Unit Inew
Unit Inew
Unit Inew
Unit I
Definition of Management information system-MIS support for planning organizing and controllingstructure of MIS-Information for decision making
Concept of system-Characteristic of system-System classifications-Categories of information system
strategic information system and competitive advantage
Unit II
Computers and information processing-Classification of computer-Input device-Output device-Storage
device-Batch and online Processing-Hardware, Software Date base Management system
Unit III
System analysis and design-SDLC-Role of system analysis-Functional information system-Personnel,
Production, Material and marketing
Decision support system-Definitions-group decisions support system-Business process out sourcesdefinition and functions
Unit IV
Introduction to Tally - Introduction to software accounting. Computer Application through Accounting
Package Tally - (Latest Version) Preparation of following records on Tally (with inventory) (A)
Creation of company, Group, Ledger Accounts, Feeding of Accounting data Receipts, Payments,
Purchase, Sale, Contra, Journal, Credit Note and Debit Note. (B) Inventory Information Groups, Items
and Valuation. (C) Generation of various Accounting Reports - Creating accounts - Feeding opening
balances - Chart of accounts - Capital Current assets Current liabilities Investments Loans
Miscellaneous Sales Purchase Direct / Indirect income / expenses
Unit V
Purchase and Sales - Purchase / Sales order - Receipt note - Purchase / Sales bills - Debit / Credit note
Journal, Voucher , VAT Bills, service tax , FBT applications,
1. Management Information System Sadagopan
2. 2)Management Information System CSV Murthy
3. Tally Financial Accounting Program Current Volume Tally Press
4. Tally for Beginners Tally Press
5. Tally9-Slef Study Training Kit www.swayam-education.com
Professor Ray R. Larson of the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley
provides an Information Hierarchy, which is:
w Data - The raw material of information
w Information - Data organized and presented by someone
w Knowledge - Information read, heard, or seen, and understood
w Wisdom - Distilled and integrated knowledge and understanding
Scott Andrews' explains Information Continuum as follows:
w Data - A Fact or a piece of information, or a series thereof
w Information - Knowledge discerned from data
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
MIS assist managers in decision making and problem solving. They use the data resulting
from Transaction Processing System along with some other information that are developed
internally or externally.
MIS can be defined as follows:
1. The MIS is defined as a system which provides information support for decision making in
the organization.
2. The MIS is defined as an integrated system of man and machine for providing the
information to support the operations, the management and the decision making function in
the organization.
3. The MIS is defined as a system based on the database of the organization evolved for the
purpose of providing information to the people in the organization.
4. The MIS is defined as a Computer based Information System.
Thought there are a number of definitions, all of them converge on one single point, i.e., the MIS
is a system to support the decision making function in the organization. The difference lies in
defining the elements of the MIS. However, in todays world MIS a computerized .business
processing system generating information for the people in the organization to meet the
information needs decision making to achieve the corporate objective of the organization.
Management Information System or Management Information Services is pronounced as
separate letters, MIS which refers broadly to a computer-based system that provides managers
with the tools for organizing, evaluating and efficiently running their departments. In order to
provide past, present and prediction information, an MIS can include software that helps in
decision making, data resources such as databases, the hardware resources of a system, decision
support systems, people management and project management applications, and any
computerized processes that enable the department to run efficiently.
Within companies and large organizations, the department responsible for computer systems is
sometimes called the MIS department. Other names for MIS include IS (Information Services)
and IT (Information Technology).
For further understanding
A management information system (MIS) is a subset of the overall internal controls of a
business covering the application of people, documents, technologies, and procedures by
management accountants to solving business problems such as costing a product, service or a
business-wide strategy. Management information systems are distinct from regular
information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in
operational activities in the organization.
Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the group of information management
methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e.g. Decision Support
Systems, Expert systems, and Executive information systems.
An 'MIS' is a planned system of the collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data
in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management. In a way it is
a documented report of the activities those were planned and executed.
The terms MIS and information system are often confused. Information systems include
systems that are not intended for decision making. The area of study called MIS is
sometimes referred to, in a restrictive sense, as information technology management.
That area of study should not be confused with computer science. IT service management
is a practitioner-focused discipline. MIS has also some differences with Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) as ERP incorporates elements that are not necessarily focused
on decision support.
MIS is Right Information, To the right person, At the right place, At the right time, In the
right form, At the right cost
? A MIS is a network of communication channels and information processing centers
collecting information from its sources of origin.
a. Storing, updating, collecting and processing it.
b. Supplying the processed information to the various users managing the
? It is an IS that displays two characteristics.
a. At least one level of vertical integration and
b. Feed back and control.
Misconception about MIS
1. Any computer based information system is MIS
2. Any reporting system is an MIS
3. MIS ia a philosophy and not any specific entity.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
Major portion of the official time in any organization, small or big, goes in data collection,
processing, documenting it to the people who are in need of it i.e., the Management.
That is why, a major portion of the overheads goes into this kind of unproductive work in
the organization. Every individual in an organization is continuously looking for some
information which is needed to perform his/her task.
The information is people-oriented and it varies with the nature of the people in the
organization. The difficulty in handling this multiple requirement of the people is due to a
couple of reasons.
1. The information is a processed product to fulfill an imprecise need of the people.
2. It takes time to search the data and may require a difficult processing path.
3. It has a time value and unless processed on time and communicated, it has no value.
4. The scope and the quantum of information is individual-dependent and it is difficult
to conceive the information as a well-defined product for the entire organization.
5. Since the people are instrumental in any business transaction, a human error is
possible in conducting the same. Since a human error is difficult to control, the
difficulty arises in ensuring a hundred per cent quality assurance of information in
terms of completeness, accuracy, validity, timeliness and meeting the decision
making needs.
In order to get a better grip on the activity of information processing, it is necessary to have a
formal system which should take care of the following points:
? Handling of a voluminous data.
? Confirmation of the validity of data and transaction.
? Complex processing of data and multidimensional analysis.
? Quick search and retrieval.
? Mass storage.
? Communication of the information system to the user on time.
? Fulfilling the changing needs of the information.
The management information system uses computers and communication technology to deal
with these points of supreme importance.
Need for MIS
MIS is based on structured decisions generated from TPS.
Without MIS, Management may be finding it very difficult to take various day to
day decisions and some strategic decisions because now a days business has
become global and there is hectic competition from both internal as well as from
external. The management is in tire need of taking correct decision at correct
timing. Otherwise, it may loose its competitive edge and thrown out of the market
which may affect so many persons connected to the organization. So, to keep
itself in the market and to face competitions, a management has to take various
decisions based on right data available at right time from right sources.
Decision making is very important for various managerial functions like Planning,
Organising, Staffing, Coordinating & Directing, and Controlling. The management
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
The role of the MIS in an organization can be compared to the role of heart in the body.
The information is the blood and MIS is the heart. In the body the heart plays the role of
supplying pure blood to all the elements of the body including the brain. The heart works
faster and supplies more blood when needed. It regulates and controls the incoming impure
blood, processes it and sends it to the destination in the quantity needed. It fulfills the needs
of blood supply to human body in normal course and also in crisis. The MIS plays exactly
the same role in the organization. The system ensures that an appropriate data is collected
from the various sources, processed, and sent further to all the needy destinations. The
system is expected to fulfill the information needs of an individual, a group of individuals,
the management functionaries: the managers and the top management.
The MIS satisfies the diverse needs through a variety of systems such as Query Systems,
Analysis Systems, Modeling Systems and Decision Support Systems
The MIS helps in Strategic Planning, Management Control, Operational Control and
Transaction Processing.
The MIS helps the clerical personnel in the transaction processing and answers their
queries on the data pertaining to the transaction, the status of a particular record and
references on a variety of documents.
The MIS helps the junior management personnel by providing the operational data for
planning, scheduling and control, and helps them further in decision making at the
operations level to correct an out of control situation.
The MIS helps the middle management in short them planning, target setting and
controlling the business functions. It is supported by the use of the management tools of
planning and control.
The MIS helps the top management in goal setting, strategic planning and evolving the
business plans and their Implementation.
The MIS, therefore, plays a vital role in the management, administration and operations of an
Since the MIS plays a very important role in the organization, it creates an impact on the
organizations functions, performance and productivity.
