Istvaanian Sourcebook

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The key takeaways are that the sourcebook aims to provide background information on the Istvaanian faction within the Inquisition and its various splinter groups and notable members.

The purpose of the Istvaanian Sourcebook is to offer insight into the infamously bloodthirsty Istvaanian faction within the Inquisition, detailing its history, splinter groups, place within the Ordos, and some notable Istvaanian inquisitors.

The sourcebook discusses the Istvaanian faction itself and how it interacts and views other factions like the Ordos of the Inquisition and Chaos.


Welcome to the Istvaanian Sourcebook, a fan-created supplement for the Inquisitor game, which
some players of Dark Heresy may also find interesting. Just as the Games Workshop written Thorian
Sourcebook and fan-produced Recongregator Sourcebook that have already been released on the
fans of intrigue in the 41st millennium have delved into the background behind one of the shady
groupings within the Inquisition, this book aims to offer an insight into the infamously bloodthirsty
Istvaanian faction.
Within this publication youll find a treatise on the Istvaanian faction, detailing its history, splinter
groups, its place within the Ordos and some notable Istvaanian inquisitors.
Though this book is entirely unofficial and offers only my take on the Istvaanian faction, it is all based
on the established background laid down in such mighty tomes as the Inquisitor rulebook, the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, various Dark Heresy publications and not least the Thorian
Sourcebook which provided most of the inspiration for this endeavour. Credit must go to the authors
of these pieces for without their work, none of this would have been possible.
Text and miniatures by Ruaridh Dall.
Artwork by Nyla Abraham and Ruaridh Dall.
Thanks to David Knowles and Derek Gillespie for constant inspiration and proofreading.

This sourcebook is a not-for-profit fan-made endeavour, designed to provide additional material for the Inquisitor game system.
This sourcebook is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.
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Dark Magenta is a not-for-profit, web-based fan magazine providing additional information for the Inquisitor game, and is in no
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Istvaanianism: An introduction to the Istvaanian movement, detailing what it stands for and hopes to
Origins of the Faction: A guide to the history of the faction, detailing its roots and progression
throughout the millennia.
Facets of Istvaanianism: A treatise on the divisions within the ideology including insights into the
methods these groupings use to achieve their goals.
Istvaanians Within the Ordos: A look at how Istvaanian inquisitors exist within the various Ordos of
the Inquisition.
Istvaanians and Other Factions: An insight into how Istvaanians interact with the other major
factions and vice versa.
Cults: Many Istvaanians rely on cults to further their aims, and this section provides an overview of
how cults can be of use to these inquisitors. The section also details three cults rumoured to have
been manipulated by an Istvaanian.
Istvaanian Personalities: Profiles of four prominent Istvaanian inquisitors.
Istvaanians in The Game: A guide to using Istvaanians in your games of Inquisitor, including
campaign and scenario ideas, new abilities, psychic powers and equipment.

In a galaxy of unending war and madness, only the strongest can hope to survive,
Inquisitor Volantin Atlas, The Imperium and War

Mankind has forever been a violent race and

there are some that would say that since the
dawn of time, humanity has had a distinctly
Istvaanian outlook on life that only through
turmoil and conflict has progress been made.
The Imperium has known violence since the
Emperor looked out at the stars from Terra
and decided that He was the one to bring them
all under humanitys rule, and the age of war
looks set to continue into the 42nd millennium
and beyond. Some would attest that this
constant battle has strengthened humanity and
given each and every man a steelier outlook
on life, making them all the more determined
to succeed.
Others simply say that the
violence has weeded out the weak and left the
strong to carry the Imperium forward, all the
better for shedding the dead weight. Those
members of the Inquisition that hold these
viewpoints are known as the Istvaanians.
They are a faction for whom the modus
operandi is the initiation of conflict and
upheaval for its own sake. Distrusted by
many, they are no strangers to battling with
their Inquisitorial brethren, sometimes over
philosophical differences, and sometimes
simply for their desire to create violence within
the Ordos in addition to the Imperium at large.
Individual Istvaanians range from bloodthirsty
berserkers that bring fire and death to the
battlefields of the 41st millennium to men happy
to manipulate and agitate from the shadows of
the lowliest mutie slum. The various ways in
which conflict can be used to spur the
Imperium on have led to the formation of many
splinter factions over the years, from the
warlike Solarians to the scheming Fomenters
that can trace their philosophy back over
hundreds, if not thousands of years. The
Istvaanians have existed within the Inquisition
for millennia, and unless the galaxy becomes
peaceful, they will exist for many millennia to

The Fallibility of Legend

Across the Imperium, much is made of
legislation and even battlefield orders.
A simple slip of an archivists pen can
forever sully the name of an Imperial
hero or cause a millennia-old religious
Misspellings are a common error to
affect history books, as handwritten
accounts are notoriously difficult to
interpret, written as they are on scrap
parchment or in the midst of battle.
These differences in spelling can be
purely cosmetic, but sometimes can
cause accidental offence in local
dialects, and can even result in armies
being directed to invade the wrong
planet. One spelling difference often
debated over by the archivists on Terra
is the correct spelling of Istvaan.
Following the Horus Heresy, the system
in question was declared Perdita and
put under permanent quarantine. It
seemed that during the recording of this
an error slipped into the archives and
resulted in two different spellings for
the systems name: Istvaan and Isstvan.
Normally such a difference would hold
little interest or be debate worthy, but
with the systems legend being of such
historical importance, generations of
archivists have made it their goal to find
out which spelling is right. So far, none
have come close to finding the truth in
the monumental datastacks of Terra.


We fight not because we can, but because we must; that is the human way, Inquisitor Volantin
Atlas, The Imperium and War


notoriety, but he was always keen to point out

that no one would dispute that the Imperium
was a better place for the changes that had
been made, not least the limiting of the
potential power one man could wield. The
Reign of Blood also gave birth to the Ordo
Sicarius and Ordo Hereticus, as well as forging
the relationship between the latter and the
newly formed Adepta Sororitas, increasing the
power that the Inquisition had over the
common man and Ecclesiarchy. Some even
went as far as to declare the Reign of Blood
comparable to the Istvaan massacres in terms
of importance for the structure and continuing
survival of the Imperium.

It is said that the term Istvaanian came into

use in the late 34th millennium, after Inquisitor
Volantin Atlas declared that the Imperium as it
came to be was born the day Horus unleashed
the horrific bombardment on Istvaan III that
began that greatest of wars. He maintained
that without Horuss callous act and the
resultant sundering of the human race the
Emperor would never have ascended to
Godhood and heroes like Dorn and Sanguinius
would never have come to the fore. Guilliman
would never have called for the splitting of the
Astartes Legions and the sundering of Guard
and Fleet, and the Imperium would not have
endured the next four thousand years. Indeed,
the noble Inquisition would never have come
to be without the death of the Emperor, and
thus there would have been no one to guide
humanity from the shadows throughout the
millennia. He made references to the ongoing
conflict between the followers of von Dressen
and the Horusians as further proof that conflict
was the reason behind everything that the
Inquisition had achieved; without rival groups
working to foil each others activities, neither
would have strived to achieve their goals and
both would have achieved so little as a result.
Atlas was said to be obsessed with generating
strife wherever he went, and some historians
say it is too much of a coincidence that the
Nova Terra Interregnum came to pass as Atlas
was at the height of his scheming ways for him
not to have been involved in the temporary
sundering of the Imperium.

After the upheaval of the Reign of Blood, the
galaxy entered into a relatively calm period.
Orks still set fire to whole systems, Chaos
raiders still ravaged Imperial space and the
Eldar attacked and disappeared just as they
had always done, but there was no great
conflict that threatened the future of the
Imperium as a whole. The Ordo Xenos still
spoke of a reawakening ancient race in
hushed whispers, and the Ordo Malleus
plotted in secret on Saturns moons. The
newly formed Ordo Hereticus though, was not
idle, in a period that would become known as
the Age of Redemption, inquisitors flocked to
its ranks, some simply aligning themselves
with an Ordo that now represented their
modus operandi of hunting rogue psykers, and
others who were determined to make sure
something like the Age of Apostasy could
never come to be again. Many of these
inquisitors set out on bloody pogroms, carving
through the populations of many planets in
search of witches, mutants and traitors. Some
worlds were declared Perdita and subjected to
Exterminatus to remove forever the mass

Much of what Atlas laid out was elaborated on

in the coming millennia, with proponents such
as Inquisitor Ioan von Oettingen celebrating
the turmoil that Vandires Reign of Blood had
created, allegedly declaring that Vandire is
only second to Horus in terms of good done for
the Imperium! The quote brought him much

mutations within their populaces. The Ordo

Hereticus was quickly establishing a bloody
reputation for itself, and those few active
Istvaanians there were at that time took notice.
For the first time, hundreds, if not thousands,
of Inquisitors had the scent of blood in their
nostrils and were prepared to act against the
common men and women of the Imperium
the next violent upheaval to face mankind was
to be led by its secret guardians, and the
Istvaanians could not sit by and let the impetus

purges and their actions could not be allowed

to end. Some found the evidence compelling
and accepted the wisdom of Atlas and von
Oettingen, but others took stock and looked at
the butchers they had become. A great many
of those stopped the wanton bloodshed there
and then, but there were those who resented
greatly the way they had been used, and
plotted revenge on the Istvaanians who had
perpetuated the madness. If violence was
what they extolled, violence was what they
were going to get.

Initially, it was not difficult for the Istvaanians to

convince their colleagues to move from world
to world and carry out their purges, but the
movement soon became a victim of its own
success. The Ordo Hereticus had to reach
further and further out to find worlds that had
not been swept clean of rogues, and the tales
of torture and mass burnings had spread like a
bow-wave in front of the coming inquisitors.
Populations had taken to rounding up their
traitors and witches themselves to avoid the
indiscriminate killing that the Ordo had
indulged in. Some of the most bloody-minded
Monodominants were not discouraged from
genocide by the seeming co-operation of the
worlds they came to, but they were in the
minority. Some Istvaanians took to working
with these butchers and prolonged their
purges, a few even managing to turn their
puppets eyes outwards and leading them on
crusades into xenos-controlled space, but
most had to be far more resourceful to prolong
the violence that they felt was doing great
things for the human race. Some perpetuated
rumours of psyker covens within ruling
families, while others took the secret lore they
had accumulated over their years of service to
the Emperor and actively shared it with
dissident cults, only to then bring their fellow
inquisitors down upon them. As the violence
continued, some Istvaanians felt able to share
their views, subtly at first, with their
compatriots, and they were able to convince
others that the bloodshed the Ordo Hereticus
was unleashing was a good thing they were
ridding the Imperium of a great many
dangerous heretics and mutants, and the
common man was exposing the sins of his
neighbour in fear. The Imperium was growing
stronger as a direct result of the continuing

One of the most vocal critics of the Istvaanians
Andrusyshyn had been one of the few
inquisitors who had attempted to alert their
fellows to the danger that Vandire had posed
before he had taken the Imperium by the
throat. To him, the Reign of Blood had been
one of the most shameful episodes in the
Imperiums long history, and the madness that
had culminated with an Astartes assault on
Holy Terra itself was completely unforgivable.
For Andrusyshyn, the Imperium could only
prosper with peace, and the newly vocal
Istvaanians were upsetting any chance the

Imperium had of returning to relative

tranquillity. Just like the forces of Chaos and
the xenos hordes, they were a threat to the
stability of the Imperium and needed to be
neutralised. By this point Andrusyshyn was
several centuries old, and many of his
detractors claimed he had become worldweary by this point, depressed by the
slaughter he had witnessed over his many
years in the Emperors service and his wish to
see the Imperium at peace with itself was just
not realistic.
However, Andrusyshyn had
many allies within the Inquisition and beyond,
and with the gathering anger at the Istvaanian
movement it was not long before dozens of
inquisitors had pledged themselves to
Andrusyshyns cause.

every turn from now on. Those that survived

Andrusyshyns purge did so either because
they became exceedingly martial in outlook, as
a result of the need to use force to defend
themselves from their brethren, or took their
beliefs into the shadows and worked secretly
to continue the turmoil they had created.
Learned Istvaanians refer to this as
Andrusyshyns irony though he wished to
end them, Andrusyshyn became responsible
for the survival of the Istvaanian faction.
Those same Istvaanians look back at this
period with a smile it was through violence
that the Istvaanian faction forged ahead and

Andrusyshyn envisioned a series of surgical

strikes that would rid the Inquisition of the
Istvaanians quickly and with minimal collateral
damage. His first target was Inquisitrix Viola
Zohar, an indomitable woman who had been
instrumental in the purging of the Isaiah Sector
in the Segmentum Solar. Her pogrom had
allegedly seen millions of civilians burnt at the
stake for witchcraft and heresy, and
Andrusyshyn saw her as one of the biggest
threats to the sanctity of the Emperors realm.
Andrusyshyn dispatched two of his closest
allies within the Inquisition, Emerson and
Dashell, to the capital world of the Isaiah
Sector, Balophamael, and they slew Zohar and
her bodyguard on the steps of the Cathedral
Maximus in Hive Excelsior as she preached to
an assembled crowd of thousands. Emerson
and Dashell were hounded all the way back to
their dropship by the enraged crowd but they
made their escape in a blaze of autocannon
fire. As news of Zohars demise spread, there
was little doubt in the mind of her allies that
only the Inquisition could have planned and
executed such an attack, and her Istvaanian
friends either prepared themselves for an
onslaught, or simply went to ground.
Andrusyshyn had dealt with one of the most
infamous Istvaanians, but in doing so he had
set the tone for how the Istvaanian faction
would operate over the millennia to come. Its
devotees now understood that their beliefs
were never going to be accepted by the
mainstream and they were going to face anger
and violence from within the Inquisition at


Despite its survival through Andrusyshyns
purge, Istvaanianism has never held great
sway within the ranks of the Holy Ordos in
comparison to Thorianism, or more recently
Amalathianism, as it is seen by many as a far
too high risk strategy to better humanitys
place in the stars is the future longevity of
the Imperium worth gambling by throwing it
headlong into conflict and strife in the chance
that something good may come of it? Many
critics argue that an internecine war for the
sake of hopefully having one side emerge
victorious and more powerful than the
collective sides that took to battle initially is
folly of the highest level. Such a war would
more than likely weaken the Imperium such
that it would be ended by its traditional foes.
Those outspoken Istvaanians there are scoff at
the lack of understanding these critics have of
their views and activities, both for their genuine
disbelief at the narrow-mindedness on show
and because they know that saying such
things will entice their dissenters to take up
arms and make to settle their difference with
violence. Istvaanians are nothing if not brilliant
manipulators, no matter if they are clandestine
or vocal in their beliefs, and know how to pick
a fight like the angriest of orks. However,
there are some within the Istvaanian sphere
that are beginning to think that internal strife is
not an aid to humanity, and that our violent
tendencies should be focussed elsewhere.
Perhaps the future of Istvaanianism resides

with these Solarians their crusading cause

is at last growing much conservative support
as the 41st millennium draws to an end. With
the Cadian gate besieged, the Tau enclave
expanding and the Tyranids sweeping into the
galaxy, it is perhaps time for the Imperium to
go on the offensive and make its own future.

