey would an index to find related micles.
¯ U.~e~ can find all help informatim provided for ar~ are~. regard]e~ of which appficatim ~jpplle~ it, since they
can teafc, h ocro~ a~ help t’tle~. ~ additiol~ ~ ~ can ~ee a ~ of all d~e help f’des they ha~.e
¯ MI$ can cus~0miz¢ help contem as well. Armotalions ~diow MI$ to provide their users with customized
ve~sior~ of Help l’fie~, w,thou! all~ring or R~oving tn) of the conte~t authon~d by ISV~. Fo~ example, M]$
can casto~iz¢ the applicatioWs help t’de Io include nott~ o~ company policy and ~,ottrce~ (e.g. printers).
¯ The incoq~oBtion and imegrat~on of diffexcnt rylx~ of Aelp allows users to t-u~l and use the method tha~ is
most suitable for their lem~ng needs. For example, a ~tser can find all Tours or wizards o~ formatting f~om
Cairo Help.
¯ Cam3 He_lp uses ,’rod showcases Ore C, aiK~ Design Envi~ ontnenL This We~,nnts a con~iste:~t model to the user
for information browsing.
Downlevel help t-de~ contain the same f’uncm3nafity as whe:~ autho~d. This means that if a user prints a help
~ruc~e m a dowr~eveJ rde, the arucle prints ~¢on:l~g to the Win,Help 3.x conventions (which may be: dfff~cnt
than the Cairo conventions). The only additional f~uncdonality available for downlevel files is the conte~t indexing
(which permits con~,nts se:m:h~g) and the Li,s~x~g of and acce,~ to help Fde,s as pro1 of the larser list of all help
files. The ~rm "dowrdevel" refe~ to anything that ships hefo~ Cairo: Windows NT. Chicago, and Wi~ 3.x.
Non goal
¯ No{ ,~ goa~ ~ provide more funcfiot~fity in old help ~les (just exLs~ng funcdon,~li~y)
¯ It zs ~ot a gocd to have tl~s tool he the cross-platform hc.lp engine (e.g. on the Mac).
MS 004307
MS 004308
Component Forms -- .l’an Miksovsky
Component Forms provides Cairo appticadons wi~h a bosun s=~ of tc~s for designing and r~-ring custom
forms. The found,~ion of th~ I~hnolo~y is a gett~-pu~po~, fo~n and Control architecture based ~
of ~ ~ ~ m~ ~ ~ of ~ £~g ~ ~~ ~ ~o~ F~ ~,
S~ ~g~, ~ ~ ~dt~ ~ ~.
~i ~ a ~ ~t ~1.
MS 004309
1~ Sheet Designer) u~ build
vitae ~ B~ C~m
p~ ~ ~t con~,
~ ~i~ ~d e~ ~ f~
~t ~s ~ ~y ~
but it is ~t a g~ m ~lve ~o~
MS 004310
InfoDocs -- ~ Miksovsky
Ln~oD~.s ~ a 8ener’~-purpose document type with Ca~) usen c~n edJl ~-ucm.~d Lq~ormaHon ~u’ough a
visual form. E, xample~ of InfoDo~ =re mail m~es, help topics, and bul~t~ board articles. Although they can
exit anywhere, use~ most often store them m folders t~u can exploit m’ucmral imowledse of the lafoDocs they
contain to facilqa=e browsing, querying, and analysis. For example, if a folder contains mail messages, then.
someone can consmac= a view for tha~ folder tha~ d~ows pmpemes unique to marl messages, fl~=’el~y rrmkmg
e,’ts~er for other users Io t’md mail messages with ~e Explc~er.
Cairn cu=omen can ~ new/nfoDoc Fmms using the lnfoDoe Form Designer. This extends the Component
Forms des=Sn roots by providing: a model fro" how form definitions are ston~l, me ability to prt~"am form behav=or
using Visual Basic for ApO~ (the tedmology Imown intenmlly as Object Basic), and a system thaz
automatically loads and saves daa be:w~en con=gxmd~g comrol= on a form and pmpe~ies in an tnfoDoc. The
LrffoD, oc Form De=~ner will be able to b~ild the forn~ i.n the ~mple Ca~ appfications such as Mail and Help.
LrffoDoc Forms must b~ equivalent ~o. or more pown’fid th.~n. Lon,s No~es 3.0 forms in visual and be~vlor
eapress=vene.~. IafoDcc Forms must also be a: ~ as f’~om~ as the No=e form in Microsoft Mad 3.0.
s Cuswmform destgn. The LrffoDoc Form De~ig/ter is a host applicalion for the full-fealured Component Forms
de=gn toots, wki~ provide~, a standazd drawing model, a Cmttrols molbat, and editing of properties on forms
and conu’ols (including QuickLnfo help mat). Designezs can cre== ~imple fom~ without having to wn= co~e.
¯ A utoma,c control-to-property binding. When a user opes~ a document, the form controls ase au[omattcally
fdled with the v~lues of u~ cor~spon~ing document pnsm’fi~. Lil~wis~ con~u! con~en~s are sav~l m
document pmlm’ues when saving. These document Im~ies ~e ~dsible m places such as folder views.
¯ Me ~u bar aria molbar designer. The form de.grief c.~ ~e a customL~’.a:l menu ~ and toolbar,
¯ Buatc programauabthty. The form designer ~an u.~ Vi.s~ Ba.~c for Appl~.ations to del-me the b~h~or of"
/onn~. conu’ols, menu~, and molbar bum~n.s. Dc~gners c~n wri~ ~ for ~ such as crdculalm$ field
values, enabling/disabling conm~Is when app~ and ~e~yin$ ~ the use~ has ente~d valid field values.
Though Basic. the fo~m desig~e~ can mhe adw~aSe of ~ Aummmion to p~gmmm~ic,~y access
manipul=e obje~s from other pmduc~s (e,g., F.xcel
¯ Staadnrd ediungfeatures. Including Find ~ld Replace and
¯ R~c!~ text. "The rich text consul (f~:~m the standanl C,~ponem Forms cont~l set) supplies: ty~efac~ support,
paragraph formanmg, bullets, tables, ~ 2.0 embeddbtg, ~d hYl~’links (~ la Windows Help). Us~’s can
~mp~rt rich test ~ ~. Mic~,~,ofi Write (.w~). a~d lv~:~’~oft Word (T3) flies.
Tl~ ~ ofa complet~ form dasign eavi~onmeat encota-~,es ~ designers (l~’s, eon.sultants, and
d~t I~ams) to ptxxtuce form~ for ~&i~ ap~ B y vi.~aBy or~g dgg~me~t ¢~t~a~LS ~1 a form.
can asxtst ~ by calctdating and ~rifying f-leAd yahoo. By ~’tlC~tlt’~$ rig doganrglK ~e~tt~ as fil~ pt~
the form d~igner facilital~ the lx~wsing, qu~ and ~-~lyzing of enti~ s~ts of &x:~nents in folde~.
