Elba Parent Handbook
Elba Parent Handbook
Elba Parent Handbook
2015 - 2016
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Early Learning Bilingual Academy.
This Parent Handbook contains valuable information regarding our school and the roles
and responsibilities of both parents and staff members. We encourage you to read it
carefully. Should you have questions, the administrator of your childs program will
be happy to assist you.
We look forward to your participation in the program and working with you to support
your childs growth and development.
Table of Contents
Mission, Vision and Beliefs .......................................................................................... 1
Early Learning Bilingual Instructional Program ......................................................... 2
Promoting the Social Development of Young Children ............................................... 2
Addressing Challenging Behavior ................................................................................ 2
The Desired Results Developmental Profile ................................................................ 2
The Environmental Rating Scale ................................................................................. 3
Requesting Pupil Records ........................................................................................... 3
School nursing support is provided once a week to assist with the following services:
assistance with medication administration, first aid training, health appraisals, dental
and vision screening, medical/health referrals and follow-up, communicable disease
control, immunization follow-up, health education for children and parents, and on-site
staff training.
Social Services
Mental health consultants are available to provide support to families and staff
members in order to help children develop healthy relationships with peers, family,
school and community and to develop problem-solving skills and a sense of selfconfidence. They provide a range of services including parent education, mental health
consultation and positive behavior support planning.
All children enrolled in ELBA will receive at least one nutritious meal daily, depending
upon the length of the program. Meals are served in the classroom where children can
enjoy a pleasant social atmosphere. At mealtime they practice eating independently, eat
and enjoy a variety of foods and engage in social and instructional conversations with
other children and adults at their tables.
ELBA is responsible for the preparation of homemade cookedmeals for the early
childhood education program. All meals served meet or exceed limitations on total fat,
saturated fat, calories, sodium, additives and dyes, and trans-fats that are required by
Children attending the part-day program will be provided a breakfast or a lunch
depending upon the session in which they are enrolled.
Children in full-day programs may receive breakfast, lunch and an afternoon
snack, depending on the hours they are attending.
Dietary modifications can be made for children who meet the criteria of special
needs definitions. Children must have a completed medical statement
submitted for evaluation and approved by a nutrition specialist. Should your
child require a special diet, please ask the school office for a Medical Statement
to Request Special Diet form.
A copy of the menu is posted on the Parent Bulletin Board every month.
Professional Development
We are committed to providing high quality early childhood education. All teachers hold
the appropriate credential/permit required by the State of California.
New teachers and support staff are provided an orientation to guide them to
understand how agency policies relate to their respective job description.
Orientation also includes topics such as child abuse reporting procedures, the
California Desired Results System, supervision of children, curriculum and
program schedules, first aid procedures, and positive behavior support for
We support continuous staff growth by assessing the needs of staff and providing
professional development activities to enhance their growth.
Our staff members are evaluated on a regular basis according to specifications
outlined in their respective collective bargaining contracts.
We have sound internal communication mechanisms which include email,
phone, meetings and newsletters to provide staff with information regarding
professional development opportunities necessary to carry out their respective
Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is an important component to the operation of our program. We
value the role you play as your childs first teacher and recognize the importance of the
partnership between home and school.
Because your childs first 5 years of life are so important, we want to help you
provide for his/her best start. Within the first 40 days your child attends our
program you will be asked to answer questions about some of the things your
child can do and cannot do. The questions are from a screening instrument, the
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3), which is used in programs nationwide.
You will be asked about your childs communication, gross motor, fine motor,
problem solving and personal social skills. Your answers will help us provide a
program to best meet the needs of your child.
Parent education workshops are offered at ELBA on a variety of topics of interest.
In addition, opportunities for participation on committees, annual program, and
special events and in the classroom are encouraged.
Parent-teacher conferences are held a minimum of 2 times each year to share
information and discuss childrens progress. Moreover, conferences are always
available upon request.
