Clil and PBL
Clil and PBL
Clil and PBL
Facultad de Educación
Trabajo fin de máster
Combining CLIL and PBL to
facilitate the learning of
occupational hazards in the first
year of a Higher Vocational
Education and Training Bilingual
Programme in Business
Administration and Finance
Ciudad: Santander
Fecha: 27/07/2017
These days, a key aim of the Vocational Education System is to qualify people to
work and contribute effectively to the country’s economic development. In this
context, English language acquisition has achieved a great importance in the
majority of the European countries. In relation to Vocational Education and
Training (VET), communication in the English language is being promoted in
Bilingual Programmes due to the fact that it has become a basic tool in our current
society. One popular approach used in bilingual educational contexts is Content and
Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). In addition, in a VET Bilingual Programme,
key competences connected to the real world are developed in the classroom. In this
sense, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) appears to be an effective methodology for
the teaching and learning of VET Bilingual Programmes.
In this work it is taken into account that the CLIL approach and the PBL
methodology can work together to improve the learning of occupational hazards.
Thus, the principal aim of this Master’s Dissertation is to design and present an
intervention proposal based on the combination of CLIL and PBL in the first year of
Higher Vocational Education, to facilitate the learning of occupational hazards
through the English language. The proposal, which has been developed from a
practical point of view, consists of two main parts. It starts with 3 sessions of CLIL,
followed by 6 sessions of PBL, providing students with an active methodology where
they are expected to participate dynamically and collaboratively through different
To support the proposal, the Vocational Education and Training Programmes in the
Spanish Education System, the PBL methodology and the CLIL literature have been
reviewed. The main characteristics of these elements have been addressed: the CLIL
principles, core features, the 4Cs framework, the phases of PBL and how to design
problems, as well as the connections between VET, CLIL and PBL.
Finally, it is considered the possibility of adapting the proposal to other educational
contexts, such as Compulsory and Post-Compulsory Secondary Education.
Key words:
Table of contents
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….…………..5
1.1. Justification of the problem……………………………………………………………….…………5
1.2. Brief analysis of the state-of-the art………………………………………………………..…….6
1.3. Objectives……………………………………………………………………………………….……..…..7
2. Literature review..................................................................................................8
2.1. Vocational Education and Training programmes in the Spanish Education
2.2. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)………………………………..……..9
2.2.1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………..….9
2.2.2. The 4Cs framework………………………………………………………………………..……….11
2.2.3. CLIL core features..……………………………………………………………………….……….16
2.2.4. Implementing CLIL in Vocational Education and Training…………………..……17
2.3. Problem-Based Learning (PBL)……………………………………………………..…………..21
2.3.1. Definition and characteristics……………………………………………………………….…21
2.3.2. Phases…………………………………………………………………………………………..………23
2.3.3. Designing problems……………………………………………………………………..…..…...25
2.3.4. PBL in Vocational Education and Training…………….………….….………..…..…..26
2.4. The assessment combining CLIL and PBL…………………………………..………………27
2.5. Connections between VET, CLIL and PBL…………………………………………….…….28
3. Intervention proposal……………………………………………………………………………30
3.1. Educational context and target group…………………………………………………….…..30
3.2. Objectives and content……….………………………………………………………………..……31
3.3. Methodology..………………………………………………………………………………..…………32
3.4. Timing..……………………………………………………………………………….………………….32
3.5. Sessions and activities…………………………………………………….…………………………33
3.6. Assessment………………………………………………………………………………………………40
3.6.1. Learning assessment…………………………………………………………..………………….40
3.6.2. Assessment of the intervention proposal………………………………………………….44
4. Discussion……………………………………………………………………………………………….46
5. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………………….48
6. Limitations and further research…………………………………………………………50
7. References……………………………………………………………..………………………………..52
8. Appendices……………………………………………………………………………………..………56
Appendix I. Language poster to foster communication…………….…………………………56
Appendix II. Text of hazards and risks………………….…………………………………………..57
Appendix III. Text of hazards related with safety conditions……………….………..…….58
Appendix IV. Material needed for activity 6………………………………………………..…….59
Appendix V. Inspection checklist for the activity 7………………….………………………….59
List of tables
Table 1. Development of the PBL process……………………………………………….…………24
Table 2. Questions to design a good PBL problem………………………………………..…….26
Table 3. Contents and Learning Outcomes of the intervention proposal…………..…..31
Table 4. Timing and description of the intervention proposal……………………….…….32
Table 5. CLIL session 1…………………………………………………………………………..………..34
Table 6. CLIL session 2……………………………………………………………………..…………….36
Table 7. CLIL session 3………………………………………………………………………..………….38
Table 8. Rubric to assess the CLIL sessions……………………………………………………….40
Table 9. Assessment of the PBL activity……………………………………………….……………42
Table 10. Rubric to assess the oral presentation………………………………………….……..42
Table 11. Rubric to assess the team portfolio……………………………………………………..43
Table 12. Rubric to assess the personal workbook and the Powerpoint file………..….44
Table 13. Indicators to evaluate the intervention proposal…………………..………………45
List of figures
Figure 1. The 4Cs framework………………………………………………………….…………………11
Figure 2. The Language Triptych…………………………………………………………..………….13
Figure 3. Phases of the learning process in PBL……………………………..………………….23
1. Introduction
Over the years, education and training have come to play a crucial role in creating
the European society. One of the principal aims of the Vocational Education System
is to qualify people to work and be able to contribute effectively to the country’s
economic development. In relation to Vocational Education and Training (VET),
communication in a foreign language (English) is being promoted in Bilingual
Programmes due to the fact that it has become a basic tool in our current society.
Nowadays, one popular approach used in bilingual educational contexts is Content
and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Some important researchers in the field,
Coyle, Hood and Marsh (2010) define the term as an educational approach in which
an additional language, normally a foreign language, is used for the teaching and
learning of both content and language. CLIL programmes are being implemented in
Spanish schools frequently with the support from educational authorities
(Lasagabaster and Ruiz de Zarobe, 2010).
Nowadays our society requires proper knowledge of other languages apart from the
mother tongue. It cannot be denied that English is the foreign language that
predominates in non-English speaking countries in Europe. Educational Systems
and schools should respond to this demand, giving great importance to the teaching
and learning of the English language. The Lisbon European Council in March 2000
recognised that the development of high quality Vocational Education and Training
is a crucial and integral aspect in terms of promoting social inclusion, mobility,
cohesion, employability and competitiveness (European Commission, 2002). The
learning of foreign languages plays a key role.
From 1990 onwards, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), where a
subject is taught through the means of a second language, is being increasingly
prioritised within the European Union as a major education initiative (Eurydice,
2006). CLIL promotes linguistic competence and serves to stimulate cognitive
flexibility (Coyle et al., 2010). CLIL is open to wide interpretation. There are no set
formula and methods for CLIL, so that the elements of any formal curriculum at
Primary, Secondary or Tertiary levels can be re-conceptualised, providing new
learning opportunities for individuals who work and learn in this context
(Lasagabaster and Ruiz de Zarobe, 2010).
On the other hand, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is defined as a learner-centred
methodology that empowers learners to conduct research, apply knowledge and
skills to find an adequate solution to a problem defined by the teacher. It prepares
learners for real-world experience (Savery, 2006). Moreover, companies want
graduates who can be productive at the workplace, so there is a clear need for
Problem-Based Learning in Vocational Education and Training (Sada et al., 2015).
