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BST BS¥S35) Bb MM Lb24bb9 0534882 212 a iM BS 5351 : 1986 (© Bish Standards reton No port ofthe pbliaon may be hoteoped or tere rereduced withthe rr parma in wing of BSI British Standard Specification for Steel ball valves for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries Robinets & tournant sphérique en acier pour les industries pétrolidres, pétrochimiques et connexes — Spécifications Stahikugelhahne fir die Mineraldlindustrie und verwandte Industri British Standards Institution Coppin by the Bish Stodars Ision 3 Sat llr 01 100740 Et es BS 361 : 1986 Coppa by the Bish Stodards Ison Sati o1 10.078 7003 BSI BSX5352 8b MM Db24bb9 0534883 159 a Foreword ‘This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Piping Systems Components Standards Committee and constitutes the frst revision of BS 5351 : 1976 which is withdrawn, “Tre opportunity hes been taken in carrying out this revision 10 introduce internationally agreed pressure/temperature ratings, based on the definition of nominal pressure {PN} ‘ven in SO 7268", covering ratings previously given ia German {DIN} and American (ANSI) standards. However, in this Fevision the vse of PN hae been limited to valet with Flange designated PN 10, PN 16, PN 25 and PN 40 in accordance with BS 4504 : Part 1, For valves with flanges complying with 8S 1560 : Part 2, class ratings have been retained ‘This willbe reviewed ister when BS 1560: Part 2is revised to introduce flanges having metric bolting and which are designated by the PN system. The designation Class 800 for throaded and socket weld end valves has also been zetsined a there is no equivalent in the PN system. “Thi revtion also takes account ofthe latest agreements in ISO/TC 183/SC 1, Valves ~ Design, construction, marking and testing, and ISO/TC 8/SC 10, Metalle anges and thelr joints. On this basis the terminology and definitions inthis ‘standard are in accordance with those given in ISO standards and the minimum bore cimensions conform to those agroed intSO/TC 183/SC 1. The minimum prasure/temperature seat ratings given in this standard are baseé or the use of unfilled virgin PTFE {or the valve seats, but attention is drawn to the use of alternative seat materials chat could give higher pressure! ‘temperature ratings, Pressure/temperature ratinas ofthe valve are dependent on bots the body rating and thepressure capability ofthe seats Seat pressure cepabiity will be limited by the strength of ‘the seat material, particularly by the joss of strength which may occur at elevated temperatures. The applicable valve pressure etingat eny temperature wil, therefore, be limited by eltner the Body rating x the seat rating. ‘Throughout this British Standard those dimonsions shown in parentheses are non preferred. ‘Attention is drawn to BS 5169, which specifies valves for tess arduous duties than valves covered by this standard and ‘Compliance witha British Standard does not of itself ‘confer immunity from legal obligations. clad bythe Invern onal Orenzation for Standardization (ISO) es BSI BS¥S35) 86 MM LL246b9 0534884 095 mm Contents Page Foreword Inside front cover Committees responsible Back cover Section one. Genera 1 2 2 Definitions 2 3 Valve patorns 2 4 Nominal sizes 3 5 Pressure designation 4 6 Proteur/tamporstur ratings 4 7 Dimensions 6 Section two. Design and materials 8 " Section thre. Performance 11 Pressure testing 13 12 Fire testing 3 13 Antistatic testing 8 Section four. Marking 14 Genecat 14 Section five, Preparation for storage {and transportation 18 General 18 16 Body ands 16 ‘Appendices A Information to be specified by purchaser 6 8 Welcsend propeations ” © Typica ball vale constructions 19 Coppa by the Bish Stodards Ison Sati o1 10.078 7003 BS 5351 : 1986 Tables 1 Nominal sizes of valves according to end fitting 2 Pressure designations of valves according to end fitting 3 Minimum pressure/tempersture seat ratings for ball vaives Cass 800 body ratings "Nominal pressure