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Interactions between sea-level rise and wave exposure on reef island dynamics in the
Solomon Islands

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Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (2016) 054011




Interactions between sea-level rise and wave exposure on reef island

dynamics in the Solomon Islands


21 January 2016

17 April 2016

Simon Albert1, Javier X Leon1,2, Alistair R Grinham1, John A Church3, Badin R Gibbes1 and
Colin D Woodroffe4


19 April 2016

6 May 2016


School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, St Lucia Qld 4072, Australia
School of Science and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore DC Qld 4558, Australia
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia

E-mail: [email protected]
Original content from this
work may be used under
the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0
Any further distribution of
this work must maintain
attribution to the
author(s) and the title of
the work, journal citation
and DOI.

Keywords: sea-level rise, coastal erosion, Pacic Islands

Supplementary material for this article is available online

Low-lying reef islands in the Solomon Islands provide a valuable window into the future impacts of
global sea-level rise. Sea-level rise has been predicted to cause widespread erosion and inundation of
low-lying atolls in the central Pacic. However, the limited research on reef islands in the western
Pacic indicates the majority of shoreline changes and inundation to date result from extreme events,
seawalls and inappropriate development rather than sea-level rise alone. Here, we present the rst
analysis of coastal dynamics from a sea-level rise hotspot in the Solomon Islands. Using time series
aerial and satellite imagery from 1947 to 2014 of 33 islands, along with historical insight from local
knowledge, we have identied ve vegetated reef islands that have vanished over this time period and a
further six islands experiencing severe shoreline recession. Shoreline recession at two sites has
destroyed villages that have existed since at least 1935, leading to community relocations. Rates of
shoreline recession are substantially higher in areas exposed to high wave energy, indicating a
synergistic interaction between sea-level rise and waves. Understanding these local factors that
increase the susceptibility of islands to coastal erosion is critical to guide adaptation responses for these
remote Pacic communities.

How islands and the communities that inhabit
them respond to climate change and particularly
sea-level rise is a critical issue for the coming century.
Small remote islands are viewed as particularly
vulnerable (Wong et al 2014). The islands of the Pacic
with the small populations that subsist on them
provide valuable insight into the geomorphic, ecological and social impacts of sea-level rise. How these
Pacic islands and their inhabitants respond and
adapt to sea-level rise will provide critical lessons to
guide future responses to the signicant sea-level rise
anticipated in the coming century (Barnett and
Adger 2003).
Due to their extreme vulnerability, coral atolls
have been the main focus for assessing island
2016 IOP Publishing Ltd

responses to sea-level change. Whilst shoreline recession has been documented on atolls over past decades,
the majority of studies have not specically demonstrated evidence linking shoreline recession to recent
sea-level rise (Webb and Kench 2010, Le Cozannet
et al 2014). The limited research that has been conducted to date on the responses of reef islands in the
western Pacic indicates that islands are highly
dynamic, with coastal erosion and inundation threatening infrastructure, resulting generally from
extreme events, human armouring of shorelines (e.g.
seawalls) or inappropriate planning and development
rather than sea-level rise alone (Bayliss-Smith 1988,
Merrield and Maltrud 2011, Ford 2012, Biribo and
Woodroffe 2013, Hoeke et al 2013, Mann and Westphal 2014). The volcanic islands of Melanesia are typically considered to be less vulnerable to sea-level rise

Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (2016) 054011

due to high elevations and low population densities

(Barnett and Adger 2003, Nunn et al 2014).
The Solomon Islands in the Western Pacic comprise over 1000 predominantly volcanic islands, many
reaching over 500 m elevation. The human population
of 560 000 is spread across 28 000 km2 making it
amongst the most sparsely populated of Pacic Island
nations. Despite this low population density, the
majority of human settlements are located in lowlying coastal areas, and reef islands are becoming
increasingly densely populated due to restricted at
land adjacent to the coast. Rates of sea-level rise in the
Solomon Islands over the past two decades are
amongst the highest globally, averaging 3 mm yr1
since 1950 and 710 mm yr1 since 1994 (Becker
et al 2012).
Anecdotal accounts exist of extreme shoreline
changes over the past decade from scientists and local
inhabitants across all provinces of the Solomon
Islands. Understanding the extent and rate of recent
shoreline changes on the islands of the western Pacic
is an important step towards assisting these vulnerable
communities to adapt to the unprecedented rate of
sea-level rise and associated climate changes (e.g.
winds and waves) expected over the coming century.

