Come Out of The Valley - Hagin

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Kenneth Hagin Jr.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this volume are from the King James Version of the Bible. Third rinting !""# $SB% &'#" ()*')("'+ $n the U.S. ,riteKenneth Hagin .inistries ./. Bo0 1&!(* Tulsa, /K )+!1&'&!(* $n 2anada writeKenneth Hagin .inistries ./. Bo0 331, Station 4 5tobico6e 7Toronto8, /ntario 2anada, ."9 +:3 2op;right < !""3 =H5.9 Bible 2hurch AKA Kenneth Hagin .inistries, $nc. 9ll =ights =eserved rinted in US9 The >aith Shield is a trademar6 of =H5.9 Bible 2hurch, 9K9 Kenneth Hagin .inistries, $nc., registered with the U.S. atent and Trademar6 /ffice and therefore ma; not be duplicated.

! The ?alle;s of Sin 9nd ast .ista6es.........) ( The ?alle; /f >inancial 4espair...............!1 3 The ?alle; of Sic6ness................................(! + Blast @our ,a; /ut of @our ?alle;sA........33

Chapter 1 The Valleys of Sin And Past Mistakes

$tBs a beautiful sight to stand on a mountaintop and loo6 down into a valle; below. But itBs a different perspective altogether when ;ouBre in that dar6 valle; tr;ing to get up to the mountain'top aboveA ,e probabl; all 6now what it is to go through Cvalle; e0periencesC or times of trouble and hardship in our lives. But it is possible to get out of those valle;s. Dod wants us to continuall; live on the mountaintop of His victor; in Jesus 2hristA @ou have to come out of ;our valle; if ;ouBre going to e0perience the abundant life Dod intends for ;ou to have. Dod has provided the wa; for ;ou to come out of the valle;, but HeBs not going to do it for ;ou. You have to get ;ourself out of ;our valle; e0periences b; coming in line with DodBs ,ord. Then ;ou have to ma6e confessions based on what DodBs ,ord has to sa; about ;our situation. The first valle; we must come out of so we can get in a position to receive from Dod is the valley of sin. ThatBs the valle; where we all

Come Out of the Valley!

lived until we realiEed that we had sinned and come short of the glor; of Dod and then did something about it according to the ,ord. How did an; of us e0tract ourselves from that valle; of sinF B; getting up one morning and deciding weBd ma6e a new startF %o, we came out of the valle; of sin b; realiEing our sinful condition and b; receiving Jesus as our Savior. The valle; of sin is the place every person will dwell until the; fulfill =omans !&-"- "That if thou shalt CONFE !"T# T#Y $O%T# T#E &O'( JE % ) an* shalt +E&"EVE "N T#"NE #E,'T that -o* hath raise* him from the *ea*) thou shalt .e save*." .an; people tramped around in the valle; of sin for a long time before the; finall; discovered how to climb out and get born again. The; didnBt li6e being bogged down in the mire of sin, but the; couldnBt find a wa; out. The; couldnBt find a mountain passGa wa; to climb out of that valle;. The; got tired of scaling the same steep heights, onl; to fall bac6 down into that valle; and fail over and over again. The;Bd purpose in their hearts not to commit those sins that had 6ept them bound for so long. 9nd the;Bd tr; again and again to climb up the mountain

The ?alle;s of Sin 9nd ast .ista6es


b; the strength of their own willpower. But the;Bd onl; get a little wa; up the mountain when the ledge the; were standing on would brea6 from underneath them. 9nd the;Bd go crashing right bac6 down again into the midst of all the muc6 and mire and degradation of sin. Tr; as the; might, in their own strength the; couldnBt get themselves out of the valle; of sin. >inall;, the; heard about what Jesus had done for them on the 2ross of 2alvar;. 9nd the; too6 Dod at His ,ord and voiced their faith with their mouth- CJesus, $ believe @ou are the Son of Dod. $ believe that in m; heart, so $ confess it with m; mouth.C ,hat happened when those people finall; got in line with DodBs ,ord and did what =omans !&-" and !& sa;sF 9ll of a sudden the mountain became eas; to climb. The; found the wa; out of their valle;. The; were able to climb out of the valle; of sin and wal6 with Dod onto the mountaintop of a new life in 2hristA /h, what a beautiful, fertile land la; before them on the other side of the mountainA The; Hust stood in awe on the mountaintop, drin6ing in the beautiful view of all that Dod had for them.


Come Out of the Valley!

The; were so used to being trapped and bogged down in the mire. The; had hardl; seen the sun shine at all in the valle; of sin. But now the; stood on the mountaintop, loo6ing at all the beautiful blessings that Dod had provided for them. Those blessings had been available to them all the time. The; Hust didnBt 6now how to get out of the valle; of sin so the; could enHo; DodBs abundant life. /ther people in the valle; of sin realiEe their sinful condition, but the;Bre not willing to do an;thing about getting out of that valle;. 9nd until the;Bre willing to do something about their condition, no one else can help them. $ often tal6 to people li6e that. The; tell me, C/h, $ 6now Dod is real. 9nd $ do want to be a better person.C @et the; Hust 6eep living the same old wa;. The;Bre not willing to change. ,e ma; want to reach down and grab hold of people who are lost in the valle; of sin to pull them out of that dar6 place. But until the; are read; to repent of their sin and confess Jesus as their Savior, no one can ma6e them come out of that valle;Gnot even Dod HimselfA

