2015-2016 Y3 HTWW Curriculum Overview Unit 5 3
2015-2016 Y3 HTWW Curriculum Overview Unit 5 3
2015-2016 Y3 HTWW Curriculum Overview Unit 5 3
Maintain accurate use of capital letters and full stops in showing sentences.
Use question marks, exclamation marks, and commas in lists.
Continue to improve consistency in the use of tenses.
Ensure grammatical agreement of pronouns and verbs in using Standard English.
Begin to vary sentence openings, e.g. with simple adverbs.
Begin to infer meanings beyond the literal, e.g. about motives and character.
Recognise the use of apostrophe to mark omission in shortened words e.g. cant wont.
Adapt tone of voice, use of vocabulary and non-verbal features for different audiences.
Numbers and the number system.
Mental strategies
Begin to divide two digit numbers just beyond 10x tables. E.g. 60 divided by 5, 33 divided by 3.
Understand the relationship between multiplication and division and write connected facts.
Length, mass and capacity
Choose and use appropriate units and equipment to estimate, measure and record measurements
Know the relationship between kilometres and metres, metres and centimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres
Read to the nearest division or half division, use scales that are numbered or partially numbered
Suggest and use suitable units to measure time and know the relationship between them (second, minute, hour, day,
week, month, year)
Read the time on analogue and digital clocks, to the nearest 5 mins on an analogue and to the nearest min on digital.
How the World Works
Students will inquire into how Music can be used to portray different
weather systems, climate, seasons and geography. They will listen to
and discuss the Music elements of Vivaldis The Four Seasons,
Beethovens Pastorale Symphony and play the nursery rhyme Its
Raining, Its Pouring on glockenspiels and xylophones, write and
perform for each other Weather-Themed Soundscapes and sing songs
such as Africa, Hurricanes and Twistersand Weather Fronts.
What do you like to drink and eat?
Week 1-5 Learn about:
daily food and drink vocabulary
express what food and drink one likes/dislikes
read and talk about oneself and what one likes/dislikes
Learn radicals: and divide characters
into parts
Drawing, colouring and labelling of food and drink.
Physical Education
During the fifth unit of inquiry, students in Physical Education will
experience a variety of ball games and activities. They will focus
on throwing, catching, dodging and moving into space. Students
will practise communicating positively with others and applying
tactics in a team environment.
Ms Ben Mansell
Ms Alex Andrews
Year 3 Teachers
Thu Thiem Campus
Year 3 Teachers
Thao Dien Campus