We ask that you participate in the annual Desired Results Parent Survey. The
survey asks for parent feedback about the program your child attends. The
California Department of Education is very interested in how the program helps
to support your childs learning and development and meets your familys needs.
Responses are completely confidential and your feedback will help to improve the
services provided to you and your child.
We welcome you to visit your childs classroom at any time and to ask the teacher how
you can be involved in the many opportunities offered by your early childhood
education program.
Enrollment Procedures
ELBA receive both State and Federal funds and follow regulations as set forth in Title 5,
California Code of Regulations and Title 22, California Child Care Licensing
Requirements. The regulations regarding enrollment and admission follow.
Eligibility List
An Eligibility List is maintained at each Early Childhood Education program site. The
term "eligibility" is used because families are ranked by eligibility factors established for
California subsidized child care and education programs. Families whose children are
receiving child protective services or whose children are at risk of being neglected or
abused are admitted first. Next are families in accordance with family income, with the
lowest per income ranking admitted first. Eligible 4 year old children are admitted
before eligible 2 and 3 year old children.
Enrollment Process
The Early Childhood Education program will notify you by phone or mail when they
have space available for your child. They will provide you with a checklist of documents
needed to complete the certification and enrollment process. On receipt of all the
required documentation, an appointment will be scheduled to complete the
Confidential Application for Child Development Services and Certification of
You will be issued a Notice of Action following the completion of the Confidential
Application for Child Development Services and Certification of Eligibility. The Notice
of Action will indicate the date of entry into the program, the family fee, if applicable,
and the days and hours for preschool services.
A Notice of Action is also issued when:
Recertification is completed
Changes that affect need, fees, eligibility and contract hours occur
The family is to be terminated from the program
The family fee is delinquent
Termination of Services
If the change or termination is involuntary or initiated by the ELBA, the parent/
caretaker has 14 calendar days (19 if the Notice of Action is mailed) to appeal. When
given to the parent, the parents initials acknowledging receipt are required.
Causes for termination may include:
Violation of program policies and procedures
Behavior of a family member that presents a risk to children and staff such as a
parent using profane language, threats or destroying property
Failure to meet income requirements
Knowingly using incorrect or inaccurate information to obtain services
Delinquent family fees, see page 22
Excessive unexcused absences, see page 23
Income Eligibility
Verification: Total countable income is all income of the individuals, 18 years
and older, counted in the family size, for example:
Gross wages or salaries including overtime and tips
Verified by: Consecutive pay stubs for the most recent month prior to
acceptance into the program (if paid monthly, 2 consecutive monthly check
stubs) or a release authorization and letter from employer; or other record of wages
issued by the employer. If you are self-employed and/or have income
that fluctuates, verification may include as many of the following types of
documentation as necessary to determine income: letter from source of
income, copy of the most recently signed and completed tax return, other business
records, such as ledgers, receipts, check stubs or business logs.
Cash aid
Verified by: Department of Public Social Services Notice of Action,
Verification of Benefits, bank statement showing automatic deposit,
unemployment or disability statements, if applicable
Child support payment received
Verified by: Copy of court decree, agreement, checks
Portion of student grants or scholarships not identified for educational
purposes as tuition, books, or supplies
Verified by: Copy of grant or scholarship
Other countable income
Verified by: Copies of documentation of all non-wage income or selfcertification of any income for which no documentation is possible
Determination of Family Size
As defined by the Education Code, a Parent means a biological parent, stepparent, adoptive
parent, caretaker relative or any other adult living with the child who has responsibility for
the care and welfare of the child. Parents must provide documentation to determine the
number of children and parents in the family, with at least one of the following:
Birth certificates
Court orders regarding child custody
Baptismal certificates
Adoption documents
Record of Foster Care placements
County welfare department records
Other reliable documentation indicating the relationship of the child to the parent
If a child has another parent that does not appear on the application but information
provided indicates that the child has another parent, the presence or absence of that
parent must be documented. The parent can do so by providing one of the following:
Records of marriage, divorce, domestic partnership or legal separation
Court-ordered child custody arrangement
Evidence that the parent signing the application receives child support payment
Rental receipts or agreement contracts, utility bills or other documents for the
residence of the family indicating that the parent is the responsible party
Any other documentation, excluding a self-declaration to confirm the presence or
absence of the parent of the child in the family
If due to recent departure of a parent from the family, the remaining applicant parent
may submit a self-declaration under penalty of perjury explaining the absence of that
parent from the family. Within six months of applying or reporting the change in
family size, the parent must provide one of the above as supporting documentation.