The MIS creates another impact in the organization which relates to the understanding of
the business itself. The MIS begins with the definition of a data entity and its attributes. It
uses a dictionary if data, entity and attributes, respectively, designed for information
generation in the organization. Since all the information system use the dictionary, there is
common understanding of terms and terminology in the organization brining clarity in the
communication and a similar understanding an even of the organization.
The MIS calls for a systemization of the business operation for an affective system design.
A well designed system with a focus on the manger makes an impact on the managerial
efficiency. The fund of information motivates an enlightened manger to use a variety of
tools of the management. It helps him to resort to such exercises as experimentation and
modeling. The use of computers enables him to use the tools techniques which are
impossible to use manually. The ready-made packages make this task simpler. The impact
is on the managerial ability to perform. It improves the decision making ability
Since the MIS works on the basic systems such as transaction processing and databases, the
drudgery of the clerical work is transferred to the computerized system, relieving the human
mind for better work. It will be observed that a lot of manpower is engaged in this activity
in the organization. It you study the individuals time utilization and its application; you
will find that seventy per cent of the time is spent in recording, searching, processing and
communication. This is a large overhead in the organization. The MIS has a direct impact
on this overhead. It creates an information- based work culture in the organization.
Translating the real concept of the MIS into reality is technically, an infeasible
proposition unless computers are used. The MIS relies heavily on the hardware and
software capacity of the computer and its ability to process, retrieve communicate with no
serious limitations.
The variety of the hardware having distinct capabilities makes it possible to design the
MIS for a specific situation. For example, if the organization needs a large database and
very little processing, a computer system is available for such a requirement. Suppose the
organization has multiple business location at long distances and if the need is to bring the
data at one place, process, and then send the information to various location, it is possible to
have a computer system with a distributed data processing capability. If the distance is too
long, then the computer system can be hooked through a satellite communication system.
The ability of the hardware to store data and process it at a very fast rate helps to deal with
the data volumes, its storage and access effectively. The ability of the computer to sort and
merge helps to organize the data in a particular manner and process it for complex lengthy
computations. Since the computer is capable of digital, graphic, word image, voice and text
processing, it is exploited to generate information and present it in the form which is easy to
understand for the information user.
The ability of a computer system to provide security of data brings a confidence in the
management in the storage o data on a magnetic media in an impersonal mode. The
computer system provides the facilities such as READ ONLY where you cannot delete to
UPDATE. It provides an access to the selected information through a password and layered
access facilities. The confidence nature of the data and information can be maintained in a
computer system. With this ability, the MIS become a safe application in the organization.
The software, an integral part of a computer system, further enhances the hardware
capability. The software is available to handle the procedural and nonprocedural data
processing. For example, if you want to use a formula to calculate a certain result, an
efficient language is available to handle the situation. If you are not use a formula but has to
resort every time to a new procedure, the nonprocedural languages are available.
The software is available to transfer the data from one computer system to another.
Hence, you can compute the results at one place and transfer them to a computer located at
another place for some other use. The computer system being able to configure to the
specific needs helps to design a flexible MIS.
The advancement in computers and the communication technology has the distance,
speed, volume and complex computing an easy task. Hence, designing the MIS for a
specific need and simultaneously designing a flexible and open system becomes possible,
thereby saving a lot of drudgery of development and maintenance and maintenance of the
system. The concept of user . friendly systems and the end user computing is possible,
making information processing a personalized function. However, the application of the
management principles and practices in todays complex business world is possible only
when the MIS is based on computer system support.
The foundation of MIS is the management theory. It uses the principles and practices of
management while designing the system, ant gives due regard to the theory of
organizational behavior.
It considers the human mind as a processor of information. While designing the report
format and forming communication channels, MIS takes into account the behavior of the
manager as an individual and in a group. It gives due regard to the personal factors such as
bias, thinking with a fixed frame of reference, risk aversion, strengths and weaknesses.
Another area of academics is operational research. The operational research is used for
developing the models of management and they are then incorporated in the MIS as
decision support systems. The inventory control, queuing theory, and resource
programming are used in the MIS as decision support systems. The network theory is used
for planning and controlling large projects. The application of PER / CPM to a project
planning is now easily possible through the MIS support.
In the area of accounting application, it uses the accounting principles to ensure that
the data is correct and valid. It uses the principles of double entry bookkeeping for
balancing the accounts. It uses the accounting methodology for generating a trial balance
sheet and other books of accounts.
The MIS uses the communication theory in a significant manner. The principle of
feedback is used while designing analysis. While designing the report format, attention is
paid to avoid noise and distortions in the communication process.
The MIS relies heavily on the decision methodology. It uses different mathematical
techniques to handle the situation of decision making uses the method of decision- making
under certainty for decision- making and action.
The MIS is based on database structures, viz .hierarchical, network and relational
database have roots in the mathematics and the set theory.
The MIS becomes rich in content and more useful when it becomes more and more a
decision- making or decision- support system. This is possible when it builds decision
making systems in MIS which in turn is possible if it draws tools, techniques, methods,
rules and principles from pure and application science, and use them as an integral part of
the system. The MIS draws data from its own source and uses it in the application of a
variety of tools and techniques to solve the management, mathematics, and accounting.
Psychology, communication theory, operations research and probability theory for building
processes, methods, and decision support systems in designing business application.
The main task of a clerk is to search the data, make a statement and submit it to the higher level. A
clerk can use the MIS for a quick search and reporting the same to higher level. An assistant has
the task of collecting and organizing the data, and conducting a rudimentary analysis of integrating
the data from different and disciplines to analyze it and make a critical comment if anything
adverse is found.
The MIS offers the methods and facilities to integrate the data and report the same in a proper
format. An executive plays the role of a decision maker. He is in of responsibility and
accountability a position of a planner and a decision maker. He is responsible for achieving the
target and goals of the organization. The MIS provides facilities to analyze the data and offers the
decision support systems to perform the task of execution. The MIS provides an action oriented
The manager has a position of responsibility and accountability for the business results. His
management role expands beyond his management function. He is a strategist and a long-term
planner. He is a person with a foresight, an analytical ability and is expected to use these abilities
in the functions of top management. The MIS provides information in a structured or unstructured
format for him to react. The MIS caters to his constant changing needs of information. The user of
the MIS is expected to be a rational person and the design of the MIS is based on this assumption.
However, in reality the impact created on individuals by MIS is difficult to explain. The nature of
the impact in a few cases is negative. However, this negative impact can be handled with proper
training and counseling.
It is observed that at lower level, is a sense of insecurity. As the MIS takes away the drudgery of
search, collection, writing and reporting the data, the work vacuum, so created is not easily filled,
thus creating a sense of insecurity. To some extent the importance of the person is also lost, giving
rise to a fear of non-recognition in the organization.
At the level of an officer and an executive, the MIS does the job the of data manipulation and
integration. It analyses the data in a predetermined manner. This means that the knowledge of
business is transferred from an individual to the MIS and is made available to all in the
organization. This change arising out of the MIS creates a sense of being neglected for knowledge,
information and advice. The psychological impact is larger if the person is not able to cope up with
this change by expanding or enriching the job and the position held by him.
The manager holding a position in the top or middle management suffers from fear of challenge
and exposure. The MIS makes these competitors more effective as they have access to the
information and have an ability to interpret. This leads to a situation where he is afraid that that his
position, decision and defense will be challenged and may be proved wrong sometime. The risk of
adverse exposure to the higher management also increases. The effects so far pointed out are all
negative and they are seen only in few cases.
The positive effects on the individuals at all levels are that they have become more effective
operators. The time and energy which was spent earlier in unproductive work is now applied for a
productive work. Some are able to use their analytical skills and knowledge with the in formation
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
support for improving their position in the organization. Managers, having improved their decision
. making ability, are able to handle the complex situations with relative ease. Some are benefited
by improving their performance and being held in high esteem by the higher management.
The enterprising managers are able to use the systems and the models for trying out a Number of
alternatives in a given problem situation. The impact of the MIS on people
Of the organization is phenomenal as it has made the same body of people collectively more
effective and productive.
The recent major technological advances in communication such as Multimedia, Imaging.
Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), Internet, Web etc. and the ability to access the data stored at
different locations on the variety hardware of platforms would make MIS more attractive and
efficient proposition. An intelligent user of information can demonstrate the ability of decision
making, since his manipulative capability is considerably increased, with the information now
being available on his desktop.
Through the MIS, the information can be used as a strategic weapon to counter the threats to
business, make business more competitive, and bring about the organizational transformation
through integration. A good MIS also makes an organization seamless by removing all the
communication barriers.
Systems Planning
Data Center Management & Operations
Management of Remote Equipment
Identification of Opportunities for New Systems
Systems Analysis, Design, and Construction of New Systems
Distributed Systems:
Better Applications: More specific, user friendly, functional, lower price, readily
available, and self training. Results: less need for programmers, IS head count
and budget decrease as a result.
Objectives of MIS
To make available, right information at the right place at the right time at the lower
Functions of MIS
MIS can be classified as performing three functions:
1. To generate reports-for example, financial statements,
inventory status reports, or performance reports needed for
routine or non-routine purposes by collecting data, Storing
and processing data and presenting the information to
2. To answer what-if questions asked by management. For
example, questions such as "What would happen to cash
flow if the company changes its credit term for its
customers?" can be answered by MIS. This type of MIS can
be called Simulation.
3. To support decision making. This type of MIS is
appropriately called Decision Support System (DSS). DSS attempts to integrate the
decision maker, the data base, and the quantitative models being used.
Manual Vs. Computerised MIS
Manual MIS
Computerised MIS
Human participation in data processing is inevitable. For making the decision on the basis of the
computer supplied data, only human brain has to take the decision because the computers lack
individuality and reasoning. It cannot choose in between different alternatives. For faster
processing only we can use computers. More over computerized reports and report through
printers will have nice appearance which is lacking in manual system. So, both human brain and
computers are complimentary in nature.
Different MIS Processes?
The MIS implementation process involves a number of sequential steps (Murdick and Ross,
1. First establish management information needs and formulate broad systems objectives
so as to delineate important decision areas (e.g., general management, financial
management or human resources management). Within these decision areas there will be
factors relevant to the management decision areas, e.g., general management will be
concerned about its relationship with the managing board, institute-client relationships and
information to be provided to the staff. This will then lead the design team to ask what
information units will be needed to monitor the identified factors of concern. Positions or
managers needing information for decision making will be identified.
2. Develop a general description of a possible MIS as a coarse design. This design will
have to be further refined by more precise specifications. For efficient management of
information processing, the MIS should be based on a few databases related to different
sub-systems of the organization.
3. Once the information units needed have been determined and a systems design developed,
decide how information will be collected. Positions will be allocated responsibility for
generating and packaging the information.
4. Develop a network showing information flows.
5. Test the system until it meets the operational requirements, considering the
specifications stipulated for performance and the specified organizational constraints.
6. Re-check that all the critical data pertaining to various sub-systems and for the
organization as a whole are fully captured. Ensure that information is generated in a timely
7. Monitor actual implementation of the MIS and its functioning from time to time.
The strategies for determining MIS design
MIS design should be specific to an organization, respecting its age, structure, and operations.
Six strategies for determining MIS design have been suggested by Blumenthal (1969):
1. Organization-chart approach
Using this approach, the MIS is designed based on the traditional functional areas, such as
finance, administration, production, R&D and extension. These functional areas define
current organizational boundaries and structure.
2. Integrate-later approach
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
Largely a laissez faire approach, it does not conform to any specified formats as part of an
overall design. There is no notion of how the MIS will evolve in the organization. Such an
MIS becomes difficult to integrate. In today's environment - where managers demand quick
and repeated access to information from across sub-systems - the integrate-later approach is
becoming less and less popular.
Data-collection approach
This approach involves collection of all data which might be relevant to MIS design. The
collected data are then classified. This classification influences the way the data can be
exploited usefully at a later stage. The classification therefore needs to be done extremely
Database approach
A large and detailed database is amassed, stored and maintained. The database approach is
more and more accepted for two main reasons: first, because of data independence it allows
for easier system development, even without attempting a complete MIS; and, second, it
provides management with immediate access to information required.
Top-down approach
The top-down approach involves defining the information needs for successive layers of
management. If information required at the top remains relatively stable in terms of level of
detail, content and frequency, the system could fulfil MIS requirements (Zani, 1970). The
usefulness of this approach depends on the nature of the organization. It can be suitable for
those organizations where there is a difference in the type of information required at the
various levels.
Total-system approach
In this approach the interrelationships of the basic information are defined prior to
implementation. Data collection, storage and processing are designed and done within the
framework of the total system. This approach can be successfully implemented in
organizations which are developing.
Structure of MIS
Since there is no universally accepted demarcation/definition for structure of MIS, it is very
difficult to lay down the structure of MIS clearly. There are different approaches to define the
structure. Preciously we can infer the structure of MIS using following approaches.
With a good support, the management of marking, finance, production and personnel become
more efficient.
The tracking and monitoring of the functional targets becomes easy. The functional, managers
are informed about the progress, achievements and shortfalls in the probable trends in the
various aspects of business. This helps in forecasting and long- term perspective planning.
The managers attention is brought to a situation which is exceptional in nature, inducing him
to take an action or a decision in the matter.
A disciplined information reporting system creates a structured data and a knowledge base for
all the people in the organization. The information is available in such a form that it can be
used straight away or by blending analysis, saving the managers valuable time.
The MIS creates impact in the organization
A well designed system with a focus on the manger makes an impact on the managerial
The fund of information motivates an enlightened manger to use a variety of tools of the
Interpretation of data,
Quick decisions,
Speedy actions,
Increased productivity and thereby increase in the profit
Reduced transaction cost
Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which
individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.
1. As Managers, people carry out the management functions of
a. Planning
b. Organising
c. Staffing
d. Leading or Directing &
e. Controlling
2. Management applies to any kind of organizations
3. It applies to managers at all organization levels.
4. The aim of all managers is the same; to create a surplus or attaining maximum profit.
5. Management is concerned with the productivity; this implies effectiveness and
w Data
A set of people, procedures and resources that collects, transforms, and disseminates
information in an organization.
It is a system, that accepts data resources as input and process them into information
products as output.
Generating Information
Computer-based ISs take data as raw material, process it, and produce information as output.
Information must pertain to the problem at hand.
Example: the total number of years of education may not
There are 4 Levels of information system that exist in a typical business of moderate to large
size are:
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
Lower Management
Middle management and
Top Management
Sale, Distribution
iv. Administrative
System includes
Personnel, Contracts
All managemtn level positions require decisions to be made. These decisions range
from the routine to the complex. All management decisions involve two elements:
a) A process that include objectives, measurement of performance against
objectives and corrective action and
b) The availability of appropriate information, on which to base decisions.
The first of these elements establishes management as a feedback and control process.
The second leads to distinction between the characteristics of information required at
each management level.
Feedback and Control
Theses are essential to the design of any management system.
a) Feedback is the process of comparing an actial output with a desired output
for the purpose of improving the performance of a system and
b) Control is the action taken to bring the difference between an actual output
and a desired output within an acceptable range.
Information Generation
There are 2 types of Information Generators & they are :
a) Internal and
b) External Generators
Information System started in a modest way of recording receipts and issues of grains to
individuals out of temple stores in a clay tablets by Sumerians which was the oldest recorded IS.
At that time, data storage requirement was very low.
With the industrial revolution in Great Briton, there was need for heavy information storage needs.
Thereafter the business started growing bigger and become more complex. This called for
recording of day to day transactions which was called as Accounting System. So many
legislations were enacted to make the accounting system more effective and foolproof. This gave
birth to Transaction Processing System, where in day to day transactions are entered and the birth
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
of Cost accounts and ratio analysis etc., tools facilitated the management to obtain various
information that are needed in its day to day management. The MIS preparation was carried on
manually and the advent of low cost powerful PCs, Networking system and the development of
various high speed storage devices with incredible higher capacity, Internet facilities etc.,
stimulated the growth of Computerised IS.
Now, the business houses have become very big and their activities have become vide spread and
thery by becoming more complex. There is cut throat competition from both internal and global.
