Evaopration Lessonplan

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Science

Name: _____Miekal

Date of Lesson:

Lesson Content
What Standards (national
or state) relate to this
(You should include ALL
applicable standards. Rarely
do teachers use just one:
theyd never get through
them all.)

Objectives- What are you

(Student-centered: What will
students know and be able to
do after this lesson? Include
the ABCDs of objectives:
action, behavior, condition,
and degree of mastery, i.e.,
"C: Given a sentence written
in the past or present tense,
A: the student B: will be able
to re-write the sentence in
future tense D: with no errors
in tense or tense contradiction
(i.e., I will see her
Note: Degree of mastery does
not need to be a percentage.)
Evaluation Plan- How will
you know students have
mastered your objectives?

Investigate, observe and describe how water left in an open container disappears
(evaporates), but water in a closed container does not disappear (evaporate).
Ask "how do you know?" in appropriate situations and attempt reasonable answers when
asked the same question by others.

How do puddles disappear? What is evaporation?

Formative: Observations, discussions

Summative: Observations, Discussions, Science journal reflection

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Science

Name: _____Miekal

Date of Lesson:

Address the following:

What formative evidence
will you use to document
student learning during
this lesson?
What summative evidence
will you collect, either
during this lesson or in
upcoming lessons?

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to
do in teaching this lesson? Be
thorough. Act as if you needed
a substitute to carry out the
lesson for you.)
Where applicable, be sure to
address the following:
Have the students get their
science journals out
Ask the students what they
think happens when
puddles disappear.Why
do you think that?
Explain to the class about
evaporation content. Talk
about how it gets really
humid on a hot summer


Lesson Implementation
Who is
Each content area may require a different step-by-step format. Use
responsibl whichever plan is appropriate for the content taught in this lesson.
e (Teacher For example, in science, you would detail the 5 Es here
(Engage/Encountering the Idea; Exploring the Idea;
Students)? Explanation/Organizing the Idea; Extend/Applying the Idea;
2 clear cups for each science group with matching fill lines
1 cup of water for each group to split into the two clear cups
A ruler with cm for each group
Plastic wrap
Rubber bands
Blue and Red marker

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Science

day in Florida after it

rainspuddles disappear
fast due to the warmth of
the sun.
Have the students get into
their science groups
Have the materials person
get the material bins that
have already been preset
prior to the activity..do
not have them get the
water just yet.
Have them label one clear
up A with a Blue marker.
Mark the other cup B with
a Red marker.be sure not
to cover up the fill line
Have the students open
their science journals to a
new page and label the top
Evaporation with a tchart below it.
One side will have the date
and time and the other
side will be marked cup A
in blue and Cup B in red
Have the materials person
get the cup of water
Next have the students use
the ruler and measure the
amount of water is in each
up in cm and record the
information in their

Name: _____Miekal

Date of Lesson:

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Science
Next have the students
take a piece of plastic wrap
and put it on top of cup B
Next have them take the
rubber band and place it
around cup B to secure the
plastic wrap.
Have the students put their
cups outside and wait till
next class to finish the
The next day have the
students bring their
science journals outside
and sit in their science
Hand each group a ruler as
the teacher hands back
both their cup A and B
Have them record the
water levels of each cup /
the date and time and
additional observations
that they notice ( water
droplets in cup B)
Give the students a chance
to discuss in a group
Have the students return
to their desks
Have each the reporter
from each group share
their groups observations
to the class
Before returning their

Name: _____Miekal

Date of Lesson:

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Science
science notebooks to the
bin have them write a
reflection at the bottom of
their data.
Meeting your students
needs as people and as

Name: _____Miekal

Date of Lesson:

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural
backgrounds of your students? Students will know what evaporation is and
what happens to puddles when they disappear.

Differentiationbased on
the needs of your students
how will you take
individual and group
learning differences into

Allow more time.

Work with a peer
Provide visual aid

Relevant Psychological
Theories and research
taken in consideration
when planning this lesson

Students will know what evaporation is and what happens to puddles when they

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