Unit 5 - Entrepreneurs in India
Unit 5 - Entrepreneurs in India
Unit 5 - Entrepreneurs in India
1.1 Introduction –
There are so many institutes and organizations which are involved in entrepreneurship
development activities and there are people who join these programmes as a stepping
stone to become entrepreneur. It is a known fact that so many management institutes
are coming up to cater to the growing need of industries by supplying traditional
managers/corporate managers. The scope of this study is to find out the perception of
management students about the entrepreneurship and compare it with those people
who have become entrepreneur. The researcher feels that this study will reveal the
facts which are important to develop entrepreneurship as a career option among
management students.
A manager is one who manages all the resources to match with the organizational
needs. In the managerial role resources are allocated to solve problems and improve
the administrative efficiency.
The entrepreneurship is very a old concept according to which any one who runs
business is called an entrepreneur. The more precise meaning of entrepreneur is; one
who perceives a need and then brings together manpower, material and capital
required to meet that need.
Entrepreneur is one who understands the market dynamics and searches for change
respond to it and exploit it as an opportunity.
For a compilation of definitions, Robert C. Ronstadt, Entrepreneurship (Dover, MA: Lord Publishing,
1984),p.28; Howard H. Stevenson and David E. Gumpert, "The Heart of Entrepreneurship," Harvard
Business Review (March/April 1985):p.85-94; and J. Barton Cunningham and Joe Lischeron, "Defining
Entrepreneurship:' Journal of Small Business Management (January 1991): p.45-61.
The Frenchmen who organized and led military expeditions were referred to as
Around 1700 A.D. the term was used for architects and contractor of public works.
In many countries, the term entrepreneur is often associated with a person who starts
his own new business. Business encompasses manufacturing, transport, trade and all
other self employed vocation in the service sector.
There are many views and opinions on the concept of entrepreneurship forwarded by
some of the world famous management gurus and economists as mentioned below
which will help in understanding this concept.
Oxford Dictionary
“A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope
of profit”2
International Encyclopedia
“An individual who bears the risk of operating a business in the face of uncertainty
about the future conditions”3
Schumpeter's Definition
―The entrepreneur in an advanced economy is an individual who introduce something
new in the economy- a method of production not yet tested by experience in the
branch of manufacturing, a product with which consumers are not yet familiar, a new
source of raw material or of new markets and the like”4
Oxford Dictionary, 3rd Edition 2005 New York, Oxferd University Press Inc, p. 476-477.
Donald F. Kuratko, "Entrepreneurship," International Encyclopedia of Business and Management
(London: Routledge Publishers, 1997), p.168-176.
Richard Cantillon
“A person who pays certain price for a product to resell it at an uncertain price
thereby making decision about obtaining and using resources while assuming the risk
of enterprise”6
Adam Smith
The entrepreneur as an individual who forms an organization for commercial
purpose. He/She is proprietary capitalist, a supplier of capital and at the same time a
manager who intervenes between the labor and the consumer.
According to him, in an underdeveloped economy, not to speak of the Schumpetarian
innovators, even imitator-entrepreneurs had a distinct role to play.
In underdeveloped economy resources are limited and can not be utilized for further
developments of products. Developing or underdeveloped countries always have
potential for imitated products because of huge demand in market. Imitating
entrepreneurs have great opportunities in such market and can create more number of
jobs for others.
Joseph Schumpeter, "Change and the Entrepreneur," in Essays of I. A. Schumpeter, ed. Richard V.
Clemence (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1951),p.255.
Drucker Peter F., Innovation and Entrepreneurship, UK, Elsevier Linacre House, 2006
Richard Cantillon, ―Essai surla nature du commerce on general, translated by H Higgs‖ Macmillon
London, 1931 .
Taneja S. and Gupta S. L. Entrepreneurship Development 2nd Edition, New Delhi, Galgotia
Publication, 2006,p. 3-5.
The entrepreneur is the one who undertakes to organize, manage, and assume the risks
of a business. In recent years entrepreneurs have been doing so many things that it is
necessary to broaden this definition. Today, an entrepreneur is an innovator or
developer who recognizes and seizes opportunities; converts those opportunities into
workable/marketable ideas; adds value through time, effort, money, or skills; assumes
the risks of the competitive marketplace to implement these ideas; and realizes the
rewards from these' efforts.
The entrepreneur is the aggressive catalyst for change in the world of business. He or
she is an independent thinker who dares to be different in a background of common
events. The literature of entrepreneurial research reveals some similarities, as well as
a great many differences, in the characteristics of entrepreneurs. Chief among these
characteristics are personal initiative, the ability to consolidate resources,
management skills, a desire for autonomy, and risk taking. Other characteristics
include aggressiveness, competitiveness, goal-oriented behavior, confidence,
opportunistic behavior, intuitiveness, reality-based actions, the ability to learn from
mistakes, and the ability to employ human relations skills.8
Although no single definition of entrepreneur exists and no one profile can represent
today's entrepreneur, research is providing an increasingly sharper focus on the
subject. A brief review of the history of entrepreneurship illustrates this.
Entrepreneurship is catalyst of business and economic development. The social and
economic forces of entrepreneurial activity existed long before the new millennium.
In fact, as noted, the entrepreneurial spirit is linked with humanity’s achievements.
Eventually all of these theories proposes the role of entrepreneur as the "agent of
change," the force that initiates and implements material progress. Today we
See 'Calvin A. Kent. Donald L. Sexton, and Karl H. Vesper, Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1982): Ray V. Montagno and Donald F. Kuratko, "Perception of
Entrepreneurial Success Characteristics," American Journal of Small Business (winter 1986): p.25-32:
Thomas M. Begley and David P. Boyd. "Psychological Characteristics Associated with Performance in
Entrepreneurial Firms and Smaller Businesses," Journal of Business Venturing (winter 1987): p.79-91:
and Donald F. Kuratko, "Entrepreneurship," International Encyclopedia of Business and Management
(London: Routledge Publishers, 1997), p.168-176.
recognize that the agent of change in human history has been and most likely will
continue to be the entrepreneur.9
The association of entrepreneurship and economics has long been the accepted norm.
In fact, until the 1950s the majority of definitions and references to entrepreneurship
had come from economists. For example, Cantillon (1725), just mentioned; Jean
Baptiste Say (1803), the renowned French economist; and Joseph Schumpeter (1934),
a twentieth century economic genius, all wrote about entrepreneurship and its impact
on economic development. 11 Over the decades writers have continued to try to
describe or define what entrepreneurship is all about. Here are some examples:
Entrepreneurship consists in doing things that are not generally done in the ordinary
course of business routine; it is essentially a phenomenon that comes under the wider
aspect of leadership.12
In entrepreneurship, there is agreement that we are talking about a kind of behavior
that includes: (1) initiative taking, (2) the organizing or reorganizing of social
economic mechanisms to turn resources and situations to practical account, and (3)
the acceptance of risk of failure.13
After reviewing the evolution of entrepreneurship and examining its varying defini-
tions, Robert C. Ronstadt put together a summary description:
Kent, Sexton, and Vesper, Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship, xxix.
Israel M. Kirzner, ―Perception, Opportunity, and Profit: Studies‖ in the Theory of Entrepreneurship
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979).p.38-39.
See Ronstadt, Entrepreneurship,p. 9-12.
Joseph Schumpeter, "Change and the Entrepreneur," in Essays of I. A. Schumpeter, ed. Richard V.
Clemence (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1951),p.255.
Albert Shapero, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, Project ISEED, Ltd. (Milwaukee,
WI: Center for Venture Management, summer 1975), p. 187.
Whatever the specific activity they engage in, entrepreneurs in the twenty-first
century are considered the heroes of free enterprise. Many of them have used
innovation and creativity to build multimillion-dollar enterprises from fledgling
businesses-some in less than a decade. These individuals have created new products
and services and have assumed the risks associated with these ventures. Many people
now regard entrepreneurship as "pioneership" on the frontier of business.
Ronstadt, Entrepreneurship, p. 28.
All the above definitions have focused light on entrepreneurship; on the basis of that
one can differentiate between corporate manager and entrepreneur.
The corporate managers are mostly concerned about the likes and dislikes of their
senior managers, the entrepreneur serves themselves and for their organization.
