Advanced Dark Heresy - Psychic Powers

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Written By
Kari Lauri Salonen
(aka LeGurmux) (Finland)

Eero Kasurinen (Finland)
Anssi Pöyhönen (Finland)
Antti Kangas (Finland)
Risto Koponen (Finland)

Special Thanks To
Eero Kasurinen (Finland)
For Proof Reading and Ideas


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Tampere, Finland 21st of October 2015

MINOR POWERS ........................................ 5 □ Psychic Stench ............................... 8 □ Without a Trace .......................... 11
PR: 1 Focus: Half PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Call Creatures ................................ 5 - Range: Touch - Range: You
PR: 1 Focus: Full
□ Resist Possession ........................... 8 BIOMANCY ............................................. 11
- Range: 1 km radius
PR: 1 Focus: Reaction
□ Call Item ........................................ 5 - Range: You □ Bio-lightning ................................ 11
PR: 3 Focus: Half PR: 3 Focus: Half - Barrage
□ Sense Mechanism .......................... 8
- Range: Unlimited - Range: 10m
PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Chameleon .................................... 5 - Range: 50m □ Blood Boil .................................... 11
PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 4 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Sense Presence .............................. 8
- Range: You - Range: 10m
PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Cipher Seed ................................... 5 - Range: 50m (see text) □ Cellular Control ............................ 12
PR: 2 Focus: Full PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Space Slip ....................................... 8
- Range: Touch - Range: You
PR: 3 Focus: Half
□ Déjà vu .......................................... 5 - Range: You □ Constrict ...................................... 12
PR: 2 Focus: Half PR: 3 Focus: Half
□ Spasm ............................................ 9
- Range: 30m - Range: 10m
PR: 2 Focus: Half
□ Disintegrating Directive ................ 5 - Range: 50m □ Enhanced Senses ......................... 12
PR: 1 Focus: Full PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Spectral Hands ............................... 9
- Range: Touch - Range: You
PR: 2 Focus: Full
□ Distortion ...................................... 6 - Range: 30m □ Hammerhand .............................. 12
PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
□ Staunch Bleeding ........................... 9
- Range: Touch - Range: You
PR: 2 Focus: Half
□ Distort Vision................................. 6 - Range: 10m □ Regenerate .................................. 12
PR: 2 Focus: Free Action PR: 5 Focus: Full Sustain
□ Suggestion ..................................... 9
- Range: You - Range: You
PR: 2 Focus: Half
□ Dull Pain ........................................ 6 - Range: 6m □ Seal Wounds ................................ 13
PR: 2 Focus: Half PR: 4 Focus: Half
□ Time Fade ...................................... 9
- Range: 10m - Range: 10m
PR: 3 Focus: Full
□ Familiar Bond ................................ 6 - Range: You □ Shape Flesh.................................. 13
PR: 2 Focus: Full PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain
□ Torch .............................................. 9
- Range: Touch - Range: You
PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Flash Bang..................................... 6 - Range: You □ Toxic Siphon ................................ 13
PR: 1 Focus: Half PR: 2 Focus: Half
□ Touch of Madness........................ 10
- Range: 20m - Range: Touch (You)
PR: 3 Focus: Full
□ Float .............................................. 6 - Range: 100m CRYOMANCY........................................... 13
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Trick ............................................. 10 □ Body Chill ..................................... 13
- Range: You
PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Forget Me ..................................... 6 - Range: You - Range: Touch (You)
PR: 2 Focus: Half
□ Trusting Aura ............................... 10 □ Caress Body ................................. 14
- Range: 10m
PR: 1 Focus: Full Sustain PR : 1 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Haywire ......................................... 7 - Range: You - Range: Touch (You)
PR: 2 Focus: Full
□ Truth-Seeker ................................ 10 □ Cloud Call .................................... 14
- Range: 25m
PR: 2 Focus: Full Sustain PR: 3 Focus: Extended
□ Healer............................................ 7 - Range: Touch - Range: 2 km
PR: 1 Focus: Full
□ Twitch .......................................... 10 □ Fog Cloud..................................... 14
- Range: 10m
PR: 1 Focus: Half PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Inflict Pain ..................................... 7 - Range: 20m - Range: 25m
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Unnatural Aim ............................. 10 □ Form Ice ....................................... 14
- Range: 10m
PR: 2 Focus: Half PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
□ Inspiring Aura ................................ 7 - Range: You - Range: 5m
PR: 1 Focus: Full Sustain
□ Wall Walk .................................... 10 □ Freezing Cone .............................. 14
- Range: You
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 3 Focus: Extended
□ Knack ............................................ 7 - Range: You - Range: Width 3 metres x Base Psy
PR: 1 Focus: Half
□ Warp Howl ................................... 10 Rating, Length 10 metres x Base Psy
- Range: You
PR: 2 Focus: Full Rating
□ Lucky ............................................. 7 - Range: 10m □ Grasp of Ice ................................. 15
PR: 1 Focus: Half
- Range: You
□ Weaken Veil ................................. 10 PR: 4 Focus: Half Sustain
PR: 1 Focus: Full Sustain - Range: You
□ Mutable Features.......................... 7 - Range: 30m □ Ice Apparition .............................. 15
PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
□ Weapon Jinx ................................ 11 PR: 5 Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: You
PR: 2 Focus: Full - Range: you
□ Open Wounds ............................... 7 - Range: 3m □ Ice Spear ...................................... 16
PR: 2 Focus: Half
- Range: 10m
□ White Noise ................................. 11 PR: 3 Focus: Full
PR: 2 Focus: Full Sustain - Range: You
□ Precognition .................................. 8 - Range: 10m □ Steal Heat .................................... 16
PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain
□ Wither .......................................... 11 PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: You
PR: 3 Focus: Full
- Range: 2m

DIVINATION ............................................ 16 □ Force Barrage .............................. 22 CRYOMANCY COMPLEX POWERS ................. 27
□ Divine Shot .................................. 16 PR: 4 Focus: Full - Storm □ Crackler Ice .................................. 27
PR: 3 Focus: Free - Range: 10m×Willpower Bonus PR: 3 Focus: Full
- Range: You □ Force Bolt ..................................... 22 - Range: You
□ Dowsing ...................................... 16 PR: 3 Focus: Half □ Cryohibernation........................... 27
PR: 2 Focus: Full Sustain - Range: 10m×Willpower Bonus PR: 4 Focus: Extended
- Range: You □ Precision Telekinesis .................... 22 - Range: Touch
□ Glimpse ....................................... 17 PR: 5 Focus: Half Sustain □ Downburst ................................... 28
PR: 4 Focus: Half - Range: 10m PR: 6 Focus: Extended
- Range: You □ Psychic Blade ............................... 22 - Range: 150 m
□ Misfortune .................................. 17 PR: 4 Focus: Half Sustain □ Pillar of Cold ................................ 28
PR: 3 - Focus: Half Sustained - Range: You PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: 20 metres x Base Psy Rating □ Psychic Crush ............................... 22 - Range: 10m
□ Precognitive Dodge ..................... 17 PR: 3 Focus: Half □ Warp Freeze ................................ 29
PR: 2 Focus: Free - Range: 10m PR:3 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: You □ Push ............................................. 23 - Range: You
□ Prescience ................................... 17 PR: 3 Focus: Half
- Range: 10m DIVINATION COMPLEX POWERS .................. 29
PR: 3 - Focus: Reaction Sustain
- Range: 3 metres x Base Psy Rating or □ Telekinesis ................................... 23 □ Far Sight ...................................... 29
You PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: 10m - Range: 1km/Willpower Bonus
□ Preternatural Awareness ............ 18
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain □ Telekinetic Shield ......................... 23 □ Mind Scan.................................... 29
- Range: You PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 6 Focus: Extended Action
- Range: You - Range: Touch
□ Psychometry ............................... 18
PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain □ Soul Sight..................................... 30
TELEPATHY ............................................. 23 PR: 5 Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: You (see text)
□ Beastmaster ................................ 24 - Range: You
□ Personal Augury .......................... 19
PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain □ Warp Speed ................................. 31
PR: 3 Focus: Full
- Range: 8m PR: 5 Focus: Half
- Range: Touch
□ Compel ......................................... 24 - Range: You
PYROMANCY ........................................... 19 PR: 4 Focus: Half
- Range: 8m PYROMANCY COMPLEX POWERS ................. 31
□ Blinding Flash .............................. 19
PR: 2 Focus: Half □ Dominate ..................................... 24 □ Flame Breath ............................... 31
- Range: 12m PR: 5 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 4 - Focus: Half
- Range: 8m - Range: 20 + Base Psy Rating in meters
□ Burning Fist ................................. 19
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain □ Fearful Aura ................................. 24 □ Fire Shield .................................... 31
- Range: You PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain PR: 3 - Focus: Reaction Sustain
- Range: You - Range: 20 metres x Base Psy Rating
□ Call Flame ................................... 19
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain □ Inspire .......................................... 24 □ Spontaneous Combustion............ 31
- Range: You PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: 6m - Range: 20m
□ Douse Flames .............................. 20
PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain □ Projection..................................... 25 TELEKINETICS COMPLEX POWERS................. 32
- Range: 5m × Willpower Bonus PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain □ Psychokinetic Storm .................... 32
□ Endure Flames............................. 20 - Range: You
PR: 3 - Focus: Half Sustain
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain □ Psychic Shriek .............................. 25 - Range: 10m
- Range: You PR: 4 Focus: Full □ Objuration Mechanicum ............. 32
□ Fire Bolt ....................................... 20 - Range: 10m
PR: 4 - Focus: Half
PR: 2 Focus: Half - Barrage □ See Me Not .................................. 25 - Range: You
- Range: 100m PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain □ Vortex of Doom ........................... 32
□ Fire Storm.................................... 20 - Range: 20m
PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain*
PR: 3 Focus: Half – Blast 6 meters □ Telepathy ..................................... 25 - Range: 2 metres x Effective Psy Rating
- Range: 50m PR: 2 Focus: Free Sustain
□ Holocaust .................................... 20 - Range: 1km/Willpower Bonus TELEPATHY COMPLEX POWERS.................... 33
PR: 5 Focus: Full Sustain □ Terrify .......................................... 25 □ Seed Mind.................................... 33
- Range: 6m PR: 3 Focus: Half PR: 6 - Focus: Extended
□ Incinerate .................................... 21 - Range: 8m - Range: Touch
PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain □ Zone of Compulsion ..................... 33
COMPLEX POWERS ................................... 26 PR: 4 - Focus: Full
- Range: 10m
□ Sculpt Flame................................ 21 BIOMANCY COMPLEX POWERS.................... 26 - Range: (5 + Willpower Bonus) radius in
PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain □ Endurance .................................... 26
- Range: 5m×Willpower Bonus PR: 4 Focus: Half □ Erasure ........................................ 33
□ Wall of Fire .................................. 21 - Range: Effective Psy Rating x 1m PR: 4 - Focus: Extended
- Range: Touch
PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain □ Flesh Like Adamant...................... 26
- Range: 60m PR: 5 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: You
TELEKINETICS .......................................... 21
□ Agony........................................... 26
□ Catch Projectiles.......................... 21
PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
PR: 3 Focus: Reaction
- Range: 10m
- Range: 1m×Willpower Bonus
□ Drain Vigour ................................ 26
□ Fling ............................................ 22
PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain
PR: 3 Focus: Half
- Range: 20m
- Range: 10m

