Duarte Et Al., 2013
Duarte Et Al., 2013
Duarte Et Al., 2013
he loss of natural CO2 sinks and reservoirs results in about (Intertidal marshes) in the Ramsar Classification System for Wetland
12–20% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions1. Strategies Type combines freshwater and salt marshes (Recommendation 4.7
to mitigate climate change that are based on actions to prevent as amended by Resolution VI.5 of the Ramsar Conference of the
this loss have focused on the conservation of terrestrial sinks, pri- Contracting Parties), which are reported jointly providing an imped-
marily tropical forests2. Reports that vegetated coastal habitats rank iment to assessments of the area occupied by salt marshes alone.
among the most intense carbon sinks in the biosphere3 lead to so- About 25% to 50% of the area covered by vegetated coastal
called blue carbon strategies4 to explore their potential for mitigating habitats has been lost in the past 50 years (Table 1). Losses of sea-
climate change, stimulating an increase in papers on the topic from grass, which are accelerating globally 8, have been mostly caused
30 studies published in 2005 to 110 papers in 2012. In parallel, the by increased nutrient inputs and coastal transformation9, and salt-
role of vegetated marine ecosystems in fighting climate change can marshes and mangroves have been lost due to changes in land use,
be developed beyond conservation of CO2 sink capacity4–6 by con- coastal transformation and reclamation10,11. Losses of seagrass12,13 and
sidering their contribution to both mitigation of CO2 emissions and kelps14 associated with heat waves indicates that climate change may
adaption to sea-level rise, increasing wave energy and storm surges. lead to loss of seagrass in some areas, such as the Mediterranean15.
Here we present the scientific basis and opportunities for a com- On the other hand, mangroves have been reported to extend their
prehensive strategy to use vegetated coastal habitats to mitigate range polewards with climate change16.
and adapt to climate change. We focus specifically on two aspects: Submerged canopies reduce flow and turbulence17,18, increase the
the capacity of these habitats to act as CO2 sinks, referring to recent bottom shear stress and dampen wave energy 19,20 and flow velocity 21,
reviews for further detail, and their ability to protect the coast against thereby promoting sedimentation and reducing sediment resuspen-
erosion from sea-level rise and increasing wave action (as well as pro- sion22. Partially submerged vegetation, such as salt marshes and man-
viding sources of biodiesel). These are roles that hold considerable grove forests in tidal areas, also affect flow speed23, and reduce wave
potential for climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies but action24 and sediment deposition23–26. More specifically, mangroves
that have not yet received sufficient attention. may trap about 80% of suspended sediment 25. Through their high
productivity and capacity to enhance sediment accretion, seagrass,
Vegetated coastal habitats in the biosphere salt marshes and mangroves build large carbon deposits while rais-
Characterized by the presence of macrophytes, both submerged (sea- ing the sea floor (Tables 2 and 3), acting as important carbon sinks
grass and macroalgae) and partially emerged (mangroves and salt- and mitigating the impacts of sea-level rise on coastline.
marshes), these habitats occupy a narrow fringe — from the upper The ability of vegetated coastal habitats to engineer their envi-
intertidal zone to about 40 m depth — along the shores of all conti- ronment underpins their remarkable capacity for supplying ecosys-
nents. Globally, they extend over approximately 2.3–7.0 million km2, tems services26. A pioneer survey of ecosystem services across the
with macroalgae being the largest contributors and mangroves biosphere ranked vegetated coastal habitats among the most valu-
accounting for the smallest area (Table 1). The global area and trends able ecosystems on Earth27, primarily for their capacities to regulate
in area change of mangrove forests are reasonably well estimated, nutrient fluxes, provide habitat 26 and climatic regulation, and for
whereas those for seagrass meadows, which cannot be retrieved from their function as CO2 sinks28 and coastal protection26.