Entrepreneur builds strong relations with everybody around them whereas corporate
manager follow the relationship as per the organization chart. The prime difference
between them is related to their motivation, corporate managers are motivated by
salary raise, promotion and other corporate rewards, while independence and scope of
working creatively motivates entrepreneurs.
This study will focus light on how to develop more number of entrepreneurs instead
of traditional managers/corporate managers.
Following that period, in around 1600 A.D., India established its trade relationship
with Roman Empire. Gold was pouring from all sides. Then came the Portuguese and
the English. They captured the Indian sea waters and slowly entered the Indian
business. They forced the entrepreneurs to become traders and they themselves took
the role of entrepreneurs. This was the main reason for the downfall of Indian
business in the colonial times which had its impact in the post-colonial times too. The
colonial era make the Indian ideas and principles rigid.
A region of historic trade routes and vast empires, the Indian subcontinent was
identified with its commercial and cultural wealth for much of its long history.
Gradually annexed by the British East India Company from the early eighteenth
century and colonized by the United Kingdom from the mid-nineteenth century, India
became an independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for independence that was
marked by widespread nonviolent resistance. It has the world's twelfth largest
economy at market exchange rates and the fourth largest in purchasing power.
Economic reforms since 1991 have transformed it into one of the fastest growing
economies however, it still suffers from high levels of poverty, illiteracy, and
malnutrition. For an entire generation from the 1950s until the 1980s, India followed
socialist-inspired policies. The economy was shackled by extensive regulation,
protectionism, and public ownership, leading to pervasive corruption and slow
growth. Since 1991, the nation has moved towards a market-based system.15
Chernovskaya, Valentina, Indian Entrepreneurship, Delhi, Shipra Publication, 2005, p. 1-49.
Most of the food produced in the village was consumed by the village population
itself. The raw materials produced from primary industries were the feed for the
handicrafts. Thus the interdependence of agriculture and hand industry provided the
basis of the small village republics to function independently of the outside world. Sir
Charles Metcalfe writes in this connection: "The village communities are little
republics having nearly everything they want within themselves; and almost
independent of foreign relations. They seem to last where nothing lasts. This union of
the village communities, each one forming a separate little state by itself is in a high
degree conducive to their happiness, and to the enjoyment of a great portion of
freedom and independence."16 The villages did acknowledge some outside authority,
who in turn may be under a Muslim Nawab or a Hindu king, by paying a portion of
the agricultural produce varying between one-sixth to one-third or even in some
periods one-half as land revenue. The land revenue sustained the government.
There were three distinct classes in village India: (i) the agriculturists, (ii) the village
artisans and menials, and (iii) the village officials. The agriculturists could be further
divided into the land-owning and the tenants. Labour and capital needed was either
supplied by the producers themselves out of their savings or by the village landlord or
by the village moneylender. These credit agencies supplied finance at exorbitant rates
Quoted by Iawaharlal Nehru, Discovery of India, (1947). p. 302.
of interest but since the moneylender and the landlord were the only sources of credit,
the peasants and even the artisans were forced to depend on them. The village artisans
and menials were the servants of the village. Most of the villages had their panchayats
or bodies of village elders to settle local disputes. The panchayats were the courts of
The villages of India were isolated and self-sufficient units which formed an.
enduring organisation. But this should not lead us to the conclusion that they were
unaffected by wars or political upheavals. They did suffer the aggressors and were
forced to submit to exactions, plunder and extortion, but the absence of the means of
transport and communications and a centralized government helped their survival.
The chief industry spread over the whole country was textile handicrafts. The high
artistic skill of the Indian artisans can be visualised from this account given by T.N.
Mukherjee : "A piece of the muslin 20 yards long and one yard wide could be made to
pass through a finger ring and required six months to manufacture." 17 Besides the
muslins, the textile handicrafts included chintzes of Lucknow, dhotis and dopattas of
Ahmedabad, silk, bordered cloth of Nagpur and Murshidabad. In addition to cotton
fabrics, the shawls of Kashmir, Amritsar and Ludhiana were very famous.
Not only that India was also quite well-known for her artistic industries like marble-
work, stone-carving, jewellery, brass, copper and bell-metal wares, woodcarving, etc.
The cast-iron pillar near Delhi is a testament to the high level of metallurgy that
existed in India.
Quoted by D.R. Gadgil, The Industrial Evolution of India, p. 34.
The Indian industries "not only supplied all local wants but also enabled India to
export its finished products to foreign countries." 18 Thus, Indian exports consisted
chiefly of manufactures like cotton and silk fabrics, calicos, artistic wares, silk and
woolen cloth. Besides, there were other articles of commerce like pepper, cinnamon,
opium, indigo, etc. In this way, Europe was a customer of Indian manufactures during
the 17th and 18th centuries. It was this superior industrial status of India in the pre-
British period that prompted the Industrial Commission (1918) to record: "At a time
when the West of Europe, the birth place of modern industrial system, was inhabited
by uncivilised tribes, India was famous for the wealth of her rulers and for high
artistic skill of her craftsmen. And even at a much later period, when the merchant
adventures from the West made their first appearance in India, the industrial
development of this country was, at any rate, not inferior to that of the more advanced
European nations."19
The British rule can be divided into two epochs, first the rule of the East India
Company ranging from 1757 to 1858, and second, the rule of the British Government
in India from 1858 to 1947. The establishment of the British rule itself was a slow and
lengthy process, extending over more than a hundred years. The British conquest
which started in 1757 with the Battle of Plassey was completed only by 1858. During
this period England was passing through the period of changes in the techniques of
production which revolutionised manufacturing. The coming of Industrial Revolution
which synchronised with the period of British conquest helped the British to sell
Ranade, Essays on Indian Economics, p. 171.
Industrial Commission Report, p. 1.
machine made goods in India in competition with Indian handicrafts. The British
conquest led to the disintegration of the village community partly by the introduction
of the new land revenue system and partly by the process of commercialisation of
agriculture. The new land system and the commercial agriculture meant untold exploi-
tation of the Indian peasantry and the country was consequently plagued by frequent
famines. The British were not interested in developing India as such. The growth of
railways or the spread of irrigation or the expansion of education or the creation of
revenue settlements were all initiated with one supreme goal, i.e., to accelerate the
process of economic drain from India.
carried industrialisation forward. Only after the First World War some protection was
granted to Indian industries otherwise Indian industry had to weather all storms and
face world competition on its own strength. This explains the slow growth of
The period 1850-55 saw the establishment of the first cotton mill, first jute
mill and the first coal mine. In the same period, the first railway line was laid
in India. In a period of 25 years, that is, by the last quarter of the 19 th century,
there were 51 cotton mills and 18 jute mills. During the same period, India
produced one million tonnes of coal per annum and the Indian railways had a
mileage of 8,000. By the end of the 19th century there were 194 cotton mills
and 36 jute mills, and coal production had risen to over 6 million tonnes per
annum. In spite of the very rapid increase in industrialisation and the fact that
the foundations for the development of modern industries for the utilisation of
coal and iron resources were laid by the end of the 19th century, India was
being gradually converted into an agricultural colony of the British. By 1900,
India had become a great exporter of rice, wheat, cotton, jute, oilseeds, tea,
etc. and an importer of British manufactures. In this way India had become an
appendage of the British colonial system.
During the 19th century, it was but natural that British business should pioneer
industrial enterprise in India. The Britishers had experience of running indus-
tries at home. British enterprise received maximum state-support. Besides,
much of the business developed in India was related either to the Government
or interests in some way connected with Britain. Though industrialisation was
started by the British in the 19th century, the Britishers were more interested in
their profit and not in accelerating the economic growth of India.
Apart from the British, the Parsis, the Jews and the Americans were also
prominent first as merchants and later as industrialists. They were close-knit
and highly progressive communities. The Parsis were particularly progressive
to rapidly adopt European business methods.
Within the Indian community, conditions were not favourable for the
emergence of industrial leaders, partly because of the peculiar way in which
factory industry came to India, as compared to its development in England. In
the West two principal groups were ready to set up factories: the merchants
and the master craftsmen. The merchants had capital, marketing ability and
capacity to manage labour. The master craftsmen did not have capital but had
understood the materials and their proper handling. Because of certain peculiar
features, neither Indian merchants nor Indian craftsmen took interest in the
factory system. Most Indian merchants belonged to the Baniya or
moneylending community. They possessed capital and were always eager for
its security and profits. But when the factory system was introduced in India
by the British, the merchant class found greater opportunities for trade. The
development of shipping and the building of railways resulted in larger trade,
both external and internal. Besides, there were more opportunities for lending
money. Thus, the merchants found greater scope for profits in their traditional
occupations and hence did not give them up and take to the factory industries.
