JCC Vision Statement:: "JCC Schools... Inspiring Excellence"
JCC Vision Statement:: "JCC Schools... Inspiring Excellence"
JCC Vision Statement:: "JCC Schools... Inspiring Excellence"
10. Approve resignation of Sara Foley as a Para at Pleasantview Elementary, effective May 20, 2016.
11. Approve resignation of Nichol Shelhamer as a Para at Riverside Elementary, effective May 20, 2016.
12. Approve second reading of Board policies:
#102-Equal Educational Opportunity
#206-Public Participation in School Board Meetings/Complaints about Persons at School board Meetings
and Data Privacy Considerations
#208-Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies
#401-Equal Employment Opportunity
#402-Disability Nondiscrimination Policy
#410-Family and Medical Leave Policy
13. Approve 2nd Reading of JCC School Districts 5-Year Plan.
Informational Items:
1. Superintendents Report
2. Principal Reports
3. Business Managers Report
4. Facilities/Grounds Directors Report
5. Activities Director Report
6. Committee Reports
a. Community Education Council-Tim Thurmer & Kirk Dunlavey
b. Health & Safety Committee- Brad Anderson & Kirk Dunlavey
c. Staff Development Committee Holli Arp & Jody Thrush
d. Negotiations Committee-Rhonda Moore, Holli Arp, & Jody Thrush
e. Pool Board-Jeff Johnson & Kirk Dunlavey
f. Wellness Committee-Jeff Johnson & Rhonda Moore
Business Action Items:
1. Approve hiring Nate Boler as the new Instructional Coach.
2. Approve hiring Kate Anderson as the new 0.8 FTE Agriculture Teacher at Middle School and High School for
3. Approve hiring Maria Hustedt as 1.0 Title-Reading Integration Teacher at Riverside Elementary for 2016-17.
This is the 2nd of 3 teachers to fill these new roles.
4. Approve hiring Cheryl Bass as 0.4 FTE ELL Teacher for 2016-17.
5. Approve hiring Janice Vacura as Assistant Head Cook at the Middle School, starting August 2016.
6. Approve hiring Molly Streightiff as 1.0 FTE PreSchool Teacher at Riverside for 2016-17.
7. Approve hiring LuAnn Peterson as new 0.5 FTE Preschool Teacher at Riverside for 2016-17.
8. Approve hiring Mason Meyer as 1.0 FTE MS/HS Choir Director for 2016-17.
9. Approve hiring Lydia Wallert as the new 1.0 FTE 5th Grade Teacher at Riverside Elementary for 2016-17.
10. Approve hiring Bart Musser as the new 1.0 FTE 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher at JCC Middle School for
11. Approve hiring ______________ as the new 1.0 FTE Title Reading Intervention Teacher for 2016-17 at
12. Approve Family Medical Leave for Erica Colby, approximately September 6th through November 4th, 2016.
13. Approve revised budget for 2015-16 school year.
14. Approve purchasing Convection Oven from Hockenbergs for JCC Middle Schools Kitchen for $6,396.48.
15. Approve spending $3, 250.00 to replace light fixtures with LED lights.
16. Approve replacing JCC High Schools boiler and receiving roof from Four Seasons Roofing for
approximately $16,848.00.
17. Approve Board policies:
#102-Equal Educational Opportunity
#206-Public Participation in School Board Meetings/Complaints about Persons at School board Meetings and
Data Privacy Considerations
#208-Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies
#401-Equal Employment Opportunity
#402-Disability Nondiscrimination Policy
#410-Family and Medical Leave Policy
18. Approve JCC School Districts 5-Year Plan.
19. Other.
20. Adjourn at _____________ p.m.
Upcoming Board Meetings to Remember:
Policy Committee MeetingTuesday, June 14th at 4:30pm in the Board Room.
Negotiations Committee Meeting
Budget Committee Meeting
Activities Council Meeting
Regular School Board MeetingMonday, June 27th at 6:00pm in the Board Room.