Entrepreneurship Study Notes

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Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code: CP-401
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Lesson : 1
Defining Entrepreneur
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
Concept of Entrepreneurship
Characteristics of Entrepreneurship
Types of Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurial Traits
Entrepreneurship as Career Option
1.10 Keywords
1.11 Self Assessment Questions
1.12 Suggested Readings
After reading this lesson, you should be able to

Explain the characteristics of entrepreneur
Discuss the different types of entrepreneurs.
Highlight the entrepreneurial traits.

The concept of entrepreneurship has been around for a very long
time. In the last decade it has resurged as if a new discovery has been
made. Usually anyone who runs a business is called an entrepreneur.
The more precise meaning of entrepreneur is one who creates his own
business i.e. a person who organizes, operates and assumes the risk of a
business venture. An entrepreneur is a person who perceives a need
and then brings together manpower material and capital required to
meet that need.
The concept of entrepreneurship is an age-old phenomenon that
relates to the vision of an entrepreneur as well as its implementation by
him. Entrepreneurship is a creative and innovative response to the
environment. It is also the process of setting up a new venture by the
entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is a composite skill that is a mixture of
many qualities and traits such as imagination, risk-taking, ability to
harness factors of production i.e. land, labour, technology and various
intangible factors.
Entrepreneurship culture implies a set of values, norms and
traits that are conducive to the growth of entrepreneurship. It is the
organizational culture that focuses on new opportunities and creation of
a set-up where these opportunities can be perused earnestly. An
entrepreneur seeks the opportunities, looks for ways and means to
capitalize on the newer opportunities by organizing the structure and
the resources and gaining control on them. As against this, a manager
in a non- entrepreneurial culture is primarily concerned with the
resources under his control, the relation between the market and the

structure of his organization. He is also concerned with matching the

managers are driven by the perception of opportunities. They seek
changes in the political rules, social values, consumer preferences,
technology etc. On the other hand resources like money, manpower and
material they control, drive the administrative managers.
entrepreneur. In early 16th century it was applied to those who were
engaged in military expeditions. In 17th century the word entrepreneur
was used for civil engineering activities such as construction and
fortification. It was applied to business for the first time in 18th century,
to designate a dealer who buys and sells goods at uncertain prices.
professionalism in management caught up during 1970s. However,
confusion still prevails as to what exactly we mean by the term

entrepreneur. An attempt, therefore, has been made here to define

There is generally no accepted definition or model of what the
entrepreneur is or does. In the past decade, a number of trends have
emerged which distinguish between individual entrepreneurship and
corporate entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs and small business
owners. The literature abounds with criteria ranging from creativity,
innovation, risk taking, high need achievement, etc. to personal traits
such as appearance and style. Models of the entrepreneurial leaders are
almost as plentiful as the number of authors who write about them.

The French economist Cantillon, the first to introduce the term

entrepreneur, defined him as an agent who purchased the means of
production for combination into marketable products. Furthermore, at
the moment of the factor purchases, the entrepreneur was unaware of
the eventual price which he would receive for his product.
Entrepreneurs perform a vital function in economic development.
They have been referred to as the human agents needed to mobilize
capital, to explore natural resources, to create markets and to carry on
trade. It might well be said that the entrepreneurial input spells the
difference between prosperity and poverty among nations.
According to Say, the entrepreneurs functions to combine the
productive factors, to bring them together. Carrying out of new
combination of productive factors is called enterprise which, in fact, is
fundamental phenomenon of economic development. The individual
whose function is to carry them out is entrepreneur.
Many theories in economics emphasize the significant role played
by individual entrepreneurs as they combine talents, abilities and drive
to transform resources into profitable undertakings. Schumpeter, the
first major writer to highlight the human agent in the process of
economic development believed that the economy was propelled by the
activities of persons who wanted to promote new goods and new
methods of production, or to exploit new sources of materials or new
market not merely for profit but also for the purpose of creating.
entrepreneur is highly specialized concern. The entrepreneur in

Schumpeters theory sees the potentiality, profitable opportunities and

exploits them. The entrepreneurs motivation for profit is based not
merely on his desire to raise consumption standard, but also on such
non-hedomistic goals as the desire to find a private dynasty- the will to
conquer in the competitive battle and the job of creating, i.e. he tries to
maximize his profits by innovations. His unique characteristic is that
he gets satisfaction by using his capabilities in attacking problems.
The entire change and development to the civilization to a large
extent is the result of trade, commerce and industrialization. In this
development the human resource in general and entrepreneur in
particular plays a pivotal role. McClelland has rightly hypothesized
that the need for achievement in individuals, i.e. the entrepreneurial
potential is the psychological factor which engenders economic growth
and decline. The sense of high need achievement and motivation
introduced by entrepreneurs bring about the required necessities in a
class of society which transform the perception of the economic
thinking, which is necessary to bring about the economic development.
The importance of entrepreneurs to progress cannot be more succinctly
expressed than Zinkins statement, No entrepreneur, no development.
According to Kilby, the entrepreneur performs following four major
Exchange relationship,
Practical administration,
Management control, and
These four tasks consist of
Exchange relationship

Perceiving opportunities in market.
Gaining command over scarce resources.
Purchasing inputs.
Marketing of products and responding to competition.
Practical administration
Dealing with public bureaucracy.
Management of human relations with in the venture.
( c)
Management of customer and supplier relations.
Management Control
Financial Management
Production Management.
Acquiring and overseeing assembling of the factory.
Industrial engineering.
Upgrading process and product quality.
Introduction of new production techniques and

All above fields of activities involve entrepreneur in decisionmaking under cond
itions of uncertainty. Thus, entrepreneur within
Kilbys proposed framework would have: (i) a determination of the types
and degrees of uncertainty confronting the performance of a particular
operation, and (ii) the ability to make the appropriate decision
necessary for the goal attainment.
By nature an entrepreneur is neither a technician nor a financier,
but he is considered an innovator. Entrepreneurship is neither a
profession nor a permanent occupation and, therefore, it cannot
formulate a social class like capitalists or wage earners.

According to Harbison, an entrepreneur is not an innovator but

an organisation builder or one who has the skill to build an
organization and who must be able to harness the new ideas of different
innovators to the best of the organization.
During early twentieth century, Dewing equated entrepreneur
with business promoter and viewed the promoter as one who
transformed ideas into a profitable business. In enumerating the
characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, Dewing wrote of the
qualities of imagination, initiative, judgment and restraint.
ILO describes that entrepreneur are people who have the ability
to see and evaluate business opportunities; to gather the necessary
resources to take advantage of them; and to initiate appropriate action
to ensure success.
Casson in his work, having considered both functional definition
and an indicative definition describes an entrepreneurs as someone
who specializes in taking judgemental decisions about the co-ordination
of scarce resources.
In Danhofs analysis an entrepreneur is primarily concerned
with changes in the formula of production ... over which he has full
control .... He devotes correspondingly little time to the carrying out of a
specific formula. Danhof divides the functions of the entrepreneur into
three major roles: obtaining relevant information, evaluating the
information with regard to profit, and setting the operation in motion.
Major emphasis in Danhofs definition is decision-making, or judgement
under alternative choices.

Cunningham and Lischerson in their work have described six

possible schools of thought on entrepreneurship. The first school of
thought, i.e. Great Person School says that an entrepreneur is born
with an intuitive ability- a sixth sense and this sense helps him in start
up stage. The second school of thought, i.e. Psychological characterises
of school explains that entrepreneurs have unique value attitudes, and
needs which drive them and help them especially in start-up stage. The
third school, i.e., Classical School of Thought says that central
characteristic helps the entrepreneur much in start-up and early
growth. Management School is the fourth school of thought and it says
entrepreneurs are organizers of economic venture and they organize,
own, manage and assume its risk. Such functional orientation helps
them in early growth and maturity. The fifth school of thought is the
Leadership School. According to this school entrepreneurs are leaders
of people and they have the ability to adopt their style to the needs of
people. Such leadership personality suits them most during early
growth and maturity situations. Intrapreneurship School is the sixth
independent units, to create market and expand services within the
organization. Intrapreneurship is needed by an entrepreneur during
the situation of maturity and change.
Whatever be the definition, across the world entrepreneurs have
been considered instrumental in initiating and sustaining socioeconomic developm
ent. There are evidences to believe that countries
which have proportionately higher percentage of entrepreneurs in their
population have developed much faster as compared to countries which

have lesser percentage of them in the society. They discover new

sources of supply of materials and markets and establish new and more
opportunities and seize them with super normal will power and energy,
essential to overcome the resistance that social environment offers.
An entrepreneur is a highly achievement oriented, enthusiastic
and energetic individual, who has following characteristic:
Entrepreneurs are action oriented, highly motivated
individuals who takes risks to achieve goals.
Entrepreneurs will have unwavering determination and
commitment. They are creative and result-oriented. They
work hard in return for personal and financial rewards.
Entrepreneur accepts responsibilities with enthusiasm and
Entrepreneur have self-confidence, they are dedicated,
setting self determined goals and markets for their ideas
responding to existing market.
Entrepreneurs are thinkers and doers, planners and
Entrepreneurs can for see the future, as a salesmans
persuasiveness, a financial talent for manipulating funds,
as auditors precision etc.

Entrepreneur depends on the intelligence, imagination and

strength of purpose of the individual.

The term entrepreneurship is often used synonymously with the
entrepreneur. Though they are two sides of the same coin,
conceptually they are different. The entrepreneur is essentially a
entrepreneurship. Arthur H. Cole has stated that entrepreneurship is
the purposeful activity of an individual or a group of associated
individuals undertaken to initiate, maintain or organize a profitoriented busine
ss unit for the production or distribution of economic
goods and services. The following table can be given to distinguish the
entrepreneur from entrepreneurship.
Refers to a person
Refers to a process


From this table it is clear that entrepreneurship refers to a

process of action an entrepreneur undertakes to establish his
enterprise. It is a creative and innovative response to the environment.
It is thus a cycle of actions to furthern the interests of the entrepreneur.
From the classical economists to the modern theoreticians, the
topic of the entrepreneur has been analysed and several observations
and pronouncements have been put forward. Both pure economists and
social theorists are included in the economists who have advanced their
opinion on the entrepreneur and his activity. At present these is no
consensus, as to what constitutes the essential activity which makes
the entrepreneur a crucial figure in the economic game. Prof. James K.
Omps is of the view that limited natural resources, food shortages, over
population, energy shortages and lack of technology are the factors that
are being cited for todays problems. But he opines that the critical
factor whose shortage is bothering the present day nations is the dire
shortage of the appropriate economic innovator and implementer .....
the Entreprenologists.
Entrepreneurship can be defined as an ability to discover, create
or invent opportunities and exploit them to the benefit of the society,
which, in turn, brings prosperity to the innovator and his organization.
From the social and macro-economic perspective, it is held that the
economic development of any nation is a direct function of the number
of high quality innovators and entrepreneurs it supplies. This, in turn,
is dependent upon the desire for new and better products that the
society demands and accepts. A vicious circle is thereby created
resulting in all-round economic development and improved standard of
life. With liberalization and global competition being the governing

societal paradigm and with the acknowledgement that wealth creation

is indeed of paramount importance, the concept of entrepreneurship is
receiving closer attention than hitherto from business management
scholars and social scientists.
Entrepreneurship means the function of creating something new,
organizing and co-ordinating and undertaking risk and handling
characteristics of entrepreneurship. Firstly, doing things in a new and
better way. Secondly, it is decision-making in conditions of uncertainty;
Benjamin Higgins has defined entrepreneurship as, entrepreneurship
opportunity, organizing an enterprise to undertake a new production
process, raising capital, hiring labour, arranging for the supply of raw
materials and selecting top managers for the day-to-day operation of
the enterprise.
According to Peter F. Drucker; Entrepreneurship is neither a
science nor an art. It is a practice. It has a knowledge base. Knowledge
in entrepreneurship is a means to an end. Indeed, what contributes
knowledge in practice is largely defined by the ends, that is, by the
practice. In Druckers view, entrepreneurship is considerably less
risky, if the entrepreneur is methodical and does not violate elementary
and well known rules. There is no doubt that entrepreneurship is a
complex phenomenon. But a systematic and disciplined approach can
help entrepreneurship to grow and develop. Modern writers have
identified the following three phases in entrepreneurship development:

Initial Phase
Creation of awareness about the
entrepreneurial opportunities
based on survey.
Development Phase
Implementation training
programmes to develop motivation
and managerial skill.
Support Phase
Infrastructural support of
counselling- assisting to establish a
new enterprise and to develop
existing units.
Above study of entrepreneurship has shown that the process of
entrepreneurship is indeed complex and also when we say entrepreneur
is what an entrepreneur does. Experts have enlisted the characteristics
of entrepreneurship as follows:
Ability to create enterprise: Entrepreneurship is primarily
an economic activity because it involves creation and
operation of an enterprise. It is basically concerned with
satisfying the needs of customer with the help of production
and distribution of goods and services.
Organising function: An entrepreneur brings together
various factors of production for an economic use. He
co-ordinates and controls the factors of production, efforts of
the persons engaged in his enterprise.

Innovation: Entrepreneurship is an automatic, spontaneous
and creative response to changes in the environment. It
involves innovation of something new to cause dynamic
change and spectacular success in the economy, and create
conditions for growth of the economy.
Risk bearing capacity: Risk is an inherent and inseparable
element of entrepreneurship. He assumes the uncertainty
of future. An entrepreneur guarantees rent to the landlord,
wages to employees and interest to the investors in the
hope of earning more than the expenses.
entrepreneur must have additional personality traits such
as managerial and leadership skills. Managerial and
direction of productivity, working relation and creative
Entrepreneurship demands tactful handling of risk and

uncertainties because new commodity and its acceptability

are uncertain.
Gap filling: The gap filling between human needs and the
available products and services leads to entrepreneurship.
An entrepreneur identifies the gap and takes necessary
corrective measures to fin the gap, to achieve his action
oriented motive in the enterprise as an entrepreneur with
the help of entrepreneurship process.

Schumpeter made the entrepreneur the adventurous innovator
who acting on his own account, introduces changes that others do not
dare to experiment with. Other writers have, however, identified other
categories of entrepreneurs.
Arthur H. Cole distinguishes between empirical, rational and
cognitive entrepreneurs. The empirical entrepreneur hardly introduces
anything revolutionary and follows the principle of rule of thumb. The
rational entrepreneur is well informed about the general economic
conditions and introduces changes that look more revolutionary. The
cognitive entrepreneur is well informed, draws upon the advice and
services of experts and introduces changes that reflect complete break
from the existing scheme of things.
Another classification of entrepreneurs is between private and
public entrepreneurs. Private entrepreneur is motivated by profit and
as such would not enter those sectors of the economy in which prospects
of monetary rewards are not bright. General infrastructure industries
fall under this category. For example electricity generation and
distribution is Government owned. This forces the Government to take
the initiative to start enterprises in these sectors. Thus, we have the
category of public entrepreneurs. In the less developed countries the
entrepreneurial functions of the Government has greatly widened due
to the lack of sufficient private entrepreneurs.
Another classification is based on the scale of enterprise is
between small scale and large scale enterprises. This classification is
specially relevant in the less developed countries. Private enterprise is

usually found in households, small scale and medium scale industries.

The small entrepreneur does not possess the necessary talents and
resources to initiate large scale production and introduce revolutionary
technological changes. In the developed countries most entrepreneurs
deal with large scale enterprises. They possess the financial
wherewithal and the necessary expertise to initiate large scale
enterprises and introduce novel technical changes. The result is the
developed countries are able to sustain and develop a high level of
technical progress. It is this classification which has led to the wide
technological gap between the developed and the less developed
Clarence Danhof classifies entrepreneurs into four typesinnovative, imitative, f
abian and drone. The innovating entrepreneur is
one who assembles and synthesizes information and introduces noval
combinations of factors. He is an aggressive figure and an industrial
leader. The imitative entrepreneur is also known as the adoptive
entrepreneur He simply adopts successful innovations introduced by
other innovators. The fabian entrepreneur is timid and cautions. He
will imitate other innovations only if he is certain that failure to do so
may damage his business. Finally there is the drone entrepreneur. His
entrepreneurial activity may be restricted to just one or two
innovations. He refuses to adopt changes in production even at the risk
of reduced returns.
This classification of Danhof brings into focus two important

It shows that an economy which is making a lot of technical
advancement has in its ranks a large number of innovating
and adoptive entrepreneurs and less number of fabians and
Technological advancement may not take place even if
innovators are present, if the actual control and ownership
of production is in the hands of fabians or drones.
The Innovative Entrepreneur: The innovative entrepreneur
is essentially the creation of Joseph Schumpeter. In his opinion the
most important function of an entrepreneur is innovation. The
innovative entrepreneur is a key figure in the process of development.
He is highly motivated and talented and is able to foresee potentially
profitable opportunities. Innovations involve problem solving and the
entrepreneur is a problem solver.
The innovative entrepreneur may exhibit his talents at
innovation in anyone of the following forms:
The introduction of a new product with which consumers
are not yet familiar or introduction of a new quality of an
existing product.
The introduction of a new method of production that has
not yet been tested in the branch of manufacture concerned.
This need not be a new scientific discovery and can also be
a new way of handling a commodity commercially.
The opening of a new market, that is a market into which
the particular branch of manufacture of the country in

question has not previously entered, whether or not this

market has existed before.
The conquest of a new source of supply of raw materials or
semi- finished goods, irrespective of whether this source
already exists or whether it has first to be created.
The carrying out of a new organisation of industry, like the
creation of a monopoly situation or the breaking up of a
monopoly position.
This entrepreneur is not an inventor. An inventor discovers new
methods and new materials. The innovator commercialises these
inventions to produce better goods which yield both satisfaction and
profits. The innovating entrepreneur thus implements the inventors
ideas. He converts the technical work of the inventor into economic
performance. Thus, an entrepreneur as an innovator is more than an
inventor because he does not only indulge in original activities but also
goes much further by exploiting the invention commercially.
Among the different types of entrepreneurs, the innovating
entrepreneur is the most vigorous type. But this type of entrepreneur is
a rare species in developing countries. The type of entrepreneur who
exploits possibilities as they present themselves are very few in
number. Schumpeter emphasizes the development of entrepreneurs as
the ideal panacea for all economic ills present in the developing
countries. For sustained economic development the societies of
developing countries must produce innovating entrepreneurs with a
long time-horizon and who are capable of achieving substantial

particularly relevant to developing countries where innovations need to
be encouraged. The transformation of an agrarian economy into an
industrial economy requires a great deal of initiative and changes on
the part of businessmen and managers. The innovating entrepreneur
thus holds the key to transformation of developing countries into
developed ones.
According to Peter F. Drucker, the innovating entrepreneur is one
who always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an
opportunity. For the innovating entrepreneur, innovation is a specific
instrument of entrepreneurship. It creates resource because there is no
such thing as a resource until man finds a use for something and
endows it with economic value. The innovative entrepreneur increases
the value and satisfaction obtained from resources by the consumer.
These entrepreneurs create new values or increase the value of what
already exists. They convert a material into a resource or combine
existing resources in a new or more productive configuration.
While most writers treat the innovative entrepreneur as
mysterious or flush of genius. Drucker treats him as a person who is
disciplined and has a sound knowledge base. He opines that any
entrepreneur can become an innovative entrepreneur if he is purposeful
and systematic. Drucker says that entrepreneurship is not confined to
big business and large establishments. It is also equally important to
small business and non-economic institutions. In fact that has made
possible the emergence of the entrepreneurial economy in America is
the application of innovative entrepreneurial skills in a disciplined and
systematic manner to small enterprises, new enterprises, nonbusiness

sector and exploitation of new opportunities for satisfying human

entrepreneurship is characterized by readiness to adopt successful
innovation inaugurated by innovating entrepreneurs. In other words,
imitators follow the innovators after carefully observing how the latter
fare and to what extent their innovation has caught the imagination of
the society. These groups are also revolutionary entrepreneurs with the
difference that they do not innovate the changes themselves. They just
imitate techniques and technology initiated by others.
Schumpeter gives this type of entrepreneurs a prominent place in
developing countries. Developing countries face the problem of scarcity
of innovative entrepreneurs. Moreover, there is also the problem of
scarcity of capital and skilled labour which hinder innovative
entrepreneurship. Adoptive entrepreneurs fill this void admirably.
These entrepreneurs are most suitable for developing regions because
such countries prefer to imitate the technology, knowledge and skill
already available in more advanced countries. The Cochin Shipyard is a
good example of the result of imitative entrepreneurship. The Shipyard
has been constructed using the innovative technology provided by the
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. of Japan.
The reason for the backwardness of the underdeveloped countries
lies in the fact that they are deficient in both innovating and imitating
entrepreneurs. At the same time developed countries are endowed with
both in plentiful supply. In fact the underdeveloped countries require
more imitating entrepreneurs than innovating entrepreneurs. The less

developed countries require persons who can imitate the technologies

and products to the particular conditions prevailing in such countries.
These imitating entrepreneurs must have the capacity to adjust the
new technologies to their special conditions. Such countries primarily
need imitators who are responsible for transforming the system with
the limited resources they possess.
characterized by great caution and skepticism in practicing any change.
Such entrepreneurs have neither the will to introduce new changes nor
the desire to adopt new methods. Such entrepreneurs are shy and lazy.
Their dealings are determined by customs, religion, tradition and past
practices. They are not much interested in taking risks and they try to
follow the footsteps of their predecessors.
Drone entrepreneurs: Drone entrepreneur is one who follows
the traditional methods of production. Under no circumstances will a
drone entrepreneur change the method of production he has introduced.
Such entrepreneurs may even suffer losses, but even then they refuse to
adopt and use new methods. They are laggards because they continue
in their traditional ways of operation. Very often their products lose
their marketability and their operation becomes uneconomical leading
to their being pushed out of the market.
The true entrepreneur is one who is endowed with more than
average capacities in the task of organizing and co-ordinating the
various other factors of production. He should be a pioneer, a captain of
industry. The supply of such entrepreneurship is, however, quite

limited and all are not endowed with such talent. The modern
entrepreneur is one who detects and evaluates a new situation in his
environment and directs the making of such adjustments in the
economic system as he deems necessary. He conceives a new industrial
enterprise, displays considerable initiative, grit and determination in
bringing his project to fruition. Thus, a successful entrepreneur must
possess the following traits:
Mental Ability
Mental ability consists of intelligence and creative thinking. An
entrepreneur should be intelligent and must have an analytical mind.
He should have the capacity to engage in the analysis of various
problems and situations in order to deal with them. The entrepreneur
should anticipate changes and must be able to study the various
situations under which decisions have to be made.
Clear Objectives
An entrepreneur should have a clear objective as to the exact
nature of the business, nature of the goods to be produced and ancillary
activities to be undertaken. A successful entrepreneur must have the
objective to establish his product in the market, make profit and also
render social service.
Business Secrecy
An entrepreneur must be able to guard business secrets. Leakage
of business secrets to trade competitors is a serious matter which
should be carefully guarded against by an entrepreneur. Here the

entrepreneur should be able to make a proper selection of his

Human Relations Ability
The most important entrepreneurial traits contributing to his
success are emotional stability, personal relations, consideration and
tactfulness. In other words maintenance of public relations or human
relations most often makes the difference between success and failure
of an entrepreneur An entrepreneur must have good relations with his
customers in order to gain their continued patronage and win their
confidence in his product. He must also maintain good relations with
his employees, if he is to motivate them to higher levels of efficiency. An
entrepreneur who maintains good human relations with customers,
employees, suppliers, creditors and the community in general is much
more likely to succeed in his endeavours than the individual who does
not practise good human relations.
Effective Communication
The gift of the gab is a must for a successful entrepreneur. Good
communication also means that the entrepreneur has the ability to put
his point across effectively and with clarity. Communication must be to
the point, crisp and convincing. Communication ability is the secret of
the success of most entrepreneurs.
Technical Knowledge
sophisticated technology is involved. The entrepreneur must have a

reasonable level of technical knowledge. This is one trait which

entrepreneurs can acquire if they try hard enough.
Decision making
Running a business requires taking a number of decisions. Hence,
an entrepreneur should have the capacity to analyse the various
aspects of the business for arriving at a decision.
As constant attention is required for the successful running of the
business, an entrepreneur must have sufficient energy to work hard for
long periods.
No-risk, no business or no-risk, no gains. There is an element of
risk in every business, hence an entrepreneur should be prepared to
accept failure in its proper perspective and view failure as a challenge
and opportunity.
Apart from these basic traits, Robert D. Hisrich has identified a
few more entrepreneurial traits. In his opinion the entrepreneur must
have adequate commitment, motivation and skill to start and build a
business. It is his responsibility to determine if the management team
has the complementary skills necessary to succeed. Hisrich feels that
the entrepreneur must possess the following traits in addition to those
mentioned in the preceding paragraphs:

Motivation: An entrepreneur must built an efficient team,
keep it motivated and provide an environment for
individual growth and career development.
Self-confidence: Entrepreneurs must have the mental
capacity to face any situation. They should also have the
ability to inspire others. They must have the confidence in
themselves and the determination to achieve their goals.
Long-term involvement: Entrepreneurs must be committed
to long-term projects which require continuous and
consistent involvement.
High energy level: Success of an entrepreneur demands the
ability to work long hours for sustained periods of time.
Trouble-shooter: The entrepreneur must possess the trait of
the proverbial trouble-shooter. He must have the ability
to identify where a problem is and suggest on the spot
Initiative: The entrepreneur must have initiative, accepting
personal responsibility for actions and above all make good
use of resources. It is this trait which gives the
entrepreneur the courage to risk and learn from failures.
challenging, but realistic goals. This personal traits can go
a long way in the all round progress of a nation.

These personal traits make an entrepreneur a successful person.

However, it must be stated that no entrepreneur possesses all these
strengths. No entrepreneur is born with all these traits. It is possible
for him to acquire these traits if the environment is suitable for this
An educated person has broadly two career options. One is called
wage or salary employment, wherein people are employed in
government service, public and private sectors and get fixed wage or
salary. The other career option is entrepreneurial employment under
which people set up their new ventures. Wage employment does not
generate resources and is organized within the existing wealth. Wage
employment is self-saturating.
Once availed, it blocks the employment opportunity to others for
another 10 years. On the other hand, the latter contributes towards
national wealth and has a unique characteristic of self-generation. This
starts a chain of activities that create unending employment
opportunities. Entrepreneurship promotes small saving amongst
middle class individuals for investment into new ventures. It also
provides an outlet that creates an urge among individuals to attain
entrepreneurship provides a lasting solution to the acute problem of
entrepreneurial employment is shown in Table 1.1.

Wage Employment
Self Satuating
Self Generating
Routine Types
Status Quo
Problem Avoiding
Problem Solving
Independent Decisions
Consumes National
Generates National Wealth
Fixed (Subsistence)
Growing (Generating
In the context of employment generation, the three terms i.e.
Income Generation, Self Employment and Entrepreneurship are often
used interchangeably. Entrepreneurship refers to identification of
innovative ideas, setting up of a new enterprise. Whereas, selfemployment refers
to full time involvement in ones own occupation.
One may or may not be bearing the risk, mobilizing inputs, organizing
production and marketing the product or service. Income generating
activities, on the other hand, are part time, casual and practiced with a
view of raising additional income. All entrepreneurs are self-employed
and income generating persons. But all self-employed and income

generating persons may not be entrepreneurs.


Entrepreneur is an economic agent, buys factors of production
and converts it into product with a view to sell it in the market for
price, through which he earns profit. The main characteristics of
entrepreneurs are planning, organizing, decision-making, risk and
uncertainty bearing. Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying
opportunities in the market place, arranging the resources required to
pursue these opportunities and investing the resources to exploit the
opportunities for long term gains. Entrepreneurs may be classified into
empirical, rational and cognitive, private and public, small scale and
large scale, innovative, imitative, fabian and drone entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurial employment differs from wage employment on various
Entrepreneur: Entrepreneurs are agents of change and growth in a
market economy and they can act to accelerate the generation,
dissemination and application of innovate ideas.
Entrepreneurship: It refers to a process of action an entrepreneur
undertakes to establish his enterprise.
entrepreneurs who aggressively pursue innovation in new products
through experimentation and search new markets.
Drone Entrepreneur: Drone entrepreneur is one who follows the
traditional methods of production.


Define entrepreneur and explain characteristics of an
What do you mean by entrepreneurship? Discuss its main
Developing countries need imitative entrepreneurs rather
than innovative entrepreneurs. Do you agree? Give
Perspective, Abhinav Publications, New Delhi.
Bhanushali, S.G., Entrepreneurial Development, Himalaya
Publishing House, Delhi.
Khanka, S.S. Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand and
Sons, New Delhi.

Rao, N.G., Entrepreneurship and Growth of Enterprise in
Industrial Estate, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi.

Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code: CP-401
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Lesson : 2
Qualities of Entrepreneurs
Functions of an Entrepreneur
Role of Entrepreneur in Economic Growth
Self Assessment Questions
Suggested Readings
After reading this lesson, you should be able to

Discuss the qualities of entrepreneurs

Highlight the functions of an entrepreneur

Explain the role of entrepreneur in economic growth

Entrepreneurs play a vital role in the economic development of a
country. Economic development of a country depends primarily on its
entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is very often considered as a person

who sets up his own business or industry. He has initiative, drive, skill
and spirit of innovation who aims at high goals. He looks for
opportunities, identifies opportunities and seizes opportunities mainly
for economic gains. Entrepreneurs are action-oriented, highly motivated
individuals who take risks to achieve goals.
Entrepreneurship is the purposeful activity of an individual or a
group of associated individuals, undertaken to initiate, maintain or
aggrandize profit by production, or distribution of economic goods and
services. Entrepreneurship is very often associated with adventurism,
risk bearing, innovating creativity etc. It is concerned with making
dynamic changes in the process of production, innovation in production,
new usage for materials etc. It is a mental attitude to take calculated
risks with a view to attain certain objectives. It also means doing
something in a new and better manner.
Most people believe that to be an entrepreneur one requires a
professors intelligence, a fortune-tellers capacity to foresee the future,
a rich mans bank roll, a salesmans persuasiveness, a financial talent
for manipulating funds, an auditors precision, a political leaders power
and the magnetic personality of a film star. Since very few people
possess even one or two of these qualities, no one believes he can be an
entrepreneur. In fact, the only capacity essential for becoming an
entrepreneur is a willingness to work hard.
An entrepreneur is a person who takes risk of setting up his own
venture for perceived reward. He is a person who initiates the idea,
formulates a plan, organizes resources and puts the plan into action to

achieve his goals. Entrepreneurs have specific qualities; they have

special strengths which they draw upon for their adventure into
business. If you want to start and succeed in your enterprise, you are
required to play different roles at different stages of your enterprise.
Some of the essential qualities entrepreneurs must possess are briefly
described below:
Do you have a strong desire to be a winner? (NEED TO
ACHIEVE): Most people dream of success and achievement, but do not
take any actions towards achieving these dreams. Entrepreneurs, on
the other hand, have a strong desire to achieve a higher goal and make
their dreams come true. For them winning is achievement.
Do you have a quality of stick-to-it? (PERSEVERANCE):
Once committed to a goal and a course of action, entrepreneurs become
absorbed in it. They are not deterred by difficulties and problems that
beset any project; they work hard until the whole project is successfully
Do you prefer a middle of the road strategy when you have
analysed a risky problem objectively and think you can solve it?
(MODERATE RISK TAKER): Entrepreneurs are not high risk-takers;
they are not gamblers. They choose a moderate risk rather than play
wild speculative gamble. They love a moderate risk situation, high
enough to be exciting, but with a fairly reasonable chance to win.
Are you alert to opportunities? Do you seize and convert
them to your advantage? (ABILITY TO FIND AND EXPLORE
OPPORTUNITY): Entrepreneurial persons are quick to see and seize
opportunities. They show an innovative turn of mind and convert

difficulties into opportunities. But they are realistic too. They plan and
anticipate carefully how to achieve their goals in realizing an
Are you unaffected by personal likes and dislikes while
approaching problems? (ANALYTICAL ABILITY): Entrepreneurs are
realistic. They have a matter of fact approach about business
undertakings. They are not likely to let personal likes and dislikes
stand in their way. When they require assistance, they select experts
rather than friends and relatives to help them. They generally do not
take an emotional attitude towards their business or a problem.
Do you find it important to know how you are doing, when
you are working on a goal or a task? (USING FEEDBACK):
Entrepreneurs like to have immediate feedback of their performance.
They like prompt and accurate data and it does not make any difference
whether the information they get is favourable or unfavourable. In fact,
they are stimulated by unfavourable news to pour more energy into
attaining their objective.
Do you welcome tacking an unfamiliar but interesting
situation? (FACING UNCERTAINTY): Achievement oriented people
tend to be optimistic even in unfamiliar situations. The odds may not be
clear but the circumstances may be appealing. Entrepreneurial persons
in such situations see no reason why they cannot win through their
abilities. They go ahead undeterred, sometimes even without guidelines
and frequently make the best of whatever opportunities there are. As
they begin to understand their environment they begin to calculate
their chances very closely. Thus, paradoxically they present a picture of

boldness in the face of the unknown and prudence in the face of the
familiar. They usually win by applying their special insight and skill.
(INDEPENDENCE): It is found that most entrepreneurs star off on
their own because they do not like to work for other people. They like to
be their own masters and want to be responsible for their own
Are you flexible in your decisions? (FLEXIBILITY): Most
successful people after weighting the pros and cons of a decision tend to
change if the situation so demands. They do not hesitate in revising
their decisions. Successful entrepreneurs are persons with open minds,
not rigid.
(10) Do you think ahead, plan your future and then work to
make it come true? (PLANNER): Most successful people tend to set a
goal for themselves and plan to achieve that goal in a certain time limit.
(11) Are you comfortable while dealing with people at all levels?
(INTERPERSONAL SKILLS): An entrepreneur is a person who, during
the course of his activities, comes across many types of persons with
whom he has to deal. He has to make them work for him, with him and
help him to attain his objectives. Hence, he should be a person who
likes working with people and who has skills of dealing with people.
(12) Can you influence others? (MOTIVATOR): In the course of
his career, an entrepreneur will be required in many situations to
influence people and make them think in his way and act accordingly.
He motivates people to act.

(13) Are you capable of working for long hours and tackling
different problems at the same time? (STRESS TAKER): As a central
figure in you enterprise, you will have to cope with many situations at
the same time and make right decisions which may involve a lot of
physical and emotional stress. All this can be done if you have the
capacity to work long hours and keep cool under a lot of tension.
(14) Are you aware of yourself? (POSITIVE SELF CONCEPT):
An achiever directs his fantasies towards the accomplishment of
worthwhile goals and sets standards of excellence in what he is doing.
This is based upon the awareness of his strength and weaknesses. He
uses positive knowledge to support his thinking. He is rarely negative.
(15) Do you tend to think ahead? (ORIENTATION TO
FUTURE): Entrepreneurs show a high level of future orientation. They
do not allow the past to obsess them. They are oriented towards present
and future. So it was, but now what to do, this is their usual response.
No entrepreneur has all these qualities. But most of them will
have many. So the first step for a person aspiring for entrepreneurship
is making an inventory of the traits he possesses. This self-awareness
and analysis will help define his strength and help overcome his
Adam Smith looked upon an entrepreneur as the owner of a
business enterprise to which he supplied capital. The classical
economists lumped interest and profit together. It was Cantillon who
separated the entrepreneur from the capitalist and recognized it as a

separate factor of production having definite functions to perform in the

Several theories concerning entrepreneurial functions surfaced
and each theory bestowed upon the entrepreneur one function or the
other. Marshall felt that the important functions of an entrepreneur are
organization and management of the productive enterprise. J.B. Say
and Cantillon felt that risk-taking was the most important function.
Prof. B.R. Knight conceived the dual functions of risk taking and
control. Schumpeter identified the entrepreneur with innovation. A
careful analysis of all these theories shows that the entrepreneur has to
perform one or more of the functions outlined in these theories.
An entrepreneur has to perform the following functions as a vital
factor of production:
Risk taking and Uncertainty Bearing: The future is
circumstances. If the venture succeeds, the entrepreneur profits; if it
does not, losses occur. Thus, taking risks forms an important
entrepreneurial function. Risks are of two types - insurable and noninsurable. N
on-insurable risks are the possibility of changes in the
tastes and preferences of the consumer, techniques of production and so
on. These non-insurable risks are called uncertainties. Uncertaintybearing in th
us an integral part of the entrepreneurial function. The
entrepreneur makes use of his initiative, skill and good judgement to
reduce the uncertainties of business.
business are taken by the entrepreneur. Once the entrepreneur is

convinced that a particular line of production offers large prospects of

profit, he decides to enter it. He has to formulate an action plan
regarding the product and the quality of the product to be produced. He
has to evolve the best possible method of production which would earn
him a sizeable profit. Suitable changes in the size of the business have
to be effected by him. Employment of personnel, choosing the location
for the production unit and everything that is needed for the
development of the business has to be decided by him.
Managerial Functions: The entrepreneur combines in him
managerial functions, though they are strict1y different from the
standard entrepreneurial duties. The entrepreneur arranges finance,
purchases raw materials, provides the necessary infrastructure for
production, supervises sales and marketing and also assumes the role
of the personnel manager. The entrepreneur thus has a multi-faceted
personality when he undertakes managerial functions.
Innovation: By far the most important function of an
improvements in the quantity and quality of the production line. He
considers the economic viability and technical feasibility of an
invention. It is this function of the entrepreneur which injects the
element of dynamism into the economic system.
The entrepreneurial function can be performed by different types
of people in different economic systems. Theoretically the entrepreneur
could be a planner in a socialist economy or a king in a traditional
society. But in practice, entrepreneurship is identified with private
enterprise in a market economy. Moreover, entrepreneurs exist in every

field of economic activity. We find entrepreneurs in the fields of

manufacturing, distribution, trading and so on. Britain has developed
trading entrepreneurship, while Germany and Japan have developed
industrial entrepreneurship.
Arthur H. Cole has described an entrepreneur as a decisionmaker and attributed t
he following functions to him:
The determination of those objectives of the enterprise and
the change of those objectives as conditions required or
made advantageous;
The development of an organization, including efficient
relations with subordinates and all employees;
Securing adequate financial resources, and maintaining
good relations with the existing and potential investors;
The requisition of efficient technological equipment and the
revision of it as new machinery appeared;
The development of a market for the products and the
devising of new products to meet or anticipate consumers
demand; and
The maintenance of good relations with public authorities
and with the society at large.
Modem writers have come to the conclusion that an entrepreneur
has three broad functions:

Risk taking and uncertainty-bearing.
Organisation and management of business so as to have
leadership and control over it.
Innovation is thus the commercialization of an invention. It
means in the words of Schumpeter, doing new things or the doing of
things that are already being done in a new way. It includes new
processes of production, introduction of new products, creation of new
markets, conquest of a new source of raw material and the
establishment of a new form of industrial organization.
Risk-taking means provisions for capital in order to enable the
entrepreneur to establish and run the enterprise. An important aspect
of this function is that the entrepreneur has to bear the uncertainty
associated with the plans of investment and expansion. Most writers
feel that the greater the risk of business, the higher is the quantum of
Finally, providing leadership and having complete control in the
organization and management of business is a function of paramount
importance. The moment the entrepreneur loses control over his
business, he ceases to be an entrepreneur. Alfred Marshall recognized
this as the most important function of an entrepreneur. It implies the
bringing together the other factors of production. All business decisions
associated with the production process must be taken by the
entrepreneur. Marshall says that in the initial stages of the
establishment of a business, the entrepreneur may take all decisions by
himself. But as the enterprise grows and the work of decision-making
becomes more complex, the entrepreneur may delegate this authority to

his subordinates. However, the central function of organization and

management of production should be determined by him. He shall
assume the role of a leader and shall be the final judge in the conduct of
Besides the above functions, the entrepreneur has to perform
many other activities at the later stage namely:
Diversification of production.
Expansion of the enterprise
Maintaining cordial employer-employee relations
Tackling of labour problems
Co-ordination with outside agencies.
The functions of an entrepreneur with reference to the
underdeveloped countries include wide range of activities has been
provided by Kilby:
Management of scarce resources.
Dealing with public bureaucracy (licenses, taxes).
Acquiring and overseeing assembly of the factory.
Industrial designing and engineering.
Marketing of product and responding to competitions.
Industrial new product.
Perception of market opportunities (novel or imitative).
Financial and production management.

Management of customers and supplies relations.
Management of scarce resources.

Economists View
The position of the entrepreneur in modern production is like that
of the director of a play. Modern economic development is closely linked
entrepreneur directs production and he must do whatever is necessary
for its success. His role in modem economic development has at least
three aspects:
production. This involves not only assembling the factors, but also to
see that the best combination of factors is made available for the
production process. Co-ordination involves selection of the right type of
factors, employment of each factor in the right quantity, use of the best
technical devices, division of labour, reduction of waste etc.
The entrepreneur takes risks. In Hawtreys view this is the
most important function of the entrepreneur and the quantum of profit
he receives is directly proportionate to the risks he takes. Risks are
generally based on the anticipation of demand. Prof. B.R. Knight has
gone one step forward. In his opinion risks are of two types - insurable
and non-insurable. He calls non-insurable risks by the term
uncertainty. In his view uncertainty bearing is the primary function
of an entrepreneur which enables him to get profit. This function has
assumed great importance with the increasing complexities of modern


Finally, the entrepreneur innovates. Innovation is different
from invention. Invention is the work of the scientists. Innovation
implies the commercial application of an invention. As an innovator the
entrepreneur assumes the role of a pioneer and an industrial leader.
Joseph Schumpeter and his followers believe that the entrepreneur is
one who innovates and innovation makes the entrepreneur the hero in
the drama of economic development.
Modem economists tend to agree with the view expressed by
characterized by the presence of discontinuous disturbance, economists
tend to agree to the view that this disturbance comes in the form of
innovation. The entrepreneur can undertake anyone type of the
following five categories of innovation:
The introduction of a new good or a new quality of a good.
The introduction of a new method of production.
The opening of a new market
The conquest of a new source of supply of raw materials.
The carrying out of a new organisation of any industry.
The innovational activity raises the productive efficiency of the
economy resulting in greater output and income. Schumpeter finds in
rising productivity the secret of economic development as distinguished
from economic growth. Economic growth occurs when more resources
are available in the economy. But economic development is an entirely
different phenomenon. It occurs when output increases as a result of
entrepreneurial activity. Schumpeter, therefore, defines development as
the carrying out of new combinations.


The entrepreneur is the central figure in the process of

development. He introduces new combination of factors thereby
channelising the economys resources along productive lines. He is not a
producer, for the latter chooses anyone of the available methods, the
entrepreneur is constantly engaged in introducing newer and newer
methods of production. The entrepreneur is not a capitalist. The
capitalist provides the funds for production; the entrepreneur divests
the funds to new production. The entrepreneur is thus always on the
look out of making the economic system at its dynamic best. Thus,
entrepreneurial activity stimulates progress and forms the mainspring
of economic development.
Importance of Entrepreneur in Economic Development
Every country tries to achieve maximum economic development.
The economic development of a country to a large extent depends on
human resources. But human resources alone will not produce
economic development - there must be dynamic entrepreneurs. A
entrepreneurship it may not be able to utilize the resources and it may
lag behind in economic development. This is true of many developing
countries. Many developing countries have realized the importance of
entrepreneurs and earnest attempts are now being made to motivate
industrial entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs are action-oriented, highly motivated individual
who take risks to achieve goals. An entrepreneur is one who looks for
opportunities, identifies opportunities and seizes opportunities mainly
for economic gain (profit). Economic development of a country depends

primarily on its entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs seizing opportunities

set-up business undertakings and industries, thereby bring economic
transformation. They are therefore aptly called agents of change. By
their actions, people have a better standard of living, get improved
products and comforts and the wide disparity in income levels is
gradually reduced. Besides, an economically advanced country will have
more power and a confident self-image.
History provides ample evidence to entrepreneurs ability and
innovations. Many of the scientific inventions and technological
developments that took place in England in the 18th century and in
other countries produced economic goods useful to man because of the
efforts of entrepreneurs. In their absence, many scientific discoveries
would have remained as they were. It should be remembered that
innovation is key to entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs have contributed
many innovations in developing new products and in the existing
products and services. All these have resulted in economic development
by providing more employment, more income, export of products and
services, and making available better products and services to the
It is very often said that India is a rich country inhabited by the
poor. India is endowed with plenty of natural resources and good
climate. But the country has not made much economic progress as it
should have been. Natural resources themselves will not produce
economic development. There must be people with vision, initiative and
drive to make use of the natural resources. In India, what we require is
entrepreneurship in an individual to productively integrate resources
and enhance economic growth.

Entrepreneurs perform vital functions in economic development.