This study focussed on two areas of the Solomon
Islands with the highest density of exposed reef islands,
Isabel and Roviana. We surveyed twenty reef islands
on the barrier reefs along the north-west coast of
Isabel, twelve reef islands on the barrier reef of Roviana
Lagoon and Nuatambu and Mararo communities on
the adjacent volcanic islands of Choiseul and Malaita
respectively (gure 1). Only two of the sites (Nuatambu and Mararo) are populated, whilst the sites in
Isabel and Roviana have no known history of continuous human habitation. The islands in Roviana are
used on a daily basis by nearby communities for
shing, whilst the islands in Isabel are infrequently
visited on a weekly-monthly basis by shers with no
signicant disturbance of coastal vegetation by shers
Historical aerial photographs from 1947 to 1962
were sourced from the Solomon Islands Government
Ministry of Housing, Lands and Survey archives. In
addition, high resolution satellite imagery was sourced
for each site for 2002 (Ikonos 0.8 m resolution), 2011
(Nuatambu-Quickbird 0.6 m, other sites-Worldview2 0.5 m resolution) and 2014 (Worldview-2 0.5 m
resolution). Historical photos were georeferenced
against stable features in the most recent high resolution satellite image for each site. The vegetation edge of
each island for each historical image was digitised and
used as a long-term shoreline change proxy (Liu
et al 2014) (see supplementary table 1 for uncertainty

assessments). Reef island dynamics were also tracked

using mass centre analysis (Paris and Mitasova 2014)
to determine the centroid of each island over time.
Historical sea-level data and projections for the 21st
century for the Solomon Islands are available from a
recent assessment of climate change in the Pacic
(Australian Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO 2014).
These regional projections used similar methodology
(documented in McInnes et al 2015) to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (Church et al 2013). Ages of trees
(Casuarina equisetifolia and Sonneratia alba) from
three islands were estimated using bomb-pulse radiocarbon techniques to date the heartwood and better
understand the historic context of shorelines (see supplementary table 3).

Wind and wave hindcast data

Estimates of wave energy ux (W m1) for the period
1980 to 2009 at two locations (1. Roviana: latitude
8.39979, longitude 157.26700; and 2. Isabel: latitude
7.33312, longitude 159.00030) were sourced from
the CAWCR Wave Hindcast 19792010 data (Source:
Australian Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO as
described by Durrant et al 2013). These locations
provide an indication of the wave climate at the
Roviana and Isabel study sites during this period. Data
for these locations were extracted from the nested grid
(4 arcmin 7 km) for the Australian region. Data for
the 1979 calendar year was discarded to ensure
artefacts associated with the spin-up and initial conditions of the underlying model were avoided. Directional wave energy ux data for each site were
arithmetically averaged over three different 10 yr
periods (19801989, 19901999, 20002009) to investigate decadal changes in the average magnitude and
direction over this 30 yr timeframe. Average wave
energy vectors (aligning with the direction of wave
travel) were plotted for each site with 0 representing
wave travel to the north (true north) direction and 90
representing wave travel to the east direction.

Five of the twenty vegetated reef islands along the
barrier reef on the exposed, northern coast of Isabel
have been totally eroded away in recent decades
(supplementary table 2), leaving no supratidal substrate and dead tree trunks resting on hard reef
platform. A further six islands on Isabel had declined
in area by more than 20% between 1947 and 2014.
Hetaheta, Sogomou and Kale experienced the largest
loss of island area between 1947 and 2014, declining in
size by 155 790 m2 (62%), 110, 930 m2 (55%) and
48 890 m2 (100%) respectively (table 1 and gure 2).
Change in the twelve islands in Roviana was mixed

Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (2016) 054011

Figure 1. Map of study sites. (a) Map of the Solomon Islands relative to south Pacic region indicating study sites () in Choiseul
(Nuatambu), Malaita (Mararo) and Isabel Provinces, (b) inset of study sites across northern Isabel. Sites from east to west: 1. Rehana,
2. Zollies, 3. Sogomou, 4. Sogomou ite, 5. Sogomou Fa, 6. Kumarara, 7. Sasahura Fa, 8. Sasahura ite, 9. Golora, 10. Retu, 11. Hetaheta,
12. Kakatina, 13. Rapita, 14. Kukudaka, 15. Kale, 16. Korapagho, 17. Kologhose, 18. Ghebira, 19. Bates, 20. Suki, (c) inset of study sites
in Roviana. Sites from east to west: 22. Piraka, 23. Nusa Ghele, 24. Pukuni, 25. Ovio, 26. Varilangge, 27. Ighisi, 28. Panao, 29.
Homhombu, 30. Hopei, 31. Kunkundu Hite, 32. Kunkundu Nomana, 33. Nusa Lavata.

