CSUMB Formal Observation #1 Lesson Plan
CSUMB Formal Observation #1 Lesson Plan
CSUMB Formal Observation #1 Lesson Plan
Class The 6th grade classroom has thirty students. Seventeen of the students are boys and
Description thirteen of the students are girls. All students are of Latino descent. All students are
enrolled in the free lunch program. Fifteen of the students are English Language
Learners (ELLs) and fifteen of the students are Reclassified Fluent English
Proficient/English Only (RFEP/EO). Four of the students: three boys and one girl, are
in the Resource Specialist Program (RSP) receiving services tailored to their specific
needs. Two students receive speech therapy. Students will be enrolled in school for
36 days on the day of observation. Students are familiar with classroom procedures
and routines.
Background The class has been reading literature and students have encountered
Knowledge metaphors and similes through these readings. Students have not been
explicitly taught figurative language in this class yet. Throughout their
elementary school education students should have been discussing and
learning about grammar. However, the COVID-19 pandemic may have hindered
these lessons due to learning online. Therefore students may have basic
understanding of grammar in this lesson or/and may still need practice with
these grammar tools as well. Throughout the lesson the teacher will try to
reference previous experiences and interests students enjoy for engagement
and connection to the lesson.
● Content CCSS.ELA.L.6.5a: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language word relationships,
and nuances in word meanings. Interpret figures of speech (e.g., personification) in
● English Language
Development (ELD)
CCSS.ELD.6.A1: Exchange information and ideas with others through oral collaborative
discussions on a range of social and academic topics.
Central Students have been reading literature novels throughout the school year which include
Focus/Learning figurative language. Students have not been explicitly taught types of figurative
language and will benefit in the comprehension of literature by knowing what a simile
and metaphor are. Students will learn what a simile and metaphor are, how to
distinguish between the two, orally practice saying examples of similes and metaphors,
and create their own examples using guidance.
Lesson Learning
Objective/Target Students will be able to define the meaning of similes and metaphors, and
identify examples of these when reading literature. Students will be able to
determine the difference between a simile and metaphor when reading literature
and interpret the meaning. .
Academic Language
Objective Students will be able to use the vocabulary of simile and metaphor and apply this
● Demands
knowledge when having to identify and interpret similes and metaphors from
● Functions examples shown to them. Students will use this vocabulary to come up with
● Forms similes and metaphors with guidance.
Assessment Plan, The teacher will assess students through observations during individual,
Rubric, and class, and group work. This will be through questions asked during the
Procedures After lecture to check for students’ understanding.
Student Work Analysis
Formative assessment: Informally observing/monitoring students when
they are identifying examples of similes and metaphors individually
or with peers. Teacher will observe if students can identify a simile or metaphor
during literature read alouds.
Summative assessment: Exit Ticket with examples of similes and metaphors they
have to identify. Will be graded based on students' understanding of identifying
the difference of similes and metaphors correctly. Students will need to get 6/8
questions correct to demonstrate understanding.
- Later Assessment: During literature read alouds teacher will note when
similes or metaphors are used and have students identify and interpret which
one it is.
Formative Formative Assessment: The students will be observed through an oral report. Students will
(Informal) express their understanding about whether they understand if the example is a simile or
Assessment metaphor and why. During this the teacher will be monitoring students and keeping track
of their responses to the examples. This oral report will also reflect on students who are
willing to participate because of their confidence in their understanding.
Closure with
Outcomes Teacher does: Students do:
- Closing activity: The teacher refers to - Students will participate in
the learning objectives. Teacher closing activity by
states: “Today we learned about expressing their
[Time Allotted: _10 similes and metaphors.”
min__ ] confidence in identifying
- The teacher will have students give a similes and metaphors
thumbs up or thumbs down based after the lesson.
on if they feel like they can or can - Students will follow the
not identify and determine whether routines and procedures of
a statement is a simile or metaphor. working independently on
- For example: Teacher states: “Give the assessment.
me a thumbs up or down if you feel - Once students finish their
like you could identify and interpret exit ticket they can take
similes.” “Now, give me a thumbs up out their self-select
or down if you feel like you could reading book from the
identify and interpret metaphors.” library and read until
- For the summative assessment: recess time.
students will receive an exit ticket
and work on this independently.
- On this exit ticket students
demonstrate their ability to identify
if the statement is a simile or
metaphor and make sentences using
two words given.
- There will be 8 questions on the exit
ticket. Students will need to get 6/8
questions correct to demonstrate
Slide Show:
8. Metaphor: zoo