and class ratings and nominal 6 End-torend dimensions of buttweld-end valves 7 Socketsweld.end details 8 Threadedend details 8 Minimum ball and body port diameters PN 10, PN 16, Css 150, PN 25, PN 40, Class 300, Class 600 and Class 800 10 Shell thickness 11. Drain tapping size 12 Minimum force for wrenches and handwheels 13 Additional materials permitted for uso in the manufacture of valves from bar-stock 14 Pressure test durations 16 Typleal materia symbols Figure, 1 Valve bore contiguretions 2 Typical variations of construction 23 Wold.end preparation 4 Typical bevel for wall thicknesses (¢) 22 mm or less for pipeline applications 5 Twoopiece spit body or one-piece end entry body 8 One-piece body, end entry or top entry 7 One-piece body ‘oF two-piece split body, threaded or extended weld end 8 Spiit body sandwich construction Page es BSI BSx535) 8b BS 5351 : 1986 Specification. Section one Section one. General 1 Scope This British Standsrd specifies the valve seat and body pressure/terpersture ratings, and the design including ‘ataials, dimensions, operstion, performance, testing and matking, of straightway steel ball valves having specified ‘wall thickness, an antistatic feature and fire tested design |X species full bore and reduced bore valves of one piece ‘oF split body construction with balls which may be seat Supported or trunnion supported “The ranges of valves covered by this standard are given in tables 1 and 2 (see also clauses @ and 5). “This standard does not cover the installation of ball valves. NOTE 1. Te tte of puiations referred tin this standard ae Tted 99 the ince base sve NOTE 2. The information to bs sulin by the purchaser athe {indi neniyorser hen Inte orm tet n 2 Definitions For the purposes ofthis British Standard, the following etinitons apply. 2.1 endto-and dimension (fe0e-toface dimension). ‘The distance between che two planes perpendicular tothe body axis located at the extremities of the Body ends. 2.2 antistatic feature, A feature incorporated in the design of the valve that ensures electrical continuity between the body, ball and stem of the valve. 2.3 five-testad design. A design that i capable of complying with appendix A of BS 5146 : Part 1: 1974, as modified by clause 12. WM Wakes 0534885 12) Ml 24 antiblow-out stam, A design that ensures the valve stem cannot be blown out of the body in the event of the ‘tom seal retainer, eg gland, being removed while the valve Is under pressure.” 25 nominal size (ON). A numerieal designation of size ‘hich is common to ali components in a piping system other than those components designated by outside clameters or by thread siz. It is @ convenient round number for reference purposes and it is normally only loosely Felated to manufacturing dimensions. [NOTE 2, This detintion ential with 180 706. 2.6 nominal pressure {PN}. & numerical designation which {sa convenient rounded number for reference purposes. All equipment of the same nominal size (DN) designsted by the same PN number shall have compatible mating dimensions. [NOTE 1. The maximum alonsble working presure depend on ‘steriali, design nm working ternperatre, an shouldbe Selected [NOTE 2. Norinst pressure i designated by the etre PN followed by the aparoprit reference number [NOTE 3, This etinition ienicl wit that eve in 180 7268. 3 Valve patterns \Valves shall be full bore oF reduced bor {s0efigure 1) of short or long pattern, where applicable, as given in table 6 and BS 2080. NOTE. tncartain lye PN 10, PN 16 and Css 150 short ottern ‘alvet the ballin te other than fly open poston may prowude Trvond the end ofthe Hlnge Foes Full bore Coppa by the Bish Stodards Ison Sati o1 10.078 7003 Reduced bore A es BSI BS45352 8b MM 1624669 0534886 9b8 mm 4 Nominal sizes Valves shall be of nominal sizes (DN) or {in) or thresded lend sizes according to the type of end fitting given in table 1 Table 1. Nominal sizes of valves according to end fitting Nominal sine ed ttig nots 4a 2) (on tow | ramees | sure] soatetmes | exsesws:| ronan ta ote a) of | weld end | endsiee Te note a 8 % | - - - ~ he io % | - - = = % | 16 &% Iv vio ly v Ys 20 wiv ve ly Vv % 25 riy¥ vl v 1 (32) wes tii fit fi wi jam 40 vm |v v v vo | 50 2 |v v v v 2 (65) alo fw | - - 80 3 |v v - - - 100 a fy y - - 150 6 iy Vv - - = 200 aly YoU = 250 w |v vn = 2 so 2 | y v = - - wo fey v - = = wo je fv v - - 7 NOTE 1../ majcates vie ste covred by this standord avalible both in (ON) ar in NOTE 2. Valve sees sown in prenthear ore non oreferes (8 foreword NOTE 3. When nominal ses DN B and DN 10 ave utd in tale, hese sist reer only to sales with threaded endsze of J, ond reapectialy. NOTE 4. Tranded end valee ae availabe only inte #8 gin inthis column, Designations fori ‘guen in ANSIJAEME B1 20.1 or 85 21, Coppa by the Bish Stondards Ison Sat 01 10078 7003 BS 5351 : 1986, Section one es BSI BS¥535) 8b MM 1L24bL9 0534887 6TH Mm BS 5351 : 1986 Section one 5 Pressure designation Pressure designations of valves shall be as given in table 2. 6 Pressure/temperature ratings Pressure/temperature seat ratings of valvs shall be as given in table 2, With the exception of body teat rings and primary soft seals all valve comaonents shall be capable of with standing the pressure/temperature ratings as specified in BS 1560: Part2, BS.4504: Part 1 or table 4, as appropriate. “Table 2, Pressure designations of valves according to end fitting Premure | Va ond tin ennation angst | ureweid | Socketweid | Extended: | Threaded Nominal | 10 w | - - - pee | 1 | te | ~ = = (Ny 28 25 - - 4 | 4 | - 7 300 | 300 | 8000niy" | 809 only | 800 only 600 | 600 > + Applies 0 forged or ba ree bodies ony ‘Table 3. Minimum pressure/temperature seat ratings for ball valvas | Nominal sn of vate Service temperature (°Cl (oni -0 |so [7 [oo | vo | ws |wo [ws | 200 0 Futlnore | Reduced bore | Minimum nonahock pressure ver [bar [ber [bar | bar [oar |e [bar | oar | bar aro 20 | sw 209 |eo |se js: jar jas |29 j2 | jo | asto 65 | s2to ao |s0 |ao | as fas |ar | aa |29 |20 | Jo | aor0t00 | 100%0160 | 42 | a2 [42 faz | 29 |a2 |2e | | 9 fo 150 aororso jar fat far far |2 |2s |i | | 7 Jo 2o0%0.400 | 300%0400 | 21 | 21 |2r |2r |2o |i fiz ja js lo NOTE 1. The preturitemperatue ratings pen in table 3 are based on eninge made trom PTFE ris without files, (tviegin maton cormpleay fre of seclemedproceted meter ee 103. NOTE 2, See tle 1 for equivalent nominal itn. NOTE 2.1 bar= 100kNim! = 100 KP. Coppa by the Bish Stondards Ison Sat 01 10078 7003 es BSI BS*5351 SL MM }L24b69 0534885 730 me 2 1986 Bs 6351 Section one su} on wo} on) seo] see su} on] oe sub sue za) zz uw} zt oc | 08 er} wee} aw ose sa} sai} sue] gat es) sta si} sai] zt a sz ez) ezi ul ae za| soe si} azt| ak} wat 02 ect) eet ve] ez 63) sos ezi] ez} azt et su oct} ort | ie | oct s6| ste oct} oc | ae ot ost zer] zer| gue | ze) gue | a6 zi} zer| ze zt sat eet] eet ve | eet 6} sor] sei) eet | eek et oot ser] set a6} set 86 | out ser] see] ser] get se ai] aeh as} cet 86) su ee] cer] ce a 05 ser] gel ss} eck 86) ait ser] ser] wen) ae 86 01 08- 224 eq 189 24 4 24 186 4 =4 D6 tmnsseid eee poyevoumnuney | sineaduin ming wes| izes! rorer| res] word | voces] cea] tis] cs 591009 26.04 evea| izes | roisa | orca] ora} vos] ze] se sa] ms | s21poq yp028 09 ~ omen Tomes re awor | wet | ciovm | corr] “emt | we foneorefav% ov] onyr0s] vow cy sures ApOG 008 889 ‘y e196, Coppa by the Bish Stondards Ison Sat 01 10078 7003 es BSI BS#5351 8b MM 1b24bL5 0534889 677 a 55961: 1886 Section one [Table 5. Nominal pressure and class Table 6, End-to-end mnsions of butt-weld-end valves |_ "inp tna Toons | eed ii 5 TOM | N10, PN 16, Cine 150] PN 25, PN 40, Cla 300 ee er [iam | Ben | tne ax, [oe [ex [ste 19 | 160 | 18.0400 tees [eae [ees [et te | iso | tstosoo = = 2 | 00 | ios fo |i | teem a a “2 wo |- fam - [am 7 Dimensions so | - al 203 7.1 Flanged-end valves 100 = 350) 7 aos ps3 Siodis xo | arolea[eany | a0 |e 2 1 funn dna lt nerds with BS 2080. Valves having flanges complying with 250 | 487) | 889) | 487) | 88 given in table 5 