remote sensing products, have much greater uncertainty. However,
global estimates for salt marshes suffer from severe, 20-fold uncer- Carbon sequestration
tainties (Table 1). This is surprising as salt marshes can be easily Despite the small fraction of the ocean surface occupied by salt
assessed by remote sensing, and these uncertainties probably derive marsh, mangrove and seagrass ecosystems, they account for 46.9%
from the amalgamation of salt marshes in the broader and ambigu- of the total carbon burial in ocean sediments3,4. Most macroalgal
ous category of wetlands in the Ramsar Convention (Convention stands develop on hard, rocky substrates, and — despite their high
on Wetlands of International Importance)7. Specifically, category H productivity (Table 1) and capacity to trap suspended particles — do
UWA Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, 6009 Crawley, Western Australia, Australia, 2Department of Global Change
Research, Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados (CSIC-UIB), Miquel Marqués 21, 07190 Esporles, Spain, 3Faculty of Marine Sciences, King
Abdulaziz University, PO Box 80207, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia,4Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental, Universidad de Cantabria, Isabel Torres 15, 39011
Santander, Spain. *e-mail: [email protected]
not develop significant carbon deposits. Community primary century 35. Moreover, sediment accretion responds to climate change
production generally exceeds respiration in vegetated coastal habi- through feedbacks that involve increased plant growth and produc-
tats3,28 leading to their capacity for producing excess organic carbon tion, which are conducive to faster accretion rates with increasing CO2
and acting as CO2 sinks (Fig. 1). Carbon sequestration in vegetated (ref. 36) and sea-level rise37. Indeed, recent models indicate that cli-
coastal habitats is further enhanced by their unique ability to trap mate change will increase salt marsh carbon burial and accretion rates
particles from the water flow and store them in the soil29 (Fig. 1). in the first half of the twenty-first century 38.
As a result, burial rates of organic carbon in salt marsh, mangrove The long-term preservation and continuous accretion of carbon in
and seagrass ecosystems are exceptionally high (Table 2), exceed- the soil of coastal habitats with sea-level rise leads to the development
ing those in the soils of terrestrial forests by 30–50 fold5. Globally, of organic carbon deposits several metres thick30,38. The magnitude of
coastal vegetated habitats bury a similar amount of organic carbon carbon deposits under the top metre of soil in a salt marsh or seagrass
to terrestrial forests annually, despite the extent of coastal marine meadow is similar, on average, to that in the upper 1-m soil in ter-
vegetation being less than 3% of that of forests. restrial forests (Table 2), whereas the top metre of soil in mangrove
The carbon buried in coastal vegetated ecosystems can be pre- forests stores more than three times the organic carbon contained in
served over millennia, as demonstrated by radiocarbon dating of the upper soil under forests on land39. Globally, salt marsh, mangrove
seagrass30, salt marsh31 and mangrove soils32. The efficient preserva- and seagrass ecosystems store about 10 Pg C each in their top 1-m soil
tion of the carbon under these habitats is due to: slow decomposi- layer 39 (Table 2). This is one order of magnitude lower than the soil
tion rates33; low nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in plant carbon stock under terrestrial forests, but still large enough to play a
tissues; low oxygen levels in the sediments; and the allocation of a role in the global carbon cycle.
large fraction, often exceeding 50%, of plant biomass production to
roots and rhizomes that are buried into the soil34. In addition, the Protection against coastal flooding and erosion
entangled network of roots (and rhizomes) and the dense canopy of The risks of accelerated sea-level rise with climate change are fur-
coastal vegetation protect soil carbon deposits from erosion (Fig. 1). ther enhanced by associated increases in the frequency of extreme sea
Indeed, some vegetated coastal habitats can support organic-rich level, waves and the strength of storm surges40, resulting in a higher
soils5 that deserve conservation measures. intensity and frequency of flooding and erosion of vulnerable coastal
Seagrass, salt marshes and mangroves accumulate enough carbon areas. Observations and numerical reanalysis have shown that signifi-
and mineral particles to support characteristic sediment accretion rates cant wave-height variations are clearly linked to climate modes41,42 and
exceeding 10 cm per century, with the highest accretion rates found in that wave heights have increased in the North Pacific, North Atlantic
salt marshes (Table 3, Fig. 1). Recent (that is, twentieth century) accre- and Southern Ocean during the past century 43–45. Sea level has been
tion rates in mangrove forests have been reported to average 28 cm per rising globally at an average rate of 1.6±0.2 mm yr–1 since 190146, and
a–d refer to the photographic examples of eco-dynamic design shown on the right. Eco-dynamic designs are based on the dynamics of the natural environment: developing hydraulic engineering infrastructure and
at the same time creating opportunities for nature and the environment. Sand nourishment is a technique where extra sand is deposited in an (intertidal) area to counter losses from erosion. In the Delfland Sand
Engine experiment, a larger than normal (surplus) nourishment of 21.5 million m3 of sand was introduced, rising up to 7 m above mean sea level. The sand is gradually redistributed by natural processes over the
shoreface beach and dunes102. http://www.ecoshape.nl/en_GB/delfland-sand-engine.html Images courtesy of: 1, Joop van Houdt/Rijkswaterstaat; 2–4 Ecoshape.