The ?alle;s of Sin 9nd ast .ista6es


Someone ma; sa;, C,ell, thatBs a negative statement to ma6e.C But, ;ou see, in one sense Dod has alread; delivered ever; person on the face of this earth. Dod has alread; said, C$ have sent .; Son, Jesus. He has shed His blood and redeemed ;ou so ;ou can be free.C But even though Dod has provided salvation for ever;one, each person has to believe in his heart and confess with His mouth that Jesus 2hrist is his Iord and Savior. ThatBs the only wa; to come out of this valle; of sinA Climb Out of The Valley of Past Mistakes! ,hen we come out of the valle; of sin, that isnBt the stopping point. ThatBs onl; the beginningA @es, ;ou begin wal6ing with Jesus as soon as ;ouBre born again. But the enem;G the one who bogged ;ou down in the valle; of sinGisnBt going to quit that eas;. Satan will tr; to throw obstacles and problems at ;ou to see if he can get ;ou trapped in another valle;. >or e0ample, if he canBt 6eep ;ou imprisoned in the valle; of sin, heBll tr; to defeat ;ou b; putting ;ou in the valley of 1ast mista2es. HeBll tr; to bog ;ou down in guilt and condemnation. But ;ou have to come out of that dar6


Come Out of the Valley!

valle; too. %o matter how tough it ma; seem to be to let go of the past, ;ou have to do it if ;ou want to live on the mountaintop of DodBs victor;. >or e0ample, loo6 at the 9postle aul. He had to forget a lot of past mista6es. aul was one of the main instigators of StephenBs stoning. aul, then 6nown as Saul of Tarsus, had man; 2hristians put to death and cast man; others into dungeons as he persecuted the 2hurch of the Iord Jesus 2hrist. But then aul was born again, and Dod called him to be an apostle to the Dentiles. $Bm sure the devil tried to bring memories of aulBs past to his mind to torment him. But aul 6new he had to forget his past. He 6new he had to get out of the valle; of past mista6es through his faith in the Iord Jesus 2hrist. He said, C... this one thing " *o) forgetting those things 4hi5h are .ehin*) an* rea5hing forth unto those things 4hi5h are .efore) " 1ress to4ar* the mar2 for the 1ri6e of the high 5alling of -o* in Christ Jesus" 7 hil. 3-!3,!+8. ,e can come out of the valle; of our past mista6es and past sins too. $f weBve as6ed Dod to forgive us for past sins, we can be assured that Dod will never remember those sins

The ?alle;s of Sin 9nd ast .ista6es


against us again. ThatBs what the Bible promises usA

MICAH !"#$"% "# &ho is a 'o( like u)to thee$ THAT PA*+O,ETH I,I-UITY$ a)( .asseth by the t/a)s0/essio) of the /em)a)t of his he/ita0e1 he /etai)eth )ot his a)0e/ fo/ e2e/$ be3ause he (eli0hteth i) me/3y4 "% He 5ill tu/) a0ai)$ he 5ill ha2e 3om.assio) u.o) us6 he 5ill sub(ue ou/ i)i7uities6 a)( THOU &ILL CA8T ALL THEI* 8I,8 I,TO THE +EPTH8 OF THE 8EA4 P8ALM "9:!"; "; As fa/ as the east is f/om the 5est$ 8O FA* HATH HE <'O+= *EMOVE+ OU* T*A,8'*E88IO,8 F*OM U84

So as6 Dod to forgive ;ou, and then forget the pastA 2onfess the ,ord that sa;s, "There is therefore no4 NO CON(E$N,T"ON to them 4hi5h are in Christ Jesus) 4ho 4al2 not after the flesh) .ut after the 1irit" 7=om. #-!8. =efuse to live in guilt and condemnation, and go on down the road of life. 4onBt remain in that valle; of past mista6es an; longer. 9nd never let the devil pull ;ou bac6 down into that valle; of past mista6es againA

Chapter 2 The Valley Of Financial Despair

9nother valle; ;ou must come out of is the valley of finan5ial *es1air. ThatBs a valle; most of us have wal6ed in at one time or another. Sometimes it can seem li6e weBre wal6ing 6nee'deep in the mud of that valle;A .an; 2hristians ma6e the mista6e of thin6ing that humilit; means living in povert;. The; thin6 the;Bre being humble b; sta;ing in the valle; of financial despair. @es, weBre supposed to be humble. But nowhere in the ,ord of Dod does it sa; that a man is an; more spiritual because he lives on Barel;'Det'9long StreetA %owhere does it sa; heBs more righteous because he wears threadbare clothes, shoes stuffed with cardboard to 6eep the dirt out, and a hat that loo6s li6e a dog chewed itA ThatBs the wa; some people read the ,ord. The; thin6 a real spiritual, humble person should live li6e that. But thatBs not what the ,ord of Dod teaches at all. Someone ma; sa;, C@es, but the Bible sa;s that mone; is the root of all evil.C


Come Out of the Valley!

