Istvaanian Sourcebook
Istvaanian Sourcebook
Istvaanian Sourcebook
Welcome to the Istvaanian Sourcebook, a fan-created supplement for the Inquisitor game, which
some players of Dark Heresy may also find interesting. Just as the Games Workshop written Thorian
Sourcebook and fan-produced Recongregator Sourcebook that have already been released on the
fans of intrigue in the 41st millennium have delved into the background behind one of the shady
groupings within the Inquisition, this book aims to offer an insight into the infamously bloodthirsty
Istvaanian faction.
Within this publication youll find a treatise on the Istvaanian faction, detailing its history, splinter
groups, its place within the Ordos and some notable Istvaanian inquisitors.
Though this book is entirely unofficial and offers only my take on the Istvaanian faction, it is all based
on the established background laid down in such mighty tomes as the Inquisitor rulebook, the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, various Dark Heresy publications and not least the Thorian
Sourcebook which provided most of the inspiration for this endeavour. Credit must go to the authors
of these pieces for without their work, none of this would have been possible.
Text and miniatures by Ruaridh Dall.
Artwork by Nyla Abraham and Ruaridh Dall.
Thanks to David Knowles and Derek Gillespie for constant inspiration and proofreading.
This sourcebook is a not-for-profit fan-made endeavour, designed to provide additional material for the Inquisitor game system.
This sourcebook is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.
40k, Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Flame, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL Publishing, Blood Angels,
Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, The Blood Bowl Spike Device, Cadian, Catachan, Chaos, the Chaos device, the
Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Cityfight, City of the Damned, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Darkblade, Dark
Eldar, Dark Future, Dawn of War, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Epic,
Eye of Terror, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Fire Warrior, the Fire Warrior logo, Forge World, Games Workshop,
Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, GW, GWI, the GWI logo, the Hammer
of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Inferno, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of
Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Kroot, Lord of Change, Marauder, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo, Necromunda,
Necromunda stencil logo, Necromunda Plate logo, Necron, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle,
Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space
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Warhammer 40k Device, Warhammer World logo, Warmaster, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks,
names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Blood Bowl game, the
Warhammer world, the Talisman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either , TM and/or Copyright Games
Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No
challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
Dark Magenta is a not-for-profit, web-based fan magazine providing additional information for the Inquisitor game, and is in no
way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. For more information, see
Istvaanianism: An introduction to the Istvaanian movement, detailing what it stands for and hopes to
Origins of the Faction: A guide to the history of the faction, detailing its roots and progression
throughout the millennia.
Facets of Istvaanianism: A treatise on the divisions within the ideology including insights into the
methods these groupings use to achieve their goals.
Istvaanians Within the Ordos: A look at how Istvaanian inquisitors exist within the various Ordos of
the Inquisition.
Istvaanians and Other Factions: An insight into how Istvaanians interact with the other major
factions and vice versa.
Cults: Many Istvaanians rely on cults to further their aims, and this section provides an overview of
how cults can be of use to these inquisitors. The section also details three cults rumoured to have
been manipulated by an Istvaanian.
Istvaanian Personalities: Profiles of four prominent Istvaanian inquisitors.
Istvaanians in The Game: A guide to using Istvaanians in your games of Inquisitor, including
campaign and scenario ideas, new abilities, psychic powers and equipment.
In a galaxy of unending war and madness, only the strongest can hope to survive,
Inquisitor Volantin Atlas, The Imperium and War
After the upheaval of the Reign of Blood, the
galaxy entered into a relatively calm period.
