Epfb 301 Resume
Epfb 301 Resume
Epfb 301 Resume
Texas A&M University
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Collin College
Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts
Texas Certification
Professional Preparation
General Education
Junior Methods I, College Station ISD, 165 hours
Creek View Elementary School, Math, Science and Social Studies
Designed and delivered TEKS based lessons
Collaborated with general and special education teachers
Co-taught lessons
Managed behavior
Fall 2015
Related Experience
After School Provider
Fall 2014- Present
Culpepper Household, College Station, Texas
Worked with teenager with Microcephaly.
Responsible for getting her off bus, feeding and assisted in personal care and
Assisted with fine motor skills and walking.
Camp Counselor
Fall 2014
Texas CHARGERS, Camp Allen, Navasota, Texas (25 hours)
I was the assigned group leader for students ages twelve and up.
Responsible for getting campers to assigned locations.
Assisted in personal care and hygiene.
After School Provider
Fall 2013- January 2014
Abell Household, Dallas, Texas
Responsible for daily care of a child with a learning disability.
Professional Organizations
Student Council for Exceptional Children
Fall 2014- Present
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Attend bi-weekly workshops from various professionals in education
Actively participate in fundraisers, community service events and social
Leadership Experience
Fall 2014- Present
Future Aggie Mentor (FAM), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Bi-weekly workshops that provide resources around Texas A&M campus
Assisted transfer students with the transition to a four year college by giving
advice, showing them around campus, introducing to helpful resources
Student Council for Exceptional Children
Fall 2014- Present
Community Service Officer, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Collaborated with members of community to create community service events
Organize volunteers for local events
Actively work with Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living
Serve individuals with disabilities in the community
Spring 2015
Fall 2014