Cluster 4.5
Demonstrate an understanding of the events surrounding WWII
Instructional Objectives/Student Outcomes:
Students will identify and explain the Ghost Army and its contributions to WWII.
Identify the contributions from the home front during the war (e.g. Rosie the Riveter and Rosies,
victory gardens, war bond sales, wartime propaganda and opportunities for minorities).
National Standards:
Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Standard 3: The causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home and abroad,
and its reshaping of the U.S. role in world affairs
Differentiated Instruction:
Give students extra time to complete questions on worksheet.
Students are put into groups of two to three for peer review
Teacher led discussion: Diagnostic assessment before lesson, learning what students prior
knowledge on the special forces of the US Army. Students will follow teachers lead during
webquest on Smart Board with students via their own tablets.
Introduction/Lesson Set:
Before the lesson I will ask students what they know about the Special Forces that the Army
created during WWII. I will ask if any of their family members were in the Special Forces and
what their experiences were. The webquest is on and I will have students log on to the
website and I will walk them through the webquest to make sure that all students know how to
complete their assignment. I will explain the assessment option they have. I will then hand out
their worksheet that is to be completed and tell students they have 20 minutes to complete the
assignment. Once completed I will go back to the Evaluation page of the webquest and have
students complete one of the assessment for the assignment.
Body and Transition:
Introduction to lesson
Teacher led discussion on webquest with students following along on their own tablets along
with students completing the webquest worksheet.
Students will complete the one assessment for the webquest
Classroom discussion on futuristic technology that the Army can use today or in the future. What
kind of advanced technology do the Army use today, for the enemy and their communities here
in the US?
Students will be able to identify the advanced technology that the Ghost Army used and how
the operations tactics opened up an entirely new kind of warfare.
Diagnostic: Beginning of lesson to understand students prior knowledge of the US Army Special
Formative: Students are to follow the teachers lead during the webquest while completing their
Summative: Students are to complete the assessment, which will be due at the end of the class
Data Analysis:
Ghost Army Worksheet
Student Tablets
Ghost Army worksheet
Extended Activities:
Students are to share their stories as a class discussion.
Post Teaching:
See reflection