The I~oDoc Fown Designe~ ~;ificagy creales documt=! editing applk.ations; it is not ¯ goal for it to build ~h¢ ,
ransc of applk:mim~ portable with d~e Visua~ Basic develosm~ent envimnmenl (game=, database f~ont-cnck, e~c.).
¯ Ba~=c r~-~tmt. The Cairo desktop a~d ~ ~m ilt:lude the ~= ~ ~ B~c ~ ~li~io~.
¯ B~c ~n apphcat~. ~ ~o~ F~ ~ ~ ~ T~ ~ ~ ~ip ~ ~ ~ ~
~le ~ V~ B~c f~ A~li~
Progr~le ~tem ob]ec:s. ~ ~ ~ ex~ ~y of i~ o~ ~= ~ B~c ~ ~b~ or
~ Au~ B=ic ~~ ~1 ~ ~le m ~;~ ~fl~ fol~ ~ ~, ~e ~y, etc.
Supporting Visual Basic for Applications m Cairo promo~ i~ as a language slandazd. The v~ language ts
extremely po~eff’td, and enables the com’tructJo~ of cmnplex applicazio~ thai solve n~tJ ¢ustcmlcr need~
lev~-aSe that knowledge when u~ng od~ ho= =pplicatib~ =u~ as the InfoDoc Fo~m Desi~=,. l.~dy, dvough
Bad~ type b’brade= and ~ Automation. de=ig~e~ wilJ have easy acce~ to ¯ full m:tge of Cako sy,J~m objects.
Under consideration
We are cmadmal tmiklin8 ¯ 8ener~purpo~ host applicmio~ wi~ which u~en c.o~d write cro~-al~pLica~ion
macro= in ~ ~ would be =imilar to the VBa.dc applk’atm~ planned for O~:a~o.)
~IS 004313
MS-DOS ~ Cau’o m e~sfly remove MS-DOS fi’orn u~eir system once they ~ comfortable ~ they no longer
ne~ IJ~ e.nvu’oru~cnL
This f~armt provides Iow-kv~l ISVs wi~ ~de~es of ho~ m ~ ~li~ ~0 ~ ~ ~ ~
Component Object Runtime (COR) - David Stutz
MS 004318
¯ Ease of use - Pto~’nm and end-use, rs who do no~ s~ ish to undersh~nd sysacm-level Cairo prog~amaning can
a¢:~, nla/upuLa~, and stor~ componenLs
mect~a;c~ or" us~g m~rfac~s or ~he sys~n binde~ ne~ be r~quired.
¯ Enhanced prodactiviry - (--"OR can be ~ m pac~g¢ code for i~.use, This ~ of pacLaging enables
pn:>g~m~’~ m co~,tn’a~ their efforts on l~4uci~g code that solves new ixoblems, ra~her U’,an on
r~invendag the wheed
¯ Memp~rf~rex~en~ibi~i~y.Cmnp~nemsa~asi~yund~s1zx~da-s-pa~ts"~fth~sys~mt~atcanber~p~ac~d~r
addS. This meJaphor ievcr~ th~ capacity for pol~noq)hLsm aJ,"eady pre~e~t in the object modeL
¯ Coaform~ - P~-f~xicamd co~ n~i~o~:~ "’correct" MJcxosoft usage, They an&meat sys~m
~ u i~er~tive ~1 acce~. :He examples.
¯ ~ afca.~onti~ioa - Scn~ provides~ can use coonec~x~ Io provide "hard~" component inmn’aces for
~ lag~ram elements. Application ~ can Wovide custocaized look.and-fe~l fo~ t/rose se~vic~ without
dislufai~ ~ tech~ogies, by se.loctivcly r~placing program ,~lements.
¯ Laag~le neatrality - C,~t~ts do not a.s.sun~ ¯, uag¢ en’cin~nmenL Tbey can be used f~m and by any
¯ Enabling techaolagy - Toots vmdo~ ¢m ¢a the ~ea-dces of COR to ~ the information needed to
¯ /nteroperabilily - Cmmocto~ a~ ¯ natural way Io bo~ define ~ ¢nfm’~ Ihe corot usa~ of inu=operability
~ such a.s ODBC or MAPI,
MS 004319
File Systems - Nikhil Joshi
Th~ Object F~I¢ Syste~n (OF’S) for Catm provides advanced ~t ~ge f~ ob~. II ~ a mbusL ~1
fi~ ~ ~t ~ d~t ~ f~ ~ ~, ~ ~ m cont~t mdcx~g, com~nt ~d ~ny
~ q~, ~ ~g, ~d ~ b~ f~ mpfi~ ~d ~ ~bu~ file ~ (D~).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~h ~ FAT, ~ ~ ~. H~. ~ ~ ~ ~s~ s~uid
~ ~t ~ ~ file ~ ~ not o~d f~ ~g ~o ob~u. ~d m~h ~
O~ ~m ~ ~o~ ~[ stooge of obj.= ~d ~v¢ file sy~ ~p~n for ~ OL~
m~ o~ b ~ f~ ~v, of c~ f~ ~.
~S 6.0.
MS 004321
Open Issues
To create the underpisu~ngs to atlow document queries. The sys~nt will quickly’and unolxrusivedy index
documenm, and qu~ldy kx:~tc docum~nLs,
MS 004322
Various conunen:L~l products provide simile" fe;mu~ on !~.~,. Th¢~ include Folio’s Views, L.arson-Dav,~
Infonna6~ Sys~ns’ lnJ’oQue. Odyssey Developmmt’s lsys, VLriinia Systems’ Sonm’. and Zylab’s Zyindex. Sa~s
Mcu~anin~ ~ Lolus Dcvelopmem’s ~gellan. On lar~" sy~ms, we have Ve~ty’s Topic. Fulcrum.
B~..S/Search, CCA T~Wiew, CPI Sm~s, and E.~calib~s PixTeaJE~. F~v comm~ciaJ P~ bas~ sys~rns have
sys~m level (not us~ applir.aion) support for this type of [’caius_ The indus~ obse~s c~Jl d~s ~ by rr~ny
n.~nes, includ~g Elecm:)r~c Document Mana~eanem S~ms (EDMS), Fu~-Text Remev-aJ or F’~ (IDC
!I~ publishes n report on ~s.
¯ Fad queries T~e system wig inde~ document con~nts and l:~openies. ~the.t than s~n:h U~ough them on
demand. The quer.s’ rims m t~e ke.n~l ~hus minimizing data u"ansfe~ and improv~nE ix~forma~c¢.