with six islands growing slightly (<20%) and six

islands declining slightly (<20%).
The rate of loss of seven islands on Isabel, for
which time series imagery exists (1947, 1962, 2002 and
2014), increased from a mean of 0.1% pa between
1947 and 1962, 0.5% pa between 1962 and 2002 to
1.9% pa between 2002 and 2014 (gure 3). Islands in
Roviana did not experience a change in the rate of loss
over the study period, with island loss rates averaging
0.1% pa, 0.2% pa and 0.1% pa across the three time
The centroid of the seven islands on the northern
coast of Isabel with >50% loss moved in a south,

south-east or easterly direction between 1947 and

1962. The centroid of Kale on Isabel was displaced
293 m on a bearing of 207 between 1947 and 2011
before the remaining sediment was transported off the
reef platform into deep water. Likewise, the centroid of
Sogomou was displaced 550 m along a bearing of 224
and the centroid of Hetaheta was displaced 244 m
along a bearing of 255 over the same time period. The
centroid of these three islands initially moved in a
south-southeast direction between 1947 and 1962
before moving rapidly in a west-southwesterly direction between 1962 and 2014 (gure 4). The islands of
Zollies, Rehana, Kakatina and Rapita all disappeared

Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (2016) 054011

Table 1. Island area and loss over time. Area (edge of vegetation) of islands with greater than 20% change from 1947 to 2014 based on aerial
and satellite imagery.
Island area (m2)
Sogomou Ite
Sasahura Ite
Sasahura Fa






Area lost since 1947 (m2)

Overall loss (%)

48 890
45 700
38 330
15 150
12 240
251 700
203 250
28 660
139 660
47 040
162 770

43 070
21 250
21 800
239 380
199 670
30 080
132 950
48 320
174 780

12 572
120 070
115 970
40 010
152 960

104 300
98 210
20 520
36 670
135 860

95 910
92 320
13 980
107 300
36 130
130 040

48 890
45 700
38 330
15 150
12 240
155 790
110 930
14 680
32 360
10 910
32 730


Note: *Partial Islandonly village area assessed, nd=no data.

Figure 2. Coastal recession of Sogomou and Kale. (a) Coastline recession on Sogomou Island between 1947 and 2014, (b) view from
the eroding eastern end of Sogomou looking back towards the remainder of the island, (c) coastline recession on Kale Island between
1947 and 2014. Note: Kale Island was completely displaced by 2014.

between 1962 and 2002 (table 1). Severe coastal recession on the eastern shoreline of Nuatambu village
occurred between 2011 and 2014 resulting in ten
houses being lost to the sea (supplementary gure 2).
Wave energy ux in Roviana was relatively low
with a generally north-westerly wave climate of 0.22,
0.28 and 0.18 W m1 in 19801989, 19901999 and
20002009 respectively. Wave energy ux at Isabel was
twenty-fold higher than Roviana with a generally
south-westerly wave climate of 4.9, 4.4 and 4.2 W m1
in 19801989, 19901999 and 20002009 respectively
(gure 5).

At least eleven islands across the northern Solomon
Islands have either totally disappeared over recent
decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion.
However, islands in the more sheltered Roviana area
of the southern Solomon Islands did not experience
signicant coastal recession. Understanding the drivers of this rapid shoreline recession and contrasting
erosion rates between different areas within this region
is critical to provide a foundation for local adaptation
strategies. Climate change induced sea-level rise is

Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (2016) 054011

Figure 3. Annual rate of areal change for seven islands in Isabel (red boxes) and ve islands in Roviana (green boxes) for periods
19471962, 19622002 and 20022014.