They have been referred to as the human agents needed to mobilize
capital, to exploit natural resources, to create markets and to carry on
trade. It might well be said that the entrepreneurial input spells the
difference between prosperity and poverty among nations. Japan is a
place where entrepreneurs have achieved success by hard works as well
as imagination and ability. The economic progress of the USA and
Western Europe also highlight the significance of entrepreneurship.
In the newly industrializing countries, small enterprises became
the focus of various approaches to entrepreneurial development since
they function as seed beds of entrepreneurial and managerial talent.
The inadequacy of entrepreneurship is an inhibiting factor to accelerate
the process of industrialization.
In general, contemporary economists agree that entrepreneur is a
business leader who has a pivotal role in fostering economic growth and
development. Entrepreneurship is one of the most important input in
the economic development of a country or a region. The number and
competence of entrepreneurs affect the economic growth of a region. It
is not wrong to consider entrepreneurship as a panacea of the economic
evils in a developing country. In fact, entrepreneurship is the dynamic
need of a developing nation and sustains the process of economic
development in the following ways:
Employment Generation
Growing unemployment particularly educated unemployment is
opportunities can cater to only 5 to 10 per cent of the unemployed. As

discussed, wage employment is a self-saturating. When government

creates, say a hundred jobs in various departments, 100 persons get
employed and the vacancies are filled for thirty years or so, till these
people retire and the vacancies re-emerge. If a hundred persons become
entrepreneurs they not only create a hundred jobs for themselves but
also provide employment to many more. As the time passes these
enterprise grow providing direct and indirect employment to many
more. Thus, entrepreneurship is the best way to fight the evil of
National Income
National Income consists of goods and services produced in the
country and those imported. The goods and services produced are for
consumption within the country as well as to meet the demand of
exports. The domestic demand increases with ever increasing
population and standard of living. The export demand also increases to
meet the needs of growing import due to various reasons. An increasing
number of entrepreneurs are required to meet this increasing demand
for goods and services. Thus, entrepreneurship increases the national
Dispersal of Economic Power
The world affairs have been dominated by power. There have
always been two types of power i.e., muscle power and economic power.
In the modem age, the muscle power has lost its relevance and the
world is ruled by the economic power Economic power is the natural
outcome of industrial and business activity. Industrial development
normally can lead to concentration of economic power in few hands.

This concentration of power in few hands has its own evils in the form
of monopolies. Developing a large number of entrepreneurs helps in
dispersing the economic power amongst the population. This in turn
causes hindrance to the growth of monopolies, which exist partly
because of lack of sufficient number of entrepreneurs. Setting up of a
large number of enterprises for the goods helps in weakening the
harmful effects of monopoly.
When a society produces a small number of entrepreneurs, the
enterprises due to lack of competition grow into a few big business
houses. This results in concentration of wealth in a few families. This
can have a serious social and national implication. When the number of
enterprises increases, a large amount of national wealth is also shared
by a large number of entrepreneurs, thus, dispersing wealth. This
dispersal of wealth promotes the real socialism and makes the economy
Balanced Regional Development
The growth of industry and business leads to a large number of
public benefits like road transport, health, education, entertainment
etc. When the industries are concentrated in selected cities, the
development gets limited to these cities. Till late sixties, 50 per cent of
industrial enterprises were located in only six cities of India. A rapid
development. When the new entrepreneurs grow at a faster pace, in
view of the increasing competition in and around the cities, they are
forced to set up their enterprises in the smaller towns away from big
cities. This helps in the development of the backward regions.

If a region does not throw up a sufficient number of

entrepreneurs, the needs of the local population for the goods and
services remain unsatisfied. The entrepreneurs from other places step
in and set up enterprises to fulfil the pent up demand of the local
people. These alien entrepreneurs do not invest the major part of the
profits in the areas in which the unit is located. Usually, the profit is
invested at a place where the entrepreneurs come from. Such
entrepreneurs invest their profits in constructing their houses etc., at
the place of their origin. Thus, the backward areas do not get benefits of
business or industrial profits. This drainage of wealth results in further
deterioration of the area. The practice of siphoning the profits earned
through entrepreneurial activities based on local resources by alien
entrepreneurs has been compared with the blood sucking process
practised by leeches, and termed as leech effect by Dr. M.M.P. Akhori.
Harnessing Locally Available Resources and Entrepreneurship
India is considered to be very rich in natural resources. In spite of
more than four decades of planned development a large number of
states have remained economically quite backward. A few large scale
industries started by entrepreneurs from outside the state in
economically backward areas may help as models of pioneering efforts,
but ultimately the real strength of industrialization in backward areas
depends upon the involvement of local entrepreneurship in such
activities. Increased activities of local entrepreneurs will also result in
making use of abundantly available local resources.

Reducing Unrest and Social Tension Amongst youth
Many problems associated with youth unrest and social tension
are rightly considered to be due to youth not being engaged in
productive work. In the changing environment where we are faced with
the problem of recession in wage employment opportunities, alternative
to wage career is the only viable option. The country is required to
divert the youth with latent entrepreneurial traits from wage career to
self-employment career. Such alternate path through entrepreneurship
could help the country in defusing social tension and unrest amongst
Innovations in Enterprises
Business enterprises need to be innovative for their survival and
better performance. It is believed that smaller firms have relatively
higher necessity and capability to innovate. The smaller firms do not
face the constraints imposed by large investment in existing technology
and thus they are both free and compelled to innovate. The National
Science Foundation, an organization in USA found that small
companies produce four time more innovations per research dollar than
do bigger companies. Entrepreneurship development programmes are
aimed at accelerating the pace of small firms growth in India.
Increased number of small firms is expected to result in more
innovations and make the Indian industry compete in international

Improvement in Living Standards
Entrepreneurs set up industries which remove scarcity of
essential commodities and introduce new products. Production of goods
on mass scale and manufacture of handicrafts, etc., in the small scale
sector help to improve the standard of life of a common man. These
offer goods at lower costs and increase variety in consumption.
Economic Independence
Industrialists help to manufacture indigenous substitutes of hitherto
imported products, thereby reducing dependence on foreign countries.
Businessman also exports goods and services on a large scale and
thereby earn the scarce foreign exchange for the country. Such import
substitution and export promotion help to ensure the economic
independence of the country without which political independence has
little meaning.
Entrepreneurship mainly depends on values, norms and traits
that are consistent to the growth of an economy. An entrepreneur
always seeks the opportunities, looks for ways and means to capitalize
on the newer opportunities by organising the resources. The
entrepreneur is one of the most important inputs in the economic
development of a country or of regions within the country. The need for
a broad-based entrepreneurial class in India arises form the need to
speed up the process of activating the factors of production, leading to a
higher rate of economic growth, dispersal of economic activities,

development of backward areas. A good entrepreneur is one who is

capable of inspiring confidence in people and has the ability to motivate
them to work with him in fulfilling the economic goals set by him.
Innovation: Innovation is the commercialisation of an invention.
Uncertainty: Non-insurable risks are the possibility of changes in the
tastes and preferences of the consumer, techniques of production and so
on. These non-insurable risks are called uncertainties.
Risk: The risk is the condition of not knowing the outcome of an
activity or decision.
An entrepreneur has to perform a number of functions as a
vital factor of production. Discuss.
entrepreneurship has fulfilled in the economic development
of the country.

Perspective, Abhinav Publications, New Delhi.

Bhanushali, S.G., Entrepreneurial Development, Himalaya
Publishing House, Delhi.
Khanka, S.S. Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand and
Sons, New Delhi.
Rao, N.G., Entrepreneurship and Growth of Enterprise in
Industrial Estate, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi.

Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code: CP-401
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Lesson : 3
Theory of Entrepreneurship
3.2.1 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Innovation
3.2.2 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Group Level Pattern
3.2.3 Entrepreneurship: A function of Managerial Skills
and Leadership
3.2.4 Entrepreneurship:
3.2.5 Entrepreneurship: A Function of High Achievement
3.2.6 Entrepreneurship:
GapFilling Function
3.2.7 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Status Withdrawal
3.2.8 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Social, Political, and
Economic Structure
3.2.9 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Religious Beliefs
Few Entrepreneurial Development Models

Self Assessment Questions
Suggested Readings

The objective of the present lesson is to discuss the theories of
entrepreneurship is the key variable which links the socio-cultural
milieu with the rate of economic development. Recently even
economists have shifted the emphasis from the rate of capital formation
to the growth of high-level manpower such as entrepreneur, as the
major determinant of the rate of economic growth.
The word entrepreneur appeared in the French language long
before the emergence of the concept of entrepreneurial function. In the
early 16th century it was applied to those who were engaged in military
expeditions. In the 17th century it was extended to cover civil
engineering activities such as construction and fortification. It was only
in the beginning of the 18th century that the word was used to refer to
economic activities. The entrepreneur and his unique risk-bearing
function was first identified in the early 18th century by Richard
Cantillon, an Irishman living in France, who defined an entrepreneur
as a person who buys factor services at certain prices with a view to sell
its product at uncertain prices in the future. Richard Cantillon
conceived of an entrepreneur as a bearer of non-insurable risk. This
forms an unique constitutive function of entrepreneurship. The classic
definition, which was to survive for almost two centuries, was given by
an aristocratic industrialist, J.B. Say, who had unpleasant practical
experiences. His definition associates the entrepreneur with the

function of coordination, organization and supervision. According to

him an entrepreneur is the most important agent of production who
provides continuing management and brings together the factors of
production. Says entrepreneur must have judgement, perseverance and
knowledge of the world as well as that of business. He must possess the
emphasizes coordination and supervision explicitly, there are three
more implicit factors which form the crux of entrepreneurship. Firstly,
moral qualities for the work which includes judgement, perseverance
and the knowledge about the environment within which the business is
functioning. Secondly, the prospective entrepreneur should have
commonly but not necessarily, possesses either his own or borrowed
capital. The third factor refers to the uncertainty of profits. To
superintendence and administration as the basic qualities for an
entrepreneurship. Both, Cantillon and Say, defined entrepreneurship in

entrepreneurship to every economic activity and regarded everybody as
an entrepreneur. But both the authors failed to relate entrepreneurship
with the general economic development.
Knight described entrepreneurs to be a specialized group or
persons, who bear uncertainty; and uncertainty is defined as the risk
which cannot be calculated. The entrepreneur, according to Knight, is
the economic functionary who undertakes such responsibility which, by
its very nature, cannot be insured or salaried. He also guarantees
specified sums to other in return for assignments made to them. The

supply of entrepreneurship involves three factors namely ability,

willingness and power to extend such guarantees. Knight has gone a
step ahead and has also located the psychological, social and economic
factors which govern the supply of entrepreneurship.
The concept of entrepreneurship did not find any place in early
English economic thought. From Adam Smith to Marshall, the
economists made no efforts to define or include entrepreneurship in
their economic literature. Basically, the English economic efforts theory
was extremely aggregative and therefore, individual were treated as
cancelled out in the aggregation or suppressed in the competition.
Adam Smith regarded private profit as the sole motive which
determined the owner of any capital and enabled him to employ it in
any productive activity. And since Smith identified savings with
investments, by implication, profit also supplies the motive for saving.
Adam Smith argues that the fundamental economic determinant of
growth is the rate of capital formation. Ricardo also attributed a
significant role to the rate of capital accumulation in the process of
accumulation is governed by two factors. They are ability to save and
the will to save. The first depends upon the amount of the surpluses,
i.e. net income of the economy, and the will to save depends upon the
rate of profit. Ricardian profit is affected by the changes in the wage
rate as he considers profits as a residual over and above wages on that
portion of land which yields no rent. Changes in profits or wages affect
each other. Unlike Smithian economy, the Ricardo system no longer
expands or decays strictly according to its rate of investments.
Therefore, underdevelopment can be remedied by changing the

technological improvements. Alfred Marshal too not only followed
Smith-Recardian path but reaffirmed it by treating profit as a single in
differential income flow.
From Cantillon to Marshall entrepreneurial concept was treated
in the same manner and elevated entrepreneurship to the fourth factor
of production, though this function was identified by different names.
Nothing was done on the supply side of this factor of production. No
supply curve was accomplished. Moreover, all these economists
considered entrepreneurship in the context of stationary equilibrium
but all of them failed to recognise it as a force in economic development.
3.2.1 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Innovation
Joseph A. Schumpeter (1934), for the first time, put the human
agent at the centre of the process of economic development and
assigned a critical role to the entrepreneurship in his theory of
economic development. He considered economic development as a
discrete technological change. The process of development can be
generalized by five different types of events. Firstly, it can be the
outcome of the introduction of a new product in the market. Secondly, it
can be the result of a new production technology. Thirdly, it may arise
on account of a new market. Fourthly, it may be the consequence of a
new source of supply. Fifthly, it may be due to the new organisation of
any industry. According to Schumpeter development is not an
automatic or spontaneous process, but it must be deliberately and
actively promoted by some agency within the system, Schumpeter

called the agent who initiates the above changes as an entrepreneur.

He is the agent who provides economic leadership that changes the
initial conditions of the economy and causes discontinuous dynamic
changes. By nature he is neither technician, nor a financier, but he is
considered an innovator. Entrepreneurship is not a profession or a
permanent occupation and, therefore, it cannot formulate a social class
like capitalists or wage earners. Psychologically, entrepreneurs are not
solely motivated by profit. According to Schumpeter, both interest and
profit will arise from progress (change), and would not exit in the static
society. Schumpeterian innovation is a creative response to a situation.
Schumpeterian theory of economic development was conceived in
the context of Industrial Revolution. Therefore, his theoretical
explanation for economic development is significantly conditioned by
the experiences of that period. The above mentioned innovations
yielded a surplus for reinvestment and the entrepreneur could invade
the various economic fields with spectacular success. Moreover,
Schumpeterian theory was modelled on big private entrepreneurship,
so far as its magnitude of operations are concerned. Therefore, its
applicability in the underdeveloped region is doubted on the following
grounds. Whether, an underdeveloped region which is void of necessary
basic infrastructure can get economic process started and make itself
sustaining with only one characteristic namely, innovation. Secondly, if
in an underdeveloped region, when private capital is not only shy but
small in magnitude, can it create the basic conditions of growth and
would it be forceful enough to change the initial conditions of the
economy so as to give a jerk to cause a dynamic change.

A.H. Cole defines entrepreneurship as the purposeful activity

(including an integrated sequence of decisions) of an individual or a
group of associated individuals, undertaken to initiate, maintain or
aggrandize a profit oriented business unit for the production or
distribution of economic goods and services. The two definitions made
by Schumpeter and Cole, differ only in respect of the scope within
which the term may be applied.
3.2.2 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Group Level Pattern
Frank W. Young was reluctant to accept the entrepreneurial
characteristic at the individual level. According to him, instead of
individual, one must find clusters which may qualify itself as
entrepreneurial groups, as the groups with higher differentiation have
the capacity to react. He defined reactiveness or solidarity as the
degree to which the members of the group create, maintain and project
a coherent definition of their situation; and differentiation is defined
as the diversity, as opposed to coherence, of the social meanings
maintained by the group, When a group has a higher degree of
institutional and occupational diversity, relative to its acceptance, it
tends to intensify its internal communication which gives rise to a
unified definition of the situation. To improve their symbolic position in
understanding despite the differences in the occupation and family
status. Such pressures bear not only on social, political and theological
factors but also on economic factors. Some members of the solidarity
groups excel at combining resources like labour, capital etc. in new
ways and they become entrepreneurs.

entrepreneurship. He has accepted the Schumpeterian definition of
entrepreneur as that of an innovator. But in his paper he has
postulated a causal sequence where transformation codes are
developed by the solidarity groups to improve their symbolic position in
the larger structure and become entrepreneurs. He interprets the
individual level entrepreneurial characteristics as the underside of a
group level pattern. The entrepreneur does not work single handedly,
entrepreneurial activity is generated by the particular family
backgrounds, experiences, as a member of certain kind of groups and as
a reflection of general cultural values. These personality characteristics
are the forceful reflections of these antecedent conditions and these
constitute an independent factor, which mediates between structural
factors and consequent economic growth.
Youngs theory is a theory of change based on societys
incorporation of reactive sub-group. A group will become reactive, as
per Youngs theory, when the three conditions coincide. The conditions
are firstly, when a group experiences low status recognition, secondly,
when the denial of access to important social networks and thirdly,
when the group has better institutional resources than other groups in
the society at the same level.

3.2.3 Entrepreneurship: A function of Managerial Skills and Leadership

Bert F. Hoselitz (1952), states that a person who is to become an
industrial entrepreneur must have additional personality traits to those
resulting from a drive to amass wealth In addition to being

motivated by the expectations of profit he must also have some

managerial abilities and more important he must have ability to lead.
Hoselitz maintains that financial skills have only a secondary
consideration in entrepreneurship. According to him, managerial skills
and leadership are the important facts of entrepreneurship. To
strengthen his argument he quotes the history of French and German
industrial establishments of the early 19th century where the former
were men with mechanical skills rather than financial skills. He
identifies three types of business leaderships in the analysis of
economic development of underdeveloped countries. The merchant
moneylender type, the managerial type and the entrepreneur type. The
merchant/moneylenders function is predominantly market oriented.
The managerial function has authoritarian orientation and the function
of entrepreneurs, along with the above two orientations calls for
analysis of entrepreneurship naturally suggests a method for the
development of entrepreneurship which depends upon allowing the
maturation and development of personalities whose predominant
orientation is in the direction of productivity, working and creation and
creative integration along with the establishment of social institutions
which create a favourable environment for the establishment and
existence of independent individual enterprise.
Hoselitz in his other book also maintained the same argument
suggesting that only a strong desire to make profit is not enough to
succeed in becoming an industrial entrepreneur. But in this book he
added one more characteristic to entrepreneurship which is absent in
money-lending type, namely liquidity of wealth. The commodity with

which a money lender deals is acceptable to every one but an industrial

entrepreneur creates his own commodity and its acceptability is
uncertain. Therefore, the entrepreneur assumes more risk than those in
trading and the lending professions.
Here Hoselitz also further suggests that entrepreneurship can
develop in a society when its culture permits a variety of choices and
where social processes are not rigid and in a situation which encourages
the development of personalities interested in enterprise.
3.2.4 Entrepreneurship: An Organisation Building Function
Frederick Harbison states that the organisation building ability
is the most critical skill needed for the industrial development.
According to him entrepreneurship means the skill to build an
organization. Harbison spots the crux of the entrepreneurship in his
ability to multiply himself by effectively delegating responsibilities to
others. Unlike Schumpeter, Harbisons entrepreneur is not an
innovator but an organisation builder who must be able to harness the
new ideas of different innovators to the rest of the organization. Such
persons are not always the men with ideas or men who try new
combinations of resources but they may simply be good leaders and
excellent administrators.
Harbisons definition of entrepreneurship lays more stress on the
managerial skills and creativity so far as organization is concerned. His
definition, as it appears, is not far from Schumpeters concept of
innovation. It also allows creation of new organization as innovation
and Harbison also emphasizes the organizations building ability. But
Harbison maintains that the ability to create an organization is the

most crucial skill which facilitates the economic use of other

innovations. If this skill is absent then other innovations fail to
stimulate economic development.
3.2.5 Entrepreneurship: A Function of High Achievement
characteristics to entrepreneurial role. Entrepreneurial role, by
definition, involves doing things in a new and better way. A business
man, who simply behaves in traditional ways is not an entrepreneur
Moreover, entrepreneurial role appears to call for decision making
under uncertainty. If there is no significant uncertainty and the action
entrepreneurship is not an all involved.
entrepreneurship. Firstly, doing things in a new and better way. This
is synonymous with the innovative characteristic given by Schumpeter,
and secondly, decision making under certainty, i.e. risk as identified by
Cantillon. McClellands major contribution lies in extending our
understanding of causal sequence of entrepreneurial behaviour.
McClellands theory can be looked as a development of Webers
Protestant ethic when he implicitly introduced the concept of need for

achievement as a psychological motive. McClelland, more explicitly,

emphasized the need for achievement or achievement orientation as the
most directly relevant factor for explaining economic behaviour. This
motive is defined as a tendency to service for success in situations
involving an evaluation of ones performance in relation to some
standard of excellence. Persons with high achievement would take

moderate risks. They would not behave traditionally (no risk) as they
are not likely to get any satisfaction from the accomplishment of the
task nor like gamblers (extreme risk) when the probability of failure
and personal dissatisfaction is more. The high achievement is
associated with better performance at tasks which require some
imagination, mental manipulation or new ways of putting things
together, and such people do better at non-routine task that require
some degree of initiative or even inventiveness.
profitability in terms of a need for achievement. People with high
achievement are not influenced by money rewards as compared to
people with low achievement. People with low achievement are
prepared to work harder for money or such other external incentives.
For people with high achievement, profit is a measure of success and
McClelland, much like Hagen, attributes the inculcation of the
achievement orientation to child-rearing practices which stress
standards of excellence, maternal warmth, self-reliance training and
low father dominance. The causal sequence of entrepreneurial
behaviour as extended by McClelland is given by Kilby as follows:
Ideological values Family Socialisation Need for
Achievement Entrepreneurial behaviour.
McClelland has postulated the following characteristics of

Entrepreneurial Role Behaviour
Energetic and/or novel instrumental activities.
Individual responsibility.
Knowledge of results of decision- Money as a measure
of results.
Anticipated future possibilities.
Organisational skills.
Interest in entrepreneurial occupations as a function of
their prestige and riskiness.
Entrepreneurial status in various countries.
Contrasted with other occupational statuses.
Differentiated by entrepreneurial success.
The achievement motive is, by assumption, a relatively stable

enduring characteristic of an individual. Hence one does not expect

later events to change the achievement motive and behaviour. But the
Kakinada experiment shows that achievement orientation courses have
shown significant improvement in many aspects of entrepreneurial
considerably by deliberate efforts.
3.2.6 Entrepreneurship: Input-Completing and Gap-Filling Function
entrepreneurial activity. First, that routine entrepreneurship is
associated with the managerial function of the business. Second, the
new type entrepreneurship which is basically of Schumpeterian type.

attributable to entrepreneurship. In economic theory the production
function is considered to be well defined and completely known. But the
theory is silent about the keeper of the knowledge of production
function. Where and to whom in the firm this knowledge is supposed to
be available is never stated. In reality there exist larger gaps of
knowledge about the production function. There are many deficiencies
so far as the production function is concerned. It is the entrepreneurial
function to make up the deficiencies or to fill the gaps. These gaps arise
because all the inputs in the production function cannot be marketed
because some inputs like motivation, leadership, etc. are vague in their
nature and whose output is undermined. This gap-filling activity
gives rise to a most important entrepreneurial function, namely inputcompleting. H
e has to marshal all the inputs to realize final products.
Leibenstein defines entrepreneur(s) as an individual or a group of
individuals having four major characteristics: connection of different
markets, capability of making up of market deficiencies (gap-filling),
input-completing and creation and expansion of time-binding input
transforming entities (i.e. firms).
On the supply side of entrepreneurship, Liebenstein states that
supply of entrepreneurship is governed by input-completing capacity
and inadequate motivational state. Secondly, investment criterion also
affects the supply of entrepreneurship and suggests that a lower profit
investment that releases entrepreneurial energies and capacities may
be more fruitful in the long run than a higher profit investment, lastly,
though not all the characteristics are trainable, training can do
something to increase the supply of entrepreneurship.

3.2.7 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Status Withdrawal

Everett Hagen (1962), while describing the process of change in
any society as the transition to economic growth searched for the causes
of the transition. He states that the transition to economic growth has
been very gradual and typically occupies a period of several
generations. He observes that growth has been led not by individuals
randomly distributed throughout a society but disproportionately by
individuals from some distinctive group. He identifies creative
innovation or change as the fundamental characteristic of economic
Hagen, after analyzing the traditional societies, maintains that
the positions of authority are granted in such societies not on the basis
of individual ability but on the basis of his status. Thus structure is
characterized by typical authoritarian personality. In contrast, Hagen,
visualizes in innovational personality. Hagens concept of innovation
involves both arriving at a new mental concept and transmitting that
concept into material form. Again, innovation requires creativity and
such creative individuals cause economic growth.
Hagen has postulated a sequence of the formation of creative and
authoritarian personalities. He identified child-rearing practices as the
main element in giving a particular shape to all the personalities. Since
the traditional society has great stability, the forces required to disrupt
it must be equally powerful. Hagen argues that such disruption is
necessary to have creative personalities from the traditional societies.
Of course, such change may not occur in the same generation but it is
more likely to be an inter-generation change. Hagens principal theme

is that such creative personalities or groups emerge when the members

of some social group experience, what he calls, the withdrawal of
status respect. Hagen does not mean high status, but merely that it
is deemed appropriate by the person occupying it and is respected by
others. The withdrawal of status respect may occur when a
traditionally alike group is displaced by force from its previous status
by another traditional group, or when any superior group changes its
attitude towards subordinate group or on migration to a new society.
Whenever there is any withdrawal of status respect, it would give rise
to four different responses and create four different personality types.
Retreatist: He who continues to work in the society but
remains indifferent to his work and position.
Ritualist: He who adopts a kind of defensive behaviour and
acts in the ways accepted and approved in his society but
with no hopes of improving his position.
Reformist: He is a person who foments a rebellion and
attempts to establish anew society.
Innovator: He is a creative individual and is likely to be
Schumpeter and Hagen have much in common so far as analyzing
the growth process is concerned and Hagens Creative personality is
also characterized by McClellands high need for achievement. Hagens
work has an important merit in the unlike McClelland and other
entrepreneurial theorists, his work is based on the experience of
backward areas of Asia and Latin America. His description of child16

rearing in backward areas like Burma would serve equally well for the
advanced countries.
Hagens analysis fails to give policy measures for backward
countries which are striving for economic development as he is
identifying status withdrawal as the causal factor in emergence of
creative personality and status withdrawal by force cannot be
contemplated in a democratic setup.
3.2.8 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Social, Political, and Economic Structure
Kunkel (1970) has put forth a theory of entrepreneurial supply.
Kunkel has elaborated a behaviouristic model of entrepreneurship. The
students of economic history have repeatedly pointed out that
entrepreneurs are not equally distributed in the population, minorities
(religious, ethnic, migrated, displaced elites) have provided most of the
entrepreneurial talent. But all the minorities are not important sources
of entrepreneurship. Therefore, Kunkel argues that the marginality
does not guarantee entrepreneurship. There must be some additional
significant factors at work.
John Kunkel states that the industrial entrepreneurship depends
upon four structures which are found within a society or community:
Limitation Structure: The entrepreneur is viewed as the
most important deviant individual in economic development and the
major determinant which causes such a deviance is a social structure
which restricts the behavioural pattern of a population segment. The
society limits specific activities to members of particular subcultures.
This limitation structure affects all the members of a society.

Demand Structure: The limitation structure is basically
social and cultural but the demand structure is mainly economic. The
demand structure is not static and changes with economic progress and
government policies. Demand structure can be improved by providing
material rewards. Such rewards are necessary to lay the foundation for
future social gains. In short, by manipulating certain selected
components of the demand structure, behaviour of people can be shaped
in an entrepreneurial way.
Opportunity Structure: This structure is necessary to
increase the probability of entrepreneurial activity. The opportunity
structure constitutes the availability of capital, management and
technological skills, information concerning production methods, labour
and markets, opportunity to learn directly or through imitation, and all
the activities associated with the effective planning and successful
operation of industrial enterprises.
Labour Structure: Kunkel separates supply competent and
willing labour from the opportunity structure. He argues that the
labour supply cannot be viewed on par with the supply of other
material conditions like capital. He states that labour means men and
is a function of several variables. The supply of factory labour is
governed by available alternative means of livelihood, traditionalism,
and expectations of life.
According to Kunkel the supply of entrepreneurs depend on the
existence and extent to which these four factors are found in a society
and proposes the hypothesis that the incidence of entrepreneurship
depends on both the objectives and perceived configuration of the four

structures. Any discrepancy between objective structures and the actual

incidence of entrepreneurs will be due to inadequate or incorrect
perceptions of the various structures. It is evident, however, that
circumstances which are difficult to create and easy to destroy.
3.2.9 Entrepreneurship: A Function of Religious Beliefs
Religion and its impact on enterprising culture was first analysed
by Max Weber in the Western context. According to Weber the spirit of
capitalism is a set of attitudes towards the acquisition of money and
the activities involved in it. Max Weber also draws a line of
demarcation between the spirit of capitalism and adventurous
spirit. The spirit of capitalism is subjected to a strict discipline which
is quite incompatible with giving free rein to impulse. Weber states that
this spirit of capitalism cannot generate in itself where widely spread
mental attitude favourable to capitalism is absent and according to him
the protestant ethic provides this mental attitude. Max Weber
extended his analysis to Indian conditions. According to him the spirit
of capitalism was absent in religious belief system of Hinduism. The
Weberian approach presumes that
there is a single system of Hindu value,
that the Indian community internalized those values and
translated them to day-to-day behaviour and
these values remained immune to and insulated against
external pressures and change.
Number of social scientists from West supported this theory. It
was in the interest of the colonial power to accept this theory and

encouraged it to help the growth of European entrepreneurship in

India. It would be gross simplification to maintain that the norms laid
down for a good Hindu are also equally applicable to good Hindu
society. The Hindu ethical ideas are more directed towards the
individual rather than the Hindu society as a whole. A.N. Pandey
challenges the Weberian proposition and maintains that Indian
religions and traditions cannot restrain the economic pursuits as they
provide for identity conceptions or set of identity symbols. Tripathi
doubts the assumptions of Weber in identifying a single Hindu value
system. On the contrary Hinduism is a collective name for so many
beliefs. The overstress on spiritualism and other worldiness to
signify the crux of Hinduism do injustice to Hinduism by ignoring the
material context.
Max Weber, at the same time, in interpreting the spirit of
enterprise amongst Jains, locates approximated protestant eithics
amongst Jains. In Indian situation, Webers analysis for the presence of
spirit of capitalism in Jain community fails completely. One thing in
certain, Jainism with its stress on aparigraha (non-attachment),
ahimsa (non-violence), aasteya (non-stealing) and brahmacharya
(desirelessness) is neither less ascetic nor less otherworldly than
Hinduism. The Weberian model is inadequate to explain the
entrepreneurship in Indian situation.
The models suggested for the development of entrepreneurship
can be stated in the following categories:
The Psychological models.

The Sociological models.
The Integrated models.
The Psychological Models: McClelland (1961) has given a
significant lead in identification of determinants of entrepreneurship.
In his model he ascribes more importance to achievement motivation
which earlier related to child rearing practices. But in his book with
D.G. Winter he has altered his earlier proposition or the importance of
child rearing as the intrinsic determinant of the achievement motive
and now change in motivation is seen primarily as a result of the
ideological arousal of latent need for achievement among adults. After
identifying achievement orientation as the key variable in the
development of entrepreneurship McClelland suggests motivation
training programme as the policy measure which, will make them
really willing and eager to exploit the new opportunities provided.
Everett Hagens theory of social change lays emphasis on
creative personality as a causal link in entrepreneurial behaviour and
status withdrawal as the determinant of creative personality. Hagen
elaborately explains the causal sequence of entrepreneurial behaviour.
But his model of entrepreneurship fails to give any policy variables for
the development of entrepreneurship. The status withdrawal would
occur in the natural evolutionary process of the society and not by any
deliberate attempt.
John Kunkel (1965) considered the entrepreneurial supply by
entrepreneurial behaviour is a function of the surrounding social
structure both past and present, and can really be influenced by

manipulatable economic and social incentives. So Kunklels model is

based upon experimental psychology which identifies sociological
variables as the determinants of entrepreneurial supply.
The Sociological Models: Frank W Youngs theory of
of change
incorporation of reactive sub-groups. The reactiveness of a sub-group
which experiences low status in the larger society will lead to
entrepreneurial behaviour if the group has better institutional
resources than others in the society at the same level. Youngs model of
entrepreneurship suggests creation of supporting institutions in the
society as the determinant to entrepreneurship.
The Integrated Models: T.V. Rao (1975) suggested the
following model for entrepreneurial development:
Entrepreneurial disposition Percepting Factors Acquisition
of personal resources Acquisition of material resources
Starting the business
In Entrepreneurial Disposition he includes the following factors:
Need For Motive: The dynamic which for the prospective
entrepreneur has the greatest possibility of achieving the
goals if one performs those activities.
Long Term Involvement: The goals either at thinking level
or at activity level in the entrepreneurial activity that is
viewed as a target to be fulfilled.
Resources: Personal, social and material resources which he
thinks are related to entry and success in the area of
entrepreneurial activity.

Socio-Political System: A system perceived as suitable for
establishment and development of his enterprise.
All these factors are additive in nature and its optimal presence
lead to entry point of entrepreneurship which leads to acquisition of
material resources and starting the business.
B.S. Venkata Rao (1975) has described five stages for promoting
small entrepreneurship namely,
Follow up.
Stimulation: This stage includes creation of industrial
atmosphere, policy statement emphasizing the role of small industry,
wide publicity of industrial development programme, formation of
special schemes and creation of support institutions. This stage is
necessary to stimulate the interest in the backward regions in
industrial activity and to create awareness.
Identification: This stage is necessary to identify the
prospective entrepreneurs. The prospective entrepreneurial force can be
identified in rural artisans, factory workers, persons who have formal
training in engineering and technology, and graduates in business
administration and management.

Development: This stage would include organization of
motivation and managerial training programmes along with advice on
technology, formulation of bankable project, location, etc.
Promotion: This can be the job supporting institutions to
provide developmental facilities, services, and incentives.
Follow-up: This stage includes reviewing the policies and
programmes of the government and seeking of new ways with a view to
make it more effective.
M.M.P. Akhori (1977) suggested the following cycle for the
promotion and development of entrepreneurship:


Support, and

Sustaining activities.
The stimulatory activity refers to all such activities that
stimulate entrepreneurship in any society. The support activity refers
to all such activities that help entrepreneurs in establishing and
running their enterprise and the sustaining activities to those that help
in continued efficient and profitable functioning of an enterprise.
K.L. Sharma (1978) describing four stages of economic growth,
namely, (a) entry into manufacturing, (b) expansion of business (c)
perceived stability in business and, (d) commitment to sustained
growth. The entrepreneurial growth is governed by three sets of
entrepreneurial determinants, namely, (i) need for achievement
motivation, (ii) socioeconomic background of entrepreneur (family
occupation, caste, religion and region), and (iii) political milieu. The

interaction of these stages of entrepreneurial growth and determinants

of entrepreneurial growth, take place nor in vacuum but with the
existence of entrepreneurial prerequisites like material resources,
entrepreneurs vision and confidence to run an industry and the general
infrastructure available to the entrepreneur.
According to this model and empirical analysis, K.L. Sharma
suggests that family occupation is more effective for entry into
manufacturing and that political factors make positive contribution in
the expansion of a unit and these factors are more important at the
third stage i.e. perception of business stability.
Entrepreneurship has been widely recognized as a potent factor
in economic development by various social scientists. The concept of
entrepreneurship is decorated by various attributes like innovation,
organisation building ability, gap-filling function, input completing,
etc. The persons with these qualities are required to initiate and
sustain the process of industrialization. Therefore, efforts are to be
directed towards the search and development of such entrepreneurial
Ritualist: One who adopts a kind of defensive behaviour and acts in
the ways accepted and approved in his society but with no hopes of
improving his position.
Reformist: One who foments a rebellion and attempts to establish a
new society.

N-achievement: N-achievement is called as a desire to do well, not so

much for the sake of social recognition or prestige, but for the sake of an
inner feeling of personal accomplishment.
Explain briefly the various theories of entrepreneurship.
Analyse critically Schumpeters views on entrepreneurship.
What contribution did McClelland make in developing the
theory of entrepreneurship?
Explain Frank Youngs views on entrepreneurship.
Sharma, R.A.; Entrepreneurial Change in Indian Industry,
Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.
Shukla, M.B., Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Development, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad.
Enterprises, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
Deasi, Vasant, Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development
and Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.

Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code: CP-401
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Lesson : 4
Meaning and Need of EDPs
Objectives of Entrepreneurial Development Programme
Phases of Entrepreneurial Development Programme
4.4.1 Selection of Potential Entrepreneurs
4.4.2 Contents of Training Programme
4.4.3 Monitoring and Follow up
4.4.4 The Target Group
Institutions Conducting EDPs In India
Problems Faced By EDPs
Self Assessment Questions
4.10 Suggested Readings
After reading this lesson, you should be able to

Explain the need and objectives of EDPs.
Discuss the phases of EDPs.
Describe the institutions conducting EDPs in India.

Entrepreneurial talent exists in every society and in all sections
of society. In developed countries, a favourable socio-economic
environment helps in exploiting latent entrepreneurial talent. However,
in less developed and developing countries, particularly in certain
backward areas, an unfavourable socio-economic environment hinders
the emergence of entrepreneurial talent. In India, it is believed that
tremendous latent entrepreneurial talent exists which, if properly
harnessed, can help accelerate the pace of socio-economic development,
balanced regional growth, exploitation of locally available resources and
creation of gainful employment and self-employment. Such a realization
on the part of planners and policy formulators has resulted in the
emergence of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) for
various target groups of population in the country. EDPs are being
offered by a large number of organizations with a view to bringing to
the fore the latent entrepreneurial ability in various target groups and
motivating the programme participants to establish their own
enterprises. The movement has caught momentum in many other
developing countries such as Sri Lanka, China, Thailand, Philippines,
Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia and South African countries.
Entrepreneurship Development Programme means a programme
designed to help a person in strengthening his entrepreneurial motive
and in acquiring skills and capabilities necessary for playing his
entrepreneurial role effectively. Towards the need, it is necessary to
promote his understanding to motives, motivation pattern, their impact

on behaviour and entrepreneurial value. A programme which seeks to

do this can qualify to be called as EDP. Thus an EDP aims at
developing entrepreneurial motives, skills and helping to play his/her
role as an entrepreneur effectively. There are a number of programmes
which give information to the prospective entrepreneurs regarding a
new business idea, how to set-up a new venture, how to prepare a
project, sources of finance etc. These programmes should not be
confused with EDP, they are all part of EDP. A EDP is primarily
concerned with developing and motivating entrepreneurial talent and
grooming him to be an effective entrepreneur.
The economic progress of developed countries has shown that
entrepreneurs play a vital role in economic development. The slow
progress of developing countries indicates low level of entrepreneurship
in those countries. Entrepreneurs make use of the factors of production
to the fullest advantage of the society, create innovations, generate
employment, improve the standard of living of people, develop
backward areas etc.- all these ultimately lead to higher rate of economic
growth. Hence entrepreneurial development is very essential for the
economic development of a country.
EDP has an important role to play in solving the unemployment
problem. Unemployment the state of being jobless is a burning
problem that affects both developed as well as the developing countries.
It has more serious effect on the developing countries than the
developed ones. The problems of unemployment and underemployment
in developing countries differ fundamentally from that of developed
ones, where it is more a social problem than an economic problem.
Unemployment is demoralizing. As Barbara Ward has said of all the

evils, worklessness is the worst. Unemployment is the major source of

waste in our present economic system. Idle hands are the symptoms of
economic waste.
India is facing chronic unemployment problem. The most
alarming form of unemployment today is educated unemployment. The
educated unemployed represents the intellectual section of the society,
the frustration and discontent of which paves the path of political
instability as well as an atmosphere of pessimism and loss of confidence
in the Government. This type of unemployment consists of those young
job seekers on whom the society has invested its most scarce resources.
The unemployment among the educated is higher than among the
uneducated. The rate of unemployment increases with the level of
The basic objectives of an Entrepreneurial Programme can be
summarized as follows:
To analyse environment relating to industry and business.
To select project/product.
To formulate project.
To understand the process and procedure of setting up of
To know and to influence the source of help/support needed
for launching enterprise.
(vii) To acquire the basic management skills.

(viii) To know the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur

responsibility/entrepreneurial discipline.
An analysis of the development process that helps emergence of
people opting for entrepreneurial career in the society and succeeding
in finally setting up an enterprise, reveals that it follows a sequence of
development in individual personality, ability and capabilities.
Entrepreneurial quality/motivation.
Capability for enterprise launching/resourcing.
Ability for enterprise management.
promote/support them.
Besides, some of the other important objectives of the EDPs are
Let the entrepreneur himself/herself set or reset objectives
for his/her business and strive for their realization.

Prepare him/her to accept the uncertainty involved in
running a business.
Enable him/her to take decisions.
Enable to communicate clearly and effectively.
Develop a broad vision about the business.
Make him subscribe to industrial democracy.
Develop passion for integrity and honesty.
(viii) Make him learn compliance with law.

An entrepreneurial development programme consists of three
broad phases:
Initial or Pre-training Phase: This phase includes the
activities and the preparations required to launch the training
programme. The main activities are:
Creation of Infrastructure for training
Preparation of training syllabus.
( c)
Tie up of guest faculty.
Arrangement for inauguration of the programme.
Designing tools and techniques for selecting the trainees.
Formation of selection committee.
Publicity campaign for the programme.
Development of application form.
Pre-potential survey of environmental opportunities.
Thus, pre-training stage involves the identification and selection
of potential entrepreneurs and providing initial motivation to them.
Training or Development Phase: During this phase the
training programme is implemented to develop motivation and skills
among the participants. The objective of this phase is to bring desirable
changes in the behaviour of the trainees. The trainers have to judge
how much, and how far the trainees have moved in their
entrepreneurial pursuits. A trainer should see the following changes in
the behaviour of participants:

Is he attitudinally tuned very strongly towards his proposed
project idea?

Is he motivated to plunge for entrepreneurial venture and
risk that is expected of an entrepreneur?
Is there any change in his entrepreneurial outlook, role and
How should he behave like an entrepreneur?
What kind of entrepreneurial behaviour does the trainee
Does he possess the knowledge of technology, resources and
other related entrepreneurial knowledge?
Is he skilful in choosing the right project, mobilizing the
right resources at the right time?
Post Training or Follow-up Phase: This phase involves
assessment to judge how far the objectives of the programme have been
achieved. Monitoring and follow up reveals drawbacks in the earlier
phases and suggests guidelines for framing the future policy. In this
establishing new enterprise and in developing the existing units can
also be reviewed.
4.4.1 Selection of Potential Entrepreneurs
The first and the foremost step in the EDP is the proper
identification and selection of potential entrepreneurs. Selection and
training of an unsuitable person to go into independent business is both
a national waste and a disservice to the person concerned. His failure in
business would result in loss of prestige, or social standing and a
setback in life. Therefore, utmost care should be exercised to identify

the right candidates for training. Due recognition should be given to


their family background, entrepreneurial skills and suitability to the

trade chosen. Tests, group discussions and interviews may be used in
the selection of entrepreneurs. Selection of potential entrepreneurs has
two essential components; namely (i) identification of entrepreneurial
traits in the potential entrepreneurs, and (ii) identification of suitable
and viable opportunity or enterprise (project) for each identified
Identifying Entrepreneurial Traits
Every participant must have a minimum level of eligibility for
developing into an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial traits include sociopersonal an
d human re-sources characteristics.
Socio-personal Characteristics: The most common sociopersonal characteristics ar
e caste, family occupation, age, education,
size and type of family working hands, earning members and social
participation. A brief description of these characteristics is given below:
Caste and family background: Caste and family background
help create entrepreneurial environment and occupational awareness
for the entrepreneurs. There are certain castes which are traditionally
involved in certain types of work. Matching of castes with trades,
therefore, appears to be logical. Most people prefer to accept familiar
tasks easily. If an entrepreneur chooses a trade which is being carried
in his family it is obvious that he would be more at ease with it.
Age: Studies have revealed that younger people are more
successful entrepreneurs. This may be because older people are more

reluctant to take risky ventures. They are more concerned with

avoiding failure than achieving success.
Education: A minimum level of education is essential to
perform functions like meeting officials, etc.
Size and type of family: The size of the family and the
entrepreneurs status in the family are important. In a large family the
entrepreneur may command little authority. But other earning
members of the family may enable him to pay undivided attention to
his enterprise by providing financial support to the family. A joint
family has generally a greater risk-bearing capacity. But the
entrepreneur has greater command over the family resources in a
nuclear family.
Working hands: A small entrepreneur has generally to
depend upon family members as he cannot afford to hire workers.
Social participation: This determines the amount of
influence the entrepreneur will be able to muster outside his immediate
family circle. Greater social participation improves the ability to
influence and thereby the success of the entrepreneur.
Thus, while selecting candidates for EDP, preference should be
given to those having experience in the trade, a functional level of
education, young, family resources, financial support and authority.
Human Resource Factors: These are the inherited or acquired
traits. Research reveals the following human resources factors that
influence entrepreneurial success:

Achievement-motivation: It is the urge to improve one-self
in relation to a goal. It includes both personal achievement and social
achievement. It is the basis of entrepreneurship as entrepreneurs with
high need achievement success better.
Risk taking willingness: It refers to seeking challenge in
ones activity. Two persons may view the same venture as involving
different degrees of risk. If both of them go for the same venture, it
means that the person perceiving greater amount of risk in the venture
has the higher risk-taking willingness.
Influence motivation: It has been defined as the desire for
influencing other people and the surrounding environment. In order to
succeed in dealing with these diverse agencies and forces, the
entrepreneur would need sufficient motivation to both influence them
and control the means to achieve the end.
Personal efficacy: It has been defined as the general sense
of adequacy in a person. It is the tendency in an individual to accept
success or failure which are within his control. Personal efficacy is an
important factor contributing to entrepreneurial behaviour of a person.
It represents the potential effectiveness present at the inner level. The
roots of efficiency of an individual lie in his perceptions and beliefs
about himself. These beliefs may be the result of an individuals selfconcept and
perception of his own strength.
Personal efficacy can be measured by Rotters locus of control
defined as the tendency in the individual to attribute success or failure
to external factors. A person scoring high on internal control believes in
his capacity to control and shape the environment. On the other hand,

an individual having low personal efficacy believes that things are not
under his control and occur due to fate.
Aspirations: These are goal statements concerning future
level of achievement. These can be regarded first as in individuals
concepts of his future prospects and secondly as a form of selfmotivation. Aspir
ations are related with education of children, income
and material possession. A person with low aspirations is not likely to
develop into entrepreneur. But unrealistic aspiration level would not
lead to achievement because they are bound to fail in their endeavour.
Therefore, it would be more meaningful to study an individuals
achievement motivation in relation to his aspiration. In general,
individuals with lower socio-economic background have a higher
discrepancy between their aspiration and achievement. This suggests
that low socio-economic groups are unrealistic in their aspiration levels.
A number of other human resources variables such as
independence, leadership, self-confidence, initiative, etc. are also
important for entrepreneurship. Thus, persons possessing a minimum
level of entrepreneurial traits like the urge to achieve, risk-taking,
positive self-concepts, initiative and independence, problem solving,
hope about future, urge for goal setting and interest in environment
scanning should be selected for an EDP.
Identification of Enterprise
Once an entrepreneur having necessary socio-personal and
human resources characteristics is identified, it is necessary to identify
a suitable enterprise or project for him. The enterprise must be
matched with the potential entrepreneur. All the background

information like his skills, experience in the field, the physical

resources available, family occupation, etc. should be taken into
consideration, Having found a suitable trade an entrepreneur needs to
thoroughly examine its viability in terms of financial implications. The
raw materials availability, the marketing avenues and profitability of
the enterprise have to be explored. It would also involve detailed
exploration of services needed and available in the area.
4.4.2 Contents of Training Programme
Once the selection of potential entrepreneurs is over, they have to
be equipped with managerial and technical skills to start the
enterprise. In an entrepreneurial development programme, there are
candidates with a variety of backgrounds and qualities. Therefore, a
package of training inputs is provided during the programme which is
usually of six weeks duration. The main training inputs are as follows:
Technical Knowledge and Skills: Once the entrepreneur
selects a particular enterprise in depth knowledge about the technical
aspects of the trade is essential. The entrepreneur has to be wellconversant wit
h the process of manufacture and trading for which a
practical training based on sound theory is essential. He needs to also
know the economic aspects of the technology including costs and
benefits. Field trips to a few industrial units and in-plant training can
be very helpful.
Achievement Motivation Training (AMT): In order to
develop human resources, development of achievement motive is
essential. The purpose of AMT is to develop the need to achieve, risktaking, ini
tiative and other such behavioural or psychological traits. A

motivation development programme creates self-awareness and selfconfidence among

the participants and enables them to think positively
and realistically. Without achievement motivation training, an EDP
becomes an ordinary executive development programme. Motivation
training initiates people to business activity or helps them to expand
their business ventures. They learn to strive for excellence, to take
calculated risk, to use feedback for improvement, sense of efficacy, etc.
Traditionally, laboratories for entrepreneurial motivations were
conducted to stimulated peoples interest in setting up their own
enterprise and to groom them into enterprise builders. These
laboratories also aim to developing inclinations which ensure
continuous self-appraisal and organizational revival. The who am I
exercise and other exercises like ring to M, tower building, product
manufacture etc. and writing and analyzing fantasies are utilized in
such training programmes.
Support Systems and Procedures: The participants
have to be exposed to agencies like the local banks and other financial
institutions, industrial service corporations and other institutions
dealing with supply of raw materials, equipment, etc. The session on
support systems needs to also include the procedures for approaching
them, applying and obtaining assistance from them and availing of the
services provided by them. A linkage between the training institute and
the support system agencies can be established by participation of these
agencies in sponsoring and financing the EDP.
Survey: The participants should be given
opportunity to actually conduct market surveys for their chosen

projects. This would help expose the candidate to the marketing

avenues available and could be followed by sessions on methods of
dealing in the markets.
Managerial Skill: Once a participant is able to start the
enterprise, he requires managerial skills. A list of the agencies along
with details of the formalities to be completed, specimen forms to be
filled in would greatly facilitate the entrepreneurs. It should include all
aspects of financial management. Managerial skills are particularly
essential for a small scale entrepreneur who cannot afford to employ
specialists in different areas of management The aim should be to
enable the participant to look at an enterprise in its totality and to
develop overall managerial understanding.
Project Preparation: A lot of time needs to be devoted to
the actual preparation of projects. Their active involvement in this task
would provide them necessary understanding and also ensure their
personal commitment.
During the course of training various guidance sessions are
helpful for enabling the trainees to identify appropriate business
opportunities. Information and counselling on various feasible business
opportunities is provided through the team of experts and by spot
surveys. Necessary experience is provided in market surveys, project
preparation, sources of finance, etc. Undue emphasis on any dimension
in entrepreneurial development should be avoided as it may lead to
distortion in both process and content of the programme.

