Pumpkin Lesson

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Emilee Waddell
Topic (Unit): Language Arts
Lesson: Understanding Text
Big Idea: To understand important points of a text and apply the points
CC.1.2.1.B: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
S.K-2.B.1.1.2: Identify a plant or animal based on a given life cycle stage (e.g.,
butterfly, frog, seedproducing plant).

The students will be able to identify important details that support the

key ideas in an informational text with 80% accuracy.

Students will be able to identify the order of the lifecycle of a pumpkin
with 80% accuracy.

Essential Questions:

What is this text really about?

Can I explain why changes have occurred?


Booklet paper

Book (From Seed to Pumpkin)
Booklet paper

Vocabulary (Academic Language and Content Specific Language):



UDL Considerations:

For students in my class that are visually impaired or have a

learning support the whole class will be hands on work and all
the students will be working together. As the teacher I will be
showing visual examples of the how to make the booklets and
what order they go in. The entire lesson is based on visual,
hands on activities with teacher assistance when needed for the
learning support students.

Introduction: The teacher will begin by bringing in a pumpkin or pumpkin
seeds and asking the students if they can identify them. They will discuss
how a seed can grow into a pumpkin.

Instructional Strategies: (modeling, guided practice, independent practice

I,We,You, demonstration, interactive lecture, technology, engagement
emphasis, learning probes, examples)
1 min.

Teacher will
The teacher will invite the students, by

Students will
The students will sit in

table, over to the carpet.

body basics until the

teacher dismisses their

5 mins.

The teacher will introduce the pumpkin

The students will answer

or pumpkin seeds to the students.

questions when asked

Together they will discuss what they

and ask questions when



The teacher will read the book From

The students will sit


Seed to Pumpkin to the students.

quietly and listen while

During the reading the teacher will ask

the teacher reads. They

the students questions about

will also answer

vocabulary words that they have

questions when asked.

already gone over.

The teacher will finish the book by

The students will answer

asking a few questions about what was

the questions that the

The teacher will dismiss students back

teacher asks.
The students will quietly

to their seats and pass out a paper to

return to their seats and


wait for the teacher to

The teacher will ask the students to

give them instructions.

The students will write

write their name on the paper on what

their name where the

will be the front cover of their booklets.

The teacher will then ask the students

teacher has shown them.

The students will answer

which picture in the booklet would come

by pointing to which one

first, second, third, and so on. The

they think is the correct

teacher will know how well the students


3 mins.

1 min.

1 min.

8 mins.

understand by walking around to see


which picture they point to.

The teacher will call on a student to

The students will sit


describe what is in the picture. They will

quietly and listen until

then pick another student to read to the

they are called on.


class what is on that page

The teacher will tell the students to take

The students will get


out their crayons. They will explain that

their crayons out and


7 mins.

5 mins.

everything should be colored

color the pictures for

The teacher will explain how the

their booklet.
The students will cut

students are to cut out the book and

their books out and bring

staple the booklets together for the

their book to the teacher

The teacher will finish by reading the

to be stapled.
The students will follow

booklets while the students follow along

along with the reading

and repeat after him/her.

and read the pages back

to the teacher.

Student Closure:

The teacher will observe how students participate in class and how
they help their peers to know how much they are understanding the

Homework will be included in the assessments to see how students are

understanding units of measurement and how well they are able to add
and subtract.

The teacher will ask the students to name other objects that grow from

Formative Assessments: At the beginning of the lesson the next day we will go
over what they did the previous day and discuss any questions the students may


This lesson was taught because the class was going on a field trip to a
pumpkin patch later in the week. This relates to the research based teaching
strategy of making curricula relevant to students lives. The students seemed
excited that they were going to visit a pumpkin patch and they seemed interested
in the lesson being taught. Because they were going to the pumpkin patch the
lesson was relevant and relatable to their lives. This made teaching the lesson more
enjoyable for me also.
The lesson was a lot of fun to teach but nothing can be perfect and I would
have liked to change a few things. I introduced this lesson by bringing in a pumpkin
and asking the students a few things about it. The students seemed to enjoy this
but I would have liked to bring in pumpkin seeds or even cut open a pumpkin with
students. I feel that with one of these two approaches the students would feel more
engaged and even more intrigued about the lesson. If I would have been able to I
would have also liked to see what the students remembered about the lesson before
they went on their trip to the pumpkin patch.
Overall the lesson went very well and the students seemed interested in it.
Because the students were able to relate what they were learning to an experience
that they were going to have it made them very engaged in it. There were a few
students who did not seem to want to participate in certain parts of the lesson but
as a whole the class participated well and were interested in the lesson being


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