¯ Conlenl & Property queries. The sy~m ind~es Ih~ contont of the doctun~m3 as w~ll as properties of objects,
¯ Proxomty;earch~ng User’s may search for docun~n~s that contain different words that a~ no~ located nex~ m
each o~hex. This allows users to search
¢onm.u~s the pkr-ase "little red book." There is no thresho;d for ~he proximity so all instances of wonts near
each o~er will be rem~ned and ranked by "closeness’.
¯ "Fu~’rnatching "Fhe sys~m will allow the us~- to spe¢ify how ca~.ful~y it should if7 m ma/ch words
specified in the quesy. The usez could requ~ o~ly e.xa~ matches shoukl
DG~ to find a ~ang¢ of won~ The sys~m cur~ntly s~ppom ~ regular exixe~sion parsing. We will also
include Lingu~slic engm~ ~o th~ sys~m can find diffe~t fonas of words usin[ inflecfioe,, so when Ih¢ use~
asks for th~ word "fred’. we caa aLso ~ documea~ O~d comain th~ word "fc~-~d°. In addfio~, d~ system
w~l I~ able ~ look for any synonyms fe~ ~he words sp~cd’~d in O~ que~. W~ will us~ th~ same I£nguistic
TI~ e~l usexs n~d no~ rely on a ftle name to ioca~ docum~.s. End user~ do n~ need m le~n a ~r~e
decumem mmev~ pro~amsince ~Js
MS 004323
~e ~n~t ~x ~ ~ u~ filt~ to ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ f~
Non goal
We ~ ~ ~ d~ by ~mg ~e ~s ~, ~ ~g ~ ~ ~~ m ~ ~¢x.
Uncle r consideration
¯ Malta ~g a network of h~emgeneo~ storage a~ easy as accessing a single locaJ disk drive. Impose a
meaningftd organizad(m ove~ a possibly complex
re.xwock drive, including dm ~.,tsp~mm~ use of multiple
¯ ALlow athnJni.~a=~ to ¢onfigu~ and mconfigure distributed netwot4: sgclage, transpar~t to ~ ~ of that
¯ T~y =eject. ¢t~nect ;o. argl use mplicagd O1~ volumes without rtqui~g e~d uze~ to be a~ of
Microsoft LAN Manager. WfW. and Wbtdow= NT 3J aL! im;~vide accea= to a big set o~ ~ ~ ~ ~C
names (e,g., "~rv~sham’). However. UNC naming has never been integragd into the U[ not" API of W’mdows
MS 004324
enough to appear ~ a DF3, ~ i! is not as flexible a~ a DFS is normally expected to be (e.g. UNC name of a t’de
must i~clude NetBlO$ name of the server tha~ holds it).
¯ $~ngle name~pace. The DFS inc~3rporal~ any number of t’de volumes from any number of sc-rve~ mlo a
stogie, tre~-sn’ucmred namespace.
¯ la~tall~blefdesTslent Part of the DFS is imple~enled ~ an i~stallable fdesy=em dr~ vet. so t! is acce.~lblc
from any level of the systum: NT API, Win32 API, Cair~ intmlaces, DOS API. or other N’l" subsystcms~
¯ Heterogeneous voltages support. Although the DFS r~tay rely o~t feattl~ provided by OFS to mintage the
upper pomons of t.he munespace, no~-Ob-’S volume~ can be included in ~ DFS namespace as’well. Any
of $1orage which is accessible a~ an ia,~a~tble filexy~l=~ can be included. At a mia~num we will support all
~’de volumes acce~ble from an SMB redi~cmr and a Novell redirect.
¯ Sa/~portfor repl,ca~t=t volumes. Any voh~me in the DFS may be a ~l~ficat~d OFS volume. The DFS
automaucally selects and co~nec4s to to an appropria~ r,~plica of any replicated volume.
¯ Pathcachetng. Wbe~ resolving pathnames, the DFS ~ a Ioc~. ¢ac,.he of paths and network add~ss~ to
reduce network waffi’c.
¯ Bacicupsuppor:. The DFS can be backed up (e.g. to tap’,) and resu3r~d, comple~=ly or partially, with fil¢~
autorrtatically being restored to th~ volume from which they came.
¯ Storage recon]~gurabdiry. With some effort by the admmiswator, the DFS aliow~ spllumg a set of files from
one Lpmsumably o~wded) vohxme onto two volume:s, or the joi~.in8 of a panmt and c~lc[ volume into a
single volume, or the moving of a volume from one mac h~e to aaother, all Iralt.~;mrent Io the end user~ of
~ese files.
¯ Dt~tr~bu~ea queries. Given permission, a user can make a que~ whidt span~ multiple volume~ of the DFS;
the fact thai multq31e volumes were revolved m answe~tg the query is mansparent to the user.
¯ Catalog support. C.atro cr~te~ and rn~mtaJ~ confi~le catalogs: ¢enlralized lisl$ of files, automal~cally
updated in the background. The~ cart be ~ ~ answ~ q~tenes q,,~zldy, without visiting all the differn!
machines that hold the
Security Volumes wtuch prowde for securit3, (e.g. OFS volumes and N’FFS volume~) still provide the same
leveL~ of s~cunty whc~ m the DF$. ~[ore the Dl~ suPiXn~ NT ACLs and priv~Jeges such a~ Back’up
Olx-rmc~. The DFS supports Ke~oems au~henticanon (st= "Security" section of this documem for de~ls on
Kcrt~ros tn
Use~ can access t’des without c~n8 about serve" name=, xhare name~, or various ne.~work o~g sysle~s. All
seas|hie, ~ names indepead~= of server name, sit=re name, or netw=t sys~n. Catalogs tet
drives =re acce~ible in Ihe DFS name~ace under a sinsle drive left=r, w~ ao additional work by the user.
Browse| md query thu= beceme m=-.h simpler.
Admini=tr=mrs can ioca= fde= on wtu==ver =erve~ have spac~ available, and if st0ra~e needs cltange,
P.ep~ica selection provides hi~e~ l~fermance by distilling m=l~ple diems =cm= multiple cepies of a volume.
and it provide= hi~er ml~bilJty by combing lle~ Io let available opy even if r~me of the odor copies are
MS 004325
Directory ServIce (DS) - Aaron Contomr
This is the ~buted database used by C,~ro to publish, eJscove=-. ,~lecL ~ locme networt resources.
