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National Forum of People with Learning Disabilities Feb 16th and 17th 2016

Feedback on the Self Assessment Framework

Craig, Alison and Tina told people about the SAF. Delegates then worked on the three question
headings in groups.
Here are their ideas. We have highlighted the most important ideas in yellow.

About the SAF

Is your local Council interested in the SAF? How do we make sure that Councils take this seriously
and do it properly?
How do we become the people who bring things to the attention of Government and other bodies,
not just the people who tick the boxes?
How do we make sure that the answers reflect what people with learning disabilities and families
have said? We all have experience of the Red, Amber Green does not match what people have said.
The results are manipulated and untruthful.
How do we include people who do not get a service?
A more sophisticated rating system.
Use the headings in the DH Action Plan to stop duplication.

Having a Life
Do you think you have a good life? If yes, why?
If no, why?
Where do you live? Do you have a choice about where you live? And who you live with?
Questions about choice.
Do you understand choice?
Do you get a choice about what you do?
Listening to people and families
Leisure and free time

Active Citizenship and Rights

Do you have the resources and support you need to be an active citizen?

I see myself as a citizen, but other people dont

To be an active citizen:
I take part in my community
Being Forum members
Having a relationship
Having children and bringing them up
Volunteering to help others
People who do not speak are citizens too, but how can they be active?
Black and minority ethnic groups are under-represented in the Forum and elsewhere
Rights to:
Good support
Health care
Mental health
To make choices
Independent and well informed advocacy
Treated equally
Being listened to

Health and Social Care Needs

Do health and social care join up and work together?
How much supported living is there? Can you go into supported living if you want to?
Do you get the support you need to live a good life?
Is the information you need in easy-read?
What cuts have happened and how is this affecting you?

How can we collect the stories?

Video diaries
Forum members will ask the people in their groups
People will give you stories only if they trust you to do something useful with it.

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