Entrepreneurial Mindset

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Engr. Michael C. Cullantes


According to George Bernard Shaw, people fall

into three categories: (1) Those who make things
happen. (2) Those who watch things happen, and
(3) Those who are left to ask what did happen.
Generally, entrepreneurs fall under the first
Entrepreneurship refers to all those activities
which are to be carried out by a person to
establish and to run the business enterprises in
accordance with the changing social, political
and economic environments. Entrepreneurship
includes activities relating to the anticipation of
the consumers likes and dislikes, feelings and
behaviors, tastes and fashions and the
introduction of business ventures to meet out all
these expectations of the consumers.
Entrepreneurship is considered as a new product
‘that would enable businessmen to develop new
form of business organization and new business
activities catering to the changing needs of the
society. The liberalization of cultural rigidities are
mainly due to this new product entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship is the ability of entrepreneurs
to assess the risks and establish businesses
which are risky but at the same time suits
perfectly to the changing scenarios of the

There are many meanings of the term

entrepreneurship‘. After attentively
discussing all the available ones, we can
conclude that entrepreneurship is a
system of operating business in which
opportunities existing within the scope of
a market are exploited.
Self-employment necessitates that any
available opportunities within the economic
system should be utilized in the creation
and functioning of new organizations. A
potential entrepreneur should show the
interest to seek out investment
opportunities in the market, so that they
can run the enterprise successfully based
on the identifiable opportunities.
Thus, going through the above
responsibilities of an entrepreneur, the
term entrepreneurship ‘has been finally
defined as a function which covers multiple
functions such as:
• Building organizations.
• Providing self-employment
• Utilization of available resources
• Innovation applied to the novel concept
• Bringing together multiple factors of production in a
tangible manner.
• Identifying and exploiting business opportunities within
the available market.

An entrepreneur is ordinarily called a

businessman. He is a person who combines
capital and labour for the purpose of
production. He organizes and manages a
business unit assuming the risk for profit. He
is the artist of the business world.
In the words of J.B. Say, “An entrepreneur is
one who brings together the factors of
production and combines them into a
product”. He made a clear distinction between
a capitalist and an entrepreneur. Capitalist is
only a financier. Entrepreneur is the
coordinator and organizer of a business
Joseph A Schumpeter defines an entrepreneur as
“one who innovates, raises money, assembles
inputs and sets the organization going with the
ability to identify them and opportunities, which
others are not able to fulfil such economic
opportunities”. He further said, “An entrepreneur
is an innovator playing the role of a dynamic
businessman adding material growth to
economic development”.

Entrepreneurs are business people who can

detect and sense the availability of business
opportunities in any given scenario. They will
utilize these opportunities to create new products
by employing new production methods in
different markets. They will also function in
different ways by using various resources who
will give them profit.
It is important to note that although most
entrepreneurial businesses start small, the
owners of such businesses need not be small
scale owners. They could in fact be big business
owners, who first try and test the waters before
investing big time in the business. Small business
owners dread risk, but successful entrepreneurs
are very innovative and know how to operate
profitably in a business environment, even if the
risk is very high.

The word ‘entrepreneur’ is derived from

the French word “entreprendre”. It
means ‘to undertake’. Thus,
entrepreneur is the person who
undertakes the risk of new enterprise.
Its evolution is as follows.
EARLY PERIOD: The earliest definition of the
entrepreneur as a go-between is Marco Polo. He
tried to establish trade route to the Far East. He
used to sign a contract with a venture capitalist
to sell his goods. The capitalist was the risk
bearer. The merchant adventurer took the role of
trading. After his successful selling of goods and
completing his trips, the profits were shared by
the capitalist and the merchant.
MIDDLE AGES: The term entrepreneur was
referred to a person who was managing
large projects. He was not taking any risk
but was managing the projects using the
resources provided. An example is the cleric
who is in charge of great architectural
works such as castles, public buildings,
cathedrals etc.
17th CENTURY: An entrepreneur was a
person who entered into a contractual
arrangement with the Govt. to perform
a service or to supply some goods. The
profit was taken (or loss was borne) by
the entrepreneur.
18th CENTURY: It was Richard Cantillon, French
Economist, who applied the term entrepreneur to
business for the first time. He is regarded by
some as the founder of the term. He defined an
entrepreneur as a person who buys factor
services at certain prices with a view to sell them
at uncertain prices in the future
19th CENTURY: The entrepreneurs were not
distinguished from managers. They were viewed
mostly from the economic perspective. He takes
risk, contributes his own initiative and skills. He
plans, organizes and leads his enterprise.
20th CENTURY: During the early 20th
century Dewing equated the entrepreneur
with business promoter and viewed the
promoter as one who transformed ideas
into a profitable business. It was Joseph
Schumpeter who described an entrepreneur
as an innovator. According to him an
entrepreneur is an innovator who develops
untried technology.
21th CENTURY: Research Scientists live
De Bone pointed out that it is not always
important that an individual comes up with
an entirely new idea to be called an
entrepreneur, but if he is adding
incremental value to the current product or
service, he can rightly be called an
Based on their working relationship with the business
environment they are functioning in, various types of
entrepreneurs can be found. The chief categories are
these four types of entrepreneurs, i.e.
• Innovative entrepreneurs,
• Imitating Entrepreneurs,
• Fabian Entrepreneurs, and
• Drone Entrepreneurs.

