Lesson 4 - Reciprocal Teaching
Lesson 4 - Reciprocal Teaching
Lesson 4 - Reciprocal Teaching
Learning Outcomes:
Essential Questionso Name one strategy for success that helped you today?
o Explain how using that strategy helped you read and comprehend the text
Lesson Objectives:
The students will be able to match the four strategies for success with the
appropriate description, with 100% accuracy.
The students will be able to apply each reciprocal teaching strategy during a
group reading by predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing.
The students will be able to explain which strategy for success helped them read
and comprehend the text.
Anticipatory Set:
o Preparation- First, cut each of the small reciprocal teaching wheels out,
cutting apart each strategy. Write each students name on each success
strategy piece, for assessment purposes. Place all four strategies in one zip
lock bag. Complete this process for all five students to have four strategies
in a zip lock bag. Then, display/tape the four reciprocal teaching-visual
cards on the whiteboard. Make sure that each card name is covered with
dark paper for the introduction activity. Lastly, write the essential question
on the whiteboard.
Thumbs up/down if you remember the four strategies for success that we use
while we are reading?
As we are reading today, we are going to be using all of these strategies.
Throughout the lesson I want to you be thinking of which strategy is helping you
comprehend and understand the text the best. Before you leave, you are going to
be filling out an exit slip that tells me which strategy helped you the best and why.
o Essential Question- What strategy for success do you think helped you
read and the text today and why?
You have used this reciprocal teaching method with Mrs. Lehr many times. Can
anyone name one of the reciprocal teaching strategies? Call on one student to
share a strategy. Then call on the other students to share the remaining strategies.
(Predictor, questioner, clarifier, and summarizer)
Before we start our reading today, lets review what each strategy for success is.
Hand each student a zip lock bag filled with four cut pieces of paper. In your
bag, you will see that you each have the four strategies for success. Point to the
whiteboard and say you are going to use the names of the strategies you have in
your bag and match them with the visual cards on the whiteboard. You should be
placing one of the strategies (cut piece of paper) with one card on the board.
o After the students complete this process, go over all of the strategies for
success. Review one strategy at a time, sharing and taping the reciprocal
teaching posters as you go along.
Why do you think we use reciprocal teaching when we are reading?
o It helps us think about what we are reading
o It helps us be active readers
o It helps us monitor our comprehension; or what we do/dont understand
Do you think you can only use the strategies for success for reading? (No)
The book we are going to read today is called The Paper Crane by: Molly Bang.
Before we start reading, I want to use our clarify strategy for success to discuss
what the word crane means. Using the context clues, who can take a guess at what
a crane is? (crane-bird) Show the picture of the crane.
Now we are also going to use our predicting strategy for success. Making a
prediction before is a good way to get us thinking about what we are going to
read. By looking at the cover and taking a picture walk through the book, who
would like to make a prediction? Allow students to share their predictions and
As we read today, we are going to go around the circle and take turns reading.
We are also going to stop every few pages to stop and think. When we stop, a
volunteer is going to spin the large wheel to see what strategy we are going to
focus on for those pages. In addition, the teacher will stop to review selected
vocabulary words marked with a sticky note in the text.
o Start reading the first page of the book and then go around the circle. Stop
at the predetermined stopping points (where there are sticky notes in the
book). Spin the wheel and discuss that strategy of success depending on
what was read. Complete this process for the remainder of the book. This
is day one of this book, so only half of the book will be read and discussed.
The goal will be to try to read up to page 13.
Page 7- vocabulary words and stop to spin
Differentiated Instruction:
Modifications/Specially Designed Instruction for each studentStudent Name
Language Arts Accommodation
Jenna Marie
Small group instruction, with differentiation of the curriculum, in the
classroom or outside of the classroom.
Prompts and cues to remain on task. Check in to ensure that work is
being completed.
Oral retell of directions and strategies or opportunity to complete a
sample with the teacher to ensure she understands the directions and
application of learned strategies.