4.4.3 Monitoring and Follow up

Continuous monitoring and follow up is essential for the success
monitoring at every stage of EDP needs to be built in. It is only through
proper monitoring that defects and problems can be identified and
removed. Care is required so that the monitoring procedure is not too
bureaucratic where rules become inhibitive rather than promotive.
Monitoring should provide continuous guidance to ensure better
Monitoring and follow-up should be conducted during each stage,
pre-training and post-training of the EDP. Pre-training follow up
involves evaluation of training infrastructure and training syllabus.
Post-training phase is designed to help entrepreneurs achieve technical,
managerial, marketing and financial skills. Different types of follow-up
strategies may be required for motivated, semi-motivated and
unmotivated entrepreneurs. It is necessary to sustain the motivation of
the first type and to improve the motivation in the second case through
counselling, etc.
Some common activities in the monitoring and follow up process
are as follows:
Preparing and maintaining a separate file for each trainee.
This file contains all the data that has been collected from
beginning to the end of the programme. It contains
personality record performance on written tests and
interviews, traits before training and after the training,

correspondence made by the participants with trainers and

supporting agencies.
A history card indicating the bio-data of the each
entrepreneur and the work done by him.
Keeping in touch with every entrepreneur through letters.
Passing the desired information to the entrepreneur well in
Visiting every entrepreneur periodically.
Follow up meeting and a follow up register to ensure the
success of the entrepreneurial development programme.
4.4.4 The Target Group
In an entrepreneurial development programme, the target group
refers to the group of persons for whom the programme is designed and
under-taken. Every target group has its own needs and constraints.
inappropriate for other groups. Before the programme is designed and
started the target group to be trained must be clearly defined. An
executive development programme may be organized for anyone of the
following target groups:
Technical and Other Qualified Persons: This group
consists of persons who have pursued technical and allied courses of
study. For instance, degree/diploma holders in science, engineering and
technology are in important group in India. The Government and SemiGovernment

operate special entrepreneurial

development programmes and schemes of assistance for this group. The

training programme for such people may be designed to enable and
assist them in setting up their own manufacturing units. The industries
selected for this purpose may be directly related with their
qualifications and experience. For example, graduates in electronics
may be trained to establish and operate successfully plants for
manufacturing TV sets, videos, and other electronic items.
Ex-Servicemen: Persons who have retired from the army.
navy and air force constitute an important group for entrepreneurial
training. These persons have acquired many useful skills and
experience during their service period. They tend to be highly
disciplined, hardworking, engineering and innovative. Therefore, they
can become successful entrepreneurs after proper entrepreneurial
training. The Government of India provides special facilities and
preference in order to rehabilitate them. Many exservicemen are
successfully operating their own manufacturing, training and service
enterprises in the country.
Business Executives: Some business executives want to
start their own independent enterprises after getting sufficient
business experience. Some of them have certain innovative ideas which
they are not able to try in their existing firms due to lack of sufficient
autonomy or authority. Some among them are not satisfied with their
present economic and social status. After entrepreneurial training
senior business executives can become successful entrepreneurs. They
already posses knowledge of management. What they need is training
and support for launching their own enterprises.

Women Entrepreneurs: Women are entering the world of
business in increasing numbers, especially traditional food processing
industries like spices, agarbati, papad, sauces, etc. Several government
and non government organizations e.g. FICCI Ladies Organisation, etc.
are therefore, organizing entrepreneurial training programmes for
S.C. and S.T. Entrepreneurs: Government of India is
committed to the upliftment of Scheduled Castes (S.C.) and Scheduled
Tribes (S.T). Therefore, specified percentages of jobs have been reserved
for these castes. But all persons from these groups can not be offered
employment. Therefore, providing self-employment is useful for their
economic and social development. Government agencies give preference
to S.C. and S.T. entrepreneurs in providing finance and other necessary
Special Agencies and Schemes: The Government of
India has established specialized agencies for training entrepreneurs.
Special schemes have also been launched to train, develop and assist
Some of the major institutions for EDPs in India are as follows:
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India is an apex
entrepreneurship institute promoted by Industrial Development Bank
of India, Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India,
Industrial Finance Corporation of India and State Bank of India. The

institute enjoys active support of Government of Gujarat. The institute

has been operating for the past more than 20 years now and has set the
entrepreneurship development momentum throughout the country and
in other developing countries.
The institute has broken the myth that entrepreneurs are born
only and has demonstrated by results that they can be identified and
developed too. Institutes experience-rich faculty makes it national
resource bank for an entrepreneurship development activities. The
institute is located in highly industrialized State of Gujarat which
makes it a live laboratory for emerging new entrepreneurs. The
institute combines in itself a sound academic resource for research,
training and institution building with the initiative of an active
participation in entrepreneurial activities in backward regions for
special target groups and innovativeness in the human resources
development field.
programme to serve the following developmental objectives:
Accelerated industrial development by enlarging the supply
of entrepreneurs.
Industrial development of rural and less developed areas
where local entrepreneurship is not readily available and
entrepreneurs from nearby cities and towns are not easily
Enlarging the small and small-medium enterprise sector
(employment ranging from 5 to 50 as a rule of thumb)

which offers better potential for employment generation

and wider dispersal of industrial ownership.
Providing productive self-employment to a number of
educated and less educated young men and women coming
out of schools and colleges.
Improving performance of small industries by enlarging the
supply of carefully selected and trained well-rounded
Diversifying sources of entrepreneurship, and therefore,
business ownership.
National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Development (NIESBUD) is an apex body established by the Ministry
of Industry, Government of India, for coordinating and overseeing the
activities of various institutions/agencies engaged in entrepreneurial
development in small industry and small business.
The activities of the Institute include evolving model syllabi for
training various target groups; providing effective training strategies,
Central/State Government and other agencies in executing programmes
of entrepreneurship and small business development maximize benefit
and accelerate the process; conducting such programmes for motivators,
trainers and entrepreneurs which are not commonly done by other
agencies and above all organize all those that help developing

entrepreneurial culture in the society. The Institute is also the

secretarial for the National Entrepreneurship Development Board
which is the apex body to determine the policy for entrepreneurship
development in the country. The Institute, therefore, performs the task
of processing the recommendations made by the board.
To serve as an Apex National Level Resource Institute to
accelerate the process of entrepreneurship development
ensuring its impact throughout the country and among all
strata of the society.
To help/support and affiliate institution/organization in
development related activities with greater success.
To evolve standardized materials and processes of selection,
training support and sustenance to potential entrepreneurs.
To provide vital information support to trainers, promoters
documentation relevant to entrepreneurship development.
To identify, train and assist potential entrepreneurs for
setting up entrepreneur/ self-employment ventures in small
industries including services and small business mainly
through sponsored EDPs.

To provide national/international forums for interaction
and exchange of experiences helpful for policy formulation
and modification at various levels.
Xavier Institute of Social Services, Ranchi
Xavier Institute of Social Services, Ranchi has been training rural
entrepreneurs since 1974. It has been functioning in close cooperation
with Vikas Maitri, social organization operating in the villages of the
Ranchi, district of Bihar. Wherever Vikas Maitri decides to undertake
programmes of entrepreneurship development among the rural youth;
Xavier Institute provides the training and assists the trainees in
drafting project proposals and obtaining the required finance. It offers a
six month programme to tribals with minimum literacy and numeracy
skills. The programme consists of:
identification and selection of candidates
motivation training
managerial training
placement and training for practical skills
market survey and preparation of project report
financial assistance
(vii) follow up and counselling
Madhya Pradesh Consultancy Organisation Ltd.
This is a technical and management consultancy organization. It
was promoted by all-India financial institutions and state corporations.
It undertakes assignments for project planning, detailed engineering,

development programmes. It conducts entrepreneurship development

programmes for four target groups: technical graduates, unemployed

graduates, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, and women.
The programme consists of the following stages:
identification of industrial opportunities in the target area;
advertising and promoting the programmes to attract
selection of the participants;
training, using lectures and practical instruction in the
identified project.
follow up with industrial development and financial
Calcutta Y Self-Employment Centre (CYSEC)
This center was organized as registered society by a number of
prominent industrialists, businessman, bankers, professionals and
social workers. It was setup in response to rapidly increasing
unemployment and social unrest in Calcutta during the early 1970s. It
began as a vocational programme to provide self-employment for
educated youths. However, it has developed innovative approaches to
help people set up their own business and to reach the much smaller
economic activities of rural dwellers. Its target group is youths between
18 and 30 years of age who are currently without regular employment.
The centre provides unemployed youth with vocational training and
assistance in establishing their own business. The programme consists
of the following:
training in productive enterprise,
assistance in drawing up a business plan,

assistance in securing bank loans,
arranging initial business contacts for their service and
Technical Consultancy Organisations (TCOs)
Access to high quality consultancy services improves the
operational efficiency of entrepreneurs. All India financial institutions
have set up 18 TCOs to provide industrial consultancy and training to
entrepreneurs. These organizations provide a comprehensive package of
services to small entrepreneurs. The main functions of TCOs are as
Identification of industrial potential,
Conduct pre-investment studies and prepare project report
and feasibility studies,
Undertake techno-economic survey,
Undertake market research, and
Identify potential entrepreneurs and provide them with
technical and managerial assistance.
In the field of training, TCOs identify potential entrepreneurs,
train them and render post-training counselling and guidance in
selecting projects, preparing project profiles and establishing their own
EDPs suffer on many counts. The problems and lacunae are on
the part of all those who are involved in the process, be it the trainers
and the trainees, the ED organisation, the supporting organizations

and the State Government. The important problems EDPs face are
listed as follows:
agencies/organizations either tend to be slipshod in the first
or are less interested in the third phase which means that
the programme fails to tap the entrepreneurial potential of
the area or trained entrepreneurs do not receive the
support and counselling which they need most.
Most of the existing support organizations meant for
maintenance operation are not for innovative functions.
There is also an element of cynicism. A re-orientation in the
attitude of supporting organizations is called forth.
Post investment on the part of institutions as also trainees
and wrong selection of target groups contributed largely to
the failure of a number of entrepreneurship development
Experience revealed that entrepreneurial failures are
mostly due to incompetence and poor management.
It is also said that there is an inherent inability to identify
the needs of instructions and differences of opinion
prevailed amongst the trainees.
It is also stated that there is a low institutional
commitment for local support to the entrepreneurs. There is
also a very low level of involvement in the marketing of the
products of the units.
Non-availability of various inputs i.e. raw materials, power
etc. and infrastructure support combined with poor follow-


up by the primary monetary institutions resulted in the

failing the entrepreneurship development programmes.
It is also stated that there is ill-planned training
methodology inconsistency in the programme design, its
content sequence and theme and the focus of the
programme is not clear.
Training institution do not have much concern for the
objective identification and selection of entrepreneurs and
the follow-up after training.
Some of the institutions are still debating whether to have
proper identification and selection of entrepreneurs for
preparing successful entrepreneurs.
Those involved in and concerned with the selection and
follow-up activities have either limited manpower support
or a narrow linkage with other support agencies.
It is also said that there is not standard curricula even in
terms of a broad module being adopted by interventions.
A majority of institutions engaged in the entrepreneurship
development programmes are themselves not convinced of
what they are doing as the task is delegated by the
Government. As a result the social objective aimed at is not
Perpetual ambiguity in the objective of entrepreneur
development programmes seems to have percolated to the
grass-root level with a significant deterioration in terms of
content and interest.

Entrepreneurs are not necessarily born they can be developed
through education, training and experience. Entrepreneurs talent
exists in very society and in all sections of the society. In India socioeconomi
c environment hinders the emergence of entrepreneurial talent.
In India tremendous talent exists if it is properly harnessed, can help
accelerate the pace of socio-economic development, balanced regional
growth, self and gainful employment such as realization on the part of
planners and policy formulators has resulted in the mergence of
entrepreneurs means inculcating entrepreneurial skills required for
Development is an organized and on going process. Its basic purpose is
to motivate person for entrepreneurial career.
Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP): EDP means a
programme designed to help a person in strengthening and fulfilling his
entrepreneurial motive and in acquiring skills and capabilities
necessary for playing his entrepreneurial role effectively.
Post Training Phase: This phase involves assessment to judge how
far the objectives of the programme have been achieved.
Achievement Motivation Training: The purpose of achievement
motivation training is to develop the need to achieve risk-taking,
initiative and other such behavioural or psychological traits.

Self-employment is the best method of solving the problem
of growing unemployment in the country Do You agree?
Suggest a suitable strategy for the identification and
development of entrepreneurs.
What do most of the EDP programmes provide to a
prospective entrepreneur? Explain.
How far success stories and examples of other countries
could influence entrepreneurial development? Discuss.
involved in entrepreneurship development programmes
conducted in India.
Sharma, R.A.; Entrepreneurial Change in Indian Industry,
Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.
Shukla, M.B., Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Development, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad.

Enterprises, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
Deasi, Vasant, Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development
and Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.

Subject : Entrepreneurial Development

Code :CP 401
Lesson : 05
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Industrial Policy Resolutions in India
Incentives and Subsidies
Schemes for Incentives
Self Assessment Questions
Suggested Readings
After reading this lesson you should be able to
Explain the features of small-scale industrial policy, 1991.
Discuss the incentives and subsidies available to SSI units.

In the post-independence era, the Government had to synchronize

and harmonize the twin considerations of rapid industrialization
and the parameters of a welfare state. The Plan objective of
economic growth with social justice was kept in view in the
overall strategy of industrial development. All segments of the
industry-large, medium and small-were assigned a mutually

complimentary role with a view to facilitate an integrated and
harmonious growth of Industrial sector as a whole. In the context
of the major problems of poverty and unemployment faced by the
Indian economy, the development of Small Scale Industries (SSI)
was considered essential because of its being labour intensive and
having implications for equity, flexibility, capability to contribute
to decentralization, to promote entrepreneurship, optimum use of
local resources and talents, etc.
Since independence, a series of six Industrial Policy Resolutions
aimed at promoting industrial growth and determining a pattern of
State intervention and assistance have been announced by the
Central Government. While spelling out the framework of the
basic and strategic industries, the Industrial Policy Resolution,
1948, realized Cottage and Small Scale Industries to be
particularly suited for better utilisation of local resources and
achievement of local self-sufficiency in respect of certain types
of industrial goods. The policy of supporting the cottage, village
and small industries took shape in 1956 when the Government
decided to initiate measures to build the competitive strength of
small and village industries. The 1956 Resolution underlined the
role that the SSI sector could play, in providing employment
opportunities, mobilizing local skills and capital resources, and in
the integrating process with large industrial sector.
The Industrial Policy Statement, 1977, stressed upon wider
dispersal of cottage and small industries in the rural areas and

small towns. The concept of District Industries Centres was also
mooted so as to provide services to small industries under one
roof. While the Industrial Policy Statement of 1980 was important
from the point of view of ancillarisation and creation of nucleus
plants for the growth of the sector, that of 1990 emphasized the
steps for enhancing the contribution of the SSI Sector in overall
exports, employment generation, and dispersal of industries in
rural areas.
The Industrial Policy measures announced in 1991 laid special
thrust on promotion and strengthening of small, tiny and village
industries. Besides, effecting changes in investment limits, equity
participation, etc., a new scheme of Integrated Infrastructure
Development for SSIs with the participation of State Governments
and Financial Institutions was initiated and a pro-active role for
NGO sector was mooted. In order to protect their interest and
facilitate their rapid development, the Government in pursuance
of its policies, have initiated a number of support measures from
time to time which include policy of reservation, revision of
investment ceilings, modernization, technology up gradation,
marketing assistance, etc. The emerging economic scenario in the
changed liberalized and competitive economic environment has
necessitated structural and fundamental changes in the policy
framework put into place for the development of this vital sector
of the economy. Accordingly, there has been a shift in focus from
protection to promotion . In the post reform period, a number of
steps including partial de-reservation, change in investment

limits, facilitating foreign participation, establishment of growth
centres, export promotion, marketing assistance and incentives for
quality improvement, etc. have been taken by the Government for
strengthening of this sector. The highlights of the Small Scale
Industries Policy of August 1991 are as follows:
The investment limit for the tiny sector was raised to Rs. 5 lakhs
from Rs. 2 lakhs. This limit has now been raised to Rs. 25 lakhs.
Here after irrespective of their location would be recognised as
small-scale industries.
The small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) has been
recognised as the nodal agency to support the small scale
industries, export promotion.
An export development centre would be set up in SIDO to serve
the small scale units through its network of field officers to
further augment export activities of the sector.
A technology development cell (TDC) will be set up in SIDO,
which could provide technology inputs to improve quality and
competitiveness of products of small scale sector.
The scheme for the handloom sector, which contributed 30% of
the total textile production in the country, would be redesigned
keeping in view the local and regional needs. It would be the
policy of the Government to promote handloom to sustain
employment in rural areas and to improve quality of life for
handloom weavers.

The National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) would
concentrate on marketing of mass consumption items under
common brand name and organisational links between NSIC and
SSIDCs would be established.
The scope of the national equity fund scheme will be widened to
cover projects upto Rs. 10 lakhs for Equity Support (Upto 15 per
The Single Window loan scheme has also been enlarged to cover
Projects upto Rs. 20 lakhs with working capital margin upto Rs.
10 lakhs.
Small Scale units can have equity support to the extent of 24% of
the total investment from the medium and large scale industries,
Public Undertakings, NRIs or foreign investment.
In conformity with the socio-economic objectives of the national
development plans, the development banks have introduced a number
of promotional innovative schemes to be operated either separately
or jointly. Some of the important schemes are soft loan scheme, seed
capital assistance, risk capital assistance, concessional schemes, etc.
In addition, IFCI is operating different subsidy schemes for new and
small entrepreneurs. Recently, it has introduced eight consultancy
schemes and four interest subsidy schemes for the benefit of the
The SSI Sector has proved its mettle even in the changed liberalised
economic environment of the country. The steps required for opening
up of the economy have affected the operations of this sector,

throwing/open new opportunities and challenges at the same time.
The need of the hour undoubtedly is to provide sustenance through
suitable measures to strengthen it for converting the challenges into
opportunities for scaling new heights.
In order to enable the Government to place more focused attention on
the problems of the SSI Sector, a new Ministry of Small Scale
Industries and Agro and Rural Industries has been created on 14th
October 1999, under the Independent Charge of a Minister of State.
To give a direction and perspective to the development strategy, the
Minister in-charge of Small Scale Industries and Agro & Rural
Industries announced an "Agenda for the Millennium" which places
special emphasis on evolution of a new policy framework, improved
supply of credit, better infrastructural facilities, and impetus for
modernization and technology upgradation in small scale industries.
The Agenda takes cognizance of the special role to be played by
Information Technology, sunrise industries, hi-tech industries, export
potent industries, and at the same time stipulates all possible steps to
meet the requirements of the tiny and micro-enterprises which
constitute over 95 per cent of total small scale industrial units in the
Knowing of the crucial role of small enterprises, and the problems
being faced by them, the Planning Commission, in 1999, constituted
a Study Group under the Chairmanship of Dr. S.P. Gupta, Member,
Planning Commission, on Development of Small Enterprises. The
Study Group has submitted its report on 13th July 2000.

The term "incentive" includes concessions, and bounties. Subsidy
denotes a single lump sum which is given by a government to industry.
It is granted to an industry that is considered essential in the national
interest. The term bounty denotes bonus or financial benefit which is
given by a government to an industry to help it compete with other units
in a nation or in a foreign market. It is given in proportion to the output.
Bounty confers benefits on a particular industry, while a subsidy is
given in the interest of the nation.
These subsidies and incentives offer the following advantages:
(a) They act as a motivational force which attract the prospective
(b) Entrepreneurs to enter into manufacturing line.
(b) They encourage the entrepreneurs to start industries in backward
(c) By providing subsidies and incentives the Government can :
bring industrial development uniformly in all regions,
entrepreneurial development,
increase the ability of entrepreneurs to face competition
successfully, and
reduce the overall problems of small scale entrepreneurs.

Various incentive schemes offered by Central and State Governments
including Union Territories to the entrepreneurs in India are as follows :
Incentives For Development of Industries In Backward Areas: As a
part of the measures to ensure balanced regional development,
Government of India has announced a number of concessions and
facilities for industries established in selected backward districts/areas
from time to time. The Central government has declared 247 districts
(covering about 70% of the areas in the country) as backward and
eligible for the subsidies. Many State Governments have added to this
list for the purpose of State level subsidies. The programme of
assistance drawn up for setting up industries in the selected backward
area/district is briefly indicated below:
Concessional finance: All India financial institutions namely,
Industrial Finance Corporation of India and Industrial Credit and
Investment Corporation of India, Industrial Development Bank of
India, extend financial assistance on concessional terms to all,
new and existing industrial projects having expansion schemes
irrespective of the project costs located in the 247 districts
selected by the government. The concessions given by these
financial institutions are in the form of lower interest rate viz.,
9.5% p.a. against the normal rate of 11%, a reduced commitment
charge of 0.5% (which could be waived in exceptional cases),
lower underwriting commission of 1.25% and 0.75% for shares

and debentures respectively, initial moratorium period upto five
years, longer amortizations of 15 to 20 years and participation in
the risk capital on selective basis. Besides these, the IDBI follows
a flexible attitude in respect of promoter s contribution, margin
requirements, and rescheduling of repayments during the tenure of
the loan. Depending upon the merits of specific cases in respect of
reliance, the IDBI charges a special rate of 6% with the primary
lender s rate being subjected to a ceiling of 9.5%. The normal rate
of refinance is 6% with ceiling of 12.5% by the primary lending
Capital Investment Subsidy: The granting of cash subsidy on the
capital investment is called capital investment subsidy. It will be
usually in the form of outright grant of 10% to 20% of the amount
of capital invested in the industrial units in areas specified to be
commission, 101 districts/areas have been selected to qualify for
Central investment subsidy. These districts/areas have been
selected on the pattern of six districts/areas for industrially
backward states and three districts/areas for other states. The
salient features of the scheme are given below:

Quantum of subsidy: When the scheme was originally announced

in 1971, 10% of the investment made on fixed capital investment
viz., land, building, and plant and machinery, was to be
reimbursed as an outright grant subject to a ceiling of Rs. 15 lacs.

This was raised to 15% with effect from 1-3-1973. The maximum
amount payable is, however, restricted to Rs. 15 lacs per
industrial unit.
After the division of backward districts into (A), (B) and (C)
categories the subsidy will be: (A) 25% subject to a maximum of
Rs. 25 lacs; (B) 15% subject to a maximum of Rs. 15 lacs (c) 10%
subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 lacs.
departmentally which made investments in land, building, and
plant and machinery on or after 1-3-1973 and located in the above
category of districts/areas is eligible to claim subsidies. Existing
units taking into expansion, modernisation and diversification are
also eligible to claim subsidy.
Procedure for Claiming Subsidy:The State Governments/Union
Territory administrations have nominated disbursing agencies to
administer the scheme of investment subsidy. State Financial
Corporation and financial institutions such as IDBI, IFCI, and
ICICI are some of the agencies selected for disbursements of
subsidy under the scheme. Each industrial unit being set up in the
specified district gets registered with the Director of Industries
for claiming investment subsidy. The units desirous of getting
investment subsidy may approach the disbursing agencies who in
turn make recommendation after verification etc. to the State level
committee which has been appointed in each State/Union

Tax holiday to new industrial undertakings set up in backward
States and Union Territories: Under section 80-IA of the Income-tax
Act 1961, deduction is allowed in computing the taxable Income in
respect of profits derived from new industrial undertaking or a ship or
the business of a hotel. The deduction under this section is allowed in
the case of companies, at 30 per cent of profits in respect of the
assessment year relevant to the previous years in which the hotel starts
functioning or the industrial undertaking starts manufacturing or the
ship is first brought to use and nine assessment years immediately
succeeding the initial assessment year. In the case of taxpayers being a
co-operative society, similar deduction is allowed for the initial
assessment year and eleven succeeding years, the deduction is allowed
at the rate of 25% in the case of non-corporate assesses. Likewise in the
case of new hotels set up in a hilly area or a rural area or a place of
pilgrimage or such other place as the Central Government may specify,
the deduction is admissible at the rate of 50 per cent of the profits.
industrialization in States and Union Territories, which are industrially
very backward, the Finance Bill proposes to provide incentive for
dispersal of industrialization in remote and industrially backward
regions. It is proposed to allow, in respect of any new industrial
undertaking, located in a State or Union Territory specified in the new
Eighth Schedule of the Income-tax Act, which starts manufacturing or
production after 1.4.1993, deduction under section 80-IA at the rate of
100 per cent of profits in respect of the first five assessment years
starting from the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which

the industrial undertaking begins manufacture or production. For the
subsequent assessment years, deduction from the Profits of such
undertakings will be allowed at the normal rate of 30 per cent in the
case of companies and 25 per cent in the case of Non-corporate
assesses. The deduction, at the enhanced rate and the normal rate
together, will be limited to twelve assessment years in the case of cooperative
societies and ten assessment years in the case of other
assesses, as in the existing provisions.
States and Union Territories, which are industrially very backward, have
been identified as those in which, according to the backward area
Notification S.O.No. 165 dated 19.2.1986, all the districts are
industrially backward. These States and Union Territories are Arunachal
Pradesh, Assam, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikim, and Tripura and the Union
Territories of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra & Nagar Haveli,
Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep, and Pondicherry. The above list
corresponds to the existing list of industrially backward areas specified
by the Ministry of Industry.
The proposed amendments will take effect from Ist April, 1994 and will,
accordingly, apply in relation to assessment year 1994-95 and
subsequent years.
Subsidized Consultancy Services to Small Entrepreneurs: Small
entrepreneurs proposing to set up rural, cottage, tiny or small scale
units, or to expand/diversify/modernize their existing units can get
consultancy services at a low cost from the technical consultancy
organisations (TCO s) sponsored by All India and State level financial

and promotional institutions and banks. They have to pay only 20% of
the fees charged by a TCO for assignments such as preparation of
feasibility studies, project reports, market studies, pre-investment
studies, diagnostic studies and special studies and applications for
seeking financial assistance from financial institutions technical
assistance, etc. The entire balance of 18% or Rs. 5,000 whichever is
lower is subsidized by IFCI in the case of assignments relating to the
use of biogas or renewable/alternative sources of energy. For units
identified or assignments covering physically handicapped or scheduled
caste/tribe entrepreneurs, 100 % of the fees of the TCO for the
assignment or Rs. 6,000 whichever is lower is subsidized. If any
entrepreneur is unable to take effective steps to set up the project within
one year from the date of completion of consultancy assignments he will
not be entitled to prevent the use of the report in any form or manner by
the TCO or other entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur who has already set up
a project at one place and wishes to set up an entirely different project
at another place may be considered eligible to subsidy for the second
project also. In any case, the subsidy will not be made available to the
same entrepreneur for more than two projects.
Subsidy For Market Studies: New entrepreneurs (locally based or non
resident Indians) entering the field of Medium and/or medium large
industry for the first time in the country can have market studies for
their products undertaken by TCO at a cheaper cost. The fee for the
preparation of a market study payable to TCO would be subsidized by
IFCI up to 75% of the cost or Rs. 15,000 whichever is lower. The
subsidy will be made available only to the TCO with which one or more

financial institutions or development agencies at the State or All India
level are associated as shareholders(s) or member (s) of board of
management. The entrepreneur will have to bear only 25% of the cost of
the study.
Adoption of Indigenous Technology: Promoters of projects involving
commercial exploitation of indigenous technology can get assistance in
the form of subsidy covering the interest payment due to IFCI during
the first three years of operations of the project subject to ceiling of Rs.
5 lakhs a year. In appropriate cases, the total subsidy could be upto Rs.
25 lakhs over a period of five years. The subsidy would be reimbursed
to the concern after it makes payments of installments of interest to
IFCI on due dates. For being eligible for concessional assistance, the
project should be set up with loan assistance from IFCI and be based on
indigenous technology. The right to use this technology must have been
acquired by the agency implementing the project from the concerned
institution, viz. Government laboratories, public sector companies,
universities, or any other institution recognised by the Government of
India. The technology should be one that has not already been exploited
on a commercial scale in the country, and a certificate to this effect will
have to be obtained from the concerned institution. The technology
should be basic to the manufacture of the proposed product and not
merely peripheral and the project must be of national priority as
indicated by government from time to time.
Special Facilities for Import of Raw Materials: The Import Policy of
1978-79 has introduced special concession of import of raw materials in
the case of industrial units set up in backward areas or by

graduates/diploma holders in professional subjects or by ex-servicemen
persons belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes. The maximum
value of the licence shall be Rs. 5 lakhs in respect of new or proposed
small-scale units instead of Rs. 3 lakhs. They will also be eligible for
preferential treatment in the matter of canalized items.
Transport Subsidy: The transport subsidy scheme, 1971 envisages
grant of a transport subsidy to industrial units in selected areas to the
extent of 50% of the transport cost of raw materials which are brought
into and finished goods which are taken out of the selected areas.
The scheme covers the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh,
hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh and North Eastern Region comprising of
States of Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura and the Union
Territories of Arunachal Pradesh, Andaman and Niobar Islands,
Mizoram and Lakshadweep.
Subsidy is paid on transport costs between the selected railheads and
location of the industrial units in the above states/Union Territories.
The highlights of the scheme are:
Industrial units in the above-mentioned areas will be given
transport subsidy in respect of the raw materials brought into and
the finished goods, which are taken, out of such areas.
No transport subsidy will be allowed for the internal movement of
raw materials and finished goods within the State of Jammu and
Kashmir and the North-Eastern Region.

In the case of Jammu and Kashmir, the transport subsidy will be
given between the railhead at Pathankot and the location of the
industrial unit or between the location of the industrial unit and
Jammu, whichever is nearer.
Barring Jammu and Kashmir, the transport subsidy will be given
on the transport cost between Siliguri and the location of the
industrial unit in the North Eastern States. While calculating the
transport cost, the cost from Siliguri to the railway station nearest
to the industrial unit will be taken into account in respect of raw
materials and finished goods. If any other mode of transport is
used the cost will be limited to the amount which the industrial
unit may have paid, if it had used the above mode of transport.
Freight charges for the movement of goods by road will be
determined on the basis of the transport rates fixed by the
government of a State/Union Territory from time to time, or the
actual freight paid, whichever is less.
The cost of loading or unloading and other handling charges will
be taken into account for the purpose of determining transport
All new industrial units located in the selected areas will be
eligible for a transport subsidy equivalent to 50% of the transport
cost of raw materials and finished goods.
Existing industrial units are also eligible for a 50% subsidy in
respect of additional transport costs of raw materials and finished
goods resulting from a substantial expansion or diversification

effected by them after the commencement of the Transport
Subsidy scheme.
The transport subsidy will cover 50% of the transport charges on
the movement of steel from the Gauhati Stockyard of Hindustan
Steel Limited to the site of an industrial unit in the North-Eastern
The Directorates of Industries in the States/Union Territories will
lay down system of pre-registration of industrial units which are
eligible for the transport subsidy.
Incentives Available to SSI Units in Backward/Rural Industries
Project Areas: Certain special facilities and incentives which have been
provided to the backward districts are enumerated below:
An outright subsidy of 15% on the fixed capital investment up to
a maximum of Rs. 15 lakhs is admissible to the units being set up
in backward areas.
Allotment of factory or factory sheds in industrial estates/areas
and industrially developed colonies on easy terms.
Interest-free loans in lieu of inter-state Sales tax paid/payable by
SSI units are available up to 7 years, provided the loan in a
particular year will not exceed 8% of the capital investment.
The State Financial Corporations grant loans for acquisition of
fixed assets up to Rs. 30 lakhs in the case of limited companies
and registered co-operative societies and up to Rs. 15 lakhs for

others at liberalised margins and rate of interest, and this is done
over a longer span of repayment and moratorium period.
The Central/State Government directly or through its subsidiary
Corporationunderwrites or participates in the preference shares of public
limited companies on a selective basis for setting up medium and
Large industrial units. The State Government also considers cases
for setting up of joint ventures with the private sector.
The SSI units in the backward areas and other industries with a
capital investment in plant and machinery upto Rs. 1 lakh are
exempted from the following taxation in some States:
New units established in the districts are completely
exempted from the payment of electricity duty up to a
period of 7 years.
New units are exempted from property tax for a period of 5
Industrial units set up with in the municipal limits are
exempted from octroi on capital equipment and building
materials subject to a maximum period of 3 years from the
date of regular registration.
Provision of essential controlled raw materials to the SSI units on
priority and at very liberal terms.
State Governments have set up independent testing laboratories on
behalf of the Indian Standards Institution, the Export Inspection

Council, the Department of Defence, Government of India and
various other government organisations for making industrial
products of good quality.
In order to provide some important and sophisticated common
facilities, a network of industrial development centres, heat
treatment centres and common facility workshops have been set
up in the States to equip the SSI units with modern techniques and
process of manufacturing.
Seed Capital Assistance: One of the constraints faced by the
entrepreneurs, especially first generation or technical entrepreneurs is
the lack of resources to meet the minimum promoter s contribution. To
help the entrepreneurs overcome the problem, IDBI has come up with a
scheme which has gained popularity as the Seed Capital Schemes. If the
project is coming up in non-backward area, then the project would not
be eligible for subsidy. Hence, the contributor himself would bring the
entire amount of promoters contribution. This would be reduced to the
extent of the subsidy if the project is coming up in backward areas like
(category A,B, or C). The maximum amount, which can be sanctioned,
is to the extent of Rs. 5 lacs per project on the fulfillment of certain
Objectives of the Scheme: The objective of the scheme is to create new
entrepreneurship but whose financial resources are limited. It envisages
extension of assistance at a nominal service charge for meeting the risk
capital requirements of entrepreneurs. The scheme is expected to

promote wider dispersal of ownership and control of industrial
Agencies for Operating the Scheme: The scheme is operated through
the agency of notified SIDCs and SFCs. Assistance under the scheme
will be given directly by IDBI in exceptional cases. Projects assisted by
commercial banks are also eligible for seed capital assistance. However,
the entrepreneurs will have to submit their applications through
SFC/SIDC functioning in the region.
Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for assistance the entrepreneurs
should be technically or professionally qualified or possess relevant
experience or skills either in industry, business or trade. The following
categories of entrepreneurs are eligible for assistance under the scheme:
New generation entrepreneurs in small-scale sector requiring seed
capital of more than Rs. 4 lacs.
diversification or modernisation.
Entrepreneurs intending to graduate from the small scale to
medium sector for the first time.
Entrepreneurs intending to set up a project in the medium sector
for the first time.
Entrepreneurs already in medium sector and intending to
undertake diversification for achieving better viability.
Entrepreneurs seeking additional seed capital to meet project cost
over run caused by factors beyond the control.

Entrepreneurs intending to take over an existing sick or closed
units and projects constituted as public/private limited companies
or partnership/ proprietary concerns eligible for assistance.
Amounts and Mode of Assistance: The amount of seed capital
assistance for project shall not exceed Rs. 15 lacs. However, the actual
amount will be determined on the basis of gap in the equity required for
the project as also shortfall, if, any in the prescribed minimum
promoter s contribution after taking into consideration his own
contribution and from other sources and subsidies and incentives. For
deciding the quantum of assistance, the debt equity norms of 2:1 in the
case of SSI units and 1.5:1 in the case of medium scale units would be
The assistance will be in the form of soft loans in the case of
proprietary and partnership concerns. In the case of private limited
companies, the assistance will be by the way of soft loans or
subscription to 1% cumulative redeemable preference shares. In the case
of public limited companies, the assistance will be normally by way of
subscription to equity capital or cumulative redeemable preference s
shares (at 1%) or both or by way of soft loans.
The soft loan would be interest free which will carry a service charge of
1% per annum. However, IDBI may have option to charge the interest
on soft loan at a different rate. There is no commitment charge. The
repayment period depends upon repaying capacity of the unit with an
initial moratorium period not exceeding 5 years. No security except the
personal guarantee of the promoter is stipulated.

Industrial Licensing: July 1991 Changes: The process of liberalisation
got a fillip with the announcement of the new industrial policy in July
1991. The major provisions relating to industrial licensing in this policy
can be summarised as follows:
Industrial licensing will be abolished for all projects except for a
short list of 18 industries related to security and strategic
concerns, social reasons, hazardous chemicals and overriding
environmental reasons, and items of elitist consumption.
In projects where imported capital goods are required, automatic
clearance will be given in case where foreign exchange available
is ensured through foreign equity or where the CIF value of
imported capital goods required is less than 25% of total value of
plant and equipment, up to maximum value of Rs. 2 crore.
The system of phased manufacturing programmes run on an
administrative case by case basis will not be applicable to new
projects. Existing projects with such programmes will continue to
be governed by them.
Existing units will be provided a new broad banding facility to
enable them to produce any article without any additional
The exemption from licensing will apply to all substantial
expansions of existing units.
All existing registration schemes will be abolished.

(vii) Entrepreneurs will henceforth be required to file an information
memorandum on new projects and substantial expansions.
(viii) The mandatory convertibility clause will no longer be applicable
for term loans from the financial institutions for new projects.
Taxation Benefits: The taxation benefits available to small scale
industries are explained below:
Tax Holiday: New small scale industries are exempted from the
payment of income tax under Section 80J of the Act on their
profits up to 6% (7.5% for companies) from the total income of
the units in the assessment year in which the units began
manufacturing, provided the small scale units have followed the
procedures laid down in Section 80J. This tax holiday is available
up to 5 years from the commencement of production.
Depreciation Allowance: Under Section 32 of the Income Tax
Act, a small scale industry is eligible to get a deduction on
depreciation account of plant and machinery, land and buildings,
at the prescribed rates. In the case of small scale industries the
deduction from the actual cost of plant and machinery is allowed
up to Rs. 20 lakhs.
The deprecation is calculated on the reducing balance system. Full
depreciation is available for a year irrespective of the actual
number of days for which the assets have been used. Sometime, an
additional allowance, called extra shift allowance is available to
the units. Any machinery or plant costing less than Rs. 750 is

allowed to be written off completely in the year in which it is first
Development Rebate: In respect of new plant and machinery
other than office appliances or road transport vehicles of a small
scale unit, which is wholly used for the purpose of production, a
sum, by way of development rebate, as specified below, is
allowed under Section 33, in addition to normal depreciation.
In the case of plant and machinery, 35% of the actual cost if
it were installed before Ist April 1970, and 25% of such cost
if it were installed after 31st March 1970.
Where the plant and machinery was installed after 31st
March 1967, being an asset representing expenditure of a
capital nature on scientific research related to the business
carried on by a unit, development rebate is given at the
specified rates.
Rehabilitation Allowance: This is granted to small scale units,
under Section 33B, whose business has been disturbed by:
Riot or civil disturbance.
Floods, hurricanes, cyclones, earthquakes or other natural
Accidental fire or explosion.
Action by an enemy.
The small scale unit re-established, reconstructed or revived is
allowed a deduction of a sum, by way of rehabilitation allowance,

equivalent to 60% of the amount of the deduction allowance to the
Publication of Books: A small scale industry engaged in the business
of publication of books is entitled to claim a deduction of a sum equal
to 20 per cent of the profits and gains derived from such business under
section 80 of the Act. "Books" for the purpose of this Section do not
include newspapers, journals, Magazines, diaries, brochures, pamphlets
and other publication of similar nature.
Tax Benefits for Amalgamation of Sick Units: Sickness in an industry,
whether large or small, is quite widespread in the country and has
become a national problem which has caused a great deal of concern. It
is estimated that the aggregate amount involved in the sick units is more
than Rs. 2000 crores. The policy of the government has been to
encourage the amalgamation of sick units and concessions have been
announced to induce healthy units to take over sick concerns in the
public interest. Tax concessions are available for the amalgamation of
sick units.
Incentive to the small scale/ancillary units acquiring ISO 9000
certificate: Government of India launched a Scheme in March, 1994 to
give incentive to small scale/ancillary units acquiring ISO-9000
certification or its equivalent. According to the present norms, the
Scheme provides for reimbursement of charges for acquiring ISO-9000
(or its equivalent) certification to the extent of 75% of the cost subject
to a maximum of Rs. 75,000/- in each case.

The present procedural norms of submitting copies of various
documents like vouchers/receipts of payment made to the certification
agencies & consultants etc. along with the application to claim
reimbursement have been reviewed, and simplification in these norms
has now been introduced. According to the revised procedural norms, a
certificate from the Chartered Accountant certifying the expenditure
incurred towards Application fee, Assessment/Audit fee, Annual
fee/License fee, Training, Technical Consultancy etc. (excluding hotel
& travel expenses) in acquiring ISO-9000 certification shall be
submitted in place of the certified copies of various vouchers/receipts of
payments. Further, the Application Form has also been simplified. The
reimbursement applications.
The revised norms are as under:
75% of the cost of acquiring of ISO-9000 certification or its
equivalent subject to a maximum of Rs. 75,000 would be
reimbursed in each case.
The scheme of reimbursement will remain in operation till end of
9th plan i.e. upto 31st March, 2002.