This type of an entrepreneur is more interested

in introducing some new ideas into the market,
organization or in the nation. They are drawn
towards innovations and invest a lot of time
and wealth in doing research and development.

These are often disparagingly referred to as

‗copy cats‘. They observe an existing successful
system and replicate it in a manner where all the
deficiencies of the original business model are
addressed and all its efficiencies are retained.
These entrepreneurs help to improve an existing
product or production process and can offer
suggestions to enhance the use of better

These are entrepreneurs that are very

careful in their approaches and
cautious in adopting any changes. They
are not prone to sudden decisions and
try to shy away from any innovations or
change that doesn‘t fit their narrative.

These are entrepreneurs who do not like a

change. They are considered as old school‘.
They want to do business in their own
traditional or orthodox methods of
production and systems. Such people
attach pride and tradition to even outdated
methods of doing business.
Entrepreneurs fulfil the following three dominant roles:
• Economic Change
• Social Change
• Technological Change

These are referred to as behavioral roles. All entrepreneurs have

these common characteristics and decide to become an
entrepreneur due to the factors or circumstances in their lives
which made them think the way they do. To do their work
effectively and operate a successful business, these entrepreneurs
should perform certain roles. These roles are the same as the basic
managerial roles.

Entrepreneurial mindset refers to a specific state

of mind which orientates human conduct towards
entrepreneurial activities and outcomes.
Individuals with entrepreneurial mind-sets are
often drawn to opportunities, innovation and new
value creation. Characteristics include the ability
to take calculated risks and accept the realities
of change and uncertainty.
The traditional career path is an anachronism. Statistics
show 40 to 50 percent of students entering college in
2016 will be self-employed or will freelance at some
point in their careers, according to a study
commissioned by Intuit. The economy, students ‘desires
and the world‘s expectations of students are all very
different than what I faced when I graduated college.
There is no better way to prepare students for the world
of the 21st century, whether they aspire to work for a
large company, start their own business, go into
academia or devote themselves to public service than
through cultivating their skills in entrepreneurship.
The term embodies a set of cross-functional life
and professional skills that describe someone
who is innovative, resourceful and creates value.
The entrepreneurial mindset can be applied in
many contexts. It applies to employees in large,
hierarchical entities, and it applies to community
organizers, academics, inventors, doctors,
lawyers, politicians, musicians and public
servants. In no way is it unique to start-up
companies, and the skills that are developed are
relevant to everyone.
Our premise is that learning the
entrepreneurial mindset is a critically
valuable 21st century skill. Those who
learn it well will have outsized success
in their careers — no matter what they
choose to do — because by definition
they become resourceful and

Many people around the world are calling for an -

entrepreneurial revolution‖ to fix social and economic
problems. This call naively assumes that more
entrepreneurs are needed to address these issues.
Increasing the number of entrepreneurs, however, is not
as critical as persuading entrepreneurs to improve their
societies through growth, innovation and social
transformation. The revolution should be one of
transforming contemporary entrepreneurial culture to
make it more socially minded.
Entrepreneurs are known for creating new
ventures that creatively solve problems. This
basic definition, it has to be expanded to
conceive of entrepreneurs as powerful agents of
cultural change capable of transforming their
This does not mean taking time after work to address
social issues. It means consciously incorporating social
goals into entrepreneurs ‘strategic thinking as a means
to maximize personal and collective benefits. It
demands getting rid of the paradigm that only
governments and established companies are capable of
addressing social needs. Entrepreneurs, who operate
closer to the people, are in a perfect position to identify
and to tackle critical problems, such as poverty and the
lack of access to health and education.
Contemporary societies are demanding more efficient
and socially interconnected ways to satisfy their
necessities. To make this happen, entrepreneurs must
understand that, by establishing new ventures that aim
both to create economic prosperity and to spur social
development, they are ensuring their long-term
sustainability. More developed nations translate into
platforms for larger growth and even