The origin of this Master’s Dissertation lies in the Teaching Practice period in a High
School in Cantabria, particulary from the Higher Vocational Education and Training
Bilingual Programme in Business Administration and Finance. After having
observed the teaching and learning of the unit occupational hazards as part of the
module Professional Training and Guidance, it was noticed that several
improvements could be made, taking into account CLIL and PBL.
The objective is to facilitate the content and language learning of occupational
hazards through the English language, when students are non-English speakers.
The development of the European Education and Training Programmes has been a
decisive factor for improving cooperation in Europe. The Bologna declaration on
Higher Education in June 1999 marked the principles of a new European
cooperation in this area. The European Commission (2002) established that
strategies for lifelong learning and mobility are essential to promote active
citizenship, social inclusion and personal development, ensuring that the European
labour market is open to all the citizens. This is a major challenge to the Vocational
Educational and Training systems in Europe.
The concept of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) emerged in the
1990s and it has been considered that of ‘teaching and learning through a foreign
language’ (Marsh, 2002, p.54). Since then, its usage has rapidly accelerated (Pérez-
Cañado, 2012).
In the literature review section, firstly the Vocational Education and Training
programmes in the Spanish Education System are reviewed (ReferNet Spain, 2014).
Then, the section continues with the core features of CLIL, the 4Cs framework,
Bloom’s revised taxonomy and the language triptych, according to Coyle et al. (2010)
and Marsh (2002). Furthermore, the assessment in CLIL is described (Mehisto et
al., 2008; Coyle et al., 2010) in order to design the intervention proposal.
In addition, the Problem-Based Learning is analysed, considering its main
characteristics, phases, how to design a meaningful problem and the assessment in
PBL (Barrows, 1986; Font, 2004; Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Instituto Tecnológico y de
Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2004; Sada et al., 2015; Savery, 2006).
1.3. Objectives
2. Literature review
The literature review covers four main sections. Firstly, the Vocational Education
and Training Programmes in the Spanish Education System are introduced. In the
second section, the CLIL approach is reviewed, considering the 4Cs framework, the
CLIL core features and CLIL in Vocational Education and Training. In the third
section, PBL is described taking into account its characteristics, phases, how to
design a meaningful problem to facilitate the learning using PBL and the presence of
PBL in Vocational Education and Training. In the next section, the assessment
combining CLIL and PBL is explained and finally, in the last section, the
connections between VET, CLIL and PBL are established.
hours of a VET Diploma and in the dual modality could be increased (ReferNet
Spain, 2014a).
The recent dual VET is regulated by the educational reform law, LOMCE, which
adds a new article to the Organic Law of Education 2/2006. Dual VET is considered
as the group of actions and training initiatives, which in co-responsibility with
enterprises, are aimed at the professional qualification of individuals, paving the
way for further harmonization between educational establishments and companies.
Two main tools of the dual system are apprenticeships and training contracts,
although its implementation has been slow (ReferNet Spain, 2014a).
The European Commission (2016) has recently established the Work Programme for
Erasmus+ for 2017. One of the main objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme is to
increase quality mobility within VET and to have the possibility of working in
European companies as trainees. Each sending VET organisation is responsible for
the quality, contents and recognition of the mobility periods. In addition, it involves
developing international approaches throughout the sending organisation, for
instance, promoting the learning of foreign languages.
According to the ‘Boletín Oficial del Estado’ (2012), the curriculum of Higher
Technician in Business Administration and Finance incorporates the English
language in an integrated way, as part of the Bilingual Education, in at least two
professional modules of which they compose the whole Higher Vocational Education
and Training programme. The timetable designed for the module taught in English,
in this case Professional Training and Guidance, is 3 hours per week.
This section starts with a brief introduction to the CLIL approach. Then, a
conceptual tool developed by Coyle et al. (2010), the 4Cs framework, is explained.
After that, an explanation of the CLIL core features that should be taken into
account during the implementation and delivery of a CLIL lesson is provided.
Finally, the CLIL approach is described in Vocational Education and Training
2.2.1. Introduction
Two thousand years ago, the Roman Empire expanded and absorbed Greek
territory, language and culture. Roman families were living in Greek-speaking
communities, so they educated their children in Greek to be sure that they would
have access to professional and social opportunities (Coyle et al., 2010).
In more recent centuries, particularly in 1965, some English-speaking families lived
in the French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec. The English parents were
worried that their children would be at a disadvantage if they did not acquire a good
command of French. The parents encouraged the local government to establish a
language-immersion programme for their children, teaching subjects completely in
French (Mehisto, Marsh and Frigols, 2008). Since then, the use of immersion
teaching programmes began to spread throughout the rest of the world until the
present day. In addition, we cannot deny the rising importance of a global language
such as the English one. The English language predominates in non-English
speaking countries in Europe.
The term CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Language), AICLE in Spanish
(Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras), EMILE in French
(Enseignement de Matières par Integration d'une Langue Etrangère), and CLILiG in
German (Integriertes Sprach- und Fachlernen auf Deutsch)— was adopted by the
European Network of Administrators, Researchers and Practitioners (EUROCLIC)
in 1994. CLIL encompasses any activity in which a second language is used for the
learning of a non-linguistic subject where language and content have a joint role.
This approach is changing educational parameters insofar as it is involving the
whole educational community. It gives the students the chance to use the language
in an authentic and meaningful context (Marsh, 2002).
CLIL has many faces. It covers more than one single approach, for instance,
bilingual and multilingual education, double immersion, partial immersion, total
immersion, local projects, international projects and enriched language
programmes, among others. What is new about CLIL is that it is flexible enough to
apply the knowledge learnt from various approaches. Furthermore, CLIL can be
implemented in Primary, Secondary, Vocational Education and Training and Higher
Education; from a short-term to a long-term programme (Mehisto et al., 2008).
As far as its context is concerned, CLIL differs from regions within a country, but
also along schools in any village or town. This situation is linked to the lack of an
official guidelines regarding its implementation. Spanish official curricula do not
include proper curriculum planning related to bilingual / multilingual programmes
or CLIL. According to Marsh et al. (2005), the learning context increases not only
the student’s exposure to the additional language, but also develops the student’s
cognitive abilities. Existing research has proved that CLIL can help students improve
their performance in both content and language, because they develop multiple
learning strategies due to curriculum integration, and they use language for action
as a vehicle.
Although CLIL has developed differently in the European Education Systems, there
are some similarities. In general, in schools where a CLIL approach is conducted, the
content subjects taught in a foreign language are Humanities and Social Sciences.
The most frequently used languages are English, French and German (Marsh et al.
In 1999, as the researcher Coyle (2007) established, she developed the 4Cs
framework influenced by the work of Mohan from a holistic perspective so as to
support the development of CLIL pedagogies. This framework integrates four
contextualised blocks where content and language become integrated within a
context, considering communication and intercultural understanding.
Figure 1 shows the 4Cs framework, where we can observe that the figure highlights
the role of culture in the center, together with content, communication and
The 4Cs framework offers a theoretical foundation for planning a CLIL unit built on
the following principles (Coyle, 2007; Coyle et al., 2010).
1. Content:
This term is used to describe the subject or module that is taught in the foreign
language, but it is more flexible than that. In a CLIL context, content could be a
discipline from a traditional curriculum, for instance, Music, Science, Art, or
History. Additionally, content in CLIL could also be a problem, a project based on
topical issues or even cross-curricular and interdisciplinary learning. Nevertheless,
content is not only about acquiring knowledge and skills, but also, learners
developing their own understanding.