The small scale units seeking reimbursement of cost for acquiring

ISO-9000 certification under revised norms, continue to file
application (as per revised format) with the Development
Commissioner (SSI), Minister of Small Scale Industries & Agro

alongwith the following documents :
1. i) Permanent Small Scale Ancillary Registration Certification issued
by DIC/State Directorate of Industries, Certified copy.
Proof of SSI status of the unit as on date of application by
submitting the following documents-either (a) or (b)
A certificate (in original) from State DI/GM, DIC to the effect
that the unit is in SSI sector in terms of investment limits
(original purchase value or machinery and equipment) as
prescribed by Govt. on the date of submission of application for
Director/Director/Proprietor/Partner of the SSI unit to the effect

accompanied by a CA certificate indicating the total investment in
Plant & Machinery as on date.
ISO-9000 Certification (or its equivalent-attested copy).
Chartered Accountant Certificate in support of payments made for
acquiring ISO-9000 Certification or equivalent (excluding hotel &
travel expenses).
An Undertaking/declaration (in original) giving details of the
amount(s) claimed or received by way of grant/reimbursement for
acquiring ISO-9000 (or its equivalent) from a State Govt. or any

financial institution. The declaration should also be filed stating
that the unit shall disclose the reimbursement made by the Central
reimbursement, If any, under any other similar scheme run by the
Central/State Government/Financial Institution etc.
The revised Application Format alongwith Formats of undertaking and
CA certificates may be had from the General Manager of the District
Industries Centre.
Credit Link Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Upgradation of
Title: The Scheme is called the "Credit linked Capital subsidy
Industries" (SSI).
Purpose: The scheme will provide 12 per cent back ended Capital
Subsidy on projects of technology upgradation by SSI units in the
specified products/sub-sectors.
Scope of the Scheme: i)
To begin with, the Scheme would

cover the following products/sub-sectors in the SSI:a)

Leather and Leather Products including Footwear and
Food Processing;
Information Technology (Hardware);
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals;
Auto Parts and Components;
Electronic Industry particularly relating to Design and

Glass and Ceramic items including Tiles;
Dyes and Intermediates;
Hand Tools;
Bicycle Parts; and
Foundries-Ferrous and Cast Iron.
The above list of products/sub-sector would be expanded as the
Scheme progress with the approval of the Technical Advisory
Committee constituted under this Scheme.
Type of Unit to be covered
Existing SSI unit registered with the State Directorate of
Industries which upgrade with the state-of-the-art technology with
or without expansion.
New SSI units which are registered with the State Directorate of
Industries and which set up their facilities only with the
appropriate eligible and proven technology duly approved by the
Technical Advisory Committee.
Definition of Technology Upgradation
Technology upgradation would ordinarily mean induction of stateof-the-art or nea
r state-of-the-art technology. In the case of more
than 7500 products being produced in the Indian small scale
sector, technology upgradation would mean a significant step

from the present technology level to a substantially higher one

involving improved productivity, or/and improvement in the

quality of products or/and improved environmental conditions. It
would include installation of improved packaging techniques as
Replacement of existing equipment/technology with the same
equipment technology will not qualify for this Scheme, nor would
the Scheme be applicable to units upgrading with second hand
Duration of the Scheme: The Scheme will be in operation for a
period of five years from 1.10.2000 to 30.9.2005, or till the time
sanctions of capital subsidy by the Nodal Agency reaches Rs. 600
crores, whichever is earlier.
Nodal Agency: Small Industries Development Bank of India
(SIDBI) will act as the Nodal Agency.
Cap on Amount of Subsidy
The financial assistance by the Banks/SIDBI for technology
upgradation will be need based. However, the subsidy support
would be limited to the loan amount indicated in Table I.
Value of Plant & Machinery being acquired under the Scheme will
be determined by its purchase price.
Capital Subsidy under this Scheme will not be admissible for loan
amount exceeding the limits indicated above.

technology upgradation programme, to a large extent, depends

upon the
availability of adequate working capital, commercial
banks should provide adequate working capital.
Other Conditions for Loans
Promoters contribution, security, debt-equity ratio, up-front fee,
etc., will be determined by the lending agency as per its existing
technology upgradation shall not avail any other benefit including
Interest Subsidy, under any other Scheme of the Central
S.No. Existing Investment Limit Maximum Ceiling of Loan eligible
for support
Tiny units with investment in
Rs. 8 lakhs
plant and machinery less than
Rs. 10 lakhs
Tiny units with investment
Rs. 20 lakhs
in plant & machinery between
Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 25 lakhs
SSI units with investment
Rs. 40 lakhs

in plant & machinery above

Rs. 25 lakhs
One of the main requirements of sanction of assistance under the
Technology Upgradation Scheme will be availability of competent
management to the unit concerned to carry out the upgradation

programme and to manage the operation of the unit efficiently.
Towards this end, the lending agencies may stipulate conditions
as may be considered necessary.
Procedure for Sanctions and Disbursements of Loans: The SSI
unit will have to apply for financial assistance in the prescribed
form to any scheduled Commercial Bank or SIDBI or one of the
declared eligible State Financial Corporations (SFCs). The list of
eligible SFCs would be finalised in consultation with the Banking
Division, Ministry of Finance. The bank/SFC after appraisal
would refer the cases to the SIDBI, which would convey clearance
for capital subsidy. The lending institutions would be required to
lodge claims of capital subsidy from SIDBI on a quarterly basis.
SIDBI will settle the claim expeditiously.
Procedure for Sanction and Release of Subsidy
In order to get the Scheme operationalised, an interest free
advance of Rs. 30 crores will be given to SIDBI by the Ministry
of SSI&ARI, Govt. of India. The entire subsidy amount of Rs. 600
crores would be released in suitable instalments to SIDBI and for
which necessary provision would be made in the Annual Plan
Budget of the Office of The Development Commissioner (SSI).
SIDBI would prescribe the modalities for submission of subsidy
claims by Commercial banks/State Financial Corporations.
The detailed methodology of the release and adjustments of
subsidy shall be worked out in consultation with the SIDBI.

The SIDBI shall maintain and monitor fund utilisation under the
SIDBI/all Scheduled Commercial Banks/eligible State Financial
Corporations would ensure preference to the tiny sector for loans
for technology upgradation.
Monitoring of the Scheme-Constitution of a Governing Board:
The Scheme will be monitored by a Governing Board. The
Secretary (SSI&ARI) will be the Chairperson of the Board and the
Development Commissioner (SSI) will be its Member Secretary.
The Governing Board shall consist of representatives of Banking
Department of Science and Technology, Council of Scientific &
Industrial Research. Indian Council for Agricultural Research,
SIDBI, some selected public sector banks and some selected small
scale industries associations as members. The governing Board
will monitor and review the functioning of the Scheme and will
meet at least twice a year.
Review of approved technologies Constitution of a Technical
Advisory Committee:
Identification of technology is a continuous process. Moreover,
new technologies may also come during the operation of the

The Technical Advisory Committee would be set up under the
Chairmanship of Secretary (SSI&ARI) to identify the state-of the-

art technology and benchmark existing and new technologies
which will be eligible for support under the Scheme. It will
consist of representatives of concerned Ministries including
Institutes/Organisations such as Council of Scientific & Industrial
Research, Department of Science and Technology, National
Development Commissioner (Small Scale Industries) will be the
Member-Secretary of the Technical Advisory Committee. The
Committee would periodically meet and identify the new
technologies for approval under this Scheme.
Estimated Requirement of Funds:
As credit linked capital subsidy is to be provided for loans of Rs.
5000 crores during the five years of its operation, total liability of
Government would be Rs. 600 crores (12% of Rs. 5000 crores)
under this scheme.
For the purpose of estimating the yearly financial requirements it
has been assumed that in a year about 15,000 units would be
assisted under the Scheme.

Based on this, the estimated Year-wise funding requirements

during the operation of the Scheme is as follows:

Loan Amount to be covered Credit Linked Capital Subsidy
for subsidy (Rs. in cores)
(Rs. in crores)
In view of the fact that a series of six Industrial Policy Resolutions
aimed at promoting industrial growth and determining a pattern of State
intervention and assistance have been announced by the Central
Government since independence. While spelling out the framework of
the basic and strategic industries, the Industrial Policy Resolution,
1948, realized Cottage and Small Scale Industries to be particularly

suited for better utilisation of local resources and achievement of local

self-sufficiency in respect of certain types of industrial goods. The
policy of supporting the cottage, village and small industries took shape
in 1956 when the Government decided to initiate measures to build the
competitive strength of small and village industries. The 1956
Resolution underlined the role that the SSI sector could play, in
providing employment opportunities, mobilizing local skills and capital
resources, and in the integrating process with large industrial sector.

The Industrial Policy Statement, 1977, stressed upon wider dispersal of
cottage and small industries in the rural areas and small towns. The
concept of District Industries Centres was also mooted to provide
services to small industries under one roof. The Industrial Policy
measures announced in 1991 laid special thrust on promotion and
strengthening of small, tiny and village industries. Besides, effecting
changes in investment limits, equity participation, etc., a new scheme of
Integrated Infrastructure Development for SSIs with the participation of
State Governments and Financial Institutions was initiated and a proactive role
for NGO sector was mooted. In order to protect their interest
and facilitate their rapid development, the Government in pursuance of
its policies, have initiated a number of support measures from time to
time which include policy of reservation, revision of investment
ceilings, modernization, technology up gradation, marketing assistance,
etc. The emerging economic scenario in the changed liberalized and
competitive economic environment has necessitated structural and
fundamental changes in the policy framework put into place for the
development of this vital sector of the economy. Accordingly, there has
been a shift in focus from protection to promotion . In the post reform
period, a number of steps including partial de-reservation, change in
investment limits, facilitating foreign participation, establishment of
growth centres, export promotion, marketing assistance and incentives
for quality improvement, etc. have been taken by the Government for
strengthening of this sector.
In order to enable the Government to place more focused attention on
the problems of the SSI Sector, a new Ministry of Small Scale

Industries and Agro and Rural Industries has been created on 14th
October 1999, under the Independent Charge of a Minister of State.
Knowing of the crucial role of small enterprises, and the problems being
faced by them, the Planning Commission, in 1999, constituted a Study
Group under the Chairmanship of Dr. S.P. Gupta, Member, Planning
Commission, on Development of Small Enterprises. The Study Group
has submitted its report on 13th July 2000.
Subsidy: It denotes a single lump sum which is given by a government to
Bounty: Bounty denotes bonus or financial benefit which is given by a
government to an industry to help it to compete with other units in a nation or
in a
foreign market.
Incentive: Incentives are motivational forces which improve productivity of
Technology Upgradation: It means induction of state-of-the-art technology.
What are the salient features of New Small Enterprise Policy, 1991 ?
What do you mean by incentives and subsidies? Briefly, present an account
of the schemes of incentives in operation in India.
Explain the different incentives available to SSI units in backward areas.
What do you mean by seed capital assistance? Who are eligible to avail it?
Write a note on Subsidized Consultancy Services.
What is meant by transport subsidy? List the main features of this scheme.
State the changes made in July 1991 in Industrial Licensing.

What taxation benefits are enjoyed by SSIs in our country?
Discuss the scheme of Incentives to the small scale/ancillary units acquiring
ISO 9000 certificate.
10. Write a detailed note on "Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for
Technology Up gradation of SSIs".
1. Jain, Rajiv: Planning A Small Scale Industry- A Guide to
2. Gupta, C.B. and Khanka, S.S.: Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Management.
3. Khan, M.A.: Entrepreneur Development Programmes in India.
4. John Kao and Harars Stevenson: Entrepreneurship What it is and How
to Teach it.

Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code:CP 401
Lesson : 06
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Entrepreneurial Input
Entrepreneurial Motivation: Concept and Need
Theories of Motivation
Motives for Entrepreneur
Self Assessment Questions
Suggested Readings
Entrepreneurship will flourish only under the right atmosphere that is conducive
the social, political and economic issues. The urge to excel others and to creat
something new is inborn and psychologically oriented in the larger analysis. As
result, since entrepreneurship involves a complex of economic and social
behaviour, it can only survive where conditions are ideal in terms of political,

economic, social and ethical concerns, and when economic changes are free from
restraints for the benefit of all concerned.
You had a good idea for a business. You may have just jumped into it feet first,
you may have spent months agonizing over it, planning, researching, dotting thos

i s and crossing those t s. Will your business survive? A lot depends on how you
run your business. Every business starts out with high hopes for success, and
entrepreneurs spend vast amounts of time, energy and creativity to make that
success a reality. Unfortunately, for most start up business, that hoped for suc
never materializes. About 60 per cent of all business fail within the first two
for certain industries, such as the restaurant industry, the failure rate is eve
higher. Although chances for business failure diminish as time passes, most
businesses are never safe. Competition and changing market conditions ensure tha
the struggle for success never ends.
With much initiative and enthusiasms, new entrepreneurs establish business units
Nevertheless, many of them commit certain types of blunders, which result in tot
failure of the enterprise. This in fact, means wastage of the scarce resources o
f the
nation, besides being a deterrent to new entrants.
The emergence and development of entrepreneurship is not a spontaneous one but
a dependent phenomenon of economic, social, political, psychological factors
often nomenclature as supporting conditions to entrepreneurship development.
These conditions may have both positive and negative influences on the
emergence of entrepreneurship. Positive influences constitute facilitative and
conducive conditions for the emergence of entrepreneurship, whereas negative
influences create inhibiting milieu to the emergence of entrepreneurship.
Economists agree that the lack of entrepreneurs is not caused by economic
conditions alone, as was the earlier feeling. It is also due to the whole set of
sociocultural and institutional environment prevailing in the less developed co
Various entrepreneurial inputs influencing the entrepreneurship are as follows:

ECONOMIC INPUTS: Economic environment exercises the most direct
and immediate influence on entrepreneurship. The economic factors that
affect the growth of entrepreneurship are the following:
Capital: Capital is one of the most important perquisites to establish an
enterprise. Availability of capital facilitates for the entrepreneur to bring
together the land of one, machine of another and raw material of yet
another to combine them to produce goods. Capital is therefore, regarded as
lubricant to the process of production. Our accumulated experience
suggests that with an increase in capital investment, capital-output ratio
also tends to increase. This results in increase in profit which ultimately
goes to capital formation. This suggests that as capital supply increases,
entrepreneurship also increases. France and Russia exemplify how the lack
of capital for industrial pursuits impeded the process of entrepreneurship
and an adequate supply of capital promoted it.
Labour: The quality rather quantity of labour is another factor which
influences the emergence of entrepreneurship. Most less developed
countries are labour rich nations owing to a dense and even increasing
population. But entrepreneurship is encouraged if there is a mobile and
flexible labour force. And, the potential advantages of low-cost labour are
regulated by the deleterious effects of labour immobility. The
considerations of economic and emotional security inhibit labour mobility.
Entrepreneurs, therefore, often find difficulty to secure sufficient labour.
They are forced to make elaborate and costly arrangements to recruit the
necessary labour. The problem of low-cost immobile labour can be
circumvented by plunging ahead with capital-intensive technologies, as

Germany did. It can be dealt by utilizing labour-intensive methods like
Japan. By contrast, the disadvantages of high-cost labour can be modified
by introduction of labour-saving innovations as was done in US. Thus, it
appears that labour problems can be solved more easily than capital can be
Raw Materials: The necessity of raw materials hardly needs any emphasis
for establishing any industrial activity and its influence in the emergence of
entrepreneurship. In the absence of raw materials, neither any enterprise
can be established nor can an entrepreneur be emerged. Of course, in some
cases, technological innovations can compensate for raw material
inadequacies. The Japanese case, for example, witnesses that lack of raw
material clearly does not prevent entrepreneurship from emerging but
influenced the direction of entrepreneurship. In fact, the supply of raw
materials is not influenced by them but becomes influential depending upon
other opportunity conditions. The more favourable these conditions are, the
more likely is the raw material to have its influence of entrepreneurial
Market: The fact remains that the potential of the market constitutes the
major determinant of probable rewards from entrepreneurial function.
Frankly speaking, if the proof of pudding lies in eating, the proof of all
production lies in consumption, i.e., marketing. The size and composition
of market both influence entrepreneurship in their own ways. Practically,
monopoly in a particular product in a market becomes more influential for
entrepreneurship than a competitive market. However, the disadvantage of
a competitive market can be cancelled to some extent by improvement in

transportation system facilitating the movement of raw material and
finished goods, and increasing the demand for producer goods. D.S. Landes
holds the opinion that improvement in transportation is more beneficial to
heavy industry than to light industry because of their effects on the
movement of raw materials. Paul H. Wilken claims that instances of sudden
rather than gradual improvement in market potential provide the clearest
evidence of the influence of this factor. He refers to Germany and Japan as
the prime examples where rapid improvement in market was followed by
rapid entrepreneurial appearance. Thus, it appears that whether or not the
market is expanding and the rate at which it is expanding are the most
significant characteristics of the market for entrepreneurial emergence.
Infrastructure: Expansion of entrepreneurship presupposes properly
developed communication and transportation facilities. It not only helps to
enlarge the market, but expand the horizons of business too. Take for
instance, the establishment of post and telegraph system and construction of
roads and highways in India. It helped considerable entrepreneurial
activities which took place in the 1850s. Apart from the above factors,
institutions like trade/business associations, business schools, libraries, etc.
also make valuable contribution towards promoting and sustaining
entrepreneurship in the economy. You can gather all the information you
want from these bodies. They also act as a forum for communication and
joint action. Of late, the importance of business and industry associations
has increased tremendously. In the fast changing world of business,
entrepreneurs have to move collectively in order to be more effective and

more efficient. They need to constantly check and influence the
Government s thinking and decision-making.
SOCIAL INPUTS: Social factors can go a long way in encouraging
entrepreneurship. In fact it was the highly helpful society that made the
industrial revolution a glorious success in Europe. The main components of
social environment are as follows:
Caste Factor: There are certain cultural practices and values in every
society which influence the actions of individuals. These practices and
value have evolved over hundred of years. For instance, consider the caste
system (the varna system) among the Hindus in India. It has divided the
population on the basis of caste into four divisions. The Brahmana (priest),
the Kshatriya (warrior), the Vaishya (trade) and the Shudra (artisan). It has
also defined limits to the social mobility of individuals. By social mobility
we mean the freedom to move from one caste to another. The caste system
does not permit an individual who is born a Shudra to move to a higher
caste. Thus, commercial activities were the monopoly of the Vaishyas.
Members of the three other Hindu Varnas did not become interested in
trade and commerce, even when India had extensive commercial interrelations with
many foreign countries. Dominance of certain ethnical
groups in entrepreneurship is a global phenomenon. The protestant ethics in
the west, the Sammurai in Japan, the trading classes in US and the family
Family background: This factor includes size of family, type of family
and economic status of family. In a study by Hadimani, it has been revealed

that Zamindar family helped to gain access to political power and exhibit
higher level of entrepreneurship. Background of a family in manufacturing
provided a source of industrial entrepreneurship. Occupational and social
status of the family influenced mobility. There are certain circumstances
where very few people would have to be venturesome. For example in a
society where the joint family system is in vogue, those members of joint
family who gain wealth by their hard work denied the opportunity to enjoy
the fruits of their labour because they have to share their wealth with the
other members of the family.
Education: Education enables one to understand the outside world and
equips him with the basic knowledge and skills to deal with day-to-day
problems. In any society, the system of education has a significant role to
play in inculcating entrepreneurial values.
In India, the system of education prior to the 20th century was based on
religion. In this rigid system, critical and questioning attitudes towards
society were discouraged. The caste system and the resultant occupational
structure were reinforced by such education. It promoted the idea that
business is not a respectable occupation. Later, when the British came to
our country, they introduced an education system, just to produce clerks
and accountants for the East India Company, The base of such a system, as
you can well see, is very anti-entrepreneurial. The unfortunate result of it is
that young men and women in our country have developed a taste only for
service. Their talents and capabilities have not been made much use of.
Rather it has been wasted in performing routine conventional jobs. Our
educational methods have not changed much even today. The emphasis is

till on preparing students for standard jobs, rather than marking them
capable enough to stand on their feet.
Attitude of the Society: A related aspect to these is the attitude of the
society towards entrepreneurship. Certain societies encourage innovations
and novelties, and thus approve entrepreneurs actions and rewards like
profits. Certain others do not tolerate changes and in such circumstances,
entrepreneurship cannot take root and grow. Similarly, some societies have
an inherent dislike for any money-making activity. It is said, that in Russia,
in the nineteenth century, the upper classes did not like entrepreneurs. For
them, cultivating the land meant a good life. They believed that land
belongs to God and the produce of the land was nothing but god s blessing.
Russian folk-tales, proverbs and songs during this period carried the
message that making wealth through business was not right.
Cultural Values: Motives impel men to action. Entrepreneurial growth
requires proper motives like profit-making, acquisition of prestige and
attainment of social status. Ambitious and talented men would take risks
and innovate if these motives are strong. The strength of these motives
depends upon the culture of the society. If the culture is economically or
monetarily oriented, entrepreneurship would be applauded and praised;
wealth accumulation as a way of life would be appreciated. In the less
developed countries, people are not economically motivated. Monetary
incentives have relatively less attraction. People have ample opportunities
of attaining social distinction by non-economic pursuits. Men with
organisational abilities are, therefore, not dragged into business. They use
their talents for non-economic ends. The absence of proper economic

motives is a general characteristic of agrarian societies in which people do
not attach great value to business talents, industrial leadership etc.
PSYCHOLOGICAL INPUTS: Many entrepreneurial theorists have
propounded theories of entrepreneurship that concentrate especially upon
psychological factors. These are as follows:
Need Achievement: The most important psychological theories of
entrepreneurship were put forward in the early 1960s by David McClelland.
According to McClelland need achievement is social motive to excel that
tends to characterize successful entrepreneurs, especially when reinforced
by cultural factors. He found that certain kinds of people, especially those
who became entrepreneurs, had this characteristic. Moreover, some
societies tend to reproduce a larger percentage of people with high need
achievement than other societies. McClelland attributed this to sociological
factors. Differences among societies and individuals accounted for need
achievement being greater in some societies and less in certain others.
Analysing this phenomenon, Paul Wilken has said, entrepreneurship
becomes the link between need achievement and economic growth, the
latter being a specifically social factor.
The theory states that people with high need-achievement are distinctive in
several ways. They like to take risks and these risks stimulate them to
greater effort. The theory identifies the factors that produce such people.
Initially McClelland attributed the role of parents, specially the mother, in
mustering her son or daughter to be masterful and self-reliant. Later he put
less emphasis on the parent-child relationship and gave more importance to
social and cultural factors. He concluded that the need achievement is

conditioned more by social and cultural reinforcement rather than by
parental influence and such related factors.
Withdrawal of Status Respect: There are several other researchers who
have tried to understand the psychological roots of entrepreneurship. One
such individual is Everett Hagen who stresses the psychological
consequences of social change. Hagen says, at some point many social
groups experience a radical loss of status. Hagen attributed the withdrawal
of status respect of a group to the genesis of entrepreneurship. Giving a
brief sketch of history of Japan, he concludes that it developed sooner than
any non-western society except Russia due to two historical differences.
First, Japan had been free from colonial disruption and secondly, the
repeated long continued withdrawal of expected status from important
groups (smaurai) in its society drove them to retreatism which caused them
to emerge alienated from traditional values with increased creativity. This
very fact led them to the technological progress through entrepreneurial
Hage believes that the initial condition leading to eventual entrepreneurial
behaviour is the loss of status by a group. He postulates that four types of
events can produce status withdrawal:
The group may be displaced by force;
It may have its valued symbols denigrated;
It may drift into a situation of status inconsistency; and
It may not be accepted the expected status on migration in a new

He further postulates that withdrawal of status respect would give rise to
four possible reactions and create four difference personality types:
Retreatist: He who continues to work in a society but
remains different to his work and position ;
Ritualist: He who adopts a kind of defensive behaviour and
acts in the way accepted and approved in his society but no
hopes of improving his position;
Reformist: He is a person who foments a rebellion and
attempts to establish a new society; and
Innovator: He is a creative individual and is likely to be an
Hagen maintains that once status withdrawal has occurred, the sequences of
change in personality formation are set in motion. He refers that status
withdrawal takes a long period of time - as much as five or more
generations - to result in the emergence of entrepreneurship.
Motives: Other psychological theories of entrepreneurship stress the
motives or goals of the entrepreneur. Cole is of the opinion that besides
wealth, entrepreneurs seek power, prestige, security and service to society.
Stepanek points particularly to non-monetary aspects such as independence,
persons self-esteem, power and regard of the society.
On the same subject, Evans distinguishes motive by three kinds of
Managing entrepreneurs whose chief motive is security.

Innovating entrepreneurs, who are interested only in
Controlling entrepreneurs, who above all otter motives, want
power and authority.
Finally, Rostow has examined inter-gradational changes in the families of
entrepreneurs. He believes that the first generation seeks wealth, the second
prestige and the third art and beauty.
Others: Thomas Begley and David P. Boyd studied in detail the
psychological roots of entrepreneurship in the mid 1980s. They came to the
considerations have five dimensions:
First came need-achievement as described by McClelland. In
all studies of successful entrepreneurs a high achievementorientation is invaria
bly present.
The second dimension is that Begley and Boyd call locus of
control This means that the entrepreneur follows the idea that
he can control his own life and is not influenced by factors
like luck, fate and so on. Need-achievement logically implies
that people can control their own lives and are not influenced
by external forces.
The third dimension is the willingness to take risks. These
come to

entrepreneurs who take moderate risks earn higher returns on

their assets than those who take no risks at all or who take
extravagant risks.
Tolerance is the next dimension of this study. Very few
decisions are made with complete information. So all
business executives must have a certain amount of tolerance
for ambiguity.
Finally, here is what psychologists call Type A behaviour.
This is nothing but a chronic, incessant struggle to achieve
more and more in less and less of time. Entrepreneurs are
characterize by the presence of Type A behaviour in all their
A football player might possess exceptional
talent. But, his contribution to the nation and the world of sports would
remain negligible, if his performance is restricted to the courtyard of his
own house. He needs a football ground to practice on and resources to buy
the accessories. He also requires encouragement and support from those in
authority so that he could freely play with others and prove his talent. In the
same way, an entrepreneur, however creative he/she may be, cannot
function without the supportive actions of the Government. It is for the
government/society to ensure the availability of required resources for the
entrepreneurs and also the accessibility to them. This is because the
successful entrepreneur contributes to the well being of the society. Policies
relating to various economic aspects like prices, availability of capital,
labour and other inputs, demand structure, taxation, income distribution,
etc. affect growth of entrepreneurship to a large extent. Promotive

government activities such as incentives and subsidies contribute
substantially to entrepreneurial performance. At the same time,
Government policies like licenses, regulations, favouritism, government
monopolies, etc. are undesirable for the growth of business enterprises.
Above all, a Government that is politically stable and united can affect
entrepreneurial activities in a significant manner. Is there a business
entrepreneur in your neighborhoods? Try to gather information on his/her
views on various government policies, for example, on taxation, finance,
labour etc. Also ask him/her about the opportunities and growth prospects
of a business unit. Write down your observations.
India, all the above-mentioned environmental forces have turned in favour
of enterprising men and women. There is a visible change for the better in
the highly inactive entrepreneurial field in the country. The tight grip of
religious and traditional ideas and practices has begun to loosen. Dogmas
(settled opinions) and superstitions have lost the hold they earlier had. It is
opportunities more sympathetically. As a result, occupational division
based on caste system has undergone tremendous traditional activities,
social approval etc. have become less important. More important now, are
the economic factors such as access to capital and possession of
entrepreneurial attitudes and business knowledge.
Development of infrastructure changes in government policies in favour of
business and industry and of course, rise in demand for products manufactured ar
some of the other factors that have led the Indian entrepreneurs to look for new
business opportunities.

Entrepreneur is human being who has his dignity, self-respect, values, sentiment
aspirations, and dreams apart from economic status. Indeed, economic betterment
and social upliftment motivates a person to distinguish from others.
Entrepreneurship is largely the product of motivation. Motivation refers to the
inner drive that ignites and sustains behaviour to satisfy needs. Behaviour is
always caused and it is not spontaneous. In other words, human behaviour is goal
directed or directed towards satisfaction of needs. A person s behaviour is shap
by several socio-psychological factors such as his goals, education level, cultu
background, work experience, etc. When a person, feels some need tension arises
in his mind until the need is satisfied. The tension motivates him to take actio
n. If
the action is successful need is satisfied otherwise the person changes the acti
until the need satisfaction occurs.
By now, you have learnt what an entrepreneur is and does. You have also learnt
that the entrepreneurs play a risk-bearing role, which is a difficult one. The
entrepreneur embarks on a difficult journey. Then, a few important and obvious
questions arise: What prompts people to embark on such a difficult journey? What
motivates people to go into business?
This lesson intends to answer these
questions/issues by discussing entrepreneurial motivation in its various aspects
viz. meaning and theories of motivation, motivating factors and development of
achievement motivation.
The term motivation has its origin in the Latin word movere which means to
move. Thus, motivation stands for movement. One can get a donkey to move by
using a carrot or a stick, with people one can use incentives, or threats or
reprimands. However, these only have a limited effect. These work for a while an
then need to be repeated, increased or reinforced to secure further movement. Th

term motivation may be defined as the managerial function of ascertaining the
motives of subordinates and helping them to realise those motives.
Whatever may be the behaviour of a man, there is always some stimulus that
elicits the behaviour. Stimulus is often dependent upon the motive of the person
concerned. Motive can be known by studying his needs and desires. There is no
universal theory that can explain the factors influencing motives which control
man s behaviour at any particular point of time. Generally, different motives
operate at different times among different people and influence their behaviour.
The management should try to understand the motives of individuals which cause
different types of behaviour.
According to Dubin, motivation could be defined as the complex of forces
starting and keeping a person at work in an organisation. Motivation is somethin
that moves the person to action, and continues him in the course of action alrea
initiated. Motivation refers to the way a person is enthused at work to intensify
his/her desire and willingness to use and channelise his/her energy for the
achievement of organisational objectives. It is something that moves a person in
action and continues him in the course of action enthusiastically. The role of
motivation is to develop and intensify the desire in every member of the
organisation to work effectively and efficiency in his position.
In the words of Dalton E. McFarland, Motivation is the way in which urges,
desires, aspirations, striving or needs direct, control or explain the behaviour
human being. Motivation has very close relationship with the behaviour. It
explains how and why the human behaviour is caused. According to McFarland
motivation is a form of tension occurring within individuals, with resulting
behaviour aimed at reducing, eliminating or diverting the tension. Understanding
the needs and drives and their resulting tensions helps to explain and predict
human behaviour ultimately providing a sound basis for managerial decision and

action. Thus, motivation is the term which applies to the entire class of urges,
drives, desires, needs and similar forces.
March and Simon have developed a model, according to which motivation is the
process or the reaction which takes place in the memory of the individual. It ma
be viewed as the combination of forces or motives maintaining human activity.
Motivation to produce is a function of the character of the evoked set of
alternatives, the perceived consequences of evoked alternatives and individual
goals in terms of which alternatives are evaluated. March and Simon have
established positive correlation between productivity and motivation by means of
a theoretical model.
The unsatisfied needs of a person are the beginning of the motivation process. T
unsatisfied need results in tension within the individual and motivates him to
search for the ways to relieve this tension, and compels or develops certain goa
for himself. If he is successful in achieving his goals, certain other needs wil
emerge which will lead to setting a new goal. Nevertheless, if the goal is not
achieved, the individual will engage himself in either constructive or destructi
behaviour. This process never stops. It keeps on working within an individual.
Needs, Incentives and Motives: A distinction may be made among three things:
need, incentive and motive. This is to emphasize that any need present in the
individual does not necessarily lead to action. The need has to be activated whi
is the function of incentive. Incentive is something, which incites or tends to
towards some determination. Thus, incentive is an external stimulus that activat
need and motive refers to an activated need, and active desire or wish. But a be
definition is to regard incentive as the outward stimulus for the motive to work
When a motive is present in a person, it becomes active when there is some
incentive. Thus, any incentive has reference to (i) the individual and his needs
which he is trying to satisfy or fulfill; and (ii) the organisation which is pro
the individual with opportunity to satisfy his needs in return for his services.

conceptual difference between motivation and incentive is that incentive is the
means to motivation.
It is clear that incentive has direct bearing on the degree of motivation. Incre
ase in
incentive leads to better performance and decrease in incentive has adverse effe
on performance. It should be noted that motivation does not change the
individual s capacity to work. It simply determines the level of the effort of
individual raises it or lowers it, as the case may be. Keith Davis feels that mo
are expression of a person s need; hence, they are personal and internal. Incent
on the other hand, are external to the person. They are something he perceives i
his environment as helpful towards accomplishing his goal. For instance,
management offers salesmen a bonus as an incentive to channel in productive way
their drives for recognition and status.
Needs create tension which is modified by one s culture to cause certain wants.
These wants are interpreted in terms of positive and negative incentives to prod
a certain response or action. To illustrate, need for food produces a tension of
hunger. Since culture affects hunger, a man will require wheat or rice according
For a man, perhaps incentive is provided by his wife s promise to prepare food i
his favourite way.
The number of theories that have been propounded to explain humans behaviour
can judge the importance of motivation to human life and work. They explain
human motivation through human needs and human nature. Prominent among
these theories, which are particularly relevant to entrepreneurship, are Maslow
Need Hierarchy Theory and McClelland s Acquired Needs Theory.
1. Maslow s Need Hierarchy Theory: Prof. A.H. Maslow developed a
theoretical framework for understanding human motivation which has been
widely acclaimed. According to him, a person s effectiveness is a function of

matching his opportunity with the appropriate position of hierarchy of needs.
Process of motivation begins with an assumption that behaviour, at least in
part, is directed towards the satisfaction of needs. Maslow proposed that
human needs can be arranged in a particular order from the lower to the higher
as shown in Figure II. The need hierarcy is as follows:
Figure I: Maslow s Need Hierarcy
Basic Physiological Needs: The physiological needs relate to the survival
and maintenance of human life. These needs include such things as food,
clothing, air, water and other necessaries of life which are biological in
nature. These needs are primary needs.
Safety and Security Needs: After satisfying the physiological needs,
people want the assurance of maintaining a given economic level. They
want job security, personal bodily security, security of source of income,
provision for old age, insurance against risks, etc.
Social Needs: Man is a social being. He is, therefore, interested in
companionship, recognition, belongingness, etc.

Esteem and Status Needs: These needs embrace such things as selfconfidence, inde
pendence, achievement, competence, knowledge and
success. These needs boost the ego of individual. They are also known as
egoistic needs. They are concerned with prestige and status of the
Self-Fulfillment Needs: The final step under the need priority model is the
need for self-fulfillment or the need to fulfill what a person considers to be
his mission in life. It involves realizing one s potentialities for continued
self-development and for being creative in the broadest sense of the word.
After his other needs are fulfilled, a man has the desire for personal
achievement. He wants to do something which is challenging and since this
challenge gives him enough dash and initiative to work, it is beneficial to
him in particular and to the society in general. The sense of achievement
gives him psychological satisfaction.
Maslow felt that the needs have a definite sequence of domination. Second
need does not dominate until first need is reasonably satisfied and third
need does not dominate until first two needs have been reasonably satisfied
and so on. The other side of the needs hierarchy is that man is a wanting
animal, he continues to want something or the other. He is never fully
satisfied. If one need is satisfied, the other need arises. As said above
(according to Maslow), needs arise in a certain order of preference and not
randomly. Thus, if one s lower level needs (physiological and security
needs) are unsatisfied, he can be motivated only by satisfying his lower
level needs and not satisfying his higher level needs. Another point to note
is that once a need or a certain order of needs is satisfied, it ceases to be a
motivating factor. Man lives for bread alone as long as it is not available. In
the absence of air one can t live, it is plenty of air which ceases to be

The physiological and security needs are finite and tangible, but the needs
of higher order are sufficiently infinite and are likely to be dominant ones
in persons at higher levels in the organisation. This has been proved by
various studies. A study by Boris Blai supported this by showing that
managers and professionals in U.S.A. highly value self-realization, while
service and manual workers value job security most highly. Further, a
survey of 200 factory workers in India reported that they give top priority
to job security, earnings and personal benefits - all lower order needs.
Studies have also revealed that those needs, which are thought to be most
important like social needs, egoistic needs and self-realization, are also
thought to be the best satisfiers. One study on two thousand and eight
hundred managers in eleven countries reported that security, belongingness,
esteem and self-realization needs are progressively less satisfied according
to the pattern of the needs priority model.
Appraisal of Need Hierarchy Model: The need priority model may not be
applied at all times in all places. Surveys in continental European countries
and Japan have shown that the model does not apply very well to their
managers. Their degrees of satisfaction of needed does not vary according
to the need priority model. For example, workers in Spain and Belgium felt
that their esteem needs are better satisfied than their security and social
needs. Apparently, cultural differences are an important cause of these
differences. Thus, need hierarchy may not follow the sequence postulated
by Maslow. Even if safety need is not satisfied, the egoistic or social need
may emerge.
Proposition that one need is satisfied at one time is also of doubtful validity.
The phenomenon of multiple motivations is of great practical importance in
understanding the behaviour of man. Man s behaviour at any time is mostly
guided by multiplicity of motives. However one or two motives in any

situation may be proponent, while others may be of secondary importance.
Moreover, at different levels of needs, the motivation will be different.
Money can act as a motivator only for physiological and social needs, not
for satisfying higher level needs. Employees are enthusiastically motivated
by what they are seeking, more than by what they already have. They may
react cautiously in order to keep what they already have, but they move
forward with enthusiasm when they are seeking something else. In other
words, man works for bread alone as long as it is not available.
There are always some people in who, for instance, need for self-esteem
seems to be more prominent than that of love. There are also creative
people in whom the drive for creativeness seems to be more important. In
certain people, the level of operation may be permanently lower. For
instance, a person who has experienced chronic unemployment may
continue to be satisfied for the rest of his life if only he can get enough
food. Another cause of reversal of need hierarchy is that when a need has
been satisfied for a long time, it may be under-valued.
McClelland s Acquired Needs Theory
Each person tends to develop certain motivational drives as a result of his
cognitive pattern and the environment in which he lives. David McClelland
gave a model of motivation which is based on three types of needs, namely,
achievement, power and affiliation. They are as follows:
Need for achievement (n-Ach): a drive to excel, advance and grow;
Need for power (n-Pow): A drive to influencing others and situations ; and
Need for affiliation (n-Aff): A drive for friendly and close interpersonal
Achievement Motivation: Some people have a compelling drive to
succeed and they strive for personal achievement rather than the rewards of

success that accompany it. They have a desire to do something better or
more efficiently than it has been done before. This drive is the achievement
need (n-Ach). From researches into the area of achievement need,
McClelland found that high achievers differentiate themselves from others
by their desire to do things better. They seek situations where they can
attain personal responsibility for finding solutions to problems, where they
can receive rapid feedback on their performance so they can set moderately
challenging goals. High achievers are not gamblers; they dislike succeeding
by chance. They prefer the challenge of working at a problem and accepting
the personal responsibility for success or failure, rather than leaving the
outcome to chance or the actions of others.
Power Motivation: The need for power (n-Pow) is a drive to have impact,
to be influential, and to control others. Individuals high in n-Pow enjoy
being in charge, strive for influence over others, prefer to be placed into
competitive and status-oriented situations, and tend to be more concerned
with gaining influence over others and prestige than with effective
performance. Power-motivated people wish to create an impact on their
organisations and are wiling to take risks to do so.
Affiliation Motivation: This need has received the least attention of
researchers. Affiliation need (n-Aff) can be viewed as the desire to be liked
and accepted by others. It is the drive to relate to people on a social basis.
Individuals with a high affiliation motive strive for friendship, prefer
cooperative situations rather than competitive ones, and desire relationships
involving a high degree of mutual understanding.
People possess the above needs in varying degrees. However, one of the
needs will tend to be more characteristic of the individual rather than the
other two. Individual with a high need for achievement thrive on jobs and
projects that tax their skills and abilities. Such individuals are goal-oriented

in their activities, seek a challenge and want task relevant feedback.
Individuals with high affiliation needs value interpersonal relationships and
exhibit sensitivity towards other people s feeling. But individuals with the
high power needs seek to dominate, influence or have control over others.
McClelland also suggests that these three needs may simultaneously be
acting on an individual. But, in case of an entrepreneur, the high need for
achievement is found dominating one. In his view, the people with high need
for achievement are characterised by the following:
They set moderate, realistic and attainable goals for them.
Prefer to situations in which they can find solutions for solving
personal responsibility.
They need concrete feedback on how well they are doing.
They look for challenging tasks.
Entrepreneurial motivation may be defined as a set of motives such as high
need to achieve, moderate need for power and low affiliation motive which
induce people to set up and run their own enterprises. Apart from these,
entrepreneurs have other behavioural dimensions such as tolerance for
ambiguity, problem solving, creativity, etc.
Several researchers have carried out research studies to identify the factors th
motivate people to start business enterprises. The findings of some of the studi
are as follows:

In this pioneering study, R.A. Sharma classified all the factors motivating
the entrepreneurs into two types as follows:

Internal factors:
Educational background
Occupational experience
Desire to do something pioneering and innovative
Desire to be free and independent
Family background
External factors:
Assistance from Government
Financial assistance from institutions
Availability of technology and/or raw materials
Encouragement from big business units
Heavy demand for product
Internal factors constitute the personality of the entrepreneur and thereby
generate an inclination to adopt entrepreneurial activity. The presence of
these factors is essential for entrepreneurial activity to take place. But

environment. External factor provide environment and give a spark to
Among the internal factors, the desire to do something creative was
important. It means the desire to make a contribution to the development of
the state, to introduce an entirely new product in the market, to place the
home town on the country s industrial map, to make full use of technical
skills, to provide employment to intelligent youngmen and women in the
community, etc. Occupational experience (familiar with the product,
knowledge of the market, etc.) was rated as the second most important
internal motive. Business experience provides confidence for starting a new

enterprise. Technicians, engineers and executives rated business experience
more important motivator than other types of entrepreneurs.
Among the external factors, assistance from financial and other
Governmental institutions was rated the strongest motivator. Other factors
include availability of surplus funds, sick units available at a cheap price,
success stores of first generation entrepreneurs, support of friends and
relatives, etc. In some cases there were compelling reasons like loss of job,
death of the father, dissatisfaction with the job held, etc., prompting people
to launch their own industries.
H. N. Pathak indicated that at small scale level, profit motive inspired small
scale entrepreneurs. Ambition for independent working in industry also
motivated non-corporate level entrepreneurs. Sharma s study also revealed
that motivating factors varied according to the occupational background of
entrepreneurs. Business executives, engineers, consultants, traders,
considered occupational experience as most important. According to
McClelland, executive generally have higher need for a achievement than
men in other occupations. On the other hand, government servicemen,
contractors and entrepreneurs from agricultural activities considered
assistance from government and financial institutions as the most important
After making different studies on technical and new entrepreneurship,
Arnold C. Copper concluded that there are three main groups of factors
which influence an entrepreneur. These are (i) the characteristics of the
entrepreneur including many aspects of his background (family, education,
age, occupational experience, etc.) which make him more or less inclined
towards entrepreneurship. These might be called internal factors (ii) the
organisation for which he has been working earlier which might be termed
as the incubator organisation (iii) a complex of external influences

including the availability of venture capital, collective attitudes and
perceptions leading to entrepreneurship, and the accessibility to suppliers,
personnel and markets.
Another study by Murthy, Sekhar and Rao on entrepreneurial motivation
classified the factors behind entrepreneurial growth into three categories as
Entrepreneurial ambitions
To make money
To continue family business
To secure self-employment/independent living
To fulfill desire of self/wife/parents
To gain social prestige
Other ambitions- making of a decent living, self-employment of
children, desire to do something creative, provide employment to
Compelling reasons
Dissatisfaction with the job so far held or occupation pursued
Make use of idle funds
Make use of technical/professional skills.