1. Risk Absorption
The entrepreneur assumes all possible risks of
business. A business risk also involves the risk due to
the possibility of changes in the tastes of consumers,
techniques of consumers, techniques of production and
new inventions. Such risks are not insurable. If they
materialise, the entrepreneur has to bear the loss
himself. Thus, Risk-bearing or uncertainty-bearing still
remains the most function of an entrepreneur. An
entrepreneur tries to reduce the uncertainties by his
2. Formulate Strategic Business Decisions
The entrepreneur has to decide the nature and type of
goods to be produced. He enters the particular industry
which offers from the best prospects and produces
whatever commodities he thinks will pay him the most
employs those methods of production which seem to
him the most profitable. He effects suitable changes in
the size of the business, its location techniques of
production and does everything that is needed for the
development of his business.
3. Execute Managerial Functions
The entrepreneur performs the managerial functions
though the managerial functions are different from
entrepreneurial functions. He formulates production
plans, arranges finance, purchased, raw material
provides, production facilities, organizes sales and
assumes the task of personnel management. In a large
establishment these management functions are
delegated to the paid managerial personnel.
4. Adopt Innovation Function
An important function of an entrepreneur is
―Innovation. He conceives the idea for the
improvement in the quality of production line. He
considers the economic inability and
technological feasibility in bringing about
improve quality. The introduction of different
kinds of Electronic gadgets is an example of such
an innovation of new products. Innovation is an
ongoing function rather than once for all, or
1. Facilitating Character
An entrepreneur must build a team, keep it motivated, and provide an
environment for individual growth and career development
2. Self-Confidence
Entrepreneurs must have belief in themselves and the ability to achieve their
3. Work with Vision and Mission
An entrepreneur must be committed to the project with a time horizon of five
to seven years. No ninety-day wonders are allowed.
4. High Degree of Endurance
Success of an entrepreneur demands the ability to work long hours for
sustain period of time
5. Trouble Shooting Nature
An entrepreneur must have an intense desire to complete task or solve a
problem. Creativity is an essential ingredient.
6. Initiative and Enterprising Personality
An entrepreneur must have initiative, accepting personal responsibility
for a ones, and above all make good use of resources.
7. Goal Setter
An entrepreneur must be able to set challenging but realistic goals.
8. Calculated Risk-Taking Ability
An entrepreneur must be a moderate risk-taker and learn from any
In addition, an entrepreneur is a highly achievement oriented, enthusiastic
and energetic individual. He is a business leader. He has the following

• An entrepreneur brings about change in the society. He is a catalyst of change.

• Entrepreneur is action-oriented, highly motivated individual who takes risk to achieve goals.
• Entrepreneur accepts responsibilities with enthusiasm and endurance.
• Entrepreneur is thinker and doer, planner and worker.
• Entrepreneur can foresee the future, seize market with a salesman’s persuasiveness, manipulate funds with
financial talent and small error, frauds and deficiencies with an auditor’s precisions.
• Entrepreneur undertakes venture not for his personal gain alone but for the benefit of consumers,
government and the society as well.
• Entrepreneur builds new enterprises. He possesses intense level of determination and a desire to overcome
hurdles and solves the problem and completes the job.
• Entrepreneur finds the resources required to exploit opportunities.
• Entrepreneur does extraordinary things as a function of vision, hard work, and passion. He challenges
assumptions and breaks rules.
• Although many people come up with great business ideas, most of them never act on their ideas.
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
An entrepreneur one who undertakes and Entrepreneurship is the practice of starting new
operates a new enterprise and assumes organizations, particularly new businesses
some accountability for the inherent generally in responses to identified
risks. opportunities.
Entrepreneur is often synonymous with Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo
founder. projects to major undertakings creating many
job opportunities.
The person who starts and operates a The process in which an entrepreneur starts
business enterprise is an entrepreneur. and operates his business enterprise is
The entrepreneur is a coordinator as he Entrepreneurship is the coordination
coordinates all the three elements of maintained by an entrepreneur.
production i.e. Land, Labor and Capital.
The person who innovates something new The innovation of something new or the
is an entrepreneur. process of innovation is entrepreneurship.
He who leads an enterprise towards its The way in which an entrepreneur leads his
vision thorough leadership, motivation manpower, motivates them for the
is an entrepreneur. achievement of the firms goal is
He who bears risk of the firm for the sake The risk bearing practice that is done by an
of making a reasonable entrepreneur.

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