Content refers to any material that a teacher uses to teach the key vocabulary, facts,
and concepts. This typically comes from the textbook, articles, videos, listening
activities, projects, pupil research (online, library, questionnaires etc.), and projects
among others. All of this should be decided and carefully chosen before planning the
unit. For teachers, it might be useful to think of content considering the knowledge,
skills and understanding that wish their learners to access, rather than exclusively
knowledge acquisition.
2. Communication:
Communicative approaches are based on theories of language learning where they
require the focus on meaning and form.
CLIL demands a reconceptualisation of the role of language towards an approach
which combines ‘learning to use language and using language to learn’ (Coyle, 2007:
552). The principles for communicative language learning have been highlighted as:
• Language is a communicative tool.
• Diversity is part of the language development.
• The competences of the students are relative in terms of genre, style and
• The culture plays an instrumental role.
• The language has several varieties.
• The objective is using and learning the language in authentic interactive
Language needs to be learnt being accessible and transparent and it is related to the
learning context. In this framework, communication involves the CLIL teacher and
the students in using and developing the language: language of learning, language
for learning and language through learning.
We can see the Language Triptych, which enhances grammatical progression from
three interrelated perspectives.
Figure 2. The Language Triptych. Adapted from Coyle (2005, p.36)
With regard to language of learning, it refers to the language that learners need to
access in order to understand new knowledge and skills when dealing with the
content. For example, if we are designing the unit occupational hazards, the content
language can include:
- Specific terminology and vocabulary: gloves, harnesses, hats, masks,
platforms and so on.
- Using appropriate verb tenses to write a piece of writing (reports, essays…).
- Working on grammar constructions to express cause-effect relationships,
making use of the passive voice and impersonal structures.
Moreover, the content itself can also support language learning, for instance,
through authentic text.
In the case of language for learning, it is the language that students need in order to
operate effectively in a CLIL context. Is the language related to interpersonal
communication. Students need strategies and skills to use a foreign language, such
as those required for pair work, cooperative group work, asking questions, debating,
thinking, memorizing and so on. Being able to describe, evaluate and draw
conclusions is essential for doing tasks. For example, if we want that the students
solve a challenging problem collaborately, they need to know the language to
support each other and to be supported. In a CLIL environment, teachers have to
include opportunities to use the language for:
- Inferring ideas.
- Building arguments, agreements and disagreements.
- Making predictions.
- Working effectively in groups.
As far as language through learning is concerned, this language learning takes place
in a deeper way when students build, organise and formulate their own
understanding. This is the language that emerges from specific learning contexts,
which is necessary to suport students’ thinking processes. Language through
learning means to capture language during the learning process, being spontaneous
or planned. This language can be used in different situations that may require new
language skills, such as:
- Recycling discussions skills that might emerge, for example, during problem-based
- Using dictionaries so as to make a glossary.
- Widening language for meaningul communication, expressing opinions, presenting
evidences or explaining processes.
- Presenting a project orally using digital tools.
- Making feedback effective after internalization.
Coyle et al. (2010) see the Language Triptych as a tool whose applications could be
summarised as follows:
- Provide the means to analyse language needs across different CLIL contexts.
- Differentiate between types of linguistic demands.
- Use the language for knowledge construction.
Another relevant element in this theoretical framework is the distinction between
BICS (Basic Interpersonal and Communication skills) and CALP (Cognitive
Academic Language Proficiency). This dichotomy was coined by Cummins in 1984
and it refers to the linguistic competences that should be developed for successful
teaching and learning in bilingual contexts. Teachers have to differentiate between
language use in academic context and language use in conversational contexts.
The main implications underlying this distinction are in the first place that language
is used differently in academic environments than in everyday situations, and
secondly, learners do not acquired academic competence naturally (Cummins,
3. Cognition
Cognition is linked to critical thinking processes. In CLIL content learning is related
to the different cognitive levels and strategies. CLIL curriculum planning and design
can be based on task-based, project-based or problem-based work oriented to
develop creativity as the last stage of the process.
Bloom’s revised Taxonomy is an approach for promoting critical thinking in any
learning process. There must be a cognitive progression beginning with lower order
thinking skills (L.O.T.S.) to finish with higher order thinking skills (H.O.T.S.). The
six categories are the following: (Krathwohl, 2002)
• Remember: it involves recall or recognise relevant knowledge, facts or
contepts (recognising, recalling).
• Understand: constructing meaning from instructional messages
(interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarising, inferring, comparing,
• Apply: using ideas and concepts to solve problems (executing,
• Analyse: breaking something down into components, seeing relationships
and overall structure (differentiating, organising, attributing).
• Evaluate: making judgments based on criteria and standards (checking,
• Create: rearranging diverse elements to form a new pattern or structure
(generating, planning, producing).
It is worth noting that cognition and content are normally together when planning
objectives and assessment criteria. Thus, it can be logical to structure content from
simple to more complex, following a cognitive progression from L.O.T.S. to H.O.T.S.
at the end of a theme or topic.
4. Culture
This block is related to the question of the “self” and “other” awareness, identity,
citizenship and progression towards intercultural understanding. There is a complex
relationship between language and culture. In this sense, intercultural awareness is
a basic aspect of CLIL. The social interactivity is transferred to learning settings
where a foreign language is used, then language, the cultural component, cognitive
engagement and thinking are all connected to the context of CLIL. Language,
thinking and culture are constructed through interaction. Cultural awareness
focuses on knowledge about different cultures; it is not associated with few lessons
about folk songs or costumes (Coyle et al., 2010).
There are two key elements of the cultural component, which are community, when
the learning becomes collaborative through the creation of learning communities,
and connection, where the digital tools are considered to expand the collaboration.
As Coyle et al. (2010) suggests, there are some implications for integration in this
framework that need to be taken into account. The first one focuses on the necessity
for CLIL teachers to identify the means by which integrating language and content
will be achieved. The second implication concerns the relationship between
students’ language levels and their cognitive levels. Whatever the capability of
learners, proper learning demands cognitive engagement at the appropriate level.
The last implication for integration is to adopt an inquiry-based approach to
classroom teaching and learning.
In essence, this framework suggests that effective CLIL takes place when there is a
progression in knowledge, skills and understanding of the content matter,
considering a cognitive process, an interactive communication, the development of
adequate language knowledge and intercultural awareness (Coyle, 2007).
After having described the 4Cs framework, in the next section, the CLIL
fundamental characteristics are introduced.
When getting ready for CLIL, Mehisto et al. (2008) considered the necessity to
establish the core features of the CLIL approach which are multimple focus, safe and
enriching learning environment, authenticity, active learning, scaffolding and co-
operation. The following is a more detailed description of these characteristics:
- Multiple focus. CLIL supports the language learning in content classes and the
content learning in language classes. The way of doing it, is the integration of several
subjects which means organising the learning through cross-curricular themes,
projects and problems.
- CLIL allows the creation of a safe and enriching learning environment. In
this contexts, teachers use routine activities and discourse, presenting the language
and content in the classroom. In this context, teachers guide the access to authentic
materials and environments to increase pupils’ language awareness.
- Authenticity. It is important in a CLIL context to make connections between
learning and the students’ lives, as well as with other speakers of the vehicular
- Active learning is promoted when students have a central role in the lessons, as
they are responsible for their learning. Learners communicate more than the
teacher, who acts as a facilitator. Students help to establish content, language and
learning skills outcomes. Finally they evaluate the progress and results.