The DS provides .-, me~n.s for ~s orbit types (e.g. u:~’rs, printers, disk volume& groups, dome) to be
created and publLd~d so ~ all mac.~iz~.,s m the Cairn di~u’ibuted ~==t,,m ¢a~ discover and us= them. it provide~
for mteropet--4bility with heterogeneous other directory ~ ~o that CaJm machJne~ cmt di,w, ovcr a~d ask to
arbiwa’y foreign ~,ourc~, as ~ily as Ca~o-provid~l
~ X.500 ~ Se~,ice~ $pec (1988 and 1992 editions) L~ the standard which most DS manufacturers wi~h
to appmxin=~ thou~ vmt=~ly nobody wan= m follow Z.500 e~cdy due =o vague de£mitio~, i~¢t’ficient
Novel lq~Wl=~ 4.0 I~ Setvi= is [ike|y =o be a de]=cw $1mtdard by the time Cairo ships, ~ ~ a large
ml~e=ef I~ feal~ thtt Cairo DS ~ It is likely to be the mtia ¢ompetitk=, It i~ =cheduled to Ship amtmd
Umx Whir= PaS~ md Yellmv Pt~= (tka Netwo~ Naming Se=,~:=) offer = ~ mt~m of what Cairn DS needs
offer, and ~e ~radu~y becoming
OSF D(~ Di~ctc~ Service L~ a two-level thing: the upper level is Z.500 (tee above); the lower ~ is the Ce~
Directory Se~ce (CD$), which is shipp~g today ~ rn~e~ a good ~ name ~ervice. (One v=~i~ of CD$ is
aL~o Imo~n as DEC DNS.)
MS 004326
MS 004327
MS 004328
Replication - Yuval Neeman, Aaron Contorer
~ feature pmvid= mptir.mion of OFS sung ¢a~logs (i.-.. ~ of file= on OP’~ dido) to incrmse ava~tabiliq,,
both for faull tolerance and for IXaljally ¢onn~led n~works (’WANs). It may al=o be used for load balancing. It is
used by Cairo [o mplica=e dommn conaoilers, Io ~ and rnainlain ~unma~ catalogs, and for di~onn=cted
Cairo mpticafion will be a supex .~ of tho replication f~ur=s in ~ No~= 2.0.
¯ Filereplicauoa TheCah’or~plicaloritus=ltomplic=uecollection~offile~ Thesemaybesin$1e-~amfilcs,
o~ comple~ rnulti-su~am OFS
¯ Security acco=mt replication. Th~ ~ mpiJc~or is u:~l to n~iic..~ usex a~unts, groups, profiles, etc.
which a~ in turn implemented as OFS file=.
¯ ACL replicatwn Access conlr~l lists ;l~ mplicaled along with th~ t’des ~y aff~. "Fhus, mplicafing a
do= no~ ;dtrect anyone’s s=curity pcnni.m(~s on ~e file.
¯ Efficiency. Wbencv=" practical, the mplicalor will c(~:~y only those t’des d~[ have changed, rather ~
copying the =tWo stooge ca~dog. O1~ ntec.ltan~ ~w.h ~ updat= $=lUeaWe numbers and del~ion Io~
us=d to ¢ffici=ntly dct=xmin¢ which t’des have chang~L
¯ Conflgurability. Th~ c~’tom¢r has ~ ~tl~Ol ova" lh¢ r~p[Jcati(~l of any $tora~¢ calaJo~: how nt,~ny
mpt]cas ~o have (z~o (x morn), how of~n to upda~. ~ ofday and/or day of wec.k for updal¢, single ~.
multiple masten, etc.
¯ Weakly cow.tern replication. "I’he Cain) mplicamr u.~= weak cor, sislm:y. This means d~ th~ is no
guarantee tha~ two instances of a storage c:ualog con~ai~ exactly o~e same iaform~on a~ any ~me. Weak
oonstslr.,~ Is more suitable for an ¢nvi~mmmt in which machines =re not aJway~ av~abl¢. It has a drawback
~n ~ a us= may access an object L~ ~ no( up to da~, but it allows files to be ac.cess~ even if some of the
mpbcas ar~ offline.
¯ 5~ngle and Muh~plt ma.fftr replication. P.J=plJca ~ may be configured to have a single copy and
multipte madabte copies (used for data dL~ibubon) ~" rnull~ple wrile=ble copies (u.~d for dom~
n~hc:u~m and for Noms-like
¯ Conflict rexolatwn. If them ~ multiple wvi~ble copie,= and more thaa ~ copy is upda=ed a[ the same
a co~a may occ~. the ~4)iica~ invo~s generic rules or class-specific code to reconcile ~
mpple~e~l by class-specific reconc~k~s which t~ke ~lv~mage of class semantic~ to do mot~ sophi.~.~ed
rec~eciliafion (e.g. merge Or ~’~raze w~aing).
¯ PaniMrq~iica$. Are~,d-on]yrep[icamaybec~|tfib, uredtoc~uainj~masuba~ofthefilesconmi..~donthe
m~. ~ b useful for creating and maintaining sunmu~ ca~ale~ or ~" dimibudng subsets of a =xtbase.
¯ P~bli~ ~md Private replicax. Public replicas a~e crca~d by an adminislr~. Each ~ exhibits the same
acc=~ and owne~fip ~s all of ~he others (iz.. A(~.~ =e also mpiica~f). Priv~e n=~)[ica~ may be ctea~l by
¯ Nam~ ~raa.~parem rq~lica.~. In cc~:er~ wi0t DF~, .~ se~ o/~ep~icas ~t be ~ as a
wmqment to ltte c~,lh=~. DF~ will make votume seiec~r~ Imsed on ~h= ~cce~ ~~s and some form of
load balancing (Le. SOiV= 0~e \’,pmducu I &\Nm~duc=2 hacl~)."
MS 004329
Under consideration
The~ ~e some technical problems wi~h ACL replication, e.8- ~ ~= ~ ~ mpli~, Not cl~ w~[
~ f~ p~ ~ ff we ~ ~ ~ ~L
MS 004330
FOe UI~ most ~ s3mem admmisltalors do no~ =p~ ultima~ I~f~¢ ~ ~ t~ - ~s is not ~o
B~se Infrastructure
¯ Distributed Event system. ~ offers a diswibuted, asy~clu’onous event sys~m for use by syslem
management and other components of Cairo. The evem syslem does not suplxm queuing but does offer
exemplary event me,sage content and sink/source interaction. The event system has a default configatlen that
supports tz’atts~arenL automatic r~gi,~lx-atiott of added z’t~:mrt:~. Note: ~ i.t a low bartdwidth system -
around twenty five messages per second.
¯ Configuratton Profiles: Profiles ~t cortfigalralJon objects. This infrastucmxe perlxfits f’tmctionMity stmtlar to
tlzax of Wi~LogmTM alXl NT user profiles acro~ all participatillg application~. Profiles adapt well to
disconnected oper-at~n as well as roaming users.
¯ Inventory Management: Hardware and software inve..ntories are s~p~ Ln Cairo. Ln fact. mventorms c~ be
budt from arty object (e.g.: Usm’s and Prinmtz). A numbex of pre-configured inventory catalogs are supphed
and others can be cortstrucmd using the sturtmary catalog Imildil~g tools.
