Environmental Issues Project Rubric

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Rubric: Presentational Writing (PowerPoint/Prezi/poster)

Criterion A: Language

Criterion B: Message

Criterion C: Format

4: Command of the
language is good and
Wide range of vocab with
few significant errors

The message has been

communicated well.
Ideas are relevant with
effective, supporting

3: Command of the
language is effective,
despite some
Range of vocab with some
2: Command of the
language is generally
accurate, despite many
Limited range of vocab
with many errors
1: Command of the
language is limited and
generally ineffective.
Limited vocab used with
many basic errors

The message has been

communicated fairly
Ideas are mostly relevant
with mostly appropriate
supporting details
The message has been
partially communicated.
Ideas are somewhat
relevant with few and/or
inappropriate supporting
The message has barely
been communicated.
Ideas are irrelevant,
supporting details very

The text type is clearly

recognizable and
Presentation is creative,
organized and visually
The text type is
generally recognizable
and appropriate.
Presentation is mostly
creative and visual,
somewhat disorganized.
The text type is
sometimes recognizable
and appropriate.
Presentation is not very
visual or creative,
somewhat disorganized.
The text type is hardly
recognizable or is not
Presentation is not
creative, not visual and
very disorganized.

Rubric: Presentational Speaking

10-9: Speaks effectively using basic range of vocabulary, grammatical structures
and conventions accurately; occasional errors do not interfere with
When speaking, uses clear pronunciation and intonation, making communication
Uses language effectively to suit the context.
6-8: Speaks making good use of a range of vocabulary, grammatical structures
and conventions, generally accurately.
Uses pronunciation and intonation with some errors that do not interfere with
Usually uses language to suit the context.
3-5: Speaks using basic range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and
conventions, with some inappropriate choices.
When speaking, uses pronunciation and intonation with some errors, some of

which making understanding difficult.

Uses language to suit the context to some degree.
1-2: Has difficulty to speak using a range of vocabulary, grammatical structures
and conventions.
When speaking, uses intonation and pronunciation with many errors, making
understanding difficult.
Makes minimal use of the language to suit the context.

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