- Co-operation between CLIL and non-CLIL teachers is significant when planning
courses, lessons or themes. In addition, parents, the local community, authorities
play an important role in their learning.
- Scaffolding refers to the temporary support that teachers provide learners to
complete a task because otherwise they could not do by themselves. In this case
teachers act as mentors who build the learning on students’ existing knowledge,
skills, attitudes, interests and experience. Scaffolding has a temporary nature. It is
important that teachers know when the students have reached the proper level of
knowledge to work independently. In that moment, the support can be removed.
Besides, the use of scaffolding is not restricted to teacher-student interaction, peer
scaffolding is also useful as temporary support in the CLIL classroom.
Scaffolding is necessary in CLIL because more strategies are needed to support the
understanding of both language and content. One of the biggest challenges of
learning a content area through an additional language is how to make sure pupils
have sufficient language resources to understand the complexity of the concepts.
Furthermore, there are distinctive aspects to setting learning outcomes for CLIL
(Mehisto et al., 2008):
- Language is not the primary subject being taught. In this case, language learning in
content classes receives systematic attention to facilitate understanding.
- Language objectives are difficult to sequence, as they are driven by content.
Providing pupils with vocabulary and discourse patterns helps the CLIL teacher
exceed the demands of the curriculum.
- Making links with the community, so that the content can be applied in meaningful
activities. Meaning making is a social process and it is more relevant if a problem is
linked to the world outside the school.
- Maintaining a focus on learning skills. CLIL is multiple focused and it is better
maintained if teachers keep a spotlight on learning skills.
Marsh et al. (2005) suggest that the demands of modern society are directly linked
to the classroom. We can see in the development of globalization and new
technologies that education is responding to the knowledge and skills demanded. In
the Spanish Education System, schools have already developed integration of
subjects. It has been claimed that CLIL is one form of integrated learning.
In Spain, CLIL programmes have been implemented in mainstream schools.
However, the degree and characteristics of its implementation vary from one Region
to another. The different models can be divided into two main contexts
(Lasagabaster and Ruiz de Zarobe, 2010):
The Andalusian model belongs to the scenario 1. This Autonomous Community has
put in place numerous measures to improve the quality of vocational training. In
this sense, new titles adapted to the permanent changes of the current society have
been created.
According to the ‘Junta de Andalucía’ (2015), seventy-three VET Bilingual
Programmes were offered in the academic year 2015/2016.
The most common reasons for implementing CLIL programmes at this level are
giving added value to the learning of content; preparing for future studies or
working life and improving English language competence.
Regarding scenario 2, in the last years, CLIL pilot projects have been carried out by
Autonomous Communities in Spain, where VET is involved. For instance, in
Valencia, a pioneering project in Vocational Education and Training has started at
Cheste Vocational Collegue obtaining satisfactory results. In this modular project,
students can learn aeronautics, biochemistry, law, cookery,
management/administration and IT through English and French (Marsh et al.,
As far as scenario 3 is concerned, according to the ‘Comunidad de Madrid’ (2016),
five Higher Vocational Education and Training Bilingual Programmes were
implemented in that academic year in five different High Schools:
- Management’s assistance.
- Business Administration and finances.
- Travel Office and events management.
- Tourist assistance and information.
- Multiplatforms’ development.
In Tertiary Education, it is mainly vocational schools which have opted for teaching
content through a foreign language. The subjects taught in these schools vary
greatly, from Information Technology to Economics and Business, Mechanics or
Agriculture. However, any subject can be taught in a second language when it comes
to Secondary or Tertiary Education (Marsh et al., 2005).
Coyle et al. (2010) support the use of CLIL in Vocational Education and Training.
The authors establish that vocational curricula are particularly interesting because
of globalization and the changing nature of our working life.
Traditionally, the vocational and professional education sectors have not included
language teaching. CLIL can offer a new opportunity to introduce languages into the
curriculum. In vocational sectors, the use of more than one language adds extra
value to the education process (Coyle et al., 2010).
English has a dominant position as a CLIL language in many countries. With regard
to Vocational Education and Training, there is a necessity of designing with carefully
integrated principles, where knowledge and skills building require accuracy.
In upper vocational streams, students are in some cases mature adults. Their reason
for choosing a VET programme is based on a personal decision to follow a specific
career path. Many of these CLIL programmes include a practicum where language,
vocational content skills and learning skills, are applied and developed.
Furthermore, learning in a foreign language can facilitate comprehension because
students have to work harder. This forces them to be more precise in their
communication. All of these factors help to create a favourable environment for the
implementation of CLIL (Mehisto et al., 2009).
According to Mehisto et al. (2009), some learners involved in a VET programme,
may not be fully confident in their potential or their capacity to succeed, feeling
discourage when they have to face a difficult challenge. One of the key roles of
vocational teachers during the first weeks of a CLIL course is to install self-
confidence in the students, as well as to provide ongoing feedback and support. Also,
clear evaluation criteria and marking schemes are really important for vocational
All of these recommendations and principles would be considered in order to create
the intervention proposal. In the next section, the methodology Problem-Based
Learning is analysed so as to provide theoretical background to the proposal as well.
According to Hmelo-Silver (2004), PBL is designed with several important goals to
help students:
1. Construct a flexible knowledge basis.
That knowledge should be fluently applied in a variety of problem situations.
Common sense suggests that in order to promote flexible knowledge in the
classroom, teachers must incorporate learning in contexts that require the use of
that skills and abilities.
2. Develop problem-solving skills.
The development of effective problem-solving skills includes the ability to apply
metacognitive and reasoning strategies appropriately.
3. Develop lifelong learning skills.
Several subskills are involved in this process. Firstly, students must have a
metacognitive awareness of what they do and do not understand. Secondly, learners
should identify if they need to learn more about the task required to achieve the
goals. Thirdly, they must plan and select proper learning strategies. Lastly, pupils
must monitor and evaluate if their goals have been attained.
4. Become effective collaborators.
This goal means knowing how to perform well as part of a team. This involves
resolve discrepancies, negotiate the actions that the whole group is going to take and
come to an agreement. The goal of a good collaborator and the process of learning
collaboratively are normally together. This task requires open exchange of ideas by
the members of the group.
5. Become intrinsically motivated to learn.
Intrinsic motivation takes place when students work on a task or problem motivated
by their own interests. Determining an adequate problem for heterogeneous
students, as the case of VET students, require that the teacher understands what is
interesting for that group of students. Learners are much more motivated when they
value what they are learning. That occurs solving meaningul problems.
Regarding the main characteristics of the PBL, the proposals of Barrows (Barrows,
1986) are accepted by most of the authors as of their application in the Faculty of
Sciences of the Health of the University of McMaster, Canada:
• Learning is student-centered.
• Learning occurs in small groups.
• Teachers are facilitators in this process.
• Problems are the focus of organisation and stimulation for learning.
• Problems are a vehicle for developing problem-solving skills.
• New information is acquired through self-directed learning.
Collaborative learning
Collaborative problem-solving groups are a main feature of PBL. Students work
together to construct collaborative explanations. Working in small groups
distributes the cognitive load among the members. Research suggests that small
discussions in PBL lessons enhances problem solving and higher order thinking, as
well as knowledge construction (Hmelo-Silver, 2004).
The role of the facilitator
In PBL contexts, the facilitator role is essential in modeling thinking skills and
providing metacognitive scaffolding. In PBL, the teacher is able to model strategies
for learning and thinking, rather than just an expert in the content itself (Hmelo-
Silver, 2004).
