Facilitationplanch 78
Facilitationplanch 78
Facilitationplanch 78
Does anyone know what this game is an example of? -Turing Test, (which is also an Intelligence
Test), artificial intelligence
What are the implications of being able to converse with a computer program?
What does Postman suggest about artificial intelligence or conversing with computer programs?
Are there any advantages to conversing with a computer program? Disadvantages?
What do you think about computer programmed therapists?
[Time Permitting] Activity 3
The purpose of intelligence tests
Discussion Questions:
What are some examples of intelligence tests? (SAT, ACT, IQ)
What is the purpose of Intelligence Testing? How are intelligence tests useful? How can they be
misleading (biased)? Why is Wake Forest University SAT optional?
-Have a group discussion about classifying students/people IQ
-Bring it back to school ranking, SAT and grades
Subject 1: FAKE
Hey, how are you?
Hi, I am good how are you?
What have you been up to?
I have just been at school.
Subject#8: REAL
Hey, quick question, where do you go to have fun?
Hey, I go bowling, the park or the movie theater.
What is your all-time favorite movie?
Inception. Do you like the movie Inception?
Yes. So, if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?