%o, thatBs not what the Bible sa;s. The Bible sa;s that the love of money is the root of all evil 7! Tim. *-!&8. @ou might not have one red cent and still love mone;. @ou might be as bro6e as Uncle JonesB old bluetic6 hound dog l;ing under the porch and still love mone;. ThatBs the truthA @ou can come out of the valle; of financial despair unto the mountaintop of prosperit; simpl; b; getting in line with the ,ord of Dod. >ind out what the ,ord sa;s about prosperit;. Then believe what it sa;s and continuall; confess what the ,ord sa;s about ;our situation. >or instance, hilippians +-!" sa;s, C... my -o* #,&& su11ly all your nee* a55or*ing to his ri5hes in glory... . C Someone ma; sa;, C/h, $ 6now, Brother Ken. Dod will suppl; our need. Somewa;, somehow, someda;, weBll ma6e it.C But that scripture doesnBt sa; Dod will help ;ou Hust barel; scrape b;A $t sa;s Dod will suppl; all ;our needs according to #is ri5hes in glory. That means He wants to give ;ou an a.un*ant suppl;Gmore than enoughA Dod promises to abundantl; suppl; our ever; need. But man; people sit in their big eas; chair, prop their feet up, lean bac6, and

The ?alle; /f >inancial 4espair


sa;, C$Bm going to live b; faithA Than6 @ou for meeting m; needs, Iord.C Then the; wait for an armored truc6 full of mone; to bac6 up and dump it at their doorA But that armored truc6 isnBt coming. Dod isnBt going to suppl; peopleBs needs when the; arenBt doing what HeBs told them to do in His ,ord. @ou see, Dod didnBt sa; that HeBd prosper whatever ;ou thought a.out. He didnBt sa; He would prosper whatever ;ou *esire*. He said He would prosper whatever ;ou 1ut your han* to 74eut. (#-#8. aul, the same man who said that Dod will suppl; all ;our needs according to His riches in glor;, also said, C$f ;ou donBt wor6, ;ou donBt eatC 7( Thess. 3-!&8. Then there are some people who thin6, "8m going to .e a 1rea5her) so " *on8t have to 4or2. So the; sit around waiting for an opportunit; to preach, and the; sin6 into the valle; of financial despair. But if ;ou thin6 the ministr; doesnBt require wor6, ;ouBd better change ;our occupation in a hurr;A 9 true preacher must be read; to wor6 (+ hours a da;, 3*1 da;s a ;ear. 9t least when ;ou wor6 a regular eight'


Come Out of the Valley!

hour Hob, ;ou can go home at night and forget about it until ;ou go bac6 to wor6 the ne0t da;A $f ;ouBre called to minister the Dospel, thatBs greatA But when ;ou first get started in the ministr;, ;ou sometimes have to wor6 a secular Hob an* do the wor6 of the ministr; at the same time. So preach when ;ou have the opportunit;. But wor6 in between preaching engagements if necessar; so ;ou can provide for ;ou famil;. The Bible sa;s to C... 9rovi*e things honest in the sight of all men" 7=om. !(-!)8. @ou see, no matter who ;ou are, you8ve got to do something to get ;ourself out of the valle; of financial despair. @ou canBt Hust sit around and sa;, CDodBs going to meet m; needsC when the bills are overdue and thereBs no food in the houseA The Bible sa;s that if ;ou donBt provide for ;our own, ;ouBre worse than an infidel 7! Tim. 1-#8. ThatBs prett; bad compan; to be inA $f ;ouBll stud; the ,ord of Dod, ;ouBll find out that the children of $srael had to do whatever Dod told them to do before the; could be blessed. 9nd if the; didnBt obe; Dod, the; didnBt receive His blessings.

The ?alle; /f >inancial 4espair


>or instance, Dod told the $sraelites that in order for the death angel to pass over their firstborn children, they had to do something. The; had to put the blood of a lamb on the doorposts and eat the assover meal Hust as He instructed 750od. !(-!'!!8. 9nd when the $sraelites were in the wilderness, the Iord said to them, CDather up manna ever; da; to eat. 4onBt tr; to store an; because it will spoilC 750od. !*-!*'!"8. Then Dod told the $sraelites how much manna to gather for the Sabbath. The; could onl; gather e0tra for the Sabbath because manna didnBt fall on the Sabbath. Dod too6 care of the $sraelites in fine fashion as long as the; did what He told them to do. Dod will suppl; your needs, too, as long as ;ou wal6 b; faith and obe; His ,ord. $f ;ouBre not getting ;our needs supplied and ;ou feel li6e ;ouBre bogged down in the mire of povert; and lac6, chec6 up on ;ourself and see if ;ouBre slac6 in obe;ing Dod. .a6e sure ;ouBre doing ever;thing Dod has told ;ou to do. Det in line with DodBs ,ord in ever; area of ;our lifeA Then believe in ;our heart and confess with ;our mouth what DodBs ,ord sa;s about


Come Out of the Valley!

prosperit;. ThatBs the wa; to come out of the valle; of financial despairA

Chapter 3 The Valley of Sickness

/ne of the devilBs favorite strategies against us is to tr; to put us in the valley of si52ness. But we have to come out of that dar6 valle; tooA 4id ;ou ever stop to as6 ;ourself, !hen *oes the enemy 5ome on the strongest in my life: Usuall;, Satan li6es to hit ;ou the hardest with temptations and problems when ;ouBre not feeling well ph;sicall;. He 6nows if he can get ;ou down 1hysi5ally) itBs easier to get ;ou down s1iritually. ThatBs the truthA So we must learn how to come out of the valle; of sic6ness. .an; people sa;, CDod brought this sic6ness on me to teach me a lesson.C But if sic6ness is the wa; Dod teaches His children lessons, $ donBt want an;thing to do with that 6ind of >atherA 9s an earthl; father, it hurts me when m; children are sic6. $Bm sure thatBs true with most parents. @et, people claim that our Heavenl; >ather teaches His children lessons b; putting cancer or some other horrible disease on themA >or instance, $ was preaching once in a >lorida crusade, and $ ministered to a ;oung