Whatever that future is though, it is almost

certain that the Istvaanians will have a place in

Peace is an affectation of the weak, Inquisitor Volantin Atlas, The Imperium and War

As one can see from the history of the faction,

there are a great many differing ideologies on
how to achieve the Istvaanian goal of bettering
humanity through adversity. Over the years,
the popularity of these separate philosophies
has waxed and waned, and, typically for
Istvaanians, the devotees of each facet have
come to blows in the past.
For some
Istvaanians though, the thought of limiting
themselves to one particular modus operandi
is nauseating and quite frankly not anarchical
enough for one determined to birth a
strengthened Imperium from the blood of the
weak. These inquisitors transcend all of these
splinter factions, using ideas and methods
from each to achieve what they see as true

This approach certainly keeps neighbourhoods

on the straight and narrow, but occasions can
call for a much larger swathe of a population to
be reminded of just what their masters are
capable of. Some Imperators have been
known to foster their own heretical cults by
acting as a demagogue and sharing forbidden
lore with them or by uncovering cults and
having the authorities turn a blind eye to their
activities. A careful Imperator can allow these
cults to become sizeable, and just before they
become a deadly threat, they can expose the
cult to a more puritanical inquisitor, or simply
bring the full force of the Imperium down on
them themselves in a spectacular doublecross. On more than one occasion an entire
crusade has been put into motion to destroy a
rebellion, daemonic intrusion or xenos
infiltration that began with the work of one
Imperator, and the news of such a massed
show of power can echo for sectors around,
convincing many would-be recidivists that their
cause is a hopeless one.

Imperators all share in the belief that the
Imperium is mighty, but within the teeming
masses of humanity, there are those who have
become lax in their devotion to He on Terra
and some may have even began to harbour
heretical thoughts. This weakness of spirit
threatens to undermine the Imperium, and
these men and women must be reminded of
the power of the Adepta around them. To this
end some Imperators will have people forcibly
taken from their homes and places of work by
the authorities on their orders for any number
of crimes (and sometimes on a whim).
Sometimes these people are returned to their
communities, bloody and bruised, or
sometimes not at all. However it ends, these
communities will have witnessed firsthand how
the Imperium deals with criminals and
seditionists, and will immediately return their
prayers to Terra in fear of being taken next.
Imperators traditionally maintain ties with the
Adeptus Arbites to initiate their arrests and at
the same time provide a recognisable face of
Imperial power.

However, such grand plans of sham-heresy

are not to be undertaken lightly though, and
should a cult grow too rapidly in power then a
careless Imperator may find that the iron fist of
the Imperium just isnt strong enough to deal
with the threat he initiated...

Observers of the orkoid races note that they
are ever at war, even amongst their own kind,
and rather than suffer for their internecine
killing, the orks thrive. Orks grow bigger with
conflict, becoming more physically attuned to
death and destruction, and, as a particular
tribe triumphs over its neighbours, there is a

build up of communal psychic energy that

draws even more orks to their banner. As the
numbers swell around the strongest, the
psychic energy builds until a critical mass is
reached and the orks begin a crusade or
Waaaagh against their enemies, such as the
Imperium. Although the communal psychic
energy seems unique to the orks, there are
some Istvaanians who copy the orkoid model
of conflict within communities. They apply the
logic that the fighting will drill the participants
into becoming more warlike and improve their
personal combat abilities. These skills will be
vital when the time comes for them to defend
themselves against xenos or recidivist

The Elucidium
In an organisation as widespread and fiercely
clandestine as the Inquisition there are many
groups who hold the same modus operandi,
but operate under different titles, completely
unaware of the existence of their like-minded
brethren. This may be down to the simple
coincidence of inquisitors at opposite ends of
the galaxy fighting common foes, but in some
cases an inquisitor will set up cells in isolation
of each other, especially if he is investigating
a brother inquisitor and cannot risk his whole
operation being exposed. The Elucidium was
a cell of Istvaanian inquisitors that existed
entirely unaware that the faction was a force
in the Inquisition at large. Their founder was
a man named Agmar, an inquisitor who held
to Istvaanian tenets, but did not tutor his
acolytes about the origin of his beliefs,
perhaps because he feared he would be
entitled a Radical by those he mentored.
Whatever his reasons, Agmar created a
close-knit and secretive group of Istvaanians
in the shape of his acolytes. They called
themselves The Elucidium and undertook
their war-mongering schemes for decades
unaware that their philosophy was not
unique. Secretive to the last, no one knows
now if The Elucidium still exist, but in the
wider galaxy it is entirely possible another cell
of Istvaanians works alone, blissfully unaware
that there are others like them setting planets
alight and breeding strength through conflict.

Fomenters achieve their aims by stirring up

violence on Imperial worlds through a myriad
of schemes: Some politicise, and sponsor proImperial parties into positions of power,
allowing them to meet out persecution and
punishment on their peoples; some descend
into the dangerous underhives of countless
worlds and start turf wars with a few wellplaced lasbolts; some will encourage men and
women to take up the mask and flamer of the
Red Redemption and bring fire to the sinners
around them; some preach to the massed

congregations of devout worlds and declare

that theirs is the one true path and all other
interpretations of the creed are heresy; and
some declare the discovery of mutation within
noble houses to draw their age old rivals into
conflict. It is relatively easy to create conflict
within the Imperium violence being the
human nature after all and Fomenters are
the masters of turning even the most peaceful
grox-hands into vicious killers through nothing
more than a few well placed, but highly
manipulative whispers.

Solar Macharius. Macharius and his men

claimed over a thousand worlds in the
Emperors name, stretching the Imperium to
the Halo Stars on the fringe of the galaxy to
the west. No general is likely to make such
gains for the Imperium again, yet Macharius
was not content with his achievement. As the
flames of war died down on the world that
became known as Ultima Macharia the Lord
Solar was said to be staring at the stars above
and readying himself for the next battle. It was
one of his generals, Sejanus who convinced
him that his men were broken and could fight
no more.

At the beginning of the 41st millennium,
perhaps they greatest and most successful
crusade since the Emperor set off from Terra
to reunite humanity was overseen by Lord


Some Istvaanians look upon this day as a

failure and curse Sejanuss name as a traitor.
At that time, Machariuss men were at their
most deadly; survivors of thousands of
conflicts and veterans of every type of terrain
known to man. There have not been soldiers
since to match their skill. If Sejanus had not
made his claim, who knows what Macharius
could have won. Some say he wished to head
for the Eye of Terror itself and bring the forces
of Chaos to their knees.

spared from bloodshed and death, especially

the Inquisition. Fratricidians wish to drag the
disparate groups of the Inquisition into conflict
with each other on the understanding that this
is the only way for the various factions to prove
who is right and let the strongest lead the
Inquisition to its destiny.
Fratricidians can trace their history back to the
purge initiated by Andrusyshyn all those years
ago it is said that their founder was actually
one of the inquisitors who flocked to
Andrusyshyns side, though he did so because
he wanted to force Andrusyshyns hand
towards open conflict. Some go as far to say
that he was the one known as Emerson, and
had in fact initiated the strike against Zohar
without Andrusyshyns consent. Whatever the
truth, the Fratricidians have been the root
cause of numerous inter-factional wars over
the millennia.

Solarians see crusades and the constant roar

of battle as the one true path for humanitys
They believe the Imperiums
warriors must live a life of eternal conflict to
hone their talents and become the most deadly
they can be. The enemies of the Imperium are
multitudinous, and only by taking the fight to
them will humanitys warriors learn their
weaknesses and how best to rid the galaxy of
them. Solarians believe that by initiating a
number of successful crusades, the rest of the
Imperium will be galvanised into devoting itself
to one great war to finally exterminate the foes
that oppress humanity.
These lofty
expectations are scoffed at by many, but
increasingly, the Solarians are attracting more
and more inquisitors to their cause, often from
more Puritanical factions. It is only a matter
of time now before the first great crusade since
Macharius took to the stars begins, and those
inquisitors that share his wish to paint the
galaxy red with blood will soon see if the Lord
Solars impetuousness had been right all

Fratricidians are regarded as untrustworthy,

silver-tongued manipulators with a callous
disregard for life. Some pose as members of
one faction and seek out like-minded
inquisitors only to betray them to members of
opposing factions similarly duped, while others
fabricate rumours and lies about their brethren
to circle throughout Conclaves and Inquisitorial
communication lines.
One of the sad truths of the Inquisition is that
the Fratricidians do not need to work very hard
to achieve their goals.


Every Istvaanian believes that conflict breeds

strength, so what if a world could be turned
into a wholly martial society where trial by
combat settled all grievances and formed the
basis for government? A world where the
fighting pit replaces the town hall at the centre
of every community and where the crche is
the first battleground. The people of such a

The majority of those inquisitors united under

the banner of Istvaanianism would agree that
humanity as a whole benefits from being on
the front foot letting conflict decide who is the
As their name suggests, the
Fratricidians believe that no one should be


world would be lean, strong, tough and the

masters of combat, unarmed or otherwise.
They would be the perfect recruits for the
Imperial Guard and even the Astartes. The
Sculptors aim is to see every world in the
Imperium become a breeding ground for the
heroes of men.

rumour has it that more than a few

apocalypses to strike Imperial worlds over the
millennia were initiated by a Sculptor to rid the
Imperium of a world they believed had gone
soft and build a new planet of bloodthirsty
warriors from its ruins.

Naturally, this is no easy task, and many

Sculptors dedicate themselves to continuing
the barbarian cultures of worlds like Fenris and
Kanak that breed such deadly men. Sculptors
perpetuate inter-tribe violence where they can,
by infiltrating tribes with their strongest
acolytes to have them mould the community
into the inquisitors vision, or by simply
removing the heads of weak tribes and letting
the next in line come to power. Others
deliberately hinder the progress of such worlds
by attacking missionaries who promote peace,
or the Adeptus Mechanicus who may attempt
to annexe a world if a valuable natural
resource is discovered.
It is not only feral worlds that produce the best
warriors though - Cadia is a prime example of
a civilised world that produces some of the
best soldiers in the Imperial Guard. Millennia
of war has left its mark on the people of that
world, and from childhood every boy and girl is
trained to wield a lasgun and they are all born
ready to lay down their lives for the Emperor.
This military mindset comes, of course, from
the proximity to the Eye of Terror and the everpresent threat of attack. Some Sculptors aim
to engineer threats to other worlds in order to
force their inhabitants to turn their efforts
towards defending themselves. Some of these
threats are nothing more than rumourmongering and raids by heavily disguised
agents of the inquisitor, but some Sculptors
have gone as far as to set up destabilising
cults, draw in xenos armies or worse. By
forcing conflict on agri- and mining-worlds
critics say that Sculptors are doing irreparable
damage to much needed resources but these
inquisitors are ever keen to point out that these
worlds are most in need of a standing army to
prevent capitulation at times of war.
Surprisingly perhaps, these are not the most
extreme measures some Sculptors will go to
achieve their dream of a martial society


Dellas stalked through the maintenance conduit warily, apprehension written all over his face. His contact in the
Ordo had promised him information that would lead to his quarry, but the locale hed chosen for their rendezvous
couldnt have been riper for an ambush. There were that many pipes venting steam that he couldnt see more
than ten yards ahead of him, and he was sweating profusely with the temperature. He couldnt think of a more
dangerous meeting place except perhaps the rim of one of planets volcanoes, but the contact had insisted that
this was the only place the Ordo werent watching. Dellas couldnt argue with the mans inside knowledge, and
had to agree with the meeting; it was the only way to bring down Freeman. He was too close to uncovering his
scheme, and had to be ended swiftly, with no link back to him. The contact had promised a thorough dossier on
Freemans movements, associates and bases of operations, and with that knowledge, Dellas was sure he could
plan a way to assassinate him whilst leaving no evidence linking him to the crime. Now he just had to hope the
contact had been telling him the truth.
At the next junction the steam cleared slightly, extending Dellass field of vision to the next bulkhead. Runes
above it denoted it as access 12/80 and he relaxed a little. He had made it to the rendezvous without incident.
He placed a screamer on the floor to warn of anyone sneaking up on him and drew his bolt pistol. He trusted his
contact, but he wasnt about to take any unnecessary risks his contact could oh-so-easily have been
compromised by one of Freemans men. Dellas entered the ritual sequence of unlocking into the keypad beside
the door just as the contact had told him, and was rewarded with a grinding of gears. The door shuddered open
to reveal a dark room beyond, one solitary lume-strip in the ceiling providing the most meagre of lighting. Dellas
took a light-caster from his belt, cracked it on his knee and through the tube into the room. The chemicals inside
the tube fizzed before throwing back the shadows with a momentarily fearsome luminescence that slowly faded to
something much more comfortable on his eyes. The room appeared empty, apart from a cleaning servitor
slumped over the bucket that protruded from its belly. It was long dead if the stink was anything to go by, trapped
long ago by whomever had closed the door hed just come through. He paced into the room, quickly checking the
corners for any surprises. The room was quite deserted. He let out a sigh of relief and checked his chronometer.
He was two minutes early for the meeting. He turned on his heel and stood facing the door, bolt pistol raised.
Two minutes came and went. Something had gone wrong.
Dellas made for the door, but it ground shut before he could get there. Despairingly, he battered it once with the
butt of his pistol, before turning back to the room with a curse on his lips. The servitor was gone, its bucket sitting
lonely on the floor. Not a servitor then, just part of a trap. Dellass eyes darted around. It had to be in the room.
He heard the shuffle of feet to his right and blasted a bolt round through a cluster of pipes. They squealed as they
began to vent steam into the room, and Dellas caught sight of movement through the cloud. He darted forward
and fired off another shot into the gloom.
Where are you? he growled.
He was answered with the unmistakable feeling of the point of a blade in his lower back.
I thought Id been duped you know, when my contact failed to show, his target whispered in his ear, but hes
done better than just give me your location it would seem.
Freeman? Dellas spurted.
Of course. Expecting someone else?
Someone who said they could lead me to you.
Seems they did. Pity you couldnt take advantage of them giving me to you, unlike I have.
Freeman let Dellass body slump to the floor and wiped the blood from his knife, speculating over how very
different things could have been had he not worn his cameleoline synskin. Both he and Dellas had clearly been
set up, probably by the same contact, but to what end? Perhaps the contact wanted them dead and had hoped
this meeting would have killed the both of them. If that was the case, he would have to watch himself the
contacts mission was only half-completed. He mentally shrugged and opened up the door. He turned to close it,
and caught sight of the bucket. Just where had the servitor gone?