There was financial crises which forced to select the best alternative from the available alternatives
and rationing of investments etc. Due to all these, the management was in need of lot of
information otherwise its business will be thrown out of the market and ceased to exit in the
business. This developed Structured IS which is called as MIS without which the management
will find it very difficult to run the business even for a single day. So, Management information
system is a system which comprises people, data, hardware, software, & communication network
to facilitate the management in taking structured decisions.
The evolution of MIS, and its fast growth in the last few decades, can be attributed to the
following factors:
? Growth of management theory and techniques.
? Growth of management accounting and its applications in business.
? Changes in the production and distribution methods and the consequent changes in the
organizational structure.
? Development of management science (Operations Research).
? Introduction of computer into business data processing and the developments in information
Achieving Sound MIS
? The development of sound MIS is the result of the development and enforcement of a
culture of system ownership.
? An "owner" is a system user who knows current customer and constituent needs and also
has budget authority to fund new projects. Building "ownership" promotes pride in
institution processes and helps ensure accountability.
? Although MIS does not necessarily reduce expenses, the development of meaningful
systems, and their proper use, will lessen the probability that erroneous decisions will
be made because of inaccurate or untimely information. Erroneous decisions
invariably misallocate and/or waste resources. This may result in an adverse impact
on earnings and/or capital.
? MIS which meets the five elements of usability is a critical ingredient to an
institution's short- and long-range planning efforts.
? To achieve sound MIS, the organization's planning process should include
consideration of MIS needs at both the tactical and strategic levels. For example, at a
tactical level MIS systems and report output should support the annual operating plan
and budgetary processes. They should also be used in support of the long term
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
Planning involves
Selecting vision, Missions, Objectives and goals and the actions taken to
achieve them.
It requires decision making, which is, choosing from among various alternative
course of action.
Planning bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to go.
Need of MIS:
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
1. For effective planning, the management, should have some relevant data or
information about past, present and future performance of the organization as
well as internal and external happenings in an organization.
2. To detect any deviation from the objective or goal set and to cap it effectively.
3. Forecasting , an essence of planning, can be effectively done with the help of
processed data.
4. To understand the efficiency of different levels of management
5. Effective planning is the key factor for growth, survival and prosperity of an
organization which is not possible without effective MIS.
6. Effective Decision making can be done with the help of data showing the past
performance, current climate prevailing and the future trends and expectations.
For all above said information with regard to Planning, MIS is very important
? Organising
? If any one system is not performing well, the entire organization will collapse.
Need of MIS:
MIS provides valuable information to the management
1. With regard to performance of various departments & units to decide their
profitability and to decide their existence.
2. The profitability of movement of men and material and selecting best method
from various alternatives.
3. Deciding to Line of communication like formal or informal.
4. Cost worthiness of a particular branch or department or centre.
5. to decide whether centralization or decentralization is suitable fr an
organization by using the available data.
6. To choose effective line of communication.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
? Staffing is nothing but filling, and keeping filled positions in the organizational
structure. This done by identifying the workforce requirements, inventorying the
people available, and recruiting, selecting, placing, promoting, appraising,
planning the careers of, compensating and training or otherwise developing both
the candidates and current jobholders so that they can accomplish their tasks
effectively and efficiently.
Need of MIS:
1. MIS facilitates the HR department to do performance monitoring, Promotions,
awarding compensation and other benefits, amount of training to be provided,
cost control of training programmes, evaluation and feedback of employees
performance, benefit offered to the organization for the training programmes
given, Promotional schemes, Retaining the existing staffs from attrition
(leaving of efficient staffs from organization), to understand the cause for lower
performance and to motivate the staffs etc.
This is also another important function of the management where adequate control
will be exercised to see whether the management is having effective control over the
entire organization. Normally standards will be set and the actual will be compared
with the standards or budgets.
Need of MIS:
By using MIS techniques, the management can understand easily about the deviation
of the actual performance over the standards set. With the available facts it will
analyse the reasons for positive or negative deviations. In the case of positive
deviation also it is very important to analyse the reason for sudden improvement and
must know the reason for that then only it can take necessary actions to sustain that
trend. If it is due to temporary reasons, or highly volatile, the management can vey
well understand the situation. If it is negative deviation, the management can fix up
the responsibility on the employees if they are the reason for that negative deviation.
So, to have effective control over the entire factors affecting an organization, the
management is in need of .certain information provided by MIS.
Importance of Planning
@ Planning is basic to all managerial functions.
@ Planning is a process of selecting one course of action from different alternatives, for
achieving the stated goals, objective and targets.
@ It is a decision making process determining in advance what to do, when to do, how to do
what is to do.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
@ Planning creates a frame of activity and events which are to happen or a runway for
achieving corporate goals, objective and targets.
@ Planning process demands resource allocation through decision making. The organization
may have a plan; but question is how effective the plan is.
Efficiency of Planning
@ The efficiency of a plan is measured by the amount it contributes towards achievement of
@ The plan is efficient if the goals are with less investment or with less resources Therefore,
efficient planning involves selecting a plan among several alternative plans.
@ An efficient plan enables the management to handle uncertainty and risk in the business.
@ It helps to handle the change occurring in the environment and affecting the plan itself.
@ Planning helps to make operations economical as it continuously evaluates the costs and
outputs and forces optimum use resources.
@ It helps to control business operations at all levels with Common reference to goals,
objectives and targets.
Nature of Planning
@ Planning is a process and hence it has a methodology.
@ The first step in planning is forecasting the environment, in which the plan is to be made
and operated. Forecasting provides information on population, growth price trends, market
changes, and new opportunities, changes in technology the plan will be developed and
@ The second step in planning is determining alternative courses of action. The management.s
ability lies in creating a number of alternatives. The effective way of creating a number of
alternatives is to build models of the situation and use it as a tool for the generation of
alternatives. These models. Are known as system models, operational research model and
mathematical models. Consequent o the development of alternative courses of actions, the
necessity is to analyze the feasibility of each. As, a modek can give infinite alternatives,
only some of them can be feasible in the given conditions and constraints. The constraints
may be man-made or environmental; but they affect the feasibility of the action. Evaluating
the feasibility of each alternative brings the infinite number of alternatives to a limited
@ The third step in the planning process is to evaluate the best among all the feasible
alternatives. The analysis and evaluation is done with reference to the objectives such as,
minimization of cost, maximization of profit, yield, and productivity, etc. The right choice
of an objective is a crucial factor in the selection process. The planning begins with the
setting of goals and objectives and ends up in selecting the most rational course of action.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
@ The organization has a network of goals, objectives and targets. It is necessary to develop
the network of plans corresponding to this network. The process leads to the development
of corporate plans, investment plans, marketing plans, and advertising plans. Normally, the
corporate plans are for a longer period and the derived plans are for shorter periods. Since
the plan has a commitment to time, it is necessary to build a flexible plan capable of
undergoing a suitable change to alter the goals and objectives within the same time. The
flexibility, as possible, should be built in, so that the cost of changes is not very high and
the implementation is still possible without loss of time. The implementation of plans is
made through developing the strategies, policies, systems, rules, procedures, programmers
and the budgets. The strategy shows the direction, focus, emphasis and development of
resources. Many a time.s good plans fail because of strategic failure. The purpose of the
strategy is not to outline a precise method of implementation; but to provide a boost or
thrust to the plans of implementation. An appropriate strategy helps to cut down the use of
resources and accelerates the process of achieving the goals.
The policy is a statement of management which stands on the top of all plans or courses of action.
A rational plan or a decision can be rejected on the premise of policy .The policies are evolved in
the wider frame of strategies and are generally not questionable but these can be changed. For
example, the organization can have a policy of recruiting personnel only with the qualification of
MBA or it may have a policy of changing the prices once a year and not too frequently. The
policy, therefore, is a general guideline and is to be followed by all.
The system is a vehicle for the implementation of a plan. The system provides pathways, gates and
structures for communication and control. The strategies and policies are important for successful
implementation of the plans. Depending upon the plans, systems will be built as closed or open
systems. The rules, procedures and programmers help to implement the operational plans. They
provide a common basis and an understanding of conducting business operations. A strict
adherence to the rules and the procedures builds discipline in the organization. A smooth
implementation of the plan calls for the rules, procedures and programmers to be observed
properly. When the organization becomes bigger, the adherence to rules procedures and systems
brings a higher degree of formalization in the process of implementation.