Small group instruction, with differentiation of the curriculum within
the regular classroom or in a pull out setting.
Prompting to remain on task and to complete work.
Allow extra processing time.
Small group instruction, with differentiation of the curriculum, in the
classroom or outside of the classroom.
Rephrasing questions presented (verbally or written) to ensure
Auditory information should be accompanied by visual cues when
Small group instruction, with differentiation of the curriculum, in a push
in or pull out setting.
Direct, explicit, systematic instruction in reading decoding, sight word
fluency, encoding skills, and comprehension strategies.
Present instruction in chunks, small segments at a time, and check for
understanding of tasks presented to her.
Pair auditory instruction with visual cues.
For all students, assessments, classwork, and homework may be modified or adapted.
Modifications and adaptations may include, but are not limited to, shortening the
work, reading aloud, removing answer choices on multiple choice questions,
rephrasing questions, and chunking.
Today we practiced our four strategies of success while we read The Paper
Crane. I want to you to come in tomorrow ready to share a way or a time when
you used one of these strategies for success either later on today or at home
tonight. But, remember the job I told you to be thinking about while we were
working today? Can anyone tell the class what your job was?
To wrap the day up, each of you will receive an exit ticket. I want everyone to
write their name on their ticket. Everyone follow along while I read the directions
Formative- The teacher will need to collect data based on student work and
o Introduction activity- matching each of the four strategies of success with
the appropriate descriptions (names written on the back of each of the
strategies for success)
o Teacher observations during reading based on student responses
Informal Summative- Exit ticket (essential question)
Formal Summative- At the end of this story elements unit, the students will be
assessed on a post-assessment, using the same material and questions that were
given during the pre-assessment.
Whiteboard and marker
Reciprocal teaching visual cards (predictor, questioner, clarifier, summarizer)
o Cover the name of the strategy with dark paper
Reciprocal teaching posters (predictor, question, clarifier, summarizer)
Scotch tape
Picture of a crane bird (1)
Large reciprocal teaching wheel spinner (1)
Small reciprocal teaching wheels (5)
o Cut up and placed into zip lock bags
Zip lock bags (5)
Bang, M. (1999). The paper crane. Houghton Mifflin Edition.
o Predetermined stopping points-- sticky noted in teacher-copy of text
Exit ticket (5)
Technology: N/A
If a SMARTBoard was available, I would have used the technology to create an
introduction activity with the reciprocal teaching visual cards, instead of using the
paper copies.
Reflection on Planning:
I began planning this lesson with the success teaching method my mentor teacher uses,
reciprocal teaching. The students in this session are familiar with this strategy and use it when
they are reading a text in class. I thought it would be interesting to look up additional resources
online; I find that TeacherspayTeachers is a great resource. Knowing these students work well
with visual cues and information, I found reciprocal teaching visual cards and posters. I also
found a reciprocal teaching wheel to turn this method into a more hands-on activity. I decided to
utilize all of these resources to make ensure the lesson had many visuals since these students are
visual learners. Throughout the lesson, they had many cards, posters, and pictures to refer back
I opened the lesson by activating the students background knowledge about the strategies for
success-reciprocal teaching method they have worked with before. I posed an essential question
for the students to think about throughout this lesson today, that they would eventually come
back to at the conclusion of the lesson. I then provided each student with a zip lock bag with four
pieces of paper, one for each strategy. The students participated in a movement activity where
they had to match each strategy with the descriptions that were pasted on the whiteboard. I
thought this was an appropriate kinesthetic activity to get the students out of their seats, while
activating their background knowledge. I also thought this would be a good idea to review and
re-teach the four components of reciprocal teaching. I did this because I wanted to ensure that
each student knew the reciprocal teaching method, so he/she could use it during the lesson. For
the procedural portion of the lesson, I wanted the students to have a chance to practice all of the
strategies for success. First, I decided to engage the students in a round reading process. I then
stopped the readers at predetermined stopping points, where we would take some think time.