Come Out of the Valley!

girl sitting in a wheelchair who had been in an accident. This girl told me, C$ believe $Bm in this wheelchair because m; famil; wonBt submit to Dod. The Iord put me in this wheelchair so the; would turn to Him.C $ said, C@oung lad;, let me set ;ou straight on something. $f ;our relatives thin6 -o* crippled ;ou, then if an;thing, ;our being in this wheelchair would cause them to turn from DodA ,ho would want to serve a Dod who cripples His childrenA CBut,C $ said, Cif ;ouBll get hold of the ,ord of Dod, ;ou can wal6 out of that chair and go home shouting praises to DodBs glor;. Then ;ouBll see ;our famil; turn to DodA The;Bll 2no4 Dod has performed a miracle for ;ou. The;Bll sa;, CThatBs the 6ind of Dod $ want to serveGa Dod of powerABC $t seems strange to me that people can tal6 about how good and loving Dod is until the; get to the subHect of sic6ness and disease. Then suddenl; Dod changes from a good Dod to a bad Dod who puts sic6ness on people because He wants them to learn somethingA But thatBs not scriptural. Dod canBt get an; glor; out of someone being pressed down in

The ?alle; of Sic6ness


despair in the valle; of sic6ness. To come out of the valle; of sic6ness, we must find out what -o*8s !or* sa;s about healing. ,e must realiEe it is DodBs 4ill to heal us 7! eter (-(+8. 9nd we must appropriate His healing power for ourselves. Dod is interested in setting His children free, not in watching them suffer in the valle; of sic6ness. He wants them to enHo; the mountaintop e0perience of living a Ho;ous and health; life. Sic6ness and disease robs children of their fathers and mothers. $t robs families of much needed mone;. Sic6ness robs, 6ills, and destro;s. 9nd the Bible tells me that an;thing that robs, 6ills, and destro;s is of the devil 7John !&-!&8. $t has nothing to do with DodA Dod didnBt send His Son, Jesus 2hrist, to destro; people. %o, He sent Jesus to destro; the wor6s of the *evil 7! John 3-#8. Dod sent His Son to see6 and to save the lost 7Iu6e !"-!&8. 9nd He sent Jesus to deliver us and set us free from sic6ness, despondenc;, and despair. So we must believe and confess what Dod sa;s. >irst eter (-(+ sa;s, C... .y 4hose stri1es ye 4ere heale*." ThatBs simple. ,h;


Come Out of the Valley!

canBt we Hust believe that and wal6 out of the valle; of sic6nessF O)e &oma) &ho Climbe( Out of He/ Valley Of 8i3k)ess There is a wa; to wal6 out of the valle; of sic6ness. $n .ar6 chapter 1, we find the account of the woman with the issue of blood. She discovered the wa; to come out of her valle; of sic6ness.
Ma/k >!;>?;% ;> A)( a 3e/tai) 5oma)$ 5hi3h ha( a) issue of bloo( t5el2e yea/s$ ;@ A)( ha( suffe/e( ma)y thi)0s of ma)y .hysi3ia)s$ a)( ha( s.e)t all that she ha($ a)( 5as )othi)0 bette/e($ but /athe/ 0/e5 5o/se$ ; &he) she ha( HEA*+ OF AE8U8$ CAME i) the ./ess behi)($ a)( TOUCHE+ his 0a/me)t4 ;# Fo/ she 8AI+$ If I may tou3h but his 3lothes$ I 8HALL BE &HOLE4 ;% A)( st/ai0ht5ay the fou)tai) of he/ bloo( 5as (/ie( u.6 a)( she felt i) he/ bo(y that 8HE &A8 HEALE+ OF THAT PLA'UE4

This woman was sic6 with an incurable blood condition. ,e 6now from the ,ord that the life is in the blood 7Iev. !)-!!8. Therefore, that incurable blood disease was graduall;

The ?alle; of Sic6ness


sapping the life out of this woman. 5ver; da; she felt a little wea6er. 5ver; da; she found herself with a little less strength and willpower to fight for life. $t had been a long fight for this woman. She had been fighting this incurable blood disease for twelve ;earsA The Bible sa;s this woman spent all she had on ph;sicians. That seems to indicate sheBd spent quite a lot of mone; on doctors tr;ing to get well. She ma; have been quite wealth; when she first got sic6. SheBd been to man; doctors and had spent all of her mone;. But after all that, she wasnBt an; better than she was when she went to the first doctor. She got the same bad report from ever; doctor she went to. 5ach doctor did all he 6new to do, and each one gave her the same verdict- C$Bm sorr;. ,e canBt help ;ou.C Then this woman heard about JesusA She said, C$ 6now what $Bll do. $Bve tried ever;thing else to e0tract m;self out of this valle; of sic6ness $Bm living in. $Bll go to JesusAC This woman didnBt sit and wait for Jesus to come to her. She got up and went to Jesus. $f you8re going to get out of the valle; of


Come Out of the Valley!

