Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?
Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?
Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?
We targeted our film to 15-30 year olds based on the young characters and
the thriller genre. Typically older audiences may not want to watch a thriller
with teenagers as the main cast, however its not targeted for anyone below
15 because of the violence and strong language. In our opening sequence it
is already apparent that there is a threat towards Lucia due to Josh stalking
her. This shows how our film has topics that could influence younger
audiences in a negatively.
According to BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) ratings our film would be a 15 due to
context, theme, tone and contact. This means that we cant target an audience younger than
15 anyway.
Its a 15 due to the violent content, and sexual references at times during the film. Although
the movie starts off without any violent content, as it progresses Josh becomes more
obsessive, and ends up killing Cameron. The on-screen murder coupled with his obsessive
tendencies evidences the high levels of violence that eventually occurs. There is also a
scene where a Josh plants a used condom in Camerons room, and although there is no sex
shown the reference to it makes it inappropriate for younger viewers. Throughout there will
also be use of strong language, which is not appropriate for viewers under the age of 15.
The tone of the film is quite dark, as its under the thriller genre, and most thrillers dont have
younger age ratings because of the content. The protagonist, Josh, is a stalker and his
actions shouldnt be seen as acceptable, as imitable behaviour should not be encouraged.
Josh ends successfully without yet being caught and this may send the wrong message to
children, and encourage this abnormal behaviour. Therefore, the film would be seen as a 15.
Its targeted at all genders, because we include both male and female characters. It also
targets all ethnicities, because the purpose of a thriller is to create suspense and mystery
and doesnt segregate certain ethnicities. Our primary audience are teenagers, because the
main cast our teenagers and revolves around their lives. There are scenes in school and at
parties, which would be relatable for the younger demographic, so they would be more
inclined to watch it.
The Guest is a similar thriller which also contains strong violence and language. This film is
also rated a 15, which shows how similar film genres are rated the same way. However, our
film is different because we use teenagers, and this is unusual for a thriller, and allows us to
target a different demographic.
According to Chris Watts survey 89% of UKs engaged film audiences still think that the
cinema is the best place to watch a film. The survey questioned 18,831 people who were
selected because they were engaged with film, representing the top 40% of cinemagoes and 80% of UK admissions. 10% of people said that they only watch Blockbuster
films, 59% said they mainly watch Blockbuster films, 29% said they mainly watched
independent films, and 2% said they only watched independent films. That means there
were 90% of people who would potentially watch our film, however whether they watch it
also depends on age and preference of genre.
How our film appeals to our target groupThe use of teenagers, as it makes it relatable to young people.
The use of the long shot whilst they walk up the stairs to show his
proximity to her and constant pursuit. This introduces his
obsessiveness and is a negative messages for younger viewers,
however makes it more compelling for our target audience.
The use of the voice over during the time lapse to show how he cant
empathise with other people, which shows how he is mentally
unstable and may have violent tendencies. This links to our target
audience because of the level of violence and mystery it has.