Others maintenance of large families, revival of sick unit started
by father, etc.
Facilitating factors
Success stories of entrepreneurs

Previous association (experience in the same or other line of
Previous employment in the same or other line of activity
Property inherited/self acquired/wife s
Advice or influence (encouragement) of family members/relatives/
Others association as apprentices and sleeping partners.
The study was conducted on 334 entrepreneurs in two coastal towns of
Anakapalli and Gudivada of Andhra Pradesh. The ambitions of continuing
family business and securing self employment emerged as the most
significant motivating factors. Making money and gaining social prestige
were found to be insignificant.
May a time, it is the compulsion rather than the ambition that leads the man
to success. Sometimes the initial ambition and the opportunities may clash
with each other. In such cases, compulsion of the situation determines the
destiny. Therefore, it is appropriate to examine the reasons that might have
compelled the entrepreneurs to pursue entrepreneurship. Making use of
technical and professional skills was found to be the most important
compulsion that has driven most of the respondents to entrepreneurship.
Dissatisfaction in the job or occupation pursued was the second important
compulsion and other compelling factors were insignificant. It may be
inferred that the entrepreneurs wanted to capitalise their skills for
themselves than working for others. They felt that their abilities were
certainly more than what the job required and their aspirations exceeded
what normally the job provided.
Ambitions or compulsions alone may not make a man an entrepreneur. The
moral support and encouragement of family members, friends and relatives,

previous experience and inherited property are very helpful in the growth of
entrepreneurship. Moral support from the near and dear inspires the would
be entrepreneur, reinforces his confidence and prepare him to face the new
challenges boldly.
Among the facilitating factors, previous association in the same or other
line of activity was rated highest followed by previous employment in the
same or other line of activity. Previous association and employment gave
abundant self-confidence. Previous employment here meant a person being
employed for making a living. On the other hand, previous association
implied apprenticeship in business firms. Most of the entrepreneurs
expressed the view that it was better to get the training as apprentices or
employees before setting up an enterprise. Such experience instills
confidence among the youth, serves as the nursery for building the
enterprise and accelerates the process of generation of entrepreneurship.
The success stories of entrepreneurs were recognised as an important factor
that inspired new entrepreneurs. This finding points out the need for
introduction of entrepreneurial stories in school curriculum along with the
stories of political leaders and social reformers. This is in conformity with
Eugene Staley s pilot study in Osmanabad (Maharashtra). Unfortunately, in
India successful business leaders are denigraded by politicians. This
generates a sense of hatred in the minds of youth towards leaders of
industry. An impression is created that entrepreneurship itself is something
unethical or antisocial. Such an impression thwarts the healthy growth of
entrepreneurship in the country.
The study by Murthy et. al. also revealed that the family property and
assistance from relatives and friends was the most significant source of
initial capital for an entrepreneur. Such risk capital from family funds
enhanced the entrepreneur s trustworthiness in the money market and

relived him from the fear of the business failure. It indicated the family s
confidence in the entrepreneur and the family s willingness to risk savings
in entrepreneurial activities. Thus, in Indian society entrepreneurship
cannot be considered as an individual phenomenon and strictly intrinsic to
the person involved. Rather it is an extension of the family aspirations and
ambitions that are ultimately realised by an individual.
Contrary to the general expectations, the entrepreneur s wife, family
members and relatives were found to be the prime motivators who instilled
the spirit of entrepreneurship in the entrepreneur. They served as
philosopher and guide to the individual and the role of the Government as
motivator was insignificant. It may be concluded that entrepreneurship is
the result of encouragement and support by wife and family members apart
from the individual s own initiative.
McClelland and his associates contend that need for achievement is a
prerequisite for becoming an entrepreneur. People with a high level of
achievement motivation are likely to behave in an entrepreneurial way. But
it is not essential that such people will actually become entrepreneurs. Such
persons are likely to be attached towards business only if business enjoys a
high prestige in society. Thus, the relationship between achievement need
and occupational preference depends on the prestige of the occupation
Murthy analysed the entrepreneurs perception of different occupation in
terms of the social status of these occupations. Trading was ranked first and
farming was ranked last by the entrepreneurs. It was further enquired how
the entrepreneurs rated their present occupation. Entrepreneurs engaged in
trading and manufacturing rated their occupations as the best. But most of
the farmers did not rate farming as the best occupation.

Caste-wise perceptions of the occupation in terms of social image were also
analyzed. Entrepreneurs perceptions with different caste origins different
markedly. The analysis indicated that farmers might like to change to nonfarming
and traders to manufacturing because they carry higher image in
the public mind.
Two subsequent studies in Andhra Pradesh have by and large corroborated
the findings of Murthy, et. al. In his study of 87 manufacturing units in
thirteen industrial estates of Andhra Pradesh, N. Gangadhar Rao found that
making money is the most important ambition and fulfillment of the desire
of self/wife/father as the second important ambition. However, the
aggregate pull of non-money ambitions was found to be more than twice of
the money ambitions. Family members play useful role in giving shape to
entrepreneurial ambitions. In view of the significance of earning motive,
achievement motivation programmes should be designed to inculcate
ambition for money. Among the compelling reasons, dissatisfaction with
the job held so far or the occupation so far pursued was rated the highest
followed by making use of idle funds. Inherited property, technical and
professional qualifications, and success stories of entrepreneurs were found
to be significant among the facilitating factors. Rao expanded the list of
facilitating factors to include (i) technical and professional skills acquired;
(ii) allotment of plot/shed in industrial estate; (iii) financial assistance fro
State agencies, banks, family, friends and relatives; (iv) ancillary relation
with large firms; and (v) dependable partners.
Majority of the entrepreneurs considered themselves as self-developed and
made no mention of their friend, philosopher and guide. This is a testimony
of the resourcefulness of the entrepreneurs and it is this class of
entrepreneurs that are needed most. About 47 per cent of the entrepreneurs
mentioned their family members, relatives, friends, former employers,

industrial leaders and politicians as their mentors. This gives the impression
that entrepreneurship can be induced easily.
In another similar study of 40 enterprises in Marripalem and Autonagar
industrial estates of Andhra Pradesh, Ashok Kumar found that to become
self-reliant and to materialise one s ideas and skills were the most
significant ambitions. Dissatisfaction with the earlier job and dependency
situation were the main factors that compelled the respondents to become
entrepreneurs. Among the facilitating factors, education, training and
previous job experience was the most important.
The entrepreneur might have come up on his own or on being encouraged
by others. Therefore, an attempt was made to ascertain the man responsible
for infusing the spirit of enterprise. Nearly one half of the entrepreneurs
were self- motivated whereas around one- third of them were motivated by
friends and relations and the remaining by their parents.
Entrepreneurship is not an accident, but an ambition or aspiration nourished
over a period of time. In many a case, entrepreneurship takes a long time to
unfold itself. The interval between conceiving an idea and materialising the
same may range from a few years to a few generations. Therefore, it was
attempted to find out whether the entrepreneurs had aspired for it in their
childhood. It was found that nearly two-thirds of the respondents had
aspired for entrepreneurship during their childhood itself.
V.L. Rao has summarised the views of various experts on sources of
entrepreneurial supply and motivation in the form of a table which is given
K. Sadhak found that monetary consideration was the most important
motivating factor. Entrepreneurs motivated by income were mainly traders
and salaried employees. Independent job was the main inspiration for

salaried employees who were not satisfied with the work environment,
nature of job, management style, etc. Self-advancement, social recognition,
responsibility were other motivating factors.
It is not only the desire to achieve but the favorable environment which
translate the desire into reality. The above motivational factors were
significantly influenced by certain assisting factors like family environment
(business family), technical knowledge (through education or past
employment), training and Government incentives. Entrepreneurs from
business families enjoyed financial support, former employees had social
contact, engineers were having technical competence. It was, therefore,
difficult to single out any particular motivating factor. However, income,
social recognition and other pull factors strongly induced people to start
industry. Moreover, most of the entrepreneurs were self-motivated. There
were some stray cases also induced by varied factors like advice of business
friends, the fabulous profits earned by others in similar concerns, contact
with others, etc.
An entrepreneur is an agent who has to perform several functions to
mobilise and utilise resources and to create market. He ventures into a
uncertain future to exploit the potentiality that exists. Therefore,
entrepreneurship is a very risky proposition. Some people leave very cosy
jobs to start their own enterprises. Some merchants who are earning well
put their hard-earned money at stake in manufacturing. Technologists and
engineers start their own industry instead of going for safe jobs. All these
persons have high achievement motivation. Like all achievement-oriented
people, they want to take personal responsibility, tend to persist in the face
of a adversity, tend to take moderate risks and like to know the results of
their efforts. They are innovative and full of interpersonal competence.

According to McClelland, they are unusually creative, having high
propensity of risk-taking capacity and a strong need for a achievement.
Now, it is crystal clear from the foregoing analysis that the majority of
entrepreneurs are motivated to enter industry mainly because of four
First, they possessed technical knowledge or manufacturing
experience in the same or related line.
Second, there was heavy demand for the particular product.
Third, the Governmental and institutional assistance available
facilitated individuals to enter industry.
Fourth, they have enterprising attitude, what McClelland designates
an achievement motive , to do something independent in life.
The emergence and development of entrepreneurship is not a spontaneous one but
a dependent phenomenon of economic, social, political, psychological factors
often nomenclature as supporting conditions to entrepreneurship development.
These conditions may have both positive and negative influences on the
emergence of entrepreneurship.
Motivation refers to the inner drive that ignites and sustains behaviour to sati
needs. Behaviour is always caused and it is not spontaneous. Human behaviour is
goal directed or directed towards satisfaction of needs. A person s behaviour is
shaped by several socio-psychological factors such as his goals, education level
cultural background, work experience, etc. Motivations, which are particularly
relevant to entrepreneurship, are Maslow s Need Hierarchy Theory and
McClelland s Acquired Needs Theory.

The majority of entrepreneurs are motivated to enter industry mainly because of
four factors: First, they possessed technical knowledge or manufacturing
experience in the same or related line.
Second, there was heavy demand for the
particular product. Third, the Governmental and institutional assistance availab
facilitated individuals to enter industry. Fourth, they have enterprising attitu
what McClelland designates an achievement motive , to do something
independent in life.
Motivation: Motivation is the force that initiates, directs and sustains persona
behaviour and action. It is the force that moves individuals to work for higher
Physiological Needs: These include the needs for element that ensure basic
survival like food, clothing and housing facilities.
Power Motivation: It is related with the desire to influence or to control other
Affiliation Motivation: It is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal
Discuss various inputs that influence entrepreneurship.
What are the important economic inputs affecting entrepreneurial
growth? Discuss.
2. What is meant by entrepreneurial motivation? Is it necessary for a
successful entrepreneur? Discuss.
3. What are the factors that motivate people to go into business?

4. It is said that ambition is the lever of all motives. Do you agree? Comment.
5. Explain the factors that prompt people to become entrepreneur.
1. McClelland, D C and Winter, W G: Motivating Economic Achievement
2. Jain, Rajiv: Planning A Small Scale Industry- A Guide to Entrepreneurs.
3. Gupta, C.B. and Khanka, S.S.: Entrepreneurship and Small Business
4. John Kao and Harars Stevenson: Entrepreneurship What it is and How
to Teach it.

Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code:CP 401
Lesson : 07
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Rural Entrepreneurship in India
SSIs in Rural Industrialization
Problems of Rural Entrepreneurs
Self-Assessment Exercise
Suggested Readings
After reading this lesson you should be able to
Explain the n-achievement theory of motivation.

Discuss the role of SSI in providing employment to rural folk.

Explain the problems of entrepreneurs in rural sector.
Whatever may be the behaviour of a man; there is always some stimulus
that elicits the behaviour. Stimulus is often dependent upon the motive of
the person concerned. Motive can be known by studying his needs and
desires. There is no universal theory that can explain the factors influencing

motives that control man s behaviour at any particular point of time.
Generally, different motives operate at different times among different
people and influence their behaviour. The management should try to
understand the motives of individuals that cause different types of
Expansion of avenues for industrial employment within rural areas is one of
the major ways of diversifying the rural economy. The rural non-farm
sector in India has the promise of becoming the most dynamic part of the
economy. It has the possibility to absorb as many as 40 million new
entrants to the employment market out of the 100 odd million who would
need jobs by the year 2000 A.D.
David McClelland has developed an Achievement Motivation Theory.
According to this theory, an individual s Need for achievement (n-Ach)
refers to the need for personal accomplishment. It is the drive to excel, to
strive for success and to achieve in relation to a set of standards. People
with high achievement motive like to take calculated risks and want to win.
They like to take personal responsibility for solving problems and want to
know how well they are doing. High achievers are not motivated by money
per se but instead employ money as a method of keeping sure of their
achievements. Such people strive for personal achievement rather than the
rewards of success. They want to do something better and more efficiently
than it has been done before.
Need for achievement is simply the desire to do well not so much for the
sake of social recognition or prestige but for the sake of an inner feeling of
personal accomplishment. It is this need for achievement that motivates
people to take risk. People with high need for achievement behave in an

entrepreneurial way. Need for achievement stimulates the behaviour of a
person to be an entrepreneur.
The following psychological factors contribute to entrepreneurial
1. Need for achievement through self-study, goal-setting and interpersonal
2. Keen interest in situations involving moderate risk.
3. Desire for taking personal responsibility.
4. Concrete measures of task performance.
5. Anticipation of future possibilities.
6. Energetic or novel instrumental activity.
7. Organisational skills, etc.
Some societies produce a larger percentage of people with high need
achievement and economic growth. McClelland considers the need for
achievement to be most critical to a nation s economic development. He
held that a strong inner-spirit in individuals to attain is a measurable
variable arising from a need, which the individual develop mainly in
childhood and seeks to satisfy throughout his life. This inner spirit which
he called need for achievement, if higher, would produce more energetic
entrepreneurs capable of generating rapid economic development. High
need for achievement or ambition motivates entrepreneurs to take risks,
work hard, find new things, save more, reinvest the savings in industry and
so on. The limited empirical evidence of Durand supports the hypothesis
that need for achievement contributes to entrepreneurial success.

McClelland rated the achievement motivation of different countries on the
basis of ideas related to need for achievement contained in the children s
stories. This has come to be known as n-factor rating. He established a
correlation between n-factor rating and the prosperity of the countries a
generation ahead. The criterion of n-factor rating was the inherent concern
for achievement or the non-induced achievement motivation.
McClelland found that achievement motivation was lower among people of
underdeveloped countries than among those of developed nations. Even in
USA only about ten per cent of the people were actually high achievers.
The low level of aspirations or ambitions explains the lack of enterprise in
under-developed countries. Ambition is the lever of all motives and aimless
life is a goal-less game. Ambitions motivate men, actives them broaden
their vision and make life meaningful. Ambition is an index of one s
resourcefulness. The ambition builds up an achievement pressure in the
individual and provides the basis for McClelland s n factor. Ambition is the
lever of all motives. The initiative and intentions of an individual are
directed by his ambitions. The ambition electrifies man s actions. Therefore,
what matters are not merely the people but their aspirations and the means
to achieve the goals. Therefore, it is the duty of leaders and teachers to
build up ambition into the minds of the young people. However, ambitions
differ from greed and windfall. Greed results in disaster and windfall makes
one a speculator. Sometimes personal ambitions may come in the way of
family aspirations or national aspirations. Unfulfilled ambitions are passed
on to the next generation who may chase the goal with redoubled effort and
vigor. Thus, ambition nourishes the achievement motivation and brings
economic growth. The biggest obstacle to economic progress in countries
like India is perhaps the limited ambition of people. The initiative of an
individual is directed by his ambitions which nourish the entrepreneurial
spirit and bring about economic development. Hence what matters are not

merely the people and their talents but their aspirations? However,
ambitions differ among individuals on the basis of the environment in
which they are born and brought up. J.K. Galbraith has also attributed the
backwardness of many Asian and African countries to lack of ambition.
The Kakinada Experiment: Assuming need for achievement plays a vital
role in promoting economic growth, McClelland has tried to induce
achievement motivation in adults and provide them with an urge to improve
their lot because uninduced achievement motivation results in long waiting
before it bears fruit. Such an inducement may help break the barrier of
"limited aspirations". For this purpose, he conducted experiments with
groups of businessmen in America, Mexico and Bombay. Later he carried
out a full-fledged programme in the Kakinada city of Andhra Pradesh.
Kakinada is a well-developed distinct town of a population of around one
lakh with high literacy and a modest industrial structure. The objective of
the programme was to break the barrier of "limited aspirations" by inducing
achievement motivation. The project, which began in January 1964,
consisted of recruiting batches of personnel drawn from business and
industrial community of the town and putting them through orientation
programme at the Small Industry Extension Training (SIET) Institute,
Hyderabad. Fifty-two persons grouped into three batches participated in the
programme. The training was designed primarily to stimulate the
imagination and encourage introspection into personal motivation and
community goals. The achievement development course contained four
main items:
The individuals strived to attain concrete and frequent feedback.
The participants sought models of achievement i.e. watched those who
have performed well and tried to emulate.

The participants imagined themselves in need of success and challenge
and set carefully planned and realistic work goals.
The trainees were asked to control day dreaming by thinking and talk to
themselves in positive terms.
After two years those who had taken the course except for one Mexican
case performed better than comparable men who did not take the course.
The former made more money, got promoted faster and expanded business
faster. In order to assess need for achievement, McClelland used the
Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) which presents the subject with an
ambiguous picture. The individual is asked to interpret what he sees and
what is happening in the picture. Achievement related themes are then
counted and the final score represents the individual s desire for high
About the results of the Kakinada experiment, McClelland concluded that
those participating in the programme displayed more active business
behaviour (51 per cent as against 25 per cent in the control group) and
worked longer hours. Significantly he found that caste, traditional beliefs or
western ways of life did not determine the mental makeup of a participant.
The training as was given at Hyderabad is likely to improve those who have
a great yearning to do something and have the opportunity to do so in their
business framework.
The Kakinada experiment is being utilised in a number of experiment that
have recently initiated technical personnel to set up new enterprises of their
own. In Gujarat, various State agencies have combined to operate an
Entrepreneurship Development Programme to help young people acquire
the motivation necessary to become risk-takers. The Gujarat programme
has been successful in persuading many persons to set up new enterprises in
the small-scale sector. It was found that the follow-up "package" assistance

offered by the State agencies in Gujarat has been particularly instrumental
in helping the participants to decide on the enterprise they wish to start.
Similarly, in Andhra Pradesh, the Small Scale Industrial Development
Corporation Ltd. (APSSIDC) has been assisting technically qualified
persons to become entrepreneurs through orientation programmes of the
SIET Institute. This is followed by specific assistance of providing
developed land specially earmarked for such persons at nominal rates in the
technocrats industrial estates.
Based on the experiences in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh, the Ministry of
Industrial Development has recently formulated schemes of helping
technical personnel to become entrepreneurs. This programme consists of
three months programme at selected centres spread all over the country,
followed by financial assistance in terms of a subsidy on the interest on
advances taken by the entrepreneur from the commercial banks so that the
net interest paid by the entrepreneur himself does not exceed five per cent.
The programme is designed to enable a young person to know the real
problems of setting up an enterprise and to work out the feasibility report of
his own project. During this period, he is also provided with opportunities
to visit industrial establishments in his field of specialisation. The Selection
Committee with the State Director of Industries as its Chairman does
careful screening of the participant so that the programme would result in a
sizable number of new enterprises. It is expected thousands of young
persons will be provided with such training in the years to come.
Making people achievement oriented or inculcating in them need for
achievement, is the objective of all such programmes. Thus, efforts are
made through such programmes to spread ambition. Ambition is the mother
of all motives. The intentions and the initiative of the man are directed by
his ambitions. The ambition electrifies man s actions. The common saying

aimless life is a goalless game emphasis the importance of ambition in
life. So, what matters most is not merely the men but their aspiration and
what they do to reach their goal. It is the duty of the parents, the teachers
and the leaders of the nation to instill ambition into the minds of the people.
Naturally, ambitions differ from individual to individual on the basis of
personal tastes and temperaments, and family to family and nation to nation
depending upon the circumstances in which they are placed and the
priorities which they have set for themselves. Sometimes, personal
aspirations come in the way of family aspirations or national aspirations.
Whoever it may be, aspirations do change with the changing times and
values. For any man it may not be possible to cherish all his aspirations in
his lifetime. So also, a nation may not be able to fulfill all her ambitions
within a span of 100 or 200 years. However, the ambitions or aspirations,
which are unfulfilled, are passed on to the next generation who may chase
the target with redoubled effort and vigor. Therefore, ambition, which
nourishes the achievements motivation brings in economic growth, brings
in development not merely in any one segment of the economy but it results
in total growth.
Entrepreneurship, of late, has attracted much public interest since it is the
focus of throbbing industrial growth and has been receiving the attention of
the planners, policy-makers, social scientists, economists, industrialists,
financial institutions, administrators and academicians. Entrepreneurship is
regarded as the most crucial factor in the economic development of each
and every region in India.
The essential attributes expected from an entrepreneur are the skills of
human and social, business, professional, legal, innovative, liaison,
handling officials, fund mobilizing and the ability to take technical,

economic, social and environmental risks. Thus, a successful entrepreneur
is one who knows the science of handling the government as well as to
manage the ever-changing commercial-economic situation and taxation
laws. These virtues are essential to obtain credit, to woo labour and to deal
with the cutthroat competition. Hence, the new breed of entrepreneurs has
to possess different varieties of skills quite different from what was
described by Schumpeter.
The common belief is that an entrepreneur is born and not made. But, by
giving the right type of training and follow up support and assistance, one
can develop as an entrepreneur. The right type of entrepreneurial training
helps to identify and develop the natural inherent and potential virtues of
the human beings, which are lying dormant. In India, what is lacking is not
the spirit of entrepreneurship but the application of the related skills and the
spirit of enterprises to profitable economic activities. The degree of
application of this ability is being constrained by the absence of a just and
fair industrial infrastructure.
Rural employment: The development of the Indian economy has led to a
rise in unemployment mostly because of the mismatch between creation of
employment and the addition to labour force. Employment in the organized
sector grew unimpressively and unemployment kept growing. Moreover,
the policy reforms pursued in India since 1991 do not focus on the labour
force and its employment and in the near future they might even spell a
slow down of employment growth. Social and technical changes,
development, methods of production and even education which were
closely linked to progress have led to more unemployment in India. The
traditional modes of community action are losing relevance and hence are
on the decline in rural areas.

Over 75 per cent of the Indians continue to live in rural areas. About 80 per
cent of the rural labour force is still employed in agriculture and allied
activities. The balance of the rural labour force is almost equally divided
between secondary and tertiary sectors. The capacity of agriculture to
absorb additional labour force is limited. According to 1991 census, 43.37
percent of the total secondary sector work force is in the rural secondary
sector including household manufacturing and construction activities. At
the all India level the percentage of secondary sector including household
manufacturing and construction activities. At the all India level the
percentage of secondary sector work force to total work force is 33.75 per
cent as against 7.32 per cent in the case of the rural sector.
Labour absorption in agriculture and in the urban industrial and services
sector has not been fast enough to absorb the growing rural labour force.
Despite rural migration to cities, rural unemployment remains a nagging
problem. A great majority of the rural workers in non-agricultural
enterprises have to be, by necessity, self-employed. Hence, additional
employment will have to be found within the rural areas in such activities,
which offer scope for additional labour absorption. This is where
entrepreneurship will have to play its important role.
The backlog of unemployment at the end of the Sixth and Seventh Five
Year Plan periods were 7.84 and 3.75millions respectively. It means
approximately only 4 million jobs were created during the two Plan
periods. The employment at the beginning of the Eights plan has been
accounted at 301.7 million persons on what is known as weekly status
basis, i.e., the number of persons who worked for at least one hour during a
week. Corresponding to this, the labour force has been estimated at 319
millions. Thus the backlog of open unemployment was placed at about 17
million. Besides, it is estimated that about two per cent of those recorded as

employed had work for half or less than half the time and such people
categorized as severely unemployed, would be generally looking for
alternative new full time job opportunity. So, if these are included in the
estimate for the backlog of unemployment as in April 1992 would be higher
at 23 million. On the other hand, 345 million more would be added to the
labour force. Thus the total number of persons seeking employment during
the Eighth Plan is estimated at 58 million. The total percentage of rural selfem
ployed persons comes to 59.4 per cent, regular employed is only 7.7 per
cent and casual wage employment is available for 32.8 per cent of the rural
job seekers.
It appears from the inter-industry employment growth pattern for the
economy as a whole that within the rural non-household industrial segment,
it is the forces of change and altering demand patterns which are tending to
transform the existing industrial employment structure, whereas within the
household segment, there is relative inertia of the existing structure.
Moreover, the traditionally dominant agricultural sector is losing its relative
importance and gradually the work force in the non-agricultural areas is
increasing. There is a strong correlation between rural employment and
expansion of rural non-household segment.
Therefore, expansion of avenues for industrial employment within rural
areas is one of the major ways of diversifying the rural economy. The rural
non-farm sector in India has the promise of becoming the most dynamic
part of the economy. It has the possibility to absorb as many as 40 million
new entrants to the employment market out of the 100 odd million who
would need jobs by the year 2000 A.D. The sector can guarantee these jobs
with low capital investment, lower demands on infrastructure and energy,
higher exports and lower imports. This sector tends to act a sponge for
surplus labour Development of power, roads, credit and marketing and

training in skills in rural areas can stimulate employment and labour
productivity. As labour markets expand and get more organized, the more
enterprising among rural labour should be equipped with education, skills
and assets. The two major goals to be fulfilled for rural labour are: (i)
improving their levels of living and preparing them for effective
participation in development in future-this has to be achieved through
increase in employment opportunities that are self-sustaining, and (ii) some
of the existing occupations for rural labour should be regarded as
transitional because transfer of labour from agriculture to rural and nonrural o
ccupations has already started.
Entrepreneurship is effectively required for improving the land base, equity
in agricultural growth, employment guarantee programmes by merging
various wage employment schemes by pooling and considerably
augmenting these resources. Corporate agriculture can create more
employment. There are still huge chunks of land available in the country in
stated like Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Bihar,
and elsewhere, which have to be reclaimed and put to agricultural use as
well as for other development purposes.
Urbanizing the rural areas is another strategy which would tend to equalize
the country side with the towns, generate incomes to lift the quality of life
in these pockets, and above all, prevent migration to towns in search of
income and employment. It enough infrastructures are provided in a timebound fra
me, small and large industries could be invited to start ventures
which create employment.
In view of the above, there is an urgent need for developing rural
industrialization and entrepreneurial activities will have to promote rural

The most important step in rural industrialization is to identify enterprises
and develop them on sound lines. It needs talented, experienced and
dedicated persons who can bring a challenge in the social structure of the
villages and increase the industrial activities, employment and income of
the villagers. The inter-relationship between rural industrialization and rural
unemployment carries two main policy implications, (i) unless the tempo of
rural industrial expansion is continuously maintained and enlarged,
endemic rural unemployment cannot be eliminated at all, and (ii) there is
strong correlation between rural employment and expansion of rural nonhousehold
segment. Rural unemployment is likely to be reduced in regions
where rural industries are prominent.
It should be noted that industries with high capital requirement generally
fall within the non-household segment of the rural sector, industries falling
largely within non-household sector also have relatively high productivity
per worker.
In assessing the potential for industrial employment generation within the
rural sector, the type of industries in which the rural sector predominates
should be identified. At present the maximum role of rural industrial
employment exists in the case of non-metallic mineral-based group where
this share is 70.07 per cent. This group includes pottery, bangles, beads and
other related items. Wood products and beverages and tobacco products are
specifically prominent. Similarly, employment is provided in the household
segment in food products, jute textiles, wearing apparel, leather products,
metal products, and non-electrical machinery. The share of employment in
these is nearly 70 per cent. The possible rural industry groups where
effective entrepreneurship can generate employment are: food products,
beverages, tobacco, cotton textiles, wool, silk and synthetic fibers, jute
industries, leather products, rubber and petroleum products, chemical

products, non-metallic minerals, basic metals electrical and non-electrical
machinery, transport equipment, repairs, etc. At present, wood products
occupy the most dominant position in the states of Bihar, Himachal
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orrissa and Rajasthan. Cotton textiles are dominant
in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamilnadu, West Bengal and wearing apparels
in Jammu and Kashmir, beverages and tobacco products in Karnataka,
Madhya Pradesh and repairs in Haryana, Punjab and UP.
A National Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development Programme
sponsored by the Industries Development Bank of India in March 1980
outlined that successful entrepreneurship in Japan and the USA had
originated from the rural artisan class. China had generated 100 million
jobs/self-employments in the small-scale industries and mostly in
agriculture and allied activities. Maximum direct employment sustainability
in a geographically dispersed manner ought to be the main guiding
principle for the small-scale industrial development.
The Indian process of sociological development and economic reformation
vividly exhibits the following varieties of entrepreneurships, namely,
entrepreneurships based on agriculture, are and craft, professional
orientation, business orientation, local resources and human resources.
Entrepreneurial development programmes should be predominantly
oriented towards removal of local unemployment, alleviate local poverty,
prevention of self-employment and entrepreneurship among women.
Development of local skills and human resources should have four
perspective principles. They are: (i) to prepare individuals for assuming
their roles as responsible citizens, (ii) to develop in them scientific outlook,
awareness of their rights and responsibilities as well as a consciousness of

the process of development, (iii) to sensitize them to ethical, social and
cultural values which go to make an enlightened entrepreneur, and (iv) to
impart to the local people education, training, knowledge, skills, land
attitudes which would enable them to be successful and potential
The small scale industries sector has been assigned an important role in
rural industrialization. They have not only increased to nearly 20 lakh units,
but they have also generated around 12 million employment opportunities
and over 60,000 crores of rupees worth export earnings. The village and
small industries constitute an important segment of the economy. They
provide maximum employment next only to the agricultural sector and
account for more than one-third of the total; exports of the country. By
1989-90 the traditional industries provided 21.74 million jobs, produced
117.6 millions worth of goods and earned Rs. 3308.9 crores as foreign
exchange earnings.
In view of their bright potential for production, employment and export,
village and small industries should be made to open up a wider horizon. It
is necessary to identify the areas of weaknesses and vulnerability and take
purposeful and objective measures for redressal. What is necessary is a
package programme of coordinated remedies. Attention should be paid to
the reviews and recommendations made by many expert groups like the
International Planning Team, 1954, the Karve Committee on village and
small industries, 1955, the international perspective planning team, 1963,
and the different studies made by the Reserve Bank of India.
One reality about the spectrum of small industries is that it is not a
homogeneous whole, but one having specific discontinuities along the size
scale. If one looks at units operating at investment levels of Rs. 500, Rs.

5000, Rs. 50000, Rs. 500000 and five million rupees, it can be seen that
they have very little in common with each other in terms of (a) the
entrepreneurial profile, (b) marketing problems, (c) infrastructural
problems, and (d) promotional needs. If one is to draw just one dividing
line horizontally along the pyramidal structure of this industry, it can be
done at around the Rs. 100,000 level of investment in plant and machinery.
Below this level would fall 90 per cent of the registered small scale
industrial units and all of the unregistered units.
Since we have chosen employment generation as the primary objective of
small scale industrialization. It is necessary to look at the ground realities a
the base of the pyramid too. The base is constituted by the large number of
self-employed house-holds who have taken to subsistence livelihood in
non-farm activity. These have been thrown out of the agricultural sector, as
the land could not support them. They crowd into handicraft, khadi and
other such production businesses competing against each other and
bringing down prices to dishes levels. It is significant that some 38 per cent
of those below the poverty line are from the self-employed households
according to the 42nd round of the NSS.
The subsistence activity characterizes a large part of the imformal industry
sector in the urban areas as well. It must be realized that this implies a gross
exploitation of a large section of the countrys workers, to whom the
country has failed to give not only a guarantee of a minimum livelihood but
even access to technical knowledge and information about facilities offered
by the public sector to industrial units. But even in these exploitative
circumstances, the growth of employment in non-agricultural village and
small service sector, even of the subsistence kind, has been painfully slow.
Census and NSS statistics show a decline of household industry in absolute

A close look at the departments and agencies offering the incentives reveals
that: (a) Infrastructure is available only in cities and industrial belts while
districts and talus level they are almost non-existent. Quality of the
infrastructure itself is very poor and there is no maintenance of the existing
infrastructure. This is evident from the dilapidated condition of most of the
industrial estates in the country. Decisions regarding location of the
industrial estates are not taken in consultation with users body or industry
association. (b) Procedures for availing the state incentives are so
cumbersome that it is difficult to comply with conditions that are laid
down. Moreover, it takes years to receive the incentive, defeating the very
purpose of providing financial relief which is urgently required at the
beginning itself. (c) Banks provide loans at concessional interest rate of the
small scale industrial sector. Here again, the efficiency of the bank loan
sanction depends upon the status of the branch and its location. Also, bank
rules are rigid for providing working capital assistance in units which are
clamoring for more flexible approach in this regard. (d) Tax incentives
really make a product competitive and economically viable. (e) Regarding
technology, plant and machinery, marketing and raw material assistance
and industrial training, the role of the state agencies is questionable. This is
borne out be the fact that the existing small-scale units sedum ever felt the
need of tapping government sources for its requirements.
Though the policy of growth for small scale industries in India is adequate,
benefits are not reaching the entrepreneurs for whom they are meant. In a
socialist economy the government has to play its own role in the form of
checks and balances, whereas, at the same time, entrepreneurs should also
not take undue advantage by indulging in short cut methods. And this is
only possible through proper coordination of industry and the government.

It is the entrepreneurs who are responsible for impressive growth of small
scale sector in the country. Any policy measure regarding small sector
should address itself to the needs of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship cannot
grow and sustain in a restrictive and bureaucratic environment which is
unfortunately the currents situation in the country. Though the main
components situation in the country. Though the main components for the
new strategy in agricultural development, known as Green Revolution,
were package approach, high yielding variety seeds, fertilizers, controlled
water supply, insecticides and mechanical equipment, the success of this
revolution has been possible due to the: (a) full freedom of the sector and
autonomy from government; (b) easy availability of bank loan at
concessional rate and free and improved know-how from its extension
services; (c) observation of statutory rules and regulations.
Hence, instead of piecemeal incentives administered poorly to small sector,
covering different items by different agencies: (i) the sector should be
given assistance similar to the agricultural sector, (ii) the sector should be
freed from the clutches of statutory rules and regulations, (iii) protection
should be provided for marketing of small scale products, (iv) the sector
should be provided with modernization and technology improvement
assistance; and (v) appropriate management techniques are to be developed
for effective management of small scale industries which may revolutionize
the sector.
It is true that the countrys experiences in Green Revolution as well as in
Dairy Development have succeeded by the efforts of our farmer
entrepreneurs. However, the core of the scheme has been non-interference
of the state on the farmers while the incentives/assistance are available at
the doorstep of the farmers. May be, this kind of approach and provision

are required for our small scale entrepreneurs to scale new heights of
industrial revolution in the small scale sector.
The Government of India has announced tits Industrial Policy for small
scale industries sector. The main highlights of the policy include: (a) an
increase in the investment limits to Rs. 60 lakhs and Rs. 75 lakhs in respect
of small scale units and ancillary/export-oriented units respectively; (b)
equity participation by other industrial undertakings in the small scale
sector, not exceeding 24 per cent of the total shareholding; (c) a limited
partnership for the supply of risk capital to the small scale sector. Now the
time is ripe for giving a fresh thought to the needs of the entrepreneurs. The
tax concessions given to the people for investing in big lousiness can be
offered to the people for investing in big business can be offered to the
people investing in small business too. This will provide equal opportunity
to the small entrepreneurs.
Today, when we are talking about privatization of public sector units, why
not the government encourages privatization in other areas like small scale
sector infrastructure, incentive delivery system, maintenance of industrial
estates, etc. As far as marketing is concerned, National Small Industries
Corporations contribution has been negligible. Hence, the Government can
consider offering incentives to private marketing agencies in the small scale
sector. The area which needs serious attention is simplification of
procedures and liberation from bureaucratic control. Infact, no special
treatment or extra concessions are required, rather the sector can be placed
at par with the corporate sector so that the small scale sector becomes able
to compete with other sectors of the economy. Any positive action in this
direction can be expected only when the policies are worked out in
consultation with its own representatives and policies are not merely on
paper but their proper implementation takes place.

The need of the hour is to facilitate the availability of the incentive package
to the needy entrepreneurs at the quickest possible time. Once the
government stops administrating incentive packages and grants only the
savings of administrative cost which thus accrues, to the small scale
industrial units for setting up industry associations, maintenance of their
own industrial estates and disbursement of each subsidies, it will benefit
small scale industries without additional cost to government. Also, there is
a need to set up product-specific, for instance, electronic, carpet, furniturema
king, etc., small sector centres, wherein all the needs of the small-scale
units including incentive are satisfied by a single agency. Needless to say
that no agency could be more effective in this context than the agency
which is managed by owners of small-scale industrial units.
Congenial atmosphere plays an important role in the promotion of
entrepreneurship. Today our rural entrepreneurs are facing many constraints
of numerous characters, which have retro gated the spirit of
entrepreneurship. The situation is very deplorable in interior villages. It is
the lack of opportunities in keeping with skills. Rural entrepreneurs are not
able to reach market themselves and the intermediaries are making huge
profits. Rural entrepreneurs do not know how to synchronize their skills
with what the markets want. They have problems of not being able to add
values to their products by way of finishing, packing and advertising. There
is abundance of artisan-oriented skills in profitable activities. Rural
entrepreneurs have to cope with a number of constraints and difficulties in
various fields such as technological innovations, governmental procedures
and regulations, scarcity and paucity of funds, market communications,
logistic problems, etc. Some of the problems of the new rural entrepreneurs
have been enlisted hereunder:

Lack of Managerial Experience: The new entrepreneur should have allround knowled
ge about the various aspects of management. He has to bear
in mind the fact that he cannot afford to employ experts/specialists for
various specialised jobs. Hence, he has to be an all-rounder in management
or his job is a multi-faced one. As an all-rounder he must look after:
What, how and when to produce;
Marketing of the products manufactured;
Accounting systems; and
The owner of a small scale industry should be well-versed in all these areas.
If he fails in one of these areas, that is enough to give him heavy losses,
which will result in the failure of the enterprise. A technocrat may give
much emphasis on technical aspects, but ignore marketing etc. Similarly,
one who is well experienced in sales may give undue importance to
marketing, but ignores technical aspects. So what is required is a good
knowledge about all the aspects of production, marketing, accounting and
Poor Accounting System: A good accounting system would provide
information regarding costs, gross margin, break-even point etc. which are
highly useful for decision-making. In the absence of proper accounting
data, decision-making would be difficult and the decisions made would not
give the desired effect.
Inadequate Estimate of Cash Requirements: A proper estimate of cash
requirements will help the proper functioning of the enterprise. A new

enterprise feels cash crunch when (a) production does not reach optimum
level,(b) production is below the break-even point, (c) it fails to create and
increase the demand for the product/services. All these factors result in the
depletion of cash very easily. This is because the time required for these has
been calculated wrongly. Delay in any one of these activities means more
cash requirements. Hence the entrepreneur has to estimate the time and also
how a month-by-month delay in starting the project would proportionately
increase the capital requirements. Costs escalate with the passage of time,
therefore, calculations have to be made in advance taking into account the
capital requirements by taking the time factor.
Lack of Knowledge about Tax Related Matters: The entrepreneur must
make himself aware of the provisions relating to income-tax and sales tax.
He must pay special attention to sales-tax laws and regulations especially
obtaining sales-tax registration at the appropriate time, filing tax returns
regularly etc.
Steps to Overcome Problems: Many studies have been conducted to identify the
problems faced by the new enterprise. These studies have mainly pinpointed the
above problems and the following suggestions have been made to overcome these
Make an intensive study of the proposed project/product/service. Spend a lot
of time in preparing budgets, cost estimates, collecting market information
etc. These are required to make the proposed venture as realistic as possible.
Once the project has been started it may not be possible to consider or make

Financial prudency requires that one has to adopt a conservative attitude
towards estimating income and liberal in expenses, at the same time there
should be wide margin of safety.
It is advisable to make use of the services of bankers, management and tax
consultants, suppliers etc. to examine the proposed project and elicit their
Accurate accounting information is vital for the running of the enterprise.
Hence, the services of a professional accountant should be made use of in
devising an appropriate accounting system.
Professional investors always look for lucrative ventures. If professional
investors are associated with the venture, they will scrutinise it from differen
angles before making any investment. This will help the entrepreneur in
determining whether the project is feasible or not and give good returns.
Complying with taxation formalities and paying taxes have become a regular
headache for many entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs should collect all
information regarding various types of taxes such as income-tax, sales-tax,
excise duties etc. even before the unit is started. They must familiarise with
changes taking place in taxation laws and see the unit gets the benefits or
advantages of certain taxes. Income tax, and excise duties come under central
laws whereas sales tax some under state laws.
Some societies produce a larger percentage of people with high need achievement.
Entrepreneurship becomes the link between need achievement and economic
growth. McClelland considers the need for achievement to be most critical to a
nation s economic development. He held that a strong inner-spirit in individua
to attain is a measurable variable arising from a need, which the individual

develop mainly in childhood and seeks to satisfy throughout his life. This inne
spirit which he called need for achievement, if higher, would produce more
energetic entrepreneurs capable of generating rapid economic development. High
need for achievement or ambition motivates an entrepreneurs to take risks, work
hard, find new things, save more, reinvest the savings in industry and so on.
Expansion of avenues for industrial employment within rural areas is one of the
major ways of diversifying the rural economy. The rural non-farm sector in India
has the promise of becoming the most dynamic part of the economy. In assessing
the potential for industrial employment generation within the rural sector, the
of industries in which the rural sector predominates should be identified. At
present the maximum role of rural industrial employment exists in the case of no
nmetallic mineral-based group where this share is 70.07 per cent. This group
includes pottery, bangles, beads and other related items. Wood products and
beverages and tobacco products are specifically prominent. Similarly, employment
is provided in the household segment in food products, jute textiles, wearing
apparel, leather products, metal products, and non-electrical machinery. The sha
of employment in these is nearly 70 per cent. The possible rural industry groups
where effective entrepreneurship can generate employment are: food products,
beverages, tobacco, cotton textiles, wool, silk and synthetic fibers, jute indus
leather products, rubber and petroleum products, chemical products, non-metallic
minerals, basic metals electrical and non-electrical machinery, transport
equipment, repairs, etc.
N-Achievement: It is the desire to reach goals, to tackle challenges and to exce

Rural Entrepreneurship: The enterprising attitude developing among the people
in rural areas.
What do you understand by N-achievement? How can achievement
motivation be developed?
Write an explanatory note on Kakinada experiment on achievement
What is meant by entrepreneurial motivation? Is it necessary for a
successful entrepreneur? Discuss.
Bring out the success of rural entrepreneurs in India. Also, discuss the
role of SSI in providing employment to the rural folk.
What are the problems of new entrepreneurs in rural sector? Discuss their
solution, if any.
1. McClelland, D C and Winter, W G: Motivating Economic Achievement
2. Jain, Rajiv: Planning A Small Scale Industry- A Guide to Entrepreneurs.
3. Gupta, C.B. and Khanka, S.S.: Entrepreneurship and Small Business
4. John Kao and Harars Stevenson: Entrepreneurship What it is and How
to Teach it.

Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code:CP 401
Lesson : 08
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Creativity, Inventions and Innovation
The Environment and Process of Creativity
Creativity and the Entrepreneur
Innovative Approaches to Entrepreneurship
Self Assessment Questions
Suggested Readings
After reading this lesson you should be able to
Describe the terms creativity, innovation and invention.
Explain the various aspects of the environment for creativity and

Discuss the innovative approaches to entrepreneurship.
Creativity has been defined in relation to various frames of reference: as a
process, as a product, and as a set of human characteristics. The dictionary
view creativity as the power or ability to create, to originate, or to produce.

In dictionary definitions, creativity carries implications of originality and
productivity. In the broad literature that discusses creativity, the term
overlaps (and is often used interchangeably) with terms such as
inventiveness, productive thinking, and the act of discovery. The
literature includes contributions from psychology, philosophy, sociology,
anthropology, the history of science and technology, the history of thought,
economics, biography and from the specific field in which creativity plays a
conspicuous role, such as the plastic and performing arts, scientific and
engineering fields, management, and medicine.
In the literature concerned with creativity and creative thinking the majority
of definitions include the criteria of novelty and utility. The definitions
insist on newness, novelty, and originality.
new combinations of ides and things
a new association of existing elements
the forming of associative elements into new combinations
the production of an idea, concept, creation, or discovery that is new or
original to its creator
Originality refers to something statistically infrequent. The schizophrenic
who babbles incoherent sentences may be expressing something original, in
the sense of its being statistically infrequent, but no one would call the
babble creative. Thus 7,363,474 is quite an original answer to the problem
how much is 12 + 12?
Value is the second major criterion for judging creativity. Value is
expressed as utility satisfaction, acceptance meeting requirements and
meaningfulness. Creativity is an activity with social implications, since
utility implies value to someone in addition to the creator. Many scholars in
the field of creativity point out the role of social utility in creativity.