The effectiveness of the plan depends on how it is implemented. A successful implementation
requires appropriate timing of launching the basic plan and its derivatives. Lack of knowledge
creates the problems of going away in a totally different direction. The plan must be evolved by
people who are going to implement it. Their participation brings their involvement and
commitment to the plan. For effective planning, participation should be encouraged.
An effective planning should begin at the top and flow down the line. The effectiveness is brought
in by taking a series of decisions, committing resources, giving directions, and executing controls
to achieve the goals and objectives. The process planning, therefore, is to develop the alternatives
based on some choice about goals. It the situation is that of uncertainty, then the evaluation is done
through risk analysis ad preference theory using utility as criteria.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
Organizing is an important step in the managerial process and relates to the people in an
enterprise. It deals with a quantitative and a qualitative aspect of manpower in terms of
placement, the roles they and the relations amongst them, with the aim that they work
together effectively towards accomplishing the goals, objectives and the targets of the
organization. In essence, it deals with organizing the manpower resources for a given
plan of execution.
The organization could be formal or informal. The organization is formal when the roles,
the relations of the people and the objectives they should achieve well defined. In an
informal organization, it is left to the people to understand and evolve suitable roles and
relationships to achieve the objectives.
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While creating the organization is given to an appropriate splitting of the enterprise
activities, by way of function, and grouping them in such a way that they form a division,
a department, a section or a formal group. The people heading these entities should have
enough authority to decide, and should exercise a discretion in using the authority. The
people should and the members of the structure of roles and relationships that it is
designed to work effectively and the members of the structure are able to contribute
substantially towards the achievement of goals. The structure would be productive, if it is
manned properly. The process of manning involves selecting people in right number and
placing them at appropriate levels.
Peter Drucker recommends three ways to determine the structure:
Activity analysis,
Decision analysis, and
Relations analysis
Organizing is a process by which the manager can bring a smoothness of operations, by
way of conflict resolution, assigning work responsibility, and creating appropriate work
environment of teamwork while deciding on the process of organizing. There are certain
important factors to which attention should be paid and which are discussed as follows.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
functions are those which do not participate directly in the activity but aid line functions
to achieve the targets. Production Planning, Marketing, Purchasing, etc, are staff
functions. The distinction is more clear and precise at higher levels. The staff function is
advisory but owns the responsibility for the results and is accountable for nonperformance.
The relationship between the line and the staff functions is always strained. The
performance of the line function depends upon how the staff function has planned the
activities. Deficient planning leads to an initialization of line capacity and non attainment
of targets. A line function does not have resources, leverages and powers to overcome the
problems arising out of the staff functions.
Delegation of Authority
The function either is a line function a staff function; but still it requires decision making.
As one person cannot plan, execute and control all the tasks in the functions, owing to the
limitations of time and capacity, it is necessary that the decision making is not centralized
at one point.
Handing over limited authority of decision making to the subordinated is called
delegation. The concept of delegation is based on the premise that an individual can take
decision if supported by information, knowledge and guidance, and is motivated enough
to perform. The concept of delegation accepts the responsibility of non-performance of
the delegated person or the mistakes made by him. Hence, most routine types of decisions
are delegated with the support of rules, conditions and the method of decision making.
The failures in delegation occur not because of the lack of understanding of the principle
of delegation, but because of the inability to implement it into practice. A lot depends
upon the ability of the manager to delegate and upon the capabilities of the subordinates
to use the authority. The manager is not able to delegate, if he does not have a positive
attitude towards delegation, if e is not receptive to the subordinates. ideas and is not
welling to accept the risk of failure or mistake of his subordinates. A failure to use the
delegated authority emanates from a lack communication, guidance, training and
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Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
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Towards Effective Organisation
Organisation is an activity of building a structure of roles and relations of the people to
secure coordination of individual efforts to achieve common stated goals, objectives and
targets. The failure in organization occurs due to the failure to plan properly, to delegate
the authority and due to the confusion of relation and authority. The failure also occurs on
account of imbalance in the line and staff function and their relation. Organisation
becomes effective, if it is designed for the unity of goals and objectives with precise
planning and optimum span of control. It becomes further effective, if it works on the
principle of command, delegation and parity of authority and responsibility. It becomes
productive if it flexible enough to change and is headed by a manager with leadership
The function of staffing deals with manning the enterprise as per the organization
structure so that they together implement the process of the management. Staffing
involves not only selection of a person but also appraisal and development so that they
perform their designated roles. The selection of a person is a difficult task. However, the
chances of selecting a wrong person are very less if a proper method is used. Since
people cannot be easily replaced because of socio-political and legal reasons, their
selection, in terms of quality and, is of paramount importance.
Staffing of enterprise should be for todays as well as that of the future. The requirement
of the future is difficult to predict in precise and this requirement needs to be forecasted
for more than five to six years. So the purpose of staffing is not manning for the current
plan of business but to create a manpower potential capable of undergoing development,
so that the same manpower is able to perform the changed roles in the future.
Hence the selection of a person in terms of age, qualification and potential becomes an
important task in human resource development.
The selection of individuals for line functions is not that difficult because the role and the
asks are well defined and do not undergo any significant change over a period of time.
The difficult lies in the selection of management positions. The manager is a multifaceted
personality. A person is said to have good managerial potential, if he has the
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
overruns. There could be sudden developments which may disturb the plans and the
process of implementation. The manager.s role, in this situation, is to coordinate all the
activities and provide leadership to the group to keep the plan moving. Directing and
leading are the methods, whereby the subordinates are lead to understand the purpose of
the activity, and by way of guidance, a direction is given to them to march towards the
goals. Their difficult and conflicts are resolved, bottlenecks removed and a clear path is
created to progress on plan achievement.
The task of directing and leading becomes more effective if the human side of the
enterprise is taken care of by motivating the people. The manager is required to create an
environment in which everybody can perform their best. The work environment becomes
conducive to good performance if work becomes satisfying and provides an opportunity
to expand the scope of work and his influence.
The manager is a leader if he possesses the art of influencing the subordinates in such a
way that they willingly perform towards the achievement of the goals, objectives and
targets. The process of coordinating and directing takes place through communication.
Good communication has been defined by the American Society of Training Directives
as an interchange of thought or information to bring about mutual understanding and
confidence or good human relations. The coordinating and directing effect is more
effective if the manger is able to motivate the subordinates and provide leadership by way
of an affective communication.
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The last but the most important step in the process of management is controlling, the
successful execution of management plan. Without control, the process becomes
unproductive. The purpose of control is to regulate the process in such a way that the
management process continuously strives for the achievement of the goals, objectives and
The control is exercised through a system. The system measures the performance of the
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
management in terms of some predefined measures of output. It compares the output with
the standard, identifies the deviations from the standard, and corrects the management
process to ensure that the plan continues to be effective in terms of achieving goals,
objectives and targets.
The control system work on the principle of feedback. The feedback on the performance
should be quick without any loss of time, that corrective action can be taken immediately.
The process of correction involves change in the plan, reallocation of resources,
application of new system, procedures and rules. The best control is the one which brings
the process back into operation on the main track without outside intervention. The
control system must get into action automatically to correct the midstream adverse
Time is the essence of control. If the corrective action is taken late on account of delayed
feedback, it is ineffective and may result in heavy losses. Most of the managers look for
real time control system, a system which provides an instant negative feedback from the
standard and an instantaneous corrective action without any time delay.
Since the management control systems are not physical system, where one can desire real
time control mechanism, the managers look for feed forward control. The feed forward
control gives an advance warning, an indication that the deviations are likely to occur in
near future calling for a corrective action. The techniques used in the feed forward
control are forecasting, trend analysis and judging the performance from the standpoint of
input versus output.
Auditing is also a tool of control. There are several types of audits possible in a business
organization. Managerial audit deals with how effectively the plans are made and
implemented. It is addressed to the managerial performance to judge whether it was up to
the mark, and whether there are any lapses, failures or weaknesses. The operational audit
deals with an adherence to the rules and the policies of the management. It identifies
whether the operations of the organization are being carried out as per the managerial
directives, rules and policies. The financial audit addresses the business and financial
transactions to find out whether they are carried out with due regard to the accounting
principle and statutes. It also examines whether all the transactions are covered
completely and for the year.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
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With the advancement of information technology and computers, a variety of planning
and control tools have been developed. Planning and budget models, financial models,
risk analysis models, PERT/ CPM, operations research models are some of the examples
of the control tools.