At the same time, Indian craftsmen too did not play the part played by their
western counter-parts in the field of industrialisation because they did not
possess large capital. Besides, they were without proper training and
However, Indians joined the ranks of industrialists early in the middle of the
19th century and their role grew throughout the period, continuously and
steadily. They used the same managing agency system as the Britishers. They
were becoming increasingly important members of companies established by
the Britishers. Those indigenous business groups who gave up traditional
occupations and who took to industrial ventures were the Parsis, the Gujaratis,
the Marwaris, the Jains and the Chettiars.
B) Private enterprise and industrial growth in the first half of the 20th century: In
1905, the Swadeshi movement was started. It stimulated Indian industries and
there was a slow but steady growth in the field of existing industries as well as
the establishment of new industries between 1890 and the outbreak of the war
of 1914. Over 70 cotton mills and nearly 30 jute mills were set up in the
country. Coal production was more than doubled. Extension of railways
continued at the rate of about 800 miles per annum. The foundation of iron
and steel industry was finally laid during this period.
The war of 1914-18 created enormous demand for factory goods in India.
Imports from England and other foreign countries fell substantially. Besides,
the government demand for war-purposes increased considerably. As a result,
great stimulus was given to the production of iron and steel, jute, leather
goods, cotton and woollen textiles. Indian mills and factories increased their
production and were working to full capacity. But on account of the absence
of heavy industries and also of the machine tools industry, they could not
develop fast enough.
The outbreak of the war in 1939 created very urgent demand for manufactured
goods. The imports from foreign countries declined while the government
demand for them increased. Naturally the existing industries expanded rapidly.
Many new industries which came to be known as war babies were started. But
as during the First World War, the Indian industries suffered again for want of
Decline ill the share of foreign enterprise. By the beginning of the First World
War the British controlled at least half the production in India's major
industries. But this control steadily declined. According to one estimate, the
British controlled 43 per cent of gross assets in 1914, 10 per cent in 1935 and
only 3.6 per cent in 1948.
II. Problem of capital and private enterprise: In the 19th and 20th centuries,
Indian industrialists had suffered from lack of adequate capital. Just as
British enterprise was prominent, so also British Capital was
significant in India's industrialisation. A larger part of the total invested
capital in modem enterprises in India was imported from Britain.
Capital was scarce not only because the resources of the country were
underdeveloped but also because the avenues for the investment of
surplus wealth were few. There were no Government loans or
company stocks and debentures. Accordingly, people held their wealth
in the form of gold and silver.
Banking was not highly developed in India and was more concerned
with commerce rather than with industry. The Industrial Commission
wrote in 1918 :
III. Private enterprise and the role of Government. One of the important
reasons and according to some authorities, the most important reason
for the slow growth of Indian industries was the lack of support from
the Government. In the 19th century, the Government did provide
certain overhead investments which helped private enterprise.
Examples were the railways and communications. But the Government
did not provide the other conditions essential for private enterprise.
The important fact to remember is that in the critical years of growth
(between 1850 and 1947) Indian enterprise was operating under a
foreign government which was extremely unsympathetic to native
private enterprise.
The tariff policy in India reflected the needs of business interests in Great Britain. The
British interests advocated free access to the Indian market. Till 1924 the Government
refused to impose custom duties on the import of foreign goods. Even when they
imposed low duties on some goods for purposes of collecting revenue, they sought to
neutralise their effects by imposing equivalent excise duties on goods of local origin.
When the Government ultimately adopted a policy of protection, it did not give
protection to all industries but only to a few selected industries which fulfilled certain
specified conditions.
It may be mentioned here that the British Government in India leaned heavily on
industry in Britain for its large purchases of equipment for public utility in health and
education, railway and military supplies, etc. Even simple machines and standard
supplies were imported. Those orders could have served to stimulate expansion in
Indian industry.
enjoyed a lead over the British goods. The aim of British trade policies was to
destroy the supremacy of the Indian goods, protect the interests of British
industries and ultimately succeed in penetrating the Indian market by the
machine-made goods. To achieve this end, several measures were undertaken:
a.) After 1700, imports of Indian printed cotton fabrics in England were
banned. The purpose of this measure was to eliminate the Indian
competitor from the British market. The craze for Indian goods was so
strong that some smuggling did take place. A case was reported that an
English lady who possessed an Indian handkerchief was fined £ 15.
b.) Heavy import duties were imposed on Indian goods, other than
foodstuffs and raw materials imported from India and very nominal
duty on the imports of British manufactures into India. The declared
policy of the East India Company was to encourage the production of
raw cotton, raw jute, sugarcane, groundnuts, raw silk and other raw
materials and to discourage the production of manufactures in India.
This policy of unequal trade was forced on India and since India had
been subjugated, she could not retaliate but accept this wanton attack
on the industry. Ramesh Chandra Dutt citing the famous historian H.
H. Wilson mentions:
"Had this not been the case, had not such prohibitory duties and
decrees existed, the mills of Paisley and Manchester would have been
stopped in their outset, and could scarcely have been again set in
motion, even by the power of the steam. They were created by the
sacrifices of the Indian manufacturer. Had India been independent, she
would have retaliated, would have proposed prohibitive duties upon
British goods, and would thus have preserved her own productive
industry from annihilation. This act of self-defence was not permitted
to her, she was at the mercy of the stranger. British goods were forced
upon her without paying any duty, and the foreign manufacturer
employed the arm of political injustice to keep down and ultimately
Within the framework of the policy of discriminating protection, Great Britain got the
clause of Imperial Preference introduced. The sum and substance of this policy Was
that impm1s from Great Britain and exports to Great Britain should enjoy the most
favoured nation treatment. This could be done by charging much lower import duties
or no duties at all on goods imported from Britain. Similar preference to Great Britain
was to be shown in exports vis-a-vis other nations. Thus, the British Government took
away by the left hand what it gave in the form of discriminating protection by the
right hand. In other words, the policy of imperial preference was used to eliminate
competitors from the Indian market so that Great Britain could have full control to
exploit it through its trade policies.
Cited in Romesh Chander Dutt, The Economic History of India, Vol. I, p.180-81.
(i) About 3/4th of India's imports came from the British Empire while the
remaining 14th was of a kind which British Empire either did not produce or
was not in a favourable position to supply.
(ii) In the decision of fiscal policy concerning India, powerful sections of the
British people always exerted their influence and there was the danger that
India might be forced to shape her policy not in accordance with her own
needs but in accordance with the needs of other members of the Empire.
(iii) That the Government would lose a large portion of the revenue it received
from British and colonial imports and it would be left with no alternative but
to make up the deficit by enhanced duties on foreign goods.
(iv) If the matter was thought from the economic point of view, Lord Curzon's
government thought, India had something but not perhaps very much to offer
to the Empire. She had very little to gain but a great deal to lose.
All these arguments produced no effect on the British. The matter was referred to the
Indian Fiscal Commission (1923) and the majority of the Commission expressed
themselves in favour of Imperial Preference. Obviously, the British were more
concerned about retaining their hold on the Indian market. Though they were great
advocates of free trade in theory, in practice they used every device to protect their
interests against the entry of other nations, especially Japan, into the Indian market.
This would break their monopoly of exploitation which as rulers they were totally
unwilling to compromise. The main purpose of protection was not to help Indian
business to undertake investments in India, but to help the British capital find safe and
secure avenues of investment. Writing in 1912, Alfred Chetterton in his work
"Industrial Evolution of India" in a very forthright comment explained: "Protection
would attract capital from abroad, and with the capitalist would come the technical
expert and the trained organiser of modem industrial undertakings. Success would un-
doubtedly attend their efforts, and India would contribute labour and raw materials.
The educated Indian would play but a small part; and he would in the course of time
realise that the protective duties mainly served to enable Europeans to exploit the
country India does not want a protective tariff to enable an artificial industrial system
to be created, the masters of which will be able to take toll of the earnings of the
country, and establish a drain on its resources which will in the long run retard
progress". Prophetic though it may appear, later developments showed that the policy
This type of unemployment caused by economic fluctuations did arise in India during
the depression in the 1930’s which caused untold misery. But with the growth of
Keynesian remedies, it has been possible to mitigate cyclical unemployment.