2.3.2. Phases
The structure to be followed with the PBL methodology differs from that followed in
teaching using traditional methodology. The conventional methodology is based on
a theoretical contribution of the educator and ends with the implementation of this
knowledge. With the PBL, the learning process starts with the presentation of a
problem to which students have to respond. The Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey (2004) establishes the following steps in the process of
learning in the PBL, as it can be observed in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Phases of the learning process in PBL. Adapted from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey (2004, p.8)
When the teacher designs the lessons according to the PBL methodology, it must be
taken into account before constructing the problem, the learning objectives that are
intended to be achieved, the time that the experience will require, how to evaluate
the problem and the process to be followed. Subsequently, the educator should
design the learning strategies that allow the students to acquire the necessary
knowledge to find the solution (Morales and Landa, 2004).
According to Morales and Landa (2004), there are eight phases in the development
of the PBL process, as it shows the Table 1.
Students have to make a list of everything the team should know to solve the
problem, and it is unknown. There are many different types of questions; some may
relate to concepts or principles that must be studied to resolve the situation.
Step 5: Make a list of what needs to be done to solve the problem
Students should plan research strategies. It is advisable that in groups the students
prepare a list of the actions to be carried out.
Statements that clearly explain what the team wants to solve, produce, test or
Step 7: Get information
The team will locate, collect, organize, analyse and interpret information from
various sources.
Step 8: Present the results
Furthermore, students should evaluate the objectives of the learning process, that is,
their work as a student (self-assessment) and as a group (co-evaluation). Deeper
explanation about assessment is provided in section 2.4.
Table 2. Questions to design a good PBL problem
√ Is it student-centered?
√ Are the development of skills to solve the problem facilitated?
√ Are the skills for the autonomous learning integrated?
√ Group learning and collaborative, is it possible?
√ Is the new information acquired applied to the problem?
√ Is self-evaluation and co-evaluation used?
√ Is the teacher prepared to facilitate the learning?
√ Does the evaluation verify the achievement of the objectives?
Adapted from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (2004)
Recent studies (Chuen Yeh, Chen, Kuo and Chung, 2011) have shown that vocational
skills should be treated as priorities in our current society. The term competence
involves knowledge, skills and attitude. In this sense, vocational learning cultivates
problem-solving competences. In Problem-Based Learning, students are able to
solve real problems through the knowledge learnt. By using problem solving,
learners can be creative and co-operate with each other to solve problems.
Various advantages are associated with the use of PBL in Vocational Education and
Training (Force, 2010, cited in Sada et al., 2015):
- An increased retention of meaningful information.
- The development of an integrated knowledge base.
- Lifelong learning is promoted.
- Valuable exposure to expert experience.
- An increase in motivation.
- The teacher acts as a facilitator of the learning.
- It is carried out in small groups.
- Problems are used as a tool to build knowledge.
According to Gravells (2010) cited in Sada et al. (2015), PBL is one of the most
effective active learning methods known to make a positive impact on the learners’
experience. PBL is really effective when the learning needs to be supported and that
is often the case of vocational students due to lack of self-confidence in some cases.
Moreover, Sada et al. (2015) affirm that this methodology will reduce the gap
between theory and practice, providing engaging and challenging learning materials
through flexible problems. By adopting PBL in the classroom, students will gather
and evaluate information related to the proposed problem where they will make use
of creativity, adaptability, motivation, civil behaviour, technical competence and the
ability to work collaboratively.
Authentic assessment refers to any method that is not a standardized test which
shows what a student knows or can do. It is linked to formative assessment and
assessment for learning. To do this, many tools can be used, for instance, skills
checklists, reading and writing inventories, teacher observation, student self-
evaluations, portfolios, performance-based tasks, essay writing, oral reports,
presentations or interviews (Short, 1993).
In CLIL, a wide range of knowledge and skills related to assessment are integrated in
order to create meaningful and supportive learning experiences for learners. With
regard to the assessment component in CLIL, some important researchers in the
field such as Marsh, Mehisto, Wolff and Frigols (2011) establish that CLIL teachers
are able:
- To create CLIL-specific assessment needs and objectives.
- To develop assessment tools.
- To assess for learning, that is, assessment as a basis for improvement,
bearing in mind summative and formative evaluation as well as the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Mehisto et al. (2008), define the portfolio as a presentation of students’ work, which
has been collected over a period of time, where students show knowledge, skills and
progress in achieving learning outcomes. Portfolio assessment in CLIL can prove
really useful in making informed decisions on students’ skills and abilities if it is
accompanied by self and peer assessment along with teacher support. Furthermore,
the use of electronic portfolios is becoming a common practice among CLIL
teachers, for example, Google Sites or Dropbox.
Regarding PBL assessment, Sáenz (2009) points out some assessment tools that can
be used in a PBL-based activity:
• Conceptual maps: students represent their knowledge through logical relationships
between concepts and their graphic representation. They are also suitable for co-
• Oral presentations: PBL gives students the opportunity to practice their
communicative skills. In addition the means used can be evaluated.
• Written reports: allow to practice written expression.
• Learning file, folder or portfolio: instrument to evaluate quality of the learning
process and the student's effort.
• Rubrics: double entry tables with a list of categories to evaluate.
Industry is telling the education sector they need graduates who are ready for a job,
being able to be productive as soon as possible. There is a clear need for PBL in the
VET sector to ensure that the needs of the industry are fulfilled (Sada et al., 2015).
In addition, the CLIL approach is changing educational parameters insofar, as it is
involving the whole educational community. It gives the students the chance to use
the language in an authentic and meaningful context in a society where the
knowledge of more than one language is more and more necessary (Marsh, 2002).
Several connections can be made as far as integrating VET, CLIL and PBL are
- Collaboration
In the near future, pupils will find themselves in jobs where they will have to share
information and work as team members productively. PBL provides a context for the
development of these essential skills. During a PBL lesson, the teacher asks
questions to ensure that the relevant information has been shared in relation to the
group’s problem (Savery, 2006). In Problem-Based Learning, as Chuen Yeh et al.
(2011) explain, students are able to solve real problems through the knowledge
learnt. By developing problem solving skills, learners can be creative and co-operate
with each other to solve problems. Moreover, CLIL researchers (Coyle et al., 2010)
have claimed that working in groups collaboratively, foster perception,
communication and reasoning.
Learning is not done in isolation; students learn by doing and they prefer to work in
groups (Sada et al., 2015).
- Prior knowledge and active learning
Sada et al. (2015) claim that learners who are being taught using traditional methods
in VET appear to be disconnected from their studies. In order to improve this
situation, problems are set as a starting-point for learning and they are used as tools
for learners to build upon prior knowledge. Some features of the millennium
generation include experiential and engaging learning where active learning plays a
key role. In PBL, CLIL and VET students can work on a problem that does not have a
single correct answer, where knowledge is built flexibly. Besides, PBL offers
opportunities to increase active learning through the development of presentation
skills, and the learning of negotiation and research abilities. These skills are very
valuable in VET programmes as well (Sada et al., 2015).
3. Intervention proposal
As described above in section 2.1.1., according to the ‘Boletín Oficial del Estado’
(2012), the curriculum of Higher Technician in Business Administration and
Finance, incorporates the English language in at least two professional modules that
compose the whole Higher Vocational Education and Training programme. In this
case, the professional module taught in English is Vocational Training and
Guidance, 3 hours per week. The intervention proposal is designed for unit 9
occupational hazards and it is directed to the first year of the Higher Vocational and
Education Training Bilingual Programme in Business Administration and Finance.