What was the Reign of Blood if not an opportunity to kill off the unworthy?
- Inquisitor Ioan von Oettingen, Vandire and the New Order

As a result of Andrusyshyns purge all those

years ago, Istvaanians fell roughly into two
camps overt preachers of violence and
death, and covert manipulators working
puppets from the shadows. This division is not
absolute by any means, and indeed there are
Istvaanian inquisitors whose methodology falls
outside these categories altogether, but it is a
useful tool for understanding the approach of
different Istvaanians with regards to the Ordos.
In general, the warmongerers amongst the
Istvaanian ranks are affiliated with one of the
Ordos Majoris due to the assets that can be
called upon from these organisations, such as
raw manpower and the support from their
peers for their wars (it should be remembered
at this point that, outwardly, an Istvaanian may
appear as a shining light of purity that wishes
only to smite the Imperiums foes, not a
warmonger who wishes to pitch the Imperium
into violence. Indeed many Istvaanians have
never been revealed as such until late in their
careers). Those that work from the shadows
often do so without support from the Ordos as
they wish their actions to remain clandestine
and do not believe that their peers would
appreciate their actions if discovered.

Malleus will have taught the inquisitor of many

Chaos cults and daemonic entities; the Ordo
Hereticus teaches how to seek out witches
and provides knowledge of the different facets
of the Ministorum; and through the Ordo
Xenos an inquisitor will come to learn of many
alien threats all of which could be put to use
in their own way to create havoc and
There of course exists a number of minor
Ordos which may harbour Istvaanian
inquisitors that utilise their specialist resources
and knowledge, but due to the fact that they
are small and not well known, and are so
specialised towards one area of expertise
means that there are barely a handful of
Istvaanians within these groups. Even if an
Istvaanian were to come across such a cell, it
may be that he passes over the chance to join
it as they may not be able to serve his motives
at all.
Istvaanians are known for being
extremely self-serving, and even if they can
help with a threat, they often dont, preferring
to watch conflict descend and letting the
madness decide the future.
Crossing the boundaries of the Ordos is not
unheard of in Istvaanian circles.
If an
Istvaanian finds that the threats he is creating
are not having the desired effect, or that he
has been incredibly successful and the world
or group he has endangered has dealt with the
threat admirably, he will want to change tack to
further challenge his targets. Sometimes this
is as simple as creating a new destabilising
cult, or assassinating the right man, but
sometimes something far more drastic can be
called for, such as an Ork Waaaagh, or the
coming of a new saint and this is where the
knowledge that one of the other Ordos holds is
vital. However, seeking out the other Ordos

Of course, there is no such thing as an

average Istvaanian, just as there is no such
thing as an average inquisitor.
trained by an Istvaanian, most inquisitors will
not come across the ideas of the faction for
many years, and some never at all. Therefore,
there are inquisitors who have long been
members of an Ordo who come to change
their views of how best to serve Him, and not
wishing to cause suspicion, remain affiliated
with their parent Ordo while implementing
Istvaanian schemes. These ties have their
benefits of course: time spent with the Ordo


requires a long list of trusted colleagues,

something that some Istvaanians simply do not
have through choice, and these men and
women will be forced to work with whatever
they have already to hand.

concentration of Istvaanians found within the

Ordos today is within the Ordo Hereticus. The
Ordo Hereticus is the largest of the three major
Ordos, and wherever there are people of the
Imperium, there will be a Hereticus presence
watching over them for signs of witchcraft,
genetic deviancy and heresy. The sheer size
of the Ordo undoubtedly contributes to the
increased number of Istvaanians within its
ranks, but there is also the simple truth that
that the Ordo governs the men and women of
the Imperium, the very flesh and blood that
defines the realm of man, that draws
Istvaanians to it. The people of the Imperium
are the fuel with which an Istvaanian stokes
the fires of conflict without men and women
to fight, how can an ideological difference
progress to war?

In summary then, Istvaanians can be found

throughout each of the major Ordos, and a few
are scattered throughout the Ordos Minoris,
but many choose to be unaffiliated with any
because of the extra attention such an
association can bring. If they are associated
with an Ordo, it is almost certain that they will
not be so out of any moral compunction to
combat the traditional threat opposed by the
Ordo, but rather to utilise its resources and to
use the knowledge of the order to fuel their
personal wars, for the betterment of the

The Ordo has a deep understanding of cult

activity the galaxy over their names, their
goals and most importantly the threat they
pose and this knowledge provides access to
groups who can be convinced to fight for their
beliefs and provide a supply of foot soldiers
ready to martyr themselves for a cause. As
well as the access to existing cults,
membership of the Ordo can provide an
understanding of the multitudes of methods
cults use to attract new members, carry out
their operations, conceal themselves from
discovery and the typical weaknesses that
spell the doom of many. This knowledge is
extremely useful to an Istvaanian who wishes
to foster his own cults for his own ends with
this combined expertise, an inquisitor can form
a cult that can live under the radar of the
authorities for as long as he needs it to. One
command given from afar will be enough for
the cult to become exposed and destroyed
once it has served its purpose, with little
danger of incriminating himself. The Ordos
ties to the Adeptus Arbites provides a perfect
force for an Istvaanian to counter the threat of
a cult that has come to the end of its
usefulness, and these same ties may make it
possible for a blind eye to be turned to a cults
activities during its period of operation.

In addition to this knowledge of cults, the Ordo

maintains close ties to the Ecclesiarchy. While
this bond gives access to the Adepta Sororitas
and the fury they can unleash, this link also

It was the birth of the Ordo Hereticus that gave

true impetus to the Istvaanian movement, and
it is perhaps unsurprising that the largest


provides a route to the centre of nearly every

community across the Imperium: as varied as
the Imperiums worlds are, all share the
common factor of the Imperial Creed (in
whatever form it takes) and preachers,
missionaries and devotees are found
everywhere. These men and women are
pillars within their respective communities and
their words and instructions are often followed
through blind superstition, and without
The simple manipulation or
replacement of one of these clerics could sway
neighbours with a different take on the creed,
or simply open old wounds and watch as first a
city, and then worlds fall upon each other.
Istvaanians strive to stir up conflict, and the
ecclesiastical divisions with the Imperium are
ripe for exploitation.

their location and their threat level, allowing

the direction of Battlefleets and legions of
Guardsmen into righteous combat with them.
For Istvaanians of a crusading mindset this
knowledge is clearly gold dust as it will allow
them to direct the fighting masses straight into
the jaws of an alien threat. The understanding
of the varying threat levels assigned to each
race or empire allow an Istvaanian dedicated
to eradicating weakness through warfare an
arbitrary guide to which opponents will test the
Imperiums forces the most. It is probable that
many wars have been launched against
powerful xenos enclaves simply because an
Istvaanian wanted to put an army group
through a meat grinder to leave a group of
veteran soldiers that could take on just about
anything the galaxy could throw at them.
Many members of the Ordo Xenos believe that
in order to defeat a foe, one must have
complete knowledge of it in order to reveal its
Understanding of a xenos
species biology is paramount to this, as it not
only reveals a creatures weak spots but also
its mode of reproduction, as many a time a
threat has been thought to have been
eradicated, only for the next generation to
blossom and wreak as much habit as its
forebears. Istvaanians within the Ordo have
been known to exploit this knowledge and set
up infestations of various species on Imperial
worlds to bring about carnage. Orkoid species
spread by spores and it takes only the
introduction of one to initiate an infestation that
can take years to purge. Genestealers are
theorised to be responsible for drawing the
Hive Fleets into Imperial space, and bringing
an enemy to the Imperium creates conflict just
as taking Imperial soldiers into xenos territory
does. Rumour has it that there are a few
Istvaanians within the Ordo Xenos attempting
to set up genestealer cults within Imperial
space and these men are hounded as traitors
by many. They will undoubtedly propagate
war, but at what cost?

Despite being an organisation purposely built
to deal with the threats posed to the Imperium
by alien races, the Ordo does contain a fair
number of Istvaanians. One of the central
tenets of the philosophy is that great wars and
the strife they bring are needed to galvanise
humanity and make it better for having fought
in them, and the many xenos races that
oppose man are as worthy foes as other men.
Some would say argue in fact that the
unfamiliar battle tactics, weapons and
equipment that alien races employ require
more skill at arms to conquer than mere men
and therefore inter-species war results in
stronger armies and, therefore, the Imperium
should be encouraged to combat enemies
outside its borders. And of course, there are
Istvaanians who, as loyal subjects of the
Throne, despise xenos races and wish to rid
the galaxy of them, just as they should!

Lastly, the Ordo knows of many races that

attempt to corrupt men and women and cause
worlds to secede from the Imperium, through
genetic corruption, perversion of the Imperial
Creed or propaganda. The most well-known
of these races is the Tau, who wish to subvert

Being a member of the Ordo provides

knowledge of what these xenos races are,


Imperial citizens with promises of a better

existence as part of their Greater Good.
These races form a threat to the moral fibre of
Imperial citizens, and their destruction is
A manipulative Istvaanian
though may wish to copy the methods of these
races, or simply encourage them to cause
insurrection and civil war.

the warp, including the forces of Chaos whose

continuing existence relies on pacts with the
Dark Powers and their daemons. The warp is
a reservoir of immense power, power enough
to destroy whole worlds, and the inquisitors of
the Ordo Malleus alone understand the danger
it poses. These men and women therefore are
preoccupied with either combating the
malevolent effects of the warp, or learning its
secrets to try and turn it against itself. Without
their heroic efforts, the human race would
surely fall to darkness.

There is no greater pressure on the Imperium
than the eternal war with its innumerable
enemies within, without and beyond. Millions
die every day across the galaxy, but for every
thousand men that fall, one will survive by
strength of arms, natural toughness or some
quirk of fortune. The ferocity, cunning or luck
that sees these individuals through often
cataclysmic battles sets them apart from their
fellow men, and many Istvaanians are keen to
make use of such special warriors. The old
mantra of conflict breeds strength is literally
applied to these survivors, and some inquisitors
have agents within many armies ready to
sweep up those left at the end of decade-long
campaigns whose battle-craft is simply
unparalleled. Some Istvaanians are rumoured
to have at their beck and call regiment-sized
formations of soldiers to whom no enemy holds
any fear such is the experience of war they
have. These veteran armies are the pinnacle
of humanitys fighting forces save the Astartes
themselves and they are often directed into the
teeth of the enemy where their combat-nous
enables them to triumph where other men
would simply die in droves. Many a victory has
owed its success to a company of veterans
dispatched by an Istvaanian inquisitor into the
toughest knots of resistance. And of course,
every new battle teaches its survivors
something new, ever increasing their combateffectiveness.

However, there are exceptions to every rule,

and there are a few individuals within the Ordo
who use their expertise to garner conflict.
Most of those do so by leading armies of
Imperial Guardsmen, Space Marines and even
the legendary Grey Knights into battle with the
forces of Chaos. Some do so for the simple
want of driving the Great Enemy back into the
Eye of Terror, forging monstrously powerful
legions of warriors as they go, while some look
back at the events of the Heresy that gave
their faction its name and take battle to their
former brothers to continue the war that began
all those millennia ago.


There are also a number of Ordo Malleus

inquisitors who have seen firsthand how the
pollution of Chaos can seep through Imperial
society and leave worlds bloody with civil war.
After decades of service these inquisitors may
come to see that the presence of Chaos within
its ranks can actually galvanise a world, or
indeed sector, into rising up and throwing out
the corruption with force. Successful crusades
against these recidivists can strengthen
devotion to the God-Emperor and cause a
world to look more carefully at itself, making it
less likely to allow an unwanted presence to
fester again. More than one inquisitor has
born witness to the positive effects that the
presence of a Chaos cult can bring to a world,
and it is not a large step to consider that the
creation of a small cult could bring a huge long
term benefit to both a planet and the Imperium
at large.