¯ Job Control Lan’guage: Batch-oriented admhlistraliv, tadra can be handled with one of thx~e end-user
programming solurlons: Object Basic. Visual Programming, and the Windows NT 3.1 batch language. Many
Cairo components arc mstrurnented such time they can be called by these languages to permit increased
AtmoJatton to Hetpfiltd: Cain’s help system pemuts .administrators to append data to shrink-wrapped help
¯ Scheauler:. Caffo offers a syztem set’vice tha/pemuts mg~zxalioez for event noLd’matson based on a~ apphcauon
specified role.
¯ Usage Moth Loct~E mO installing ap~cmia~s Ires ~een nm6e much simpler. Gone are the ~ys where a
met m m know which \’k~rveaNdtarc ~n applicati~ is Iocat~ ott.
¯ Syston $1goport:. Cairo will defilte a prt~’anult~g interface for software ma,’lagemenL Tttis interface will
~ t~gittrttiott of" ~licttio~ ~ ttmciatkm~ a~l o~et rt~tmem~ ~so~te~ with mmxlucing ~nd
using ai~lic~ons m ~ new mv~m~men~.
¯ Cleaner Applicatton ln.rtallatioa and Setul~ Ta~i~ir. C~ro ~ses a con~E~"~i~t ~ file called th~ P"~.&agc
Defimti~ Forrn~ (PDF). ~ f’d¢ c~uaim mo=ly i~orrn~iee requi~d to install, deitmall and otherwise
comml the ~oplication tile cyrde in the ~ ~vimemmt The PDF, in cemjtmcaoe ~th sehware ins~tlauon
interf=~, form a complete soluaoe for ISV= develo~g eemmen:ial al~lic~io~ install~s. For those who
prefe~ simplicity ov~ flexibility, a setup toollat for Cairo ~ ~ provided ulxm I~Oduct rele~.~. Hermes ~
agreed t~ use PDF-s in Utei~ Windows N’I" 3.1 imxtuct.
¯ High I~I of~nzetra~ion: Sysl~m Mnna~emex~ ~ ~ has bee~ de~g~d imo II~ product ~ dte vm’y
possible,, thee is a dm~ and drop solution ~o ear~ zask. ’lids simplJ~:s ~ omplex tasks (~g.: ~ a
MS 004332
No spcciaJ support ex~st.s m C~ucago vl.O. Chica8o via could be made a ~ Cairo client to su’~ngthen ou~
system s~ategy. A second, mv~S~l ver~o~ C~LiCa~O t~.lcad~xi :~tcr Cairo COU~ ad~.~s th~ issue.
supports remo~ matmserncnz today. Support for LAN Manager 2.x is sccondax7 and will be done
3.1"s mapping I.~yer. Any shortcominBs muoduced by taking this mute shall zemain.
The Hermes mare rtas agreed to perform d~e work rcquu’ed t~ m.’gra~ or pennzt coexme.nce of Hermes
Caixo. ThLs work is considered Herme~ - Product 2 which will be a Cairo based application. In addiuon
mtegz"auon work, HernteJfor Cau’o will ~ e.ntea’lxis~ management and integrazion for the
¯ Networ~Mar, a~emcala~lPla~msS: Cairo i~ no~ din~l~cd toward.s suppolting nct’wo~ nmnagcmenL or slal~d
diHenady, mam~mem of the network fabric i~eU - bridge~, rotr,~ and segn~nm Network pla:mm
be ml~ ia document form o~iy. ISVs will be a.d~ed to fill out dd~ area.
¯ Accou~uia~. NotsupportedinWindowsNT3.l-Not~i~Caim.
MS 004333
Security and Authentication System - Pmdyumna Misra
Cairn lXOVid~ a ~ disu~m~l apl~i~ emviremmem. Cain) ~ ~ly o~ ~e und~y~ng olx~ra~g
~~a~~yd~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~W~ws ~ Ad~
OSPs IX2E l.O prowdes most of rids functionaJity - authentication and aud~iza~o~ in~rr~ ~1 privacy.
aut~smcamd RTC but does n~x l~ovide digital sil~mes o~ transfer of Im~ Nove, ll’s NctWa~ 4.0
proviOes a s~ of this ~,¢tiomdi~ - authe~icat~ and ~ ~ only. Lovaz Notes is no/a divot
¯ KerbermAa~a~i~ioa. Theamhent~:ab~compo~mtnuma~sk~onofau~xinthedis~dbtne4
MS 004335
servic.e.s and aJlows applications to use most of Caizo se~n~’~ty so’vices without having to I~arn Lhe det~iJs of
Cah’o wdl provide a su’Ixzse.t of~he network operating syslr.m inm’ope~bilily Wovided by Wi~lows NT 3.l.
Spe~i£xmi]y Caizo clients will be able to ~ re~ouzx~s on servers runnm8 Windows for Work/p’oups, Windows
NT Advanced Servee, LA.N Man~ge~ 2.1 products. ~ servers wi~ ~low ~ lo resources to clienLs
run,n~g Mk.’~0soft netwodd~g sofnvate..
It will be possible for admimslz’a~ to manage NT 3.1 do~n,zia ccx~olJezs ,~d waeks~Jons born Cah’o machines,
~ Ca,ire D~ will aJ..o ~pp(~1 ~ 3. ] ~yl¢ pa.~-U1ru aothe~lJc.a~on to e..nabl¢ a graduaJ mi~’a/,~, of NT .3. I
domains to Cairo domains.
~n addh,on to the above Cairo wdl provide mechamsms ~ allow m~-operauc~ with DCE confonnant systems
and popular nenvork-operatmg systems like NetWafe and Vines.
Non goals
We explicitly d~cided nol to putsue the foUowi,ng:
¯ Use pubbc keys for aulhe~laca~lon.
¯ Provide comp~nsive proteaion against viruses and weans.
Under consideration
¯ Digital signatu¢~ formats - shoo,el we use an ,v~de standm’d ?
¯ Security mtor-o~ranon Ix~veen organz,~,uons.
¯ It ts no~ u~m~s~’tood whic~ pieces of softw’~e (r~i~feczc~. stacks ecn.) ~ be dev~loped by Miccosoft and
wtuch will be done by d’m’d parses, towards achieving ore" inter-operability goals.
¯ Is there a requirement to co-exis~ with DC’E s’ysuems c,~ the same locaJ ne.~work (domain) i.. allow Cau’o K.DC
to t.ssu~ ~ck~s for EX~E~ systems and vice-versa?
° Is mter-ope~_bd~ry v, qth systems running MIT ve~’sion of Kcrbe~’os de.s~..d ?
~ cliemg hav~ g~::ess m nc~wor~ provided by C_.a~, M.k::rcs~ down-level, and fo~n ~g
dowsdeve~ k¢.,~m~of~ r.liem~, ~K~$h u’~e~e clients may s©e no ~dded vaJue in a Ca~o scn’er ccmpwed to a Wiadows
NT3.1 serve.