Similarly, after the Second World War, when war-time industries were being closed,
But the informal sector is mainly self-employed sector in which due to lack of capital,
skill and technology, most of the employment continues to be low level employment.
There is a need to strengthen the resource base of this sector both in terms of capital
and technology and skill formation so that productive employment yields a higher
level of income.
Note :
1. Total employment figures are on Usual Status (UPSS-Unemployment rates
on usual principal and subsidiary Status) basis.
2. The organised sector employment figures are as reported in the
Employment Market Information System of Ministry of Labour and
pertain to 31st March of 1983, 1994 and 1999.
3. Figures in brackets indicate the percentage of employment in the public
sector and private sector to total oranised sector employment.
Source : Compiled and computed from Commission (2001), Report of the Task Force
on Employment Opportunities, p. 2.25.
massive reversal is required from the negative employment growth in the organized
sector witnessed during the last decade.
ancillaries to the large industries. The traditional small industries are highly labour-
intensive, while the modem small-scale units make use of highly sophisticated
machinery and equipment. For instance, during 1979-80 traditional small industries
accounted for only 13 per cent of the total output but their share in total employment
was 56 per cent. In that year, total output of traditional small industries came to be Rs.
4,420 crores and this output was produced with the employment of 133 lakh workers,
the average output of labour in traditional small industries was roughly Rs. 3,323.
As against this, the share of modem small industries in the total output of this sector
was 74 per cent in 197980 but their share in employment was only 33 per cent.
Obviously, these industrial units would be having higher labour productivity. For
instance, in 1979-80 a total output of Rs. 24,885 crores was produced by 78 lakh
workers in modem small-scale industries-the average product of labour being Rs.
One special characteristic of traditional village industries is that they cannot provide
full time employment to workers, but instead can provide only subsidiary or part-term
employment to agricultural labourers and artisans. Among traditional village
industries, handicrafts possess the highest labour productivity; besides, handicrafts
make a significant contribution to earning foreign exchange for the country. Under
these circumstances, active encouragement of handicrafts is a must. On the other
hand, traditional village and small industries are largely carried on by labourers and
artisans living below the poverty line, while modem small industries can provide a
good source of livelihood. Hence, if with an expansion of employment, the number of
persons living below the poverty line has also to be reduced, then a rapid and much
larger expansion of the modem small sector will have to be planned.
has progressed from the production of simple consumer goods to the manufacture of
many sophisticated and precision products like electronics control systems, micro-
wave components, electro-medical equipment, T.V. sets, etc.
The Government has been following a policy of reservation of items for exclusive
development in the small-scale sector. At the time of the 1972 Census of a Small -
Scale Industrial Units, there were 177 items in the reserved list. By 1983, the reserved
list included 837 items for exclusive production in the small-scale sector. These units
produce over 8,000 commodities.
Census 2001-02 reported that 97.2% of the registered SSI units were proprietary, only
1.3 percent were partnerships and 0.5 per cent were private companies and just 0.1%
were co-operative. In other words, the dominant type in the ownership pattern is
proprietary with a small fraction operating as partnerships.
The data reveal that the total number of SSI units has increased from 79.6 lakhs in
1994-95 to 123.4 lakhs in 2005-06, indicating an annual, average growth rate of 4.1
per cent, but their production (at 1993-94 prices) increased from Rs. 1,09,116 crores
in 1994-95 to Rs. 2,77,668 crores in 2005-06 i.e. an annual average growth of 8.8 per
cent. As a consequence of the increase in SSI units, more especially in the
unregistered sector, employment increased from 191.4 lakhs in 1994-95 to 294.9
lakhs in 2005-06, recording an average growth rate of 4.5 per cent per annum. So far
as exports by the SSI sector are concerned, they increased from Rs. 29,068 crores in
1994-95 to Rs. 1,50,242 crores in 2005-06, recording a growth rate of 16.1 per cent
per annum. The Ministry has not changed the data pertaining to exports. On the
whole, it can be stated that during 1994-95 to 2005-06, the SSI sector recorded an
annual average growth rate of production by 8.8%, of employment by 4.5 per cent and
of exports by 16.1 %. This is a creditable achievement.
Obviously, the growth rate of the small-scale sector has been faster both in terms of
output and employment. In other words, the output employment ratio for the small
scale sector is 1: 1.4. The rapid growth of the small-scale industries has a great
relevance in our national economic policies. The growth of the small sector improves
the production of the non-durable consumer goods of mass consumption. As such, it
acts as an anti-inflationary force. If a big push is given to the small sector, it can
become a stabilising factor in a capital-scarce economy like India by providing a
higher output capital ratio as well as a higher employment-capital ratio.
In this connection, we may refer to the relatively low capacity utilisation of the small-
scale industries. The capacity utilisation in the small sector as a whole was of the
order of 53 per cent. There were, however, many units having high capacity utilisation
e.g., industries utilising 60 to 80 per cent of the capacity included leather goods,
readymade garments, tiles, woollen knitwear, etc. Industries like plastic products had
very low capacity utilisation (29 per cent).
The obvious conclusion is that the growth of SSIs in terms of number and output is
comparatively much higher in reserved items than in unreserved items. The policy of
reservation has, therefore, positively helped the growth of this sector.
Despite such positive evidence in favour of reserved items, the Union Budget (1997-
98) dereserved 14 items hitherto manufactured by SSI sector. These items included
After the announcement of Industrial Policy of 1991, the Government has been
dereserving more and more items of the SSI sector. As against 806 reserved items in
1977, the number of reserved items in 2007 is only 239.
Data reveal that there were 105.2 lakh SSI units in 2001-02, out of which registered
SSI units were 13.75 lakhs or 13 per cent of total, and the unregistered units were 91.5
lakhs or 87 per cent of total. The employment in the SSI sector was of the order of
249 lakhs, out of which registered sector contributed 61.6 lakhs or nearly 25 per cent
and the unregistered sector contributed 187.7 lakhs or 75 per cent of total. Per unit
employment was 4.5 persons in the registered sector and 2 persons per unit in the
unregistered sector. This underlines the fact that unregistered sector provided
employment to three times the number of persons employed by the registered SSI
sector (Refer table).
Although fixed investment per unit was Rs. 1.5 lakhs for the entire SSI sector, it was
of the order of Rs. 6.7 lakhs in the registered sector and barely 0.7 lakh in the
unregistered sector. Relatively speaking, fixed investment per unit in the registered
sector was nine times that in the unregistered sector. Investment per unit of labour
employed (capital-labour ratio) was Rs. 1.49 lakhs for the registered sector as against
only 0.33 lakhs for the unregistered sector. This also confirms the relatively lower
capital intensity per unit of labour in the unregistered sector. Similarly, labour
productivity (i.e. Output-employment ratio) of the registered sector was Rs. 3.29 lakhs
as against merely 0.42 lakh in the unregistered sector nearly eight times.
Annual production per unit in the registered sector was Rs. 14.78 lakhs as against that
of the unregistered sector only Rs. 0.86 lakhs - 17 times.
The reasons for non-registration were elicited in the Third Census. Interestingly,
52.3% of the units informed that they were not aware of provisions for registration,
while 40.6% of the units indicated that they were not interested.
Table 1.7: Final Results of SSI Third Census (Selected Magnitudes of SSI Sector-
Registered SSI Total
13.75 91.46 105.21
No. of Units (lakhs)
(13.1) (86.9) (100.0)
Fixed Investment 91,792 62,557 1,54,349
(Rs. crore) (59.5) (40.5) (100.0)
Production in SSI Sector (Rs. 2,03,255 79,015 2,82,270
crore) (72.0) (28.0) (100.0)
61.6 187.6 249.3
Employment (lakhs)
(24.7) (75.3) (100.0)
No. of sick units/Incipient 1.92 6.30 8:22
sick units (lakhs)* (23.4) (76.6) (100.0)
No. of sick units as per RBI
38,400 46,888 85,288
criteria (Nos.)**
*Criteria adopted: Erosion of net worth or delay in repayment of institutional loan or
continuous decline gross output.
** Criteria adopted: Erosion of net worth or delay in repayment of loan among units
having outstanding institutional loan.
Source: Ministry of SSI, Compiled and computed from Final Results of Third Census
of Small Scale Industries.
