Frontline Augst 2015 Newsletter-Usd

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August 2015

Committed to equipping
children living on
the streets with the
knowledge, skills, and
opportunities needed
to reach their fullest

Thank you
for all you do to
help bring the lifegiving love of Christ
to the street boys
of Uganda!


We recently sat down with one of our pioneer members of the Frontline Discipleship House. Markman shared
with us about how his time in the D House impacted his life and he shared what he is up to these days...
We asked Markman
to share the most
valuable thing he
learned while he
was in the D
The thing I will
remember most from
my time at the D
House is that we
never wasted any of
our time for the Word of God. We were always
working to be equipped with the Scripture. As time
went on, God started moving me through His Word
and He was teaching me. I grew and was
strengthened in the Lord. All of us in the house were
strengthened through the Word of God.

Markman then shared about his life today. He is

now an associate pastor of a community church
in Entebbe...
So now, I love what I am doing. This is my calling
and I feel at peace to be at the church. I am able to
lead others to Christ and to preach the Gospel so
they learn more about God. Another thing, I have
been able to encourage people who were in the
same life as me before. I am able to show them who
God is and what He can really do with someones
life, because my life is an example.
Thank you for supporting our work with the older
street boys through the Discipleship House. We
are able to restore hope and a future to their
hearts because of your partnership!


Meet our newest team member,

Uncle Ibra! He has a certificate
in counseling and is studying
medicine in school. He is a
great asset to our ministry!


We are excited
to announce that we
are preparing for a large
medical camp in January of
2016. Thanks to a team from
Michigan, USA, we look forward
to providing quality medical
care to around 250

Striving for Excellency...

Our leadership team meets every week to discuss how Frontline is
doing in fulfilling the vision and goals of the ministry. We know
where we are headed and where we want to be in the next few years,
but we are needing some more financial support. We desire to
facilitate staff development, team-building, and training to bring
unity and strength to our team. We are wanting to provide more for
the boys than we are currently able to provide, in the way of soap
foods, and resettlement opportunities. It will require around $1,200
each month for our D House and Drop-In Centre to run at their
highest potential. So far, we are operating off of $450 every month.
We are praying for the Lord to raise up more financial partners for
our ministry. If you feel the Lord leading you to join the work, please
email us: [email protected].

Upcoming Training Day! On Tuesday, August 18th, we will be

having a staff training day. We will be partnering with Abaana
Ministries to help strengthen our abilities to serve the
vulnerable children of Uganda. We will be discussing a variety
of topics including: the Biblical view of children, and the Heart
of a Child Worker. We will also be discussing the Power of
Words and how our words can affect children and our
teammates. Please pray for these topics and for other
sessions. Pray that our hearts and minds will understand how
to love these children the way God desires.


Geofrey and Lauren Lubambula

are the new Drop-In Centre
Coordinators for Frontline. They
joined our team a few months
ago and are bringing fresh
energy and strength to the
programs. Lauren is originally
from Arkansas, USA where she
completed a Masters Degree in
teaching and taught 3rd grade
for several years before moving
to work in Uganda. Geof has
grown up in Kampala and
committed to serving street
children for many years. Both
have a passion for working with
our boys and are excited to be a
part of the Frontline family.

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