Can’o m~oper~s w~th down-level ~d fc~i~n systems such = ~,rmdom N’T, Windows NT Added Server,
W’mdows for Workgroups, LAN Manager 2.x, and Novell N~Wa~e ~ ~ ~h~ following funcu’onal ~
Resc~c~ provided by foreign and down-level
MS 004337
, acceding is on a Windows NT server.). Additionafly, non ~ clients are allowed acc~s ~o native Cau~
C,~ro wall provide a superset of the network operating sysIe~ m~gope~abilily provided by Windows NT. Windows
for Wo~gtoups, and LAN E,,~nag~ 2.1 pmduc, Lt. Th~ includes cc~nple~ compatibility in the follow~ng
¯ M5 Remote Procedare Call (RPC). Cr~lm itse= the ~arne RP(2 for btt~l:l~cess c~nmmlJcafion tha~ is u~ed
Windows NT. Windows for Workgroups, Chicago. Windows 3.1. LAN l~e~ 3.2, DOS. LM Unix. and the
MS Macintosh chem for Windows NT.
¯ Transports ~ will ~pport network ommtmicalion through ~$ psw~ols o~t downkvel MS system~,
including Named Pipes. NetBIOS. Wm~ock, "rcP/IP, DECNe~ SPX. and dotmJevel SMBs.
Non goals
Cairo will not provide interoperabilJty support for all foreig~ network ol~ral~g ~ In, cad. we
documemation and sample code that will e~able, third-party ~dor~ to dev~ the software nec, es,m~ to
mte~pem~e with Cairo systems.
Cairo does no~ provide ~upport for the enumeration or acces~ of ~ from non-M~ft clients.
Cau-o does not provide support for admtaJstermg ,’my mach£nes except Catm and Windows N’I" 3.x machines.
Under ¢onsi0~ration
Support for mteroperadon with additiortal network o~8 systems. (e.g., Banyan, Apple. IBM. etc.)
Deg~e of support for DCE will depend on market demands .rod compefi6ve su’ategy. At a mbtJmum Kerberos and
RPC will mt~roperate, but directory service and DFS interop am not ye! planned.
~ works m a variety of network configurations, all the way fzom standalone (no network) to L~rge networks,
provkLing Iraaspar~nt access to all available msourcr~ in aa) network configtwafion.
Benchmark ~e~l~t role. or a Sm,~t~ Co~m)ii~ ml~, ~ ~le ~.~ be~’ee~ ~© of ~ ml~s could
¯ 5tandalone A Cam~ machine can be configured to be completely self-sut’ficiem, never aaemp~ag
another comput~,r.
¯ Don, am. Two or more C’.aizo mac~es may be networked together to form a coopmlfinS syslem called a
a~mam, consis~ng of one or morn domain cona~Lle~s (DC"s) (aka M~;I Se~,e~) plus o~e or mo~ cUents
MS 004338
MS 004339
The szsm, fic~mt flexibd~ty in ¢o~figurinS dornmns a~l domoJ~s controila’s ~//ows cu~zomcrs zo choos~ a wide
of aAmUxisz~iv¢ s~71es, and to compensate for Lkniuxl cotme~dvip/through replicaxion or multiple doma~’xs.
Support for mixed CPU types gwes the customer broad flexibility about what lype.s or" machine to buy.
(S~e also Me ,’~m,e section on Network lntemperabili~.)
C.airo’s mar.brae roles rest.ruble dte machine roles thai Windows NT 3.1 uses. NT has s~andalonc, peer server.
Ser,,~" (bac~p domain conu’otler), and one primary Domain Coeux~ller per domain, whi~e C.ah~ has s~aadalone.
worggauon, and muluple Domain Con~’olle~ per domain. A Cairo domain may include Windows NT 3.1
machines and can perform authentication fo¢ d~em using Windows NT 3.1 protocols.
While Cauo is quite flexible, ~ network ¢onfigur~ions s~iJI place so~ne res~’~uons on how the customer may
co~igure ~e physicat netwoflL b~ particular:.
¯ Eve~ Cain~ macl,.me ~ is a member of a domain mus~ have cora, maivity to i~ domain controller. Of ~ DC
is replicated, connectivity io at least one replica is suffic~eaL) If the member is garling up and cannot
commumc~’ue wl~ the DC, it wall slzIl work IocalJy but certain func~ons will be lemporahly disabled: e.g. the
me.tuber cannot accept connect,on.s horn remote clients ~nd cannot panicip,’ue in r~iication. This is what we
C~I d.~.ccu~Ine~’l~d operal~on.
¯ Du¢ to how Kerberos works, a C.airo client s©tting up a c onnecuon with a C.agto s~rver m ano~er domain must
have ~nuecuv~ry to ~ serv~ and a DC of the eLiem’s domain and a IX~ of the server’s domain.
Non goal
C.-d~o does not support a otu’e pe~r network: .’u least one of the Cain> machines on a Cairo network must be a
Cairo does not support seamless disconnected operation; inst,:ad the ~ who plans m disconnect ~ machine
from the net must in&cat= wha~ i.,fforrrtat~on he intends m ta~e with him, and he wzil be quite aware when he is oft
the nerwor~ because many resources (e.g. remo~e printers) w~ll be unavailable.
~ does no~ support raobil~ operation, wherein a mobile machine continuously comes in and out of conr.a~t with
the network due m Lunaed radio range and continuously a~al~s to these clmaging conditions. Not ~ Cairo
components will deai D’acefully with this son of tmp~edictable intermillent connec6vity - e.g. prim requests
no~ be ~emly queued locally untiJ connectivity reua’n.~
AJthough Kerberos technology ~n theory allows iL we ~ nc.t do the wot,~ to make a ~ domain hold
for non-Cais~ Kerberos clients, e.g. DCE mach~es running the OSF/1 Unix operating system.
The Cairo mail server ts a general-purpose, industrial-sl~eng~h X.d00 messaging server integrated with ~ Cairn
system. It is the upgn~de to Micr~oft’s Enm~prise Message Serve" product.
Messages per second ~u~ughput wilJ be faster than any slot, e-and-forwant email service Mic~oft has ev~" shipped
prior m CaLm - faster yea ~ ~e Enteqaise Message $~,ver ~haz shii~ bef~ Cako, due to sa’octural
op0mizazxa~ in the code and th¢ useofOFS. Func~ ~viil beasupea, set of any email service Mkz~oft has
ever shipped prior to Cauo, and wdl Ix: a~ ica.~ comparable I~ the functionality of X.400 ma~l serv¢~ prov~led by
o~e~ com~e~. ~
spacc-effic~em sto~ag¢; du~ct access to rru~ messages by file:,ystem APIs: access cont~l lis~ (ACLs): content
The mail server can fuUy mtempe~te w~th odor X.400 ~ ~s, including ~ose produced by other
n~nufact~n~s, and wtth MS Mail 3.x post office serve~
The ~ .scP~ includes any code ncce.ssaz7 to fuliy support .:’]~.ago cllenLs, who a~ expected to us~ a simple file-
shanng pincol to ~1 and receive m,~l.