The Small-Scale Industrial Sector has emerged as a dynamic and vibrant sector of the
economy during the eighties. At the end of the Seventh Plan period, it accounted for
nearly 35 per cent of the gross value of output in the manufacturing sector and over 40
per cent of the total exports front the country. It also provided employment
opportunities to around 12 million people.
The primary objective of the Small Sector Industrial Policy during the nineties was to
impart more vitality and growth impetus to the sector to enable it to contribute its mite
fully to the economy, particularly in terms of growth of output, employment and
I) Tiny Enterprises
Government have already announced increase in the investment limits in plant and
machinery of small scale industries, ancillary units and export-oriented units to Rs. 60
lakhs, Rs. 75 lakhs and Rs. 75 lakhs respectively. Such limits in respect of "TINY"
enterprises would now be increased from the present Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs,
irrespective of locations of the unit.
A beginning has been made towards solving the problem of delayed payments to
small industries by setting up of 'factoring' services through Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI). Network of such services would be set up
throughout the country and operated through commercial banks. Factoring services
imply that SIDBI or any commercial bank will buy the manufacturer's invoices from
SSI units and take the responsibility for collecting payments due to them by charging
a commission.
Adequacy and equitable distribution of indigenous and imported raw materials would
be ensured to the small-scale sector, particularly the tiny sub-sector
Though the Small Scale Sector is making significant contribution to total exports,
both direct and indirect, a large potential remains untapped. The SIDO has been
recognized as the nodal agency to support the small-scale industries in export
Janata cloth scheme which sustains weavers often on a minimum level of livelihood
will be phased out by the terminal year of the VIII Plan and replaced by the omnibus
project package scheme under which substantial funds will be provided for
modernisation of looms, training, provision of better designs, provision of better dyes
and chemicals and marketing assistance.
Handicraft Sector - The key areas in handicrafts that could contribute towards a faster
pace of rural industrialisation are production and marketing. Scheme for training and
design development and for production and marketing assistance will be given
1.5.5. Village and small industries in the ninth and tenth plan
The Ninth Plan mentions that during the last few years "the growth of SSI Sector in
the non-reserved areas has been higher than in the reserved categories which is proof
of their inherent strength and resilience of the small scale sector and its ability to
respond to the challenge of the market forces."21
To increase the flow of credit, the Government has started setting up specialised
branches of banks exclusively meant for providing credit to SSIs.
To improve technology of SSIs, SIDBl has already set up a Technology Development
and Modernisation Fund with a corpus of Rs. 200 crores. The Government has also
setup Technology Trust Funds with contributions from State Governments and
industry associations for transfer and acquisition of the latest technologies.
Under the scheme of Integrated Infrastructure Development Centres (IIDCs),
infrastructure facilities are being developed in backward rural areas. 50 such IIDCs
were to be set up during the Eighth Plan pen out of which 22 have been approved.
This scheme was continued during the Ninth Plan with more incentives and financial
assistance in hilly areas and North Eastern States.
To provide technological support and training to small scale sector, tool rooms with
German, Danish and Italian assistance are being set up at Indore, Ahmedabad,
Bhubneshwar, Jamshedpur and Aurangabad.
The credit provided to the SSI sector by the financial institutions is considered credit
to 'priority sector'. By March 1996, the total credit provided by public sector banks
stood at Rs. 29,842 crores. This has risen to Rs. 65,855 crores in 2003-04.
Planning Commission, Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002), Vol. II, p. 576.
Table 1.8: Performance of the VSI (Village Small industries) Sector Production,
Employment and Exports
Sub – Sector Ninth Plan Tenth Plan Target
(Scheme) Achievement
Unit Target* 2001-02 2 as % 2006-07 Annual
(Anticipated) of 1 Average
A. Production
1. Small Rs. 7,38,180 6,90,522 93.5 1,40,940 15.2
Scale Crore
2. Coir Fibre 000 375 375 100.0 435 3.0
3. Handloom Mill 12,336 7,579 61.4 10,000 5.7
cloth Sq.m.
4. Mill 30,489 25,273 82.9 1,32,821 29.3
Powerloom Sq.m.
5. Raw silk Mill 20,540 18,395 94.4 26,450 6.2
6. Rs. 52,201 18,677 35.8 47,204 20.4
Handicrafts Crore
1. Small Million 18.4 19.3 104.9 23.7 4.2
Scale persons
2. Coir Fibre Million 8.0 4.2 52.5 4.5 1.4
3. Handloom Million 0.6 0.54 83.3 0.65 3.7
cloth persons
4. Million 17.3 12.4 71.7 12.0 -0.6
Powerloom persons
5. Raw silk Million 7.1 5.6 78.9 6.0 1.4
5. The income elasticity of demand for industrial goods was much higher and
export opportunities for manufactured goods were also high.
It was for all these reasons that industrialisation was emphasized by the Indian
planners. Though the first two plans talked about balanced economic growth really
speaking, the emphasis was on rapid industrialization
1. Investment in the heavy industry helps the Indian economy to build up a larger
volume of capital stock and at a faster rate.
2. Heavy industries help to lay the foundation for a strong and self-reliant
economy, partly through rapid expansion of all the sectors of the economy and
partly by eliminating the dependence of the country on imports of essential
machinery and equipment.
The Planning Commission rejected the alternative strategy of emphasising light
industries producing consumption goods. True, this alternative approach would have
the advantage of helping the Indian economy to produce a larger volume of
consumption goods and this would have helped the people to have a higher standard
of living in the short period and also combat inflationary pressures in the country. But
this could be achieved by neglecting the accumulation of capital stock in the country.
The Planning Commission rejected the short period availability of consumption goods
in favour of production of capital goods which, in fact, would help, after a certain
critical stage, to produce a larger volume of consumption goods. The capital goods
approach based on the Russian experience, expected people to sacrifice in the short
period in favour of a high level of living in the long period. Besides, this approach
would enable the country to have a large volume of the capital goods in the short
period and a large volume of both capital and consumption goods in the long period.
For one thing, the growing population has to be fed and clothed; actually, the demand
for consume goods will increase with the growth of population. For another,
increasing rate of investment on heavy industries with long gestation periods would
be responsible for increase in money supply with the general public and in the
absence of matching supply of consumer goods will result in inflationary pressures.
The Nehru-Mahalanobis model, gave active encouragement to cottage and small
industries producing consumer goods. It was asserted that the input-output ratio would
be low in small-scale and cottage industries and the gestation period was also very
short and obviously, the small sector was ideally suited to increase the supply of
consumer goods. Besides, Professor Mahalanobis argued that the cost of production in
the cottage and small sector need not be higher that that of the factory sector since the
small sector would also be making use of modern machinery and electricity.
Nehru also gave due importance to small-scale industries and agriculture which were
the sources of consumer goods. In his own words, ―The test of a country’s advance in
industrialisation is heavy industry-not the small industries that may be put up. That
does not mean that small industries should be ignored. They are highly important in
themselves for production and for employment.‖23 The framework of the Second Five
Year Plan stated : ―The strategy requires all-out efforts for the maximum utilization of
capacity I existing industries and for the development of additional production in the
capital light or small sector of industries.‖24
Second five Year Plan –The Framework,p.15
Government of India, Problems in the Third Plan, A Critical Miscellany, p. 51.
Second Five Year Plan-The Framework, p. 63.
It is thus clear that the Mahalanobis strategy of self-sustained growth based on heavy
industries did not ignore or neglect the growth of small and cottage industries for
increasing the supply of consumer goods.
In spite of many favourable factors for increasing the supply of consumer goods,
Professor Mahalanobis did anticipate shortage in supply of consumer goods and
possible rising prices and costs endangering the planning process. In his strategy of
development, therefore, he provided for fiscal and physical controls including
rationing to keep the prices in check.
Role of the Public Sector. The Mahalanobis investment strategy assigned a dominant
role to the public sector. As investment in the heavy sector was very high and as the
gestation period was too long and that too with low profitability, the Government felt
that heavy industries should be, by and large, in the public sector. Except in isolated
cases, the private sector too was not keen on providing infrastructural facilities.
Besides, the control of the public sector would vest the control of the commanding
heights with the Government and this would help the development of a socialist
economy. Above all, the public sector would prevent the rise of monopoly ownership
and exploitation which are inherent in the private sector. It was for these reasons that
form the Second Plan onwards, the Government went in a big way for the expansion
of the public sector.