sic6ness, ;ou canBt sit down and wait around for ;our healing. @ouBve got to get up and do something ;ourself. ,hat should ;ou doF Do to where Jesus is. HeBs up on the mountaintop of victor;, so get up and climb the mountainA Det up into the clouds of glor; and enHo; the beaut; of the mountaintop. Ioo6 bac6 down into the valle; of sic6ness and sa;, CIoo6 what Jesus has delivered me fromAC ThatBs what this woman did. She went to Jesus, despite the fact that she lived in a da; when it wasnBt acceptable for a woman to be out mi0ing in public. %ot onl; that, but according to Jewish Iaw, people with incurable diseases were supposed to 6eep awa; from other fol6s because the; were unclean. But this woman didnBt let an; of these obstacles hinder her. She Hust said, C$Bve heard of Jesus, and $Bm going to find HimA $f $ can onl; touch His clothes, $ 6now $Bll be wholeAC So she went and touched Jesus, and something supernatural happenedA >riend, ;ou cannot go to Jesus and touch Him in faith without something wonderful happening. Jesus is ever read; and alwa;s present to minister to ;ou. But He onl;

The ?alle; of Sic6ness


ministers to ;ou as you come to #im. =ead the Bible. @ouBll find that throughout the ,ord of DodGstarting with salvation and including ever; other blessing ;ou receive from DodGitBs as ;ou come to the Iord that He ministers to ;ou. $tBs not as ;ou sit down and moan, C,ell, here $ am, Iord. $Bm waiting for @ou to come and give me what $ need.C .an; people want someone else to pra; and receive their healing for them. But Dod wants His children to learn how to receive what the; need from Him on their o4n faith. %o one else has to go to Dod for ;ouG;ou can come to Him ;ourselfA $f ;ou want to e0tract ;ourself from the valle; of sic6ness, ;ou must come to Jesus yourself. 4onBt depend on someone else to do it for ;ou. You must come to Jesus with your faith. Someone else can agree in pra;er with ;ou, but he canBt get ;our answer for ;ou. $f ;ouBre going to climb up to the mountaintop and enHo; the sunlight of DodBs healing power, ;ouBll have to do something ;ourselfA Before the woman with the issue of blood found Jesus, she was in her dar6est hour. >or


Come Out of the Valley!

twelve ;ears she had fought this sic6ness. The Bible sa;s that she spent all she had. She couldnBt go to one more doctor, because she didnBt have an; more mone;. $t seemed that she had no hope whatsoever. But then this woman heard about a .an b; the %ame of Jesus. She heard that ;ou didnBt need an; mone; to come to this .an. $t didnBt matter whether ;ou had a million dollars or no mone; at all. This .an Hust said, ",ll you 4ho are 4eary an* heavy la*en) 5ome unto $e) $y yo2e is easy an* $y .ur*en is light" 7.att. !!-(#,3&8. >riend, Jesus is still the same toda; as He was ;esterda;. 9nd HeBs still sa;ing, C2ome unto .e. @ou donBt have to bu; what ;ou need from .e. $Bll freel; give ;ou whatever ;ou need.C @ou donBt need mone; to receive what ;ou need from Dod. 9ll ;ou need is faith in what Dod has said. 9ll ;ou need to do is believe DodBs ,ord. $t doesnBt cost ;ou a thing. $f we had to bu; the answers to our pra;ers, none of us would ever receive an;thing. %one of us has enough mone; to purchase eternal life. But, than6 Dod, all we

The ?alle; of Sic6ness


have to do is believe in Jesus 2hrist as our Savior, and He freel; gives us eternal lifeA This woman in .ar6 1 had never heard a faith lesson in her life. 9ll she had heard was that a .an b; the %ame of Jesus went about doing good, healing all who were sic6 and oppressed. She heard He was anointed b; the power of Dod and that this healing power was free. 9nd when this woman heard about Jesus, she said, C$Bm going to Jesus. $f $ can touch His clothes, $Bll be whole.C So this woman gathered all her strength and found the crowd that followed Jesus. She was determined to get to Jesus, no matter how hard it would be to push through that crowd. $Bve been in a situation where a crowd of people were wal6ing all crammed together down a dust; road, and there was someone in the middle of the crowd that all those people wanted to see. $tBs hard to see whatBs going on in that 6ind of situation. The dust swirls, and the crowds shove and push each other. 9ll those people crammed together 6eep ;ou from getting closer to the one whoBs the center of attraction, because ever;one else is


Come Out of the Valley!

desperatel; tr;ing to get closer too. $ can imagine that this encountered a similar situation. woman

But she didnBt let the dust and the crowds deter her at all. She started pressing through that crowd. She wriggled through one gap in the crowd, and then she pressed through another. She Hust 6ept tr;ing to get through that crowd to reach Jesus. $n all her effort to get to Jesus, that woman probabl; started feeling wea6. $Bm sure the enem; was tr;ing to get her discouraged so sheBd give up. The devil probabl; told her- C@ouBre never going to ma6e itA @ou might as well give up. 9nd even if ;ou do get to Jesus, nothingBs going to happen. $tBs all a hoa0A Someone Hust made it all up. ThereBs nothing to this healing businessAC However, despite the devilBs attempts to discourage this woman with the issue of blood, she 6ept on pressing through the crowd until she reached Jesus. She believed in JesusB abilit; to heal her, so with the one last bit of strength in her bod;, she reached out and touched His garment in faith. ,hen she did that, something