The smallest of the Ordos Majoris, the Ordo

Malleus boasts only a few inquisitors that
follow the Istvaanian philosophy. The Ordo
chiefly exists to oppose the threat posed by

In addition to these more calculating inquisitors

there are those Istvaanians who seek nothing
more than wreaking havoc wherever they go.
Should they have come across the Istvaanian


philosophy while a member of the Ordo, or

have some past association with it then they
will know that perhaps more than any other
entity in the galaxy, nothing has the potential
for carnage than a daemon of the warp. The
summoning of a daemon, whether into a host
or pure manifestation results in the coming of a
pure engine of destruction that can bring a
world to its knees. Of course, the retaliation
against an inquisitor found to be following such
a course of action would be extreme, but for
most Istvaanians perpetrating such an act, the
violence that could come their way will suit
their ideals perfectly.

carnosaurs; techpriests learn how better to

appease a Machine Spirit after it malfunctions;
and Imperial Guard commanders learn quickly
that shooting the big ones will stop a Tyranid
horde in its tracks. Disaster weeds out the
weak, the inadaptable - the dead weight of
There is no such entity as good at disposing of
the weak as disease every new planet
settled by the Imperium has cost hundreds of
millions of lives even before battlefield
casualties are factored in because of
unfamiliar pathogens.
Those that survive
these plagues pass on their strength, and their
planet and mankind are all the better for it.
Though initially dedicated to understanding the
Zombie Plague unleashed during the 13th
Black Crusade, members of the Ordo
Sepulturum are fast finding themselves
experts on a great many diseases as they try
to understand the malefic nature of the zombie
viruses. Such knowledge can be put to many
uses, not least in the furthering of factional

The Ordo Sicarius watches over the most
lethal individual tools in the Imperiums multifaceted arsenal, and having a hand in directing
these agents of death perhaps unsurprisingly
appeals to those with agendas of bloodshed
and warfare like the Istvaanians. An Offico
Assassinorium agent can gain covert access
to just about anywhere in the galaxy and kill
any man, woman or child. If that individual is
an Imperial governor, Navigator Paternova or
tribal chieftain, huge power vacuums can be
created with one bullet, blade or poisoned
chalice, vacuums that will only be resolved
with copious amounts of bloodshed. Even if
an Istvaanian cannot realise the sanctioning of
an Assassin, the specialised equipment that
his position will give him access to will make
an assassination with a lesser man all the
more easy.

Istvaanians of the Ordo Sepulturum study

disease and its survivors, finding out what
traits make men strong and how they can
spread that strength. Others take the opposite
approach and knowingly unleash contagions
upon populations in the hope of shaping that
worlds peoples into a hardy, powerful race.

An organisation as secretive as the Inquisition
undoubtedly has groups hidden within its ranks
dedicated to safeguarding or empowering
particular aspects of the Imperium. No one
knows how many more Ordos may be in
existence, but rumours persist of a small
number that, if they do exist, could hold great

Throughout the ages, many disasters have
befallen humanity, but always there are those
that survive, stronger and wiser for the
experience: on feral worlds, tribesmen learn
that the open plain is the hunting ground for

The Ordo Militum it is whispered watches over

the Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy for signs


of heresy, poor leadership and corruption. If

the Ordo does exist, then its ability to direct the
military arms of the Imperium from within
would certainly attract Istvaanian inquisitors.
The potential to increase the proficiency of the
armed forces or simply to start wars would
clearly appeal to a great many Istvaanians.

The Ordo Astartes, as it name suggests, may

be interested in the affairs of the Space
Marines. Events like the Badab War would
lend credence to the idea that such an
organisation may be home to a number of
Istvaanians intent on extending their
philosophy that conflict breeds strength to the
angels of death.



Mad he may have been, but can you honestly look upon our Ordo Hereticus and say that only ill
came from that man? - Inquisitor Ioan von Oettingen, Vandire and the New Order

The very fractured nature of the Inquisition

serves those inquisitors with Istvaanian beliefs
well. Perhaps more divided than any other
Imperial institution, the Inquisition is not a
unified organisation with any one single goal,
and open conflict between inquisitors of
differing schools of thought is not uncommon,
as most inquisitors will resort to violence to
ensure the success of their missions. This
willingness to bear arms - coupled with the
Inquisitions knack at uncovering the exact
kind of secret plots they themselves engage in
- means that there are battle lines drawn
between the members of the Holy Ordos the
galaxy over, and such conflict is exactly what
nearly all Istvaanians want to see.
particular, Fratricidians strive to antagonise
rival groups within the Inquisition to propagate
battle between them, but the stirring up of such
internecine conflict is not strictly limited to that
particular branch of Istvaanianism. Just as
Istvaanians use sects of the Ecclesiarchy, or
simple hive gangs to achieve their aims, the
Inquisition can be manipulated into causing
havoc on the Imperiums worlds. The setting
up of a dangerous anti-Imperial or daemonworshipping cult by an Istvaanian can result in
an Inquisitorial purge that pitches numerous
Imperial organisations into battle, or even be
the basis of a civil war if the cult reached all
the way to the planetary elite and they take
objection to the attentions of the Inquisition
and their lackeys.

tools. Also, the very aims of the factions are

divisive subjects, and a calculating Istvaanian
could do his utmost to further one ideological
standpoint in the hope of generating friction
between parties. Istvaanians commonly hide
their true beliefs and pose as inquisitors of
other factions, some to avoid criticism, and
others as they can use the image they assume
to generate conflict. Taking on the auspice of
a Monodominant Witch Hunter can cause
terror within Imperial societies and see people
turn on their neighbours for any number of
alleged heresies, while outwardly appearing as
Resurrectionist cults that could be manipulated
into being more vocal, bringing them hopefully
into conflict with the followers of other
churches or even the authorities.


Perhaps the most obvious opponents of the
Istvaanian methodology are the Amalathians,
who espouse maintaining the status quo of the
Imperium and seek to remove those who
Amalathians are typically critical of the
violence Istvaanians strive to create,
particularly within Imperial society, as such
activity inevitably destabilises authority and
threatens the Imperial way of life. Conversely,
Istvaanians are critical of the Amalathian
desire to let the Imperium fester and grow

The various factions of the Inquisition then

provide a bed of ideological differences that
can be preyed upon by the careful Istvaanian.
Many will spend years researching the
practices of their fellows so that they can come
to understand their every move and work out
how best to use their fellow inquisitors as


content with its lot.

They feel that the
Amalathian viewpoint stifles the human spirit,
especially its endemic violent nature, which
should be exploited to its maximum if humanity
is ever going to succeed. They despise the
values that Amalathianism seems to stand for
to not aspire for more, to not take risks.
Amalathians are not dreamers, and that lack of
ambition is seen as a character flaw the
Imperium needs initiative to take it forward,
even if that means another age of bloodshed.

surprisingly high number of similarities

between both factions in terms of drive and
modus operandi. Both are seen to push for
warfare against the Imperiums enemies, both
stir up xenophobia and encourage Imperial
citizens to turn on the mutant and witch, but
while the Monodominants encourage this
violence as a matter of principle, Istvaanians
do so as part of a bigger picture. Istvaanians
may have no strong opinion on the rights of
mutants or the true manner of worshipping
the Emperor, but they choose sides
nonetheless in order to ferment violence and


There have been many occurrences where a

violent pogrom has been attributed to a
Monodominant that was in fact the work of an
Istvaanian - the outward similarities of the
factions approaches offers the Istvaanian
worried of scorn a cunning cover story.
Monodominant has put an end to a cult
fostered by an Istvaanian has given cause for
many to be branded foolish, dangerous or

An acolyte in the employ of an Istvaanian will

typically endure much violence and hardship
during their time with the Inquisition, as their
masters desire for strife will usually stretch to
involve them too. Many face trial by combat to
cement their place within their masters
operation and continuing turmoil to facilitate
their ascension through the ranks. These trials
may either take the form of ritual combat,
where first blood may suffice to determine a
winner, or a new recruit may find himself
pitched into a hostile environment with nothing
but a knife and instructions to kill whoever he
comes across most likely the other new
potentials who will have been set the same
challenge. Particularly exacting (or callous,
depending on ones point of view) may pitch
hundreds of men and women against each
other and wait until one emerges from the
charnel house, half insane, but unparalled in
the act of survival, butchery and sheer bloodymindedness.



Thorianism can trace its history back to the

founding of the Imperium. Indeed the founders
of the Inquisition fought over the possibility of
the Emperors rebirth, shaping the organisation
into a suspicious and infighting-prone entity.
Many of the most learned Istvaanians credit
the strife created by Promeus and Morianna as
being one of the main reasons behind the
success of the Inquisition and some make
contemporary inquisitors to further the
brilliance of the Ordos.

Despite Monodominance being regarded as

that most pure of the Puritan factions, and
Istvaanianism taking up the mantle of a
Radical faction, there are perhaps a

Resurrectionism and Incarnationism, are
divisive subjects amongst the Inquisition and
therefore a perfect point of contention for


Istvaanians to manipulate. Istvaanians may

unveil the Thorian beliefs of their colleagues in
the hope of starting a conflict. Further to that,
the greatest fear amongst those opposed to
the Thorians is that the rebirth of the Emperor
would create a civil war that would rival the
Horus Heresy in terms of bloodshed, and
shake the Imperium to its core. Such a war is
seen by some as the ultimate pinnacle of
Therefore there are some
within the Istvaanian faction who spend their
lives dedicated to furthering the Thorian cause,
their own beliefs on Reincarnationism set
aside, hoping only to see the Imperium erupt
into violence come His return.


These factions share similar views in terms of
what must be undertaken to achieve their
goals. Both would rather make changes to
improve the Imperium than allow it to stagnate
and become relaxed with regards to where its
destiny lies. However, there are many within
the Recongregationist movement who do not
wish to see the Imperium reborn with fire and
bloodshed and are therefore at odds with the
Istvaanian desire to initiate violent conflict.
Some see Istvaanians as notoriously shortsighted and bloodthirsty, plunging worlds into
warfare for no other reason than it suiting their
beliefs. Istvaanians are not to immune to
finding flaws with the operations of their
Radical brethren either though. For all their
preaching about the necessity for a new
Imperium, Recongregators can come across
as too timid and worried about the upheaval
they espouse to some Istvaanians, especially
those Recongregators who work from the
shadows, pulling political strings that will
eventually have a new regime set up upon a
world. The cloak and dagger approach does
not expose enough of the common citizenry to
war and strife so cannot possibly strengthen
them. There are of course followers of both
ideologies who find a common ground and
combine forces to achieve a goal together,
perhaps more so than with any other of the
factions. Many an Istvaanian has brewed a
civil war while his Recongregator colleague
primes a new ruler to dispose the man who let
his world fall to war.


There are few more hated and feared amongst
the Ordos than the Xanthites; those men and
women that openly use the weapons and
daemons of Chaos to achieve their aims.
Such dislike can manifest itself in a frenzy of
fury when evidence of a Xanthites presence is
uncovered - normally calm inquisitors become
seething monsters with nought but death in
their mind when an arch-Radical is exposed.
A cornered Xanthite too will be very ready to
defend his views with deadly force, and such
single-minded attitudes are what some
Istvaanians strive to manipulate.
Istvaanians spend years on the trail of
Xanthites, gathering support from other
inquisitors and violently laying waste to cities
and even worlds thought to be harbouring their
Some even spin elaborate hoaxes
purely for the violence the rumours can bring,
and some even take to flaunting Xanthite
views themselves. There is an even smaller
minority who have taken to the Horusian path
to try and bring about a new Emperor for
humanity for the same reasons as those who
further the Thorian cause to tear the galaxy
asunder in a ferocious civil war as worlds
declare themselves for or against humanitys
new master.


Walk the streets of any Imperial city and you will find yourself hunted,
- Inquisitor Volantin Atlas, The Imperium and War
The term cult is used almost universally
across the Imperium and is defined as a group
of people who subscribe to a particular belief
or common interest. Some use the term to
refer solely to heretical organisations within
Imperial society that blatantly worship the
Gods of Chaos, while for others it is used
much more liberally, even going as far as to
call the followers of the Imperial Creed the
Cult of the Emperor. There is no way of
knowing how many cults exist in the Imperium
as there are an almost infinite number of
beliefs for a cult to form around. Any one
Imperial world could perhaps have hundreds, if
not thousands, of individual cults drawn
together around things as varied as the
collection of images of Roboute Guilliman for a
share of his wisdom, growth of serene fungi for
prayer sessions under its calming influence, or
trying to glimpse the future in the ropey entrails
of a recently slaughtered grox.

Some acolytes work their way
around worlds and sectors looking for
dangerous cults, and the acolytes of
Istvaanian inquisitors are sometimes charged
with finding cults that can be incorporated into
their masters schemes to bring conflict to a
world. Some recidivistic cults simply require a
gentle push to take up arms and go to war
against loyalist troops, while some cults need
moulding, often over years, into the correct
kind of warmongering tool.
Istvaanian inquisitors are by no means limited
to taking charge of existing cults: some
inquisitors seek to establish cults of their own
that can be carefully watched over and
controlled more easily as the grand plan
comes to fruition. Some cults are specifically
tailored to come into conflict with followers of
an opposing viewpoint while others may simply
be for initiating terrorist attacks in the hope of
drawing a response from the local authorities.
More cunning still are those cults initiated to
attract the attention of a particular branch of
the Inquisition that the Istvaanian believes
needs testing in battle, and of course some
may be founded to trap an opponent the
Istvaanian wishes to attack.

Most cults are innocuous entities, mere

groupings of people with a common interest,
but amongst the teeming masses there are
those who pose a danger. Millennia old death
cults prowl the shadows for sacrifices to the
Emperor, the descendants of deposed
planetary rulers plot revenge on their usurpers,
and fanatics that believe the end is nigh try to
deliver as many souls to the Emperor as they
can before the darkness consumes them all.
Worse still are the followers of Chaos who
seek to turn their worlds over to their daemonic
patrons in exchange for authority, power over
their enemies or immortality.
individuals are at the heart of many rebellions
and terrorist attacks the galaxy over and the
Ordo Hereticus goes to great lengths to
remove these threats before they raise their
ugly heads and doom a world to destruction.

As can be seen, cults form an important

resource for Istvaanian inquisitors: they are a
means to create conflict and can serve as foot
soldiers in a war. The sheer number and
variety of cults in the galaxy at large means
that an Istvaanian is unlikely to ever be without
a group he can manipulate to serve his means,
and if he is, then the nature of people to come
together around common causes means that
he is unlikely to go without a cult at his beck
and call for long.