shall have the same face-to-face dimens 300 S02 ad 502 24 | 648 ‘The applicable nominal size range is also given, 380 S72;44 | 762 - 762 ‘7.2 Buttawveld-end valves 400 810 38 +5) - 838 +8 End-to-end dimensions shall be in accordance with: NOTE. Sae table 1 for equivalent nominal size tin), (3) 8 200 fr i 00 ve, Tein 7 Rocker di rore. mata mapmrsete omandetvtm | : Wedengennesarcesrcocemces | ty |S ad 18 foskeoldand ve om om om 7.4 Extended-wali-end w 2/13 34.1 sors | 43] so Darisulr welded preperation required (we fiquree 3 and 4) Coppa by the Bish Stodads Ison Sat rot 100283 7003 75 Threaded ond valves 17.5.1 Tha outside diameter of the end of threaded-and valves shall be as given in table 8 7.52 Valve ends shall have internal taper threads in ‘sccordance with ANSIVASME 81,20.1 or BS 21 es BST BS*535) 6b MM 1b24GL9 0534890 399 am Table 8. Threaded-end details T 14nd | Minimum outsioe dimenion of| by nd Ye 2 Ys 26 | 33 % | 38 1 | 48 way | 96 We | 62 2 7 Table 9, Minimum ball and body port diameters PN 10, PN 16, Class 150, PN 25, PN 40, Class 300, Class 600 and Class 800 BS 5351 : 1986, Section one 7.6 Minimum body port diameters ‘The minimum inside diameters of the body ports for both full and reduced bare valves shall be as given in table 9 NOTE. The minimum port diameters or Hnad veles ae net 7.7 Minimum ball port diameters Minimum ball port diameters shall be as given in teble 9, 7.8 Botting Bolting threads shall be in aesordence with ISO metric or Unified inch stendards, The dimensions and finish of bolting shall comply with the following standards, a¢ appropriate netic inh Bs yeu BS 1768 (below '/2 in) BS 4168 (cap head) BS 1769 BS 4190 18S 2470 (cap hese UNC) 8S 4439 BS 2693 : Part 1 bs 4282 Bs 4882 Nominal | Minimum diameter (Sin | Reduced bore vaves PN 10 upto and Snetuding PR AO an Clases 150 to 600 8 6 10 6 8 90 20 125 25 ” 2) 23 40 28 | 50 36 (65) 50 80 57 wo | 75 150 98 200 | 144 250 (| 187 300 | 228 350 | 266 400 | 205 125 7 24 30 37 29 6 75 98 v8 198 208 298 335 380 128 ey 20 a7 49 6 98 148 198 245 295 225 375 Coppa by the Bish StodardsIsiion Sat rot 100283 7003 NOTE, Se table 1 Yor equlvatnt nominal sz in es BST BSx535) 8b MM Lb24bb9 053489) 225 mM BS 5351 : 1986 . Section two Section two. Design and materials NOTE 1 1 the purchaser requires any partiulr dein feature to A fib i ub te oo oo oe 8 Design "NOTE 2. Fr bal vale end orale presires above norma terkingprevsure that may bul op in wpe ease ou NOTE. Type ball ve consuctins re gven in appendix C, hal egarton or wapoation thai Bron canbe ma {ore premue rie haw or anogeoate! mate peur ‘Suing ants oral prs n the Bont snd Bad es, 8.1 General ‘Thamoers ape wi or denimned ty te moutacre ues odie shal be of one pice or elit construction (ae the purchanr ears eatin in corre with append figure la) and appenin C).In the case of split body valves, 8.2. Shel wall thickness ‘the minimum design strenath of the slit body joint of The minimum wal thickness of the pressure-containing shell joints shali be equivalent to that ofthe body end flange of r'u'tewewteos i tae 10, Srlling af pinning tos or snot 2 langed body, or the appropriate equivalent flange for 8 rain ee cas consining part for buttweld-end, socket.weld-end, or threaded-end body. nameplate fixing, is not permissible where it would reduce Solted covers shall be provided with not less than four the effective thickness Below the permite value bolt, stuc bots, stude or socket head cap or hexagon heeded eres Table 10, Shel thicknee Minar sl thisknee me [ow [ee [om [aw [om [ow Jor A | ‘0 Soo | soo" | too a (ye ye ee jee ee ss wo = fo f= [2 ie fe as. 1% © 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 50 | 40 2 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 50 |43 2 so | 60 | 50 | s0 | 50 60 | 50 @ 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 6o 10 | 56 40 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | oo 7 |58 so | 65 | 6s | 70 | 75 | 80 80 61 ws | 6s | 0 | 70 | 75 | eo so |- wo | ss | 70 | 70 | 75 | eo wo | wo | 75 | 75 | a0 | a0 | 80 |100 |120 | - wo | 80 | 20 | 20 | a0 [110 |120 Jre0 |— zo | 90 {100 |100 |110 |130 |r40 | 200 | — zo | 98 {110 {110 |120 Jiao |i60 |230 |— 300 [110 |120 |120 |130 |160 180 |z70 |- | aso (110 [128 |130 [140 |175 |200 |290 |— woo |rzo [tao [iao [too [10 |z20 |azo | - NOTE, ual for evil nina Dormia wienticreraieonenn Coppa by the Bish StodardsIsiion Sat rot 100283 7003 es PST BSx5351 Sealed Sten {a} Tyee of body Solid — Position for body tapping —~— Sb MM 1624669 0534892 16) mm BS 5351 : 1986 Section two Axial entry (inert) Top entry Position for body tapping ———— One-piece body Three piece Split body Sealed cavity Cored eavity Hollow ae NOTE. Sold and cores cet bait may be of one oF two-p Wee construction (1 Type of ba (e) Type af ball support Trunnions may be— male ot female ~ ither or bath ends supported Position for boay tapping-~~ Figure 2. Typical variations of construction Coppa by the Bish Stodards Ison Sat llr 01 100754 7005, es BSI BS*5351 6b BS 5351 : 1986 Section two 8.3 Drain tapping 8.3.1 Provision shall be made in the design of valves ON 50 and larger forthe incorporation ofa drain tapping, {he position tor wnich fe sown In figure 2(3) 8.32 Tapping treads shal! be in accordance with BS 21 ‘taper or ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 and ofthe size given in ‘able 11 Table 11, Drain tapping size 50, (65},80, 100 | 1% 180 and 200, | % 250 ro 400 1 NOTE. Se abe 1 for equivalant nominal i) /\B.4 Flanged and extended weld ends ‘End flanges shal be east or forged integral withthe body fr ond piece ofa split body design, or attached by butt ‘walding. The welds of ends attached by butt welding or ‘extended ends attzened by socket welding shat comply with BS 2633 or BS 4677, as appropriate Any heat treatment for the full range of torvice temperatures shall be performed. NOTE. Other flange attachment welding methods ere Outi he /\.a.5 seems, ball shanks, stem extensions ‘Stems, bal shanks, stom extensions, stem mounted handwheets or other attachments shall be designed to prevent misorientation, Permanent marking shall be ‘provided an the end af the stm, 10 which an aperating mechanism could be attached, 0 indicate the axs of the flow passage through the bal NOTE. Attention i row tothe fot that markings uch 829 Engraved line on the end ofthe sem wl only provige on ‘epronimatsincieaton of the port ponition, BG Stem retention “The valve design shall ba such thatthe stem seal retaining fasteners, «9. packing gland fasteners, alone do not retain the stem. The design shall ensute that the stem shall not be capable of election feom the valve while the valve is undor pressure by the remoal ofthe stern sea retainer 9. gland, alone. 87 Gland An internally serewed stuffing box is not permitted, Glands fof the errowad esp typ (ane, far example. itm 7 of Figure Bb Shall ot be used for valves larger than DN 60 or 2 in rhominal size, The bolted type shall be of one-piece lne:pece bushed or of two-piece sel-ligning type. Vertcaly split glands shall not be used. Gland Botts shal ass throug holes in the gland, 8.8 Body seat rings ody teat rings or seat rng assemblies shall be designed so a8 tobe renewable except for those vals having a one-piece sealed (welded) body construction. 10 Coppa by the Bish Stodards Ison Sat llr 01 100754 7005, Bb24bb4 0534893 OTS mm 89 Ball (On full bote valves the bal port shall be cylindrical NOTE 1. The purchase should set 00 hs enaury or onde it Tein ete nrg it oe ‘Sealed cavity balls shall be designed to withstand the ful hydrostatic body test pressure. Typical tynes of ball construction ae given in figure 2(b) (se also appendix C). NOTE 2. Solis, tae cavity and mo piece bal are row with 8.10 Wrenches and handwheels ‘When used, wrenches and handwhees shall be designed to withstand @ foree not less than thet given in table 12 ‘nithout pormanont distor Table 12, Minimum force for wrenches and handwheels W 18 350 20 360 25 450 40 600 50 700 80 700 | 100 700 160 700 200 