Although the literal definition of the term creation does not necessarily
include the attribute of value the term is almost invariably used to convey
value either tactily or explicity
Useful or satisfying to its creator or someone else in some period of time.
Satisfy some expressed or implied human need (Taylor, 1961)
Acceptable as tenable or useful or satisfying (to) a group in some point of
Innovation, invention and creativity are often used interchangeably,
particularly in everyday language. Among scholars in the field of creativity,
innovation is used to define the process by which a new product or idea is
introduced into use or practice. Innovation sometimes refers only to the first
use of new thing or idea. In this sense, discussions of innovation are
concerned with the recognition, first use, or diffusion of an innovation, and
take into account such things as entrepreneurship and marketing.
It is convenient to use innovation to refer to the process that generates an
idea, develops it, and brings it into practice. In this sense of the word,
creativity is then the first step in the invention process. As Edison said,
Invention is 5% percent inspiration and 95% percent perspiration.
Creativity is what Edison called inspiration is the generation of an
original, useful idea, the critical first step in the process. Invention is the
process of selection of the idea of be worked on and its detailed process by
which the invention is first brought into use by an individual, company or
Differentiating creativity, invention, and innovation help us to see the
differences among the required process elements more clearly. Creativity

requires the ability to reach out to widely separated components, and to
synthesize them. The creative effort does best by generating as many
useful, new ideas as possible from which to select one or two to develop.
The rest of the overall invention process consists of selecting the idea(s) to
develop, requires convergent thinking and the ability to discard irrelevant
ideas, and it includes analysis as opposed to synthesis. The rest of the
invention process consists of detailed development of the idea(s) into
producable, workable form, a continuous (often tedious) effort which
includes the solution of a myriad of design problems, each of which may
entail repeating the selection process many times at a micro level. The
invention process also includes rests or trails of all detailed parts as well as
the whole, and many repetitions of the effort.
The who and how of creativity: In trying to evoke and develop creativity
in an organization, managers and interested in such question as: Can
creative people be identified for the purpose of hiring ? Are there valid and
reliable tests that can predict who will be creative? Can creativity be
developed or enhanced in employee? Are there creativity techniques that
can be taught to employees that will increase creativity with in the
organization? What kinds of management actions help or retard creativity?
What kinds of environment to enhance or deter creativity have generated
data that provide some answers to these managerial questions.
The questions guiding creativity research have been: Who is creative? What
is the creative process? What influences the creative process? Is everyone
creative? Everyone is creative, but there are individuals who are
demonstrably more creative than others.
From the beginning of research on creativity, highly creative individuals
have been distinguished from less creative people by their intellectual and

personal characteristics. The lists of intellectual characteristics identified
with highly creative individuals have been distinguished from less creative
people by their intellectual and personal characteristics. The list of
intellectual characteristics identified with highly creative individuals can be
clustered under the general headings of fluency, originality, flexibility,
tolerance of ambiguity, playfulness and IQ. Researchers have characterized
high creatives by a host of qualities that can be roughly described as: strong
work motivation, independent, non-conformist, and high energy.
From the beginning, much research on creativity has focused on developing
ways of predicting who will demonstrate high creativity in the future. One
approach, based on biographical and autobiographical studies of individuals
which demonstrated high creativity, attempts to develop predictive
profiles. Included among the profile methods is factor analysis. Other
attempts have produced psychometric instruments to measure intellectual
capabilities considered by the researcher as central to creativity. Most of the
latter have measured divergent thinking. Despite several decades of
research effort on creativity and highly creative individuals, there is as yet
no profile or test that reliably predicts who will be highly creative in the
future. Efforts to develop tests to predict creativity in students have born
little result. Longitudinal studies of the predictive strength of divergent
thinking tests given to students have been disappointing. So far the only
good indication that an individual will be highly creative is the
demonstrated by high creativity in the past.
Two aspects of the environment for creativity have been examined by
researchers: (i) the kinds of familiar and educational environments in
childhood that leads to creativity in adulthood, and (ii) the kinds of

immediate, organizational, and physical environments associated with high
creativity. The effect of childhood environments in subsequent creativity is
of special interest to educators and psychologists (and concerned parents),
though of little utility for managers. One finding worth noting, however,
was that high creatives, unlike those with high IQs, came from families in
which parents put little stress on grades. It should also be noted, however,
that many of the prescriptions for encouraging creative development in
children are at odds, with the way creative geniuses in the past were raised.
The professional manager is concerned with organizational environments
associated with high creativity and how they might be generated. Most of
the organizational characteristics that appear to enhance creativity relate to
the characteristics attributed to highly creative individuals. For example,
since non-conformity in both thought and action characterizes high
creatives, the organization that is tolerant of a large variety of deviance
from the norm is more likely to enhance creativity. It is not surprising to
organizations and academic faculties marked by unconventional dress and
little rigidity concerning hours of work.
Many other characteristics of creative organizations are:
Open channels of communications are maintained.
Contacts with outside sources are encouraged.
No specialists are assigned to problems.
Ideas are evaluated on their merits rather than on the status of their
Management encourages experiments with new ideas rather making
rational prejudgments.

Decentralization is practiced.
Much autonomy is allowed to the professional employees.
The organization is not run tightly or rigidly.
Participative decision-making is encouraged.
Employees have fun.
The process of creating: Each individual develops a unique approach to
the act of creation. Biographics of creative geniuses are replete with
descriptions seemingly ludicrous conditions insisted upon by great creators.
Schiller seems to have depended on the smell of decomposing apples
which he habitually kept concealed in his desk! Kipling reports (an)
inability to write creatively with a lead pencil. (He) seemed to demand the
blackest ink, all blue-black being an abomination to his creative
tendencies. At certain precise times of the day Kant worked in bed. There
he had some intellectual dependence upon the tactile stimulation provided
by the blankets, which were arranged round him in a highly original ways
invented by himself. In spite of the apparent uniqueness of the creative
process in each individual and the idiosyncratic patterns followed by many
creative individuals, studies of the process are in fair agreement that it
follows a recongnizable overall pattern. The creative process has been
variously described, but most descriptions include a series of strips, varying
in number, that can be sub summed with in the following four steps: (1)
preparation, (2) incubation, (3) illumination, and (4) verification.
Can anything systematic be done to increase creativity in individuals and in
an organization? Does management really want creativity and somewhat
less controlled conditions necessary to foster it?

If desired creativity can be consciously and systematically enhanced in an
organization through hiring, motivation, organization, and management.
Theories to support future practice: In view of the considerable scope for
confusion regarding creativity and innovation, there is a clear need for
explanatory on descriptive models of the process. The following mode is
have proved themselves particularly valuable in interpreting creativity and
innovation, and in suggesting means of enhancing practical exercises
involving the processes.
Creativity: the Intrinsic Motivation view: Recent studies have proposed
that creative achievement is strongly associated with intrinsic motivation.
There may be a strong human motivation to do things because we want to,
and not because we have to, or because we are obliged to. Stimulating
creativity in others, for wider social or organizational ends, now becomes a
subtle process of removing constraints. The primary reward systems are
self-generating. (The plays the thing, not the pays the thing).
Nevertheless, the intrinsic motivation can be influenced by extrinsic
factors, and managing an individuals creative contribution will involve the
manager in establishing a positive, reinforcing climate. Recent works have
provided evidence which suggests that a positive organizational climate is
associated with innovative output; a less positive climate with less
innovative outputs.
Creativity as Intelligence: Increasing attention to creativity among
cognitive psychologists has added to our understanding of the phenomenon.
The work has received added momentum through interest in artificial
intelligence. What may be happening is a view of intelligence as a process,
which has a wider scope than was captured in conventional intelligence
tests, Thus, as psychologists prepare to extend the scope of intelligent

behaviour they may be moving towards incorporating insightful creative
behaviours. The demystification has reached the stage where we can
claim a computer programme can now discover (create) scientific laws. In a
memorable phrase, Perkins has suggested that creativity is not so much an
extra-ordinary process, but an ordinary process directed towards extraordinary e
Creativity and Innovation: The Emerging Systems of Views: Perhaps
the most promising of recent theories have been attempts to place creativity
and innovation within a systems methodology. One increasingly important
taxonomy is attributed to Rhodes, who proposed that creativity be viewed
as a four dimensional phenomenon of person product, process, and
context, (environment).
If we follow Magyari-Beck, we can construct a creativity matrix in which
the four dimensions can be examined at differing levels: individual, team,
organizational, and societal (Fig.1)
Within a broad systems approach, creativity and innovation can be treated
as complex problem-solving behaviours, at individuals and social levels.
Level 1
Level 2
Context (Press)

in teams
Level 3
climate and
Level 4
Socio technical

& economic
Fig. 1 Creativity Matrix
We predict that a systems view will become a major issue of theorists
concerned with the creativity and innovation within a decade.
Barricade to creativeness: There are following four types of barriers,
which deter creativity:
Perceptual Blocks: A perceptual block is caused by the minds
tendency to short circuit and jump to a conclusion too rapidly. We
look at something, and what we see appears to be all there is.
Emotional blocks: Emotional blocks to creativity are those caused
by anger, envy, fear, dread, hate, agreed, love, lust, and so forth.
They are principally divided into two major types: transient blocks
which come and go from day to day or week to week, and permanent
one which were built into our thinking because they rob us of our
concentration, mental energy and initiative by making us squander
ourselves on worries and anxieties.
Cultural blocks:
Cultural blocks represent all the affects of
society on the individual. These are the forces that tear down our
individuality that solve us accepted grooves in out thinking. Cultural
block make us conformists.
Habits: To a great extent, any persons personality consists of his
own individual pattern of actions, thoughts; and habits. And much of
what we do every day is determined by a carefully conditioned and
developed pattern of habits.

Guidelines for creative problem solving: While solving problems one
must follow these guidelines:
Soak yourself in the problem: Read, review, examine, and analyse
any material you can find on the problem. Talk to people who know
about it. Look at the problem form every side. Do not accept
authority uncritically; question the conclusion that there is no way to
solve it.
As a manager, always challenge the judgement that it can not, or it
wont work. I agree it can not be done, but if we had to do it or in
short, what could we do? That always changes the atmosphere and
turns the group to finding ways to attack the problem rather than
judge it. Provide your people with all the information you can, erring
on the side of overload. Encourage them to contact a wide variety of
sources for information and to soak themselves in the problem.
Play with the problem: Stay, loose and flexible when considering
the problem. Try out different assumption; imagine that one of the
conditions affecting the problem is removed, and see where the
problem leads now. Approach the problem from different directions
and turn it inside out. Assume different environments. Mentally shift
the positions of various parts of the problem specially and
temporarily. Change the order of events or the situation.
As a manager, encourage your people to explore the problem from
every conceivable viewpoint. Through discussion and questioning,
suggest while approaches in the early stages of a project.
Suspend judgement: Dont draw early conclusions, which will lock
you and hamper your creative freedom. Do not become fixated on a

particular part of the problem definition, losing sight of the larger
ramifications. Avoid setting on an early partial or total solution, but
stay open to new information and possibilities not yet considered. As
solutions from them help them to suspend judgement by keeping the
pressure off and encouraging them to write down and defer their
solutions until later.
Come up with at least two solutions: When you decide to produce
two solutions you are sure to keep thinking about the problem
instead of fixating on one idea. Studies have shown that second
solutions tend to be more creative. In one experiment, the request for
a second solution increased the number of creative solutions
pushed the subjects to the limit, but still resulted in a 25 per cent
increase in very good creative solutions.
As a manager, call for two distinct solutions to the problem, not
necessarily worked out in detail, but substantially different. In most
cases, all the anxieties and rigidness of the professional go into the
first solution, whereas the second is more free-flowing. A group
asked for ways of delivering high quality education for less money,
for example, will come up with a first solution calling for cutting
costs, increasing tuition, and putting facilities to money-making uses
outside of teaching. Second solutions will then involve engaging
academics who are not research oriented but good teachers to teach
double loads for more money and (in lieu of student loans) investing
in students in expectations of a percentage of their first five years
earning (which would extend a universitys concern with its products
in a positive way).

What do you do when youre stuck?: Try a variety of ways of
picturing the problem and the solution; from verbal description to
graphics to abstractions. Many creative scientists, mathematicians,
and writers get a new perspective on problems by making sketches
and diagrams.
Try our problem on outsiders. When you discuss your problem with
others, you see it differently because you have to put it into terms
intelligible to them. Their answers may be less important than your
own presentation, but their unexpected questions may bring new
areas of your brain into play.
Take a break: Give your subconscious a chance to work. When you
are really stumped, go on to something else for a while. Creative
problem solving is a ripening process. So remember, you can not
force it. Working on it around the clock will only exhaust you.
As a manager, make yourself available as one of the people on
whom to try out problems. Ask the problems. Ask the problems
solver to draw you a picture to help you understand the problem.
When a person becomes too intense and is making no progress, give
that person some short of different assignment, to give their
subconscious a chance to work.
Following steps can help executive/managers in improving their
Stretch you horizon of knowledge in the field/related field on
which you are working.
Cultivate your field.
Pinpoint the problem.

Hunt for new ideas.
Boost your lagging enthusiasm.
Prepare for premiere.
To bring to a close, we can say that managing excellence is a long-term
approach in which mission has to be clearly defined in view of worldly
changing environment. A strategic thinking and culture building work in
tandem. It will result in achieving mission. Manager/executives have to
have new age skills of creative insight, sensitivity, vision, versatility, focus
and patience.
Creativity, innovation and invention are the terms used interchangeably.
Desirable organizational environment and culture helps executives in
developing creativity in management. A systematic approach (Creativity
Matrix) is proposed for tackling problems related to creativity at individual,
group and society levels. The six commandments for enhancing creativity
in organizations and individuals are to be encouraged.
Student passing out from the educational institutions have two career
options open to them: (a) wage employment (b) self-employment or setting
up their own small enterprises. The present system of technical education
prepares the polytechnic student only for wage employment in different
sectors of economy. Majority of the student go for wage employment in
large and medium industries and government departments. Very few opt for
self-employment or entrepreneurial career. The curriculum has been so
designed as to prepare the students for supervisory and middle level technomanag
erial positions in large and medium industries.

Moreover, wage-employment has a strong tendency for self-saturation.
Once availed, a position is blocked which remains so, till a person leaves
the job or retires. Further, wage employment has always limited scope since
it does not necessarily generate resources and can be organized only with in
the existing usable wealth.
On the other hand, self-employment contributes towards gross national
product (GNP) by way of producing consumer items, import substitutes or
export goods and services. Further, it has unique characteristics of selfgenerat
ion. A self-employment activity offers employment to others. The
enterprise itself leads to the emergence of chain of activities such as
transport, marketing, communication, networking etc., which create
unending opportunities for employment. Such enterprises are essential for
economic progress of the country and provide an outlet for creative urge
among individuals to attain excellence in product design and selected
innovations. In the ultimate analysis, the lasting solution is innovation. In
the ultimate analysis, the lasting solution of acute problem of
unemployment lies in self-employment through entreprenurisation of the
But inputs for self-employment and entrepreneurial development are not
provided in our education system. The inadequacy of entrepreneurs is one
of the inhibiting factors to accelerate the process of industrialization and
economic development in our country and create new job opportunities.
In our planning process, we have been giving greater emphasis physical and
related aspects like material, technology, finance, infrastructure etc. without
paying due attention to training and development of potential entrepreneurs
who use and manage it.

Entrepreneurship development programmes: India is a developing
country facing acute and chronic problem of unemployment. At this
juncture, it is necessary to evolve and concentrate on the strategies to
expand employment generation activities through entrepreneurship
development. These programmes should aim at encouraging students in
setting up their own small scale enterprises and generate additional
employment. This will promote entrepreneurship amongst diploma holders
and other graduates so as to enable them to make effective contribution in
economic development of the country and help in transfer of high
technology from research and development laboratories to small and
medium-sized enterprises.
The programme should be offered on part-time and full-time basis. The
part-time course is meant for employed persons and full-time course is
meant for fresh/unemployed graduates and diploma holders.
Part-time Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) @ 2
hours/day for a duration of 14 to 16 weeks including full time
entrepreneurial motivation training and market survey for a week.
Full-time course @ 6 hours/day aimed at developing competencies
and capabilities for starting not only tiny ventures but modern small
scale manufacturing or servicing ventures.
Venture-oriented project work: Project work constitutes an important
part of diploma curriculum and each student has to complete a project
during his final year of studies. While completing this project work student
get an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired during diploma
programme. Generally, the project assignments are of routine nature and
are repeated year after year. Project work should be related to
entrepreneurial activities so as to make them challenging to students and

teachers. The students who are keen to go for self-employment should be
identified during entrepreneurial awareness camps and assigned ventureoriented p
roject work. This will enable the students to identify suitable
venture opportunities and expose them further for their feasibility.
Under the project work, the students should prepare a detailed project
report on the identified venture so that the same can be utilized for
obtaining entrepreneurial support at the time of setting up an enterprise.
Upon successful completion of this project work the teacher supervising the
project has to play a crucial role in identification of opportunity, selection
of technology, plant and equipment and preparation of feasibility report.
The polytechnic faculty guiding the project should also be exposed to
entrepreneurship development courses organized by various institutions.
Such teachers may collaborate with these organizations while assigning
project work to identify students.
programme should result in diverting 5 to 10 percent of polytechnic
students from wage-employment to self-employment.
Short duration programmes on management of SSI: To run their units
successfully and to improve productivity and profitability, it is essential to
provide training to the students in certain management practices in small
enterprises. Short duration programmes in functional areas of production,
finance, marketing and personnel management should be conducted in
collaboration with existing entrepreneurs.
Product/process development facilities: It is seen that spare capacity is
available in workshops and laboratories of the polytechnics. The creative
talent of some of the polytechnic students can be utilized in developing new
products and processes. These students should be identified and allowed to

work in workshops and laboratories, to develop new products and processes
during their spare time. This facility may also be extended for preparing
prototype of an item, which the students want to manufacture. In order to
make this arrangement work a polytechnic has to exercise flexibility in
rules and regulations concerning use of workshops and laboratories. This
will promote innovative and creative activities in polytechnics.
Seminars on ancillarisation in polytechnics: The private and public
sector industries located around the polytechnic having scope for
ancillarisation should be identified. These industries may be requested to
organize seminars on ancillarisation for polytechnic students, teachers and
other interested people. Such an interaction of students with industries
would help in identification of need-based projects. Students with latent
entrepreneurial traits can imbibe guidelines during such seminars and set up
ancillary units for their self-employment. Such projects will be mutually
rewarding to polytechnic students and industries around.
Innovation refers to the process that generates an idea, develops it, and
brings it into practice. In this sense of the word, creativity is then the first
step in the invention process. As Edison said, Invention is 5% percent
inspiration and 95% percent perspiration. Creativity is what Edison called
inspiration is the generation of an original, useful idea, the critical first
step in the process. Invention is the process of selection of the idea of be
worked on and its detailed process by which the invention is first brought
into use by an individual, company or agency.
From the beginning, much research on creativity has focused on developing
ways of predicting who will demonstrate high creativity in the future. One
approach, based on biographical and autobiographical studies of individuals

which demonstrated high creativity, attempts to develop predictive
profiles. Included among the profile methods is factor analysis. Other
attempts have produced psychometric instruments to measure intellectual
capabilities considered by the researcher as central to creativity.
Desirable organizational environment and culture helps executives in
developing creativity in management. A systematic approach (Creativity
Matrix) is proposed for tackling problems related to creativity at individual,
group and society levels. The six commandments for enhancing creativity
in organizations and individuals are to be encouraged.
Creativity: The ability to bring something new into existence, conceiving the id
and articulating the new knowledge.
Innovation: The transformation of creative ideas into useful applications by
comprising resources in new or usual ways to provide value to society for new or
improved products, technology or services.
Invention: The creation of new products, processes and technologies not
previously known to exist.
Describe and distinguish the terms creativity and innovation. Elaborate
the necessity of these to an entrepreneur.
Write an explanatory note on creativity as intelligence.
Discuss various aspects of the environment for creativity and innovation.
Mention the innovative approaches for the entrepreneurship education in

1. Akhouri M.M.P. & Mishra S.P., Entrepreneurship Education a Conceptual
Base, Approach & Methodolgy, Proceedings National Conference on 25
years of Entrepreneurship Development in India-Retrospects and prospects,
January, 1990.
2. Deshpande M.U., Entrepreneurship of small scale Industries Deep &
Deep Pub., New Delhi, 1982.
3. Gupta, C.B. and Khanka, S.S.: Entrepreneurship and Small Business
4. John Kao and Harars Stevenson: Entrepreneurship What it is and How to
Teach it.

Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code:CP 401
Lesson : 09
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Estimating Financial Requirements
Sources of Long-Term Financing
Working Capital Financing
Self-Assessment Exercise
Suggested Readings
After reading this lesson you should be able to
Describe the procedure for estimating of requirement of finance.
Explain the various sources of long-term finance.

Discuss the methods of estimation of working capital requirements.

Explain the various sources of working capital finance.
Like many works of art,
be entrepreneur may sit
customer needs and make
never become a reality.

a business begins on a piece of paper. The would

down and design a small electronics plant to meet
a fine product, but without money the plan may
That is why entrepreneurs should understand how

to estimate the amount of money they need and then how to go about
raising that money.
This twin problem fascinates entrepreneurs, perhaps more so than any other
part of launching a new venture. This fascination may stem from a romantic
view of how some multimillion-dollar businesses have begun on
shoestrings of just a few thousand dollars. Apple computer Inc., for
example, began with only $600 in 1976. Despite its romantic aspects,
financing a new venture frustrates many entrepreneurs. Often they do not
know where to begin; if they do know, they go at it haphazardly. Relieving
that frustration is one purpose of this lesson.
Before they can estimate how much money they need, entrepreneurs must
know what they plan to do, unfortunately, and many entrepreneurs do not,
often because they have failed to work out business plans. Yet, the very act
of preparing such a plan enables entrepreneurs to crystallize their thinking
on how best to launch their ventures. It forces them to move logically and
systematically from the stage of dreams and ideas to that of concrete action.
The concreteness of business plans helps entrepreneurs determine their
financial needs.
The center piece of the business plan is the cash budget, which translates
operating plans into dollars. Without a cash budget, the entrepreneur has no
way of estimating financial needs. So vital are cash budgets that few
investors or creditors will entertain a request for money without one. More
than any other way, the cash budget enables them to decide intelligently
whether to finance the entrepreneur. The cash budget, for example, helps
the banker to obtain answers to the following questions:

How much money do you need?
How will you spend the money?
How soon will you pay us back?
The process of budgeting has many guises. Some individuals divide the
money from their weekly income into piles that they then place in
envelopes earmarked for groceries, clothes, entertainment, and so on. Many
giant corporations proceed in an orderly system that reflects both long-and
short-range goals.
What they are all doing is budgeting, or financial planning. Yet although
such planning is widely practiced by individuals, government, and big
businesses, entrepreneurs do little planning. One reason for their reluctance
to budget may be their discomfort with numbers. To many entrepreneurs,
financial skill is something best left to Wall Street.
Yet, financial skill is as vital to a ventures survival and growth as any
other skill, such as production or marketing. Numbers tend to intimidate the
entrepreneur. As a result, entrepreneurs often fall short in their appreciation
of the role that financial skill plays in the efficient operation of their
Large corporations have sophisticated financial experts versed in all aspects
of the business. In contrast, entrepreneurs are left to their own devices.
They stand alone. In the words of the Bank of America:
The mere language of finance .sounds so official, important, and difficult
that many businesspersons automatically assume it is beyond their
understanding. They feel that anything so obviously textbookish is better
left to the professionals.

With this attitude, it is hardly surprising that so many entrepreneurs find
themselves in trouble from the start. Yet they often blame investors and
creditors for their plight, not themselves. An entrepreneur might say, If
only I had $10000 I could really make my idea work. Generally
unprepared, such entrepreneurs can make little effort to convince potential
investors and creditors of their need for money. But the odds favor the
prepared entrepreneur. As Branch Rickey, former owner of the old
Brooklyn Dodgers, once said, Loch is the residue of design.
Preparing a Budget: Let us now discuss the details of how to work up a
cash budget. Before beginning to develop a cash budget, an entrepreneur
must first spell out his or her operating plans, defining production,
marketing, staffing, accounting, and legal goals. Note that these are all key
parts of the business plan.
Before we describe the process of translating these plans into rupees, let us
first point out two limitations of budgeting:

All budgets depend on estimates of what will happen in the future.

No one can accurately predict what will happen, however, so
budgets can be no better than the estimates. Thus the entrepreneur
should be as thorough as possible in his or her efforts to prepare
workable operating plans.

A budget cannot account for the effects

unpredictable events. It cannot reflect
entrepreneur may be, nor can it reflect
budget can deal only with future events

of intangible qualities or
how skilled and able the
teamwork and morale. A
that can be expressed in

Still, budgeting represents a remarkable achievement. It provides a

way of summarizing the future in a single statement, in language that

investors and creditors understand. Let us now see how operating
plans may be translated into a cash budget:
Example: An entrepreneur who plans to open a home furnishings store has
estimated her sales revenues for the first three years.This revenue forecast
is a result of the marketing plan that she worked out as part of her business
plan. Although it is rough, the revenue forecast is the single most important
estimate an entrepreneur can make, because it is the basis for most of the
other estimates. For example, a store with yearly revenues of $2 million
rather than $400,000 may call for five times as many salespersons, four
times as much floor space, and three times as much inventory.
Having forecast her revenues, the entrepreneur next estimates the cost of
the fixed and current assets she will need to support those revenues.
Before we proceed with our example, we will describe and differentiate
fixed and current assets.
Fixed Assets: Fixed assets are resources whose use will benefit the
entrepreneur for more than one year. An example is a building bought for
$150,000. If the entrepreneur expects the building to last 25 years, he or she
would receive $6000 worth of shelter benefits a year. Other examples of
fixed assets include machines, land, trucks, desks, and even ashtrays.
These examples are resources the entrepreneur can touch and see, but fixed
assets may also be intangible. For example, an inventor may sell an
entrepreneur the patent rights for a new pollution-control device for
$80,000. The entrepreneur might expect to benefit from the patent rights for
the next 10 years. These rights cannot be touched or seen, but they are a
long-lived asset that will provide benefits to the entrepreneurs business for

more than one year. Other examples of intangible assets are licenses and
Current Assets: In contrast to fixed assets, current assets are resources
whose benefits will last less than one year. Commonly, current assets are
cash, accounts receivable, and inventories. Accounts receivable - the bills
owed by customers who buy on credit - represent a current asset because
the entrepreneur can expect to collect within a short time. Similarly,
inventory is a current asset because the entrepreneur usually expects to
recover the investment in inventory by selling it within a short period after
purchasing it from a supplier. Let us now return to our previous example.
Example: The entrepreneurs store will sell Scandinavian furniture. In
estimating start-up costs, she has decided to

Construct a one-story, free standing building with 5,000 square feet

of floor space to display and store furniture. Cost: $ 150,000 at year

Keep a base inventory of furniture large enough to generate twice

the average monthly forecast revenues; in addition, buy enough
inventories monthly to cover the following months budgeted
revenues. She plans to pay for all inventories within a month of
purchasing it. Cost: $36,000 at year zero.

Put an asphalt surface on a parking lot next to the building. Cost:

$16,000 at year zero.

Finance customers who buy on credit. The entrepreneur is assuming

that all sales will be credit sales, with customers taking a month to
pay, on the average. (One month is the industrys average collection

Buy fixtures, office equipment, and a half-ton delivery truck. Cost: $

26,000 at year zero.

Incorporate the venture with a lawyers help. Cost: $ 2000.

Design a record-keeping system with the help of an accountant.

Cost: $ 1,000.

Buy a three-year prepaid insurance policy. Cost: $6000.

Buy city, county, and state licenses. Cost: $ 1,000.

Promote the stores grand opening. Cost: $2,000.

So far, the entrepreneur has estimated what it would cost just to open for
business. She now must go one step further and estimate what it would cost
to stay open through the first year, by month:
Monthly Cash Expenses (excluding cost of goods sold):
Entrepreneurs salary
Part-time employee wages
Electricity, heat, telephone
Accounting, legal

$ 6,400
Note that these monthly expenses are unlikely to change with revenues.
That is even if first-year revenues were double the $ 249,000 forecast,
monthly expenses would not be significantly greater than $6,400. The only
expense item likely to increase significantly would be part-time wages,
since as revenues increase; the entrepreneur will probably need to add more
part-time salespeople to wait on customers.

To these costs, the entrepreneur should add the purchase cost of furniture
sold. These purchase costs, as mentioned earlier, will vary with revenues.
Assuming a profit margin of 40 per cent, the entrepreneur would realize a
gross profit of $40 on every $100 sales of furniture:
paid by entrepreneurs customers (revenues)
paid to entrepreneurs suppliers (cost of goods sold)
$ 40
contribution to all other expenses and to profit (gross profit)
To help entrepreneurs estimate profits on sales, as well as costs, average
ratios are available for virtually every industry. Among the organizations
offering such information are trade associations and Dun & Bradstreet.
Having collected the cost figures, the entrepreneur may now draft a cash
budget for the first year. Note that this budget shows.
Expected inflows and outflows of cash
The amount of money needed to finance the venture
The cash balance at the end of each month.
The entrepreneur needs $262,800, assuming that things will go as planned.
They rarely do-so the entrepreneur adds a cushion of 10 per cent to the
$262,800 to allow for unevenness in the flow of money in and out of the
venture and to absorb any unexpected bills. Rounding the figure to the
nearest $1,000 the entrepreneur arrives at $290,000, the total amount she
must raise to launch the venture.
Besides a cash budget, the entrepreneur should prepare beginning and
ending balance sheets plus an income statement. Note that most of the
figures come from the cash budget, and that the balance sheets assume that
all the entrepreneurs assets would be financed through the sale of common
stock. This assumption is unrealistic. Shortly, we will discuss more realistic

ways of financing new ventures. Note also that the income statement shows
that the venture will be profitable during its first full year of operation.
Having estimated how much money is needed to finance the venture, the
entrepreneur must then decide what fraction of this money should come
from investors as equity capital, and from creditors as debt capital.
The ratio of debt capital to equity capital is a controversial topic. At one
extreme, commercial bankers generally recommend that entrepreneurs and
their investors put in at least one dollar of their own money for every dollar
they borrow. At the other extreme, some entrepreneurs prefer to put in as
little of their own money as possible and still keep 100 per cent control of
their ventures.
Differences arise because bankers in general are not risk takers. They are in
the business of renting depositors money, not risking it. So they tend to
shun ventures backed by small amounts of investors money, because it is
the investors money that protects them when adversity strikes. As losses
occur, investors money bears the first impact of loss; and so the greater the
amount of investors money, the greater the likelihood that the bank will
recover its loan.
Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are risk takers. Many are willing to risk
their life savings in their ventures, if they have to. Some try to sell stock in
their ventures to investors. By doing so, they may raise all the money they
need, lessen the risk to their personal savings, and still keep control of their

Example: The entrepreneur in our earlier example needs $ 290,000 to
finance her venture and has only $ 40000 in savings. Her first choice is to
float 4000 shares of common stock at a per value of $20 each.
She buys 2,000 shares herself at $ 20 each, and then persuades friends to
buy the remaining 2000 shares at $ 80 each, giving her a total of $ 200,000.
Thus her friends think enough of her ventures prospects to pay a $ 60
premium for the stock.
The rest $90,000 she may borrow readily from a commercial bank. With
$200,000 of investors money behind her, most banks would be willing to
lend her the $ 90,000. The $200,000 she has raised accounts for nearly 70
per cent of the total needed to finance her venture, and banks are generally
satisfied if the ratio of equity capital to total capital is only 50 per cent.
This example demonstrates a method of beginning a venture on a
shoestring. With just $40,000 of her own money, the entrepreneur was able
to raise $ 290,000 and still keep 50 per cent control. There are other ways
as well:
Example: You want to start what kind of business? A specialty chemicals
manufacturing venture? From scratch? From point zero? Hmmm. Very,
very, interesting.
That was the typical response that Marge Ashton received from the more
than 100 accountants, bankers, lawyers, and friends she had approached to
finance her venture. Undaunted, Ashton persevered, continuing to knock on
doors, whether welcome or not.
Ashtons perseverance finally bore fruit. On the advice of another
entrepreneur, she took a non-credit, four-month course on business plans
taught by two professors of business administration. So thorough was her

plan that it won first prize in a competition sponsored by the local chamber
of commerce. The following day, the business section of the daily
newspaper ran a lead story and a photograph applauding her achievement
and her desire to finance her dream.
Ashtons business plan soon struck chords of recognition in the business
community. Several private investors came forward with offers to help
finance the venture. All told, she estimated that she needed $ 300,000 to
carry her venture through its first year of operations. Lacking money of her
own, Ashton decided:
To give herself 50 per cent of the common stock-to rewards me for
starting the venture and making a go of it.
To sell investors the remaining 50 per cent of the stock.
After initially raising the sum of $ 300,000 Ashton found that she needed $
80,000 more, which she obtained by borrowing from a bank, on the
strength of her investors signatures.Thus, without putting up a single penny
of her own money but by investing her ideas and energies, Ashton created a
chemical specialties venture and owned 50 per cent of it.
For the entrepreneur, it is generally safer to finance a new venture with
more investors money than creditors money because

Creditors money involves a definite promise to repay the lender.

Almost all loans require the borrower to meet a repayment schedule
that demands not only repayment of the loan but also payment of
interest-usually monthly. Failure to meet this twin obligation could
force the entrepreneurs venture into bankruptcy.

Investors money, on the other hand, does not involve a definite

promise to repay. Investors buy shares at their own risk. Later, if

they want to sell their shares, they cannot force the entrepreneur to
buy them back. Investors are on their own to find somebody willing
to buy their shares. Investors are not always entitled to a return on
their investment unless the venture makes a profit and declares a
The lack of a sharply defined financial obligation makes investors money
attractive to entrepreneurs. Some entrepreneurs, however, prefer to run their
ventures with no investors money except their own. Such a man was
entrepreneur H.L. Hunt: [When Hunt died in 1974] at the age of 85, he had
amassed an estimated personal fortune of $2 billion, putting him on a par
with J. Paul Getty and Howard Hughes as one of the worlds richest men.
The exact extent of his wealth is unknown because Mr. Hunt never invested
in anything that he could not own outright, and he had no outside
stockholders in the businesses he did control.
Unlike H.L. Hunt, some entrepreneurs who want 100 per cent ownership of
their ventures try to put in as little as they can and borrow as much as they
can. Such entrepreneurs generally want to answer to nobody but
themselves. But they may be deluding themselves. The entrepreneurs
freedom to act may be as limited with creditors as with investors. Creditors
with large stakes in the entrepreneurs venture may threaten to take over if
the entrepreneur fails to pay bills or to repay loans.
Sources of finance equity capital: One of the most puzzling questions for
an entrepreneur is where best to raise money. The sources range from
private to governmental. We begin by looking at sources of equity capital
(investors money); later we examine sources of debt capital (creditors

Venture Capital firms: A venture capital firm typically receives more than
1,000 requests for money each year, many of which stand little chance of
success. Out of every 100 requests, 80 are dropped after less than a days
study, 10 are dropped after a weeks study, 8 are dropped after a months
study, and 2 are accepted after one or more months of detailed study.
Most of the requests that are dropped within a day lack business plans.
Most venture capital firms will not even look at a written request for money
unless a business plan accompanies it.
Among the many types of venture capital firms are the following:
Traditional partnerships, which are often established by wealthy families
to manage a portion of their money aggressively by investing in small
Professionally managed pools, which are formed from institutional money
and operate like traditional partnerships.
Investment banking firms, which occasionally form investor syndicates
for venture proposals.
Insurance companies, which tend to be more conservative and often
require a portion of equity capital as protection against inflation before they
will lend to smaller businesses.
A popular misconception about venture capital firms is that they also invest
in so-called mom-and-pop shops- the corner drugstore or the neighborhood
restaurant. They do not. Their interest lies mostly in ventures that promise
to grow rapidly in revenues and profits.
Small Business Investment companies: Small Business Investment
Companies (SBICs) are another source of equity capital. SBICs originated

in 1958 after Congress passed the Small Business Investment Act, The
purpose of this legislation was to encourage private investors to finance
entrepreneurs. The act gave them an incentive to form SBICs, which they
would run as private, profit-motivated businesses. In addition:

Investors would invest only in small businesses, especially in highrisk ventures

boasting new products with promising market
potential, unusually favorable competitive positions, the possibilities
of growth through favourable acquisition, and outstanding,
aggressive management.

The SBA would oversee the SBICs, including their licensing and
Some SBICs act like commercial banks and prefer to make loans rather
than buy shares of stock, but they are the exception rather than the rule.
SBICs often take a more balanced approach in their investment choices
than do venture capital firms.
Traditionally, SBICs have been the workhorses of venture capital, investing
more in traditional businesses than in flashy new fields such as electronics.
Venture capitalists are realizing that everything is not high technology,
and some of the older industries that are not as sexy still have a lot of
growth, explains Barbara stack, Vice President of Hand Capital
Corporation, a Buffalo SBIC.
SBICs expect precisely the same kinds of information as do venture capital
firms, so entrepreneurs must have their business plans in hand when they
go to an SBIC for financial help. Otherwise they stand little chance of

Big Business: Still another source of equity capital is big business. Many
of the nations major corporations have formed departments that seek out
promising entrepreneurs to invest in. Their motives are mixed, ranging
from a desire to earn maximum profits on their money to a desire to
identify candidates for future acquisition.
Regardless of the motivation, investment by big business in small business
is a healthy idea; corporations can supply not only equity capital but also
managerial skills. Often it is not so much lack of money that plagues the
entrepreneur as lack of managerial skills. Major corporations have such
skills in abundance. A partial list of major corporations now aggressively
seeking out promising entrepreneurs reads like a Whos Who of American
business: Dupont Company, General Motors Corp. and Xerox Corporation.
Other Sources: There are many other sources of equity capital. According
to one study, equity capital is most likely to be raised not from venture
capital firms but from entrepreneurs themselves or their friends and
Even if we take into account the various government programs that aid
small-business people and minority entrepreneurs, it is clear that formal
institutions provide very little capital for new companies.
Most venture capital comes from the entrepreneurs own resources or from
family and friends. This earnest money reassures bankers who often
refuse to lend until entrepreneurs have locked themselves in by mortgaging
their homes to the hilt and hustling everyone they know.
Sources of Debt Capital: So far we have discussed ways of raising equity
capital. Let us now turn to ways of raising debt capital. Many entrepreneurs
believe that banks often lend money to ventures that have yet to earn their

first dollar, and that the SBA often lends money to unborn ventures. Both
beliefs are erroneous. Most bankers reject the loan applications of would be
entrepreneurs unless:

A wealthy friend or relative guarantees repayment of the loan by

cosigning the bank note.

The entrepreneur offers personal holdings, such as a house or toprated bonds, as

security for the loan.

The entrepreneur needs the loan to construct a building, which can

be repossessed without loss of dollar value if the venture fails.
There are various ways that entrepreneurs may borrow money, before and
after they launch their ventures. We will look first at private lenders such as
commercial banks, then at government lenders such as the SBA.
Private Lenders: Private lenders range from commercial banks to
storefront finance companies, from insurance companies to relatives. Of
these, commercial banks offer entrepreneurs the most help. Besides lending
money, banks offer a host of other services, such as

Professional financial advice

Financial references

Credit information

Trust administration

Transfer of funds.
Commercial bankers are as indispensable to entrepreneurs as lawyers are.
An entrepreneur should strike a socking relationship with a banker months
before launching a venture. According to the SBA:
Too many entrepreneurs go to their banker only when they need to borrow
money. If the entrepreneur deals with her banker in day-to-day financial

matters, the banker can get to know her and her business. Not only will the
banker often give aid and advice on current financial operations, but when
she really needs to borrow money, the banker will be familiar with her
business and will be better able to evaluate her loan application.
Commercial banks make two major kinds of loans: short term loans and
long-term loans.
Short-Term Loans As a rule, commercial banks like to see a fast turnover
of loans, so they tend to prefer short-term loans, that is, loans that fall due
within one year. Such loans generally finance inventories or finance
customers who buy on credit. The entrepreneur then repays when
inventories are sold or when customers pay their bills.
Example: An entrepreneur opens a store to sell air conditioners. He must
build up his inventory of air conditioners in the spring, just before the
summer selling season. Because his need is only temporary, he may take
out a short-term loan to buy the air conditioners. He would then repay the
loan when his inventory of air conditioners is sold and paid for by
This example points up the central feature of short-term loans. They satisfy
the entrepreneurs temporary need for money. Such loans are also called
self-liquidating loans.
Because short-term loans last a short time, they often are made on an
unsecured basis. Collateral is not required because the bank relies on the
entrepreneurs credit standing unless the borrowers credit standing is poor
or not yet established, in which case the lender may require collateral as
protection against possible default on the loan. Loans backed by collateral
are called secured loans.

Long-Term Loans: Long-term loans help satisfy the entrepreneurs
permanent need for money. Long-term loans run for more than one year
and enable the entrepreneur to finance the purchase of assets with long
useful lives such as buildings and land, machinery and trucks. Such loans
generally are repaid from profits.
Long-term loans may also enable an entrepreneur whose venture is growing
rapidly to finance the permanent expansion of inventories, as well as
customers who buy on credit. The following example illustrates how longterm loan
s work:
Example: An entrepreneur who owns a small machine shop needs a $
15,000 turret lathe. Lacking the necessary cash, he takes out a $ 15,000
loan. If he continues to be successful, the entrepreneur will repay the loan
out of profits plowed back into his venture.
The entrepreneur and the bank agree to a repayment schedule that calls for
the $ 15,000 loan to be rapid in five yearly payments of $ 3,000 each plus
interest. Note that this kind of loan enables the entrepreneur to build up his
equity over the five-year life of the loan in the same way that a homeowner
builds up equity with each payment on a mortgage loan.
Supplier Credit: This source of debt capital works only for entrepreneurs
who enjoy a good credit rating. Others have to pay their suppliers in cash.
By allowing suppliers to finance them, entrepreneurs benefit from the cash
released for other purposes. An example will show how this kind of
financing works:
Example: An entrepreneur who owns a tire-supply store buys tires
monthly. Her supplier offers credit terms of 30 days, meaning that payment
is expected 30 days after the entrepreneur receives a supply of tires. If she

sells out her inventory roughly once a month, she needs virtually no money
of her own to finance the purchase of tires.
Government Lenders: There are many government lenders, not only at the
federal level, but at the state and local as well. At true federal level, such
lenders include the SBA and the U.S. Department of Commerce. At the
state and local levels, lenders generally include agencies that are designed.
Working capital is the lifeblood of a business. Its adequate planning and
proper management is necessary for the successful operation and continued
existence of a business. Efficient management of working capital is a basic
necessity for sound operational health of a every enterprise. Therefore,
working capital management is an integral part of business management.
Working capital management basically means management of current
assets, current liabilities, and interrelationship between the two. Working
capital is of a liquid nature. Therefore, working capital management is also
called liquidity management .
Concept of Working Capital: Working capital is understood in the
following two ways:
Net Working Capital: Net working capital is the excess of current assets
over the current liabilities. In other words, it may be defined as the
provision of long-term (non-current) funds for current assets. The use of the
concept of net working capital is qualitative as it provides a measurement
of the financial health of a firm. The higher the amount of net working
capital in relation to sales, the better the current financial health. The net

working capital also indicates the margin of safety for meeting the
maturing short-term liabilities (claims).
Gross Working Capital: Gross working capital is considered to be equal
to the total current assets required by a business firm. In this context, the
concept of total current assets has a broader application. It is intended to
denote the total investment of funds in current assets for operation purposes
or the total requirement of funds for current assets regardless of the
financing sources.
Components of Gross Working Capital: The constituent parts of gross
working capital, otherwise called current assets, are:
Advance given for purchases of raw materials and stores, etc.
Raw materials, stores and packing material, spare parts, etc.
Finished goods.
Book debtors or credit to customers.
Marketable investment (securities) on short-term basis:
To earn something on temporary surplus cash.
To meet the requirement of offering security for some
facilities and/ or contract with government or some other
Cash and bank balances.
Estimating Working Capital Requirements: As stated earlier both excess and
shortage of working capital are harmful for the health of an enterprise. It is,

therefore, essential to correctly assess the amount of working capital for an
The following methods can be used to estimate the amount of working capital.
Operating Cycle Method: If for instance, the operating cycle of an
enterprise is four months, it means the cycle is repeated three times in a
year. The amount of working capital required would be one-third (1/3) of
the amount of annual operating expenses.
Assets and Liabilities Method: The amount of working capital can also be
estimated on the basis of current assets required for the business and the
credit facilities (current liabilities) available for the acquisition of current
Example: From the following information estimate the amount of working
capital required.
Budgeted Sales (Rs. 10 per unit)
Rs. 2,60,000
Cost of sales (per rupee)
Raw materials
Direct labour
Over heads
Total cost
It is estimated that:
Raw materials are carried in stock for three weeks and finished goods for
two weeks
Factory processing will take three weeks

Suppliers will give full five weeks


Customers will require eight weeks credit
It may be assumed that production and overheads accrue evenly throughout the
Statement of Working Capital
Current Assets (1):
Raw materials (3weeks)
=3/52 78000
Work in progress (Note iv)
Finished goods (2 weeks)
= 4500
= 9000
=2/52 234000
= 9000
Debtors (8weeks)
8=8/52 260000
= 40000
Current Liabilities (2):
Trade creditors (5weeks)
Working capital required (1-2)
Working Notes
Budgeted sales
Selling price per unit
Number of units
Cost of sales
Raw materials
Direct labour
= 5=5/52 78000

Number of weeks per annum have been taken as 52
Work in progress:
Raw materials =3/5278000
Wages =3/52104000
= 7500
= 55000
= 26,000
= 78,000
= 1,04,000
= 52,000
= 4,500
= 3,000
= 1,500

Since, wages and overheads accrue evenly during the year, they have been reduced
to one-half.
Example 9.2: A proforma cost sheet of a company provides the following
Amount per unit
Elements of cost:
Raw materials
Direct labour
Total cost
Selling price
The following further particulars are available:
Raw materials in stock, on average on month; Materials are in process, on averag
half a month; Finished goods in stock, on average on month.
Credit allowed by suppliers is one month; Credit allowed to debtors is two
months; Average time-lag in payment of wages is 1 weeks and one month in
overhead expenses; one-fourth of the output is sold against cash; cash in hand a
at bank is expected to be Rs. 3,65,000. You are required to prepare a statement
showing the working capital needed to finance a level of activity of 1,04,000 un
of production.
You may assume that production is carried on evenly throughout the year, and
wages and overheads accrue similarly.

