Infusion Lesson Plan: Standards Objectives Assessments

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Infusion Lesson Plan

Teacher: Abbey Rich

Grade: K
Date and Time: 3/4/16
School: Goodwin Elementary
Name of Lesson: Speckled Frogs
Fine Arts Area: Theatre
Infused Core Area: Math
Standards (each area)
1. K.ATO.1 Model
situations that
involve addition and
subtraction within 10
using objects,
fingers, mental
images, drawings,
acting out situations,
verbal explanations,
expressions, and

1. TK-6.2 Use theatrical

conventions (for
example, puppets,
masks, props) in
theatre activities.

Objectives (the students will)

The students will be able to
create addition and
subtraction number stories
by acting out frogs on a log

Assessments (Formal/Informal
Students will be presented
with number sentences to
act out in order to solve
and will draw/write the
answer for graded

The students will be able to

create frog masks using
paper plates, scissors, and
markers. Using these
masks when pretending to
be a frog on the log.

Students will be watched to

make sure they are in
character when acting out
being a frog and that effort
was put forth into creating
the mask

Artistic Vocabulary: Props, theatre, act out, pretend

Core Vocabulary: subtraction, take away, difference, number sentence
5 little speckled frogs YouTube video
paper plates
washable markers
colored tape (for the log)
worksheets with number sentences for students to act out
popsicle sticks
Anticipatory Set: (Activating prior knowledge/procedures, Preview/Review)

Ask students what they remember from last week about subtraction. Remind them
that whenever Pete the Cats buttons popped off one button was being taken away.
Write down what the students remember on chart paper
Tell children the schedule and what they are going to be learning for the day

Mini-Lesson: (Explain/Demonstrate the lesson)

Show the children your frog mask that you created prior to the lesson
Tell the children that this mask is part of a costume and can help to pretend to be a
frog. Explain to them that soon they will be making their own frog masks so that
they can act out the song 5 little speckled frogs
Teach the children the song first before showing the video.
Five Little Speckled Frogs (Hold five fingers (frogs) on top of your
other arm (log)
Sat on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!
One jumped into the pool (jump a finger off the log into the pool)
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are Four green speckled frogs (Hold up four fingers)
Repeat until there is no more speckled frogs
Show the students the video and ask them to sing along
Then have 5 volunteers sit on the log and pretend to be speckled frogs, get the
class to sing the song while the students act out the frogs.
Have the students sit down and explain that they will be going to their seats to
make their own masks
After the students make the masks have them get into groups of 5 and put each
group by a log in the room. There is a worksheet at each station
Explain to the children that they will be using wearing their masks and acting out
the number sentences on their paper. Tell them once they have acted out 5-2= to
record their answer next to the equals sign
Clean up/ Close out/ Review
Once the students have finished bring them back the the carpet with their frog
masks and play the song from YouTube again.
Have the students sing along with their masks on

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