As cults are so endemic, it does not take long

for agents of the inquisition to locate them, and
some acolytes have made careers out of their
ability to infiltrate cults to report them to their



The martial prowess these cults aspire to, their

abilities as assassins, and even the very
philosophy of gaining strength from consuming
dead foes are all qualities that attract
Istvaanians to them. With a death cultist under
their command, an Istvaanian has an excellent
tool with which to propagate violence through
assassination of important figures, and many
blade-wielding, masked warriors can be found
in the warbands of these inquisitors.
Sometimes though, it is the haemovoric
ideology that Istvaanians wish to spread, not
mere daggers, and such was the case with the
Children of the Sickle Moons.

Simple foods cannot bring me succour and

pleasure. My needs stretch far above humble
bread and water. Bring me the meats and
juices of men so that I can feel their strength
as I sate my hunger. Fill hypodermics with
their adrenaline so that I feel their power in my
muscles. Let me devour their grey matter so
that I learn their deepest secrets. Let me
chew upon their eyes so that I can see what
they have seen. Let me break open their
bones and succour myself on the marrow
within. To excel, one must consume.
Salathek the Bloodthirsty, convicted serial
killer, Sorimund V

The Children were a haemovoric cult found on

Anascargus, a thriving Imperial world of the
Argent sector in the mid-north of the Ultima
Segmentum. Anascargus was largely ruled by
industrial conglomerates that paid fealty to a
branch of the Ministorum known as the
Silverists. The Silverists paid homage to the
Emperor through the construction of mighty
machines whose divine designs had been
shown to them by His Martian prophets. While
not directly worshipping the Omnissiah, the
Silverists were seen by some within the
Ecclesiarchy as being little more than
confused fools that needed to be turned away
from their devotion to the machine spirits and
be put on a more orthodox path. An inquisitor
by the name of Blythe had been watching the
local synod at the time, and seeing the
growing point of contention, endeavoured to
aid the conservative elements of the clergy
through both a moral conviction and the desire
to prevent a battle between very powerful
elements of the church whose resources
would be best directed elsewhere. Blythe
revealed himself to the pontiffs and took a
team of missionaries to Anascargus with the
intention of turning large swathes of the
population to a less controversial interpretation
of the Creed. The mission ultimately failed,
not least because of the intervention of the
Children of the Sickle Moons, who had chosen
the newcomers as targets as they presented a
new and well-armed challenge.

Executed 2645917.M41

Across the Imperium there are many

haemovoric cults, some little more than
gatherings of nervous citizens who once a
month share a drink of blood procured from a
medicae facility for a dose of the Emperors
strength, while others are true death cults,
where children are raised in the art of death,
knowing only that they have a duty to He on
Terra to kill and consume their victims. Many
death cults believe that the consummation of
flesh and blood brings strength and that, in
order to prosper in the hostile galaxy, they
must ascend to the top of the food chain. As
top predator amongst mankind, they will reign
unchallenged as the Emperors champions
and come to dominance within their societies.
These cults await the approach of the xenos
hordes in order to ascend the galactic food
chain even further, but until that blessed time
comes, they make do with cementing their
position amongst their own kind with blade and
cudgel. Some take their victims from the weak
and destitute, those the mighty Imperium could
do to lose while others kill indiscriminately.
Some seek out only the most dangerous of
foes, those whose strength most matches their
own and whose flesh they will gain most
benefit from consuming. These cults are the
most despised by planetary Governors as they
like nothing more than assaulting military
groups, security forces and even the Adeptus
Arbites if chance presents itself.

The death of Blythe attracted the attention of

Inquisitor Godwin Peake, an Istvaanian whose
operations had suffered many inconveniences
at the hands of the resolutely Amalathian


Blythe. Peake respected strength, and those

who had conquered a man he had failed to kill
on many occasions demanded his adulation.
Peake sought out the Children, and took
delight in the carnage they wreaked upon his
retinue as he closed on them, constantly
impressing him with their abilities and
conviction to fight to defend themselves from
such a determined foe. At the cost of many
lives, Peakes team managed to subdue six
cultists with tanglefoot grenades and webbers,
and he set about interrogating them to verify
that they were Blythes killers.
As the
interrogation progressed Peake came to learn
of the groups beliefs, and seeing a parallel
between their desire to be the ultimate
predators through killing and feasting on the
determination to strengthen the Imperium by
subjecting it to war, Peake struck a bargain
with the groups leader to give them their
freedom on the condition that they would
spread their cult to all the worlds of the sector
and answer his call should he need their
weapons. The conditions were agreed to, and
soon daughter cults began springing up all
over the Argent Sector.

As they spread they came into contact with a

great many varied peoples, but it was on the
world of Pax that the Children of the Sickle
Moon gained notoriety amongst the Ordos
Argentus. Pax, a mining world in the Lumiere
system was home to a long established death
cult, the Murderesses of the Flowing Dark, and
when the two cults came into contact, the
world was changed forever. The cities of Pax
were subterranean, away from the deep cold
of the planets surface, and nearly all had been
constructed in caverns left by the mining
operations. The caverns were all linked by
tunnels large enough to drive mining
machinery down, but within the cities the
streets were often mere crawl spaces between
individual habs space was at a premium in
these cities, and wide thoroughfares would
simply have been wasteful. The tight confines
between the buildings were claustrophobic in
the extreme, and as if the fear of the closeness
of the walls was not enough, the Murderesses
had made the nightmarish tunnels their
hunting ground. It was a common occurrence
for streets to be boarded up or shunned if the
dismembered remains of some poor soul had
been found in one, and the congestion in other
channels that followed led to a slowdown in
economic output as workers were late and
general civil unrest. The Murderesses were a
menace that the local authorities wished to
stamp out, but every attempt to corner and
destroy them had resulted in the deaths of
numerous deputies.
When the Children arrived, they too found
themselves hunted by the Murderesses, and
the unfamiliarity of their surroundings led to the
demise of many of the death cultists. Those
that survived though came to learn the layout
of the cities and began to turn the tables on
the Murderesses, who were a very worthy foe
to ply their deadly trade on. The authorities
too saw the potential of the Children to rid the
cities of the Murderesses, so entered into a
pact with the Children, promising them new
recruits on the condition that none of the
common citizenry could fall victims to their
blades, and that only their rivals could be
So began a period of carnage on Pax that has
endured to this day. The Children and the


Murderesses began to engage in deadly

games of cat and mouse, initially in the
shadows, but eventually the chases spread to
city streets and even through hab blocks,
rampaging through kitchens, bedrooms and
even bathrooms. Some cities became visions
of hell with blood-soaked warriors crossing
swords anywhere they pleased. Some hab
blocks were abandoned and left to become a
bloodied playground for the cultists, and
rumour has it that an entire city emptied of its
citizens due to the horror of the cults war, and
now lies rotting at the end of a great tunnel still
lined with mining vehicles left behind in the
Perhaps one day one side will
triumph, but for now the corridors of Pax will
be alive with the clash of steel and screams of
the dying. Somewhere, Inquisitor Godwin
Peake must be very, very happy with himself...

differed from those in power; how many worlds

are police states because their rulers feared
the potential power of the groups within
society; how many worlds tolerate a mutant
population because slavery is the basis of the
wealth of the nobles?
The link between cults and political parties is
strong, and there are probably tens of
thousands of parties and hegemonies across
the Imperium that began as a group of
powerful men and women with a similar desire.
The Free Gorgon Movement for Economic
Stability began as a collection of merchants
who had come to realise that the constant
feuding between Gorgons city-states was very
damaging to their profit margins.
collateral damage from the constant warring
damaged factories and infrastructure as well
as killing off many of their customers. Their
dream was simple: to end warfare on Gorgon
and begin reaping the economic rewards
peace would bring.
Between them, the
Movement had contacts high up in nearly all
the city-states, and after many bribes and
promises of percentages of the monies to
come, the Movement managed to achieve
something extraordinary; an armistice between
all sides and a meeting of the heads of each
city-state. The initial meeting achieved little,
and the armistice ended within 3 weeks, but it
became clear that war was far from the only
answer, and 6 of the 27 city-states united
under a banner of mutual solidarity. The
Movement was excited by the turn of events,
and the sudden flow of cash into their
accounts convinced them to push on with
achieving peace.


Cults exist in all strata of Imperial Society, from
the lowest mutant slum, to the ruling families of
the mighty hive spires. While most mutant
groups will likely never see their dreams
realised, cults within the richest and most
powerful groups of citizens often have the
wealth and influence to propagate their beliefs,
whether in secret or the open. With wealth
comes education and the understanding of
how societies prosper and this knowledge
allows cults of the noble-born to come to be
much more than groups of like-minded people.
Often times one of these cults will try to further
its influence through the medium of politics,
coming to ingrain its desires in the everyday
lives of the civilians below them. The cultures
of thousands of Imperial worlds exist in their
current state because of the drive of their
ruling elite: how many religious groups have
been stamped out because their beliefs

At this time, the Movement were approached

by a man claiming to represent the Sultan of
Manesh, the head of the most powerful citystate. The stranger claimed that Manesh and
its closest allies would lay down their arms if
the Movement were able to conquer Karazeez,
Maneshs greatest enemy. The Movement
knew that having Manesh agree to peace
could signal the beginning of a planet-wide
truce as the greatest individual threat to the
other states would have been removed, so
redoubled their efforts in getting Karazeez to
join the 6 states already at peace. Their initial
badgering was tolerated, but eventually the


Movement were expelled from Karazeez, the

King making it absolutely clear that they would
not come to peaceable terms with anyone.
The Movement regrouped and came to the
decision of offering larger payouts when peace
came. The envoys were received with a hail of
lasfire and died at the gates of Karazeez.
There was outrage in the 6 city-states united
under the Movements banner and it was clear
to them that Karazeez would come to know
peace only when it was destroyed. They
raised an almighty army between them, for the
first time able to commit nearly their full
complement of troops as their borders were
now unthreatened. They fell upon Karazeez
without mercy and raised the city-state to the
ground. The unprecedented act of carnage
drew an almighty response from Karazeezs
allies and soon the entire eastern hemisphere
was ablaze. Seeing a chance to establish
dominance like never before, the remaining
city-states took to battle and the world
descended into madness.

In 726.M41 in the Helios Sector of the

Segmentum Tempestus, the reclamation of the
Leven Bank worlds ended on Unsupla after a
six year campaign to wrest control of the subsector from the secessionist Cardell Monarchy.
The war for Unsupla itself had been a bloody
one, as the well dug in ranks of the
Monarchys military had resisted waves and
waves of guardsmen. The final victory was put
down to Lord Commander Aureliuss dramatic
feint led by the Phosphotine XXIV armoured
division to the south of Halonen, the planets
capital, that drew enough defenders away from
the north of the city to allow the remainder of
his forces to storm the city. When Aurelius
died eight years later the Helios diocese was
petitioned to ordain him as a saint, and after
three decades of deliberation, Saint Aurelius of
Leven was recognised by the Ministorum. In
Halonen, almighty marble edifices were raised
in his honour, and soon after their completion
they drew hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to
the city from right across the sub-sector. The
columns of pilgrims that came to line the
avenues that led to the memorials soon
attracted all sorts of peddlers, offering food,
shelter, memorabilia and one group who told
tales of Aureliuss greatness and his victories.
These story-tellers went on to be responsible
for one of the biggest wars to hit Unsupla since
the Cardell Monarchy fell.

The Movement never achieved its aim and

observers state that in actual fact it was the
Movement that was directly responsible for the
almighty conflict that devastated the world.
Had it not united the 6 city-states then
Karazeez would not have been destroyed, the
trigger for the carnage that followed. Some
say that their overbearing desire to see
Karazeez agree to peace was based on a
deception no representative of the King of
Manesh ever admitted to visiting the
Movement. Who that stranger actually was,
no one can say, but members of the Ordo
Hereticus taskforce sent to restore order to
Gorgon regard him as the catalyst to the war.
Their search has so far been fruitless, but a
report of a small ship leaving the system after
all-out war was declared leaves at least one
clue to his identity.

The Tale Weavers, as they were known, were

initially relative strangers who had all come to
Halonen to earn money from their oratory
skills. Their backgrounds were varied: some
were clerics and lay-preachers who adulated
Saint Aurelius, some were archivists who
wished to exalt the subject of their studies, but
most were simple street entertainers who were
giving their audience what they wanted. This
last group were an almost unofficial
brotherhood, a pseudo-caste within Unsuplan
society and their bonds to each other were
tight. They had been raised in squalor by their
poor street performer parents, and were used
to deprivation and having to scrounge every
last penny. Many were addicted to proscribed
substances, their only way to let their minds
escape their miserable surrounds. Away from
the crowds of pilgrims they tended to spend
their evenings sharing their meagre earnings
and listening to each others tales. Often times



they would challenge each other to come up

with fantastical tales, and nearly always a man
named Lester Phoebaticus would win. After
months of listening to his bizarre tales,
Phoebaticus was approached by one of his
closest friends, Nerhus Oppen, who was
determined to learn his secret. After much
cajoling, Phoebaticus revealed that his stories
came to him in dreams fuelled by a drug called
Phoebaticus allowed Oppen to
sample some of the drug, and Oppen promptly
won the next story-telling challenge. Oppen
could not keep his mouth shut about the
starlight, and soon the group was all using it to
compose their tales. The sudden increase in
demand pushed the cost of the drug higher
and higher until the Tale Weavers had
essentially priced themselves out of the
Desperate to acquire a batch,
Phoebaticus devised a plan to rob one of the
local dealers, and after much deliberation, the
other members of the group agreed to it after
Phoebaticus promised that he knew people
who could protect them from any reprisals.
The robbery went ahead, and the Weavers
intercepted a truck laden with drugs. They got
their supply of starlight, and much more.
Crates and crates of lust, groove, spike and
many more fell into their hands.
beginnings of a drug dealing empire were
theirs and as a means to escape the poverty
they had forever known they took the drugs
back to their homes and began to sell.

the head of the rival Coffin Syndicate. The

incidences of divine intervention raised
suspicion within some of the Weavers, but
others were keen to point out that perhaps the
Emperor was finally smiling on them after
generations of downtrodden luck.
The Weavers operation grew in size almost
exponentially over the next five years until it
came to the point that there was no opposition
left in Halonen and three other major cities.
They ruled practically the whole of Unsuplas
underworld and had nothing to fear from the
Then, completely inexplicably,
Phoebaticus disappeared. Ripples of panic
spread through the Weavers had their leader
been killed; had he been kidnapped; had
something forced him to flee? The Weavers
accounts were untouched, and no ransom
note was forthcoming, so Phoebaticus had not
fled with the money or been taken captive. As
they were essentially in power on Unsupla,
there was surely nothing he would have had to
flee from. His disappearance did not make
sense at all, but it was not long before the truth
was revealed.
At the side of his master, Inquisitor Rafe
Krycjek, Phoebaticus returned to the world at
the head of three regiments of the Petraeus
Nighthawks to purge the Weavers from the
face of the planet. The fighting against the
well-armed Weavers was furious, but the
superior training and fighting qualities of the
Nighthawks won through.
The streets of
Halonen were swept clear of vagrants, drug
addicts and the dealers that had brought the
great city such distress. The Unsuplans were
reminded of the power of the Imperium and
just what men like Saint Aurelius had stood for.
For the last fifty years Unsupla has been
exemplary in stamping out criminality and now
raises some of the best troops the Helios
sector has to offer. How long it persists in this
state is up to the whim of the Inquisition.

