Procurement of A Civil Works Contract: Republic of Albania Invitation For Prequalification

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Procurement of a Civil Works Contract

The Government of Albania (hereinafter called the Government) has received a loan (hereinafter
called the Loan) from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) (hereinafter
called the Fund) toward the financing of the Rehabilitation of the Vlora River Road Project, in the
Vlora Region. The Government intends to apply part of the Loan to eligible payments under the
contract for which this Invitation for Prequalification is issued.
The Albanian Development Fund (ADF) (hereinafter called the Client) intends for prequalifying
firms and Joint Ventures of firms to tender for the following contract (hereinafter called the
Contract) to be funded from part of the proceeds of the Loan:

Contract CWC/ICB/2016/1, Construction of road Vlora Bypass Peshkpi Gjorm

in Vlora Region is a road of length 23.2 km, situated in rolling terrain. The estimated
contract duration will be 24 months.

Prequalification and tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of the Loan from the
Fund is open to firms and joint ventures of firms from any country conforming to the Funds rules
and regulations.
Prequalification documents may be obtained from the office at the address below upon payment
of a non-refundable fee of 50 Euro (fifty Euro) or equivalent in a convertible currency. The method
of payment will be direct deposit to the ADF account, at Union Bank, as follows:
Name of account: Llogari Projekti ADF
Client number: 285464
IBAN CODE: AL80 2141 1106 0111 2854 6403 0117
The tenderer shall provide a Banks payment receipt to the Client.
Upon receipt of appropriate evidence of payment of the non-refundable fee, the documents will
promptly be dispatched by courier; however, no liability can be accepted for their loss or late
The prequalification documents must be duly completed and delivered to the address below, on
or before 14:00 hrs CET on 13th May 2016. Documents which are received late may be rejected
and returned unopened.
Interested firms may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the prequalification
documents at the following office:
Valentina Kazanxhi
Head of Unit
Legal and ProcurementUnit
Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit / Albanian Development Fund
Rr. Sami Frashri, Nr. 10, Tirana, Albania
Phone: +355 4 2 235 597/8
Fax: +355 4 2 234 885
E-mail: [email protected]

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