ASCENDED PSYCHIC POWERS ...................... 34 □ Hammer of Witches ..................... 40 □ Malefic Curse: Death ................... 47
PR: 5 - Focus: Half PR: 5 - Focus: Full
PURCHASING ASCENDED POWERS ................ 34 - Range: 24 metres - Range: Line of Sight
STORMWROTH ........................................ 34 □ Purgatus ...................................... 41 □ Hellish Blast ................................. 47
□ Lightning Arc ............................... 34 PR: 5 - Focus: Full PR: 5 - Focus: Half
- Range: 36 metres - Range: 5m × Effective Psy Rating
PR: 3 - Focus: Half - Storm
- Range: 30 metres PSYCHOKINESIS........................................ 41 □ Create Door ................................. 47
□ Lightning Field............................. 34 PR: 6 - Focus: Extended
□ Lift ................................................ 41 - Range: 5m
PR: 4 - Focus: Full Sustain PR: 3 - Focus: Half – (Sustain)*
- Range: Self □ Disease ........................................ 48
- Range: 30 metres
□ Lightning Storm........................... 34 PR: 4 - Focus: Half
□ Barrier .......................................... 42 - Range: 5m
PR: 6 - Focus: Full PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: 20 metres □ Exsanguine .................................. 48
- Range: Self
PR: 4 - Focus: Half
MAELSTROM OF DESTRUCTION ................... 35 □ Tempest ....................................... 42 - Range: 10m
□ Malleus Hammerhand ................ 35 PR: 6 - Focus: Full Sustain
□ Flail of Skulls ................................ 48
- Range: 100 metres
PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: Self TEMPORAL MANIPULATION........................ 43 - Range: You
□ Enrage ......................................... 35 □ Precognition ................................ 43 □ Flaming Word .............................. 48
PR: 5 - Focus: Free PR: 6 - Focus: Free PR: 4 - Focus: Half
- Range: 10 metres - Range: Self - Range: You
□ Warp Smite ................................. 35 □ Stasis Shell ................................... 43 □ Immunity ..................................... 48
PR: 6 - Focus: Full - Barrage PR: 7 - Focus: Free PR: 5 - Focus: Half
- Range: 4 metres - Range: 20 metres - Range: You
WILL UNLEASHED..................................... 36 □ Warp Time ................................... 44 □ Leach Life..................................... 48
PR: 7 - Focus: Free PR: 4 - Focus: Full
□ My Will, Known ........................... 36
- Range: 15 metres - Range: Touch
PR: 4 - Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: 10 metres □ Living Weapon............................. 48
THE MINOR ARCANA ................................ 44 PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain
□ My Will, Obeyed .......................... 36 □ Mask of Flesh ............................... 44 - Range: You
PR: 5 - Focus: Half Sustain PR: 3 - Focus: Full Sustain*
- Range: 20 meters x Base Psy Rating □ Open ............................................ 49
- Range: You PR: 3 - Focus: Half
□ My Will, Manifest........................ 37 □ Death’s Messenger ...................... 44 - Range: Touch
PR: 6 - Focus: 2Full Sustain PR: 3 - Focus: Half
- Range: Self □ Psy Barrier ................................... 49
- Range: Self PR: 4 - Focus: Half
BURNING APOCALYPSE .............................. 37 □ Whispers of the Warp .................. 45 - Range: 5m
□ Molten Man ................................ 37 PR: 3 - Focus: Half Sustain □ Summon Object ........................... 49
- Range: Earshot PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain
PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: You □ Butcher’s Offering ........................ 45 - Range: 10m
□ Conflagration .............................. 38 PR: 2 - Focus: Free* □ Transfix ........................................ 49
Alternate Names: Dark Sacrifice PR: 4 - Focus: Half
PR: 5 - Focus: Full
- Range: Self - Range: 5m
- Range: 20 metres
□ Inferno......................................... 38 □ Dark Sacrifice ............................... 45 □ Wall of Souls ................................ 49
PR: 2 - Focus: Free* PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain
PR: 6 - Focus: Full Sustain*
- Range: Self - Range: 15m
- Range: 20 metres
□ Harrier Imps ................................. 45 □ Warp Corruption ......................... 49
DAEMONSBANE ....................................... 39 PR: 3 - Focus: Half Sustain PR: 6 - Focus: Full
□ Banishment ................................. 39 - Range: 25 metres x Base Psy Rating - Range: Earshot
PR: 4 - Focus: Full □ Umbral Halo ................................ 46 □ Warp Lightning............................ 49
- Range: 5 metres PR: 2 - Focus: Half Sustain PR: 4 - Focus: Half - Storm
□ Sanctuary .................................... 39 - Range: 5 metres x Base Psy Rating - Range: 10m
PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain radius
□ Warp Tongue............................... 50
- Range: Self □ Malefic Curse: Hex ....................... 46 PR: 3 - Focus: Half
□ Word of the Emperor .................. 40 PR: 3 - Focus: Full - Range: Earshot
PR: 5 - Focus: Full - Range: Line of Sight
□ Warp Vigour ................................ 50
- Range: 30 metres
THE MAJOR ARCANA ................................ 46 PR: 3 - Focus: Half
WITCHESBANE ......................................... 40 □ Daemon Wrack ............................ 46 - Range: Touch
□ His Will Be Done .......................... 40 PR: 5 - Focus: Full
PR: 4 - Focus: Full - Range: 50 metres
- Range: 12 metres □ Malefic Curse: Blindness .............. 46
PR: 4 - Focus: Full
- Range: Line of Sight

PR: 2 Focus: Full
Minor Psychic Powers are tricks and knacks that those
- Range: Touch
with even a shadow of psychic ability can learn. They are
nothing compared to the “true” Disciplines, but are You can attach an image or simple message to an
useful nonetheless. individual, which is triggered into the mind of the
designated recipient via touch. The psyker implants the
image in the target, who then unknowingly carries it with
CALL CREATURES him until touched by the proper individual. The image or
PR: 1 Focus: Full message passes into the mind of the recipient upon
- Range: 1 km radius contact. This allows for the passage of truly secure
You call a number of simple-minded creatures within messages. The message can be a symbol or sentence of
range to travel to your location. Creatures called depend no more than 5 words.
on the nature of the environment, though the sorts of
creatures called may include rats, ash slugs and other DÉJÀ VU
kinds of vermin. If no such creatures are likely to be in
PR: 2 Focus: Half
the area, the power has no effect. Under most
- Range: 30m
circumstances, 1d10 such creatures appear after 2d10
minutes have passed. The creatures are not compelled to You create a brief memory loop in the mind of the target,
serve the Psyker; they simply appear and behave as causing their thoughts to slip back several seconds in
normal for their species. time. You must be able to see the target and they must
be within the range of the power to be affected.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you extend the
powers Range by 1km. They are also permitted a Willpower Test to resist its
effects. If they fail to resist, however, they must repeat
the same Action that they took last Round in their next
CALL ITEM Turn, be it firing a gun at a target that is no longer there,
PR: 3 Focus: Half continuing to run from slain enemy, or diving for cover
- Range: Unlimited from a grenade that has already gone off. Any action that
You summon a specially prepared item to instantly would obviously be harmful to the target, such as
appear in your hand. To prepare the object, you must running off a cliff, automatically allows them to resist the
spend one hour in deep meditation, infusing the object power.
with your psychic imprint, and marking it with glyphs and
runes. The object must be small and light enough to be DISINTEGRATING DIRECTIVE
carried in one hand. You may only have one prepared
PR: 1 Focus: Full
item at a time.
- Range: Touch
Placed upon a small item, such as a scrap of parchment
CHAMELEON or data wafer, you cause the object to disintegrate under
PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain a specific set of circumstances. For example, you might
- Range: You cause a letter to vaporize after being read, or a micro-
You cause reality to blur around you, distorting your bead to destruct after receiving a message. The item
image and allowing you to blend in with your must be in your sole possession and cannot be
surroundings. You gain a +30 bonus to Concealment connected to a larger whole when you use this power.
Tests. In addition, all opponents using ranged weapons to Thus, it would work on a tiny gear, but not if the gear is
attack you suffer a –20 penalty to their Ballistic Skill still within a chronograph.
A successful Challenging (+0) Psyniscience Test removes
this penalty for the attacker.
Sensory equipment based on standard optical sensors
are fooled by this power; ones that read thermal
patterns, use motion sensors, or rely on some other form
of detection are not. Creatures and sensors that do not
rely on sight are not affected by this power.

PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain PR: 2 Focus: Full
- Range: Touch - Range: Touch
You can make the features and voice of the subject into a Typically used by wyrds, witches, or other unsanctioned
shifting, unrecognisable distortion of its true nature, a psykers, you can create a mental bond with an animal
disturbing sequence of random faces and voices. Those that enables you to work in concert with the beast, which
interacting with you will be totally unable to recognise also acts as a Psy-Focus. The familiar acts on the same
you or even determine your gender. turn as its master, but unlike Cyber or Psyber familiars, it
A successful Challenging (+0) Psyniscience or Hard(-20) can act of its own accord, utilizing its innate intelligence
Willpower Test removes this penalty for the observer. and abilities. The death of a familiar can be quite
traumatic for the psyker, causing a –10 penalty to all
Sensory equipment based on standard optical sensors
tests for 1d5 hours after the demise. A psyker may only
are fooled by this power; ones that read thermal
have a bond with one creature at a time.
patterns, use motion sensors, or rely on some other form
of detection are not. Creatures and sensors that do not
rely on sight are not affected by this power. FLASH BANG
PR: 1 Focus: Half
PR: 2 Focus: Free Action You create a bright flash of light and a deafening bang.
- Range: You Anyone within Range must succeed on a Routine (+20)
Willpower Test or become Stunned for 1 Round.
With this power your physical form distorts and you
briefly almost fade from view. Your precise location Overbleed: For Degree of Success, the Difficulty worsens
becomes extremely difficult to discern on a critical by one step, from Routine (+20) to Ordinary (+10), from
moment, and until the start of your next turn the first Ordinary (+10) to Challenging (+0), and so on.
attack against you suffers a –30 penalty to hit. Characters
with the Blind Fighting Talent only suffer a –10 penalty. FLOAT
A successful Challenging (+0) Psyniscience Test removes PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
this penalty for the attacker. - Range: You
Sensory equipment based on standard optical sensors You focus your concentration and slowly begin to lift off
are fooled by this power; ones that read thermal the ground. You can only move up and down while under
patterns, use motion sensors, or rely on some other form the effects of this power, and you cannot rise higher than
of detection are not. Creatures and sensors that do not 5 metres.
rely on sight are not affected by this power. Overbleed: If any additional Degrees of Success are
scored, you may stop yourself from falling after you are
DULL PAIN within 5 meters from ground.
PR: 2 Focus: Half
- Range: 10m FORGET ME
You can nullify the pain of any creature, including PR: 2 Focus: Half
yourself, within Range. The target of this power reduces - Range: 10m
their levels of Fatigue by one step. You become instantly forgettable to a single creature
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you remove an within range. They can’t seem to recall having met you
additional level of Fatigue. before this very instant and you effectively suppress all
memories of your previous encounters. The target is
entitled to an Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test to resist this
power. Their memory returns after 1d5 minutes.
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, you may do any
of the following: extend the effects of this power to
either one additional target, add an extra 1d5 minutes to
the duration, or worsen the Difficulty of the Willpower
Test by one step.