Directed by Phoebaticus, the Weavers carved

themselves a chunk of the Halonen
underworld, branching out into extortion,
kidnap and assassination. Within ten years
they had spread their influence to eight other
cities and had a stranglehold over starlight
production in Halonen. They had their run-ins
with the law and their rivals, but always
seemed to come out on top in open conflicts,
even when the odds were stacked against
them. Fortune seemed to smile on them, and
a series of accidents befell their opponents,
not least the Victory Bridge disaster that killed


Even the Inquisition, that one shining light in the darkness, is nought but a hive of power-hungry
murderers, sell-swords and traitors,
- Inquisitor Volantin Atlas, The Imperium and War





It was during a routine visit to the world by the

League of Blackships that Kor came to the
attention of the Inquisition. Every generation
or so, the Star-Emperor would send His
apostles to Solonius to demand the turning
over of the witches and shamen, for which the
tribesmen were rewarded with a blessing from
one of His emissaries. On this visit though,
the natives appeared only in dribs and drabs,
and all begged the Adepta Sororitas and
Stormtroopers present
to leave before the
Bloodied Knife arrived.
spotted not ten miles
landing site and it was
believed that they
were intent on making
trophies of the visitors,
the only group whose
blood their blades had
not tasted. Realising
that the presence of
the Bloodied Knife
was keeping the locals
prisoners away, the
leader of the landing party, Inquisitor Kaleb
Heratsi, struck out with a contingent of
Stormtroopers in a Chimera to locate the
Bloodied Knife and either drive them off, or
come to some kind of understanding with

The feral worlds of the Imperium all have one

thing in common the men and women born
on their forsaken soils are forced by their
hostile surroundings into learning how to
survive. The many dangers they face, be it
carnosaurs, meteor showers or simply other
people, quickly whittle out the weak, leaving
only those in the peak
of physical condition.
people, and every
tribe knows the sharp
end of a spear from
dangerous life breeds
tribes who know only
war, tribes who would
kill other men for their
food rather than hunt
On the world of
Solonius in the Venix
sector there was one
tribe whose name was
whispered around campfires as the harbingers
of death, the Bloodied Knife. Some said they
were the Star-Emperors chosen, and they
meted out His disapproval with their curved
blades. The very rumour of their sighting
would cause whole tribes to abandon lush
valleys and seek shelter in the rocky wastes
above, willing to take their chances in the
winter rather than face the Bloodied Knife.
One of their number was especially feared: a
giant by the name of Kor. Kor was said to be
able to strike men down with a glance, and
uproot trees with his bare arms. He could kill a
score of men single-handed, and wore the
scalps of all his victims on his belt. If the
Bloodied Knife were the Star-Emperors
chosen, then Kor was His champion.

It was not long before the Bloodied Knife let

themselves be known, and the avalanche of
rocks they unleashed to block the Chimeras
path proved they were in no mood for
discussion. Heratsi had the top hatch of the
personnel carrier opened and he stood up in
full view of the tribesmen, sword in one hand
and bolt pistol in the other. He fired one shot
into a nearby tree and blew it into splinters in
the hope that the primitives would be scared


off. He was quite disappointed when they

remained standing, and was surprised when
the biggest of the group began shouting and
gesticulating at him, his twin knives held
threateningly in front of him.
Heratsi had his Stormtroopers stand down
before they riddled the tribesmen with hellgun
beams, and climbed out of the Chimera and
jumped down to the ground to face off with the
bellowing monster. The brute came at him
quickly, but Heratsis noble swordsmanship
was the match of the mans blows, and the
inquisitor kept his foe at bay with a flurry of
parries. The brute became tired, and Heratsi
found an opening with which he dealt a blow
with the flat of his blade to the tribesmans
head, knocking him to the ground. Heratsi
kicked away his knives, and looked down at
his opponent. Knowing he had been defeated,
the brute offered his neck for the killing blow,
but instead was offered a hand to bring him to
his feet. Kor Grundig and the rest of the
Bloodied Knife entered into the service of the
Inquisition that day.

Ork-held system Ivar. However that crusade

never came to be because of the
repercussions of the so-called Schism of the
Conclave Venixian.
The death of two inquisitors with known
grudges against each other was the catalyst
for over five years of near open warfare
between the members of the Conclave
Venixian that eventually culminated in the
destruction of ten square kilometres of
industrial sprawl in the outskirts of Deruns
principle hive after the explosion of a plasma
The shameful incident is little
talked about now in the Venix Sector, and
though many inquisitors were blamed for the
atrocity, no individual man or woman was
singled out for blame. Those inquisitors that
admit to being involved in the madness claim
that it was Grundig that had been behind it all:
he had been the one to arrange the first two
deaths and had then set about dragging more
and more inquisitors into the mess until he
managed to dupe one into blowing up the
plasma reactor to destroy any evidence of his
plans. Some say that it was his plan to cripple
Deruns industrial capabilities and pitch the
sector into economic strife, while others say
that such lofty thoughts were beyond the man,
and he simply stirred up old enmities within the
Conclave and then made his escape just
before the futility of it all was realised.
Whatever the truth, Grundigs bloodthirsty past
drew him to follow the Istvaanian path, and in
the Venix Sector at least, he succeeded with
its ideals and left the sector in turmoil. He has
not been seen since the end of the Schism,
and though rumours of his demise persist,
there are many that say that the body
presented to the Conclave was simply one of
the other members of the Bloodied Knife and
that Grundig is still at large, plotting his next
campaign of violence.

Grundig was an acolyte for over forty years

before he was granted his own seal at nigh-on
seventy. He remained a ferocious warrior
during his service to Heratsi, and despite
gaining an aptitude for study following bionic
replacement of part of his brain after a lifethreatening head injury; he was always
happiest at the forefront of a charge into a nest
of heretics and, as an inquisitor in his own
right, little changed. Able to call on the might
of the Imperial Guard and the Adepta Sororitas
with a flash of his seal, Grundig initiated many
bloody pogroms across the Venix Sector in the
Segmentum Ultima at the slightest hint of
Grundig was rumoured to have
initiated the raising of a whole regiment of
guardsmen on the Sectors capital world,
Derun, ahead of a personal crusade into the
Inquisitor Grundig is right handed















Special Abilities: Leader, Furious Assault


Equipment: Average Bionic right arm (S55), Advanced Bionic Brain (Sg bonus included above),
Power Sword, Stubber with bayonet, Bioscanner Auspex, Flak armour on arms, chest and abdomen,
heavy robes on groin and legs.


Kierys came to be an agent of the Inquisition

some ninety years ago.

Being born into the family of a Rogue Trader

brings the opportunity for great wealth, but
also boundless corruption.
Plying the
uncharted regions of space on the rim of the
galaxy results in contact with all manner of
dangerous xenos races and warp entities.
There are many tales of Rogue Trader vessels
disappearing without trace, or worse, returning
into Imperial space irrevocably changed; their
crew members no longer entirely human or
sane. Unsurprisingly, the Inquisition watches
the Rogue Traders as closely as they can for
signs of corruption, to prevent them acting as
unwitting vectors for disease, mutation, heresy
and worse on their return to Imperial planets.
To this end, the Inquisition is eager to place
agents aboard Rogue Trader vessels as high
up the chain of command as possible, as it
most likely that the Rogue Trader himself and
his inner cadre will be the ones to come in
contact with corrupting forces. By achieving
this, the Inquisition has a mole through which
they can learn exactly what the crew has
encountered, and also have a place at the
Rogue Traders table through which an
inquisitor can attempt to coerce him into
abandoning potentially corrupting ventures.
Placing such a mole is never an easy task
however, as Rogue Traders are nothing if not
a suspicious lot. More often it is easier to
bribe someone already on the crew, though
this requires very large amounts of capital or
other promises to make it worth the would-be
double-agents while. This is exactly how Jan

As the third son of the Rogue Trader Cornelius

Kierys, Jan was raised to be an officer on his
fathers flagship, but knew that the trading
charter his father possessed would never be
his. He carried out his duties as an officer
well, and despite being shunned by Cornelius
in favour of his older siblings, he took part in
many planetside missions with his father,
encountering all sorts of xenos monstrosities,
some of whom who could be traded with and
some who deserved nothing better than a
taste of the Emperors mercy at the end of his
bolt pistol. Jans only real weakness was


women, and it was through a beautiful

pleasure-girl named Estella that Jan was
ensnared by the Ordo Xenos. Inquisitor Hiram
Retzlaff used Estella as a lure to bring Jan into
his custody, whereupon Retzlaff made his
proposal: Jan would feed information to him,
and in exchange would receive standings on
Blane in the Rho Sector, and immunity from
any charges related to consorting with xenos
creatures that may unfold. Hiram made it
absolutely clear to Jan that he could have him
executed for what they knew already about his
fathers missions and that the Inquisitions
mercy was not to be tested. Begrudgingly, Jan
accepted the offer, and for nearly a decade fed
Retzlaff with information about the planets his
father took them to, and what races were
encountered. Over this period, Jan grew even
more aloof from his father and his brothers as
he began to realise just how little a future he
had on board the fleet.
The depression
caused Jan to become sloppy with his work,
and while on planetary leave on Trian in the
Empathaline system, Jan was caught by his
father sending an astropathic communication
to Retzlaff. Jan barely escaped from his father
before Cornelius returned to his ship and
blasted clear of the system. Retzlaff arrived
some weeks later, angered by the loss of his
eye on Kierys senior and chastised Jan for his
failings. For nine years though, he had proved
himself a capable agent, and Retzlaff offered
him the choice of thirty years service in his
retinue, or a swift date with the Emperor. Jan
accepted the new proposal without hesitation.

As a member of the Ordo Xenos in his own

right, Kierys initially set about studying the
Tyranid Hive Fleets, especially their apparent
rapid evolution that saw them take on the best
aspects of the individual races they consumed,
forming each successive generation of beasts
into even more deadly killing machines.
Historical reports from Macragge did not
contain images of creatures commonly seen in
recent attacks, which suggested that even in
the last two centuries, many new genuses had
developed, and it was clear that the Tyranids
would continue to develop new creatures to
counter Imperial defence strategies over the
coming years. Kierys understood though that
there was little he could do to halt the evolution
of the Tyranid race short of decimating each
and every hive fleet in the void. In order to
outdo them, the Imperium would have to
evolve itself, at least in terms of combat ability
and willingness to fight the alien menace.
Kierys travelled to planets in the predicted path
of Leviathan and immediately set about
auditing their ground and system defences.
He was shocked to find how woefully defended
some of the worlds were, especially agriworlds
which presented a large biomass for
assimilation by the hive fleet, and without
which many systems would starve. Kierys set
about petitioning the Departmento Munitorum
to boost the defences of these worlds, while
sending agents to the worlds to encourage
enrolment in volunteer militias and the
Planetary Defence Forces.
He sent
emissaries to Space Marine Chapters and to
the Adeptus Mechanicus to share warnings of
the impending attack and request arms and
Only time will tell if he has
successfully mustered enough forces to repel
the oncoming horde.

Jans experiences with xenos races resulted in

him acting as both an advisor to Retzlaff and
as a frontline agent able to interact where
necessary with alien societies. Jan came to
learn of the varying ways in which xenos races
could threaten the Imperium, from the
propaganda of the Tau to the infestation and
subversion of the human race by genestealers
and how best to counter these threats. When
his thirty years of service expired Retzlaff
summoned Jan and told him that his work as
an acolyte was finished, and that he had one
more choice to make: retirement to Blane, or
to take up a seal of his own.
hesitation, Jan agreed to be confirmed as an

Jan thinks of himself as a humble defender of

the Imperium, but to some of his colleagues
within the Inquisition his actions are that of an
Istvaanian. He is setting up a score of planets
across a sector for a war that may never
come, press-ganging men into military service
and diverting normal industry into the
production of war materiel. His actions are
causing discontentment within merchant
sectors as prices fall, and conglomerates are
going to battle with each other for military


contracts. Some say that the disruption to the

planets he has caused will take decades to put
right, but if Kierys is right then just perhaps he

is constructing a wall against which the

Tyranid menace will break.