Orks still set fire to whole systems, Chaos
raiders still ravaged Imperial space and the
Eldar attacked and disappeared just as they
had always done, but there was no great
conflict that threatened the future of the
Imperium as a whole. The Ordo Xenos still
spoke of a reawakening ancient race in
hushed whispers, and the Ordo Malleus
plotted in secret on Saturns moons. The
newly formed Ordo Hereticus though, was not
idle, in a period that would become known as
the Age of Redemption, inquisitors flocked to
its ranks, some simply aligning themselves
with an Ordo that now represented their
modus operandi of hunting rogue psykers, and
others who were determined to make sure
something like the Age of Apostasy could
never come to be again. Many of these
inquisitors set out on bloody pogroms, carving
through the populations of many planets in
search of witches, mutants and traitors. Some
worlds were declared Perdita and subjected to
Exterminatus to remove forever the mass
One of the most vocal critics of the Istvaanians
Andrusyshyn had been one of the few
inquisitors who had attempted to alert their
fellows to the danger that Vandire had posed
before he had taken the Imperium by the
throat. To him, the Reign of Blood had been
one of the most shameful episodes in the
Imperiums long history, and the madness that
had culminated with an Astartes assault on
Holy Terra itself was completely unforgivable.
For Andrusyshyn, the Imperium could only
prosper with peace, and the newly vocal
Istvaanians were upsetting any chance the
Peace is an affectation of the weak, Inquisitor Volantin Atlas, The Imperium and War
Imperators all share in the belief that the
Imperium is mighty, but within the teeming
masses of humanity, there are those who have
become lax in their devotion to He on Terra
and some may have even began to harbour
heretical thoughts. This weakness of spirit
threatens to undermine the Imperium, and
these men and women must be reminded of
the power of the Adepta around them. To this
end some Imperators will have people forcibly
taken from their homes and places of work by
the authorities on their orders for any number
of crimes (and sometimes on a whim).
Sometimes these people are returned to their
communities, bloody and bruised, or
sometimes not at all. However it ends, these
communities will have witnessed firsthand how
the Imperium deals with criminals and
seditionists, and will immediately return their
prayers to Terra in fear of being taken next.
Imperators traditionally maintain ties with the
Adeptus Arbites to initiate their arrests and at
the same time provide a recognisable face of
Imperial power.
Observers of the orkoid races note that they
are ever at war, even amongst their own kind,
and rather than suffer for their internecine
killing, the orks thrive. Orks grow bigger with
conflict, becoming more physically attuned to
death and destruction, and, as a particular
tribe triumphs over its neighbours, there is a
The Elucidium
In an organisation as widespread and fiercely
clandestine as the Inquisition there are many
groups who hold the same modus operandi,
but operate under different titles, completely
unaware of the existence of their like-minded
brethren. This may be down to the simple
coincidence of inquisitors at opposite ends of
the galaxy fighting common foes, but in some
cases an inquisitor will set up cells in isolation
of each other, especially if he is investigating
a brother inquisitor and cannot risk his whole
operation being exposed. The Elucidium was
a cell of Istvaanian inquisitors that existed
entirely unaware that the faction was a force
in the Inquisition at large. Their founder was
a man named Agmar, an inquisitor who held
to Istvaanian tenets, but did not tutor his
acolytes about the origin of his beliefs,
perhaps because he feared he would be
entitled a Radical by those he mentored.
Whatever his reasons, Agmar created a
close-knit and secretive group of Istvaanians
in the shape of his acolytes. They called
themselves The Elucidium and undertook
their war-mongering schemes for decades
unaware that their philosophy was not
unique. Secretive to the last, no one knows
now if The Elucidium still exist, but in the
wider galaxy it is entirely possible another cell
of Istvaanians works alone, blissfully unaware
that there are others like them setting planets
alight and breeding strength through conflict.
At the beginning of the 41st millennium,
perhaps they greatest and most successful
crusade since the Emperor set off from Terra
to reunite humanity was overseen by Lord
Dellas stalked through the maintenance conduit warily, apprehension written all over his face. His contact in the
Ordo had promised him information that would lead to his quarry, but the locale hed chosen for their rendezvous
couldnt have been riper for an ambush. There were that many pipes venting steam that he couldnt see more
than ten yards ahead of him, and he was sweating profusely with the temperature. He couldnt think of a more
dangerous meeting place except perhaps the rim of one of planets volcanoes, but the contact had insisted that
this was the only place the Ordo werent watching. Dellas couldnt argue with the mans inside knowledge, and
had to agree with the meeting; it was the only way to bring down Freeman. He was too close to uncovering his
scheme, and had to be ended swiftly, with no link back to him. The contact had promised a thorough dossier on
Freemans movements, associates and bases of operations, and with that knowledge, Dellas was sure he could
plan a way to assassinate him whilst leaving no evidence linking him to the crime. Now he just had to hope the
contact had been telling him the truth.