The process of management requires a lot of data and information for execution of the
plan. This requirement arises on account of that in each step of management, a variety of
decisions are taken to correct the course of development. The decisions or actions are
prompted due to the feedback given by the control system incorporated in the
management system. The control of overall performance is made possible by way of
budget summaries and reports. The summary showing sales, costs, profit and return on
investment throws light on the direction the organization is moving to. The exception
reports identify the weaknesses in the system of management.
If effective management system is to be assured, it has to rest on business information.
The management performance improves if the business risk and uncertainties are handled
effectively. If the information provided is adequate, one can deal with these factors
squarely. The information support improves the lack of knowledge, enriches experience
and improves analytical abilities leading to better business judgment. So, if efficient
information support is to be provided, it calls for a system with the goals of generating
management information. A good MIS must furnish information to the managers to
expand their knowledge base. He must know the adverse trends in business, the shortfalls
and failures in the management process.
The MIS should provide the support to act and decisively. It should support management
in terms of basic business information at the corporate level and meet the specific needs
of the managers. It should highlight on the critical success factors and support key areas
of management. MIS should have, wherever possible, support systems to help the
manager in decision making.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
Modern management systems rely on MIS. The complexity of business operations with
skill and foresight to avert the crisis. Modern business management requires shift from
the traditional controls to managerial control. The shift requires the manager to become
more efficient in handling the he is entrusted with. The manager becomes more efficient
if he is well informed, made richer in knowledge, experience and analytical skills and is
able to face the uncertainties and the risk of business. This is possible only if he is
supported by MIS in his specific task of management of business.
Modern business has business has become more technology- oriented wherein the
manager is required to be up- to- date on technological advancement not only in his field
of operations but also in the other technologies . The emerging new technologies are
posing threats to current business and are opening new opportunities for new business
ventures. The manager has to keep himself abreast on the information of how these
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technologies affect his business prospects. A good MIS designed for such a support is
Information System Architecture
Information System started in a modest way of recording receipts and issues of grains to
individuals out of temple stores in a clay tablets by Sumerians which was the oldest
recorded IS. At that time, data storage requirement was very low.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
With the industrial revolution in Great Briton, there was need for heavy information
storage needs. Thereafter the business started growing bigger and become more complex.
This called for recording of day to day transactions which was called as Accounting
System. So many legislations were enacted to make the accounting system more
effective and foolproof. This gave birth to Transaction Processing System, where in day
to day transactions are entered and the birth of Cost accounts and ratio analysis etc., tools
facilitated the management to obtain various information that are needed in its day to day
management. The MIS preparation was carried on manually and the advent of low cost
powerful PCs, Networking system and the development of various high speed storage
devices with incredible higher capacity, Internet facilities etc., stimulated the growth of
Computerised IS.
Now, the business houses have become very big and their activities have become vide
spread and thery by becoming more complex. There is cut throat competition from both
internal and global. There was financial crises which forced to select the best alternative
from the available alternatives and rationing of investments etc. Due to all these, the
management was in need of lot of information otherwise its business will be thrown out
of the market and ceased to exit in the business. This developed Structured IS which is
called as MIS without which the management will find it very difficult to run the business
even for a single day. So, Management information system is a system which comprises
people, data, hardware, software, & communication network to facilitate the management
in taking structured decisions.
The evolution of MIS, and its fast growth in the last few decades, can be attributed to the
following factors:
? Growth of management theory and techniques.
? Growth of management accounting and its applications in business.
? Changes in the production and distribution methods and the consequent
changes in the organizational structure.
? Development of management science (Operations Research).
? Introduction of computer into business data processing and the developments in
information technology.
The strategies for determining MIS design?
MIS design should be specific to an organization, respecting its age, structure, and operations.
Six strategies for determining MIS design have been suggested by Blumenthal (1969):
7. Organization-chart approach
Using this approach, the MIS is designed based on the traditional functional areas, such as
finance, administration, production, R&D and extension. These functional areas define
current organizational boundaries and structure.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
8. Integrate-later approach
Largely a laissez faire approach, it does not conform to any specified formats as part of an
overall design. There is no notion of how the MIS will evolve in the organization. Such an
MIS becomes difficult to integrate. In today's environment - where managers demand quick
and repeated access to information from across sub-systems - the integrate-later approach is
becoming less and less popular.
9. Data-collection approach
This approach involves collection of all data which might be relevant to MIS design. The
collected data are then classified. This classification influences the way the data can be
exploited usefully at a later stage. The classification therefore needs to be done extremely
10. Database approach
A large and detailed database is amassed, stored and maintained. The database approach is
more and more accepted for two main reasons: first, because of data independence it allows
for easier system development, even without attempting a complete MIS; and, second, it
provides management with immediate access to information required.
11. Top-down approach
The top-down approach involves defining the information needs for successive layers of
management. If information required at the top remains relatively stable in terms of level of
detail, content and frequency, the system could fulfil MIS requirements (Zani, 1970). The
usefulness of this approach depends on the nature of the organization. It can be suitable for
those organizations where there is a difference in the type of information required at the
various levels.
12. Total-system approach
In this approach the interrelationships of the basic information are defined prior to
implementation. Data collection, storage and processing are designed and done within the
framework of the total system. This approach can be successfully implemented in
organizations which are developing.
Establishing the Framework
What is a Framework?
A Framework is a conceptual model that helps us to understand and communicate
about Information Systems.
The framework facilitates future discussions about different types of decisions, their
information requirements and different kinds of computer based information systems.
A framework provides a way to organize your thoughts and analyse a problem.
Popular Frameworks are:
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
? Simons Framework
? Robert Antonys Framework
? Gorry and Scott Mortons Framework.
Simons Frame Work
Simon Herbert A in his book, The New Science of Management Decision, page no. 40,
1960 has indicated as follows:
An organization can be pictured as a three layered cake as shown in Fig. mentioned below.
In the bottom layer, we have the basic work processes. In the case of a manufacturing
organization, the processes are as
Layer 3: The non-programmed
processes are found here that are
required to design and redesign the
entire system, to provide it with its
basic goals and objectives and to
monitor its performance. Long term
planning and strategic planning are
(Structured or semi structured) decision
makingprocess; the process that govern
the short term operations of the
Different Layers in an Organisation
manufacturing and distribution system.
Here tactical planning and management control are needed.
Layer 1: Here, the processes procure raw materials, Manufacture the physical product, store
them in warehouses and ship it.
Robert Anthonys Framework.
Robert Anthony identified 3 levels in a subsequent publication as:
1. Operational Control,
2. Management Control, and
3. Strategic Planning in his book Planning and Control System A framework
for Analysis Written for Harward University Press in 1965, Page 69.
Robert Anthony has delineated (ie., described) a framework which distinguishes between
the different types of planning and control process that typically occur in organization. His
basic thesis is that thinking of planning and control as two separate and homogeneous
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
How Anthonys framework of planning and contrl in different functional areas work are as
shown below:
Media planning
product mix for a for
maximum levels
of credit for
Determining who
will be promoted
to fill a vacant
specific jobs on
machinesduring a
action to be taken
against default in
payment by a
Determine which
of the workers
will be on each
contacts to be
salesman in the
immediate future
Operational Control
Management Control
Strategic Planning
Budgets, Personnel
mode mix.
Analysis of variance
Introduction of new
Management of
? In a structured decision, the 3 phases of intelligence, design ad choice are fully structured.
? In an unstructured decision, all three phases are unstructured
? Any decisions in between the two is semistructuired.
As in Simons Framework, the line between structured and unstructured decisions shifts over
time as new decision techniques are developed and applied to unstructured robles.
A framework such as the Gorry & Scott-Morton model helps instudying different kinds of
systems. We can consider what kind of management support the system provides or what the
nature of the problem is. A manager should not be particularly surprised when a structured
operational control or transaction processing system fails to rocide much information that is
of interest for deision making. Depending on the type of system, we may also find that our
implementation strategies will differ. The task of designing a structured transation
processing system is different from the task of building a model for a manager to use in
making plans for the corporation.