700 250 700 300 700 350 700 350 700 400 | 700 2.11 Antistatie design Valves shall incorporate an antistatic feature that ensures electrical continuity between stem and body of valvas DN 50 or smaller, or between ball, stem and body of larger valves. “The use ofa conductive stem sea is permitted provided ‘thatthe seal is not the sole mean of achieving the ant static function, NOTE. Conductive packings are not compasbe with certain roc: lid ee 104 nd appancin A 8.12 Fire-tested design All valves shal be of fire-tested design (eee clause 12), BSI BS#5351 86 MM Lb24b69 0534894 T34 mm 9 Operation 9.1. Valves shall be operatad by # handwhesl, wrench or actuator (see appendix Al. 2 suppies une the purchaser mpocricaly “eaves onilockoie 92 The length of the wrench or diameter of the handwheel for direct oF gear oparated valves shal after oponing and losing a new valve at lest thee times) be such that 3 force not exceeding 350 N shall bo required to operate the ball ‘rom either the open or closed position under the maximum ifferental pressure recommended by the manufacturer. 9.3 Handwheels shall be marked to indicate the dire of closing 9.4. Handwheels and wrenches shall be fitted in such a way ‘that whilst held securely, they may bp capable of being removed and replaced where necessary. “NOTE. On dors wera the handel esiing nut also ‘akape rote er 95 All valves shall be provided with an indicator to show the position of the ball port and the design of the valve shall not permit incorreet assembly. Vlhen a vrench isthe sole means of tnaicating 90"t postion it shall be arranged 50 thet the wrench lies parallel to the line of flow in the ‘pen position.” ‘96 Stops shall be provided for bath the fully open and fully closed positions of the valve and shall beso designed 97 The dimensions of actuator attachment flanges shell comply with 8S 8840: Part 1 10 Materials 10.1 Pressure containing shell 10.1.1 ‘The body, body connector, insert and cover ‘materials snall be selected tram BS 1560 : Part 2 oF 18S 4604 : Port 1. However for velves smaller tnan DN 50 and made from bar-stock, the range of materials is Supplemented by the materials givon in table 13. For flat covers the range of matarials i supplemented by plete ‘complying with BS 1501 : Parts 1, 2 (including Addenda Nos. 1 and 2} and 3, es sppropriate Plaze material shal have the same nominal composition asthe valve body. materi. 10.1.2 The carbon content ofall pressure-containing parts involved in welding operations shal be restricted 8s follows: (4) 0.26 s maximum for carton or carbon molybdenum steele (b} 0.18 % maximum for 6 Cr Vs Mo steel Mo (c) C+ to be not greater than 0,41 % < han 0.41 10.1.3 The chemical composition of the bedy drain plug ‘material shall be of the same type as that of the Body. Cast iron plugs snall not be used, Coppa by the Bish Stodards Ison Sat llr 01 100754 7005, BS 5351 ; 1986 Section two ‘Table 13, Additional materials parmitted for use in the manufectute of valves from bar stock atoriat® Brits Standard | Grade Carbon steel | 970: Pat | o70Mz0r Vrs Mo | 1802 620.440 2Yecr1 mo | 1502 622 18/8 | 970: Pare | s04s31 reaic =| 970: Pati | a0astt 19/10/2 970:Pere1 | 316831 tetozic | 970: Patt | 316811 18/877: 970:parct | 321831 1e/a/No | 970: Pare | 3a7sa1 15 1560: Part 2 or BS 4604: Pe 10.2 Trunnions, ball (or ball and shank), stem and seat ring housings Trimm mater stam and te standard. NOTE. Trim mates tthe manuocrre’ dcrtion unas Sopenaie A ie. trunnions, ball (or bell and shank). ing housings, ara nat a raquiremant of this 10.3 Body seat rings “The material used for body seat rings shall comply with the ‘minimum pressure/temperature seat ratings given in table 3 {ure supply body seat rng mode om PTFE revs without Filler and #rom sega material compntely fee of acim NOTE 2. Theo ependix sr should rate on his enquiry or order 3 S given in note 7, resus (ce 10.4 Stem sels, body seals and gaskets Materials for stem seals, body stals and gaskets shall be sultable for use atthe maximum temperature rating sppiying ‘to the valve, The minimum corrosion resistance of any metalic part of the gasket shall be equal to the corrosion resistance of the shell, “NOTE. The purchast should spcity inthe enquiry andor order ‘ny sbecal souoment or ae nd Sosket mater to ensure Compatiiicy withthe aroem fuid (ee appendix 108 Botting ‘The material of bolting for presure-containing purposes shall comely with BS 4882. The use of earbon steel bolting Is restricted to (2) a service tempereture not exceeding 230 °C; (b) P10, PN16 and Class 160 valves." 