All 240 Digimon in Digimon Story - Cyber Sleuth

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The document discusses that Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth includes 240 different Digimon and lists some examples across several pages.

240 Digimon are included in the game according to the text.

Some examples of Digimon included that are listed on pages 1-2 are Kuramon, Bubbmon, Punimon, Botamon, Poyomon, Koromon, etc.

All 240 Digimon in Digimon Story:

Cyber Sleuth
Richard Eisenbeis
10/09/15 7:00am Filed to: DIGIMON STORY: CYBER SLEUTH

422.5K 195


Wondering if your favorite Digimon is in the new game, Digimon

Story: Cyber Sleuth? Well, with 240 of them in the game, Im going to
go with: Yes.

Kuramon, Bubbmon

Punimon, Botamon

Poyomon, Koromon

Tanemon, Tunomon

Tsumemon, Tokomon

Nyaromon, Pagumon

Pyocomon, Pukamon

Mochimon, Wanyamon

Agumon, Agumon (Black)

Armadimon, Impmon

Elecmon, Otamamon

Gaomon, Gazimon

Gabumon, Gabumon (Black)

Guilmon, Kudamon

Keramon, Gottsumon

Goburimon, Gomamon

Shakomon, Solarmon

Terriermon, Tentomon

Toy Agumon, DORUmon

Hagurumon, Patamon

Hackmon, Palmon

Demi Devimon, Biyomon

Falcomon, V-mon

Plotmon, Betamon

Hawkmon, Lalamon

Lucemon, Renamon

Lopmon, Wormmon

Ice Devimon, Aquilamon

Ankylomon, Ikkakumon

Wizarmon, Woodmon

XV-mon, Angemon

Orgemon, Guardromon

Gaogamon, Kabuterimon

Karatsuki Numemon, Gargomon

Garurumon, Garurumon (Black)

Kyubimon, Growmon

Chrysalimon, Greymon

Greymon (Black), Clockmon

Kuwagamon, Gekomon

Geremon, Gold Numemon

Cyclomon, Sunflowmon

Seadramon, Geo Greymon

Scumon, Starmon

Stingmon, Sorcerimon

Tankmon, Tyranomon

Gatomon, Devimon

Togemon, DORUgamon

Nanimon, Numemon

Birdramon, Bakemon

V-dramon, Platinum Scumon

Black Gatomon, Vegimon

Peckmon, Meramon

Yukidarumon, Leomon

Reppamon, Waspmon

Atlur Kabuterimon, Andiramon

Andromon, Insekimon

Infermon, Myotismon

Aero V-dramon, Etemon

Angewomon, Okuwamon

Garudamon, Gigadramon

Cannonbeemon, Grappu Leomon

Cyberdramon, Shakkoumon

Jyureimon, Silphymon

Superstarmon, Skull Greymon

Zudomon, Taomon

Tyilinmon, Digitamamon

Death Meramon, Tonosama Gekomon

DORUguremon, Knightmon

Nanomon, Paildramon

Panjyamon, Pumpmon

Piccolomon, Black King Numemon

Blue Meramon, Vademon

Whamon, Holy Angemon

Mach Gaogamon, Mamemon

Mega Seadramon, Megadramon

Megalo Growmon, Metal Greymon

Metal Greymon (Virus), Metal Tyranomon

Metal Mamemon, Monzaemon

Yatagaramon, Rize Greymon

Lilamon, Rapidmon

Lilimon, Lucemon: Falldown Mode

Lady Devimon, Were Garurumon

Were Garurumon (Black), Wisemon

Alphamon, Ulforce V-dramon

Ebemon, Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode

Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode, Vikemon

Venom Vamdemon, War Greymon

Examon, Ofanimon

Gaioumon, Chaos Dukemon

Gankoomon, Kuzuhamon

Gran Kuwagamon, Grand Locomon

Craniummon, Cherubimon (Virtue)

Saber Leomon, Sakuyamon

Jesmon, Shine Greymon

Justimon, Sleipmon

Seraphimon, Saint Galgomon

Tiger Vespamon, Titamon

Dianamon, Diablomon

Demon, Dukemon

Dynasmon, Duftmon

Duftmon: Leopard Mode, Hi Andromon

Barbamon, Bancho Leomon

Piedmon, Pinochimon

Platinum Numemon, Black War Greymon

Prince Mamemon, Plesiomon

Herakle Kabuterimon, Beelzebumon

Belphemon: Sleep Mode, Hououmon

Holydramon, Boltmon

Mastemon, Marin Angemon

Minervamon, Mirage Gaogamon

Machinedramon, Metal Etemon

Metal Garurumon, Metal Garurumon (Black)

Metal Seadramon, Rust Tyranomon

Leviamon, Lilithmon

Ravmon, Lord Knightmon

Rosemon, Lotusmon

Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode, Omegamon

Omegamon Zwart, Belphemon: Rage Mode

Lucemon: Satan Mode, Flamedramon

Magnamon, Rapidmon Armor

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth was released in Japan for the PlayStation
Vita on March 12, 2015. It will be released for PlayStation 4 and
PlayStation Vita in the West in 2016.
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