At the next junction the steam cleared slightly, extending Dellass field of vision to the next bulkhead. Runes
above it denoted it as access 12/80 and he relaxed a little. He had made it to the rendezvous without incident.
He placed a screamer on the floor to warn of anyone sneaking up on him and drew his bolt pistol. He trusted his
contact, but he wasnt about to take any unnecessary risks his contact could oh-so-easily have been
compromised by one of Freemans men. Dellas entered the ritual sequence of unlocking into the keypad beside
the door just as the contact had told him, and was rewarded with a grinding of gears. The door shuddered open
to reveal a dark room beyond, one solitary lume-strip in the ceiling providing the most meagre of lighting. Dellas
took a light-caster from his belt, cracked it on his knee and through the tube into the room. The chemicals inside
the tube fizzed before throwing back the shadows with a momentarily fearsome luminescence that slowly faded to
something much more comfortable on his eyes. The room appeared empty, apart from a cleaning servitor
slumped over the bucket that protruded from its belly. It was long dead if the stink was anything to go by, trapped
long ago by whomever had closed the door hed just come through. He paced into the room, quickly checking the
corners for any surprises. The room was quite deserted. He let out a sigh of relief and checked his chronometer.
He was two minutes early for the meeting. He turned on his heel and stood facing the door, bolt pistol raised.
Two minutes came and went. Something had gone wrong.
Dellas made for the door, but it ground shut before he could get there. Despairingly, he battered it once with the
butt of his pistol, before turning back to the room with a curse on his lips. The servitor was gone, its bucket sitting
lonely on the floor. Not a servitor then, just part of a trap. Dellass eyes darted around. It had to be in the room.
He heard the shuffle of feet to his right and blasted a bolt round through a cluster of pipes. They squealed as they
began to vent steam into the room, and Dellas caught sight of movement through the cloud. He darted forward
and fired off another shot into the gloom.
Where are you? he growled.
He was answered with the unmistakable feeling of the point of a blade in his lower back.
I thought Id been duped you know, when my contact failed to show, his target whispered in his ear, but hes
done better than just give me your location it would seem.
Freeman? Dellas spurted.
Of course. Expecting someone else?
Someone who said they could lead me to you.
Seems they did. Pity you couldnt take advantage of them giving me to you, unlike I have.
Freeman let Dellass body slump to the floor and wiped the blood from his knife, speculating over how very
different things could have been had he not worn his cameleoline synskin. Both he and Dellas had clearly been
set up, probably by the same contact, but to what end? Perhaps the contact wanted them dead and had hoped
this meeting would have killed the both of them. If that was the case, he would have to watch himself the
contacts mission was only half-completed. He mentally shrugged and opened up the door. He turned to close it,
and caught sight of the bucket. Just where had the servitor gone?
Despite being an organisation purposely built
to deal with the threats posed to the Imperium
by alien races, the Ordo does contain a fair
number of Istvaanians. One of the central
tenets of the philosophy is that great wars and
the strife they bring are needed to galvanise
humanity and make it better for having fought
in them, and the many xenos races that
oppose man are as worthy foes as other men.
Some would say argue in fact that the
unfamiliar battle tactics, weapons and
equipment that alien races employ require
more skill at arms to conquer than mere men
and therefore inter-species war results in
stronger armies and, therefore, the Imperium
should be encouraged to combat enemies
outside its borders. And of course, there are
Istvaanians who, as loyal subjects of the
Throne, despise xenos races and wish to rid
the galaxy of them, just as they should!