The role of private sector. While giving direct responsibility to the public sector for
infrastructure investment and the development of heavy industry, the development
strategy expected the private sector to develop and expand its activities in a large area
of economic activity. In a large area of economic activity. In fact, the private sector
was given an important place in the mixed economy of India. But the activities of the
private sector were seen to be essentially complementary to a rapidly growing public
sector. The private sector was also expected to function in harmony with the overall
aims and policies of economic planning. The planners anticipated a growing trend
Government of India, Problems in Third Plan-A Critical Miscellany, pp. 35-36.
towards concentration of economic power in the private sector and to counter this
trend, the planners provided larger opportunities for new entrants for medium and
small-sized units and also for extensive use of controls and regulations and also use of
appropriate fiscal measures.
Role of foreign trade and foreign aid. Initially, the Planning Commission relied
considerably on foreign aid to meet India’s requirements of capital goods, as our
foreign exchange earnings were inadequate. At the same time, the planners had to
provide for foreign aid, since the rate of domestic savings was inadequate to match
the planned higher rate of investment. They also emphasised that the creation of
export surplus and export promotion should go hand in hand with rapid
industrialisation. However, this aspect of the strategy was forgotten in practice even
during the first decade of planning. The Third Plan clearly brought out this point :
―One of the main drawbacks in the past has been that the programme for exports has
not been regarded as an integral part of the country’s development effort.‖
Another way to examine the activities involved in entrepreneurship is through a
process approach. Although numerous methods and models attempt to structure the
Raphael Amit, Lawrence Glosten, and Eitan Mueller, "Challenges to Theory Development in
Entrepreneurial Research," Journal of Management Studies (September 1993): 815-834; Ivan Bull and
Howard Thomas, "A Perspective on Theory Building in Entrepreneurship," Journal of Business
Venturing (May 1993): 181-182; Ivan Bull and Gary E. Willard, "Towards a Theory of
Entrepreneurship," Journal of Business Venturing (May 1993): 183-195; Ian C. MacMillan and Jerome
A. Katz, "Idiosyncratic Milieus of Entrepreneurship Research: The Need for Comprehensive Theories,"
Journal of Business Venturing (January 1992): 1-8; and Scott Shane and S. Venkataraman, "The
Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research," Academy of Management Review (January 2000):
William B. Gartner, "What Are We Talking about When We Talk about Entrepreneurship?" Journal
of Business Venturing (January 1990): 15-28; see also Lanny Herron, Harry J. Sapienza, and Deborah
Smith Cook, "Entrepreneurship Theory from an Interdisciplinary Perspective," Entrepreneurship
Theory and Practice (spring 1992): 5-12;'and Ivan Bull and Gary E. Willard, "Towards a Theory of
Entrepreneurship," Journal of Business Venturing (May 1993): 183-195.
entrepreneurial process and its various factors, we shall examine three of the more
traditional process approaches here. First, we will discuss the "integrative"
approach, as described by Michael H. Morris, P. Lewis, and Donald L. Sexton. 29
Their model incorporates theoretical and practical concepts as they affect
entrepreneurship activity. The second approach is an assessment process based on an
entrepreneurial perspective developed by Robert C. Ronstadt. The third process
approach, developed by William B. Gartner, is multidimensional and weaves together
the concepts of individual, environment, organization, and process. All of these
methods attempt to describe the entrepreneurial process as a consolidation of diverse
The special issue dealing with models of Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice 17(2) (1993). See
also James J. Chrisman, Alan Bauerschmidt, and Charles W. Hofer, "The Determinants of New
Venture Performance: An Extended Model," Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (fall 1998): 5-30.
Michael H. Morris, P. Lewis, and Donald L. Sexton, "Reconceptualizing Entrepreneurship: An
Input-Output Perspective," Advanced Management Journal 59(1 ) (winter1994): 21-31.
Morris, et al., ―Reconceptualizing Entrepreneurship.‖
The output component of Figure 1 first includes the level of entrepreneurship being
achieved. Entrepreneurship is a variable. Thus, the process can result in any number
of entrepreneurial events and can produce events that vary considerably in terms of
how entrepreneurial they are. Based on this level of "entrepreneurial intensity," final
outcomes can include one or more going ventures, value creation, new products and
processes, new technologies, profit, jobs, and economic growth. Moreover, the
outcome can certainly be failure and thereby bring about the economic, psychic, and
social costs associated with failure.
This model not only provides a fairly comprehensive picture regarding the nature of
entrepreneurship, but can also be applied at different levels. For example, the model
describes the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in both the independent start-up
company and within a department, division, or strategic business unit of large
Type of
Type of Strategic, Type of
Venture and Venture
Ronstadt, Entrepreneurship,39
Bradley R. Johnson, ―Toward a Multidimensional Model of Entrepreneurship: The Case of
Achievement Motivation and the Entrepreneur ‖ Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice (Spring
1990): P.39-45
The individual
1. Need for achievement
2. Locus of control
3. Risk taking propensity
4. Job satisfaction
5. Previous work experience
6. Entrepreneurial parents
7. Age
8. Education
The Environment
1. Venture capital availability
2. Presence of experienced entrepreneurs
3. Technically skilled labor force
4. Accessibility of suppliers
5. Accessibility of customers or new markets
6. Governmental influence
7. Proximity of universities
8. Availability of land or facilities
9. Accessibility of transportation
10. Attitude of the area population
11. Availability of supporting services
12. Living conditions
The Organization
1. Type of firm
2. Entrepreneurial environment
3. Partners
4. Strategic variables
5. Competitive entry wedges
The process
1. Location a business opportunities
2. Accumulating resources
The individual
1. Need for achievement
2. Locus of control
3. Risk taking propensity
4. Job satisfaction
5. Previous work
6. Entrepreneurial parents
7. Age
8. Education
The process
1. Location a business opportunities
2. Accumulating resources
3. Marketing products and services
4. Producing the products
5. Building an organization
6. Responding to government and
Figure 3 depicts the interaction of the four major dimensions of this entrepreneurial or
new venture, process and lists more variables. This type of the process moves
entrepreneurship from a segmented school of thought to a dynamic, interactive
process approach.
1.8 Intrapreneurship
The global economy is creating profound and substantial changes for organizations
and industries throughout the world. These changes make it necessary for business
firms to carefully examine their purpose and to devote a great deal of attention to
selecting and following strategies in their pursuit of the levels of success that have a
high probability of satisfying multiple stakeholders. In response to rapid, continuous,
and significant changes in their external and internal environments, many established
companies have restructured their operations in fundamental and meaningful ways. In
fact, after years of restructuring, some of these companies bear little resemblance to
their ancestors in their business scope, culture, or competitive approach.33
The new century is seeing corporate strategies focused heavily on innovation. This
new emphasis on entrepreneurial thinking developed during the entrepreneurial econ-
omy of the 1980s and 1990s.34 Peter Drucker, the renowned management expert, de-
scribed four major developments that explain the emergence of this economy. First,
the rapid evolution of knowledge and technology promoted the use of high-tech
entrepreneurial start-ups. Second, demographic trends such as two-wage-earner
families, continuing education of adults, and the aging population added fuel to the
proliferation of newly developing ventures. Third, the venture capital market became
an effective funding mechanism for entrepreneurial ventures. Fourth, American
industry began to learn how to manage entrepreneurship.
Shaker A. Zahra, Donald F. Kuratko, and Daniel F. Jennings, "Entrepreneurship and the Acquisition
of Dynamic Organizational Capabilities," Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (spring 1999): 5-10.
Peter F. Drucker, "Our Entrepreneurial Economy," Harvard Business Review (January / February
1984): 59-64.
among the skills that increasingly are expected to influence corporate performance in
the twenty-first century's global economy. Corporate entrepreneurship is envisioned to
be a process that can facilitate firms' efforts to innovate constantly and cope
effectively with the competitive realities that, companies encounter when competing
in international markets. Entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors are necessary for
firms of all sizes to prosper and flourish in competitive environments.35
Bruce R. Bavinger and Alan C. Bluedorn, "Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management‖
Strategic Management Journal 20 (1999): 421--444; see also Jeffrey G. Covin and Morgan P. Miles,
"Corporate Entrepreneurship and the Pursuit of Competitive Advantage," -Entrepreneurship Theory
and Practice (March 1999): 47-64.