Inquisitor Kierys is right handed
















Special Abilities: Leader, Feint

Equipment: Average Bionic Ear, Lazarus Pattern Hellpistol plus reload, Chainsword, Filter Plugs,
Heavy robes on all locations.



a very early age, and come graduation, he was

one of the first handed to the Commissariat for
induction into their ranks. Life in the
Commissariat made the Schola look like a
veritable picnic.
What minor flaws and
weaknesses each new recruit had were laid
bare and trampled over by the instructors and
replaced with an unshakable faith in the
Emperor and the strength of the Imperium.
Junior Commissars were expected to be able
to recall entire passages from numerous books
of prayer and military discipline ad verbatim,
with physical punishment for those who
misquoted or hesitated unduly. They are
taught to despise weakness and be ever on
the lookout for the symptoms of cowardice, so
that they can reaffirm the belief of the men
under them with a well-placed bolt round. The
steely determination that Conakoglu had
displayed as a youth was forged into an allconquering will of iron and by the time his first
posting came, Conakoglu was more than
ready to take charge of whatever miserable
group of hive-trash or feral beasts the
Departmento Munitorum chose to throw him

As an orphan taken in by the Schola

Progenium, Conakoglu followed in the
footsteps of billions of Imperial servants that
had passed through its scriptoriums and
combat-salles. Within the Scholae, days are
long, discipline is harsh, and students have
their resolve tested from day one.
Scholae exist to produce men and women of
power and ability, and the Drill Abbots
encourage bullying and conflict between
students so that natural leaders can assert
themselves within the student body. For those
who gain respect through their charisma, a
place as an officer in the Fleet or Guard
perhaps awaits, where they can get the most
from their men; those who achieve respect
through physical prowess and mean nature
can make excellent Arbitrators; and those who
never stand down through sheer bloodymindedness can make excellent Commissars.
Conakoglu was one of the latter; a young man
that stood up to the bullies in his Schola and
grudgingly earned their respect. The Drill
Abbots had him marked as one to watch from


The world of Nuuk is known primarily for two

things the export of raw ores, and the mining
corporation-sponsored thug-armies that are
constantly sabotaging the mines of other
The average Nuukite is a
powerfully built, but shorter than average
human. Their main distinguishing features are
large eyes as a result of millennia of low light
conditions in the mine depths, and mottled skin
due to heavy metal tattooing of skin
To outsiders, they are often
thought of as abhumans, or mutants, but their
prominent traits are no more than an
adaptation to their environment, just as
Catachans are naturally tall and well-muscled.
The exogenous pigments in their skins are an
unfortunate side-effect of their mining
background, but there is no genetic deviancy
at work, though many a Nuukite has fallen foul
of an off-worlder mistaking him for something
unclean. As a result of the prejudices they
face from others, Nuukites found away from
their home world are a habitually insular
people, full of resentment at the mistreatment
they receive. Regiments of guardsmen raised
on Nuuk are often considered little more than
dregs to be fed to the enemys guns by army
command groups, and the 6th Company of the
14th Nuukite Grey Coats that Commissar Ozan
Conakoglu was attached to was no different.

tool. Once he reached the centre he fired his

bolt pistol into the air, and bellowed, The filthencrusted heretics we were delivered here to
dispatch are not an afternoons march from
here and yet you fight amongst yourselves like
children? The Emperor does not care which
corporation you represent, He cares only that
you turn your guns on the apostate that
occupy His city of Ivingut. You will cease this
madness and make ready for war, or the next
one of you to throw a punch will receive a bolt
round to the head and the knowledge that he
will not be granted a seat at the Emperors
table in the afterlife. Conakoglu met the gaze
of every Nuukite that dared stare at him and
without a word each and every guardsman
retrieved his lasgun. Onwards, Conakoglu
was heard to order, and the 6th company broke
ranks and marched on Ivingut. The surprise
and ferocity of the attack was to breach a hole
in the enemys defences that formed the
beachhead through which the army group was
able to take Ivingut, and the city would form a
staging point for the re-conquest of Cryolite.

Regiments from Nuuk also suffer from the fact

that men are press-ganged from across many
corporation thug-armies, and deadly enemies
suddenly find themselves shoulder to shoulder
in the grey stormcoat the regiments
traditionally wear. Such animosity often boils
over into full-blown battles within companies,
and Conakoglu found himself in the midst of a
storm when his company made landing on the
contested world of Cryolite. The 6th company
found themselves in the centre of an army
group advancing on the enemy-held city of
Ivingut but, during a break in the march, a
massed brawl broke out between the workers
and thugs of the Friedrich-Bach Fellowship
and their opposite numbers associated with
the Boehmite Cooperative. Such a loss in
discipline with the enemy a mere five
unacceptable, and Conakoglu strode into the
middle of the combatants, swatting away those
that dared stand up to him with an entrenching

Conakoglu served as a Commissar with the

14th Nuukite Grey Coats with distinction for
nearly two decades before the Battle of
Saxonia decimated the regiment. The few
survivors were inducted into the veteran army
of Inquisitor Akondra who had been
supervising the operation, and Conakoglu


found himself part of a witch-hunting team led

by one of Akondras interrogators. Akondras
teams had a high attrition rate due the dangers
posed by the rogue psykers he persecuted,
and Conakoglu was one of a handful of
Nuukite 14th veterans to survive the first two
years with Akondra. The dangers he faced as
an acolyte honed Conakoglus fighting abilities,
sharpened his perception of his surroundings
and optimised his survival skills.
He had
found a new purpose as one of the Emperors
unseen servants, and as time passed in
Akondras retinue he strove to be the best he
could be, so that one day he might be able to
take up the mantle of Witch Hunter himself.
Akondra was impressed with Conakoglus
drive, and elevated him to the position of
interrogator, from where he could lead his own
witch-hunting team. Conakoglu excelled in the
role and after a decade. Akondra successfully
petitioned for him to be declared an inquisitor
in his own right.

any differently. Such was the exacting nature

of the training his acolytes went through that
when the first few of his interrogators to take
up the seal themselves began their work their
early careers outshone most of their
Conakoglus congratulated him on his
mentoring, and asked for his secrets.
Conakoglu reflected on the harsh nature of his
training, and he began to ponder if such logic
could be applied to the Imperium as a whole.
He conducted research into invasions of
Imperial systems, such as those during the
Gothic War, and the first Tyrannic War and
began to see that when faced with total
annihilation the men and women of the
Imperium could rise up and triumph over
insurmountable odds. Humanity had shown
an aptitude for success under pressure, and
Conakoglu took it upon himself to create
duress for the citizens of the Imperium where
he could to get them to rise to new levels of
greatness. His early methods included the
sponsoring of rebellious factions, and the
encouragement of warfare between cartels,
just like that on Nuuk that had created the
brutal warriors of the 14th Grey Coats, but in
recent years he has taken a more direct
approach due to the state of the galaxy around
him. The Imperium has external pressures all
around in the form of its many enemies, and
with the 13th Black Crusade and all other
invasions threatening the Emperors realm,
Conakoglu believes it is now time to take the
Imperium to face its threats, for by throwing
them into the clutches of their foes the fighting
men and women of the Imperium will reach
their potential and cast back the darkness
once and for all.

In his early years as an inquisitor, Conakoglu

carved a reputation for himself as a successful
witch-hunter, just as Akondra had been. He
brought salvation to many worlds in the thrall
of rogue psykers and his name became
synonymous with unrelenting fury in the name
of the Emperor in the Torus Sector. He
worked his acolytes hard, just as he had been
worked hard himself, because for Conakoglu,
it had been the sheer difficulty of the witchhunting missions that had driven him to reach
the top; they had created a need for him to be
at his optimum just to survive, and he had
flourished with the pressure. The constant
threat to his continuing existence had been
key to his success, and the potential
inquisitors in his charge would not be treated
Inquisitor Conakoglu is right handed















Special Abilities: Leader, Word of the Emperor: Curse of Undoing

Equipment: Average Bionic Eye incorporating Motion Predictor, Storm Bolter, Chainaxe, Rebreather,
Voice Thrower, Power Armour on all locations except head.




short by a tragedy that befell the neighbouring

settlement of Ironhead. Nothing had been
heard from them for a month, and while that
wasnt terribly unusual in the winter months, it
usually meant that the other settlement would
be struggling to look after itself. Losporin and
a group of a dozen men set out for Ironhead
dragging as many supplies as they could
behind them on sledges. After nine days they
reached the outskirts of the town, finding it
eerily quiet and no smoke rising from
chimneys despite the deep cold. Searching of
the houses revealed that the townspeople had
not run out of food or fuel for their fires, and as
they pressed onwards a feeling of dread built
in each of them. The group reached the
chapel in the centre of the town, and Losporin
was shocked to see its windows shattered and
facings chipped by gunfire. He nervously
pushed open the door and came upon a scene
that had him whispering the names of the
The pews were filled with the
settlements townsfolk, every last one of them,
and they were all missing the roofs of their
skulls. He could see things scrabbling over
the corpses, diving into the craniums of the
dead to feast. At the head of the chapel sat a
pair of beasts, humanoid, but wrongly
proportioned and swathed in rags.
looked up at the groups entry and the leastbloated of the two leapt to its feet and

The frontier worlds of the Eastern Fringe are

for the most part lawless wastelands where the
Imperium is a distant legend and worlds go for
institutions. For the people of these planets,
life is invariably tough as they battle against
inclement climates and attempt to build cities
and industries without the technical support
they require. Worse still is the fact that their
sheer isolation means that should they be
attacked, there is little chance of help arriving
in time to save them. Some of these worlds
last a handful of years before something
comes from the darkness of space and
annihilates them, while others somehow
prosper through the discovery of some
valuable resource, excellent planning, or sheer
luck that keeps the circling vultures off their
backs. Most though fall somewhere in the
middle, and struggle on despite their
difficulties, resolutely refusing to give in to
dangers arrayed against them.
stubbornness to submit is a prominent feature
of the settlers that live on these worlds, many
of whom have escaped indescribable atrocities
and been forced east, and these people will
fight tooth and nail for the second chance at
life that He on Terra has gifted them with.
Most frontier worlders are doughty, grim and
self-reliant, trusting only their nearest and
dearest, and perhaps the shotgun under their
bed for protection. Such hardiness can be a
great asset, and it is unsurprising perhaps that
some members of the Inquisition make the
long trip to the furthest reach of the
Astronomican to find men and women to
recruit to their operations.
Cillian Lyko Losporin was a lawman on
Longreach, a cold, rocky and intimidating little
hole of world at the eastern edge of the
Adrianne Sector in the Ultima Segmentum,
some 20,000 light years east of Kar Duniash.
Losporin was a solid deputy who had taken
part in many hunts for karhnud rustlers;
rustling being the most common crime of note
aside from petty thieving and the occasional
assault around the settlement of Benediction
that he called home. In the winter of his 32nd
year, Losporins career as a lawman was cut


Losporin immediately felt lightheaded and sunk to his knees, the butt of his
shotgun the only thing keeping him upright.
Around him the others collapsed and he
looked up to see the beast closing on him. It
walked with a shallow gait, its head sweeping
around and Losporin remembered a sermon
from his youth about the perfect form of the
human body and how the xenos races were a
slur on the one true form. With all the strength
he could muster, he raised his shotgun and
blew the thing back down the chapel. With its
demise his mind cleared, and he was able to
stalk to the front of the chapel to where the
other still sat, mewling pathetically. It clutched
its belly and Losporin took it to be female,
pregnant with another litter of the things that
were devouring the brains of the townspeople.
He blew its head open and then blasted its
belly into tatters.

through the ranks that was leaving them with

swollen, painful hands and unable to lift their
weapons. It was feared that the Crethalin
were using a new viral weapon to disable the
men sent to fight them, so Losporin and his
personal physician went to investigate garbed
in vacuum-proof hostile environment suits.
Losporin found the men in varying states of
agony, some with rashes on their faces, and
some reported rashes in other more intimate
areas. He asked if any men had not been
affected and was told only the regimental
commissars had escaped the affliction.
Losporins doctor inspected them, and it was
only after he asked them to remove their
gloves that they started to show symptoms. It
was obvious that there was some alien irritant
that the men had come into contact with and
all were ordered to don gloves. The company
was ready to fight again the next day.

Before they left Ironhead, Losporin had the

church burnt to the ground to make sure all the
xenos taint was erased. Losporin and another
struck out for Premier, the site of the planets
spaceport and nominal capital to report their
On reaching Premier, Losporin
approached the Arbites to make his report, but
found himself on the receiving end of an
interrogation by a man named Malachi. After
they had finished talking, Losporin found
himself bundled onto a shuttlecraft and taken
from Longreach.
His service with the
Inquisition had begun.

Losporin was amazed by how something as

simple as a microscopic particle had reduced
the fighting effectiveness of a company of men
to zero.
He began to concentrate his
resources on understanding xenos viruses,
and then illnesses in general, generating close
ties with the Order Hospitaller, Officio Medicae
and the Adeptus Mechanicus Biologis.
wanted to know what it was that made some
men resistant to disease and others
susceptible. He travelled to worlds ravaged by
disease and took samples of DNA from the
unaffected and compared them with the dead,
looking for clues in the genes of both groups.
He took survivors from all the worlds he
visited, adding them to his retinue as glorified
guinea pigs to see if they would fall to other
diseases on other worlds, searching for
someone resistant to every known contagion.
He dreams of engineering a race of men
unsusceptible to any biological agent to
unleash on the Imperiums enemies and has
developed a working relationship with a Magos
Genetor to help facilitate this aim. Recently it
has been rumoured he has joined the Ordo
Sepulturum to further increase his knowledge
of disease, and some fear that he may be
attempting to unleash an epidemic to find his
next group of resistant survivors to experiment

Under Malachi, Losporin came to learn of

dozens of individual xenos races that existed
in the sectors around Longreach and the threat
they posed to the Imperiums will.
creatures Losporin had encountered were
revealed to him to be known as Omikans and
Losporin took pleasure in eradicating them
from the Adrianne Sector alongside Malachi.
Losporin served as an acolyte for eighteen
years before being granted his own seal and
continued his persecution of xenos races up
and down the Eastern Fringe. However, a
chance event during the Perseus War against
the Crethalin sparked a new interest for
Losporin: disease.
Imperial Guardsmen involved in the Pheros
drops were reporting a contagion spreading


Inquisitor Losporin is right handed
















Special Abilities: Leader, Rock Steady Aim

Equipment: Advanced Bionic Eye incorporating digi-laser, Stubber with reload, Hand Flamer, 5 shots
of Detox, Filter Plugs, Analgesia Infuser, Carapace Armour on arms, chest, abdomen and groin,
heavy robes on legs.