PR: 2 Focus: Full PR: 1 Focus: Half
- Range: 25m - Range: You
You focus disruptive energies into the heart of an You tap into your unconscious to awaken a deeper
electronic device, causing it to temporarily malfunction. understanding of your capabilities. Until the end of your
The power causes targeted beings with mechanical next Turn, you may gain a +10 bonus to any one non-
elements, such as servitors or Tech-Priests to resist combat Test. After this point, your enlightened mood
Stun(1) with Stagger. fades.
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, you affect one
additional target, increase level of Stun by 1 for one LUCKY
target or exchange Stun(3) for Knock-Out(-10) for one PR: 1 Focus: Half
target. - Range: You
It is said that luck acts strangely around Psykers, no
HEALER doubt in part to powers like this one. When you manifest
PR: 1 Focus: Full this power, any time before the end of your next Turn,
- Range: 10m you may re-roll any one roll of your dice (including
You channel your power into a single target to knit flesh Damage rolls, but not Perils of the Warp).
and mend bones. You may only use this power on a Overbleed: You gain an additional re-roll for each Degree
willing target, including yourself. The target of this power of Success.
removes 1d5 points of Damage (removing Critical
Damage first). This counts as giving Intensive Medical MUTABLE FEATURES
Care with Degrees of Success equal to healed Wounds.
Healing staunches all Blood Loss. PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: You
Repeated uses of this power can be dangerous, however,
not to mention painful, and the person’s flesh rebels So long as an individual’s looks and facial features are
against the intrusion of warp energy. If a person well known, you can alter the perception of those around
(including the Psyker) is the subject of this power more you, making them see you as that individual. Those
than once in a 6 hour period, they must make a observing you must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower
Challenging(+0) Toughness Test or take 1d5 points of Test to see through the deception.
Damage (with no reduction for Toughness Bonus or Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the difficulty of
Armour), rather than being healed. the Willpower Test increases by one level.


PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 2 Focus: Half
- Range: 10m - Range: 10m
You cause a person to be wracked with agony, filling You can cause a previously injured victim’s wounds to
their minds with unspeakable pain. The target is entitled burst open and gush with blood, rapidly exsanguinating
to a Willpower Test to resist the effects of this power. On them in an extremely messy fashion. The victim must
a failed Test, the target suffers a –10 to all their Tests as pass a Difficult (–10) Toughness Test or suffer 1d5 R
they struggle to control their pain. Damage, bypassing their Toughness Bonus and armour
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success you can extend (applied to their most recently wounded Location).
the effects of this power to affect another target. Additionally, if the target is Heavily or Critically
Wounded, he immediately suffers Blood Loss(1) . This
power is useless against an unwounded or unliving
PR: 1 Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: You
You seem to glow with an inner light and all those
around you are filled with confidence. While this power
is active, all allies that can see you gain a +20 bonus to
Tests made to resist Fear and Pinning. They may also feel
compelled to say nice things about you, which is nice.

PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: You - Range: 50m (see text)
You get a fuzzy picture of what will occur a few moments Reaching out with your mind, you get a vague inkling of
into the future. As you draw nearer to the event, the other life forms within range. You automatically detect
picture becomes clearer. For as long as this power is all living creatures in the area. You are aware of the
active, you gain a +10 bonus to Dodge Tests and to direction of each life-form, but not their exact distance or
Weapon Skill Tests made to Parry incoming blows. location. You can distinguish between different sizes (eg.
miniscule, puny…enormous, massive) but you cannot
PSYCHIC STENCH determine exact species or race. Walls in excess of 1
metre thick block this power.
PR: 1 Focus: Half
- Range: Touch Overbleed: For Degree of Success, you extend the Range
by an additional 10 metres.
By momentarily handling an item you imbue it with an
unnatural psychic smell. Anyone coming within five
metres of the tainted item will smell it, regardless of SPACE SLIP
barriers or other smells present. What a person smells PR: 3 Focus: Half
when around an item affected by psychic stench depends - Range: You
on what they find most distasteful, so the aroma can vary You push yourself through the edge of the warp, slipping
greatly. As the smell only exists in a person’s mind, it will out of reality for a brief instant and reappearing in a
also affect creatures that do not have a sense of smell or different nearby location. A powerful trick, but
have had their sense of smell impaired. This inflicts dangerous and unpredictable in its effect.
effects of Stench(+20) to each character smelling it.
If this power is successfully manifested, the psyker is
Psychic stench remains in effect for 1 hour, after which
immediately moved to a point 1d5 or 1d10+2 metres
time it dissipates.
away (chosen before rolling) from his starting location in
Overbleed: Each Degree of Success extends the duration a direction of his choice without regards to any
by 2 hours or worsens the difficulty of Stench by 10. intervening matter. However, he may not bypass warded
barriers, void shields, Geller Fields, or the like.
RESIST POSSESSION Special: If the use of this power means that the psyker
PR: 1 Focus: Reaction would even partly appear inside solid matter, he must
- Range: You pass a further Challenging (+0) Toughness Test. If this
You create mental wards to shield your mind from the Test is successful, he is thrown backwards 1d5 metres
malign denizens of the warp. Any time in the next hour away from the offending object and if this takes him into
you may re-roll any failed Test to resist being possessed clear he is Stunned for 1d5 Rounds otherwise he is
by a Daemon. instantly killed. If this Test is failed, he is still hurled back
and Stunned as previously described, but also take 1d10
X Damage (Body Location), which is not reduced by
SENSE MECHANISM Toughness Bonus or armour. If the solid object
PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain encountered is another living thing, it too must pass a
- Range: 50m Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or become Stunned.
By extending your vision into the Warp and perceiving
the shadows of the physical universe, you can sense
machinery and constructs within the area. This does not
grant you knowledge of their function, but simply their
form and location. The presence of living beings blocks
the line of sight beyond them, as they possess a far
brighter presence in the Warp than physical objects.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you can extend
the range by 10 metres.

SPASM This is not true mind control in the sense of the
Compulsion power, but rather a subtle manipulation of
PR: 2 Focus: Half
the victim’s perception and attitudes. You could, for
- Range: 50m
example, convince a target that he likes you, that he is
You cause a target’s muscles to spasm. The target is hungry, that he’s seen your identity card, or that what
entitled to a Willpower Test to resist this power. On a you say is likely to be true, or create a sudden feeling
failure, the target twitches in an uncontrollable and that there is a scorpion crawling up a guard’s back. You
possibly amusing way. If the target is carrying any could not, however, get him to perform specific actions
ballistic weapon, the weapon goes off—make a Ballistic that are entirely out of character, believe things that are
Skill Test as normal to hit the closest creature. In utterly implausible, change his fundamental beliefs, or
addition, the target immediately falls to the ground and harm himself.
must use a Stand Action to regain their feet.
Special: This power is best used in conjunction with an
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you may either Interaction Skill (e.g., striking fear into the heart of an
affect an additional target or worsen the Difficulty of the informer who you are questioning, or charming the clerk
Willpower Test by one step. into believing that he really has met you before in his
master’s company, etc.). You gain a +20 bonus for using
SPECTRAL HANDS an Interaction Skill in this way.
PR: 2 Focus: Full
- Range: 30m TIME FADE
You create an invisible force that you can use to PR: 3 Focus: Full
manipulate any object within 30 metres. The force has a - Range: You
Strength Characteristic equal to your Willpower. This You remove yourself briefly from the normal flow of
power lasts until the end of your next Turn. You can use space and time, flickering briefly out of existence like a
it to knock over objects, push buttons, pull levers or do failing holo-lantern slide. You immediately
any number of other things requiring force. You cannot disappear…and return to exactly the same spot 1d5
perform any action that requires precision, such as typing Rounds later. If this location is now occupied, a repulsion
on a dataslate, pulling the pin from another creature’s effect occurs identical to the Space Slip power.
grenade, pull a trigger, and so on. In addition, Spectral
Special: This power can have a profoundly disturbing and
Hands has no effect on living targets.
dislocating effect on the psyker. If successfully used, he
must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test in order to
STAUNCH BLEEDING be able to act in the Round that he returns. If this Test is
PR: 2 Focus: Half failed by more than three degrees, the psyker must roll
- Range: 10m on the Table 8-4: The Shock Table as if this had been a
You cause yourself or another creature within Range to failed Fear Test.
halt one level of Blood Loss. Advice to GM: If it is possible, one way of handling this is
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you may affect to get the player of the Acolyte to leave the room you
another target or staunch additional level of bleeding for are playing in until their character reappears. This gives
one target. him a genuine gap in his knowledge of what has occurred
during the time that he has been away.

PR: 2 Focus: Half
- Range: 6m PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: You
You introduce a single telepathic suggestion into a
target’s psyche, making him more open to a line of By burning the very stuff of your thoughts, you create a
thought, experience a brief sensation, lend credence to ball of glowing psy-flame. The light cast by Torch is
what you are saying, or momentarily experience an equivalent to a glow-lamp. The flame may issue from any
emotional state of your choosing. point on your body. The flame is roughly the size of your
palm, and pulses slightly in time with your heartbeat. It
The psyker and the target make Opposed Willpower
may be coloured according to your whim. The light
produces no heat.
If the psyker wins the contest of wills, he can introduce a
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success you may double
suggestion into the target’s mind.
or half the size of the light or cause it to float up to one
metre from your body in any direction.