10.6 Weench an hencwne ‘The wrench or handecheel shal be of steel, malleable cast, Jon oF nodular (spheroidal) graphite cast iran " es BSI BS*5352 8b MM 124569 0534895 970 om BS 6351 : 1986 Section two 107 Wrench and handwhee! nut ‘The wrench or handwheet nut material shall have a melting point above 955°C. if of carbon steel it shal be protected ‘against stmospheric corrosion. 108 Gland ‘A one-piece gland or any gland flange shall be of steel “The bushing of a one-piece bushed gland or the gland proper ofa two-piece gland shall be made of a material ‘having @ meiting point above 358 °c. Coppa by the Bish Stodards Ison Sat rot 100785 7003 12 10.9 Identification plates Fer valves of nominal size ON 150 and larger, the identi fication plate shall be of 18/8 Cr Ni stel or nickel alloy, attached to the valve by pins of similar material or by spot ‘welding on carbon steel or austenitic stainless stel valves (see 8.2 and appendix A). For valves smaller chan ON 160, the identification plate material end attachment shall be corrosion resistant. es BSI BS*535} 6b MM Lb24EL9 O53489% 607 me Section three. Performance 11 Pressure testing All valves shall be pressure tested in accordance with BS 6755 : Part 1 snd for the minimum test durations given in table 14, and additionally: (a) the shell test shall be a hyairostatie test and there shal be no visually detectable leakage trom the valve Including tho valve stem sols; (6) the seat test shal be either pneumatic or hydrostatic, NOTE 1.1 porisulr type of at et rssire i peumatic or hyststee, the puree shold state the Feauirement nthe enduiry andor over fee open A {eat bal vate. The purceser should state any etuerent for hyerornti ress cots on sft ebted bal valves inne tnquiry andlor reer see spend: Al NOTES, 1eznould be noted thot sot sate vee, when hnydrostacaly ested, might have seduced performance toate matcues src at ee (el the seat test acceptance level for al valves hall be leakage rate A, ie, no visually detectable leakage. If production pressure test certificate i issued it shall contain a statement by the manufacturer confirming that the valves have been tested in accordance with this standard, and stating the actual pressures and medium ‘used in the teat, NOTE. If ost cersicate is require this shouldbe specified by te purest on the onauiry andr orc forte ates Se ‘Table 14, Pressure test durations | Nomina wave sce Minimum wast uration Pyermac er poeomle ‘Shiite | Sesto sony {in minutes | minutes $100 <4 2 2 150<250 | 6t faulty endfor orae Go eopena A Coppa by the Bish Slndars Ison Sat ro 10080 7003 es BSI BS*S351 8b MM 1624649 0534924 bS2 mm NOTE 2,1 should be noted that ste eats vaio, hon Fvatostacically txts, night have a recuced performance "oat in sme subsaauen®srvics at ow ferent prose, In teva cue he manctortrer shouldbe consulted. (e) the seat test acceptance lev! forall valves shall be leakage rate A, 0. no visually detectable leakage Wa production pressure test certificate f issued it shal Ceontain a statement by the manufacturer confirming thatthe valves have been tasted in accordance with this standard, and stating the actual oressures and medium used inthe test, tet cartfiat i required thi shouldbe specified by ‘onthe enquiry ancl order forthe valve (88 ‘Table 14, Pressure test durations [Nomina valve size Minimum txt dure ‘hat vot [Seat eet ony bint minutes | minutes <100

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