How to Qualify for a Full-Day California State Preschool Program (CSPP) or a General
Child Care and Development Program
Eligibility is established at the time of enrollment. First priority is given to children
receiving child protective services or who area at risk of abuse, neglect, and/or
exploitation. Second priority is given to eligible four year olds. Third priority is given
to eligible two, three and five year olds. Within these priorities, families with the
lowest adjusted gross monthly income are admitted first.
Additionally, for full-day Early Childhood Education programs, priority 2 and 3
families must provide documentation verifying that all adults counted in the family size
are employed, actively seeking employment (limited to 60-working days, not to exceed
6 hours per day), attending school/training during center hours (including online
courses), have a parental incapacity or are seeking permanent housing (limited to 60working days, not to exceed 6 hours per day). Required documentation may include:
Employment and Self-Employment Including Days and Hours Employed
Verification of countable income (see pages 20-21) which must include days and
hours employed
Seeking Employment
A written parental declaration signed under penalty of perjury stating that the
parent is seeking employment
Attending School or Training Toward Vocational Goals
Documentation of the days and hours of training to include the parents
vocational goal, name of training institution, dates of current quarter, semester
or training period, signature or stamp of the training institutions registrar. (A
Verification of Training form can be obtained in the early education center
office.) At the completion of the quarter, semester or training period, a report
card, a transcript, or if the training institution does not use formal grades, a
Progress Report form can be obtained in the early education center office.
Parental Incapacity
A written release signed by the incapacitated parent authorizing a legally
qualified health professional to disclose information necessary to establish that
the parent meets the definition of incapacity and needs services.
Documentation provided by the legally qualified health professional verifying
that the parent is incapable of providing care and supervision to their child. (A
Statement of Incapacity form can be obtained in the early education center
Seeking Permanent Housing
See page 19, Homelessness
Family Fees
The following information applies to the assessment and collection of family fees:
Family fee assessment is based on income and family size. No adjustment is
made for excused or unexcused absences.
Fees are not assessed for days the program is closed.
Credit is given for fees paid to other child care providers such as babysitters or
other programs providing day dare services. A receipt or cancelled check is
required and credit is for the subsequent billing period.
All fees must be paid in advance of service by check or money order.
Fees are considered delinquent after 7 calendar days of the due date. Services
shall be terminated within 2 weeks unless delinquent fees are paid within two
weeks. A reasonable repayment plan will be accepted and the parent must
comply with the repayment plan for continued services.
There are no family fees in part-day programs.
In accordance with Early Learning Bilingual Academy and State Department of
Education regulations, fees shall not be assessed for field trips or for any other
activity or service.
Emergency Information
Every parent, legal guardian or caregiver must complete an Emergency
Information card for each child at time of enrollment. Emergency information
must include the following:
Home address and current telephone number, including cell phones
Employment/business addresses and phone numbers
Relative/friends first and last names, addresses and telephone numbers,
authorized to pick-up and care for a child due to illness, in an emergency
situation, or after program closing hours, if a parent cannot be reached. In
these situations, children will only be released to a person listed on
the Emergency Information card.
Change of Residence and/or Other Emergency Information.
It is the responsibility of every parent, legal guardian or caregiver to immediately
inform the early childhood education program of any change of address, telephone
number or emergency information on the official Emergency Information card.