Working notes and assumptions:
26,000 units have been sold for cash. Therefore, credit sales pertain to
78,000 units only.
Year has 52 weeks.
Profits may be or may not be a source of working capital.
Profits are to be adjusted for income-tax and dividend payments. For
these reasons, profits have been ignored.
All overheads are assumed to be variable. Presence of depreciation element
in overheads will lower the working capital requirement.
Work-in-process at 50% completion stage.
Table No. 1: Statement showing determination of net working capital
Amount (Rs.)
Current assets:
(i) Stock of materials for 1 month:
(ii) Work-in-progress for month:
(a) Material
(b) Labour
(c) Overheads
(iii) Finished goods for 1 month:

(a) Material

(b) Labour
(c) Overheads
(iv) Debtors for 2 months
(v) Cash in hand and at bank
Total investment in current assets 47,45,000
Current Liabilities:
(i) Creditors 1 month
1 month s purchase of raw materials, i.e.
(ii) Average time-lag in payment of expenses
(a) Overheads (1month)
(b) Labour (1 weeks)
Total estimate of current liabilities
Net working capital:
= Current assets Current liabilities (AB)
Reserve Bank of India has prescribed the following proforma for use by
commercial banks to assess the working capital requirements of borrowers.
Assessment of Working Capital Requirements
Month s raw material requirements weeks /months
stores and spares


Weeks stock-in-progress at any one time (average period
of processing, value of raw material content in stock-in-process
and manufacturing expenses for the period of processing to
be indicated)
Months finished goods at cost

Weeks /months receivables representing credit sales Rs.
One month s manufacturing and administrative expenses
Total working capital requirements
Less: Credit available on purchase and advance payments received
Working capital in business or liquid surplus
Net working capital requirements
Permissible Limits
Raw materials
Less: Margin
Less: Margin
Finished goods
Less: Margin
Representing supplies to Govt.
Less: Margin

Representing supplies to sundry

Less: Margin
Total Limit
Net working capital requirements
Permissible limits
Deficit (if any) (AB)
How this is to be met ?
level of working capital, as illustrated earlier, a firm has to decide how it is
to be
financed. The present part discusses the related aspect of the sources of financ
e for

working capital and forms of credit. The sources of finance for working capital
may be said to fall into four categories, namely,
Trade Credit;
Bank Credit;
Current provisions of non-bank short-term borrowings; and
Long-term sources comprising equity capital and long-term borrowings.
The relative importance of these varies from country to country and from time to
time depending on the prevailing environment. In India, the primary sources for
financing working capital are trade credit and short-term bank credit. According
an estimate, both these sources together finance about three-fourth of the worki
capital requirements of industry. Another estimate regarding the relative
contribution of various sources reveals that trade credit constitutes the most
important source accounting for approximately two-fifths of the total while shor
tterm bank credit finances more than one-fourth.
Thus, bank credit is the primary institutional source for working capital financ
To obtain short-term bank credit, working capital requirements have to be
estimated by the borrowers and the banks are approached with the necessary
supporting data. The banks determine the maximum credit based on the margin
requirements of the security. The margin represents a percentage of the value of
the asset offered as security by the borrower. For example, if the margin requir
on a particular item is 50%, the bank will be prepared to provide credit upto Rs
50,000 against the security of an asset worth Rs. 1,00,000. The margin is based
the nature of goods and is laid down by the Reserve Bank of India. It is changed
from time to time to suit the requirement of credit policy.

Forms of Credit: After getting the overall credit limit sanctioned by the banker
the borrower draws funds periodically. The following forms of credit are availab
to him:
Loan Arrangement: Under this arrangement the entire amount of loan is credited
by the bank at the borrower s account. In case the loan is repaid in installment
interest is payable on actual balances outstanding.
Overdraft Arrangements: Under this arrangement, certain facilities are available
to the borrowers which are not available under the loan arrangement. With the
overdraft arrangement the borrower is allowed to overdraw on his current account
with the bank upto a stipulated limit. Within this limit any number of drawings
permitted. Repayments can be made whenever desired during the period. The
interest liability of the borrower is determined on the basis of the actual amou
Cash Credit Arrangement: This form of credit is operated in the same way as
the overdraft arrangement. The borrower can draw upto a stipulated limit based o
the security margin. He has to pay 1% as commitment charges on the unutilized
balance during the period. Cash credit is usually allowed against pledge or
hypothecation of goods and the borrower can provide alternative securities from
time to time in conformity with the terms of advance.
Bills Purchased and Bills Discounted: This arrangement is of relatively recent
origin in India. With the introduction of the New Bill Market Scheme in 1970 by
the Reserve Bank of India, bank credit is being made available through
discounting of usance bills by banks. In brief, under the scheme, the Reserve Ba
of India envisages the progressive use of bills as an instrument of credit as ag
the current practice of using the widely-prevalent cash credit arrangement for
financing working capital. This is because the cash credit arrangement gave rise
unhealthy practices. In the first place, as the availability of bank credit was

unrelated to production needs, borrowers in the organized sector of private
industry enjoyed facilities in excess of their legitimate needs. Moreover, it le
d to
double financing. This was possible because credit was taken from different
agencies for financing the same activity. This was done, for example, by buying
goods on credit from suppliers and raising cash credit by hypothecating the same
goods. The Bill Market Scheme is intended to link credit with the sale and
purchase of goods and, thus, eliminate the scope for misuse or diversion of cred
to other purposes.
The amount made available under this arrangement is covered by the cash credit
and overdraft limit before discounting the bill the bank satisfies itself about
credit worthiness of the drawer and the genuineness of the bill. To popularize t
scheme, the discount rates are fixed at lower rates than those of cash credit, t
difference being about 11.5%. The discounting banker asks the drawer of the bill
(i.e. seller of goods) to have his bill accepted by the drawees (buyers) bank be
discounting it. The latter grants acceptance against the cash credit limit, earl
fixed by it, on the basis of the borrowing value of stocks.
Therefore, the buyer who buys goods on credit cannot use the same goods as a
source of obtaining additional bank credit.
Term Loans for Working Capital: Under this arrangement banks advance loans
for 37 years repayable in yearly or half-yearly installments.
Mode of Security: Banks provide credit on the basis of the following modes of
Hypothecation: Under this mode of security, the banks provide credit to
borrowers against the security of movable property, usually inventory of goods.
The goods hypothecated, however, continue to be in the possession of the owner
of these goods (i.e., the borrower). The rights of the lending bank (hypothecate

depend upon the terms of the contract between the borrower and the lender.
Although the bank does not have physical possession of the goods, it has the leg
right to sell the goods to realise the outstanding loan.
Pledge: Pledge, as a mode of security, is different from hypothecation in that i
the former, unlike in the latter, the goods which are offered as security are
transferred to the physical possession of the lender. An essential prerequisite
pledge, therefore, is that the goods are in the custody of the bank. The borrowe
who offers the security is, called a "pawnor" while the banks called the "pawnee
The lodging of the goods by the pawnor to the pawnee is a kind of bailment.
Therefore, pledge creates some liabilities for the bank. It must take reasonable
of goods pledged with it. The term "reasonable care" means care which a prudent
person would take to protect his property. He would be responsible for any loss
damage if he use the pledged goods for his own purposes. In case of non-payment
of the loans, the bank enjoys the right to sell the goods.
Lien:The term "lien" refers to the right of a party to retain goods belonging to
another party until a debt due to him is paid. Lien can be of two types: (i)
particular lien, and (ii) general lien.
Particular lien is a right to retain goods until a claim pertaining to these goo
ds is
fully paid. On the other hand, general lien can be applied till all dues of the
claimant are paid. Banks enjoy general lien.
Mortgage: It is the transfer of interest in specific immovable property for secu
the payment of money advanced. The person who parts with the interest in the
property is called "mortgagor" and the person in whose favour the transfer takes
place is the mortgagee. Mortgage is, thus, conveyance of interest in the mortgag
property. The mortgage interest in the property is terminated as soon as the deb
t is

Charge: Where immovable property of one person is by the act of parties or by
the operation of law made security for the payment of money to another and the
transaction does not amount to mortgage, the latter person is said to have a cha
on the property and all the provisions of simple mortgage will apply to such a
charge. These are:
A charge is not the transfer of interest in the property though it is security
for payment. But a mortgage is a transfer of interest in the property.
A charge may be created by the act of parties or by the operation of law.
But a mortgage can be created only by the act of parties.
A charge need to be made in writing but a mortgage deed must be attested.
Generally, a charge cannot be enforced against a transferee for
consideration without notice. In a mortgage the transferee of the mortgaged
property can acquire the remaining Interest in the property, if any.
Accrual Accounts: There is a time lag between receipts of income and making
payment for the expenditure incurred in earning that income during this time lag
the outstanding expenses help an enterprise in meeting some of its working capit
needs. For example, wages and taxes become due but are not paid immediately.
Wages and salaries are paid in the first week of the month next to the month in
which services were rendered. Similarly, a provision for tax is created at the e
nd of
the financial year but tax is paid only after the assessment is finalized.
Accrual accounts are a spontaneous source of finance as these are selfgenerating
Financing through accruals is an interest free method and no charge is
created on the assets.

As the size of business increases, the amount of accruals also increase.
An enterprise cannot indefinitely postpone the payment of wages/salaries
and taxes. Therefore, it is not a discretionary source of finance
This source should be used only as a matter of last resort.
Factoring: Factoring is an arrangement under which a financial institution (call
factor) undertakes the task of collecting the book debts of its client in return
for a
service charge in the form of discount or rebate. The factoring institution
eliminates the client s risk of bad debts by taking over the responsibility of b
debts due to the client. The factoring institution advances a proportion of the
of book debts of the client immediately and the balance on maturity of book debt
As a result of factoring services, the enterprise can concentrate on
manufacturing and selling.
The risk of bad debts is eliminated.
The factoring institution also provides advice on business trends and other
related matters.
A substantial amount of discount or rebate has to be paid to the factoring
If he factoring institution uses strong arm tactics to collect money it will
spoil the image and relations of the firm with its customers.
Advances from Customers: Manufacturers and suppliers of goods, which are in
short, supply usually demand advance money from their customers at the time of

accepting their orders. For example, a customer has to make an advance at the
time of booking a car, a telephone connection, etc. Similarly, contractors
constructing buildings, etc. require an advance from the client. In some busines
it has become customary to receive advance payment from the customers. This is a
very cheap source of short-term finance because either no interest is payable or
rate of interest payable on advance is nominal.
Despite its romantic aspects, financing a new venture frustrates many
entrepreneurs. Often they do not know where to begin; if they do know, they go a
it haphazardly. The act of preparing a financial plan enables entrepreneurs to
crystallize their thinking on how best to launch their ventures. It forces them
move logically and systematically from the stage of dreams and ideas to that of
concrete action.
The centerpiece of the business plan is the cash budget, which translates operat
plans into dollars. Without a cash budget, the entrepreneur has no way of
estimating financial needs. Before beginning to develop a cash budget, an
entrepreneur must first spell out his or her operating plans, defining productio
marketing, staffing, accounting, and legal goals.
Having estimated how much money is needed to finance the venture, the
entrepreneur must then decide what fraction of this money should come from
investors as equity capital, and from creditors as debt capital.Various sources
raising working capital finance may include trade credit, bank credit, current
provisions of non-bank short term borrowings and long term sources.
Capital: A business s total amount of money and/or property meant for use in
ways or activities that are intended to produce wealth.

Current Assets: Current assets are those assets which can be easily converted in
cash with a period of one year or one operating cycle.
Gross Working Capital: It is considered to be equal to the total current assets
required by a business firm.
Net Working Capital: Net working capital is the excess of current assets over
current liabilities.
Lien: It refers tot he right of a party to retain goods belonging to another par
until a debt due to him is paid.
As a new entrepreneur, how would you estimate the requirement of
finance? Give detailed account with imaginary figures.
What do you understand by the term working capital"? Distinguish
between Gross working capital and Net working capital.
Discuss the need for and significance of adequate working capital in
the successful functioning of small-scale enterprises.
How will you estimate the amount of working capital required for a
new small business firm?
Discuss the sources of working capital finance for a small firm.
You are an entrepreneur planning to set up a small-scale unit
catering to everyday provision needs of a large housing complex.
How would you assess your working capital requirements and
wherefrom such requirements be met?

Explain the main elements of managing effectively the working
capital of small-scale industries.
Pandey, I.M.: Financial Management
Jain, P.K. and Khan, M.Y.: Financial Management
Deshpande M.U., Entrepreneurship of small scale Industries Deep
& Deep Pub., New Delhi, 1982.
Gupta, C.B. and Khanka, S.S.: Entrepreneurship and Small Business
John Kao and Harars Stevenson: Entrepreneurship What it is and
How to Teach it.

Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code: CP 401
Lesson : 10
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Industrial Sickness: Concept and Causes
Magnitude of Industrial Sickness
Government Assistances: Marketing and Technical
Revival Measures and Strategies
Self Assessment Questions
Suggested Readings
After reading this lesson you should be able to
Define industrial sickness and its causes.
Describe the role of various agencies in developing small enterprises
in India.

Suggest revival measures and strategies for development of SSI in


Economic development of a country is directly related to the level of its
industrial growth. Expansion of industry leads to greater utilization of
natural resources, production of goods and services, creation of
employment opportunities, and improvement in the general standard of
living. India has also been striving to develop the countrys industrial base
ever since its Independence. It has formulated various policies aimed at
development of industries in the public and private sectors. However, these
industries have had their share of problems from time to time.
An industrial unit is like a human body. A person becomes sick if any part
of his body is affected. It may be due to internal factors or external factors
or both. To become sick, it is not necessary that all parts of the body should
be affected or to begin treatment, one should want till all parts of the body
are affected. Similarly, an industrial unit can become sick in a minor way
when only one or some aspects of its activity is affected. It will become
totally sick when it ceases to function and undertake revenue generating
When its segments like production, finance, marketing and personnel are
affected, it gets into sickness. Moreover, initially, it may be incipient
sickness due to internal factors or external factors. If the incipient sickness
is not cured, the unit runs into losses and ultimately, it may be wiped out.
The sickness may be unit-wise or industry-wise.
In order to analyse the industrial sickness, it is essential to understand
clearly the anatomy of an industrial unit, with detailed analysis of its
different structures or systems and their critical elements.

Mr. Ram K. Vapa in his work Small Industry in the Seventies has observed,
one of the main problems confronting the growth of small industries in
most of the developing countries is lack of adequate finance. Inadequacy in
the banking structure of a developing country has created a situation
wherein the bulk of its meager resources are canalized into few large scale
units which are prestigious and sponsored by influential groups. The small
entrepreneur is forced to rely on his own savings or that of his friends and
relatives and has depend on the money lender for his loans which are given
only at exorbitant rates of interest. Quite often, the new enterprise cannot
sustain such high interest charges and its failure to do so becomes another
argument against the credit worthiness of the small scale units.
Further, Mr. Ram K. Vapa said even in relatively more developed
countries, there is a need for large scale volume of credit to keep the small
industry going the working capital requirements of small units are relatively
much larger than those of large one, in addition, there is need for long-term
lending to replace machinery and modernize facilities. The rate of
obsolescence is high in the small scale sector and there is no phased
programme of replacement. This in turn, pushes up the cost of production
in that sector making the product uncompetitive both in domestic and
international markets.
The above adequately sums up the problems which a small scale
entrepreneur has to face in a country like India with limited resources at his
disposal. He faces a number of problems in various area of operation like
production, labour, marketing and materials. In this age of automation, due
to scarcity of fund, the small entrepreneur has to function with obsolete
plant and technology. This results in marketing problems in the domestic
and foreign markets. Small entrepreneur in turn cannot afford to employ
high salaried managers to manage his various organizational activities, be

they personnel, production, materials or marketing. All these problems are
manifestation of financial problems. Financial problems if allowed to
continue, lead a healthy organization to a sick one. The health of the unit
undergoes gradual deterioration till sickness manifests in all dimensions.
Industrial sickness is a universally accepted term, root cause of which is
directly Or indirectly related to finance. Government of India, Reserve
Bank of India, term lending financial institutions, commercial banks and
the industrial entrepreneurs are worried a lot about the rising trend of
sickness prevailing in Indian industries. Academicians and researchers too,
all over the world, are concentrating their studies on how to arrest the
industrial sickness at its incipient stage.
The sickness of a firm has been defined by economists as the situation
where the rate of return realized on invested capital, taking risk
involvement into consideration, is significantly and continuously less than
the prevailing rates on similar investments. In other words, it is a situation
where the revenues of a firm are insufficient to meet the costs and the
average rate of return on investment is less than the firms cost of capital.
Technically, a firm is insolvent when it cannot pay its debts when they fall
due. This situation may be a temporary condition but insolvency in a more
critical condition is the situation when a firms total liabilities exceed a fair
valuation of its assets. At this stage, the real net worth of the firm is
negative. Under critical situation, a firm can be declared legally bankrupt
by an order of the court to protect itself from the immediate pressures of
creditors to realize their stake in the firm. At this stage, the firm has the
opportunity of reorganizing itself or seeks a merger with a viable firm or go
into liquidation.

Industrial sickness being a technical concept conveys different meanings to
different people. A sick unit is a unhealthy unit to common men, a dividend
postponing unit to investors, a losing or discouraging unit to industrialists, a
doubtful debtor and a weak borrower to creditors and bankers, an industrial
problem unit to the government, a victim of technological changes to
technocrats, a bad employer to workers and great wastage of technical and
human resources to the country. However, the focal point of sickness lies
with the constant inability of an industrial unit to generate an output larger
than its inputs for which the operational problems of liability, accumulated
losses, etc. arise. Its internally generated surplus is inadequate to meet its
requirement. Due to the losses incurred and reported by the unit year after
year, the unit is dragged from bad to worse condition and at last, its survival
only on external funds and brings it to gradual shrinkage and closure.
For the proper definition or ascertaining the symptoms of the disease of
industrial sickness, (a) the rate of return on investment and capital cash
flow, (b) ability to meet socio-economic obligations, (c) capacity to redeem
its debts, (d) profitability, (e) ability to face competition, (f) ability to
garner share in the market, etc. are taken into account. Because, these are
some of important factors which are used to examine the health of an
industrial unit.
State Bank of India study team on small industrial advances, 1975 defined
industrial sickness as a unit which fails to generate adequate internal
surpluses on continuing basis and depends for its survival on frequent
infusion of external financial help, thereby it brings about serious disequilibr
ium in its financial structures. Thus the study group found that the
industrial unit is sick when its internal capabilities are exhausted and it
began to seek external financial help for its survival.

The study group constituted by the RBI to frame guidelines for follow up of
bank credit defined the industrial sickness as with a steady erosion of
profitability, the borrowers liquidity declines and the first sign is
delayed payment to creditors leading ultimately to default with further
deterioration in profitability followed by losses, current liabilities exceed
current assets. In other words, net working capital is negative and therefore,
it is a situation of net working capital deficit. Industrial sickness has also
been described as the situation where the revenues of a firm are insufficient
to meet the cost, and the rate of return on investment is less than firms cost
of capital. That means, when cost of capital exceeds the expected or actual
return of a firm, the unit becomes sick. An industrial organization is labeled
as sick if it does not function normally. From the lenders point of view, it
would be sick if (a) it fails in payment of interest, on repayment of principal
amount due to cash losses, (b) there is a financial imbalance [that is to say
that current ratio is lower than one and capital is highly geared], and (c)
the sales (quantity and value) and the profits are dwindling consistently.
The National Institute for Bank Management defined sick units as those
where the operations result in continuous losses bringing down the working
capital available and ultimately, affecting the borrowing potential almost
permanently. In tune with this definition, the small industries development
organization (SIDO) observed a unit as sick if the capacity utilization is less
than 20 per cent of installed capacity. That means, while adopting this
definition of sick units, the SIDO paid more emphasis on the capacity
utilization. Tern lending institutions classified a unit as sick by taking into
account any one or more of the following symptoms:
Continuous default in meeting its half-yearly interest payment
obligation or principal in respect of institutional loans.

Continuous losses for a period of two years or continued erosion in
the net worth, say by 50 per cent; and/or
Mounting arrears on account of statutory and other liabilities for a
period of one or two years.
Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 considers an
industrial company (being a company registered for not less than seven
years) as sick when it has at the end of any financial year accumulated
losses equal to, or exceeding its, entire net worth and has also suffered cash
losses in such financial year and the financial year immediately preceding
such financial year.
Causes of Sickness: Factors causing industrial sickness can broadly be
divided into two main categories viz., internal causes and external causes.
Internal causes are the factors which are within the control of the
management of a unit and the externals are the factors which affect
industrial group as a whole, and on these, the industrial unit has no direct
Efforts have been made to unearth various factors responsible for causing
industrial sickness in the country. Of the various factors, the significant to
quote are mis-management or inefficient management, non-availability of
quality raw-materials at right price and at right time, power shortage,
paucity of funds, defective planning at initial stages, lack of marketing
expertise, etc. Besides, there are other factors which are equally responsible
for industrial sickness. These may be summarized as wrong industrial
location, improper estimation of capital cost, delays and cost escalation,
improper formation of inventory needs, marketing of finished goods at
longer credit terms, labour unrest, infighting due to power struggles, poor
maintenance of plant and machinery, old and worn out machinery and

production technology, lack of research and development, procedural delay
in sanctioning loans by commercial banks and other institutional agencies,
demand recession, higher over-head expenses, overoptimistic view of
market, insufficient provision for unforeseen expenses and replacement,
lack of laughing back of profits, inadequate investment for modernization
and renovation and delays in rehabilitating sick units, etc. These factors are
responsible for industrial sickness in the country for all types of industries
irrespective of their characteristics based on the scale of operations.
Though the causes of industrial sickness in India are manifold and complex,
there is a unanimous agreement that the poor management is one of the
important reasons for higher degree of sickness. A recent study by RBI
revealed that two-thirds of sick units had become sick due to mismanagement of o
ne kind or another (e.g., diversion of funds, infighting,
lack of marketing strategies, faulty project planning and faulty choice of
Of late, the magnitude of industrial sickness has been quite alarming. It was
first noticed in the mid-sixties which also coincided with the period of
industrial stagnation. Thereafter, it was continuously on increase with the
liberalization of industrial policy. In the eighties, new technologies were
introduced resulting in increased competitiveness and, the units which
could not stand against competition fell sick. The incidence of sickness has
assumed serious proportions in recent a year which is reflected in the
increase in the number of sick industrial units and alarming increase in the
amount of funds locked therein. In the corporate sector, small scale sector
units are worst sufferers of industrial sickness as 95 per cent of sick units in

the country were from SSI sector during 1980. This percentage further risen
to 99 by the year 1999.
A study of RBI Annual Report reveals that during 1986-87, about 10
industrial units turned sick per working day. A more concerning aspect is
that majority of them are small scale units. It is estimated that 80 per cent of
the units are non-viable. Obviously, sickness in industries has taken visible
dimension and its impact is felt on the whole economy.
Industrial sickness in India is growing at an alarming rate, as the number of
all types of sick industries increased by nine-fold during 1980-92 and bank
credit against them increased by four-fold over same period. One indication
of severity of growing industrial sickness is that of the total sick units, more
than nine-tenth is beyond cure, (i.e., non-viable units). According to a
survey, about 18% of the outstanding bank credit to industries was locked
up in sick industries at the end of March 1991. The number of sick SSI
units increased from 2,56,452 as at the end of March 1994 to 2,68,815 units
by the end of March 1995. However, the outstanding bank credit locked in
these units over the same period decreased from Rs. 3,680.37 crore to Rs.
3,547.13 crore.
Subsequently, the number of sick units declined from 2,68,815 units in
March 1995 to 2,62,376 by the end of March 1996. Outstanding bank credit
locked up in these units increased marginally from Rs. 3,547.13 crore to Rs.
3,722 crore as at the end of March 1996. Similarly, during 1997 also there
was a declining as the sick small scale industries and their outstanding
balances of credit declined to 2,35,032 and Rs. 3,609 crore respectively by
March 31, 1997. Infact, this is a good sign of declining in sick units and
their outstanding bank credit. However, it cannot be claimed as a major

achievement towards eradication of sickness in SSI as it still needs sincere
efforts to minimize the sickness.
Governments-both Central and State, have in the past taken a number of
measures for the development of small and medium enterprises.
Government has set up a number of development institutions to support
entrepreneurs. Some of the institutions assisting entrepreneurs include
District Industries Centres (DICs) and Industrial Estate, Small Industries
Development Organisation (SIDO), Small Industries Service Institutes
(SISI), Small Industry Development Corporation (SIDCO), Entrepreneurial
Guidance Bureau (EGB), National Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs
(NAYE), National Productivity Council (NPC) and Venture capital funds
(VCF). In addition, all India financial institutions-IDBI, IFCI, ICICI- have
promoted/sponsored a number of Technical Consultancy Organisations
(TCOs) to assist small entrepreneurs in different ways. Recently, the Small
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has been established to help
small scale units. Besides, agencies like Khadi and Village Industries
Commission, Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks, EXIM Bank and
National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Board undertake
promotional activities aiming at support in entrepreneurship development.
Now, what follow in the subsequent pages is the various kinds of support
provided by aforesaid institutions to the entrepreneurs to help them
establish industries and solving their problems in due course.
Small Scale Industries Board (SSIB): The Government of India
constituted a Board, namely, Small Scale Industries Board (SSIB) in 1954
to advise on the development of small scale industries in the country. The

SSIB is also known as Central Small Industries Board. The range of
Governments. Hence, to facilitate co-ordination and inter-institutional
linkages, the Small Scale Industries Board has been constituted. It is an
apex advisory body constituted to render advice to the Government on all
issues pertaining to the development of small-scale industries.
The Industries Minister of the Government of India is the Chairman of the
SSIB. The SSIB comprises of 50 members including State Industry
Minister, some Members of Parliament, Secretaries of various Departments
of Government of India, financial institutions, public sector undertakings,
industry associations and eminent experts in the field.
State Small Industries Corporations: Many State Governments have set
up Small Industries Corporations in order to undertake a number of
commercial activities. The most important of these activities are
distribution of scarce raw materials, supply of machinery on hire-purchase
basis, constitution and management of industrial estates, procurement of
orders from Government Departments, assistance in export marketing and
in certain cases provision of financial, technical and managerial assistance
to small enterprises.
Small Industries Development Corporation (SIDCO): In Tamilnadu
SIDCO is the state small industries corporation. It plays a lead role in
developing small scale sector. It provides the following facilities to small
scale units:

It makes provision of constructed sheds/plots in industrial estates.
These are sold to entrepreneurs on hire-purchase basis or given on
rental basis.
Assistance in procuring some scarce key raw materials like iron and
steel, paraffin wax, potassium chlorate, Fatty Acids, etc., through its
various distribution centres.
Financial assistance in the form of subsidies to industrial units in
backward areas like Central Investment subsidy, state capital
subsidy. Interest-Free sales tax loans, power tariff subsidy and
margin money assistance for the rehabiliation of the sick small scale
Marketing assistance to small entrepreneurs.
Small Industries Service Institutes (SISIs): The Small Industries Services
Institutes (SISIs) are set up to provide consultancy and training to small
entrepreneurs-both existing and prospective. The activities of SISIs are
coordinated by the Industrial Management Training division of the DCSSI s
office. There are 28 SISIs and 30 branch SISIs set up in State capital and
other places all over the country.
The main functions of SISIs include:


serve as interface between Central and State Governments.

render technical support services.
conduct Entrepreneurship Development Programmes.
initiate promotional programmes.

The SISIs also render assistance in the following areas:

Economic Consultancy/Information/EDP Consultancy.

Trade and market information.
Project profiles.
State industrial potential survey.
District industrial potential surveys.
Modernisation and in-plant studies.
Workshop facilities.
(viii) Training in various trade/activities.
District Industries Centres (DICs): The District Industries Centres (DICs)
were established in May 1978 with a view to provide integrated
administrative framework at the district level for promotion of small-scale
industries in rural areas. The DICs are envisaged as a single window
interacting agency with the entrepreneur at the district level. Services and
support to small entrepreneurs are provided under a single roof through the
DICs. They are the implementing arm, of the Central and State
Governments for various schemes and programmes. Registration of small
industries is done at the district industries centres.
The organisational structure of DICs consists of one General Manager, four
Functional Managers and three Project Managers to provide technical
service in the area relevant to the needs of district concerned. Management
of the DICs is done by the State Governments. The scheme has now been
transferred to the states and from the year 1993-94, funds will not be
provided by the Central Government to the States for running the DICs.
Functions: The DICs role is mainly promotional and developmental. To
attain this, they have to perform the following main functions:


To conduct industrial potential surveys keeping in view the

availability of resources in terms of material and human skill,
infrastructure, demand for product, etc. to prepare techno-economic
surveys and identify product lines and then to provide investment
advice to entrepreneurs.

To prepare an action plan to effectively implement the schemes


To guide entrepreneurs in matters relating to selecting the most

appropriate machinery and equipment, sources of its supply and
procedure for procuring imported machinery, if needed, assessing
requirements for raw materials etc.

To appraise the worthiness of the various proposals received from


To assist the entrepreneurs in marketing their products and assess the

possibilities of ancillarisation and export promotion of their

To undertake product development work appropriate to small


To conduct artisan training programmes.

To function as the technical arms of DRDA in administering IRD

and TRYSEM programmes.
INDUSTRIAL ESTATES: Developing countries require institutional
arrangements for their rapid industrialization and balanced growth. One
such institutional measure is industrial estates. The term industrial estate i

called by different names, e.g., industrial park, industrial zone, industrial
region, industrial city, industrial area, industrial township, etc.
An industrial estate has been defined as a method of "organizing, housing
and servicing industry, a planned clustering of industrial enterprises
offering standard factory building erected in advance of demand and a
variety of services and facilities to the occupants". In other words, an
industrial estate is a tract of land sub-divided and developed according to a
comprehensive plan for the use of a community of industrial enterprises. It
is a planned clustering of industrial units offering standard factory buildings
and a variety of services and facilities to entrepreneurs.
Industrial Estates in India: One of the handicaps faced by small scale
industries in India has been the lack of well-developed space with the
necessary infrastructure for carrying on their manufacturing operations. In
order to overcome this problem, the Government of India launched the
programme of setting up industrial estates in 1955. The responsibility for
planning, developing, constructing and managing industrial estates lies with
the respective State Governments. They are free to run the estates through
corporations or any other agencies of their choice. The Central Government
provides financial assistance to the State Governments for the development
of industrial estates. Such financial assistance is provided in the form of
loans, grants and subsidies.
Industrial estates as a tool of rapid and balanced economic development,
occupy a prominent place in the scheme of planned growth in India. These
estates are expected to foster the growth of small scale industries, help in
rural industrialization, and decentralization of industrial location.
Therefore, increasingly more funds have been allocated under successive

five year plans for the development of industrial estates. Such allocation of
funds increased from Rs. 58 lakhs under the First Five Year Plan to more
than Rs. 90 crores in the Eighth Five Year Plan.
The programme of industrial estates in India is designed to achieve the
following objectives:
to encourage the development of small-scale and medium sized industrial
units for balanced regional development;
to remove concentration or congestion of industries in big cities by
facilitating the movement of industrial units to suburban and rural areas;
to secure decentralization of industry by diverting new industrial units to
underdeveloped regions;
to encourage the growth of ancillary units in the townships surrounding
major industrial undertakings, both in public and private sectors. No
developing country has launched such a massive programme of industrial
estates as India. Over the years there has been a remarkable growth in
industrial estates. However, a sizeable portion of capacity in industrial
estates remains unutilized.
Experience reveals that urban industrial estates have been more successful
than semi-urban and rural estates. Rural estates have not been much
successful due to lack of sound infrastructural facilities. Therefore, efforts
should be made to develop sound infrastructure in rural and suburban
industrial estates.
Small industry certainly needs a boost through industrial estates. But
industrial estates should not simply become a housing colony for small

units, irrespective of their merits. Encouraging the small units that do not fit
into the nation s needs and the national priorities is pointless. Identification
of the product, manufacturing of which results in the promotion of labour
intensive industry and choosing the techniques that help promote the labour
and intensive manufacturing should be the objectives of the industrial
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC): The National Small
Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), an enterprise under the Union Ministry
of Industries, was set up in 1955 to promote, and foster the growth of small
scale industries in the country. NSIC provides a wide range of services,
predominantly promotional in character to small scale industries. Its main
functions are:

To provide machinery on hire-purchase scheme to small scale


To provide equipment leasing facility.

To help in export marketing of the products of small scale industries.

To develop proto-type of machines and equipments to pass on to

small scale industries for commercial production.

To distribute basic raw material among small scale industries

through raw material depots.

To help in the development and upgradation of technology and

implementation of modernisation programmes of small scale

To impart training in various industrial trades.


To undertake the construction of industrial estates.

Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO): Small Industries
Development Organisation (SIDO) is a subordinate office of the
Department of SSI & ARI. It is an apex body and nodal agency for
formulating, coordinating and monitoring the policies and programmes for
promotion and development of small-scale industries. Development
Commissioner is the head of the SIDO. He is assisted by various directors
and advisers in evolving and implementing various programmes of training
and management consultancy, industrial investigation, possibilities for
development of different types of small-scale industries, development of
industrial estates, etc. The main functions of SIDO are classified into (i) coor
dination, (ii) industrial development and (iii) extension. These functions
are performed through a national network of institutions and associated
agencies. All small-scale industries except those falling within the
specialised boards and agencies like KVIC, Coir Boards, Central Silk
Board, etc. fall under the purview of the SIDO.
Following are the main tasks performed by the SIDO in each of its three
categories of functions.
Functions Relating to Co-ordination

To evolve a national policy for the development of small scale


To co-ordinate the policies and programmes of various State



To maintain a proper liaison with the related Central Ministries,

Planning commission, State Governments, Financial Institutions,
etc., and

To co-ordinate the programmes for the development of industrial

Functions Relating to Industrial Development

To reserve items for production by small-scale industries,

To collect data on consumer items imported and then, encourage the

setting of industrial units to produce these items by giving
coordinated assistance,

To render required support for the development of ancillary units,


To encourage small scale industries to actively participate in

Government Stores Purchase Programme by giving them necessary
guidance, market advice and assistance.
Functions Relating to Extension

To make provision of technical services for improving technical

process, production planning, selecting appropriate machinery,
preparing factory lay-out and design.

To provide consultancy and training services to strengthen the

competitive ability of small-scale industries

To render marketing assistance to small-scale industries to

effectively sell their products, and


To provide assistance in economic investigation and information to

small-scale industries.
Entrepreneurial Guidance Bureau (EGB): The EGB has been set up to
guide entrepreneurs in identifying investment opportunities, assisting them
in selecting locations for the projects, preparing project profiles, assisting
them to get financial assistance.
EGB has been supplying information pertaining to the products that offer
scope for manufacture, statistical details relating to demand, capacity
production, sources of raw materials, types of equipments required,
investment involved, sources of finance, etc. Information of procedures
pertaining to obtaining letters of intent, import of capital equipment, export
of finished products is also furnished. EGB also renders assistance from
banks/financial institutions or for submitting proposals for the letter of
intent, etc. EGB also establishes direct contact with engineering graduates,
technically qualified personnel and small entrepreneurs to promote
entrepreneurship development.
National Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (NAYE): National Alliance
Development Scheme with Bank of India in August 1972 on pilot basis.
This scheme, known as BINEDS, is operative in the States of Punjab,
Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territories
of Chandigarh and Delhi. NAYE entered into similar arrangements. The
main objective of the scheme is to help young entrepreneurs in identifying

manufacturing capabilities; providing necessary financial assistance on the

basis of properly prepared reports; securing
package of consultancy
services on appropriate terms and arranging for all possible assistance,
facilities and incentives being extended to young entrepreneurs by
Government and other institutions.
Small Industry Extension Training Institute (SIETI): SIETI entered the
field of consultancy on adhoc basis mainly to support the activities of State
Governments and development corporations. SIETI s consultancy services
have recently become broad-based in terms of both the types of
assignments undertaken and area covered. The activities have been
operative in Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Nagaland, Meghalaya,
Manipur, Assam, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. The assignments in the
earlier years pertained to (1) identification of industrial opportunities, (2)
identification of growth centres, (3) preparation of regional development
plans, (4) industrial profiles, (5) feasibility studies, (6) organisational
development, and (7) designing information system. They now include
entrepreneurial development; training and counseling of the educated
unemployed; management counseling for sick industrial units; and training
of trainers and consultants for entrepreneurial development. Particular
attention is given to industrialization of backward areas.
National Productivity Council (NPC): Recently National Productivity
Council has started a Package Consultancy Service to Small Industries.
This service is in three stages.
Training young and prospective entrepreneurs;
Undertake market surveys in the States. These surveys are conducted
for identifying investment opportunities and consumption patterns

for the prospective entrepreneurs; develop data bank for providing
information in respect of investment opportunities and financial
resources required, facilities available for obtaining loans;
selection/modernisation of processes and equipment, product
development, availability of raw materials and market opportunities,
sales promotion and marketing and to undertake techno-economic
feasibility studies either on behalf of prospective or existing
entrepreneurs or on behalf of financial institutions.
Post-investment service consultancy and follow-up in the following
To assist the entrepreneurs in repayment of loans in the minimum possible
time by helping them in improving their enterprise level productivity
through periodical visits; assist the small scale industries in training of
workers in specific trades and supervisory and managerial personnel in
techno-managerial subjects, assist the existing enterprises in improving
their enterprise level productivity through training and consultancy
services; and assisting them in market studies and sales promotion.
National Research Development Corporation of India (NRDCI):
NRDCI makes available processes which have been developed by various
laboratories in the country. It brings out periodically a publication, entitled,
PRDC Processes , which gives in brief particulars of the various processes,
uses of the products, raw materials required and capital outlays. If an
entrepreneur is interested to adopt a process, he is expected to pay a lump
sum premium; royalty is also payable bi-anually for specified period after
starting production. The concerned institute or laboratory releases the
process details to the license after he has executed an agreement. NRDC

also provides technical appraisals on a few projects, which are variously
priced at Rs. 25 to Rs. 750 per copy.
Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC): KVIC was set up in
1953. The primary objective of establishing KVIC is to develop Khadi and
Village industries and improving rural employment opportunities. Its wide
range of activities include training of artisans, extension of assistance for
procurement of raw materials, marketing of finished products and
for manufacturing and distribution of improved tools,
equipment and machinery to producers on concessional terms.
KVIC provides assistance to Khadi and Village industries which are
characterised by low capital intensity and ideally suited to manufacturing
utility goods by using locally available resources. There are about 26
specified village industries such as processing of cereals and pulses, leather,
cottage matches, gur and khandsari, palm gur, non-edible oils and soaps,
village pottery, carpentry, gobargas, household aluminium utensils, etc.
KVIC s policies and programmes are executed through 30 State Khadi and
Village Industries Boards, 2320 institutions registered under the Societies
Registration Act, 1960 and about 30,600 Industrial Cooperative Societies
registered under State Cooperative Societies Act. Activities involving
pioneering types of work, such as developing new industries in hilly,
backward and inaccessible areas are undertaken by KVIC directly.
Development (NISEBUD), New Delhi: It is an apex national level
institute of its kind set up at New Delhi in 1983. Its main functions are to
coordinate research and training in entrepreneurship development and to

impart specialised training to various categories of entrepreneurs. Besides,
it also serves as a forum for interaction and exchange of views between
various agencies engaged in activities relating to entrepreneurial
National Institute of Small Industries Extension Training (NISIET),
Hyderabad: This institute was set up in 1956 to develop the required
manpower for running small-scale industries in the country. Accordingly,
its main functions are:
To impart training to the persons engaged in small-scale industries.
To undertake research studies relating to development of small-scale
To enter into agreements relating to consultancy services both with
national and international organisations to provide consultancy
services to small industries in the country.
The institute conducts courses in business management for the benefit of
the entrepreneurs and semi-managerial personnel of small industries. It is
located at Hyderabad.
Other Institutes Supporting Entrepreneurs: Following are some of the
important institutes set up by the Government for development of smallscale indu
Electronic Training and Service Institute, Nainital.
Central Machine Tools Limited, Bangalore.
Sports Goods and Leisure Time Equipment, Meerut.
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Tools, Madras.

National Institute of Foundry and Forging Technology, Ranchi.
Technical Consultancy Organisations (TCOs): A network of Technical
Consultancy Organisations (TCOs) was established by the all India
financial institutions in the seventies and the eighties in collaboration with
state level financial/development institutions and commercial banks to cater
to the consultancy needs of small industries and new entrepreneurs. At
present, there are 17 TCOs operating in various states, some of them
covering more than one state. These 17 TCOs are:
Andhra Pradesh Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation
Ltd. (APITCO).
Bihar Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd.
Gujarat Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd.
Haryana-Delhi Industrial Consultants Ltd. (HARDICON).
Himachal Consultancy Organisation Ltd. (HIMCO).
Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation of Tamil Nadu
Ltd. (ITCOT).
Jammu and Kashmir Industrial and Technical Consultancy
Organisation Ltd. (J&KITCO).
Karnataka Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd.
Madhya Pradesh Consultancy Organisation Ltd. (MPCON).
Mahrashra Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd.

North-Eastern Industrial Consultants Ltd. (NECON).

North-Eastern Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation
Ltd. (NEITCO).
North-India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd. (NITCON).
Orissa Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd.
Rajasthan Consultancy Organisation Ltd. (RAJCON).
U.P. Industrial Consultants Ltd. (UPICO).
West Bengal Consultancy Organisation Ltd. (WEBCON).
Functions: Initially, TCOs functions were focused on pre-investment studies for
small and medium scale enterprises. Over the years, they have
diversified their functions to include the following:

To prepare project profiles and feasibility profiles.

To undertake industrial potential surveys.
To identify potential entrepreneurs and provide them with technical
and management assistance.

To undertake market research and surveys for specific products.

To supervise the project and where necessary, render technical and
administrative assistance.

To undertake export consultancy for export-oriented projects based

on modern technology.

To conduct entrepreneurship development programmes.

To offer merchant banking services.
A summary view of the progress/performance of TCOs

Commercial banks and Entrepreneurial Development: In recent times

commercial banks have not confined themselves to mere extension of
finance to small entrepreneurs but have shown genuine concern for their

progress and development. They have now entered the challenging field of
promoting new small scale entrepreneurs through entrepreneurship
development programmes. In their new role as promoters of small scale
sector they have accepted yet another challenging task. They are now
holding EDPs in collaboration with specialised institutions such as DIC,
SISI, TCOs, etc. with a view to identifying entrepreneurs, especially in
backward areas, and training and monitoring them to start new ventures.
Sickness in small scale industries is not confined to a particular product,
state or region. It is, more or less, uniformly spread over all states and
regions, and thus a national problem. The number of sick units in the
country is increasing continuously and the rise in outstanding bank
advances against them bears testimony to the fact that the industrial
sickness of small industrial units is not a thing of the past or mere passing
phase but a continuous phenomenon. It is now a burning question that how
best to detect and rectify the problem and rehabilitate the concerned small
units in the interest of the national economy. However, process of solution
to this aggravating problem involves two steps. The are: (a) identifying the
sickness in a unit as early as possible and to analyze and diagnose its
causes, and (b) nurse the unit immediately with appropriate remedial
measures with a view to turnaround the sick unit to an economically viable
one. Turnaround here means a substantial and sustained positive change in
the performance of the business entity.
The responsibility for preventing and curing industrial sickness and
rehabilitating sick units cannot be solely fixed either on the entrepreneurs
or the banks and other financial institutions as it is a combined and joint
responsibility of those who are interested in the restoration of units health.

The entrepreneur wants the unit to be healthy as his own capital is blocked
in and he is to be rewarded for the venture risk in starting the business,
banks and financial institutions for the reason that if the units are turn
around, regular interest payment by the units will be reinstituted and
recovery of unpaid interest payment by the units will be reinstituted and
recovery of unpaid interest and capital will be possible, the government is
interested for the revival of the units because of several factors like well
being of the employees, generation of employment opportunities and above
all, the contributions to the national economy. This process also calls for
the help from various other groups like management, professional
accountants and technical and management consultants.
Commercial banks and financial institutions can detect the symptoms of
sickness through periodical progress report including financial statements,
stock statements and returns under periodical information system, plant
visits, personal discussions, reports from nominee directors, etc. Guidelines
have been issued by the RBI so that banks can analyze and interpret the
information received from the assisted units and test check their health.
Similarly, the establishment of management information system within the
industrial unit will help its management to detect the symptoms of the
sickness and forward it to adopt remedial measures.
Curing sickness also calls for support from different professionals as the
success of the scheme for rehabilitation of a sick unit depends upon cooperation
of all concerned in the unit. All the departmental heads or the
functional managers of the unit, with a professional approach, should put
their efforts together for the implementation of the scheme. The
government should establish the consultancy cell in the banks, financial
institutions, and other promotional agencies consisting of experts from
various fields of industrial activities to sort out the problem and to prevent

industrial sickness by giving continuous advise regarding the smooth
functioning of the units and at the same time, help in revival of sick units
by closely monitoring the implementation of rehabilitation packages.
Turnaround Strategies: The unit which has become sick due to several
reasons needs an appropriate and timely corrective action or strategy
infuses revival hope into the organization. The kind of strategy to be
followed depends on the extent and type of sickness of the firm. Hoffer has
suggested two broad categories of turnaround strategies viz., strategic
turnaround and operating turnaround. Whether a sick business needs
strategic or operating turnaround choice can be ascertained by analyzing the
current strategic and operating health of the business. The process of
selection of strategy can be illustrated with the help of the following figure.
Fig. 10.1
Selection of Optimal Turnaround Strategy
Current Strategic Health
The operating turnarounds are easy to carry out and can be applied only
when average to strong strategic strength is existing in the business. The
operating turnaround strategies are of four types viz., revenue increasing

strategies, cost cutting strategies, assets reduction strategies and
combination strategies.
The strategic turnaround choices may involve either a new way to compete
in the existing business or entering an altogether new business. The
strategic turnaround in the existing business focuses either on increasing the
market share in a given product market frame work or by shifting the
product market relationship in a new direction by repositioning. The
increase in market share can be attained by improving product quality
perception through dealer push or even by consumer pull. The strategic
turnarounds seeking no change in the market share may emphasis a change
in the product market segment focus.
Process of Turnaround Implementation: The process of turning a sick
company into a viable one is rather complex and difficult. It is complex
because a successful turnaround strategy demands corrective actions in
many deficient areas of the firm. It is essential that all these lines of action
are coordinated and integrated and do not contradict with each other. The
turnaround process is difficult because it involves perceptual and attitudinal
changes at all levels, as far as employees are concerned. These human
change processes tend to become very sensitive when the firm is on a crisis
situation: Therefore, many a time a change in the leadership or even an
active intervention from outside is suggested for bringing about such a
desired change in the firm.
Prahlad and Thomas, based on their research study on turnaround strategy
and processes, have presented ten propositions for turning around sick
units. These propositions are presented below:
Revival of a sick unit required the formulation and implementation
of a new strategy.