During think time, a student will spin the reciprocal teaching wheel to determine which strategy
we are going to focus on for the pages we just read. I believed this would be give the students the
opportunity to practice their reading fluency, while focusing on specific strategies for success to
aid their comprehension. I closed the lesson by reiterating that essential question that was shared
at the beginning of the lesson and had them complete an exit slip that stated the question on it.
This assessment measure will allow me to see which strategy(s) needs to be taught more in depth
and practiced, and also which strategy each student prefers to aid them when reading.
Reflection on Instruction:
Overall, I think this lesson was a success and the students seemed very engaged in the
learning process. I felt that I did a good job of incorporating many visuals. Most of my students
have visual cues in their specially designed instruction/modifications. I started the lesson with a
visual and kinesthetic anticipatory set. It seemed that the students enjoyed thinking back to the
lesson yesterday, getting out of their seat, and placing their pieces on the board. In addition, I
thought I had a handle on time management. I allowed the students to share or make comments
about certain parts of the book, but I stopped them if they went off-task or said something that
was not related to what we were learning. I want the students to feel that their comments and
opinions are valued, but I always say wait until the end of the period and then you can share that
with the class. A few changes I would make are some of the changes I wrote in this lesson plan.
For the anticipatory set activity, I would write the students names on the strategies of success
pieces. This would allow me to collect data based on what strategies the students remembered
from yesterdays lesson. If I continue this opening activity, it will allow me to compare and
contrast how each student started compared to days later after more instruction. From this
assessment measure, I could also tell what strategies most students need work on and be able to
reteach and practice them more. Another change I would make, which I redid in this lesson, was
to change the essential question to a tier one question. I have to remembered that these students
sometimes cannot process as quickly as typically developing students and taking one step at a
time is more effective. I changed the tier two question into two separate tier one questions; where
the students are reflecting back on which strategy was most helpful to them today and then
explaining how that strategy helped them understand the text. Some goals for continuous
learning are to continue with a vast amount of visual information. Within the next few lessons, I
want to engage the students in the same opening activity to see how they are progress through
the strategies of success unit. Furthermore, I liked the idea Dr. Miller presented to me with
coming up with a song or body movements that have to do with each strategy. I think that this
will not only make the learning more fun, but that the students will be able to remember the
strategies more when they are reading or taking an assessment. Especially for these visual
learners, it helps to be able to make a picture in their mind of what they remember as they are
actually applying what they learned (body gestures/movements, posters, etc.) From observing the
introduction activity (activating the students background knowledge), one student got 4/4 of the
strategies correct and four students got 2/4 correct. From looking at this data, it was a good idea
to start the lesson with asking the students to remember their previous learning with strategies for
success. The majority of the students needed a refresher with what each strategy was and how
you could use it. During the lesson, I collected data based on my observations. All of the students
were participating, reading along, and engaged with using the strategies. The students were able
to turn and talk with their partner by either predicting, questioning, and summarizing. For
questioning, all of the students were able to write a comprehension question related to what we
read, ask their peers, and then provide feedback of whether their classmate was right or wrong.
Lastly, looking at the exit tickets, all of the students were able to answer my two essential
questions of: which strategy was most helpful to them and how it helped them understand and
comprehend what we were reading. The next step in this unit is going to be the post-assessment.
I will administer the same assessment that I used as the pre-assessment. This will allow me to see
the progress each student made from before the learning to after the learning. It will also show
me what areas of comprehension the students still need work on- specific story elements or
certain strategies of predicting, clarifying, questioning, and/or summarizing. The following day, I
will select plan for any re-teaching that needs to be done. I will select a text that I can work on
the students areas of needs in a hands-on and engaging way; similar to the process done in this
unit with the retelling sticks, strategies wheel, and comprehension board game.
Name ________________________________
Strategies of Success- The Paper Crane
Day #1
Name one strategy that helped you with reading today?
Explain how using that strategy helped you read and comprehend the text today?