SELECT A Winning Team
SELECT A Winning Team
SELECT A Winning Team
People wont line up to stand at the door and say hi 100 times but
will line up when you tell them people decide in 8 minutes if going to
The what comes after the why. Make sure inviting to the why.
3. 1-1.
Most effective way.
Thats how Jesus did it.
In some cases, you will be partnering with them as the parent. The
latest census shows that over 2 1/2 million children are being raised
by their grandparents in the US. We have a lot of kids being brought
to church by their grandparents and I'm sure you do as well.
"The baby boomer generation gives our nation an
unprecedented opportunity to increase the breadth and the
scope of volunteering. If we use the right approach, this
population will continue their service and change the face of
volunteering in America."
Robert Grimm Jr., Director of the Corporation's Office of
Research and Policy Development
10. Volunteer multiplication.
Andrew, Simon Peters brother, was one of these men who
heard what John said and then followed Jesus. Andrew went to
find his brother, Simon, and told him, We have found the
Messiah (which means Christ.) Then Andrew brought Simon
to meet Jesus. Looking intently at Simon, Jesus said, Your
name is Simon, son of Johnbut you will be called Cephas
(which means Peter.) John 1:40-42 (NLT)
When you bring a new volunteer on the team its volunteer
addition. When your volunteers bring new volunteers on the
team its volunteer multiplication.
1 person bringing a new volunteer each month = 12 new
volunteers each year.
2 people each bringing a new volunteer each month = 24 new
volunteers each year.
3 people each bringing a new volunteer each month = 36 new
volunteers each year.
How to Multiply:
Emphasize it. (talk to them about it)
Pursue it. (ask them for names) Ill. of man this past weekend
Honor it. (honor those who bring others on the team)