Localising problems and sequencing the corrective actions help in
the revival of the sick unit.
The successful implementation of turnaround strategy requires
appropriate organization structure, participative type of decisionmaking environ
ment, effective administrative and budgetary
controls, training, performance evaluation, career progression and
The turnaround strategy must focus on profit generation and profits
must be regarded as legitimate goal.
The acceptance and the commitment of managers and employees of
the organization towards revival measures must be high if not total.
Openness in management processes helps in gaining commitment
and thus facilitates the implementation process.
Openness in the change process leads to confidence in the top
management and its strategy.
Understanding of technical processes and problem-solving attitude
in overcoming technical snags is essential for turning around sick
Consultants can play a vital role in objective analysis of problems as
well as in implementing innovative change.
The active support given to the chief executive by the appointing
authorities is critical for the implementation of turnaround strategy.
Leadership provides the focus for action in sick units.
In the case of developing countries like ours, this economic evil of
industrial sickness is a very costly proportion in terms of loss of
employment, under-utilisation of capacity, regional imbalance, etc. Further,
the banks and other financial institutions are greatly affected by industrial

sickness in recycling of the funds. Solution to this economic evil in the
form of remedial and preventive steps should be initiated by the concerned
The catalytic agents involved in eradicating the evil should play their role
efficiently. The entrepreneurs should not shift their responsibility by
blaming labour, input supplier, market and governmental policies, rather
realize that the business ultimately has to survive and progress and move
forward with new strength. Managerial personnel within the organizational
set up should realize that sickness does not develop all of a sudden except
in cases like accidents. They have to ensure that their skill and professional
expertise help the unit to run various functions with effectiveness. The
banks and financial institutions have to play an important role in correct
appraisal especially regarding sales potentials, marketing competence as
any delay in appraisal, sanctions and disbursement put the unit into a
number of inconveniences. While washing and window dressing of reports
and poor system for monitoring and follow up should be avoided to the
maximum possible extent, so far as this task is concerned the bankers have
to consider themselves in true sense of banker but not merely as deposit
collectors. The involved parties should initiate situationistic remedial
measures rather than impersonistic generalized ones to overcome sickness
in small industrial sector. Giving priority to this national problem, the
banks should further diversify their activities by earmarking a significant
portion of their budget towards implementing rehabilitation package to the
sick units, particularly in small sector.
Government has set up a number of development institutions to support
entrepreneurs. Some of the institutions assisting entrepreneurs include
District Industries Centres (DICs) and Industrial Estate, Small Industries
Development Organisation (SIDO), Small Industries Service Institutes

(SISI), Small Industry Development Corporation (SIDCO), Entrepreneurial
Guidance Bureau (EGB), National Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs
(NAYE), National Productivity Council (NPC) and Venture capital funds
(VCF). In addition, all India financial institutions-IDBI, IFCI, ICICI- have
promoted/sponsored a number of Technical Consultancy Organisations
(TCOs) to assist small entrepreneurs in different ways. Recently, the Small
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has been established to help
small scale units. Besides, agencies like Khadi and Village Industries
Commission, Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks, EXIM Bank and
National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Board undertake
promotional activities aiming at support in entrepreneurship development.
With a view to prevent sickness particularly in SSI sector, the government
has to play a crucial role and discourage all polices like price control, over
licensing, free import licence for goods reserved for SSI sector, and such
other measures which contribute to this unwanted phenomenon. It is worth
mentioning here that the government should restructure its policy on sales
tax suitably.
To sum up, the incidence of industrial sickness in general and in small
industrial units, in particular can be reduced if all the concerned (i.e.,
owner, banker, labourers, professionals, management, financial institutions,
government, etc.) make a concerted effort to study the causes and cures
through their temporary sacrifices with a sense of dedication and
belongingness. However, the approach should be stitch in time save nine.
Sick Unit: Sick unit is one which fails to generate as internal surplus on a
continuing basis and depends on its survival upon frequent infusion of external

Industrial Estate: It is a planned clustering of industrial units offering stand
factor buildings and a variety of services and facilities to entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurial Guidance Bureau (EGB): The EGB has been set up to guide
entrepreneurs in identifying opportunities, assisting them in selecting location
s for
the projects, preparing project reports and assisting them to get financial
1. Define industrial sickness with reference to SSIs. Discuss its magnitude
with live examples.
2. Explain and elaborate the causes of industrial sickness and also suggest
the remedial measures.
3. Discuss the support provided by the National Small Industries
Corporation Ltd. (NSIC) to small-scale industries in the country.
4. What are the functions performed by the Small Industries Development
Corporation (SIDCO) to boost the growth of small-scale industries in
the country?
5. Describe the role that State Small Industries Development Corporations
(SSIDC) play in developing small enterprises in the country.
6. What are District Industries Centres (DICs)? Explain the functions of
the DICs.
Pandey, I.M.: Financial Management
Jain, P.K. and Khan, M.Y.: Financial Management
Deshpande M.U., Entrepreneurship of small scale Industries Deep
& Deep Pub., New Delhi, 1982.

Gupta, C.B. and Khanka, S.S.: Entrepreneurship and Small Business
John Kao and Harars Stevenson: Entrepreneurship What it is and
How to Teach it.

Subject: Entrepreneurial Development

Code:CP 401
Lesson : 11
Updated by: Dr. M.C. Garg
Definition of Feasibility Studies
Project Selection Criteria
Salient Features of Pre-feasibility Report
Essentials of Conducting Feasibility Studies
Technical Feasibility Study
Matrix of Macro, Micro and Sectoral Considerations
Comprehensive Considerations
Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship

Self Assessment Questions
Suggested Readings

11.0 Objective
After reading this lesson you should be able to
Discuss the process of conducting feasibility study of a new project.

Explain the legal aspects of entrepreneurship.

be technically sound, financially feasible,
economically beneficial, commercially dependable, and organizationally
adequate. By now it is clear that this requires elaborate tools and criteria for
appraising and evaluating the technical, financial, economic, commercial
and organizational worthiness of projects. While preparing the feasibility
report these tests should be used as guidelines and the tools applied for the
purpose. Furthermore, one can say that the feasibility is associated with
more of investigation and identification of a viable alternative from
multiple angles.
Feasibility study therefore may be defined as a formal investigation of the
blue-chip opportunity leading to rational decision making to commit
investment. And such investigation comprises market analysis, technical
analysis, financial analysis, and social profitability analysis.
There has been a great deal of skirmish over the basis of project selection
since the spells of Walter Galenson, Harvey Leibenstein, Alexander
Gerschenkron and Bert Hoselitz and many of their coetaneous donnish
contributions. Their valuable lore towards setting the criteria for a project
selection was twofold:
Specific criteria
General criteria

Under specific criteria the economic development of a country is focused
while in the general criteria the firm or the promoters interests and other
unspecified factors play a dominant role. Let us briefly dwell on these two
perspectives separately.
Specific criteria
Factor intensity criterion: Majority of the third world countries are
flooded with large chunks of labour force which are afflicted with some
form of unemployment problems. For instance, India, South Africa and
other developing or underdeveloped countries where it is an accepted fact
that at least 35-45 % are lamenting from disguised unemployment.
Therefore it should not be astonishing that the people of such countries
force the projects to be established by underscoring labour-intensive
technology. United Nations report on development expresses the following
ceteris paribus, though the overall productivity rate is less in case of
underdeveloped countries, the hub of their industries is labour-intensive
methods of production. This perhaps gives them an inherent advantage of
utilizing their abundant factor in an appropriate manner without striving for
a scarce input (capital)
..labour saving technology is not of great value to an economy which is
over-populated. There the search should be rather for technologies which
increase the yield of land per acre, or which enable large number of persons
to be employed in secondary industries for a small expenditure of capital.

Buchanan enunciated a similar viewpoint as follows:
Since the most pervasive economic feature of underdeveloped countries is
the abundance of labour in contrast to the shortage of capital, a strong
presumption exists that capital should be used sparingly relative to labour
whenever there is a choice in the methods of production.
Considerably, those who advocate a choice of project on the logic of its role
in creating employment, often neglect to consider the projects other
economic features, whose impact may be detrimental or even inimical to
the economy as a whole.
Contrarily to the above argument, the capital-intensive projects are
associated with great advantages both in terms of high productivity and
efficiency. Shortage or the loss of labour can surely be offset.
In connection with the mooted criteria Galenson and Leibenstein also
bequest their ideas on the selection norms as follows:
The correct criterion for allocating investment must be to choose for each
unit of investment alternative that will give each worker greater productive
power than any other alternative. To achieve this result we must maximize
the amount of capital per worker. The bone of contention has always been
technological stress for the large scale projects. In the words of
At the extremity of industrialization, it was largely by application of the
most modern and efficient techniques that backward countries could hope

to achieve success, particularly if their industrialization proceeded in the
face of competition from the advanced country.. In viewing the economic
history of Europe in the 19th century, the impression is very strong that
only when industrial development could commence on a large scale did the
tension between the pre-industrialization conditions and the benefit that
may be expected from industrialization become sufficiently strong to
overcome the existing obstacles and liberate the forces that made for
industrial progress.
To some extent the above debate between the two sets of theorists is purely
metaphysical, having their relevant arguments based on the assumptions
which are either unrealistic or which render their conclusions obvious. Of
course, there is an air of fiction about the disagreement, because the kind of
balance required between capital and labour intensity is determined by
technology. While drawing reverence to significant factors, the factor
intensity debate is too simplistic and one-sided to justify the complex web
of economic costs and benefits that stem from the projects. The arguments
are mainly centered on the following points:

Primarily those projects should be accepted and executed which help in

utilizing the abundant rather than depend on scare resources. In the case of
underdeveloped countries, since labour is one such factor input which is
abundantly available, projects should be developed keeping in view the
exploitation of this resource to the maximum extent.

Second though some factors are available scarcely their eliminations is not
possible simply because they are available at some cost rather should also

be complementarily used with the abundant factor. In other words, all the
factor inputs should be used in a proper mix so as to optimize their utility
and result in benefits of economies of scale not returns to a factor.

Even in advanced countries production is not possible by capitalizing alone,

instead a viable combination is sought after and then the projects are
executed which maximize their returns with an optimum product mix and
factor mix.
Size and complexity criterion
An important principle which insinuates as the prime test of the aptness of
industrial project is the size and degree of complexity involved. This might
be termed as stepping stone theory for it emphasizes that non-industrial
areas should progress from simple to a complex set of operations as skills,
capital, and experience are acquired over a period of time. Sharing his
views at par with this, Brozen states:
Generally, the primary stages of development should call for a growth and
emphasize only on a particular type of project to encourage entrepreneur
and support sufficiently. Those projects which are small, use rudimentary
production techniques and give immediate returns are more likely to
accomplish this at the earliest stage. Large scale enterprises using more
complicated techniques and yielding distant returns must wait for a later
stage when simple entrepreneurial skills and attitudes have been learned.
The evolution may be thought of as from the simple to the complex.
Simplicity may be measured in terms of finance, production and return. In
terms of finance, the simple enterprise is the small one which needs only

the capital its owner is capable of furnishing. Larger enterprises which
require partnership and borrowed capital are at the next stage of complexity
in terms of finance. Still larger ones, which must use the corporate
techniques to mobilize capital or riskier ones, which must use limited
devices, are the most complex.
The Hoover Commission of US Congress on overseas economic operations,
staunchly believes in the small-industry approach and reports as:
the most valuable contribution to world economic stability can be made by
improvement of small manufacturing industries in non-industrialized
countries in the Asian-African Arc, with the possible exception of
Japan, no manufacturing or large-scale industrial development projects
should be undertaken and industrial aid should be confined to small
industries industrial projects should not be undertaken in countries which
do not already have an industrial background. In these countries there is
little local capital available for participation and the vast background of
transport, marketing, technical and executive skill is lacking. Large
industrial projects cannot succeed against this background and in any event
cannot affect the standard of living for many years to come.
The merits in favour of small projects are multifold as they are obvious, and
often believed small is beautiful and big braggadocio. Small projects
demands small quantity of resources an underdeveloped country can afford:
capital, management, and technical skills. Mostly they use labour in
relation to capital than large projects. They can quickly be reared and
installed to produce returns. They facilitate decentralization which enables

people in various areas to have contact with industry. This premise
adverting to labour attention by the small projects is reinforced manifold, in
case the size of domestic market of underdeveloped countries is also
considered. For any country it does not matter whether the project is large
or small as they are complementary, not competitive and hence choice
amongst them does not arise. Mostly it is observed that in the ballpark of a
large industrial venture, there is room for dozens of small plants providing
spare parts and services. In all similar circumstances even when it is found
that feasibility lies in encouraging small projects and plants of a particular
industry that implies a good exposure and prospects of a large industry and
vice-versa. If it can be shown that the small plants can produce as
efficiently as larger ones, they warrant support. Of course, blessed with
larger markets, the raw material supply and trained or skilled labour, it
stands grilling as an inherently sound project, probably much sounder than
a complex of small paper mills would have been. Decisions as to plant size
should not be based on the political, emotional or theoretical prejudgements
of desirability of plants on a certain size or complexity in a given
environment, rather on a measurement of costs and benefits of the various
alternatives to the economy.
The crux of the above comments from various authorities is that:

Involvement of complex operations or some frightening forecasts may

force the selection of one best style of project so as to strike a balance
between means and ends.

The smaller the size of the project the smaller will be the amount of
resources required to complete the project and vice-versa.

Though small ones have got inherent disadvantage of inability to satisfy

large markets, their inevitability lies in becoming complementary to the
large projects without which their survival is at stake.

Undoubtedly small projects and large projects have to go hand-in-hand in

order ot protect their mutual interests. This mutual dependency leads to the
birth of competitive markets who thereby protect mutual interests.
The Foreign Exchange Benefits Criterion
Most profoundly, the industrial projects are accepted on the credence and
fillip they get from the foreign sector, i.e., a project that can derive foreign
exchange reserves and the devalued currency that increases the expenditure
on imports. The reasons may be crop failures on the agricultural front, and
heavy fluctuation in the capital goods imports. Wherever such emphasis is
on foreign exchange benefits, the currency is overvalued at official rates
vis--vis to many other currencies. This may facilitate the private
entrepreneur benefit even when the projects are not subsidized by the
government. There are some established norms through which the costs and
benefits of such emphasis on foreign exchange benefit scheme are
measured and then the viability of such projects will be observed.
The commercial Profitability Criterion
This criterion which is different from all the above is estimated
commercially by a focus on the expected net profit after taxes deducting all
costs, including depreciation and other hidden costs from the computed net
profit. The profitability rate is denoted by a percentage on the investment,
i.e., ROI. This criterion is the final measure of the allurement of a project at

least of the private industrialist. Also this is a widely recommended
measuring rod for a projects feasibility by development banks and by
governments who may supplement it by adjustments designed to reflect
differences in costs or benefits to the economy compared to private owners.
Provided with accurate information on markets, prices, productions and
costs, commercial profitability is not difficult to estimate and the methods
of calculation are well established in financial management procedures.
This measure is dependent on three important factors:

Estimated capital costs of the project;

Estimated costs of production;

Estimated receipts from the sale or realization from the projects output.
These estimates are done most conservatively and wisely so as to keep the
interests of promoters and judge the most prospective project. The
commercial profitability is fraught with some negative comments for its
conservative explication and its indifferent approach towards other national
parameters. It is the measure of value of a project as a commercial venture
where only profitability or the returns to the investment are sought and not
the social welfare of the economy. Therefore, it is wise enough to measure
commercially rather than generously. If this tendency is shown even by the
state-owned projects, many of the white-elephant projects could easily be
The National Economic Profitability Criterion
Despite wide acceptance, none of the investment criteria previously
discussed is or even purports to be a general measure of a projects total net

value to the economy. Too many measurable economic costs and benefits
may be ignored or incorrectly counted. A comprehensive general measure
of a projects total net measurable economic value is needed. Such a
criterion is labeled as national economic profitability, a measure of the
approximate rate of return to the national economy on an investment in a
project, taking into account all major measurable economic costs and
benefits. The basis of this concept was stated by Chenery in this way:
Economic theory tells us that an efficient allocation of investment
resources is achieved by equating the social marginal productivity of capital
in its various uses. In developed countries, perfect competition provides a
standard of judging such a distribution of resources without the necessity of
measuring the marginal productivity save in exceptional cases. In
underdeveloped areas, it is generally recognized that both private value and
private cost may deviate far from social value and social cost. In such cases
perfect competition cannot even be used as a standard for sectors of the
economy; rather it is necessary to measure social productivity and to
provide for some form of government intervention to achieve more or less
efficient distribution of investment resources.
We define national economic profitability as the total measurable rate of
return to the economy on an investment. This definition avoids the
inclusion of economic costs or benefits which, by their nature, are not
measurable and also those non-economic costs or benefits which require
value judgments. To the extent to which the non-measurable or noneconomic factor
s are important our calculation will still be in error, but we
shall be closer than before to knowing the value of projects to the economy.

For the practical purposes of comparing one project with another or
screening to eliminate very poor projects, it is generally unnecessary to
have more than an approximate measurement. Irrespective of the method of
calculation, the costs and benefits are not a sure bet for both the
entrepreneurs and economic simultaneously. The project may be highly
profitable from the standpoint of foreign exchange earnings, but may be a
gross loss to the promoters and the project which might be showing true
profits to the owners might be less lucrative to the economy in terms of its
real output.
The weakness of this criterion is that although it can be made more
complete than other measurements in the sense that it takes in to account
more of the costs and benefits arising from a project, ti cannot be made
absolutely complete. Moreover like commercial profitability and partly
because in our method it is calculated from commercial estimates, it is
subject to a margin of error just as any other financial estimate is. As a
criterion of industrial investments, national economic profitability is unique
in that it brings together in one comparable figure all the major measurable
economic costs and benefits which an investment project offers to a
developing country.
The very purpose of a feasibility report is to provide a basic guideline on
technical, economic and commercial parameters of a project. It helps in
defining and analysis the alternative approaches to production processes
and outcomes. It focuses attention on the material inputs and various other

techno-economic variables which affect the production in toto. In order to
perform this dexterous feat identifying the most promising investment
alternative, it uses a loop approach of inter-linkages and feedback apropos
to all-relevant solution base. This includes technology, market structure,
consuming segment, economic and political stature, site selection and
availability of necessities like electricity, civil works, labour etc., factors
production. The feasibility study describes the optimization process, and
justifies the assumptions and hypothesis set thereby selecting the better
alternative solution and defines the clear boundaries of a project viability.
Some of the principle features of a project feasibility study are enlisted

It furnishes the basic terms of reference for a project;

It describes the nature and complexity of the project;

It highlights the magnitude of investigation prognosticated and scope of


It hatches to an imperceptible premise under which all the decisions can be


It provides a general view on investment range of the project;

It pre-supposes the economic and social benefits to be derived out of the


It always provides a chance to revise the actions and rectify mistakes before
they are taken for granted and spilled with all the resources;

It helps in setting the operations by choosing an appropriate technology

base for the project;


It helps in selecting and ideal an ideal location and following certain

prescribed environmental conditions that are essential for project

It is a sanative approach that petrifies the base of every project.

A feasibility study is conducted quite exhaustively by exploring many
factors related to the project. The guidelines conducting such studies as
advocated by UNIDO are as follows:

Scope of the project;

Procurement of the data for study;

Verification of alternatives and assumptions;

Proposed cost structure;

Scheduling the operations;

Arranging for local and foreign exchange;

Contingencies and inflation;

The project team;

Expansion project;

Cost studies;

Accuracy of cost estimates;

Agencies involved in conducting such studies.
Scope of the project feasibility study
Fundamentally before undertaking any industrial or commercial or social
project, the scope and magnitude should be clearly spelled out based on

which forecasts are made. This should embrace all activities scheduled to
happen which play important role in commissioning the project
successfully and auxiliary operations related to the production, extraction,
off site transport, storage of inputs and the off-site construction of major
equipment to be used on the site and other off-site and on-site ancillary
activities as hosing schemes and educational, training and recreational
facilities. Having a clear vision the planner can look at the material and
product flow for the current and future needs. This may also help the
planner to divide the total work flow into functional compartments which
are manageable and accordingly associate with costs and investments so
that reasonable targets, standards can be set forth. It would also aid the
planner in arranging the necessary equipment like production sheds, storage
buildings (warehouses), administrative buildings, and other networks for
water, gas and electricity, a sewage system, telephones, internal connecting
roads, major equipment like rotary kiln (in case of cement project), verticaltur
ret boring machine, hydraulic lifts, jigs, lathe (in case of heavy
engineering projects), etc. This subdivision may be based on the physical
layout of the project which shows the dimensions of its components. The
computation of project costs and be further facilitated by treating the
components as sub-projects, the sum of which will yield the investment
and production costs of the entire project.
Procurement of Data for the studies
Though the investment and production costs should be estimated as
accurately as possible, the costs and time involved in obtaining data are not
always justified and it may therefore sometimes be necessary for the project

team to rely on assumptions. Investment cost estimates which may be
ranked according to their accuracy and the costs and time required to obtain
them, are made by:

Inviting tenders based on specifications and bills of quantities. This

is the most accurate but also the most expensive and time-consuming

Exercising on prices of similar projects to estimate costs based on

specifications and bills of quantities;

Applying the unit cost constituents derived from homologous

operational projects, such as measuring in cost per cubic meter of
hemmed space or cost per square meter of constructed area.
Verification of Alternatives and Assumptions
Perhaps this is one of the crucial steps in the project feasibility analysis.
When various alternatives are being provided with regarding choice of
technology, equipment, capacity, location, financing, etc. factors, and
assumptions governing these to arrive at a decision is a real difficult task. In
fact, the foundations will be strong when the following alternatives are
supplied along with other details of the project profile:

Proposed cost structure;

Work schedules;

Exchange mechanism;

Contingent factors.
Proposed Costs Structure: The spending for the project deliverables are
always in terms of costs, irrespective of their nature such as material

costs, research costs, labour costs, overhead costs, distribution or octori
costs etc. Costs do not always result in outflow of funds. They may be in
the form of depreciation, amortization, loss on sale of fixed assets, etc. they
may be imputed or opportunity costs or sunk costs that are incurred, of
which some may be explicit costs and some may be implicit to the
production or operation process. Therefore, it would be ideal to label all the
necessary expenditure incurred during the project implementation which
deserves to be treated as cost. Also these costs are classified into two: fixed
costs (which are expended on the long term assets and do not change during
a given period of time) and variable costs (costs which vary in total with
respect to the volume of output or operations performed in the project). On
the other hand, incomes are inflows of cash or other compensations
received by the project. To ascertain actual or estimated loss or profit and
accordingly take a decision on the financial matters one has to estimate the
financial inflows and outflows. For this the analyst has to be a meticulous
estimator of cost and benefits. Estimates of the production costs depend on
the following factors:

Availability of the information on such input requirements as material,

manpower and overheads;

Prevailing labour legislation, and local labour productivity rate;

The total production programme;

The work programme (number of shifts, working days per annum);

The type of technology and equipment to be applied

The skills of labour and staff called for;

The quality of inputs available based on which output is derived.

Estimates of administration, selling and distribution costs can also be done
based on the past figures of expenditure by similar projects or by applying
statistical tools like regression or time series analysis in order to project th
future costs.
Scheduling the operations
Often it has been the practice of many planners to use bar or Grantt chart
fro scheduling and timing the operations when the operations are too
cumbersome and time consuming. But of late, new techniques and tools
have been identified and applied by these project planners such as PERT,
GERT, CPM, Q-GERT, ZBB, etc. for their efficient time management. In
order to be precise and make the schedules understandable even to the nottechnic
al team members, activities are segregated and accordingly
miniscule schedules are prepared and their linkages are formed so as to
integrate at a later stage.
Currency management
Financing projects necessitates the compatibility of monetary resources in
accordance with the country or place where they are to be set up. This is
especially considered when the projects are undertaken in a different
country where the currency is different. In other words, the local currency
should be available for convenient spending and foreign currency
(convertibility) is needed for importing the requisite goods and services.
Therefore every financial institution or a promoter would first look at these
economic indicators and set their investment target accordingly so as to

maximize their returns by safeguarding their monetary interests on the
Every project is confronted with two types of contingencies:

Inflationary pressures on the money market;

Physical shortages of the materials in the market due to short supply and
The inflationary pressure that occur during the life of a project have much
bearing on its viability by influencing the fixed investments, working
capital requirements, cost of production and ultimately the sales. Truly it is
difficult to estimate the direct impact of inflation on these four vital
financial flows. The magnifying effect can be seen on projects of longer
duration consuming many years for their commissioning.
Physical shortages of materials affect the precision of forecasting sales,
engineering requirements, material and other inputs. Only a certain
percentage of variation can be estimated and not the accurate variation in
the inputs such as energy, manpower where the deficiency cannot be
completely compensated. Therefore all the items should be estimated as
precisely as possible and the degree of reliability indicated, for which
reason no provision for contingencies under in any of the schedules or

The project team
The feasibility study should be conducted under the supervision of team
experts since they are well of paucity of funds, time constraints and other
such requirements of the project. Indeed an economist can make only
generalized estimates devoid of the help from the expert engineer who has
to work on the project and hence cannot be assimilated with that of
technical and engineering problems. The reverse will be the case with an
engineer who does not know the basics of demand and supply of markets.
To conduct the feasibility study the ideal combination of the team members
would comprise:

An industrial economist;

A market analyst;

An engineer or a technologist who is well versed with appropriate project;

A mechanical and industrial engineer;

A civil engineer;

A management expert who is also a polymath in accounting aspects of

The above group of members should be helped by outside freelancers like
soil experts, land surveyors and other laboratory technicians.
Cost Studies
Though there are some established norms for calculating the pre-investment
costs, it varies from project to project. Generally, it is sought to relate the
costs of studies to the estimated number of man-months required. Cost per

man-month should be calculated in each individual case in respect of core
salaries, traveling, dearness, mapping, writing and printing allowances and
other office overheads. Since costs are the vital determinants of various
types of pre-investment studies, it is preferable to indicate the order of
magnitude of costs if such studies are undertaken by outside agencies.
Cost factors should include:
experience of the consultants sought for conducting such studies;
the scope of the work to be covered (product mixes, technologies,
the complexity of the industrial sub-sector (process plants, plant
layout, utilities);
cost conditions of the consultants standard of living (developed,
under-developed countries) ;
competition between consultants and the condition of their order
the consultants interest in intense study of the project which could
prompt the bid;
the technical competence of the client in negotiating with the
consultant and in providing strong support that could facilitate the
task and reduce the costs.
Accuracy of costs
The estimates of investment and costs of production would go on changing
as different studies are in progress. Therefore, when preparing feasibility
studies, it would be incorrect to consider the costs by adding 30% variation

rather than 10%. Though these percentages of variations are assumed under
given conditions, they are workable for most of the projects having uniform
bases of time and cost components.
Agencies Commissioning and Conducting Pre-investment Studies
For conducting such type of preliminary studies for any project, the
organization or the project leaders appoint outside consultants or research
agencies who have expert teams in the area and also who can save their
precious time. Opportunity studies are generally undertaken by the
government departments under the ministries and state governments in
developing countries. In some countries, these kinds of studies along with
pre-feasibility studies are being simultaneously undertaken by the public
bodies and supply the secondary information on such complex projects.
These public agencies who render the support services to new project
investigators include NCAER in New Delhi, CESS in Hyderabad, ICSSR
for scientific enquires in New Delhi, Pusa of New Delhi, TIFR in Bombay,
etc. Also, feasibility studies can be undertaken by either private or public
bodies depending on the need and coverage required for the project. Private
bodies such as ORG of Bombay, IMRB of New Delhi, TCS of Bombay are
some of the research agencies which undertake feasibility studies for
various industries and government departments to check the viability and
feasibility of the project proposals.
Having received various advices from specialists on all quarters of the
project, the project taker is at the crucial juncture where analyzing the

project site and location are merit considering and perplexing too.
Technical feasibility is an attempt to determine how well the technical
requirements of the industry can be met, which location would be most
advantageous, and what the size of the plant should be. Step by step, it
requires a study of the availability, costs, quality, and accessibility of all t
goods and services needed (the raw materials, fuel, power, water, land,
labour, transport, etc. factors of production). At first the location plays an
important role. Projects whose technical requirements could have been well
taken care of in one location may sometimes fail because they are
established in another place where conditions are less favourable. For
instance, if a woolen scouring and spinning mill, needing large quantities of
good water, is located in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) instead of Ludhiana
(Punjab) which is a poor supplier of even ordinary water and the limited
water supply required expensive softening treatment. An export-oriented
garment unit is situated in Asansol (Bihar) instead of Bombay where port
and dock facilities are remote. Therefore, hazards will be more chronic
when the location is remote and inappropriate because each location will
have its own advantages and disadvantages, which may be suitable to one
type of project and unsuitable for few other projects. it is for this reason
that every minute detail has to undergo a thorough study while making
technical feasibility investigation for every potential location and
comparative analyses should be made on the availability, quality and cost
of each resource factor linked with the place.

SELECTING A LOCATION: Factors considered for selecting a location
are as under
Market factors
market growth potential
locations of competitors
tax incentives for new industry
environmental controls
labour laws
workmens compensation insurance laws
state and local taxes
Labour Factors: prevailing wage patterns, availability of skilled and
unskilled labour, union militancy and labour attitudes, productivity of
Power availability: adequacy, including peak-load restrictions, rate
structure, cost and reliability.
Water facilities: availability of water, hardness and chemical content,
drainage and sewer facilities
Gas and other fuels: availability of gas and natural fuels, reliability of their
supply, including peak-load restrictions, cost factors.
State and Local Government: attitude toward industry, influence of
business leaders in local government
Waste Disposal: process, sanitary and public treatment facilities
Supporting industry and services: tooling, potential subcontractors, and
plant services (janitorial, plant protection, food service etc.)

Community Factors: quality of schools, adult education availability,
cultural activities, recreational facilities, civic pride, climate, and local
Crux of selecting location
On the whole the selection of a location depends on three factors:
The Role of Government Policies: Government policies are framed to
regulate the existing industries and provide new opportunities for the
prospective entrepreneurs. While framing such policies all essential care is
taken by the concerned authorities as they affect the growth and
development of industries as well as economy.
In the recent past some such policies were framed by the ex-officio
governor and liberalised industries development by delicensing some
small scale sectors.
In due course, as a recourse to the policies, additions like pollution control
checks have been made mandatory for both existing as well as new
projects. Enron was one such victim to the changed policies during early
Material Vs. Market Orientation: Both materials and markets are equally
important for the project to exist. The relative weights may differ
depending on the nature of project and its material inputs. Projects based
largely on imported materials will need to be located near the ports or near
the terminal points, whereas the agro-processing projects that process
perishable goods should be based near the markets of their consumption.

Some projects will be indifferent to both of these factors such as
petrochemicals, and other petroleum products can be situated at the source
or at the market place or at an intermediate place. The same may be true of
engineering goods, tools and other intermediate goods having indifference
to location specificities. For some projects the location is destined by the
very nature and purpose of the project such as irrigation projects, dam
construction on a river, flyover on the city highway, and many other similar
construction projects.
Miscellaneous Location Considerations: Irrespective of the type and nature
of a project, there are some general factors of location that are essential
such as basic infrastructure of the locality, civic facilities, topography and
other socio-economic atmosphere of the place. There stand point of a
project like energy, water, transport, communication and housing etc. that
are presently available at the place. Inadequate supply of these facilities can
be an obstacle in the project implementation. Except for some resourcebase proje
cts (extraction projects) like coal mines, or iron ore and
agriculture where all these facilities can be examined. Information
regarding these facilities would be collected to compare costs and quantity
of supply with the scope of the project. For instance, to be able to compare
and decide on the electrical energy the following details have to be covered:
the amount of watts available;
whether high-tension or low-tension current;
stability of supply;
point of tie-in for a particular area;
price at different consumption levels.

Similarly, transport and other infrastructure should be examined with the
available alternatives like railways, roadways, airways, waterways, etc. and
their overall cost factors. All these should be assimilated with their ports,
stations and godowns or ware houses that are aids to trading. The
availability of communication systems like telephone or telex or fax should
be ascertained with the location of the project.
Therefore, technical studies and cost analysis provide the basis for the
initial estimates of the profitability of an investment during its preliminary
stages and for the final decision whether to carry the project or abandon it.
The accuracy of these studies depends on the purpose for which they are
Projects are undertaken precisely at three levels:
At the national level where the investment plans, policies, and priorities are
formulated and established from the overall economic point of view, i.e., by
setting a macro economic framework.
At the sectoral level where policies, planning, and strategies focus on
growth and development of a single sector like industrial sector or
agricultural or social amenities etc., by setting certain parameters.
At the project level where one single project is planned and studied from all
the economic, technical and financial and environmental perspectives in a
more microscopic manner.

A matrix of Micro, Macro and Sectoral Considerations
Levels of study
Diagnostic indicators
Target indicators
Definition of goals set
by the economy.
Socio-economic indicators.
Non-quantifiable rather
speak of quality of living of
Contemplating goals in
an economy
Descriptive analysis of
Explicit statement of
major assumptions.
Weights (1 to 100) of
different development
Definition of sectoral
contributions to different development
goals of an economy
Descriptive explanation
of contribution of different sectors to general
goals achievement.
Explicit statement of
major assumptions
underlying the related
sector goal.
Weighting (%contribution)
of each sector to
achievement of development goal.
Implementing of
sectoral objectives.
Explanation on derivation
of quantitative subsector
Quantitative target of
subsector objective to be

Bogging down sectoral

objectives for linking.
hierarchy of sectoral
objectives. Weighting of
subectoral objectives
(percentage of contribution)
Foisting and choosing
projects that are
Elucidation on contribution of specific target
sub-objectives to achievement of sectoral
Link: macro-micro
considerations of
project objectives
Contribution of project
targets to sectoral
Qualitative explanation
of relation between
project target and
sectoral objective.
Explicit statement of
major assumptions.
Definition of project
Establishment of
measurable targets according to inputs available and the output
Output indicators.
Alternative solutions
to problems.
Explanation of contribution of inputs to
Indicators of efficiency
production indicators .
Definition of local

Local level indicators.

hierarchy of projects
defined at local level by
using weights derivd from
macro analysis.
Impact indicators-contribution % of each alternative to
sectoral objective.

Macro Considerations
Macro considerations are the hallmark of national level projects which are
established comprehensively covering all the needs of a country. Therefore,
this calls for a detailed and more comprehensive planning, policy setting
and strenuous efforts to improve the total mechanism of an economy.
Indeed, this wide spectrum helps focus on macro environment and hence
considers the following:

overall growth of all sectors in an economy at a given period of time.

Available resources to allocate towards the prioritized sectors and remove

the imbalance, if any, among the sectors of an economy.

Boost both
private and public sector undertakings to elicit desired
behaviour and spur growth.

Allocate the scarce resources towards development of high-priority public


Controlling fiscal, monetary frame works in accordance with the changing


Maintaining wage policy, exchange rate policy, and other inflationary


Motivating the economic behaviour by rational resource allocation, capital

accumulation, and maintaining balance of payments equilibrium of a
Sectoral Considerations
At the sector level the following are the main considerations which are
relatively less ranged:


ensuring the investment plan to be realistic by matching the resources

available, and treating costs and benefits of the projects at par.

Ensuring a balance implementation of multiple projects are undertaken not

withstanding to the resource crunch and maintaining the resource levels
without time or cost overruns.

New projects should be kept in waiting line till the old backlog gets cleared
and should be accepted if it does not affect the current on-going project (s)
either in terms of costs or time spent.

Rational decisions should be made on the basis of experience on past

projects after which mobilization of idle resources may also be considered.

Cost-benefit-analysis has to be meticulously done away with by exercising

great skills of appraisal time and again.

The plans of investment should be able to bifurcate the entire spending

towards core and non-core projects. This would further help in tuning
the investment plans more flexible as the time calls for and also to cope
with rolling programmes.
While selecting a project, the fundamental task of selectors is to maintain a
balance between the perceived results of the project and companys overall
goals. This can be prudently done only when the team is equipped with the
company goals. Therefore, before considering an opportunity as a project,
the team must pool both qualitative and quantitative information on the
following (Meredith):






Some of the vital microscopic considerations in regard to the above are
chalked out as under:
Production Considerations

Methods of implementation

Time to be up and running

Period of disruption

Learning curve, time until output is saleable

Amount of double processing and waste

Cost of power requirement

Interfacing equipment required

Safety of system

Other applications of system

Extent of outside consultants needed.
Financial considerations

Cost of system design

Impact on company cash flow

Payback period

Borrowing requirement

Time to break even

Size of investment required


Cost of implementation and training

Cost of maintenance and upgrading

Cost of maintenance and upgrading

Cost of mistakes

Level of financial risk.

Marketing Considerations

Number of potential users.

Market share of output

Time to achieve proposed market share

Impact on current system

Ability to control quality consciousness

Customer acceptance

Estimated life of new system


Enhanced image of company

Extent of possible new market opportunities.

Personnel Considerations

Requirement of skills

Availability of required skills

Training requirements

Employment requirements

Level of resistance to change from current workforce

Impact on working conditions

Ergonomics, health and safety considerations

Effect on internal communication


Effect on job description

Effect on work unions.

Administration and other considerations

Compliance with national and international standards

Reaction from shareholders

Cost of maintenance contract

Disaster recovery planning

Cost of upgrading system to keep pace with new technology

Vulnerability of using a single supplier

Customer service

Effect of centralized database.

Extent of computer literacy called for

Legal considerations to be complied with.

Though this list is comprehensive, yet incomplete, as the items are put
under ten-commandment fashion, only to give a general guideline of each
area of operation in a project. In fact, there can be many more facets to be
taken care of which may be spontaneous and unique to the scope and
objectivity of a project.
Economic activity is daily increasing in complexity. Governmental
legislation, awakening social conscience, economic necessities-all play
their roles in the creation and existence of enterprises. Entrepreneurship has

several dimensions and an entrepreneur is expected to know them

thoroughly to be successful. One such dimension is a legal dimension. An

entrepreneur is concerned with law from the very beginning. From the point
of view of ownership, there are, in the private sector, four forms of
organization to run a business unit. They are as follows:
Sole proprietorship
Partnership firm
Joint stock Company
Co-operative undertaking.
Hindu Joint Family Firm can be considered as the fifth form, although this
is fast losing ground as a form of business organization.
Thus, conforming to legal requirements will be the first thing for starting an
enterprise. Then, of course, any enterprise has to be run within the legal
framework doing business according to mercantile law, labour laws, tax
laws, etc.
Forms of Legal Ownership
Private Sector
Individual ownership
Sole proprietorship
Commercial Industrial
Public Sector
Group ownership
i. Partnership
ii. Company
iii. Co-operative society
iv. Hindu joint family firm
i. Govt. Dept.
ii. Public Corporation
iii. company
Sole Proprietorship Business
This is the oldest form of business ownership. It is also the simplest and the
most natural.

Characteristic features
One-man ownership
Personal control
Total or undivided risk
Liability is unlimited
When enterprise is small in size.
When little capital is required
Where risk involved is not heavy
When control by one man is sufficient
Where personal attention to customers needs and tastes is important
Ease of formation
Complete degree of control
Promptness in division-making
Maintenance of survey
Fallibility in operation

Catering to individual tastes
Minimum Governmental regulation
Limited amount of capital
Limited managerial ability

Liability is unlimited
Risk is heavy
Uncertainty of continuity
The law of partnership is contained in the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.
The Act defines partnership as the relation between persons who have
agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them
acting for all.
The essential characteristics of partnership are:
Association of two or more persons
Sharing of Profits
Mutual Agency
A partnership is based on an agreement. The partnership agreement may be
made orally or in writing or may be implied from the course of dealings
among partners. However, all the essential elements of a valid contract
must be present.
Legal Implications of Partnership
Legal position-Not a legal entity.
Liability-unlimited, joint and individual
Utmost good faith.

Implied Authority-Each partner is an agent and hence has an implied
authority to bind all the partners.
Unanimity of consent is a must.
Non-transferability of share or interest without the consent of other
Dissolution-Unless there is an agreement to the contrary, death or
insolvency of a partner dissolves the firm.
Registration of a partnership firm
The partnership Act does not provide for the compulsory registration of
firms. But indirectly, by creating certain disabilities from which an
unregistered firm suffers, it makes registration advantageous.
Partnership Deed
Though a partnership is constituted by agreement between the parties, it
need not necessarily be in writing. It may be of the most informal character,
even oral, though the business of partnership may involve millions of
rupees, or on the other hand, it may be an elaborate written document called
the Deed of Partnership or Articles of Partnership, and drafted by a lawyer.
Where the partners have decided to enter into a deed of partnership, it
should be stamped according to the provisions of the Stamp Act. A
properly drawn up Deed of Partnership should ordinarily cover the
following points:
Name of the firm together with the names of the partners composing

The nature of business and the duration of partnership
The amount of capital each partner undertakes to contribute and the
manner of its contribution.
The ratio for sharing profit and loss.
Salaries, commissions, etc., if any, payable to partners, and also any
drawings which may be allowed.
Valuation goodwill.
Matters relating to retirement, death and admissions of partners.
Settlement of account at the dissolution of the firm.
Arbitration clause.
Any other clause or clauses found necessary.
Company form of enterprise
For enterprises which require huge capital base, individual proprietorship or
partnership may not be able to supply the required capital. Therefore, it
becomes necessary to have another form of organization through which
large sums of money could be arranged from a large number of people who
are either not capable of running business enterprises or have no time to do
so. They will, however, be willing to invest their savings in a business
provided they are assured that their money is safe and they will not be
called upon to pay anything more than what they undertake to invest. The
form suitable to serve these purposes is found to be a Limited Company.
This firm enables the entrepreneurs to get the necessary capital from
friends, relatives, general public, etc., retaining at the same time, the contro
and management in their own hands. Joint stock company is, in fact, much
better than partnership form of business.

In joint stock companies, the capital is contributed by a large group of
people, known as shareholders.
Some of the Labour Laws an Entrepreneur should be familiar with:
Workmens compensation Act, 1923.
Trade Union Act, 1926.
Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
Factories Act, 1948.
Employees Provident Funds and Family Pension Fund Act, 1952.
Employees State Insurance Act, 1952.
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
Project is a well evolved work plan designed to achieve specific objectives with
a specified period of time. An entrepreneur generates product idea through his
own environment. Entrepreneur selects a particular product out of different
product ideas available to him for further development and production. The
feasibility report describes the optimization process and justifies the assumpti
and hypothesis set thereby selecting the better alternative solution and defines
clear boundaries of project viability. A feasibility study is conducted quite
exhaustively by exploring many factors related to the project. Technical feasibi
is an attempt to determine how well the technical requirements of the industry c

be met. When selecting a project, a balance between the perceived results of the

project and the overall goals of the company. There are four forms of business
organization namely sole proprietorship, partnership firm, joint stock company
and cooperatives.
Feasibility Report: A report comprising all the elements of a good business plan
with the objective of determining whether a new venture can be expected to
Project Appraisal: A technique of making costs and benefits analysis of differen
aspects of the proposed project with an objective to adjudge its viability.
Company: A legal form of business created by law that empowers a business a
legal entity.
Cooperative society: A society with its objective of the promotion of economic
interests of its members in accordance with cooperative principles.
Discuss briefly the salient features of a feasibility report.
Briefly explain the outline and steps involved in preparing a project
feasibility report.
Technical feasibility of a project depends largely on location,
availability and cost of various requirements in alternative
locations. Discuss the statement in the light of location of a project.
What are the criteria for project selection? What are the basic points
to be kept in mind while selecting the project site (briefly). Mention

chapters or sections that are necessarily contained in a project report
for presenting to Financial Institution.
Describe briefly the micro and macro considerations of project
Give an outline of considerations attended to in the project selection
Write a note on legal aspects of entrepreneurship .
Khan, M. A.: Entrepreneurship Development in India
Chandra, Prassna: Projects.
Srivastva, R. M.: Project Planning and Appraisal
Gupta, C. B.: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

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