Robert A. Burgelman, "Designs for Corporate Entrepreneurship:' California Management Review
(winter] 984): 154-166; Rosabeth M. Kanter, "Supporting Innovation and Venture Development in
Established Companies," Journal of Business Venturing (winter 1985): 47-60; and Donald F. Kuratko,
"Intrapreneurship: Developing Innovation in the Corporation' Advances in Global High Technology
Management 3 (1993): 3-14.
Fariborz Damanpour, "Organizatio'1al Innovation: A Meta-analysis of Determinant and Moderators,"
Academy of Management Journal 34 (1991): 355-390.
After a thorough analysis of the entrepreneurship construct and its dimensions, recent
research has defined corporate entrepreneurship as a process whereby an individual or
a group of individuals, in association with an existing organization, creates a new
organization or instigates renewal or innovation within the organization. Under this
definition, strategic renewal (which is concerned with organizational renewal
involving major strategic and/or structural changes), innovation (which is concerned
with introducing something new to the marketplace), and corporate venturing
(corporate entrepreneurial efforts that lead to the creation of new business
organizations within the corporate organization) are all important and legitimate parts
of the corporate entrepreneurship process.40
Shaker A. Zahra, "Predictors and Financial Outcomes of Corporate Entrepreneurship: An
Exploratory Study," Journal of Business Venturing 6 (1991): 259-286.
William D. Guth and Ari Ginsberg, "Corporate Entrepreneurship," Strategic Management Journal
(special issue) 11 (1990): 5-15.
Pramodita Sharma and James J. Chrisman, ''Toward a Reconciliation of the Definitional Issues in the
Field of Corporate Entrepreneurship," Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (spring 1999): 11-28.
Tom Peters, Liberation Management (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992); and Tom Peters, The
Circle of Innovation (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997).
This need has arisen in response to a number of pressing problems, including rapid
growth in the number of new and sophisticated competitors, a sense of distrust in the
traditional methods of corporate management, an exodus of some of the best and
brightest people from corporations to become small-business entrepreneurs,
international competition, downsizing of major corporations, and an overall desire to
improve efficiency and productivity.42
The first of these issues, the problem of competition, has always plagued businesses.
However, today's high-tech economy is supporting a far greater number of
competitors than ever before. In contrast to previous decades, changes, innovations,
and improvements are now very common in the marketplace. Thus corporations must
either innovate or become obsolete.
The modern corporation, then, is forced into seeking avenues for developing in-house
entrepreneuring. To do otherwise is to wait for stagnation, loss of personnel, and
decline. This new "corporate revolution" represents an appreciation for and a desire to
develop entrepreneurs within the corporate structure.
Robert H. Hayes and William J. Abernathy, "Managing Our Way to Economic Decline," Harvard
Business Review (July / August 1980): 67-77; see also Amanda Bennett, The Death of the Organization
Man (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990); and Donald F. Kuratko, "Developing Entrepreneurship
within Organizatiol1s IS Today's Challenge," Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change (June 1995):
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 15, Issue 3 (Nov. - Dec. 2013), PP 09-14
Women entrepreneurs may be defined as a “Woman or a group of women who initiate, organize and
run a business enterprise”. Government of India has defined women entrepreneurs based on women
participation in equity and employment of a business enterprise. Accordingly, a woman run a enterprise is
defined as “an enterprise owned and controlled by a women having a minimum financial interest of 51% of the
capital and giving at least 51%of the employment generated in the enterprise to women”. Women entrepreneur
constitute 10 % of the number of the number of entrepreneur in the country. This has been a significant growth
in self-employment of women with women now starting new ventures at three times the rate of men. They
constitute 50% of the population of our country with a lower literacy rate than men. This statistical fact indicates
that for the economic growth of the nation, women should not be encouraged to make their share of economic
contribution towards the country. one way of achieving is by making women come out and become
entrepreneurs. In the traditional society, they were confined to the four walls, playing household roles, but in the
modern society, they are coming out to participate in all sorts od activities. Normally, women entrepreneurship
is found in the extension of their kitchen activities, mainly in preparing commercially the 3‟P‟s namely, Pickles,
Papads and Powder. Few of them venture into services industry relating to hospitality, catering, educational
services, consultation or public relations, beauty clinics, etc.
Women enter entrepreneurship due to economic factors which pushed them to be on their own and urge them to
do something independently. Women prefer to work from their own work residence, difficulty in getting
suitable jobs and desire for social recognition motivate them towards self-employment. We see a lot of women
professionals in engineering, medicine, law etc. They are also setting up hospitals, training centers, etc.
“An enterprise owned and controlled by a women having a minimum financial interest of 51 per cent of the
capital and giving at least 51 per cent of the employment generated by the enterprise to women.”
— Government of India
“A woman entrepreneur can be defined as a confident, innovative and creative woman capable of achieving
self economic independence individually or in collaboration, generates employment opportunities for others
through initiating, establishing and running the enterprise by keeping pace with her personal, family and social
—Kamal Singh
Women entrepreneur are risk bearers, organizes and innovators too. Indian women, who are regarded as better
half of the society , are not equal partners in society. Perceptual variables have a crucial influence on the
entrepreneurial propensity of women and account for much of the gender differences in entrepreneurial styles.
The low literacy rate ( 40% ), low participation rate ( 10 %) of women as compares to 60%, 52%, 18%
respectively of their male counterparts prove their disadvantageous position in the society.
The results of the survey conducted by IIT, Delhi are:
www.iosrjournals.org 9 | Page
Women Entrepreneur In India
1) Women own one-third of small business in USA and Canada and the number is likely 50% in the 21 st
2) Women account for 40% of the total work force in Asian countries.
3) Women outnumber men by at least two lines in China.
4) The percentage of women entrepreneurs has increased from 7.69% in 1992-93 to 10% in year 2000-01,
but the number still is significantly low as compared to overall work participation rate i.e. 25.7%.
5) The number of women in technical courses, professional courses and in engineering stream has shown
a tremendous rise. Polytechnics and IITs have only 15% girls out of total entrolled students and very
less join and set their own enterprises.
Cohoon, Wadhwa & Mitchell, (2010), present a detailed exploration of men & women entrepreneur‟s
motivations, background and experiences. The study is based on the data collected from successful women
entrepreneurs. Out of them 59% had founded two or more companies. The study identifies top five financial &
psychological factors motivating women to become entrepreneurs. These are desire to build the wealth, the wish
to capitalize own business ideas they had, the appeal of startup culture, a long standing desire to own their own
company and working with someone else did not appeal them. The challenges are more related with
entrepreneurship rather than gender. However, the study concluded with the requirement of further investigation
like why women are so much concerned about protecting intellectual capital than their counterpart. Mentoring is
very important to women, which provides encouragement & financial support of business partners, experiences
& well developed professional network.
Women network report on Women in Business & in Decision Making focus on women entrepreneurs, about
their problems in starting & running the business, family back ground, education, size of business unit. Some
interesting facts which came out from this report are less educated women entrepreneurs are engaged in micro
enterprises, have husband & children but have no help at home. Most of the women establish enterprises before
the age of 35, after gaining some experience as an employee somewhere else. The motivational factors were
desire for control & freedom to take their own decision as well as earning handsome amount of money.
Dedication of more than 48 hours in a week with the family support to their enterprises gave them a sense of self
confidence. However, to maintain balance between family & work life is a major challenge before women
entrepreneurs especially for those who have children & working husband.
Darrene, Harpel and Mayer, (2008) performed a study on finding the relationship between elements of human
capital and self employment among women. The study showed that self employed women differ on most human
capital variable as compared to the salary and wage earning women. The study also revealed the fact that the
education attainment level is faster for self employed women than that for other working women. The
percentage of occupancy of managerial job is found to be comparatively higher in case of self employed women
as compared to other working women. This study also shed light on similarity and dissimilarity of situations for
self employed men and self employed women. Self employed men and women differ little in education,
experience and preparedness. However, the main difference lies in occupational and industry experience. The
percentage of population holding management occupation is lower for self employed women as compared to
self employed men. Also the participation levels of self employed women are found to be less than of self
employed men in industries like communication, transportation, wholesale trade, manufacturing and
construction. The analysis is based on data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) Annual Social and
Economic Supplement (ASEC) from 1994 to 2006.