The client side of ~t~ Caizo mail su’v~" ~s fuUy MA,oi compham.
Non goals
The mmJ set,vet doe~ not need to run on Iow.po,~u’¢d desk1~l) or lalxop it may use belly amou, nLs of
disk and RAM if His unproves mne-lo-n~-’keL pe~ormance or funcdonaJity.
The n’~i serv~ does not nor.d to con, form m mdusu’y sl,~mdmd metm~in$ IXO~coLs whe~ t,~lk~ng to other
~v’dcxosofi.l:~’oduced m,’dl s~-ve~s: it may switch m non-s~lnd.’~-d protocols wh~ av~lable it" d~R is I~efit m
doing so
Under consideration
Does the m~i server have to run on .’, machine thin ~s no~ ~ domain conu’oil~? (There ar~ optu’mzmion.s pos.sible ff
the ;uxsw=r is "no’.)
Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RP~) is a transport-independent inm~’proce.~ communication mecha~um, which
simplifies the development and execunon of cEem/se~ver or dis’~buted applications. In C:~ro, ~ consists of MS
RPC as r¢l~a~ed in Windows NT 3.1. w~th enhancements to take full advantage of the Cairo Directory Service and
Cairo Diso’ibuted Security. Applicazions wntten with the Cairo v~sio~ of MS R,PC az¢ Completely mteroperable
with a~l existing MS RPC applicanons, and therefore mtetoperable with OSF DC’E RP~ applications.
Benchmark -,.
MS RPC is currtndy supported tn Windows NT. Windows f~r Workgroups. and Windows Chicago. M Cairo. RI:’C
will p~ov]de a supe~et of e~£sting ~ functlonabty and wi}l maintain or improve performance Ln the key arras of
size and speed.
Ope~ Sysa~n~ Foundatitm’s Dismbut~l Computing Envitm~nent (OSF IXZE) ~ifies support for P, PC. S,veral
vendors, includiag DEC and liP. have DCE products in the mark~place. Cairo ~ applicatiom iatetx~erme
with IX~ RPC appEcauoe.s. (ie.. A Cairo client may acce~ a EX~E server, a~d a DCE ciiem may access a Cairo
ser~,.) ~. the lvfiDL compiler do~, not support source code compatibility for DCE IDL £des.
Other vendors ~’udt a~ Netwise and SUN Micmsy~mms distribute RPC IXtXtUCl~ which tt~ a network data
rqxt~mt~io~ format (XDR) which dLffors from the NDR fctmat ttstd by MS RPC Ind IX~ RPC. It it not ouz
intent to int~>er’ae with these products.
¯ Net~,ork tramport, ~upgoned. In C,~ao. MS P, PC prosrtd~ support for the following connection-onemed
network Ix’ protocols: named pipet. Ne~BIO$, "r(~/ll~ ~ sPX. Tim folk)wiag colmection~
prtaoco|$ are also supported: da~gram Nu.BIOS, UDP. and IPX.
MS 004342
A mhe~uicated RPC. S~"UnPl se~ic~s have been mlegm~ed into MJcrosoh RPC oJ~ aze accessible v~a a
number of
The MS R.PC development tools ..allow developers to build ,::lL,,l:ribu~d appfi~fons ,.,i~hout }’~ndImg ~he low level
de~Js of nawork ¢ommumcauons protr.~nnun8. RPC appLic.~ons may be easily poncd to any MS nem, ork
ope~tmg sy~em, ~nd will run over a~y of the network tranSpo~ pm~ocob listed above.
~lJ.,"o’s MS PJ~ Is compatible ~idl MS RPC on a~l downlevel Microsoft systems i~cluding Windows NT,
Wimlows for Workgroups, Windows C~cago, Windows 3,1, LAN Manager 2.1. LM Unix, a~d ~e MS Macintosh
c~e~t for Windows .NT. ~ applical~o~ written for the~ Oow~Jevel systc:~ will execute correcUy on Ca~3.
Ad~don,~ly, MS RPC is mten31y=’~ie w~ OSF DCE RPC, which enable~ Carlo clients to access DCE complk’mt
~.rvers and DCE clients to access Cairo sc~ers.
Dow~lev~ ~ ~ rcg~s’xc:~d with the R.PC Loc~or ~ be accessible to ~ clients through the Cairo
Di~clo~! Service. Downlevel RPC clients will have acce~ l~) servm registered i~ ~he ~ DS through d~e
Non goals
¯ Sour~ ¢x~dc compa~b~ity with DCE RPC appfica~ons.
¯ Lnu~lx~ty wi~h ONC RPC al~licatio~s.
MS 004343 CONFIDENTIAL Tools. l.~nguage level ~ ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ SD~ ~y f~
~ ~ ~i~ ~ ~ SDK:
R~ ~tor
~ C~pg~
~ C~pi~
¯ Co,amity: Tt~ SDK provides an e.~nt of docum~tab~, cod~ ~p~, ~ ~mg ~ ~
. S~leMigm~:~SDK~~~~~~Vs~~y~de~Uy
A~ ~ ~g ~~ W~ SDK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~8 ~ ~ SDK ~g
MS 004345
Non goal
The ~ SDK will NOT plan to:
¯ Provide the best language developmem ~ols.
¯ PTov~d~ cto~-pl,ll~orrn dEve.lopn, tettL
Under consideration
We ~ mve~ga~ng oe¢~" envu’ and thinJ ~ Ioo1:; to see ~’olhcr vendo~ woukJ be i.nle~s~d in ponmg
~ existing ~OOls to out env~ent ~ ~Voly) shJpp~xl with I~ ~ SD~.
of the integral pans of Cairo. The onJine documentaficm focuses On quick reference information and reusable code
samples that wiJl enable pt’o~ers to code CaW3 a~plicat:on$ efficiently. For detailed introrn~tion reg,~-d~g
SDK d~cumenta~on objecuves, strategies, and component:~, :;ce the Cairo SDKDocumentadon Plan.
The goals of the Cab~ SDK documenta~o~ s~t are to
¯ Make ~t for pmgramme~ to devedop applications Io~
¯ Thon3ughly explain ~ architecnu~ to pro~
¯ Pmvtde conc~Ae quidetines for upgrading an appllcatkm to ~ or c~alin8 a new C.ab~ applic,.~ton
¯ Me~ the documen~non ne~ts of expe~enced Windows l~granune~s
¯ HElp pmgr-,xmmer~ find answers qmckly
¯ M,qJce documentauon ava~able in the Cairo Advanced Development Environment
¯ Alienate past cnuci.~n~ of the Windows SDK dccume~tu~on set.