PR: 3 Focus: Full PR: 1 Focus: Half
- Range: 100m - Range: 20m
You reach into the mind of a target within range and You can cause a momentary inattention in another,
force the target to experience images of utter insanity. causing them to glance to one side, scratch an itch, or
The target is entitled to a Willpower Test to resist this similar distraction. The subject suffers a –20 penalty to
power. Perception-based tests for their next turn.
On a failed Test, the target must roll 1d100 and consult Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you extend the
Mental Traumas. duration of the distraction by one additional turn.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you affect an
additional target. UNNATURAL AIM
PR: 2 Focus: Half
TRICK - Range: You
PR: 1 Focus: Half Sustain You draw upon the power of the warp to guide your aim.
- Range: You Before the end of your next Turn, any ranged attacks you
You subtly influence the fields of probability flowing make count as being made at Point Blank Range (+30 to
around you, making you especially good at cheating at hit) for purposes of determining difficulty from range.
games of chance. If you do not have the Gamble skill, you
gain it at two levels of mastery for as long as the power is WALL WALK
sustained. If you have Gamble, you gain an additional PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
+20 bonus to Gamble Tests. If you already have Skill - Range: You
Mastery in Gamble, this power has no effect, as you are
already that good. You bend gravity to your will. You negate all penalties
incurred by low- or high-gravity worlds. In addition, you
can walk on walls or ceilings for as long as this power is
TRUSTING AURA active. You move across such surfaces at half your
PR: 1 Focus: Full Sustain normal rate. You must also Test Agility to go between a
- Range: You wall and ceiling and vice versa, unless you take a Full to
You subtly alter your persona to inspire trust in others. ease yourself onto the new surface.
Those around you are naturally inclined to believe what
you say or see your arguments as more reasonable. Gain WARP HOWL
a +10 bonus to any Interaction skill while sustaining this PR: 2 Focus: Full
power. - Range: 10m
Overbleed: If you score at least one additional Degree of You send out a long, keening screech throughout the
Success, the bonus increases to +20. warp that tears through into reality in a cacophonous
burst. This power drowns out all sound within Range for
PR: 2 Focus: Full Sustain Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you extend the
- Range: Touch Range by 10 metres.
It is harder to lie to you while affected by this power.
While affected, the subject must make a Routine (+20) WEAKEN VEIL
Willpower Test in order to utter a falsehood. Note that PR: 1 Focus: Full Sustain
they may choose to remain silent rather than respond. - Range: 30m
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the difficulty of You weaken the fabric of space within 30 metres by
the Test increases by one level. drawing the immaterium closer. Anyone within Range
that uses Psychic Powers gains a +2 bonus on their Psy
Rating. However, as the veil between worlds is
weakened, Psychic Phenomena occur any Focus Power
roll other than doubles.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you extend the
Range by an additional 10 metres.

PR: 2 Focus: Full
Biomancers specialise in manipulating bio-electrical
- Range: 3m
energy with their minds. They are masters of the flesh,
You reach into nearby machines with your mind to learning to shape and direct their bodies according to
scramble their circuitry. One small mechanical device their wills. Biomancers are often considered venal souls.
other than weapon, you are aware of within range ceases Most are viewed with no small amount of jealousy, as
to function for 1 Round. they freely feast and drink, yet maintain a healthy, toned
Optionally, you may Test Willpower to force a single physique.
weapon within range to Jam. The jammed weapon can
be cleared as normal. Note that the Adeptus Mechanicus BIO-LIGHTNING
are especially loathing of this kind of ability and tend to
take a very dim view of Psykers that employ it. PR: 3 Focus: Half - Barrage
- Range: 10m
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you extend the
Range of this power by 3 metres, or you can affect an You channel your life force through the meridians of your
additional weapon or device. body, causing your form to crackle with living energy.
You may direct this energy against a single target within
Range. The target takes 1d10 plus your Willpower Bonus
WHITE NOISE in Energy Damage and has Penetration 2 with Shocking
PR: 2 Focus: Full Sustain quality.
- Range: 10m Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, you increase the
You fill the warp with static, fouling psychic detection range by 10 meters or increase the Penetration of the
and making tech sensors less reliable. While active, any first Lightning by 1.
Tests made to detect your presence, as well as that of
anyone within range of you, using either psychic or BLOOD BOIL
technological means, suffer -20 Penalty. If the means of
detection would not normally require a Test, the user PR: 4 Focus: Half Sustain
must make an Hard(-20) Willpower Test if using psychic - Range: 10m
means, or an Hard(-20) Intelligence Test if they are using With a rhythmic crushing gesture, you tune into an
technological means. enemy’s body, flexing their heart muscles to accelerate
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you extend the their pulse.
Range of this power by 10 metres. This continues until their blood pressure reaches lethal
levels. As you continue to exert your will, blood vessels
begin to rupture, causing haemorrhaging across the
target’s body. Each Round (including the Round in which
PR: 3 Focus: Full the power manifests), you may spend a Half Action to
- Range: 2m make an Opposed Test, pitting your Willpower against
You cause a vile wave of invisible pestilence to emerge your target’s Toughness. If you win the Test, your
from your body, extending out to the Range of the opponent takes one level of Fatigue plus one level of
power. Fatigue per degree of success, until he collapses
The wave withers all normal plant life in the area in a unconscious. Each level of Fatigue beyond those that the
matter of moments, leaving the area barren and utterly target can take deals 2 Damage instead which is not
dead. reduced by Toughness or armour. Should Damage equal
the target’s Wounds, their heart and brain explodes,
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you extend the
showering gore around.
Range of this power by 2 meters.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you gain a +10
bonus on your Opposed Willpower Tests.
PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: You
You leave no tracks or evidence of your passage,
including technological systems such as pict-recordings
or other data stores. This does not mean that your
presence cannot be seen or detected at the present
time, and you trigger alarms or pitfalls normally.

PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: You - Range: You
You learn various ways of transcending your body’s With a moment’s thought, you force your senses into
natural limitations by balancing your humors, modifying impossible feats of perception that can only be equalled
cellular structure and meditating upon the meridians of among humans by the biomechanically augmented.
your body. When you manifest this power, choose one of your five
This power enables you to achieve any one of the senses.
following effects: You gain a +30 bonus to all Tests made with this sense.
 Gain immunity to all poisons. The sense organ involved becomes strained as you push
 Ignore the effects of extremes of temperature. it past all normal human limits; the eyes weep and grow
 Increase any Characteristic— except Weapon Skill and hugely dilated, skin flushes red, the nose drips mucus
Ballistic Skill—by +10. and so on.
 Gain immunity to Fatigue. Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you may
 Count as though wearing a void suit in a vacuum enhance an additional sense.
(though you still need to breathe).
Each Round you sustain this power, you must succeed on HAMMERHAND
a Toughness Test. On a failed Test, you take 1d5 points of PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
Damage, ignoring your Toughness Bonus and Armour as - Range: You
your body begins to break from the strain.
Biomancers who have learned to channel the fierce
Unlike most powers, you can manifest this power power of the warp into their limbs can eventually master
multiple times. Each time, choose a different effect. the art of letting the energy of the immaterium flow
unhindered through their body, phenomenally increasing
CONSTRICT their fighting capabilities.
PR: 3 Focus: Half Your body becomes a lethal engine, capable of shredding
- Range: 10m flesh and bone as if they were tissue paper.
With a word, thought, or gesture, you can command the Such power comes at a cost though, for there is no
flesh of your target to sharply constrict. The target’s subtlety to the Hammerhand. While this power is in
windpipe closes, choking them and cutting off their effect, your gain Unnatural Strength(x4), and you gain
breath. They begin to suffocate. Each Round, the target Natural Weapons and Improved Natural Weapons Traits.
must spend a Free Action to test Willpower. On a Your hits also have Crushing quality. However, you can
success, the target may act normally (however, the wield no weapon save for your bare hands (not that you
target is still subject to the suffocating effect). On a need any!).
failure, the target must spend a Full Action to test
Toughness. On a success, he regains control over his REGENERATE
body and clears his windpipe. On a failure, he continues
PR: 5 Focus: Full Sustain
to suffocate. The target is considered to be engaged in
- Range: You
strenous physical activity.
One of the pinnacles of a biomancer’s abilities, this
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the Difficulty of
power allows you to knit your flesh back together at a
the Toughness Test worsens by one step.
phenomenal rate, letting you swiftly overcome any non-
fatal injury. This is a hard ability to master, but the
rewards are great—Regenerate can eventually regrow
lost limbs and organs. Each Round this power is active,
you remove 2d10+10 points of accumulated Frostbite
and after fully thawed, you remove 1d5+1 points of
Damage (removing Critical Damage first) and have same
amount of levels of Fatigue removed. After this you
remove 1d5+1 points of Characteristic Damage each
Round. Once all Damage is removed, you begin to regrow
lost organs, limbs, and so on. Each ongoing Critical Effect
heals in 5 minutes. Limbs and organs replaced by
cybernetics do not regrow unless the bionic is first

PR: 4 Focus: Half PR: 2 Focus: Half
- Range: 10m - Range: Touch (You)
You focus your power to repair your damaged flesh or You draw poisons from the flesh.
that of any character within Range. Ragged wounds fuse This has the same effect as taking a dose of de-tox with
and cuts vanish. Broken bone knits together, and burnt the exception that the target must lose a Full Action as
skin sloughs away as fresh tissue grows beneath. The the toxin expels itself from the body naturally.
target of this power removes an amount of Damage
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you may draw
equal to your Willpower Bonus. This power can remove
poison from an additional target, who must be touching
Critical Damage as well as normal Damage and counts as
you or another person being purged by you.
giving Intensive Medical Care with Degrees of Success
equal to healed Wounds. Healing halts all Blood Loss.
Repeated uses of this power can be dangerous, and the CRYOMANCY
person’s flesh rebels against the intrusion of warp
Cryomancy has developed as a specifically adapted set of
energy. If a person (including the Psyker) is the subject of
powers on those icy and cold planets that still remain
this power more than once in a 6 hour period, they must
habited. There are some who have harnessed these small
make a Challenging(+0) Toughness Test or take 1d5
powers into more fine versions that offer the art of
points of Damage (with no reduction for Toughness
controlling water, temperature and ice. Those few
Bonus or Armour), rather than being healed and gain one
students who practice this discipline are called
Insanity Point.
cryomancers. Mostly cryomancy has uses outside
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you may battlefields but no foe should underestimate the
achieve any of the following: extend the Range by 10 effectiveness of a powerful cryomancer under any
metres, target an additional character within Range, or circumstances. The cryomancy is somewhat known to be
remove an additional WB Damage from the target. strongly bound to nature, water and open air and tends
to lose potency in tight or artificial environments.
SHAPE FLESH Note: Most area effecting cryomancy powers require a
PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain large open natural environment that is rich with
- Range: You moisture, water, snow or ice. They usually do not work
Shape Flesh is the point where your flesh and will at all in totally dry, confined, void or artificial spaces.
become indistinguishable—the goal of many a
biomancer. Shape Flesh allows you to twist your physical BODY CHILL
frame in nearly any way you can imagine. Each PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
manifestation of this power produces one of the - Range: Touch (You)
following effects:
You let the cooling effect of your powers to focus around
• Gain any one of the following traits—Burrower (1), you leaving your body totally out of any heat signature.
Crawler, Dark Sight, Flier, Hoverer, Natural Armour (+2), You become invisible to the effects of infra-red goggles
Natural Weapons or Quadruped. and Dark Sight.
• Assume the appearance of any one creature of your Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success you can
size. You may make Disguise Tests as if you had the extend the effects of this power to another target you
Disguise skill and at a +10 bonus. If you already have the are able to touch while focusing this power. This effect
Skill, you gain an additional +20 bonus. lasts while this target remains within 25 metres from
Unlike most powers, you can manifest this power you.
multiple times. Each time, choose a different effect.