Figure 4. Movement of the centroid of seven islands on the north-west coast of Isabel between 1947 and 2014.

anticipated to be one of the greatest challenges for

humanity over the coming century. Whilst it has been
shown that sediment accretion may help atoll reef
islands adapt to higher sea levels over recent decades
(Kench et al 2015), it is likely current rates of sea-level
rise will be exceeded during this century (gure 6). To
date, the responses of the islands of Melanesia to sealevel rise have been poorly studied, a recent review of
island change studies in the Pacic indicated little

evidence of heightened erosion or reduction in island size

(McLean and Kench 2015). These islands were located
across the Central Pacic in areas with 15 mm yr1
sea-level rise where net accretion occurred on most
islands and only small (<1 ha) islands were actively
eroding (McLean and Kench 2015). Several documented cases of island accretion can be attributed to
anthropogenic inuences such as reclamation (Biribo
and Woodroffe 2013). In contrast, the majority of

Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (2016) 054011

Figure 5. Average daily swell wave energy vectors offshore from (a) Roviana and (b) Isabel in 198089 (black arrow), 199099 (red
arrow) and 200009 (blue arrow).

uninhabited islands from the northern Solomon

Islands were actively eroding across all size classes,
including those over 25 ha in size (gure 7). Large
Casuarina equisetifolia and Sonneratia alba trees
(>40 cm dbh) were present on the shoreline of all of
the actively eroding islands and dating of selected trees
indicated shoreline stability over the past 150250 yr
until the recent erosion documented here (supplementary table 3).
El Nio/Southern Oscillation events result in signicant interannual variations in sea level in the western equatorial Pacic (Barnard et al 2015) (including
the Solomon Islands, gure 6) superimposed on the
longer term (multi-decadal) sea-level trends of up to
3 mm yr1 (Church et al 2006, Becker et al 2012). Merrield et al (2012) used tide gauge data to demonstrate
that the rate of western equatorial Pacic sea-level rise
increased signicantly from relatively low values over
the 19501990 period to much larger values since
1990. While there is signicant interannual variability,
the tide gauge and altimeter data indicate a rapid rise
in sea levels in the Solomon Islands between 1994 and
2014 of about 15 cm (average of 7 mm yr1). Projected
sea-levels for the Solomon Islands indicate a rise of
2489 cm between 1996 and 2090, dependent on
future greenhouse gas emissions (Australian Bureau of
Meteorology and CSIRO 2014) (gure 6). The higher
local rate of historical rise is the result of both a larger
global averaged rate of sea-level rise (Church and
White 2011) and also stronger trade winds since 1990
(Merrield and Maltrud 2011) which are directly related to the decreasing Pacic Decadal Oscillation index
(Zhang and Church 2012). These PDO and ENSO
conditions may ease in the Solomon Islands in coming
decades to produce sea-level rise rates closer to the global average. However, as eustatic rates of sea-level rise

increase over the course of this century we can expect

that many areas will experience sea-level rise rates
similar to or larger than the 7 mm yr1 recently
observed in the Solomon Islands for all but the very
lowest emission scenarios. Local inter-decadal variability and tectonic movements will be superimposed
on these higher rates of global mean sea level, resulting
in periods when local rates of rise will be substantially
larger than that observed over the last two decades.
Therefore, we see the current conditions in the
Solomon Islands as providing insight into the future
impacts of accelerated sea-level rise.
Relative sea-level rise can also be the result of tectonics, the Solomon Islands are in a particularly tectonically active part of the globe with the convergence of
the Pacic Plate, Solomon Arc block and Australian
Plate causing localised crustal deformations (Tregoning et al 1998) manifesting as either island subsidence
or uplift (Taylor et al 2008). Whilst the Isabel study site
is considered to be in a more tectonically benign area,
without active volcanoes, the Roviana site experienced
an 8.1 megathrust earthquake in 2007 which led to the
reef islands of Roviana subsiding by up to 60 cm (Taylor et al 2008). Island subsidence can compound sealevel rise rates and make these tectonically active
islands particularly vulnerable under accelerated sealevel rise scenarios. However, the apparent resilience
of islands in Roviana to subsidence, despite observed
increases in coral cover on adjacent reefs attributed to
deeper water (Saunders et al 2015), and only 1
(1.4) mm yr1 of vertical tectonic uplift measured in
Honiara since 2008 (Jia et al 2015), suggests subsidence
is not the primary driver of coastal erosion observed in
this study.
The rapidly eroding islands identied in Choiseul
and Isabel are all exposed to northerly swell and wind

Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (2016) 054011

Figure 6. Sea level in the Solomon Islands between 1950 and 2100. Sea level in the Solomon Islands from reconstruction (following the
approach of Church et al 2004 and Church and White 2011), satellite altimeter (Church and White 2011), tide gauge and projections
of 21st century sea level rise for the four emission scenarios used in the IPCC AR5. The dashed lines are an estimate of interannual
variability in sea level (5%95% uncertainty range about the projections) and indicate that individual monthly averages of sea level can
be above or below longer-term averages.

