Dollar Up Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Name: Megan Troy

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Lehrmann

Date Taught: 3/30/16

Subject: Math

Grade Level: 5th and 6th

Setting: Life Skills

A (Audience)
B (Behavior)
C (Condition)

Given the cost of an item in dollars and cents, the student will
identify the smallest dollar amount needed to buy the item with 50%

D (Determining Criteria)
E (Ending)
A.E. & J.K.- adding up money amounts
5.10. Personal Financial Literacy The student applies mathematical process standards to manage
ones financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security
Money manipulatives, restaurant menus, dry-erase markers, Smart Board, grocery list, dollar-up stepby-step, dollar-up number line, dollar-up ws
verbal and physical prompting when needed, close proximity, manipulatives, cut and paste instead of
Attention-Getting Strategy Talk about going to the restaurant yesterday and how each of our
meals cost money
By the end of this lesson, I will be able to use the dollar-up method
Student Objective
to decide how much money I need in order to buy something
Knowing if you have enough money, paying for things yourself
Purpose of Lesson
Relate to Prior Knowledge

Direct Instruction (incl.

modeling e.g./non-e.g.)

Guided Practice

Paying for food or fun, going to store, counting, adding one more
1. Naming dollar amounts, write numbers
2. Explain dollar-up method (have student volunteer act out not
giving you enough money and then using the dollar-up to
give you enough money)
3. Give examples of using dollar-up method
4. Use menu to show how to choose an item and then use
dollar-up method to see how many dollars are needed (use
number line for elaboration)
1. Work with students to choose menu item and use dollar-up
method to find the amount of money needed. Have students
choose dollar amount needed with manipulatives and write

1. Students can complete a dollar-up worksheet on own
Independent Practice
(cutting and pasting or writing)
1. What are other ways we can pay? (check, card, exact
2. How can we use the dollar-up method in everyday life?
Higher Level Questions
3. Why would we use the dollar-up method instead of trying to
find exact change?
4. Why do we need to know if we have enough money for
something before we try and buy it?
CLOSURE (objective restated, link to future learning; incl. students)
1. Objective: use dollar-up method to know how much money is needed to pay for things
2. Purpose: paying with money!
3. Link to future learning: paying for things with parents, learning how to give change back
1. Elaboration: use number line to show how you are moving one dollar up from original price
2. Extension: make a shopping list, find prices on online store, use dollar-up method to find how
much many dollars you could use to buy each item
Assess student knowledge during independent practice,
If A.E. finishes early, assess his ability to add up coin amounts for exact change

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