Singh, 2008, identifies the reasons & influencing factors behind entry of women in entrepreneurship. He
explained the characteristics of their businesses in Indian context and also obstacles & challenges. He mentioned
the obstacles in the growth of women entrepreneurship are mainly lack of interaction with successful
entrepreneurs, social un-acceptance as women entrepreneurs, family responsibility, gender discrimination,
missing network, low priority given by bankers to provide loan to women entrepreneurs. He suggested the
remedial measures like promoting micro enterprises, unlocking institutional frame work, projecting & pulling to
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grow & support the winners etc. The study advocates for ensuring synergy among women related ministry,
economic ministry & social & welfare development ministry of the Government of India.
Tambunan, (2009), made a study on recent developments of women entrepreneurs in Asian developing
countries. The study focused mainly on women entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises based on data
analysis and review of recent key literature. This study found that in Asian developing countries SMEs are
gaining overwhelming importance; more than 95% of all firms in all sectors on average per country. The study
also depicted the fact that representation of women entrepreneurs in this region is relatively low due to factors
like low level of education, lack of capital and cultural or religious constraints. However, the study revealed that
most of the women entrepreneurs in SMEs are from the category of forced entrepreneurs seeking for better
family incomes.
The prepared paper is a descriptive study in nature. The secondary data and information have been
analyzed for preparing the paper extensively. The secondary information have been collected from different
scholars‟ and researchers‟ published books, articles published in different journals, periodicals, conference
paper, working paper and websites.
3 Lack of education:
Women in India are lagging far behind in the field of education. Most of the women (around sixty per cent of
total women) are illiterate. Those who are educated are provided either less or inadequate education than their
male counterpart partly due to early marriage, partly due to son's higher education and partly due to poverty.
Due to lack of proper education, women entrepreneurs remain in dark about the development of new
technology, new methods of production, marketing and other governmental support which will encourage them
to flourish.
4 Social barriers:
The traditions and customs prevailed in Indian societies towards women sometimes stand as an obstacle before
them to grow and prosper. Castes and religions dominate with one another and hinders women entrepreneurs
too. In rural areas, they face more social barriers. They are always seen with suspicious eyes.
5 Shortage of raw materials:
The scarcity of raw materials, sometimes nor, availability of proper and adequate raw materials sounds the
death-knell of the enterprises run by women entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs really face a tough task in
getting the required raw material and other necessary inputs for the enterprises when the prices are very high.
6 Problem of finance:
Women entrepreneurs stiffer a lot in raising and meeting the financial needs of the business, Bankers, creditors
and financial institutes are not coming forward to provide financial assistance to women borrowers on the
ground of their less credit worthiness and more chances of business failure. They also face financial problem
due to blockage of funds in raw materials, work-in-progress finished goods and non-receipt of payment from
customers in time.
7 Tough competitions:
Usually women entrepreneurs employ low technology in the process of production. In a market where the
competition is too high, they have to fight hard to survive in the market against the organised sector and their
male counterpart who have vast experience and capacity to adopt advanced technology in managing enterprises
8 High cost of production:
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Several factors including inefficient management contribute to the high cost of production which stands as a
stumbling block before women entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs face technology obsolescence due to non-
adoption or slow adoption to changing technology which is a major factor of high cost of production.
9 Low risk-bearing capacity:
Women in India are by nature weak, shy and mild. They cannot bear the amount risk which is essential for
running an enterprise. Lack of education, training and financial support from outsides also reduce their ability to
bear the risk involved in an enterprises.
10 Limited mobility:
Women mobility in India is highly limited and has become a problem due to traditional values and inability to
drive vehicles. Moving alone and asking for a room to stay out in the night for business purposes are still looked
upon with suspicious eyes. Sometimes, younger women feel uncomfortable in dealing with men who show extra
interest in them than work related aspects.
11 Lack of entrepreneurial aptitude:
Lack of entrepreneurial aptitude is a matter of concern for women entrepreneurs. They have no entrepreneurial
bent of mind. Even after attending various training programmes on entrepreneur ship women entrepreneurs fail
to tide over the risks and troubles that may come up in an organisational working.
12 Limited managerial ability:
Management has become a specialised job which only efficient managers perform. Women entrepreneurs are
not efficient in managerial functions like planning, organising, controlling, coordinating, staffing, directing,
motivating etc. of an enterprise. Therefore, less and limited managerial ability of women has become a problem
for them to run the enterprise successfully.
13 Legal formalities:
Fulfilling the legal formalities required for running an enterprise becomes an upheaval task on the part of an
women entrepreneur because of the prevalence of corrupt practices in government offices and procedural delays
for various licenses, electricity, water and shed allotments. In such situations women entrepreneurs find it hard
to concentrate on the smooth working of the enterprise.
14 Exploitation by middle men:
Since women cannot run around for marketing, distribution and money collection, they have to depend on
middle men for the above activities. Middle men tend to exploit them in the guise of helping. They add their
own profit margin which result in less sales and lesser profit.
15 Lack of self confidence:
Women entrepreneurs because of their inherent nature, lack of self-confidence which is essentially a motivating
factor in running an enterprise successfully. They have to strive hard to strike a balance between managing a
family and managing an enterprise. Sometimes she has to sacrifice her entrepreneurial urge in order to strike a
balance between the two.
1 PUSH FACTORS- Push factors are elements of necessity such as insufficicient family income,
dissatisfaction with salaries job, difficulty in finding work and a need for flexible work schedule because of
family responsibilities. These factors may have more importance for women than for men.
2 PULL FACTORS-Factors that work as entrepreneurial drive factors relate to independence, self-fulfillment,
entrepreneurial drive and desire for wealth, power and social status, co-operation and support of family
members and a strong network of contacts. The most prominent factor is self achievement expressed in terms of
challenge which helps women to start, run their own business and turn it into a profitable venture. When a
strong need for achievement could not be fulfilled through a salaried position or when there was a desire to
transform a perceived opportunity into a marketable idea, then these factors work for a person to stat their own
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(b) Women Comkp0onent Plant, a special strategy adop0ted by Government to provide assistance to women
(c) Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana and Swaran Jayanti Sekhari Rozgar Yojana were introduced by
government to provide reservations for women and encouraging them to start their ventures.
(d) New schemes named Women Development Corporations were introduced by government to help women
entrepreneurs in arranging credit and marketing facilities.
(e) State Industrial and Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has introduced following schemes to assist the
women entrepreneurs. These schemes are:
(i) Mahila Udyam Nidhi
(ii) Micro Cordite Scheme for Women
(iii) Mahila Vikas Nidhi
(iv) Women Entrepreneurial Development Programmes
(v) Marketing Development Fund for Women
4 Consortium of Women entrepreneurs of India provides a platform to assist the women entrepreneurs to
develop new, creative and innovative techniques of production, finance and marketing.
There are different bodies such as NGOs, voluntary organizations, Self-help groups, institutions and individual
enterprises from rural and urban areas which collectively help the women entrepreneurs in their activities.
5 Training programmes:
The following training schemes especially for the self employment of women are introduced by government:
(i) Support for Training and Employment Programme of Women (STEP).
(ii) Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA).
(iii) Small Industry Service Institutes (SISIs)
(iv) State Financial Corporations
(v) National Small Industries Corporations
(vi) District Industrial Centres (DICs)
6 Mahila Vikas Nidhi:
SIDBI has developed this fund for the entrepreneurial development of women especially in rural areas. Under
Mahila Vikas Nidhi grants loan to women are given to start their venture in the field like spinning, weaving,
knitting, embroidery products, block printing, handlooms handicrafts, bamboo products etc.
7 Rashtriya Mahila Kosh:
In 1993, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh was set up to grant micro credit to pore women at reasonable rates of interest
with very low transaction costs and simple procedures.
India is a male dominated society and women are assumed to be economically as well as socially dependent on
male members. Women entrepreneurs faced lots of problems like lack of education, social barriers, legal
formalities, high cost of production, male dominated society, limited managerial ability, lack of self confidence
etc. Various factors like Pull and Push factors influencing women entrepreneurs. Successful leading business
women in India. Government takes various steps for the upliftment of women entrepreneurs in 7 th five year
plan,8th five year plan and in 9th five year plan. Women have the potential the potential and determination to
setup, uphold and supervise their own enterprise in a very systematic manner, appropriate support and
encouragement from the society, family, government can make these women entrepreneur a part of mainstream
of national ecomomy and they can contribute to the economy progress of India.
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