The ?alle; of Sic6ness


supernatural happenedA She was completel; healedA Jesus turned to her and said, C4aughter, th; faith has made thee whole.C The Bible sa;s that virtue went out of Jesus 7.ar6 1-3&8. That word CvirtueC is CdunamisC in the Dree6, and it means 1o4er. $tBs the same word we get the word Cd;namiteC from. So the power that went out of Jesus when this woman touched Him was a d;namite 6ind of power. %ow thatBs a lot of powerA 9nd that might; dunamis power did something supernatural. $t made that woman 4hole! Jesus turned around and said, C,ho touched meFC $mpetuous eter said, C,ho touched @ouF ,hat are @ou tal6ing about, IordF Ioo6 at this crowdA The;Bre all reaching out to touch @ou, and ;et @ou as6, B,ho touched meFB C But Jesus said, C%o, someone touched me in faith) and power went out of me.C @ou see, ;ou can be around Jesus all the time, but if ;ou never CtouchC Him with the touch of faith, the powerBs not going to come forth from Him to meet ;our need. @ou have to e=1e5t that ;our need will be met and CtouchC Him in faithA


Come Out of the Valley!

%otice that nothing happened when other people Hust casuall; bumped against Jesus or touched him out of curiosit;. Those people sta;ed in the same valle; the; were in before the; touched Him. But this woman who had faith said, C$f $ can touch Him, something 4ill happen. $ 4ill be made whole.C 9nd when she touched Him, she received e0actl; what she came for. She came out of her valle; of sic6nessA ,h; was she made completel; wholeF Because she spent the onl; thing she had left Gfaith in what sheBd heard about Jesus. She believed that Jesus would ma6e her whole, and then she acted on her faith. ThatBs how the woman with the issue of blood came out of the valle; of sic6ness. 9nd thatBs the wa; you can come out of that valle; tooA

Chapter 4 last !o"r #ay O"t of !o"r Valleys$

The woman with the issue of blood blasted her wa; out of the valle; of sic6ness b; receiving the *unamis or 1o4er of Dod b; faith. She didnBt 6now it, but she was using the same faith principles that Jesus gave us in .ar6 !!-(3. $n this scripture, Jesus taught us how to activate DodBs power to blast awa; obstacles so we can wal6 out of an; valle; the enem; tries to put us in.
MA*K ""!;: ;: Fo/ 2e/ily I say u)to you$ That 5hosoe2e/ shall 8AY u)to this mou)tai)$ Be thou /emo2e($ a)( be thou 3ast i)to the sea6 a)( shall )ot (oubt i) his hea/t$ but 8HALL BELIEVE that those thi)0s 5hi3h he 8AITH shall 3ome to .ass6 he 8HALL HAVE 5hatsoe2e/ he 8AITH4

The law of faith Jesus is tal6ing about here is to believe in ;our heart what Dod sa;s, confess it with ;our mouth, and then act on what ;ou believe. IetBs see e0actl; how the woman with the issue of blood obe;ed this spiritual law. ,hat did this woman do when she heard


Come Out of the Valley!

about JesusF She sai*) C$ 6now what $Bll do. $Bll go to Jesus and touch the hem of His garment. 9nd when $ touch Jesus, $Bm going to receive m; healingAC She sai* itA >irst, she .elieve* in her heart that Jesus could heal her. Second, she sai* it with her mouth. Third, she *i* something about it. She went to Jesus and touched the hem of His garment in faith. 9nd then she re5eive* what she had said was hersA ThatBs e0actl; what Jesus said to do in .ar6 !!-(3A The Bible sa;s, "Faith) 5ometh .y hearing) an* hearing .y the !or* of -o*" 7=om. !&-!)8. Jesus is the living ,ord 7John !-!8. So when this woman heard about Jesus, faith came to her. $n the same wa;, when we read or listen to the written ,ord, faith comes to us. ThatBs the onl; wa; we can ma6e our faith grow. ,e donBt get more faith b; pra;ing for it. The Bible sa;s Dod has given ever; person the measure of faith 7=om. !(-38. ,e donBt have to get an; more faith. ,e Hust need to use and *evelo1 the faith we alread; haveA $t was b; the measure of faith Dod gave ;ou that ;ou received salvation. @ou use that same measure of faith to receive ever; other

Blast @our ,a; /ut of @our ?alle;sA


blessing thatBs promised in the ,ord. >aith in DodBs ,ord is li6e a blasting cap to a stic6 of d;namite. $f ;ou throw a stic6 of d;namite down on the ground and it doesnBt have a blasting cap on it, nothing will happen. But once ;ou put a blasting cap on that stic6 of d;namite, watch outA $f ;ou throw it down and that blasting cap hits Hust right, that d;namite will ignite and e0plodeA $n the same wa;, when ;ou use the measure of faith according to .ar6 !!-(3, it becomes a blasting cap to the d;namite power of Dod. Just add that blasting cap of faith to DodBs power. $t will blast ;ou out of an; valle; the enem; tries to trap ;ou inA ,hat happens if ;ou hoo6 up a bundle of d;namite to a detonator, put the d;namite on a mountainside, and set off the chargeF The blasting caps will ignite, and the e0plosion will blow a huge hole in that mountainA That natural e0ample of d;namite can help ;ou understand how to operate the spiritual law of faith. The power of Dod, which is li6e the power of a d;namite blast, is available to us. ,e Hust have to ignite it with our faith. ,e do that b; believing DodBs ,ord in our hearts and confessing it with our mouths.