It appears that many information systems have attached problems in the strured operational
control cell. These problems are similar in many organization and are among the most easily
understood. It is easier to mechanise these decisions and to predict and achieve cost savings
from them than it is for less structured decisions or for strategic planning decisions. Since
operational systems are important to the daily functioning of the firm, they are high-priority
Tremendous advances in hardware and software have provided a variety of ways to apply
computer support to a problem area. We are limited only by our imagination and our
knowledge of the technology and the organization in applying ISs to solve problems or
improve the competitive position of the firm.
End User Development
End User is any one who uses an information system or the information it produces.
End User Computing Systems are computer based information system that directly supports
both the operational and managerial applications and end user. Traditionally, the only people
who have direct contact with customers are:
Sales People
Office Staff
Production Workers etc.
End user development benefits and limitations
1. Shortended lead times:
End User
applications more quickly than IS
personnel because they are higly
motivated (they will benefit from
the new system)
Organization relying on user
development have to risk of
creating islands of informations;
private database are not under the
control of organizations IS
managers. This makes difficult to
achieve the benefits of integrated
applications identical or similar to
already existing.
Documentation: May be a
misnomer users not well versed in
creating documentation and to develop
the application on their own quickly and
even if done, do not document it. Lack
of documentation results in System
maintenance difficult at best and
MIS applications process process data that is generated by TPS and other internal
information sources. MIS users will request for reports and the same is takenm by
MIS programs. The TPS daa is processed by aggregating and reformatting it, to
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil, Cell: 7812020411
Faculty, SRM Vivekanada College, Mylapore
Master files will be containing the information which are permanent and semi
permanent information which will not be frequently changing. They are fixed
Process Inquiries
Users Inquires are processed to receive reports. These may be regular inquiries
with a present format or ad hoc inquiries
Process Interactive Support Applications
Decision Making.
(c) Outputs for the Users
Here, the users will process the master data file and transaction data files and try to get
necessary outputin any desired format.
There are mainly 5 major types of output:
Transaction Documents
Reports, Inquiry and dialog results provide 4 types of information:
o Monitoring Information - information confirms that actions have been taken on
reports status on financial or other terms.
o Problem Finding Information : Information is presented in a format that
promotes identification of problems.
Preplanned reports
These have a regular content and format, usually run on a regularly scheduled
basis. They describe status or condition at a point of time.
They summarise what has occurred during a period such as a week, month or
They present results to date and project to the end of the period.
? Decision Making is an integral part of human life. One has to take decision in
ones day-to-day life.
It is searching the environment for conditions calling for decisions. Data inputs
are obtained, processed and examined for clues that may identify problems or
It is inventing, developing and analyzing possible course of action. This
involves processes to understand the problem, to generate solutions, and the test
solutions for feasibility.
It is Selecting an alternative course of action from those available. A choice is
made and implemented.
Nature of Problems and Decision-Making in the Organisation
Strategic Management
Operastional Management
Types of Management, Information, Decisions
Generally Board of
Directors, Executive
Committee of the CEO,
Top Executives
Members of self directed
teams, Operating Managers
The strategic level management is mostly concerned with planning information and
its requirement for control information is very limited as most of the control function
is exercised at lower levels.
On the other hand, the operational level management requires substantial control
information and small amount of planning information.
Strategic Planning
Management Control
and Tactical Planning
Operational Planning
and Control
Corporations may begin the process by developing a shared vision using a variety of
techniques, including team building, scenario modeling and consensus creating
components adopting strategic IS planning have four main objectives.
Concept of a system
What is a System?
The systems purpose is for its existing like Legal System, Ignition System, Digestion System
Systems must interact with their environment which is entities outside the boundaries of
Open systems are the systems that receive input and produce output with other
Systems which are not interacting with other systems are Closed System. They exist
in theory only.
The element of control must be there.
Systems may have several subsystems.
Characteristics of Good Information System
Information must pertain to the problem at hand.
Systems that can adjust their activities to the acceptable levels continue to function.
Otherwise they cannot cease to exist.
A unique bit of information that identifies an object, person, place, or date.
Concepts: A category of items or ideas that share comon features.
Procedures: A series of steps that show how to make or do something.
Processes: A description of how something works or operates and
Principles: Rules, heuristics, guidelines, criteria that predict an outcome
F Human body system is the best example for a system which in itself consists of various
sub-systems like digestive system, respiratory system, nerves system etc. These subsystems have further sub-parts. All sub-systems of the human body system must function in
a closely coordinated way. The interrelated sub-systems form a unitary whole i.e., a human
being who is himself a part of the environment and the society in which he lives.
F A sub-system, in a business organisation, may be defined as a departmental activity within
the framework of a functional activity like production, inventory, Finance, Sales,
Marketing, HR etc. Respective departments set their objectives within the framework of
functional objectives and accordingly this may be defined as sub-objectives. Like a human
body system, a business system too consists of various sub-systems like production,
financing, marketing, HR etc., which operate in unison to make the unitary whole i.e. a
business system. These sub-systems may have further sub-systems. For example, HR subsystem is divided into other sub-systems like selection, training, remuneration, promotion
etc. The success of any business system as a unitary whole depends on the close
coordination of these sub-systems.
System Interfaces
Various types of systems
Open Systems
Close Systems
Open System
Open Systems are the systems which are interacting with the environments
For ex., some of the information of Finance Department is input for purchase
department or inventory department or HR department. Receiving and evaluating
feedback allows a system to determine how well it is operating. If a business,
produce as output products or services that are high-priced and of low quality,
people probably w8ill not continue to buy them. Low sales figures are feedback,
telling the management that it needs to adjust the products and the way they are
produced to improve performance and bring it to the line of expectation.
Closed Systems
They do not need any thing from the environment. Since this condition cannot exit
for a long, there are no closed systems.
Each system will be further subdivided into small systems according to their
nature of activities in that system. This bifurcation of a system into smaller
systems will be called as sub-system. For ex., an accounts system is bifurcated
into small units like accounts payable, accounts receivable, billing, auditing, and
so on. Each one of these sub-systems will be called as sub-system like billing
sub-system, internal audit sub-system, accounts sub-system etc.
Sub systems can handle complexities of a system in a simple way and improves
the understanding of the system.
Decomposition into subsystem is used to analyse the existing system and to design
and implement a new system.
Design Objectives
Self regulation and self adjustment are design objectives in all systems.
An organization consists of many business systems like Finance, Marketing, Sales, Inventory
control, Manufacturing etc.
The purpose of Finance Department is to cater the Financial needs of an organization. It has
to manage various financial activities. It has to do proper financial planning. It has to
mobilize the funds from various sources at lesser cost etc. So also, each and every system is
having their own objectives for their existence like Marketing system to market the goods
produced, Sales system to sell the finished products, Inventory system to have control over
the materials, Manufacturing system to manufacture the necessary goods according to
cutomers specifications and taste etc.
There will be control in each and every system for its efficient performance which will be
contrinuosly monitored by Managers and Employees and necessary actions will be taken in
case if there is any adverse situations.
Every System will have sub-systems which will be contributing to the success of a system..
The general features of all systems are identical. Any system can be examined with this
framework in mind and specific details added as necessary. It is this flexibility that makes
Information systems consist of subsystems like Hardware, Software, and data storage for
Files and Databases.
Informal Channels
Open Systems are the systems which are interacting with the environments
For ex., some of the information of Finance Department is input for purchase
department or inventory department or HR department. Receiving and evaluating
feedback allows a system to determine how well it is operating. If a business,
produce as output products or services that are high-priced and of low quality,
people probably w8ill not continue to buy them. Low sales figures are feedback,
telling the management that it needs to adjust the products and the way they are
produced to improve performance and bring it to the line of expectation.
They do not need any thing from the environment. Since this condition cannot exit
for a long, there are no closed systems.
Each system will be further subdivided into small systems according to their
nature of activities in that system. This bifurcation of a system into smaller
systems will be called as sub-system. For ex., an accounts system is bifurcated
into small units like accounts payable, accounts receivable, billing, auditing, and
so on. Each one of these sub-systems will be called as sub-system like billing
sub-system, internal audit sub-system, accounts sub-system etc.