Programmer Documentation
The ~ SDK docu~ent,~ion sr~ will ~upport both novice ~ e~perienced Windows ~Ers by providing
e,,xtens~ve programming guidelines and b~h ~impl¢ and complex c~xie samples. The online SDK will be a desk-top
a~.h~t~mr~ Answe~ the follow~g que~ons~ "How to I upgrade my q:~pK, catic~ to ~ and funcdon like a
Cauu applica~on?" a~d "How do I ~ a new ~
¯ GuSt to Pmgrm~mmg. Coma~s pmgr~nuning ~lvi~. for ~ W’uglow~ wogranune~ Answers
ques~ons such as "How do ! manage memotT?" and "How do I intl~m~t a ~t mum’!"
¯ User l~r/’ace Prog, rn~mb~ G~li~e~. Comz~ ~ci~c~i~ for wl~m| ~ IppUgaf~ms that pr~ent a
cor~.~s~ent u~e~ in~-~’ace m the end user. A,nswe~ ~e question. "Wha~ u~r inl~rf~ce design and coding
s~.~u:~rds do I use to en,s’u~ that my q~plk:xtkxt ioc~ and feels 5~e a Cxi~ appLk:admT"
¯ Pro~r~ner~s Reference. Contains d~dddons of d~ ~ cl,~m~, inlerf~:e~, nethods, and APIs.
MS 004346
Device Driver Kit (DDK) - Janine A. Harri:~on
The Device Drive" Kit (DDK) provides the independent hardware vendor (IHV) the tools and reformation they
ne~zl 1o produce and/or updam device d.dvers f~ Ca, ito.
Driver coverage for the vast maj<n’ity of in~taJJed base of ha~l’eare for target marketplace. For example, LA~,
video, storage, e~c. for 386DX, 486DX, Pe~fium, M~S. AJp~ ~ upon projcc~d numbers fi’om DataQuc~L
LDC. MS saic~ figure~, etc.
The desu~ is m improv~ upon the existing DDKs.
¯ Plu~ mu~ P/~. Fold in the Chicago SealpiCo~guration ~lug ’n Play for sys~ a~d device configm~on.
lmpomm ~a to add~ss is a beacr Sl~C than ARC fo~ ,sys=m co~figtrafion of ~SC and/o~ ~ ~ ~
General devices."
MS 0O4347
MS 0O4348
Under consideration
Some of [he work men~oned above may be in the NT vl.:l l~rodu~ As its de~’mJtion is mo~ complete, this sccxion
w,IJ be ulxlazed.
Seve~aJ vendors have asked that NT be able to
¯ bootwitboutINTl3h. NTt~lUiZesthe£l.P/tovrriteasepanszel3qTl3hdriverjustforlxxxup. Thech’iverzs
not used again. I:HVs (espec~y SCSI deveiope~) do ~ot want to have to go to the Uzne and expense of
wnung ~
to have whatev~ thesr video c~rd is plus a VGA card for ~ Vendors have ~ thaz we change setup to
not requite VG A
¯ boot fzom any s~orage devic~ like CDROM. ~ flol)lkaJ, e~c. Cornl~q has requesu~ tha~ we ~ow booting
from CDROM. Th~s would eliminate the need Io sh~) the two boo~ floppies in e~ch box.
As pan of’supporting multiple i~put devices, a~e following ~e~ to be conside~:l:
Clod~vork sm-vic~ ~ ~ a con,sis~t u~r ~xl~’i~ ~ r~s~Im’ing mul~imeclia dat~ ind~dent of t~e
s.pec~c nmchin¢ u.s~d m p~ce~ ~e dma.
Clock’wo~ will e~le ISV’s IO pn~ida ~ lOOL~ ~d ~pL~c~icms, by allowing th=~ m onc=ntntle on features
and e~,s~ of use raxhen" tl~n om solving the xecl’mi~ lx~:~m.s o¢ ~mlis~t~ m~l s~ the dam- These
Clockw~ w~l enable H-~s to provide hardware acc~en~m for multhnedia pox;esses and to expose thei~
f’u~tionality in a consistant way. ..
MS 004349
MS 004350
Beue~t of Clockwork for Software Ve~dor~
By ¢apm~dmg the set of standard muhimodia s~rviees ~o en;d~le synchronLT~fion, m.mpor’~ absu’~ttons, and a mor~
f’lexzble data flow m’r.hhecnu’e, applicauo~s may conu’oi more complex scenarios without having to with io~
level impleanema~ion details. Ttus aJlows applic.~on wri~ to conceJ~a~e more on what an application should
do. rather ~ on de~Ls thai do no~ i~eP..ndy add value ~, ~beir application. For example. Clockwork’s standard
degr’adauon and control i,med’ac~ allows th~ same applicaz~on 1o run on a very fast machine (or machines w~th
specu~ purpose ha~lw’a~) providing aJl of ~ r~olutio~ of the medi~ but also allows the appScadoa m nm on a
slower, less cap,abk~ ~. by reducing the resolution of d~e med~ according m a stnuegy ehoos~n m advance
by the ckveJopu’.
Clockwork wil] provlde a se! of standard media processing ¢:omponeats th~ capture,~der the med~a type, s
currently supported by the Win3.1 muh~media secvice.s, Vid.~o for Windows and the multimedia services for
Chic=go. However. the storage model for Clockwork wi~ be based on ]STORAGE rather t~m du~cdy on the
AVIN.II=F formats. (Th,ts ntig~ion n~y t.~ke place i~ the bnplemeatation of the mult~nedm se.rv~ce..s for Chicago,
but if it ~s not done there, it must be done as pact of the Clockwork d¢livemble~.)
The Clockwork acc~tecmre wdl be de~=gned to op~mize the sy~ergy wid~ other M~crosoft system sohw,’~e
components such = OLE 2, ISTORAGE, and Visu~ Basic md with slra~egies for cross-platform support such as
Non goal
Clockwork wiU not prowde mu/~¢nedia "loots" such as a~d~rmg tools, scrip~ interpreters, capture/playback
appLicmions, etc,. exceix (p~) as sample code., h is as~ned that ~hese lyp~ or" tools and applic~uions would
be clients of Clockwork s~vic=.
Under consideration
Tlus secuoct dcsc~bcs only the Clockwork mu/Umedia sys~m and its component. The Mullimedia Technology
Group is ~ ev~l~atm8 d~e secvice.s it may need Io provide to Cairo for suppeming applications developed for the
ex,¢Ung "Med~ Coetroi lnle~face (MC3)" a,-t~mctu~
MS 004351
MS 004354
MS 004355
Proxy- a toke.~ that allows one t~ opiate with the rightx
MS 004356