events that at times can be severe (Smithers and

Hoeke 2014), with twenty-fold higher wave energy at
Isabel compared to Roviana (gure 5). The largest net
erosion since 1947 occurred on Sogomou, Hetaheta
and Kale Islands on Isabel, causing erosive displacement in a south-south-westerly direction. Centroid
shifting of these islands in a consistent direction
(opposite to dominant wave direction) suggests erosion is not solely a result of sea-level rise (gures 4
and 5). Wave energy can interact synergistically with
localised sea-level rise (through changing wave refraction dynamics and more wave energy propagating
across reef crest onto the coast) to exacerbate coastal
erosion (Storlazzi et al 2015) and thus may be a key driver of the rapid coastal recession in the Solomon
Islands. Further work is required to determine the
relative importance of extreme wave events or incremental changes in incident wave energy and their
interactions with sea-level on shoreline dynamics of
Coastal erosion in the Solomon Islands over recent
decades is causing unprecedented threats to the biota
on these fragile islands and the subsistence communities who inhabit them. The isolation from predators
that these offshore islands provide makes them critical
nesting habitats for many endangered sea turtles and
birds. The south Pacics largest rookery of Hawksbill
turtles on the nearby Arnavon islands has been threatened in recent years due to substantial beach recession (Poloczanska et al 2009). In addition to ecological
impacts, over the past two decades, many coastal communities have become increasingly vulnerable to

receding shorelines and inundation from extreme

water levels (Hoeke et al 2013). Inundation severity
and frequency has become unacceptable for several
communities and relocation has occurred on an
ad hoc basis. In Nuatambu village on northern Choiseul over 50% of houses have been washed into the
ocean as a result of dramatic shoreline recession. Residents of Nuatambu described the shoreline recession
as incremental over several years, rather than related to
a specic storm or wave event as experienced elsewhere in the region (Hoeke et al 2013). Many families
have relocated to the adjacent high volcanic island of
Choiseul; however some economically disadvantaged
families have re-built temporary housing in increasingly vulnerable areas of Nuatambu. The relocation to
the adjacent high island has not been conducted in a
systematic way to ensure this small insular community
remains intact; instead families have moved to areas of
land they have customary tenure claims over. In the
case of Nuatambu, families have spread out over ve
separate areas in small hamlets. In Mararo village on
eastern Malaita relocation as a result of coastal erosion
has been more orderly with the entire community
making the decision to relocate from the coast to a
high elevation site 20 m above sea level. Interestingly
in this case the community had historically lived in a
high elevation site prior to being encouraged by missionaries down to the coast in the early 20th century.
In addition to these village relocations, Taro, the capital of Choiseul Province is set to become the rst provincial capital globally to relocate residents and
services due to the threat of sea-level rise.

Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (2016) 054011

Figure 7. Island change in the Central Pacic and Solomon Islands. Summary data of island area and percentage decadal change at
seven atoll sites in the Central Pacic (modied from McLean and Kench 2015) and Solomon Islands (this study). Island-change data
within the highlighted 3.0% band width is not considered signicant.

This study represents the rst assessment of shoreline
change from the Solomon Islands, a global sea-level
rise hotspot. We have documented ve vegetated reef
islands (15 ha in size) that have recently vanished and
a further six islands experiencing severe shoreline
recession. Shoreline recession at two sites has
destroyed villages that have existed since at least
1935, leading to community relocations. The large
range of erosion severity on the islands in this
study highlights the critical need to understand
the complex interplay between the projected
accelerating sea-level rise, other changes in global
climate such as winds and waves, and local tectonics,
to guide future adaptation planning and minimise
social impacts.

The support of the Solomon Islands Government and
communities of Mararo and Nuatambu is greatly
appreciated. We also acknowledge the satellite imagery
support received from DigitalGlobe Foundation,
logistical support from The Nature Conservancy
and local knowledge from Corey Howell, Patrick
Pikacha and David Boseto. We thank Gerard
Heuvelink for help with analysis of uncertainty

Author contributions
SA conceived, designed and conducted the study
and co-wrote the manuscript, JL and AG designed and
conducted the study and contributed to manuscript,
BG, CW and JC sourced and analysed data and contributed to the manuscript.

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