Executing The Problem Solving Method-Lesson Plan Jmeck V5a10

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JMeck WFED495C-2

Problem solving Lesson Plan

Executing the Problem Solving Method - Lesson plan

Name of Instructor: Jeffrey A. Meck
Program Title: Computer Service Technology
Course Title: Computer Service Technology
Unit Title: Troubleshooting Hardware Repairs
Lesson Title: Executing the Problem Solving Method
Lesson Objectives: The lesson is to have the student engage in problem solving to repair a
computer or a malfunctioning device. They will learn work together to complete the problem
solving steps without explicit guidance from the instructor. The supplemental goals are giving the
students experience working in a group and supporting each other as they work to solve a
Time (length of lesson): 45 min, 10 min method presentation, 25 min Student engagement in
problem solving activities, 10 min completing an evaluation of the exercise.
Equipment and Materials needed: Instructor guide, student guideline handouts and feedback
The computer or device with the problem. The parts necessary execute the solution will be
needed when it is carried out.
Academic Standard(s) and Anchor(s) and/or Common Core Standard addressed by this lesson:
PA Core Standards 13.3.11 C. Evaluate conflict resolution skills as they relate to the workplace:
Group dynamics, Managing/leadership, Mediation, Negotiation, Problem solving.
Technical Standard(s) or Competencies taught in this lesson:
POS 15.1202. 1003, Utilize the team approach to deliver customer service.
POS 15.1202. 601, Describe and explain the troubleshooting theory.
Introduction: This lesson is to conduct a Problem solving exercise in which the students will
solve a computer problem as technicians using our computer lab. The goal is to have them learn
by engaging in the problem solving method and working together to apply the repair strategy they
They will share and discuss the issues as they work through the problem solving steps and then
execute them under their own leadership. The instructor will be available to give advice and guide
them. He will keep them focused on the problem solving method and having it determine their
actions. If they go off on a tangent the instructor will be there as an upper level support person to
keep them on track. When the problem is diagnosed they will delegate the actions that need to be
taken among their group members while monitoring each other to make sure they are all
This exercise in self direction will improve their ability to use the problem solving method and
work effectively with others in the future. The lesson will be successful if the students take
ownership in the process and execution of the lesson while they are learning.
Body: The goal of this lesson is to give you the experience of working together as a student led
team engaging in the problem solving repair strategy. You will work as a team, given a
malfunctioning computer and asked to repair it using the problem solving method. You will need
to understand the dilemma, formulate a strategic plan, and think about the consequences
(including time and money) before beginning the repairs.


JMeck WFED495C-2

Problem solving Lesson Plan

The instructor will introduce the basic method and structure of the problem solving method and
the materials you will be working with. Each group will delegate the actions that need to be taken
among its members while monitoring each other to make sure you are successful.
Gathering Information: The class will be divided up into small groups and you are all asked to
determine the problem, devise a solution and decide on a plan of action. The exercise will involve
thinking about the problem while keeping an open mind and not jumping to conclusions before
all the information is accumulated. This requires you to look for the causes of the problem, and
diagnose its true cause. Next you will need to develop and define possible acceptable solutions,
including identifying the parts needed, locating them and the costs involved.
Diagnosing the problem: The exercise will involve thinking about the problem while keeping an
open mind and not jumping to conclusions before all the information is accumulated. This
requires you to explore the dimensions of the malfunctioning equipment, and diagnose the true
Developing a solution: Next you will need to develop and define possible acceptable solutions,
including identifying the parts needed, locating them and determining the costs involved before
obtaining them. An acceptable solution needs to be affordable and able to be completed within a
reasonable amount of time. You may have to contact the customer if you havent determined the
maximum budget you have for the repair. Identifying the problem as too expensive may be an
acceptable solution in that it will give the customer the information needed to justify replacing the
unit with a new one.
Write a plan of action: Developing and listing all the steps in a plan before taking any action is
vital to an efficient repair. This will prevent wasting time and resources on blind alleys while
greatly improving the possibilities of a successful outcome.
Executing the plan: This will include obtaining the tools and parts, if necessary. Preparing the
work space and carrying out the steps. The groups must share in the tasks to give every member a
role in the exercise.
Testing the solution: Each group must test the repair or replaced parts to make sure the problem
is resolved.
This exercise in self direction will improve your ability to use the problem solving method and
work with others effectively in the future. The lesson will be successful if you all take
ownership in the process and execution of the lesson while you are learning not only problem
solving but how to work with others in a group.
Documenting the Solution: You must write down the what was the solution and how you fixed it
in case it happens again, or it causes some unexpected consequences and needs to be modified.
Summary: This lesson conducts a Problem Solving exercise in which the students will solve a
computer problem as technicians using our computer lab. The goal is to have them learn the
problem solving method by engaging in the activity and working together to apply the repair
strategy they select. The supplemental goals are giving the students experience working in a
group and supporting each other as they work to solve a problem.
The will be given a problem and asked to use the Problem Solving strategy to solve it. When the
problem is diagnosed they will delegate the actions that need to be taken among their group
members while monitoring each other to make sure they are all successful.
This exercise in self direction will improve their ability to use the problem solving method and


JMeck WFED495C-2

Problem solving Lesson Plan

work with others effectively in the future. The lesson will be successful if the students take
ownership in the process and execution of the lesson while they are learning.
Evaluation/Student Assessment: Attached is the students feedback assessment form and
Observational Rubric containing questions to evaluate absorption of the content and their
comments to be completed at the end of this lesson plan.
Executing the Problem Solving method-Lesson plan_questionnaire_JMeck WFED495C-2 V5A10
Special Needs Adaptations and/or Accommodations (please identify which you are using):
I will review the ESL student list and create accommodations for each individual student
according to their IEP.
English as a Second Language (ESL) Adaptations and/or Accommodations (please identify which
you are using):
I will review the ESL student list and create adaptations for each individual student with an ESL

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