PR : 1 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: Touch (You) - Range: 25m
Most cryomancers originate from hellish worlds that The psyker densifies the natural moist in the surrounding
offer nothing but another day of survival among ice, air into a thick and opaque fog that blocks sight beyond
snow and extreme cold. This usually leads any aspiring 20 centimetres thus inflicting Blindness to all those
cryomancers to develop a way to protect their body within it. The area is about 10 metres high and radius of
against these horrors. this area is given with range. All those within this mist
While sustaining Caress Body a cryomancer gains total cloud start feeling some chill and the environment causes
immunity to any Cold Tests. at least one Cold Test (+30) every 6 hours while this
power is sustained. However, if the environment was
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success the cryomancer is
already more chilling, the GM should increase its chilling
able to extend this caress to one other character he is
effects further. The psyker himself remains unaffected by
touching. If the touching bond is broken, the character
this additional chilling.
which was protected with cryomancer retains partial
protection gaining +20 to any Cold Tests for 10 minutes if As an Half Action, the psyker sustaining this power is able
he remains within 10 metres of the cryomancer. to create a clear path through the fog for anyone inside.
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success the range of this
CLOUD CALL power is increased by 20 metres.
PR: 3 Focus: Extended
- Range: 2 km FORM ICE
You send out your consciousness to gather up and PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
condense water into clouds. This leaves your body back - Range: 5m
in a deep state of trance. You cause a channelling of warp cold to flow through
With warp strengthening your spirit into a magnet that your body with such finesse that you are able to
drags moisture around, you begin to create a cloud on accurately control the process of freezing or even alter
the sky at the height of about 500 metres (give or take the structure of already frozen ice.
300m at maximum) above ground and horizontally within While you sustain this power, each round you are able to
the range of this power from your body. This process create about one cubic meter of ice out of water or ice
lasts for 20 minus your WB minutes and you need to within range. Instead of creating more ice you may shape
remain focused this whole time. After the power about 20 kg of ice into any form you wish. Shaping ice is
completes, the cloud has formed and you return to your considered as a crafting process, but you need to use
body. your Willpower as your crafting skill. The GM will
The cloud that is formed is a loose and thin cloud that is determine the quality of outcome as per determining the
about 500 metres in diameter. The cloud has no chance quality for a crafting process.
of giving any rain. The cloud will remain for 1d5 x 30 Overbleed: For each Degree of Success you may increase
minutes before dispersing. the range of this power by 10m or you may add one
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success the cloud additional Degree of Success to any crafting process done
diameter is increased by one km and its thickness with this power.
inceases by 50 metres. In addition, for each Degree of
success the cloud remains 30 minutes longer and its FREEZING CONE
density grows causing increase in the chance of rain by PR: 3 Focus: Extended
10% (roll once for each hour) and duration of the rain by - Range: Width 3 metres x Base Psy Rating, Length 10
1d5-1 minutes (Intensity of the rain is very light at first). metres x Base Psy Rating
On top of everything else, every two steps of growth in The nature of a cryomancer calls him to enjoy from the
cloud density also causes either adjustment in the type of sight of gleaming ice and breeze of cold air. The often
the rain (first adjustment: sleet, 2nd: snow) or amount of learn how to focus this inner lust for freezing cold and icy
possible rain (1st adjustment: -> light, 2nd: ->moderate, surfaces into forming channels for the unnatural cold
3rd: ->Heavy, 4th: ->Violent). spray and spread out from their bodies.
Note: Any time this power is manifested with 4 or more
Degrees of Success the GM should decide whether this
cloud affects the long term weather conditions around
and in coming days.

For each point of Psy Rating assigned focusing this power While this power remains sustained the icy tentacle
the psyker needs to focus for one round and after the continues to grow. If the opponent fails in breaking the
power focuses, the psyker spreads his hands and in an tentacle, it will snare another random body part after
instant ice starts spreading from his toes and soon covers next round of sustaining. After all body parts of the
a cone shaped area that has length and greatest width as opponent have been snared, he starts to suffocate and
per the range of this power. continues to do so even if this power ends until he
The ice cover lasts for at least 1d5 minutes or longer if manages to free at least one body part. Also if the
the environment is deemed by the GM as more tentacle continues to grow after enclosing the target,
preservative. during following turns the target is further enclosed
making any bursting attempt one step harder.
Everything within this cone is covered with thin, mirror
like and very slippery ice. Anyone except the psyker Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success the psyker
himself within this cone must make an Ordinary (+10) gains +10 bonus to his Willpower when an opponent
Agility Test to move carefully or act in combat. This Test attempts to break the tentacle.
is Challenging (+0) when acting in melee or moving any
faster than carefully. Failing this test results into slipping ICE APPARITION
and the character is knocked to ground. Failing the Test PR: 5 Focus: Full Sustain
by 2 or more degrees causes the character to suffer - Range: you
Pain(1). The icy surface remains slippery for 1 minute
after this power ends. You start to form into a being of pure extreme coldness
and the very air around you starts to freeze and the air
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success add 5 metres of moisture forms a constant flow of fog around you. You
width and 15 metres of length to the cone. In addition need to sustain this power for 10 minus your WB rounds
the duration of the ice is increased by 2 minutes. before your Freezing Form is achieved and this power
takes fully place. This power does not require any specific
GRASP OF ICE environment.
PR: 4 Focus: Half Sustain Any equipment you carry or wear is likely to suffer from
- Range: You this extreme cold and likely ceases to function while you
One of the most distinctive powers a cryomancer can touch it or maybe even cracks or shatters. Your armour is
possess is an ability to fast grow ice into a huge construct likely to either render you immobile or shatter too. The
that seals his opponent into an icy tomb. GM should decide whether the armour allows any
movement while frozen, but in any case its AP is halved
To be able to grow an enormous amount of ice in an
and any time you suffer Critical Hit Damage it also causes
instant a cryomancer needs to be standing in a large pool
Armour Damage (1) in addition to other effects.
or equivalent store of water.
While you form into or remain in your Freezing Form,
Each turn that you sustain the grasp of ice, you conduct a
you cause all small flames within 1m around you to
growth of an icy tentacle out from the water under your
extinguish and also you extinguish any flames that are
legs. This tentacle is not flexible but stiff and hard and it
burning you, if being aflame. Also you are totally immune
grows at the rate of WB+3 metres per round along any
to any Cold effects and Heat effects. The Freezing Form
path you choose and if it touches your opponent he is
renders you totally invisible to any equipment or
immediately entangled in ice. Roll d100 to determine
creatures that detect body heat.
location that is snared first.
This Freezing Form allows you to withstand even the
The snared opponent may choose to fight this snaring. As
extreme heat from energy weapons. Your skin now has
a Half Action he may make an Opposed Strength Test
Heat Protection quality and offers 4 AP of Improved
against your Willpower. If the opponent wins, the
Natural Armour. Any hits from weapons that cause
tentacle is broken and ice stops from growing thus also
energy damage or burn you halve their Penetration and
ending this power. The opponent still remains snared. As
they lose any Igniting, Lethal or Plasma qualities and
Half Action, the target can attempt to burst the bonds (a
cannot set you on fire. Also your Toughness Bonus is
Hard (-20) Strength Test) or wriggle free (a Hard (-20)
doubled against such weapons.
Agility Test) in his Turn. A success releases one body part
of choice. The target is considered helpless until he While in Freezing From, should you Grapple or try to
escapes if all arms are immobilised. force your way out from any snares or shackles, you gain
+20 to your Strength for the attempts and any successful
While snared the victim must make a Cold Test(+10) each
escapes break the snare or shackle. Also if engaged in a
round due to the extreme freezing effect caused by this
Grapple or someone otherwise touches you, the
unnaturally cold ice.
character touching you needs to make a Cold Test (-10)
each round with either Body or appropriate limb.

Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success, you gain +1 Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success the Cold
AP to your Natural Armour and any Armour Damage Test for your target is made one step harder.
against your worn armour is increased by 1.

PR: 3 Focus: Full Diviners seek to discern the hidden past and know the
- Range: You course of future events. Their abilities allow them to look
into the immaterium to find the answers they seek. Their
Your mind opens to form a channel that lets the
art is horribly taxing, though. The warp lies heavy on
unnatural cold from Warp to freeze an amount of at least
diviners; many of them are morose and sullen
four litres of some liquid into an icy spear. This spear
individuals. Insanity is common amongst their ranks.
formed into shape and balance of your choice and has
Divination is the most widely known Psychic Discipline,
stats of a Best Craftsmanship mono spear.
mainly due to use of the Emperor’s Tarot.
The spear is extremely cold, but this does not affect the
psyker himself. When striking with spear or throwing it, if
the spear penetrates the target’s armour fully or causes DIVINE SHOT
Critical Hit Damage, it gets Stuck and each round it PR: 3 Focus: Free
remains stuck the victim must make a Cold Test (+0) with - Range: You
the hit location. Successfully removing a Stuck Ice Spear Using this power enables you to make near impossible
shatters it. ranged shots, allowing you to strike virtually any target
If someone else than the psyker self handles the Ice you can perceive. You must concentrate on a single
Spear, the handler must make Cold Test (+10) each round firearm or other missile weapon in your possession and
with a limb that is holding it. the ammunition it carries before casting your psychic
The Ice Spear will shatter after 10 rounds or if it is used gaze into the warp to search down the near-infinite paths
to Parry any hit or it otherwise any hit that would do of potential future trajectories. When you find the one
Damage. you seek, you shoot, and while the damage to the target
may vary, the attack cannot be avoided in any way. In
Special: The Ice Spear can be handled with powers from effect, you automatically hit any one target you can see
Telekinetics. Also if the psyker uses Holy or Blessed water within the Range of the weapon. Only one shot
to create this spear, it has Holy/Blessed quality. automatically hits, even if you are using a semi-automatic
Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success the psyker or automatic weapon. Make the to hit Test to find out
may increase the Penetration or Damage of the Ice Spear the amount of additional hits and effects Degrees of
by one or he may cause any Cold Tests caused by the Ice Success.
Spear to become one step harder. Also if he chooses to
alter the Cold Tests, the spear does not shatter anymore,
if it is used to successfully Parry or it is freed after getting
Stuck. PR: 2 Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: You
STEAL HEAT By focusing his mind the diviner can single out an object
or person somewhere in his immediate vicinity, pushing
PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain aside all other distractions until he can unerringly find it.
You create a single focused and narrow channel that First the Psyker must choose an item or person to be the
vigorously drains heat from any target you keep under subject of the power. This can be anything, but it must be
focus. Focusing needs to be uninterrupted thus requiring a specific item. So for instance, the Psyker could say, “I
you to have a clear line of sight. want to know where the key to this lock is” but not “I
To retain focus on your target you need to make an want to know where a key is”. Likewise with a person,
Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test which is however one step the Psyker must have either seen them before (possibly
harder if the target is moving or two steps harder if the remotely or in a pict) or know their name.
target is running or otherwise moving fast or hiding Simply trying to find the person who murdered the
partially. governor, for example, will not work.
When you have successfully focused your heat draining Once the Psyker has chosen his subject, he makes a
channel upon your target for one round, the target Pysniscience Test. The following factors modify this roll:
makes a Cold Test (+0) that is resolved as an Opposed
Test against your focusing roll. Use reversed focusing roll
to resolve the hit location.