This programme is taught in the High School ‘Valle de Camargo’ in the village
Revilla de Camargo, Cantabria.
The characteristics of the proposal are considered for a group of 12 students from
different backgrounds. These students have heterogeneous profiles, aged 18-30
years. All of them are Spanish and their English level is between B1 and B2,
according to the CEFR. Two of them have lived in an English-speaking country for a
short period of time (4 months). A high percentage of these learners are working and
studying at the same time. They have different reasons for choosing Vocational
Education and Training: most of them want to acquire professional skills in order to
find a job and other ones have chosen it because it is a way of combining studies
with their job. They believe that the Bilingual Programme adds value to their
3.2. Objectives and contents
The contents developed in unit 9 “occupational hazards” are shown in Table 3. They
are aligned with the objectives or learning outcomes, according to the ‘Boletín
Oficial de Cantabria’ (2012), which establishes the curriculum of the Higher
Vocational Education and Training Bilingual Programme in Business
Administration and Finance in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria.
3.3. Methodology
3.4. Timing
The interventional proposal has been created for 9 sessions of 60 minutes. In the
first three sessions, students will learn following the CLIL approach and the next six
sessions are designed according to the PBL phases. Table 4 presents the timing and
description of the proposal.
information. Students share and organise the
7 PBL Phase 4. Problem Application of what was learnt in the
resolution. elaboration of the answer to the problem.
8 PBL Phase 5. Presentation Students present their results orally with the
of results. help of an ICT tool.
9 PBL Phase 6. Evaluation. Presentation of the workbook and the team
portfolio to the teacher.
Self-evaluation and evaluation of the group.
In this first session of the intervention proposal, the main purposes are the
activation of students’ previous knowledge and the introduction of the unit.
The lesson will begin with the introduction of the unit, trying to attract the attention
of the learners. The teacher should explain the different parts of the unit and what
they are going to learn briefly in each section. The unit can be presented making use
of the PowerPoint presentation to show the contents visually (10 minutes):
1. Work hazards/risks.
2. Hazards associated with safety conditions.
3. Hazards associated with the physical working environment.
4. Hazards associated with contaminants at work.
5. Hazards associated with the workload.
- Can you share a personal experience about hazards and risks at work?
After that, students will have to work in pairs to do this activity. Working in pairs is
a good way to feel more relaxed and students usually have less fear of making
mistakes. Also, they can choose their partners. In this sense, the teacher creates a
safe environment in which students can give their opinions in the foreign language.
In addition, the teacher will provide some scaffolding with a poster giving some
expressions that students could use to communicate (see Appendix I).
Then, the ideas will be shared with the whole group.
- Understand that work
involves risks that can
cause health problems.
- Use the foreign language
to express opinions.
The 4Cs
Content Cognition Culture
Work hazards and risks. Explanation of prior Exposure to alternative
knowledge. perspectives.
Language of learning Language for learning Language through
Hazards, risks, The Language for Language used in the
Proportionality Principle, introducing a topic, activities.
safety conditions, showing organisation of
chemical, physical and ideas, concepts and
biological agents, toxic, information; asking and
carcinogenic, hazardous answering questions
substance. Read and using evidence.
listen to texts.
Skills promoted Reading, writing, listening, speaking
Activity 4 (15 minutes)
Students will have their first contact with hazards related to safety conditions. After
the explanation provided by the teacher, they will have to read a text individually
about safety conditions to become familiar with the language (see Appendix III). In
the case that students do not understand a word, they are allowed to use the
computers to check it with the help of an online dictionary. Also, students are
expected to collaborate with each other to solve their doubts.
vocabulary: electrical equipment, pathways, cable protectors, to route cables,
cardboard boxes, pallets, handrails, untidiness, cabling, highly polished surfaces,
slip hazard, to take precautions, spills and torn carpets.
Once the key vocabulary is clear, students will have to answer some questions about
the video:
1. Are the dangers in an office obvious? Why?
2. How can we prevent workplace injuries?
3. What are the office safety essentials?
4. What are the most common causes of tripping in offices?
5. If you notice a spill, what do you have to do?
6. How can we reduce slip and trip accidents?
While learners are watching the video, they can take notes. The pupils will correct
the questions and the teacher will give the answer only in the case that none of the
students have it.
prevention of occupational
The 4Cs
Content Cognition Culture
Hazards related with safety Extract relevant Reflect on the importance
conditions information from the of protection and
video. prevention measures in
any country. Intercultural
Language of learning Language for Language through
learning learning
Obstacles, handrails, platform, Language for Language that appears
slip, stumble, lit, slippery collaboration in pairs while doing the different
floors, sharp objects, heavy and as a whole group. activities and also in the
lifting, cable protectors, spills, Expressing opinions video.
cabling, cardboard boxes, and ideas and
untidiness, highly polished answering questions
surfaces. using evidence.
Skills promoted Reading, writing, listening, speaking
Activity 7 (60 minutes)
In groups of 4 students, and in cooperation with the school, the teacher will assign
students an area of the school to inspect. Making use of the inspection checklist (See
Appendix 5) learners will look for hazardous situations that can cause injuries.
Students should write a report. For each hazard they find, they will have to explain:
1. Why it is dangerous.
2. What would happen if the hazard was not corrected.
3. Two options for correcting the situation.
4. Who should be advised of the hazard.
Table 7. CLIL session 3
Objectives Activities Materials and
7. Inspection Checklist. Inspection Checklist
- Learn to take action to
prevent risks.
problem. Each team will prepare a table with two columns to include the aspects
that the team knows and another column for what they do not know and will have to
investigate. Each team will distribute the work among its members in order to begin
the investigation, making use of the team portfolio. Besides, each student will note
in his workbook the assigned task.
The problem:
Spain is one of the European countries where more occupational accidents occur.
Consider the following professions: María works in an office; Juan works in a
printing shop; Luis works as a vehicle mechanic; Rosa as a veterinarian; Pedro
works as a cook in a restaurant, and finally Ana is working as X-ray technician. You
have to answer these questions:
1. Identify and explain the risk factors in each profession.
2. What are the acceptable working conditions in each case?
3. What kind of damage can they suffer?
4. Describe the preventive measures you would take against each risk.
5. Imagine that next year you will be working for a company in the UK (you
can choose the company). Compare the legislation with regard to preventive
measures in the workplace between Spain and the United Kingdom.
Clue: you should take into account hazards related to safety conditions, physical
hazards due to the working environment, hazards associated with contaminants at
work and hazards related to physical strain.
The research process will be done in groups of three. To present the research, you
will have to submit three documents through Google Drive: a portfolio of the
teamwork process, a personal workbook and a presentation exposing the results
using a PowerPoint or Prezi program.
SESSION 7: Problem resolution
In this session the students will use what was learned to elaborate a response to the
problem, accompanied by sufficient data and arguments to present it. Each team
will elaborate on its portfolio a draft with all the information: problem definition,
chosen answer, data, and so on.
SESSION 9: Evaluation
This is the last phase of the PBL learning process. Students should present the
personal workbook and the team portfolio. Learners will evaluate their own team, as
well as the rest of the teams and their own individual workbook (self-evaluation and
evaluation of the group) through rubrics.
3.6. Assessment
The assessment is divided into two sections. Firstly, the learning assessment is
explained and secondly, the evaluation of the intervention proposal.