There is no greater pressure on the Imperium
than the eternal war with its innumerable
enemies within, without and beyond. Millions
die every day across the galaxy, but for every
thousand men that fall, one will survive by
strength of arms, natural toughness or some
quirk of fortune. The ferocity, cunning or luck
that sees these individuals through often
cataclysmic battles sets them apart from their
fellow men, and many Istvaanians are keen to
make use of such special warriors. The old
mantra of conflict breeds strength is literally
applied to these survivors, and some inquisitors
have agents within many armies ready to
sweep up those left at the end of decade-long
campaigns whose battle-craft is simply
unparalleled. Some Istvaanians are rumoured
to have at their beck and call regiment-sized
formations of soldiers to whom no enemy holds
any fear such is the experience of war they
have. These veteran armies are the pinnacle
of humanitys fighting forces save the Astartes
themselves and they are often directed into the
teeth of the enemy where their combat-nous
enables them to triumph where other men
would simply die in droves. Many a victory has
owed its success to a company of veterans
dispatched by an Istvaanian inquisitor into the
toughest knots of resistance. And of course,
every new battle teaches its survivors
something new, ever increasing their combateffectiveness.
The Ordo Sicarius watches over the most
lethal individual tools in the Imperiums multifaceted arsenal, and having a hand in directing
these agents of death perhaps unsurprisingly
appeals to those with agendas of bloodshed
and warfare like the Istvaanians. An Offico
Assassinorium agent can gain covert access
to just about anywhere in the galaxy and kill
any man, woman or child. If that individual is
an Imperial governor, Navigator Paternova or
tribal chieftain, huge power vacuums can be
created with one bullet, blade or poisoned
chalice, vacuums that will only be resolved
with copious amounts of bloodshed. Even if
an Istvaanian cannot realise the sanctioning of
an Assassin, the specialised equipment that
his position will give him access to will make
an assassination with a lesser man all the
more easy.
An organisation as secretive as the Inquisition
undoubtedly has groups hidden within its ranks
dedicated to safeguarding or empowering
particular aspects of the Imperium. No one
knows how many more Ordos may be in
existence, but rumours persist of a small
number that, if they do exist, could hold great
Throughout the ages, many disasters have
befallen humanity, but always there are those
that survive, stronger and wiser for the
experience: on feral worlds, tribesmen learn
that the open plain is the hunting ground for
Resurrectionism and Incarnationism, are
divisive subjects amongst the Inquisition and
therefore a perfect point of contention for
Walk the streets of any Imperial city and you will find yourself hunted,
- Inquisitor Volantin Atlas, The Imperium and War
The term cult is used almost universally
across the Imperium and is defined as a group
of people who subscribe to a particular belief
or common interest. Some use the term to
refer solely to heretical organisations within
Imperial society that blatantly worship the
Gods of Chaos, while for others it is used
much more liberally, even going as far as to
call the followers of the Imperial Creed the
Cult of the Emperor. There is no way of
knowing how many cults exist in the Imperium
as there are an almost infinite number of
beliefs for a cult to form around. Any one
Imperial world could perhaps have hundreds, if
not thousands, of individual cults drawn
together around things as varied as the
collection of images of Roboute Guilliman for a
share of his wisdom, growth of serene fungi for
prayer sessions under its calming influence, or
trying to glimpse the future in the ropey entrails
of a recently slaughtered grox.
Some acolytes work their way
around worlds and sectors looking for
dangerous cults, and the acolytes of
Istvaanian inquisitors are sometimes charged
with finding cults that can be incorporated into
their masters schemes to bring conflict to a
world. Some recidivistic cults simply require a
gentle push to take up arms and go to war
against loyalist troops, while some cults need
moulding, often over years, into the correct
kind of warmongering tool.
Istvaanian inquisitors are by no means limited
to taking charge of existing cults: some
inquisitors seek to establish cults of their own
that can be carefully watched over and
controlled more easily as the grand plan
comes to fruition. Some cults are specifically
tailored to come into conflict with followers of
an opposing viewpoint while others may simply
be for initiating terrorist attacks in the hope of
drawing a response from the local authorities.