Attendance Policies
Signing In and Out
Signing children in and out daily upon arrival and departure is required by
law for the safety and supervision of the children and for program fiscal accountability.
The parent or other authorized adult must enter the time of arrival and departure on the
/out sheet using a full signature.
Absence Policy
Children learn and develop in ongoing and predictable educational environments. Their
engagement through consistent and regular attendance is crucial to their success. When
there are circumstances where your child must be absent from school, it is the parents
responsibility to notify the program as to the reason for the absence on the same day of
the absence, or in case of an emergency as soon as possible. Excessive absence may
result in termination from the program. Our program does not receive State
reimbursement for excessive unexcused absences.
Excused absences include:
Illness or quarantine of the child, parent or sibling
Doctor, dentist or medical therapy appointment
Court appearance of child
Court ordered time spent with a parent/guardian or other relative
Family Emergency - The duration of family emergencies will depend on the
nature of the emergency, the place of occurrence and what is reasonable under
each specific circumstance. Family emergencies include:
Accident involving members of the immediate family
Automobile failure
Death in the family
Act of nature, with damage to the home, such as an earthquake, flood or
Civil unrest, police action in the neighborhood
Best Interest Days children are allowed 10 best interest days per program
year. These 10 days may include:
Funeral, other than a family member
Cultural or religious celebration
Other family occasion such as parent or sibling graduation
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences of up to 10 days per year can be recorded for each child.
Absences in excess of the 10 days are cause for termination of services. Parents
will be informed, in advance, if they are approaching the 10 day limit.
Examples of unexcused absences are:
The child did not feel like coming to
school The parent or child woke up late
The weather was too cold or to hot Family
Court appearance, not requiring the child
Limited Term Service Leave for families enrolled at Early Education Centers
If a family temporarily has no need for subsidized child care and development services,
they may request a limited term leave. Limited term leaves can be granted for a
maximum of 12 weeks for the reasons that follow:
A parents place of employment does not require him/her to work, or is
closed during certain dates. Examples are:
School employees during off-track or summer periods.
Garment industry workers who may not be needed by their employers
during slow periods
School parents during vacation periods provided they resume training at
the next regular school session following the temporary leave period.
The childs visit with the non-custodial parent that is not ordered by the
court Family vacation in excess of best interest days
Limited term leaves may be granted for a maximum of 16 weeks for:
The birth and care of a newborn child of the parent
For placement with the parent of a child for adoption or foster
care A medical or family leave
Paperwork must be completed at the Early Education Center prior to the start of the
limited term leave. The child must return to the center at the close of the limited term
service leave.
How to Continue in the Program
Families receiving full-day California State Preschool and Child Care and
Development program services must notify the Early Education Center of changes in
family income, family size or the need for services within 5 calendar days of the
change. In addition, families must verify need and eligibility as follows:
All families are recertified at intervals not to exceed twelve months. For
recertification, families shall be required to provide documentation to support
continued eligibility and need for services. Families will be notified in advance
of the recertification date.
Eligibility and/or need based on At Risk, recertification shall be within three
(3) months and need shall be on any other need criterion - not At Risk.
Families must abide by Agency Policies, Procedures and Program
Information obtained from families to determine eligibility and complete enrollment
is strictly confidential. This information is maintained by authorized personnel, and
can only be viewed by authorized personnel and funding source personnel.
Confidential records will not be released unless stipulated by the parent/s or otherwise
authorized by applicable law.
First Name
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Signature of Student
Under Federal and State law, school districts may share student directory information with authorized
individuals, organizations and/or officials. Pursuant to California Education Code section 49073, ELBA
has identified the categories of information listed below as directory information that may be released to
the officials and organizations named below. Parents of students 17 years or younger and adult students
18 years or older may request the school principal limit the release of directory information or not
release directory information at all. The request to withhold the student directory information is
applicable only to the current school year.
Date of Birth:
Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
Record Room:
2. Address
3. Telephone Number
4. Date of Birth
5. Dates of Attendance
6. Previous School(s)