Come Out of the Valley!

@ou 5an come out of an; valle; ;ou ma; be in right now b; blasting ;our wa; out with DodBs ,ordA ThereBs no use for ;ou to wallow in the muc6 and mire of sin, condemnation, povert;, or sic6nessA ThereBs a wa; out of that messA $ donBt care if the devil has thrown all 6inds of obstacles in the path that leads out of the valle;. Jesus alread; told ;ou in .ar6 !!-(3, CJust believe in ;our heart and sa; unto an; problem or obstacle, BDet out of m; wa;AB and it will be removed.C ThatBs the wa; to blast those obstacles out of ;our wa;, so ;ou can come out of any valle;A ItCs You/ Choi3e! There are so man; people who thin6 the; need to sta; in their valle; because -o* has put them there. The; thin6 Dod is a mean old =uler sitting up in Heaven loo6ing down on the earth with a giant fl;swatter in His hand, Hust loo6ing for someone to hit. 9nd ever; time someone does something wrong, He swats them and sa;s, CHaA $ got ;ou, budd;AC ThatBs the wa; man; people picture Dod. But DodBs not that wa; at allA The enemy is the one whoBs meanA $tBs the enem; who tries to entangle us in his snares

Blast @our ,a; /ut of @our ?alle;sA


and bog us down in his valle;s of defeat. $tBs the devil who tries to overwhelm us with storms from ever; side. He li6es to trap us down in the shadows where we canBt even see the da;light because the mountains are so high. The devil will 6eep ;ou captive down in his valle;s of defeat as long as ;ou let him. @ou see, itBs ;our choice. @ou can choose to continue to wal6 in those valle; e0periences of trial and temptation. $n fact, ;ou can live in the valle; all ;our life and still be born again, filled with the Spirit, and Heaven'bound. But $ want to tell ;ou something. Dod doesnBt want ;ou to live in the valle; of defeat. He wants ;ou to act on His ,ord in faith, blast ;our wa; out of the valle;, and live an abundant life in JesusA Iiving for Jesus is the greatest life there isA Dod doesnBt intend for us to lac6 in any area of our livesGspiritual, ph;sical, or financial. He has made provision to meet our ever; need in His ,ord. He wants us to live on the mountaintop of victor; all the timeA 9re ;ou in a dar6 valle; right nowF 9re ;ou thin6ing, "8* sure li2e to see the sun for a 5hange:


Come Out of the Valley!

,ell, ta6e the ,ord of Dod and blast ;our wa; out of itA Then climb up to the mountaintop where the sun shines and the rivers flow freel;. ,al6 in freedom where the birds sing and the cool breeEe blows. Det out of that valle;A @ou 5an do it with DodBs ,ordA .a;be ;ou who have been in the valle; so long, ;ou ma; thin6 ;ou need someone to help get ;ou out. But if ;ouBll ta6e the same faith principles that the woman with the issue of blood used, ;ou can come out of that valle; ;ourselfA Jesus said to that woman, "Thy faith has made thee whole.C Someone might argue, C@es, but it was eas; for that woman to receive her miracle. She could go straight to Jesus. But HeBs not on earth an;moreA $ canBt go to Him li6e she did.C But ;ou donBt need Jesus here in person so ;ou can touch the hem of His garment. The power of Dod is inside of you because the Hol; Spirit dwells within ;ouA @ou see, when Jesus was here on earth, ever;one had to go to Him to receive DodBs power. 9t that time, Jesus was the onl; person on earth who was full of the Hol; Spirit and power. His disciples had some of DodBs power

Blast @our ,a; /ut of @our ?alle;sA


operating in their lives during JesusB earthl; ministr;, but the; didnBt operate in it consistentl;. >or instance, several times, the disciples came to Him with someone in need and said, C,e couldnBt help him, .aster.C But then, later on, Jesus 2hrist became the supreme Sacrifice on the 2ross. He rose again and ascended to Heaven to sit down at the >atherBs right hand. 9nd the >ather said, C9ll right, Hol; Spirit, go down to the earth and empower .; people. $tBs the 4a; of entecost, and there are !(& people down there in that Upper =oom waiting for @ou.C /n that 4a; of entecost in the Upper =oom, the same Hol; Spirit who anointed Jesus with DodBs power, also filled and empowered those !(& believers. Toda; ;ou and $ are recipients of the same might; power that Jesus was anointed withG the power of the Hol; Spirit. But the Hol; Spirit hasnBt Hust anointed us on the outsideJ He also dwells insi*e of us because weBre born again. $n the Boo6 of John, Jesus predicted that the Hol; Spirit would dwell in us li6e a well of water and cause rivers of living water to flow from our innermost being 7John +-!+J )-3)8. Jesus didnBt sa; Hust one river would flow out


Come Out of the Valley!