increase coastal protection as a side benefit. Therefore, the restoration A comprehensive coastal eco-engineering programme could
and preservation of these ecosystems can be considered a cost- strike a rational balance between mitigation and adaptation instru-
effective strategy due to the combined services provided for climate ments based on protecting and restoring or introducing different
change mitigation and adaptation. vegetated coastal ecosystems to maximize the potential synergies
between them. Indeed, the separation between adaptation and miti-
Conclusion gation strategies may lead to lost opportunities and to underestimate
For decades vegetated coastal ecosystems have remained the poor the value of conservation, as is clearly the case for a REDD+ exten-
relations of biological conservation61. However, recent findings on sion focused on vegetated coastal ecosystems, which would need
their remarkable capacity for CO2 sequestration and storage, and to account for their role in coastal protection, with a value likely
their capacity for sediment accretion and coastal protection, have to exceed that of CO2 sequestration by at least an order of magni-
converged to identify these habitats as essential elements of a strat- tude. Moreover, cost–benefit analyses should not focus on benefits
egy that combines both climate change adaptation and mitigation. that are associated with climate change mitigation and adaptation
Unfortunately, the role of vegetated coastal habitats as a valid alone, but should encompass the broad suite of services that veg-
alternative in the portfolio of measures for climate change mitiga- etated coastal habitats provide26. Eco-engineering approaches that
tion and adaptation has not been sufficiently considered by coastal involve wetland creation can provide habitat for threatened species,
managers, who still opt for hard adaptation measures and on-land as exemplified by the refugia that mangrove forest offers to critically
mitigation options. Strategies that involve vegetated coastal habi- endangered felids and primates in Africa and Asia97, thereby deliv-
tats are now being included in an eco-engineering approach to ering conservation benefits beyond those associated with coastal
climate change. Eco-engineering emerged in the early 1960s94, but protection or carbon stocks. The eco-engineering approach could
it has only recently gained broad recognition as a new paradigm. become societally and economically efficient and may offer greater
The original starting point to use natural energy sources as the pre- opportunities for countries — especially developing ones — to
dominant input to manipulate and control environmental systems achieve sustainable targets even under limited financial resources
was broadened by Mitsch and Jørgensen95 to ‘the design of sus- and capacity.
tainable ecosystems that integrate human society with its natural Coastal eco-engineering through vegetated coastal ecosystems
environmental to promote both’. Examples of experiments and suc- represents a new paradigm, whose significance can be best under-
cessful implementations of eco-engineering in coastal protection stood by drawing a parallel with material science. Coastal engineer-
projects89,96 can be found for example in the Netherlands, a country ing has introduced a new material whose production, unlike that of
challenged by sea-level rise (Table 4). The preceding discussion cement, does not lead to CO2 emissions, but rather CO2 removal. It
points at a huge opportunity to develop projects and training cur- can achieve comparable efficiency for coastal protection to cement-
ricula in coastal eco-engineering through options that are based on based solutions; can repair itself; can grow; and can adapt to shift-
vegetated coastal habitats to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of ing conditions. This newly discovered material is none other than
climate change. marine plants.