More cunning still are those cults initiated to
attract the attention of a particular branch of
the Inquisition that the Istvaanian believes
needs testing in battle, and of course some
may be founded to trap an opponent the
Istvaanian wishes to attack.
Executed 2645917.M41
Even the Inquisition, that one shining light in the darkness, is nought but a hive of power-hungry
murderers, sell-swords and traitors,
- Inquisitor Volantin Atlas, The Imperium and War
Equipment: Average Bionic right arm (S55), Advanced Bionic Brain (Sg bonus included above),
Power Sword, Stubber with bayonet, Bioscanner Auspex, Flak armour on arms, chest and abdomen,
heavy robes on groin and legs.
Losporin immediately felt lightheaded and sunk to his knees, the butt of his
shotgun the only thing keeping him upright.
Around him the others collapsed and he
looked up to see the beast closing on him. It
walked with a shallow gait, its head sweeping
around and Losporin remembered a sermon
from his youth about the perfect form of the
human body and how the xenos races were a
slur on the one true form. With all the strength
he could muster, he raised his shotgun and
blew the thing back down the chapel. With its
demise his mind cleared, and he was able to
stalk to the front of the chapel to where the
other still sat, mewling pathetically. It clutched
its belly and Losporin took it to be female,
pregnant with another litter of the things that
were devouring the brains of the townspeople.
He blew its head open and then blasted its
belly into tatters.
The Hit
The underhives of Plosiv are the breeding
ground for some of the most ferocious
Guardsmen the Segmentum Tempestus has to
offer. However, in the depths of Gamma Hive,
a powerful leader has united many of the
gangs and the levels of violence are falling.
Such peace will undoubtedly soften Guard
recruits for years to come, and therefore the
leader must be assassinated to restore the
natural, violent, order.
Heresy Begets Retribution
An Ordo Malleus Istvaanian has posed as a
Xanthite for many years to gain the trust of a
fellow radical. Finally the Xanthite has agreed
to join forces with the Istvaanian on what has
been described to him as an assault on a
sorcerers stronghold.
In actual fact, the
sorcerer is a puppet of the Istvaanian, and he
has actually drawn the Xanthite here to
destroy the bindings on his daemonhost and
unleash the unbound creature on the planet.
Assail Difficulty: 5
The psyker uses his powers to gather up
detritus from the area and forms it into a cloud
of rapidly moving shrapnel that he can unleash
on his enemies. If the ability is successfully
activated, the psyker can propel the shrapnel
at a target, and for the purposes of the attack
counts as being armed with a shotgun loaded
with a scatter shell, though he does not have
to drop what he has in his hands to use it.
Mind Ward Difficulty: 15
The psyker draws on the warp to banish
thoughts of fear from his mind and steels
himself against oncoming horror.
character may only use this persistent power
on himself, and while it is active he counts as
having the talent Force of Will.
Weapon Meld Difficulty: 10
The psyker focuses his will on the weapon in
his hands, allowing his subconscious to flow
into the blade, forming it into a deadly
extension of his body. This is a persistent
power, and can only be used by the psyker on
himself. The ability grants the psyker a +10%
bonus to his Weapon Skill while it is active.
Willed Shot Difficulty: 10
The psyker focuses on the bullet in the firing
chamber of his gun, and lets the bullet free,
guiding it unerringly with his mind to the target.
The first shot the psyker fires after using the
Sure Strike
The character bides his time in combat,
awaiting the perfect opening to drive a blade
between armour plates or through eye-pieces.
The character can choose to use this ability in
hand-to-hand combat as part of an attack
action. Sure Strikes are at -20% to hit, but the
attack ignores D6 points of armour on the
location hit.
Strength Boost
The character can momentarily boost his
strength through meditation, activating servos
on his armour, by taking a stimm, or through
sheer bloody-mindedness.