of us. He said rivers of living water would flow from us. DodBs power is alwa;s available to us as believers. ,e can draw upon those rivers of living water inside usGthe might; power of the Hol; SpiritGto blast our wa; out of our valle;s. ,e can also ta6e DodBs power to the person who doesnBt 6now how to get out of his valle;. ,e can tell him, CIet me show ;ou how to blast those obstacles out of ;our wa;. Iet me help ;ou climb out of that dar6 valle;AC The power of Dod is Hust as real toda; as it was when Jesus wal6ed on the earth. 9nd in these last da;s before Jesus returns, Dod is raising up a new breed of people. HeBs raising up a might; arm; of believers to face the onslaughts of the enem;. $n the da;s ahead, we will face obstacles that are greater than an; of us can imagine right now. 9nd with DodBs wisdom and grace, weBll blast through ever; one of those obstacles with the might; power of DodA @ou see, Jesus 2hrist is not coming for a defeated 2hurch. HeBs not coming for a defeated Bride. The ,ord sa;s HeBs coming for a powerful 2hurchGa spotless Bride who has

Blast @our ,a; /ut of @our ?alle;sA


overcome the enem;Bs strategies 7=ev. 3-18. Jesus is coming for a Bod; of believers who have blasted the obstacles out of their wa; b; the power of Dod so the; can climb high onto the mountaintop of victor;. That8s the 6ind of 2hurch Jesus is coming forA Someone ma; sa;, C@es, but, Brother Ken, ;ou Hust donBt 6now what $Bve got to face in life.C The ,ord of Dod doesnBt sa; that faith in Dod will wor6 e0cept in difficult cases. $t sa;s that ;ou have authorit; in JesusB %ame over all the power of the enem; 7Iu6e !&-!"8A @ou can come out of an; valle; if ;ou will dare to believe and act on DodBs ,ordA ,e all face valle; e0periences in life. But itBs up to each of us whether we remain in the valle; or climb up to the mountaintop of DodBs abundant life. 9s ;ou face the valle;s in ;our life, remember that Dod is still with ;ou. The enem; will tr; to ma6e ;ou thin6 that Dod has forgotten all about ;ou. But Dod never leaves ;ou, nor forsa6es ;ou 7Heb. !3-18. So turn to the Iord. HeBs the /ne who can help ;ou. The devil ma; tr; to put ;ou in dar6


Come Out of the Valley!

valle; e0periences. But ;ou can wal6 through those valle;s with the Iord at ;our side. @ou can come out on the other side shouting the victor;. Then ;ou can sa;, Hust as the 9postle aul said, C$ than6 m; Dod $ al4ays triumph in 2hrist JesusC 7( 2or. (-!+8. 9re ;ou read; to come out of ;our valle;F >riend, itBs up to ;ou. @ou must ma6e ;our decision to come out of all the muc6 and mire that has bogged ;ou down in life. %o one else can ma6e that decision for ;ouGnot ;our spouse, ;our parents, ;our friends, or ;our pastor. %o one can e0tract ;ou out of ;our valle; but you. /f course, ;ou canBt deliver ;ourself out of ;our valle; in ;our own strength. But, than6 Dod, through Jesus 2hrist and His ,ord, ;ou have the power to come out of any valle;A So ma6e this decision- C$ will not let the enem; lord it over me and 6eep me in the valle;. $ shall come out of this valle;. $ will ascend to the mountain summit, and $ will bas6 in the glow of the Son of Dod HimselfAC

A Sinner%s Prayer to &ecei'e (es"s as Sa'ior

4ear Heavenl; >ather, $ come to @ou in the %ame of Jesus. @our ,ord sa;s, C... him that 5ometh to me " 4ill in no 4ise 5ast out" 7John *-3)8, So $ 6now @ou wonBt cast me out, but @ou ta6e me in, 9nd $ than6 @ou for it. @ou said in @our ,ord, "!hosoever shall 5all u1on the name of the &or* shall .e save*" 7=om. !&-!38. $ am calling on @our name, So $ 6now @ou have saved me now. @ou also said, C... if thou shalt 5onfess 4ith thy mouth the &or* Jesus) an* shalt .elieve in thine heart that -o* hath raise* him from the *ea*) thou shalt .e save*. For 4ith the heart man .elieveth unto righteousness> an* 4ith the mouth 5onfession is ma*e unto salvation" 7=om. !&-",!&8. $ believe in m; heart that Jesus 2hrist is the Son of Dod.

$ believe that He was raised from the dead for m; Hustification. 9nd $ confess Him now as m; Iord, Because @our ,ord sa;s, C... 4ith the heart man .elieveth unto righteousness . . . C and $ do believe with m; heart, $ have now become the righteousness of Dod in 2hrist 7( 2or. 1-(!8, 9nd $ am savedA Than6 @ou, IordA Signed KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4ate KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

A)o"t the A"thor

Kenneth Hagin Jr., 50ecutive ?ice' resident of Kenneth Hagin .inistries and astor of =H5.9 Bible 2hurch, writes from a rich and diversified bac6ground of more than fort; ;ears in the ministr;. =ev. Hagin attended Southwestern 9ssemblies of Dod 2ollege and /ral =oberts Universit;, graduating with a degree in religious education. 9fter serving as an associate pastor, =ev. Hagin traveled as an evangelist throughout the United states and abroad and was responsible for organiEing =H5.9 Bible Training 2enter, a school which equips men and women for the ministr;. $n addition to his administrative and teaching responsibilities at =H5.9, =ev. Hagin is senior pastor of =H5.9 Bible 2hurch, a large, thriving congregation on the =H5.9 campus. He is also $nternational 4irector of =H5.9 .inisterial 9ssociation $nternational. =ev. Hagin has a wee6l; radio program, C=H5.9 =adio 2hurch,C which is heard on stations throughout the United States, and a television broadcast, C=H5.9 raise.C

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