Big Ideas Essential Questions: Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Name Subject Grade Level Date/Duration

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Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level
Big Ideas


Webb's Depth of
Formative &

Brianna Smith
English Language Arts
2nd Grade
2 40 minute class periods
Some authors or cultures may share similar stories or
works, but they can vary in detail
What parts of these two stories remain the same or can
be compared?
What details and aspects of these stories differ or
contrast one another?
Standard - CC.1.3.2.H
Compare and contrast two or more versions of
the same story by different authors or from
different culture.
Students will be able to compare and contrast the tales
of Cinderella and YehShen(Ancient Chinese Cinderella
tale) through details like character, plot, setting, etc.
with the use of a Venn Diagram with at least a 90%
accuracy by the end of the second day of the lesson.

Regular students:
Students Venn Diagrams will be checked and gone
over by the teacher to ensure accuracy and
Students will share with a partner or group, the aspects
that they incorporated into the three parts of their Venn
Diagrams (found in Cinderella, Found in Yeh-Shen, and
Found in Both) in order to peer/self evaluate.
ELLs (Updates for 3/23 in green)
Speaking: After reading the 2 stories aloud as a class,
students will read the tales again with a partner and.
The teacher will observe and listen for proper
pronunciation of words and see that the students are
meeting the standards and expectations of where they
should be based on his/her stage on language
acquisition. Further adaptations or modifications will be
made if necessary after this formative assessment.
Writing: While completing their individual Venn
Diagrams, they will be checked for accurate spelling,
grammar, and punctuation when necessary. Assessing
their writing skills will line up with where they with
acquiring the English Language, since all students will
be at different levels, and need different assistance.
SIOP 1- Think Write Pair Share: Students can think of


ISTE Standards
for Students
Framework for
21st Century

s, Modifications

their own ideas to compare and contrast the two

stories, pair up with a partner to come up with new
ideas or compare answers, then Venn Diagrams can be
gone over as a class.
SIOP 2- Use role play either as a form of informal
assessment to ensure that the students are
understanding the story and sequencing of events OR
use role play as part of the activity to participate in as
the story is being read together with prompting.
Listening: During reading, I will pause to ask questions
about the two stories to get the students in the right
mind frame for comparing and contrasting, to model or
prepare them for the upcoming assignment of their
Venn Diagrams. If the students are having difficulty
with this informal assessment, the story will be broken
down again, or gone over with the teacher to capture
the main ideas and relevant points for completing their
diagrams. I want to focus on the students individual
growth throughout the lesson. After reading the two
stories aloud the first time, ask comprehensive
questions about the story, characters, main ideas,
settings, etc.
Reading: Observe as the ELL works with a partner to
reread and better understand the stories prior to
creating their Venn Diagrams Use monitoring chart to
see that each student is completing each task while
reading to the best of his or her ability while reading
with a peer.
Family- What fairy tales have you and your family read
that could be similar or different to these two stories?
Culture- Are there any fairytales that are unique to
your culture that you have seen a spin on, in another
culture or language?
Use of videos or audio for reiterating Cinderella or YehShen, research different fairytales from other cultures
ELL: Incorporating a video telling of Cinderella or YehShen to allow for more visuals and possibility of better
comprehension of ELL students, incorporate the option
of creating a video instead of a Venn diagram where
the students can describe similarities and differences of
the two stories.
Stop periodically while reading the stories to check in
with students by asking questions pertaining to the
Utilize visuals in the book to grasp concepts and details
SEI 2- (Visual Aides, adapted text or videos can be used
as a part of enhancing ELLs comprehension and
immersion in an English-speaking class. )
Give an example to include in the diagram so students
can use it as a model

Point out and list main ideas of the text on the board.


Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step

the Learning


Activating Prior Knowledge
Students will be asked to think of common fairytales that
they know of or stories that may have similar plots.
ELL: Students can work to identify visuals from common
fairytales they may know.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
Students will share what they know about the tales of
Cinderella and Yeh-Shen, if anything.
ELL: Students can share with a partner some questions
they may have regarding the stories.
Big Idea Statement
Some authors or cultures may share similar stories or
works, but they can vary in detail (this will be listed on
the board and read aloud to the students)
Essential Questions Statement
Essential Questions will also be available on the board
and given out to each ELL for them to follow along with
their finger as they are being read
Objective Statement
Allow all students to hear what they are to be doing
during the lesson (Read the stories together, read them
with a partner, ask questions, create a Venn Diagram)
Give an example model of what the created Venn
Diagram should look like for the students SEI 1(Modeling the Venn Diagram that the students are to
reproduce with their own similarities and differences
counts as an aspect of SEI and having them create their
own Venn Diagram as a graphic organizer works well to
enhance their content-area instruction and English
proficiency. This also enhances their proficiency
specifically with listening, and writing.)
Allow time for reflection and questions before separating
students into pairs to reread in dept.
Key Vocabulary

Venn Diagram, princess, fairytale, story, plot, character,

setting, compare, contrast
PreAssessment of Students
Have students tell what they know about the story or
Must include
Cinderella and ask if they know of Yeh-Shen.
adaptations &
Have ELL students fill out a true and false sheet
regarding details of the two stories with visuals
s for students
with special
Modeling of the Concept
SIOP 2- Use role play either as a form of informal
assessment to ensure that the students are
understanding the story and sequencing of events OR
use role play as part of the activity to participate in as
the story is being read together with prompting.
Guiding the Practice
Inquire about already know information about the two
stories. Then explain to the students that they will be
able to first hear the story out loud before they are sent
into pairs, then by themselves.
Providing the Independent Practice
Give the students the opportunity to read allowed with a
partner to one another. Give extra time for ELLs to read
with their peers and keep the time open for questions.
When asking students to create their own Venn
Diagrams, keep a model diagram on the board so that
students know what is expected of them.
SIOP 1- Think Write Pair Share: Students can think of
their own ideas to compare and contrast the two stories,
pair up with a partner to come up with new ideas or
compare answers, then Venn Diagrams can be gone
over as a class.
Allow time for reflection and questions before separating
students into pairs to reread in dept.
Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special
Stop periodically while reading the stories to check in
with students by asking questions pertaining to the text.
Utilize visuals in the book to grasp concepts and details
Give an example to include in the diagram so students
can use it as a model
Point out and list main ideas of the text on the board.
Evaluation of
Formal Evaluation
Grading or assessment of Venn Diagram completion
Learning/Master Informal Evaluation
y of the
Various observations during reading, questioning,
creation of Venn Diagram
Summary & Review of the Learning
What was the big idea/objective of this lesson?


What did we learn about Cinderella and Yeh-Shen?

What does it mean to compare and contrast?
Discuss with mom, dad, grandma, etc. the similarities
and differences of the two stories. Think of at least one
more with your family/at home and bring it back in to
share tomorrow.
Cinderella Book, Yeh-Shen Book, Video of book if
necessary pre-created Venn Diagram paper/template,
white board for writing out examples and main ideas

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