 He is intimately familiar with the subject (an object The psyker nominates a single target in range and line of
he has been carrying for a long time or a person he sight who opposes this power with a Willpower Test. If
knows well): +10 the target fails to resist the power, misfortune follows it
 He has a portion of the subject (a lock of a person’s wherever it goes. For the duration of this power, the
hair, a stone chip from a statue): +5 target’s Armour points are reduced in all locations by half
 The subject is within 100m: +5 the psyker’s Psy Rating, rounded up. Additionally, the
 The subject is over 500m away: –10 target’s weapons jam on any Attack in which they fail to
 Subject is surrounded by others of its kind (i.e. a hit their target. Also should the victim suffer any Damage
person in a crowd, a key in a draw full of keys): –10 after reductions from armour and Toughness Bonus,
succeed in a Dodge or Parry Test or choose to Run or
If the Psyker passes the Test, and the subject is within a
Charge, he must immediately check for Stumble(+0).
number of kilometres equal to or less than his Perception
Bonus, then he will have some idea of its location Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success, you may
depending on how many degrees of success he scored. either make the Willpower Test one step harder for the
victim or you may make the Stumble check one step
of Success Result
0 The rough direction of the subject
1 The specific direction of the subject and a PRECOGNITIVE DODGE
roughly how far away it is PR: 2 Focus: Free
2 The specific direction of the subject and exactly - Range: You
how far away it is You may manipulate probability to your own advantage.
3 The threads of your immediate future appear clearly in
4 A visual image of the current location of the your mind. You have the power to Dodge projectiles
subject as well as knowledge of in which before they’ve been fired.
direction and how far away it is As long as the
The psyker’s awareness of the Warp grants him the
Psyker sustains this power he can spend a Full
means to elude his opponents’ attacks without needing
Action to gain updated information on the
to rely on mortal reflexes. He walks through the
location of the subject (the level of this
battlefield unscathed, dodging incoming fire with a
information remains dependant on his original
simple ease. In any situation where the psyker would be
degrees of success).
called upon to make a Dodge or Parry Test, he may
Thus, a Psyker can follow a person who is actively trying instead attempt to use this power. If the power is
to evade them for instance. successful, the psyker avoids the attack exactly as if he
has passed the Dodge or Parry Test.
GLIMPSE Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the Test counts
PR: 4 Focus: Half as being passed with an additional Degree of Success.
- Range: You
You peer into the future, sensing the manifold web of PRESCIENCE
different possible pathways and potential outcomes. PR: 3 - Focus: Reaction Sustain
Until the end of your next Turn, you gain a +30 bonus to - Range: 3 metres x Base Psy Rating or You
any single Skill Test.
The psyker taps into the immaterium, using its energies
Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success increase the to spread his senses over the battle, seeing what is, what
bonus by further +10. has been, and what will be. By focussing this Warpsight
to a razor’s edge he can guide himself or his allies’ aims,
MISFORTUNE directing their attacks to strike home. Ultimately the
PR: 3 - Focus: Half Sustained psyker can also focus on detecting situations where
- Range: 20 metres x Base Psy Rating things are hanging by the finest of threads of fate.
Staring down his unfortunate victim, the psyker simply When manifesting this power the psyker must choose
snaps his fingers, twisting the strands of his target’s fate. the effect for this power.
Suddenly, everything around the psyker’s opponent
begins to fail. His vision blurs, his weapons jam, and
every bullet flying his way easily finds its way into the
weakest points of his armour.

1. For the duration of this power, a number of allies PSYCHOMETRY
within range equal to the Psyker’s Psy Rating, not
PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
including the psyker himself, gain a bonus to their
- Range: You (see text)
Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill equal to twice the
psyker’s Base Psy Rating. Allies affected by this power Intense displays of emotion leave a psychic “residue” on
lose its benefit as soon as they move out of range. objects and places exposed to them. Similarly, anything
that has been actively carried or used by an individual for
a long time will eventually pick up similar psychic
2. Like a spider on a web, you are able to sense impressions. With this power, you can read the psychic
disturbances to your immediate future. This ability to traces that others leave behind, giving you images
read possible outcomes lets you anticipate the
directly connected to the place or object in question.
movement of your opponents. For the duration of this These traces often take the form of sensory data. For
power, you gain a +20 bonus to all Weapon Skill, example, a diviner may taste the hot blood-tang of
Ballistic Skill and Dodge Tests.
murder, or smell the rank sweat-stench of desperation.
3. Psyker reaches out into future to detect to see some You may use this power in one of two ways. First, you
immediate needs of calling one’s fate. Any time you may use it to divine the impressions of an object, or,
or any ally within range uses a Fate Point to avoid second, you may use it to divine psychic impressions in
damage or injury, you may make an Intelligence Test. an area. In the case of the former, you must be handling
If you succeed you have understood the flows the object. In the case of the latter, you may divine any
correctly and perhaps you pre-warning have given pertinent details that occurred within a number of
the same outcome as the use of Fate would have. Roll metres equal to your Willpower Bonus.
1d10 and on a result of 7, 8, 9 or 10 the Fate Point is The quality and nature of the information depends on
saved, but this power immediately ends. how long you sustain the power. You derive a new piece
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the bonus for 1st of information for every ten Rounds you spend handling
option is increased by 2; the bonus for the 2nd option is an object or concentrating on an area.
increased by 4; and the Intelligence Test for the 3rd Rounds Result
option is made one step easier. 10 You sense the most recent strong emotion
associated with the area—love, hated,
amusement, fear and so on.
20 You perceive the general features of the person
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain who experienced the emotion.
- Range: You 30 You get a clear image of the features of the
Casting your perception from the limited vessel of your person who experienced the emotion.
bodily senses, you gain an unnatural awareness of the 40 You are able to identify the person’s occupation
world around you. Your eyes roll white within their (e.g. Career and Rank).
sockets and your senses roam about you, at once 50 You are able to discern the name of the person.
glancing above, behind, before and sideways. You also 60 or more. You discover an additional fact about
gain impressions of future events, granting you uncanny the person as determined by the GM and one
accuracy in anticipating them. You gain a +20 bonus on more for each 10 Rounds beyond 60.
all Awareness Tests. Overbleed: For every Dergee of Success, you cut the time
In addition, you add your Willpower Bonus to your required to derive a piece of information by 1 round to a
Initiative count. minimum of 1 round per fact.
Overbleed: For three Degrees of Success, you may
automatically gain highest Initiative during next round or
you may ignore any effects of Surprise and act normally.

PR: 3 Focus: Full PR: 2 Focus: Half
- Range: Touch - Range: 12m
Personal Augury allows you to peer into the fate of a You focus blazing mental energy into a single point
single, willing target. You may warn the querant of within your mind before releasing it all in a burst of
impending dangers, opportunities and even divine searing bright light, blinding anyone who sees you and is
specific advice for your client. To begin the augury, you within Range. Those with appropriate glare shielding and
clasp the hands of your client, and ask them to specify a beings that don’t have visual sensory organs are immune.
circumstance that they wish divined. This may be as All those affected must make an Agility Test or be
detailed as, “What terrors does the headquarters of the blinded for a number of Rounds equal to 1d10 times the
Barbed Chalice hold?” or as vague as, “How can I please Psyker’s Psy Rating.
my Inquisitor?” The more precise the question, the more Blinded targets automatically fail vision-based Tests,
specific the reading may be. Once the question is move at half normal speed and take a –20 penalty on any
established, the diviner and client spend the next thirty Test that involves fighting, movement or reactions. Note
minutes using his Psychic-foci. that a Psyker may accidentally blind himself with this
This may be reading the Imperial Tarot, casting runes, power (if he’s very stupid).
examining entrails, or any other such act. At the end of Overbleed: For every Dergee of Success, you extend the
this time, you may make a Psyniscience Test to Range by 4 metres.
accurately sense the weave of the client’s future. Each
degree of success reveals more information.
of Success Result PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: You
0 Doom: The diviner receives a symbolic warning
of the greatest peril or obstacle faced by the With intense concentration, you wreathe your hands in
client with regards to the question. This is a waves of shimmering flame. Your unarmed attacks deal
vague hint at what is to come. 1d10+SB Energy Damage. In addition, your unarmed
1 Malign Influences: The diviner gains intuition of strikes do not count as having the Primitive quality.
the client’s doom, and a further two negative
influences that the client will face. CALL FLAME
2 Benign Factors: The diviner gains an additional PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
impression of the greatest advantage or - Range: You
weapon the client has in their possession.
One of the first powers commonly learned in this
3 or more Fate: The diviner is aware of all of the
discipline is to summon fire with thought. This allows you
previous effects, and may also offer a single
to conjure a small flame (about the size and intensity of a
sentence of mystical advice to the client.
burning torch) into your palm. The primary purpose of
this power is not to attack—though it adds 2 points of
PYROMANCY Damage to your unarmed attacks and makes them
Energy attacks—but rather it is used to set things alight
Deemed by the majority of Imperial savants (those who or as fuel for other Pyrokinetic powers, such as Sculpt
are at liberty to discuss such matters, that is) to be both Flame. While this power is in effect, you cannot use your
the most common and the most limited of Psychic hand for anything else besides holding the flame.
Disciplines. Pyromancy is the art of creating and
controlling fire. Students of this discipline are known as
pyromancers or pyrokinetics. Less charitable souls, and
some of those who’ve been on the receiving end of their
abilities, frequently refer to them as “pyromaniacs”. Few
indeed, however, question the effectiveness of a master
pyrokinetic on the battlefield.
Note: Any Pyromancy power that inflicts Damage may
also set the target on fire. Treat Pyromancy powers as
having Ingniting quality if they deal Damage.

PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 3 Focus: Half – Blast 6 meters
- Range: 5m × Willpower Bonus - Range: 50m
It takes a potent mind to deny the natural tendency of Fire Storm instantly creates an intense conflagration
flames to run out of control. Douse Flames allows you to about your target as the air itself ignites, burning all
instantly extinguish all fires within range as well as within to cinders. You can call a Fire Storm anywhere
interfere with fire-based weapons such as flamers, within range to a point you have line of sight to. The Fire
causing them not to function for as long as they are Storm deals 1d10+5 E Damage with Blast(6), Igniting and
within Range of the power although their fuel may still Flame quality.
spray forth, depending on the design of the weapon. Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you deal an
Note that chemically flammable substances, such as additional 1 point of Damage or increase the Penetration
promethium, that burn continuously once exposed to the of flames by one.
air, burst back into flame the moment the power’s effect
ends or as soon as the chemical is brought outside of
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you extend the PR: 5 Focus: Full Sustain
Range by 5 metres. - Range: 6m
A legendary ability that few pyrokinetics are strong
enough to even wield, much less have the courage to
use. Holocaust calls forth a raging white-hot firestorm
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain ignited by the Psyker’s own soul. The flames of a
- Range: You Holocaust burn across dimensions, affecting the entities
You can endure the most severe flames, allowing you to of the immaterium as well as material beings, but the
walk unscathed through fire. You are immune to Damage cost is high as the psyker risks losing his own spirit to the
from fire and Flame weaponry and reduce the Damage fury of the conflagration. The fires of a Holocaust always
inflicted on you by Plasma or Melta type weapons by half burn outward from you, dealing 2 points of Energy
before reduction for armour and Toughness Bonus. The Damage per Degree of Success to all creatures and
effects of this power extend to your clothing and objects in the area. This Damage has Flame, Igniting,
equipment. Sanctified qualities and bypasses Toughness Bonus and
Armour. You take 1d5+1 Energy Damage (ignoring
FIRE BOLT Toughness Bonus and armour) each Round that you
sustain this power. There is no immunity to the fires of a
PR: 2 Focus: Half - Barrage Holocaust and Warp Entities, as well as other immaterial
- Range: 100m creatures, are burned as readily as the fleshbound.
Fire Bolt allows you to create bolts of flame with your Those slain by Holocaust are killed forever.
mind and hurl them at your foes. The appearance of
these flames is up to you—for example, searing white Wounds caused by Holocaust may not be healed by any
light or green-black spheres of obscenity mouthing faces. Psychic Powers.
You can direct the bolt at any target you can see within
range. The bolt deals 1d10+5 Energy Damage with
Igniting quality.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you may
increase the Penetration of each bolt by one.

PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: 10m - Range: 60m
Incinerate allows you to generate intense heat as well as A relatively blunt, but effective, ability in the
flame. By psychically agitating the molecules in a tightly pyrokinetic’s arsenal, this power allows you to place an
focused area, you create an effect even more devastating immobile barrier of flame that lingers for as long as you
than a meltagun. However, Incinerate requires you to will it.
concentrate on a single point, making it difficult to use The wall is three metres high and a metre thick and can
against non-stationary targets. be up to ten metres long for every point of your
Incinerate has a range of 10 metres and deals 1d10+1 Willpower Bonus. You can place it anywhere within
Energy Damage. Range and even on top of foes, though they are allowed
Each Round, beyond the first, that you use a Full Action an Easy (+20) Agility Test to get out of the way. Foes
concentrating on the target (it must remain in Range and crossing the wall or failing the Test take 1d10+5 Flame
in line of sight) this power deals the Damage of the Damage with Penetration of 2 and Igniting and Flame
previous Round plus 1. Damage caused by Incinerate qualities.
ignores both Armour and Toughness.
The art of the Telekinetic Discipline is to translate mental
PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain
energy into physical force. Wielders of these powers are
- Range: 5m×Willpower Bonus
known as the telekine, and they readily break the laws of
You control the shape of the fires burning around you. physics with their abilities. Telekine are notorious for
With this power, you can intensify any flames or shape their forceful personalities, which, while unpleasant to
them to assume any appearance you desire. A successful deal with, are fairly understandable. In many places,
use of this power allows you to do any of the following there is a common image of the telekine as a pallid, unfit
effects with an existing fire: and spoilt individual. In reality, Telekinetics often suffer
 Double a fire’s area (assuming there are intense migraines, nose bleeds and high blood pressure
combustibles). as a result of focusing their powers.
 Diminish a fire’s area by half.
 Spread fire into a number of 1 metre squares in any CATCH PROJECTILES
direction equal to your Willpower Bonus.
 Create crude shapes that resemble creatures, body PR: 3 Focus: Reaction
parts, people or objects. - Range: 1m×Willpower Bonus
 Cause a fire to burst, requiring all adjacent targets You can use your telekinetic abilities to catch incoming
to Test Agility, catching fire should they fail the projectiles. This power only works against solid
Test. projectiles and so energy attacks get through normally.
 Cause a fire to spew smoke, filling three times the Until the end of your next Turn, you automatically
area of the fire (treat as fog). discount a number of hits from incoming missiles equal
to your Willpower Bonus, causing them to immediately
Each Round you can choose a new effect or apply the
stop and hang in the air. When this power ends, they fall
same effects to the same source of fire.
harmlessly to the ground.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you can
manipulate fire more efficiently. If you score one Degree
of Success, you can create easily recognisable images. If
you score two Degrees of Success, you can create near
lifelike figures, as if carved from flame.
You can increase the distance of spreading fire: for one
Degree of Success, the distance is double your Willpower
Bonus; for two Degrees of Success the distance is four
times your Willpower Bonus and so on.

PR: 3 Focus: Half PR: 4 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: 10m - Range: You
You can telekinetically lift an unattended object from A phenomenally complicated ability to master, this
the ground and fling it at a target. You may lift up to 5 power allows you to project your will as a blade of
kilograms per point of your Willpower Bonus. You can psychic force. Because the blade is formed of psychic
throw the object a number of metres equal to your energy, it can be formed almost impossibly thin, as little
Willpower Bonus ×3. as a molecule thick. A Psychic Blade can thus shear
To hit a target, Test Willpower. On a success resolve the through almost any physical object with ease, and is
hit as if your Test was an attack. The object deals 1d10 capable of cutting through most forms of armour as if
Impact Damage plus 1 point per 5 kilograms of weight. they were made of cloth. The Psychic Blade is a terribly
dangerous weapon to use, though, for any stray thoughts
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you may lift an
can misdirect it with devastating effect.
additional 5 kilograms per point of your Willpower
Bonus. Once manifested, treat the Psychic Blade as a sword
wielded by the Psyker (though it does not require a free
hand) that requires no Training to use, but cannot Parry.
To strike with the Psychic Blade, the telekine make a new
PR: 4 Focus: Full - Storm Focus Power Test rather than use his Weapon Skill. On a
- Range: 10m×Willpower Bonus successful Test, the weapon hits and deals 1d10 R
This power functions as Force Bolt except you create a Damage with Penetration 2xWB and Flexible Quality.
storm of bolts. When rolling a 95-00 while attacking with a Psychic
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you score 1 a hit Blade, a stray thought causes the psyker to strike himself.
in addition to those generated otherwise or allowed by Also the Focus Power Test to attack may cause Warp
Effective Psy Rating or your each bolt deals 1 additional Tearing, but not any other roll on Psychich Phenomena.
point of Impact Damage. Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the Psychic
Blade deals 1 additional point of Rending Damage.
- Range: 10m×Willpower Bonus PR: 3 Focus: Half
Use this power to hurl a burst of tangible mental force at - Range: 10m
your opponent. Test Willpower to hit the target. If you You can direct your Telekinetic power directly against
succeed, your attack deals 1d10 Impact Damage +1 your opponents, wrapping them in bands of force that
Damage per point of your Effective Psy Rating. constrict and crush the life out of them. Once
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, you deal 1 manifested, you may use this power against any target
additional point of Impact Damage. within Range. Make an Opposed Test, pitting your
Willpower against your opponent’s Toughness. If you
PRECISION TELEKINESIS beat your opponent, you deal 1d10 Impact Damage plus
PR: 5 Focus: Half Sustain 1 per point of your Willpower Bonus.
- Range: 10m Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you may extend
the Range by 10 metres or you deal an additional 2
If Telekinesis is a sledgehammer, then Precision
points of Damage or you gain +10 to your Opposed
Telekinesis is a scalpel. This ability allows you to achieve
Willpower Test.
far more subtle effects with telekinetic force.
At its most basic, this power can pull the pins on
grenades, press buttons, jog triggers, undo latches and
direct small projectiles to deadly effect.
Essentially, with this power, you can manipulate objects
as if you were physically handling them.
In any situation where the task would call for a
Characteristic Test you substitute your Willpower

PR: 3 Focus: Half
The Discipline of Telepathy allows the practitioner to
- Range: 10m
contact and control the minds of others. From outright
You gather a ball of telekinetic energy and direct it mental domination to subtle perceptual effects, the
against any single target within range. Make an Opposed telepath can shape and mould thoughts with but a whim.
Test, pitting your Willpower against your target’s For all this power, telepaths tend towards misanthropic
Strength. If you beat your opponent, you knock them to depression. All too easily they can detect the foetid
the ground. For each degree of success, you also deal overspill of thought and emotion that oozes from the
one level of Fatigue. human mind, leaving them under no illusions about the
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, you may extend nobility of man’s soul.
the Range by 10 metres or gain a +10 bonus to your As they grow in skill, many telepaths are unable to
Willpower Test. completely shut out the constant low level chatter of
other minds. Consequently many develop great loathing
TELEKINESIS for crowds of people. Alongside this constant irritation,
PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain telepaths face another peril as they practise their art. By
- Range: 10m immersing themselves in another person’s mind, they
can often “catch” personality traits, mad beliefs or even
Telekinesis is the ability to use the strength of one’s will psychic corruption. Sometimes a telepath can lose their
to move physical inanimate objects around. selves entirely, becoming little more than a mirror of
You may lift or move any object within Range, whose those around them, a tragic figure with dim memories of
weight does not exceed 5 kilograms × your Willpower the individual they once were. Such telepaths are often
Bonus. You may move the object slowly anywhere within given the mercy of mind cleansing and reassignment as
Range of the power. This power cannot affect living some form of servitor.
creatures. You cannot make attacks with objects you
Closer Than Flesh
manipulate. Once you cease concentrating on the object,
it falls slowly to the ground. Telepathy is an intimate act, more personal and affecting
in some ways than any petty communion of the body. To
slip into the consciousness of another is a disturbing and
TELEKINETIC SHIELD disorienting task, for no two minds are alike and there is
PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain no telling what a telepath may find within another’s
- Range: You psyche. Unwilling targets of telepathic acts are apt to
You erect a field of telekinetic energy about you. This conceive of a deep loathing for the invading psyker, in
field functions as a force shield, granting 1 Armour Point some cases bordering on a psychopathic hatred for the
on every location in addition to any other armour you are telepath.
wearing. By spending a Full Action to activate this Psychic Aside from making enemies for himself, the telepath also
Power, you may opt to cause the Telekinetic Shield to risks mental contamination when he enters another
vibrate at a colour frequency of your choosing (golden person’s mind. It is all too easy to take on the personality
yellow, skull white, ice blue, and so on). traits of another, or worse still be infected by the putrid
Note that whatever its hue, the shield only produces a pus of their madness. Psykers who are promiscuous with
gentle shimmer in the air. It is not opaque and cannot their powers often find their original personalities much
block your opponent’s line of sight. altered, or even completely eroded, by continuous
contact with foreign minds. Sad indeed is the fate of such
The shield has Protection, Very hard, Impact Absorption
lost souls. Worse than this loss of the self, however, is
and Deflect qualities.
the fate of telepaths who stumble upon dark and
Overbleed: For every Dergee of Success, you increase the corrupted souls. Chaos is all too willing to exploit the
Armour Points by 1. mental bridge that the telepath forges between his mind
and his target.
If a Psyker uses a telepathic power on a target who has
twice his own Insanity or Corruption Points, he must
make a Willpower Test. Should the psyker fail the
Willpower Test, he contracts some form of psychic rot
from his debased contact. Psychic rot inflicts 1d10
Insanity or Corruption Points on the Psyker, depending
on which type of mental foulness caused the psychic rot
in the first place.