As far as the CLIL sessions are concerned, students will be assessed following the
rubric that can be seen in Table 8. Learners can create a public folder in Dropbox to
share their portfolios with the teacher and also with their classmates. In this folder,
they will include the activities from 1 to 7. This tool supports multiple file types and
can be used collaboratively by sharing folders.
There is not There are three There are four There are
spelling or fewer spelling more than
mistakes or spelling mistakes and / four spelling
grammatical mistakes and / or grammatical mistakes and
errors. or punctuation errors. grammar
errors. mistakes.
Quality of work The work is
The work is of quality. The work The work
the highest occasionally usually needs
quality. needs to be to be checked
checked by the by the
teacher or teacher or
redone to redone to
ensure its ensure their
quality. quality.
The student The student The student The student
shows a demonstrates a shows a good does not
complete good understanding seem to
understanding understanding of parts of the understand
of the subject. of the subject. subject. the subject
very well.
Oral interaction
The student The student The student The student
speaks clearly speaks clearly speaks clearly is not
and distinctly and distinctly and distinctly understood
all the time and most of the all the time, but or has poor
has no bad time. It has no with a bad pronunciatio
pronunciation. bad pronunciation. n most of the
pronunciation. time.
The student The student The student The student
always shows often shows sometimes never shows
interests in the interests in the shows interests interests in
topics and topics and in the topics the topics
values their values their and values their and values
importance. importance. importance. their
The student
Quality of shows The student The student The student
reflection and insightful shows some shows some shows little
response to comments on thoughtful or no
feedback his own evidence of evidence of
progress and comments on emerging
future needs. his own ability to
Clear evidence ability to reflect reflect on his
of response to progress and on his own own
feedback. future
progress and progress and
needs. Shows respond respond to
some evidence
of response to to feedback. feedback.
Regarding the PBL process, students should present three different documents:
1. A portfolio of the teamwork process. Students will file the whole material
elaborated or obtained in the different sources, all the annotations or scripts made
throughout the investigation, pictures, definitions or glossaries, etc. All in all, the
information that learners consider relevant for their learning.
2. The personal workbook is individual, where it will reflect what each student
has learnt, in what way, the tasks that the student was responsible for, sources
consulted and organization.
3. A presentation of the solution, in a PowerPoint or Prezi program.
Students should include the approach of the problem, the solution and the
The tables below show the rubrics to evaluate the PBL activity.
Body posture The student has The student has The student The student
and eye contact good posture, good posture sometimes has poor
looks relaxed and establishes has good posture and /
and confident. eye contact posture and or does not
Make eye with everyone makes eye look at people
contact with in the room contact. during the
everyone in the during the presentation.
classroom presentation.
during the
Fluency and
pronunciation The student The student The student The student is
speaks clearly speaks clearly speaks clearly not
and distinctly and distinctly and distinctly understood or
all the time and most of the all the time, has poor
has no bad time. It has no but with a bad pronunciation
pronunciation. bad pronunciation most of the
pronunciation. . time.
The student The student The student The student
shows a demonstrates a shows a good does not seem
complete good understandin to understand
understanding understanding g of parts of the subject
of the subject. of the subject. the subject. very well.
The student can The student can The student The student
accurately accurately can accurately cannot
answer almost answer most of answer a few answer the
all the the questions. questions. questions.
Table 12. Rubric to assess the personal workbook and the Powerpoint file
Category 4 3 2 1
Well-organised Use of lists to Most of the The
content using organise, but content is organisation
titles and lists the overall logically was not clear
to group related organization organised. or logical.
material. seems weak.
There is not There are There are four There are
spelling three or fewer spelling more than
mistakes or spelling mistakes and four spelling
grammatical mistakes and / or mistakes
errors. / or grammatical and
punctuation errors. grammar
errors. mistakes.
The student The student The student The student
shows a demonstrates shows a good does not
complete a good understanding seem to
understanding understanding of parts of the understand
of the subject. of the subject. subject. the subject
very well.
In this section, the assessment of the intervention proposal is described. Once the
proposal has been implemented in the classroom, the teacher will assess its design
and the evaluation of the results obtained. The main purpose is to detect possible
difficulties and introduce some improvements if they are necessary.
Furthermore, the opinion of the students will be very useful to assess the proposal.
The teacher will ask learners several questions:
- What is your opinion about the occupational hazards after the experience
with CLIL and PBL?
- What is your level of motivation after the learning of this unit?
- Will you repeat the same methodology in the next unit?
- What was your favourite CLIL activity?
- Do you think that the combination of CLIL and PBL has helped you to
understand the unit?
- What aspect did you enjoy the most? What aspect did you like less?
- What would you change or improve?
Table 13 shows the evaluation criteria with which the educator could evaluate the
intervention proposal.
Table 13. Indicators to evaluate the intervention proposal
Indicators Yes No Observations
The objectives and the activities proposed were
aligned with the curriculum.
The implementation of the 4Cs (content,
cognition, communication and culture) was
appropriate for the group.
The four skills (writing, speaking, listening and
reading) were promoted correctly.
The CLIL principles were considered.
The activities and the problem were
motivating and attractive.
The resources and materials were adequate.
The teacher considered students’ preferences
and prior knowledge.
Peer scaffolding was helpful.
Students’ communicative competence in
English has improved.
Problem solving skills were developed through
Effective collaboration between the students.
The English language was introduced
Authentic assessment methods were
4. Discussion
In this intervention proposal, the combination of the CLIL approach and the PBL
methodology have been applied to facilitate the learning of occupational hazards in
the first year of a Higher Vocational and Education Training Bilingual Programme
through the English language.
The intention is that students participate in the learning process dynamically and
collaboratively throughout the unit. Thus, the proposal is based on an active
methodology with two clear parts. Firstly, three CLIL sessions have been designed in
order to support the learning of both content and language, where the four skills
(writing, speaking, listening and reading) were developed through different
activities. Secondly, six sessions following the PBL methodology have been
considered to promote the learning of knowledge and skills.
Regarding the design of the CLIL sessions, the 4Cs conceptual framework by Coyle
et al., (2010) was taken into account. As a result, content, communication, cognition
and culture were integrated within a meaningful context. In fact, communication
has played an important role, considering the language of, the language for and the
language through. Although the focus of these sessions has been the 4Cs, the CLIL
core features explained by Mehisto et al., (2008) were also considered, specially the
use of scaffolding, active learning, authenticity and creating an enriching learning
As far as the PBL sessions are concerned, the different phases of the PBL process
presented by Morales and Landa (2004) were adopted to design the six sessions.
Students were encouraged to work collaboratively in problem-solving groups. This
methodology enhances higher order thinking as well as knowledge construction
(Hmelo-Silver, 2004).
of both language and content. Besides, the cognitive demands of a VET Bilingual
Programme are often high, where language support is needed (Coyle et al., 2010).
Likewise, in PBL, the teacher guides the students to learn the cognitive skills
necessary for problem solving (Hmelo-Silver, 2004).
5. Conclusions
This section aims to expose the conclusions of the present work. As has been shown
in this paper, the main objectives of a Higher Vocational Education and Training
Bilingual Programme are to establish strategies for lifelong learning, promote
mobility, personal development, employability, competitiveness, the learning of
foreign languages and the promotion of competences connected to the real world.
Thus, the development of this work has been carried out to accomplish the principal
aim of this Master’s Dissertation, which is the creation of an intervention proposal
for the first year of a Higher Vocational Education and Training Bilingual
Programme in Business Administration and Finance to facilitate the learning of
occupational hazards through the English language, combining CLIL and PBL.