The character
must spend an action activating the boost, in
whatever form it takes, and gains a +10 bonus
to his Strength for the rest of the turn.
The character excels at cutting swathes
through vast numbers of opponents with the
arcing swings of his blade. The character can
use this talent in hand-to-hand combat if he is
at arms length and armed with a reach 4
weapon. The character can choose to target
multiple opponents at arms length with one
attack, though suffers a cumulative -10%
penalty to hit for each target after the first. Any
one successful parry (n.b. not dodge) will
prevent the character from continuing to hit
further targets as his blade will have been
deflected out of the attack arc.
Fury (Exotic)
This toxin blocks higher brain functions,
leaving those under its effects little more than
beasts with an irresistible urge to kill. If the
target fails its resistance test it will immediately
attack the nearest character it is aware of in
hand-to-hand combat and will continue
attacking him until another resistance test is
passed in the recovery phase, or the affected
characters opponent is knocked unconscious
or killed, in which case he will seek out the
Semi 2
The cries were stopping now, and the black cloud of circling carrion birds in the sky above was coming ever
closer. The slate of the valleys floor was slick with blood for hundreds of metres in every direction and
Collington estimated that there were eight thousand bodies arrayed at the bottom of the slope. The battle
had been furious, and in the press of the rocks had been settled not with lasbolts but by fist and bayonet.
The Tergun had triumphed, just as he had predicted, and even now the survivors were closing on the dam
at the head of the valley, the taste of blood fresh in their mouths.
The berserkers from Tergun were nigh on uncontrollable, but once they had a foe to take battle to they
were the most efficient assault troops Collington had ever had the pleasure of sending into battle. His army
group had smashed aside the resistance around the Finback Mountains thanks to the ferocity of the Tergun.
Initially hed had some reservations when he had been presented with the rabble, especially considering
there was a regiment of Cadians a continent away, but after the first assault all his disappointment had
vanished in a storm of lasfire and bayonets. The primitives were going to win him quite a few medals,
especially if they managed to attach the demolition charges to the dam like theyd been shown. The techadepts had not even attempted to teach the Tergun how to rig a detonator and instead had relied on a
timer to bring about the final pyrotechnics, but Collington was confident that the primitives would get the
job done. They hadnt failed with anything yet.
Collington sat down into his command throne in the back of the Salamander and turned to his aide.
Signal Lord-General Murdoch and inform him that the Tergun are closing on the dam, he instructed.
Those bastards in the citadel will be drowned soon enough.
Collington couldnt say he was a fan of the orders he had been given he certainly wouldnt like to be
drowned in a tidal wave but this plan would save on artillery shells and the lives of guardsmen. Plus, they
were all heretics. Or at least Collington assumed so. In the three wars he had fought against men, always
they had been on the side of the Great Enemy. Mutations, symbols of Chaos, even the traitor Astartes had
been prominent, but this time he had seen nothing but Imperial Aquilae and human faces. Chaos could
deceive, but why would they endure the thrashing they had taken thus far without calling upon their traitor
Astartes allies? Perhaps there was some greater plan at work here, but the longer it took the enemy to
show their cards the better.
An explosion rang out across the mountains and Collington stood up with a start. The demolition charges.
A sound like distant thunder followed, building in intensity until it became a roaring crescendo. A churning
impasse of water burst from between the walls of the chasm to Collingtons left, sweeping up the slate and
bodies from the ground as it went, forming a mass of jagged shards and thundering foam. The water
roared past him, thousands of gallons passing every second. The men in the citadel didnt stand a chance.
Signal Murdoch and tell him the mission was a success, he told his aide
hatch. Lets go and see if any of the Tergun survived, he instructed.
men that had made it out of the valley would be standing atop the ruins
at the thousands they had just condemned to death. The Emperor
someone say once and right now it was so very true.
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Dark Magenta is a not-for-profit, web-based fan magazine providing additional
information for the Inquisitor game, and is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop
Limited. For more information, see