Without Istvaan III there would be no God-Emperor; I can see no greater argument for perpetuating
the eternal war than that,
- Inquisitor Volantin Atlas, The Imperium and War


The joy of playing an Istvaanian inquisitor is
that you have a character who absolutely
revels in anarchy. To be Istvaanian is to have
a desire to see communities, worlds and the
Imperium at large burn in the fires of conflict,
and there is much fun to be had playing the
callous monster to whom death is a vital part
of strengthening the rest of the human race.
There is a lot of enmity reserved for
Istvaanians within the Inquisition, and
therefore a lot of scope for bringing inquisitors
into conflict with them, and of course there are
those Istvaanians who would like nothing
better than to see the Inquisition tear itself
The varied scope of the Istvaanian faction
means there is a large selection of methods
that an Istvaanian may employ to achieve his
aims, from politicking and creating friction
between a worlds ruling parties, to directing
conflict through a cult from afar, or even
fighting tooth and nail at the forefront of his
wars. His Ordo affiliation (or lack thereof) will
govern what resources he can call on, and
may well be responsible for the methods he

An Ordo Xenos inquisitor who

terrorises planets with the aim of
fuelling an increase in their military
qualities will be heavily armed and
surround himself with a crack team of
well-drilled killers, such as Imperial
Guard veterans or assassins, or
perhaps even xenos allies, such as
the kroot.

An inquisitor of the Fomenter splinter

faction who wishes to ferment violence
between sects on an Imperial world is
likely to be well equipped, surrounded
by fiery orators such as priests to
drum up support as well as militaryminded characters with which to enact
his battle-plans.

This is by no means an exhaustive

these examples should hopefully
creative juices flowing and allow
creation of original and, most of
Istvaanian characters.





The modus operandi of the Istvaanian uses to

bring about strife will translate itself into the
type of character he is, what equipment he
uses, and the people he keeps close to him:

Istvaanian characters are well-suited to just

about any campaign as their presence can
often be put down to their interest in
propagating violence, but there is great scope
for designing a campaign based entirely
around the activities of an Istvaanian inquisitor.
With the Istvaanian as the protagonist of the
piece a campaign could revolve around the
inquisitors attempts to create conflict between
two separate parties, through politics,
manipulation or simple assassinations. An
Istvaanian makes for an interesting antagonist

An Ordo Hereticus inquisitor that

raises cults to test local law
enforcement may well be an
unassuming man wearing simple
robes with a small weapon concealed
about his person, accompanied by
simple desperados, fanatics, or even
community he has infiltrated.


too, and a hunt for such a character across a

battle-ravaged planet could be great fun for
players who enjoy lots of collateral damage!
Presented below are a number of campaign
and scenario concepts suitable for involving
Istvaanian characters.

The Hit
The underhives of Plosiv are the breeding
ground for some of the most ferocious
Guardsmen the Segmentum Tempestus has to
offer. However, in the depths of Gamma Hive,
a powerful leader has united many of the
gangs and the levels of violence are falling.
Such peace will undoubtedly soften Guard
recruits for years to come, and therefore the
leader must be assassinated to restore the
natural, violent, order.

Heresy Begets Retribution


An Amalathian inquisitor arrives on a planet to

investigate a series of ritual killings that seem
to be the work of a Chaos Cult. What he
doesnt know is that the cult is being fostered
by an Ordo Malleus Istvaanian who wants to
bring the planet to its knees. However, the
Amalathians investigation is swift and bloody,
and soon the cult has been decimated. The
Istvaanian must change tack if he wishes to
see the Inquisition tear the planet apart so
must set up a paper trail that leads to the
planets higher institutions, while not revealing
himself at any point.

An Istvaanian inquisitor wishes to ferment war

on an Imperial world with close links to the
There are already deep
divisions within society on the planet, with only
certain castes allowed to worship in the
temples and cathedrals, and this has left the
low-born very resentful of their lot. By setting
fire to a temple and pinning the blame on the
poor, the Istvaanian hopes to drive the nobles
to violence against the low-born and kick off a
civil war.
Hidden Guns


An Istvaanian has drawn two rival inquisitors to

a secluded spot. As the rivals face off with
one another, their hands hovering over their
pistols, the Istvaanian forces them into action
with a couple of well-placed long-las shots.
Can the Istvaanian remain hidden while the
other warbands tear themselves apart, or will
the rivals realise they have been set up and
momentarily forget their disagreement and
seek out the phantom sniper?

An entire subsector burns. What began as an

argument between senior members of the
local synod over which of the main religious
factions had a greater right to remains of an
Imperial Saint discovered on a dead world has
erupted into an indescribably vicious sectarian
war. The war is spreading inexorably, as
systems throw in their lot with one of the sides
for economic or religious reasons. An Ordo
Hereticus taskforce has been dispatched to
quell the violence, but they come across the
trail of an agitator seemingly responsible for
the increasing conflict. Can they track him
down before the entire sector is engulfed in

An Ordo Malleus Istvaanian has posed as a
Xanthite for many years to gain the trust of a
fellow radical. Finally the Xanthite has agreed
to join forces with the Istvaanian on what has
been described to him as an assault on a
sorcerers stronghold.
In actual fact, the
sorcerer is a puppet of the Istvaanian, and he
has actually drawn the Xanthite here to
destroy the bindings on his daemonhost and
unleash the unbound creature on the planet.



power will count as having two levels of

aiming, offering a +40% bonus to hit. This
power can only be used on single firing mode.
In addition, this power can only be used in
conjunction with weapons that fire actual
shells, such as stubbers and boltguns.
Energy-based weaponry, such as lasguns and
plasmaguns are unaffected.

Below are a selection of new psychic powers

inquisitors, or for the psykers they may
Enrage Difficulty: 5 per target
The psyker reaches into the minds of those
around him and fills them with anger and the
desire to shed blood. This is a ranged ability
that may target as many characters as the
player desires. An affected character must
pass a Willpower test with a negative modifier
equal to the amount the psyker passed his
psychic test by, or be subject to Frenzy for D3

Assail Difficulty: 5
The psyker uses his powers to gather up
detritus from the area and forms it into a cloud
of rapidly moving shrapnel that he can unleash
on his enemies. If the ability is successfully
activated, the psyker can propel the shrapnel
at a target, and for the purposes of the attack
counts as being armed with a shotgun loaded
with a scatter shell, though he does not have
to drop what he has in his hands to use it.

Empathic Command Difficulty: 15

The psyker forces his persona on those
around them, subconsciously willing them to
follow him into battle. The character may only
use this persistent power on himself, and while
it is active he counts as having the Leader
special ability, but with the range of the ability
doubled to 12 yards.

Crush Difficulty: Targets Toughness

The psyker focuses on an enemy, using his
will to subject him to massive telekinetic
forces, crushing him where he stands. This is
a ranged power. The target suffers one level
of damage to his chest for every full 10% the
psyker passed the psychic test by as his vital
organs are compressed by the colossal forces
around him.

Forget Me Difficulty: Targets

The psyker casts a veil over his targets mind,
rendering him incapable of forming memories
about the psyker for a short while. This is a
ranged ability. An affected character will forget
all further actions the psyker takes that turn,
essentially becoming unaware of the psyker.
The target will still interact with the psyker, be
it answering a question, or fighting in hand-tohand combat, but will have no memory of
anything occurring between the two of them.

Mind Ward Difficulty: 15
The psyker draws on the warp to banish
thoughts of fear from his mind and steels
himself against oncoming horror.
character may only use this persistent power
on himself, and while it is active he counts as
having the talent Force of Will.
Weapon Meld Difficulty: 10
The psyker focuses his will on the weapon in
his hands, allowing his subconscious to flow
into the blade, forming it into a deadly
extension of his body. This is a persistent
power, and can only be used by the psyker on
himself. The ability grants the psyker a +10%
bonus to his Weapon Skill while it is active.

Willed Shot Difficulty: 10
The psyker focuses on the bullet in the firing
chamber of his gun, and lets the bullet free,
guiding it unerringly with his mind to the target.
The first shot the psyker fires after using the



next nearest character and launch a new


Sure Strike
The character bides his time in combat,
awaiting the perfect opening to drive a blade
between armour plates or through eye-pieces.
The character can choose to use this ability in
hand-to-hand combat as part of an attack
action. Sure Strikes are at -20% to hit, but the
attack ignores D6 points of armour on the
location hit.

Voice Thrower (Common)

A common piece of tech used by rabblerousers the galaxy over, a voice thrower
amplifies the volume of a persons voice
allowing them to be heard further away than
normal. Voice throwers may be implanted in a
persons larynx, simply carried by hand,
mounted on servo skulls or other familiar, or
more exotically be a form of implant allowing
telepathic communication. In game terms, a
voice thrower allows shouting to be heard and
understood at 3 times their normal range, 90
and 60 yards respectively. In addition voice
throwers can be used to produce eardrumshattering bursts of feedback, which in close
proximity to another character can be a useful
way of disorientating them. An action must be
spent to use the voice thrower in this fashion.
Any character within 5 yards of the voice
thrower must pass a Willpower test or be
stunned for a turn. The character activating
the voice thrower is considered immune from
the effects of the feedback as they were
expecting the horrific noise!

Strength Boost
The character can momentarily boost his
strength through meditation, activating servos
on his armour, by taking a stimm, or through
sheer bloody-mindedness.
The character
must spend an action activating the boost, in
whatever form it takes, and gains a +10 bonus
to his Strength for the rest of the turn.
The character excels at cutting swathes
through vast numbers of opponents with the
arcing swings of his blade. The character can
use this talent in hand-to-hand combat if he is
at arms length and armed with a reach 4
weapon. The character can choose to target
multiple opponents at arms length with one
attack, though suffers a cumulative -10%
penalty to hit for each target after the first. Any
one successful parry (n.b. not dodge) will
prevent the character from continuing to hit
further targets as his blade will have been
deflected out of the attack arc.

Adrenal Spike (Rare)

This implant floods a persons system with
adrenaline, increasing their reflexes and
boosting their strength.
However, such
sudden and sustained exertion rapidly
exhausts, and as such, Adrenal Spikes are not
often implanted in willing subjects. Adrenal
spikes boost a characters Strength and
Initiative by +20, but the character must pass a
Toughness test every turn while the Spike is
active or add D6 to his injury total. Spikes are
treated like stimm injectors, and carry a dose
measured in turns of use, and can be activated
remotely by another character, via a trigger
word, telepathic trigger or simple radio control.

Fury (Exotic)
This toxin blocks higher brain functions,
leaving those under its effects little more than
beasts with an irresistible urge to kill. If the
target fails its resistance test it will immediately
attack the nearest character it is aware of in
hand-to-hand combat and will continue
attacking him until another resistance test is
passed in the recovery phase, or the affected
characters opponent is knocked unconscious
or killed, in which case he will seek out the

Analgesia Infuser (Exotic)

An analgesia infuser is a medical implant that
pumps painkillers and system stabilising
agents into a persons system in response to
trauma. Analgesia Infusers are activated after
a character suffers an injury and give a +1
bonus to his roll to reduce his injury total
following successful recovery rolls for the rest


of the game. However, the drugs affect

reaction time somewhat and will reduce a
characters Initiative by -10 for the duration of
the game.
Lazarus Pattern Hellpistol (Rare)
An uncommon double-barrelled design gives this las-weapon a high rate of fire, and it is notable for its
accuracy at short range and considerable stopping power.

Lazarus Pattern Hellpistol










Semi 2




The cries were stopping now, and the black cloud of circling carrion birds in the sky above was coming ever
closer. The slate of the valleys floor was slick with blood for hundreds of metres in every direction and
Collington estimated that there were eight thousand bodies arrayed at the bottom of the slope. The battle
had been furious, and in the press of the rocks had been settled not with lasbolts but by fist and bayonet.
The Tergun had triumphed, just as he had predicted, and even now the survivors were closing on the dam
at the head of the valley, the taste of blood fresh in their mouths.
The berserkers from Tergun were nigh on uncontrollable, but once they had a foe to take battle to they
were the most efficient assault troops Collington had ever had the pleasure of sending into battle. His army
group had smashed aside the resistance around the Finback Mountains thanks to the ferocity of the Tergun.
Initially hed had some reservations when he had been presented with the rabble, especially considering
there was a regiment of Cadians a continent away, but after the first assault all his disappointment had
vanished in a storm of lasfire and bayonets. The primitives were going to win him quite a few medals,
especially if they managed to attach the demolition charges to the dam like theyd been shown. The techadepts had not even attempted to teach the Tergun how to rig a detonator and instead had relied on a
timer to bring about the final pyrotechnics, but Collington was confident that the primitives would get the
job done. They hadnt failed with anything yet.
Collington sat down into his command throne in the back of the Salamander and turned to his aide.
Signal Lord-General Murdoch and inform him that the Tergun are closing on the dam, he instructed.
Those bastards in the citadel will be drowned soon enough.
Collington couldnt say he was a fan of the orders he had been given he certainly wouldnt like to be
drowned in a tidal wave but this plan would save on artillery shells and the lives of guardsmen. Plus, they
were all heretics. Or at least Collington assumed so. In the three wars he had fought against men, always
they had been on the side of the Great Enemy. Mutations, symbols of Chaos, even the traitor Astartes had
been prominent, but this time he had seen nothing but Imperial Aquilae and human faces. Chaos could
deceive, but why would they endure the thrashing they had taken thus far without calling upon their traitor
Astartes allies? Perhaps there was some greater plan at work here, but the longer it took the enemy to
show their cards the better.
An explosion rang out across the mountains and Collington stood up with a start. The demolition charges.
A sound like distant thunder followed, building in intensity until it became a roaring crescendo. A churning
impasse of water burst from between the walls of the chasm to Collingtons left, sweeping up the slate and
bodies from the ground as it went, forming a mass of jagged shards and thundering foam. The water
roared past him, thousands of gallons passing every second. The men in the citadel didnt stand a chance.
Signal Murdoch and tell him the mission was a success, he told his aide
hatch. Lets go and see if any of the Tergun survived, he instructed.
men that had made it out of the valley would be standing atop the ruins
at the thousands they had just condemned to death. The Emperor
someone say once and right now it was so very true.


wearily. He banged on the drivers

Somehow he knew that all of the
of the dam, screaming their curses
smiles on the strong, hed heard


This sourcebook is a not-for-profit fan-made endeavour, designed to provide
additional material for the Inquisitor game system.

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