Sub systems can handle complexities of a system in a simple way and improves
the understanding of the system.
Super System
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil
What is a Transaction?
A Transaction is an event or activity that affect the organization. Common transactions
including placing orders, billing customers, hiring employees, and depositing cheques are
called as Transactions..
F The type of transactions will vary from organization to organization.
F This is mostly a major daily process in an organization.
F The activities of TPS
Storage and Retrieval &
F It is occurring at operations level.
Characteristics of TPS
There is heavy volume of transactions
Each transaction is similar
The procedures for processing the transactions are well understood and can
be described in detail.
Few exceptions to the normal procedures occur.
TPS processing procedures are often Standard Operating Procedures
The heavy volume of transactions per day calls for computerization of TPS.
Management Information System
MIS are decision oriented.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil
to provide necessary information to the management time to time to take various decisions of
normal in natute or to take care of day to day affairs of the management.
This will support the decision often occur.
It is possible to analyze the decision factors and variables and develop reports that will be
useful in formulating future decisions.
MIS will be supplying information for structured decision-making and the problems are highly
MIS will be using some pre-defined rules and regulations for generating information or will be
using formulae for generating information requied bu management.
@ ESS are designed to incorporate data about external events, such as new tax laws or
competitors, but they also draw summarized information from information from internal MIS
and DSS.
@ DSS filter, compress, and track critical data, displaying the data of greatest importance to
senior managers.
@ ESS may be less analytical than DSS with less use of models such as linear programming or
forecasting. However, they often rely on external data and rely heavily on graphics.
Relationship between TPS, MIS, DSS, and ESS.
The various types of systems in the organization exchange data with one another. TPS are typically
a major source of data for other systems, especially MIS and DSS. TPS are operational-level
systems that collect transaction data. Examples of these are payroll or order processing that track
the flow of the daily routine transactions that are necessary to conduct business. TPS provide data
that are required by MIS and DSS, although these systems may also use other data. DSS not only
use data from TPS but also from MIS. MIS rely heavily on data from TPS. ESS are primarily a
recipient of data from lower- level systems. They obtain most of their internal data from MIS and
As in so many other professions, the customer is always right, regardless of how demanding,
unpleasant, or irrational he or she may seem.
The customer is ultimately the person paying for the system and usually has the right and/or the
ability to refuse to pay if he or she is unhappy with the product received.
In most cases, it is fairly easy to identify the user: the user is typically the person who makes a formal
request for a system. In a small organization, this is usually a very informal process. In a large
organization, the initiation of a systems development project is usually much more formalized.
Whenever possible, the systems analyst should try to establish direct contact with the user. Even if
other people are involved as intermediaries, it is important to have regular, face-to-face meeting with the
person who will ultimately inherit the system.
If it is not possible to communicate directly with the user, then the documentation produced by the
systems analyst becomes even more crucial.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil
One mistake often made by computer programmers, and sometimes by systems analysts is to
assume that all users are the same. User implies that the systems analyst will only have to interact with
one person, even when it is obvious that more than one user is involved, there is a tendency to think of
them as a formless, shapeless, homogeneous group of humans. Here are two ways of categorizing users:
Operational users are very much concerned with the functions that the system will perform,
but they are likely to be even more concerned with the human interface issues.
Operational users tend to have a local view of the system, they tend to be knowledgeable
about the specific job that they do and the people with whom they have immediate contact.
But they often are unfamiliar with the big picture, that is, they may have trouble
describing how their activity fits into the overall organization or what the overall
organizations charter really is.
Operational users tend to think of systems in very physical terms, that is, in terms of the
implementation technology currently used to implement the system or in terms of
technology that they imagine could be used.
(b) Supervisory users are employed in a supervisory capacity: they usually manage a group of
operational users and are responsible for their performance. The significant things to remember
about supervisory users are these:
Many of them are former operational users who have been promoted to their current
One reason that the supervisory user may be perceived as out of touch with the operational
user is that he or she is often measured and motivated by performance against a budget.
It is usually the supervisory user who thinks of a new system as a way of reducing the
number of operational users or avoiding further increases in their numbers as the volume of
work increases.
The supervisory user will often act as a middleman between the systems analyst and the
operational user.
The supervisory user often thinks in the same physical terms as the operational user, and
this perspective is often just as local as that of the operational user.
Finally, the supervisory user will be contacted day-to-day. He or she is the one who will
typically define the requirements and detailed business policy that the system must
implement. He or she may be a passive member of the team, a full-time member of the
team, or even the project manager.
(c) Executive-level users: are generally not directly involved in a systems development project, unless
the project is so large and so important that it has a major impact on the organization.
K.S.Kunkuma Balasubramanian, B.com, MBA, MPhil
Operational: Usually has local view. Carries out the function of the system. Has a
physical view of the system.
Supervisory user: May or may not have local view. Generally familiar with operation.
Driven by budget considerations. Often acts as a middleman between users and higher
levels of management.
Executive user: Has a global view. Provides initiative for the project. No direct
operating experience. Has a strategic concern.
The amateur is the one who has never seen a computer and who exclaims loudly and
frequently that he or she doesnt understand all this computer stuff. The real problem with
the amateur user is somewhat more subtle: he or she may find it difficult to understand the
language that the systems analyst uses to describe the features, functions and
characteristics of the system to be built, even though that language avoids obvious
computer-related terminology.
The second type of user is the cocky novice, the person who has been involved in one or
two systems development projects, or the user who has a personal computer and who has
written one or two basic programs. This user often claims to know exactly what he or she
wants the system to do and is prone to point out all the mistakes that the systems analyst
made on the last project.
Of course, there are some users who really understand systems analysis, as well as the
underlying technology of computers. It is a pleasure working with these people. The only
problem may be that the user and the systems analyst derive so much pleasure talking about
the tools and techniques of systems analysis that they forget that their true objective is to
build a functioning system.
Management is a rather loose term. The systems analyst is likely to come into contact with several
different kinds of managers:
User managers: managers in charge of several people in the operational area where the new
system will be used. These are usually middle-level managers who want systems that will
produce a variety of internal reports and short-term trend analyses.
Executive development project (EDP)/MIS managers: the person in charge of the systems
development project itself, and the higher-level managers who are concerned with the overall
management and allocation of resources of all the technical staff in the systems development
General management: top-level managers who are not directly involved in the EDP
organization or in the user organization. This might include the president and/ or chairman of
the organization.
The primary interaction between the systems analyst and all these managers has to do with the
resources that will be assigned to the project. It is the systems analysts job to identify and document the
users requirements and the constraints within which the system must be built.
Depending on the size of the project and the nature of the organization you work in, you may or may not
have auditors.
Systems analysts
The system analyst is a key member of any systems development project. In a boarder sense, the systems
analyst plays several roles:
Archaeologist and scribe: As a systems analyst, one of the main jobs is to uncover detail and
to document business policy that may exist only as tribal folklore, passed down from
generation to generation of users.
Innovator: The systems analyst must separate the symptoms of the users problem from the
true causes. With his or her knowledge of computer technology, the analyst must help the user
explore useful, new applications of computers.
Mediator: The systems analyst who often finds himself in the middle of users, managers,
programmers, auditors, and various other players, all of whom frequently disagree with one
Project leader: Because the systems analyst is usually more experienced than the
programmers on the project, and since he is assigned to the project before the programmers
begin working, there is a natural tendency to assign project management responsibilities to the
Systems designers
The systems designer is the person (or group of people) who will receive the output of the systems
analysis work. His or her job is to transform a technology-free statement of user requirements into a highlevel architectural design that will provide the framework within which the programmer can work. In
many case, the systems analyst and the systems designer are the same person, or member of the same
unified group of people. It is important for the systems analyst and systems designer to stay in close touch
throughout the project.
Particularly on large systems development projects, the systems designers are likely to be a buffer
between the systems analysts and the programmers. The systems analysts deliver their product to the
system designers, and the system designers deliver their product to the programmer. There is another
reason why the systems analyst and the programmer may have little or no contact with each other: work is
often performed in a strictly serial sequence in many systems development projects. Thus, the work of
systems analysis takes place first and is completely finished before the work of programming begins.