As far as the first specific aim is concerned, several connections can be made
between VET, CLIL and PBL so as to improve the learning of occupational hazards.
Although the best approach to use in Vocational Education and Training will depend
on particular aspects, such as students’ prior knowledge, qualification of the teacher,
timing and resources available, in this study, the use of CLIL and PBL in a particular
Vocational Education and Training context is hypothesised. In CLIL lessons, the
content provides a context for using the language. In this sense, the integration of
content and language is more productive if the learning experience is linked to real
applications. PBL is an adequate methodology to offer real life learning experiences
where learners are active participants. Furthermore, there is a clear requirement for
PBL in the VET scenario to ensure that the necessities of the industry are fulfilled.
Occupational hazards are present in many different sectors and the companies need
workers who are ready to prevent risks and to take action.
The importance of collaboration is a key element to facilitate the learning of
occupational hazards. In VET, students have to share information and work as team
members. Likewise, in PBL lessons learners work together to solve problems, as well
as in CLIL, where it has been claimed that working in groups collaboratively
develops communication.
Similarly, active learning seems to be a relevant factor to foster the learning of
occupational hazards. In PBL, CLIL and VET students can work on a problem that
does not have a single correct answer, building their knowledge and skills flexibly.
Problems are set as a starting-point for learning and they are used as tools to build
upon prior knowledge. Besides, PBL and CLIL offer opportunities to increase active
learning through the development of communication and presentation skills. In this
context, the teacher acts as a mentor to facilitate the learning process rather than to
provide knowledge.
Moreover, the cognitive demands of a VET Bilingual Programme are often high,
where language support is needed. The CLIL approach provides useful strategies
such as scaffolding, in order to help learners to understand both language and
The second specific aim intends to integrate VET, CLIL and PBL in the design of the
intervention proposal. As a result, dynamic sessions have been proposed to favour
the learning of occupational hazards taking into account the 4Cs framework, the
CLIL principles, the four skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and the
PBL phases, while the teacher acts as a facilitator of knowledge. Students are
expected to increase their motivation through the different activities, and as a result,
they will improve the learning of content and language.
The third specific aim is the evaluation of the proposal. Once the proposal is
implemented in the classroom, the opinion of the students will be useful to evaluate
the unit, making use of the questions proposed. Additionally, the teacher can use the
table provided where the main indicators to assess the intervention proposal are
6. Limitations and further research
In this last part, the limitations of the work are presented, as well as the possible
future lines of action and research. There are several limitations in the different
phases of this Master’s Dissertation.
Firstly, some difficulties were found during the research. Although proper
connections can be made between PBL, CLIL and VET based on prestigious authors,
it was not possible to find any publication where these three elements were
combined to design a lesson plan of occupational hazards. Thus, specific strategies
of the CLIL approach and the PBL methodology were selected to create the sessions
of the unit. Likewise, the benefits of using PBL in VET contexts were found in
literature studies from a theoretical point of view. Finding examples of lessons that
apply this methodology would have been enriching to design the sessions.
Regarding the intervention proposal, it should be noted that it has not been
implemented. Consequently, it has not been possible to verify if the methodology
considered (combination of CLIL and PBL) meets the purpose for which it was
created, that is to say, to facilitate the learning of occupational hazards through the
English language.
On the other hand, it is fundamental to consider possible shortcomings of the
implementation of the proposal:
• The use of specific vocabulary in the foreign language. Some terms of
occupational hazards can be challenging if learners do not master the L2.
Students should be encouraged to participate in class in order to improve the
• Teachers should take into account that PBL requires a lot of time and
preparation in terms of problem design, group formation and content
• The level of language proficiency might be different among students. In this
case, the teacher should provide scaffolding with graded activities.
• Working in small groups in which each student is a fundamental piece has
the disadvantage that a correct functioning of the group is complicated when
there is school absenteeism. This situation can be frequent in some
Vocational Education and Training contexts.
Once the implementation of the intervention proposal is carried out in the
classroom, it would be useful to see the impact on the students’ learning. This would
allow the teacher to evaluate the proposal and then, introduce the necessary
changes. Besides, it would be interesting to include a control group. Furthermore,
the proposal can be adapted to other educational contexts, such as Compulsory and
Post-Compulsory Secondary Education.
Last but not least, another line of research to give continuity to this work could be
the elaboration of interdisciplinary proposals of CLIL and PBL to link contents of
different subjects or modules.
7. References
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se establece el currículo del ciclo formativo de Grado Superior correspondiente
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Coyle, D., Hood, P., & Marsh, D. (2010). CLIL Content and Language Integrated
Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Profesorado, 18 (1), 79-95.
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Marsh, D., Mehisto, P., Wolff, D., & Frigols, M. J. (2011). European Framework for
CLIL Teacher Education., 1-39.
Mehisto, P., Marsh, D., & Frigols, M. J. (2008). Uncovering CLIL: Content and
Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education.
Oxford: Macmillan.
ReferNet Spain (2014b). Spain VET in Europe - Country report 2014. 1-87.
Restrepo, B. (2005). Aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP): una innovación
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Learning in Teaching and Learning of Technical and Vocational Education and
Training. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 5(5),
8. Appendices
Appendix II. Text of hazards and risks
A waiter working a full shift at a hotel must spend eight hours of his
day, on his feet, carrying trays, serving customers and resolving
potential conflicts at the hotel.... This worker is surrounded by various
hazards and risks so he may end his working day suffering an
What is the difference between 'hazard' and 'risk'?
This two words could be synonymous but they aren´t.
A risk is the chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause
somebody harm.
“For example, working alone away from your office can be a hazard.
The risk of personal danger may be high. Electric cabling is a hazard.
If it has snagged on a sharp object, the exposed wiring places it in a
'high-risk' category.”
Appendix III. Text of hazards related with safety conditions
The workplace
We are referring to all of the hazards associated with the architecture
of the workplace. The building where the employee performs his work,
the design, and its structures inside and outside the building and more
• The floor of the building, any stairs, handrails, platforms and / or
defective scaffolding or scaffolding in poor conditions.
• The walls and workplace partitions, doors and windows that are
defective or in disrepair.
• Defective roofs or roofs in disrepair.
• Lack of organization and cleanliness.
• Poor signage and a lack of warning signs.
Statistics tell us that falls are one of the most frequent accidents in
workplaces. Falls are closely related to the structures of buildings and how
the company is organized. Falls can be in the same plane or from a height.
• Staircases
• Working in attics, lofts, or other elevated areas
• Elevated storage
• Holes or gaps in the floor
Appendix IV. Material needed for the activity 6
Inspection Checklist: Electrical Hazards
Electrical Hazards Yes No N/A Comments
1. All extension cords are 3-wire type
and in good condition with no
splices or broken insulation
2. Extension cords are secured and
do not form a trip hazard
3. Only one extension cord is used -
cords are not plugged into each
4. Equipment power cords are in
good condition with no splices or
broken insulation
5. Plugs are in good condition with
no exposed wires
6. Wall outlet covers are in place
7. Circuits are not overloaded with
too many things plugged in at once
Inspection Checklist: Classroom Furniture & Equipment
Classroom Furniture & Yes No N/A Comments
1. Desks/tables are in good
2. Chairs are in good condition
3. Audio/visual equipment (e.g.
TVs, screens) are on stable surfaces
and cannot tip over