Should the target have both Insanity and Corruption DOMINATE
Points equal to double the Psyker’s own, the Psyker must
PR: 5 Focus: Half Sustain
make a second Willpower Test with failure resulting in
- Range: 8m
the suffering of a further 1d5 Insanity or Corruption
Points. One of the most infamous of all telepathic abilities, you
reach out with your mind to seize control of another’s
body. Make an Opposed Test, pitting your Willpower
BEASTMASTER against the target’s. If you succeed, you control your
PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain target’s body as if it were a puppet. For as long as the
- Range: 8m power remains active, you may divide up your Actions
You may stretch out your thoughts to animals, becoming between yourself and your target. For example, on your
able to perceive their emotions and establish a Turn, you might spend a Half Action to fire your laspistol
rudimentary form of communication. The relative at an Ork and then for your other Half Action, order your
simplicity of an animal’s mind allows you to dominate puppet to fire his bolter at the Ork. The dominated target
them. uses its own Characteristics, but takes a –10 penalty to all
Affected animals must follow your every command. Tests because it is controlled. Any action that could be
When you manifest this power, select one animal within deemed as suicidal grants the target a new Willpower
Range. Each Round you sustain the power, you may Test to try and break your hold.
spend a Reaction to give the animal a command. The Overbleed: For every Dergee of Success, you gain a +10
command must be simple, such as “come”, “guard”, bonus on your Opposed Willpower Test.
“flee”, “heel”, “attack” and so on. The animal follows the
command to the best of its ability. If the animal feels FEARFUL AURA
threatened or is ordered to act in a way that is not suited
PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
to its nature, it may make a Willpower Test to break your
- Range: You
control. How it acts if it succeeds depends on your
treatment of it. You twist reality in such a way as to make you appear
more sinister and dangerous. You become the source of
dread for anyone who looks upon you. Whilst this power
COMPEL is active, you have a Fear Rating of 0.
PR: 4 Focus: Half Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, your Fear Rating
- Range: 8m increases by 1.
One of the most direct of all “psyker mind tricks”,
Compel allows you to force others into briefly acting
against their own will. Compel is a highly versatile power,
useful for both subtle and blatant effects. When you PR: 2 Focus: Half Sustain
manifest this power, make an Opposed Test, pitting your - Range: 6m
Willpower against the target’s. If you succeed, the target You bolster your comrades by subtly implanting images
must follow your command. The nature of the command of great courage, and masking various negative
must be simple and must be able to be taken in a single emotional stimuli, allowing them to swiftly shake off
Round. Good commands include “flee”, “attack that fears and doubts. A number of targets equal to your
target”, “dance a jig”, and so on. If the command would Willpower Bonus immediately overcome the effects of
result in a suicidal act, the target gets a +30 bonus to its Pinning and Fear, and remain impervious to these effects
Willpower Test. for as long as they stay within Range and for as long as
Overbleed: For every Dergee of Success, you gain a +10 you sustain the power. Such psychic propaganda is
bonus on your Opposed Willpower Test. frequently used amongst the Imperial Guard.

PROJECTION Upon manifesting this power, select a number of targets
within Range equal to your Willpower Bonus. Each target
PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain
must succeed on a Willpower Test or they can no longer
- Range: You
perceive you for as long as you sustain the power. Lack of
You can send out your disembodied mind and spirit, perception means they cannot directly attack you: they
allowing you to touch other minds from a great distance cannot see, hear, smell or perceive you in any way.
away. You project a “mental self ”, which you can shape
Oddly, this power has no effect on creatures with an
to look like whatever you choose. The projection can
Intelligence of 10 or less.
travel at great speed, literally the speed of thought, but it
can also be vary dangerous as creatures native to the Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you may add
immaterium and other Psykers may be able to directly another target or impose a –10 penalty on one target’s
attack your mind. Whilst using Projection, you are Willpower Test made to resist this power.
completely unaware of what is happening with your
physical body. This power lets you communicate with any TELEPATHY
creature you know well (such as a companion or your PR: 2 Focus: Free Sustain
Inquisitor), and is somewhere within the same solar - Range: 1km/Willpower Bonus
You can send your thoughts into the minds of those
Unwilling targets, or possibly those that do not look around you. You can choose to send your message to
kindly at having people invade their thoughts, may make one or more persons in a select group of individuals,
an Opposed Willpower Test with the Psyker to force which is known as a “placed sending”, or can transmit
them back into their bodies. Whilst using this power, your thoughts to anyone within Range, an art known as
your body functions as if it were unconscious. “broadcasting”.


PR: 4 Focus: Full PR: 3 Focus: Half
- Range: 10m - Range: 8m
A voice’s volume is limited to the realities of vocal You dredge up a person’s worst nightmare and project it
capacity and a listener’s ability to hear. Minds have no directly into their mind, causing them to flee screaming.
such limitations. With this power, you gather your will You may affect a number of targets within Range up to
and launch it as a blast of screaming mental energy your Willpower Bonus. Each target must pass a
designed to overload nervous systems and knock one or Willpower Test or roll on the Shock Table.
more targets unconscious. All creatures within Range
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the target adds
that you specify must succeed on a Willpower Test or
+10 to their roll on the Shock Table.
become Stunned and suffer a number of levels of Fatigue
equal to half (round down) your Willpower Bonus.
Overbleed: For every Dergee of Success, you may extend
the Range by 5 metres.

PR: 3 Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: 20m
You erase your presence from the minds of others. This
power is more than just “invisibility”; targets that this
power has been used successfully on literally cannot
perceive you at all. While they may suspect that
someone else is present, they can only react to the
effects of what you do. For example, you could punch a
guard while using See Me Not. The guard would know
that he had been hit by “something” and would certainly
do his best to find the source of the attack, in hopes of
stopping a second blow, but he would look “right
through you” while he was searching.

While this power is in effect, the psyker cannot hold
anything in his hands and gains the Unnatural Toughness
These powers represent the ultimate skills of any and Unnatural Strength traits with ratings equal to half
psyker’s talent in the chosen discipline. Complex powers his Base Psy Rating, rounded up. However, his flesh’s
can be chosen in a similar manner as the lower powers, sturdier form weighs the psyker down, causing him to
but they are only available for selection after the psyker weight extra 10 x Base Psy Rating in kilograms and to
has the appropriate Discipline Focus Talent for the suffer a –10 penalty to his Agility characteristic while the
discipline of the complex power. power is in effect.
If the psyker is wearing any armour without Cover quality
while this power is in effect he is rendered nearly
BIOMANCY COMPLEX POWERS immobile suffering -30 Penalty to all Tests that involve
ENDURANCE Overbleed: For the first Degree of Success the psyker
PR: 4 Focus: Half counts as having Improved Natural Weapons Trait and
- Range: Effective Psy Rating x 1m for each additional Degree of Success the psyker receives
Focusing his mind on the injured bodies of his allies, the one level of Natural Armour and Unnatural Toughness.
psyker energises their biology, initiating rapid cell
growth. In moments, shattered bones re-knit, gaping AGONY
wounds close and heal, and the effects of combat PR: 3 Focus: Full Sustain
damage disappear. - Range: 10m
A number of targets in range equal to the psyker’s Reaching out with your power, you lash out at your
Effective Psy Rating in meters, plus the psyker himself, enemies with acute and all-consuming pain. The target
recover wounds equal to half (round down) the psyker’s must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test at the
Effective Psy Rating removing Critical Damage first and beginning of each of its rounds. If it fails the check, it may
then normal Damage. If any target character has any only take a Half Action that Round. If the target fails by
ongoing critical effects, then instead of healing Wounds more than three degrees, the target may take no Actions
this immediately ends any Blood Loss and counts as if that Round and suffers a level of Fatigue. If used as part
they have received Intensive Medical Care with Degrees of an interrogation, this power grants a +10 bonus to the
of Success equal to the damage that would have been psyker’s Interrogation Test. This power has no effect on
healed. The targets can also immediately overcome the unliving matter or targets incapable of feeling pain.
effects of Pinning and Fear.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, a second target
This power is incredibly taxing and the psyker receives 1 within range and line of sight may be affected or you may
level of Fatigue for each target who is affected by this worsen the the Toughness Test for each target by one
power. step or you may gain an additional +5 to your
Repeated uses of this power can be dangerous, and the Interrogation Test.
person’s flesh rebels against the intrusion of warp
energy. If a person (including the Psyker) is the subject of DRAIN VIGOUR
this power more than once in a 6 hour period, they must
make a Challenging(+0) Toughness Test or take 1d5 PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain
points of Damage (with no reduction for Toughness - Range: 20m
Bonus or Armour), rather than being healed and gain one You drain the vigour and energy of a living creature,
Insanity Point. sapping its vitality and strength, and ultimately
incapacitating or even killing it. The target must pass a
Difficult (–10) Willpower Test or its Strength, Toughness
and Agility Characteristics are all reduced by 1d10 (roll
PR: 5 Focus: Half Sustain once for all characteristics). In addition, if the victim fails
- Range: You the Willpower Test, it must Test again in the following
The psyker’s flesh transforms, hardening into a slick, Round, risking more Characteristic Damage. This process
living metal, weighing him down but also rendering him continues until it passes the Test or dies (one of its
incredibly resistant. His new form allows him to shrug off Characteristics reaches zero). The effects of this
small arms fire and crush his enemies with his bare Characteristic loss last for the power’s duration plus 1d10
hands. The psyker gains Natural Weapons Trait and has Rounds. This power has no effect on unliving matter.
Natural Armour(Base Psy Rating) Trait with Protection, Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success, the
Deflect, Very Hard, Impact Absorption and Conductive difficulty of the Willpower Test worsens by one step.

PR: 4 Focus: Extended
- Range: Touch
The psyker starts to transfer all heat out of a willing
PR: 3 Focus: Full target or himself until all molecular movement comes to
- Range: You halt and the target is in total stasis. The process takes 20
The true piece of finesse for a cryomancer is to create minus psyker’s WB rounds to complete and during this
this icy super cold construct of water, air and minerals time the psyker must remain focused in completing this
with a hint of warp energy sizzling in its finely crafted process. Note that going into this sleep by himself does
microscopic tunnels. The cryomancer needs to have not prevent psyker from concentrating into completion
about five litres of fresh water available when creating of this power. Also this power requires no specific
this piece-of-cryo-art construct thus they weight about environment.
5kg each. He may use also blessed water to have the While setting a character into a hibernate state the
construct and any Damage caused by it to have Blessed cryomancer must also set a specific time within 48 hours
quality. after which the character automatically starts to awaken
Crackler Ice constructs of different cryomancers are from hibernate.
somewhat looking different and there is usually no way When a character is either under the process of going
for one cryomancer to create a construct that is similar into, or already fully in, hibernate, any ongoing effects
to a construct of some other cryomancer. This is such as bleeding, dying, poison or losing limbs cease to
considered a feature caused by need for a cryomancer to affect him after two rounds of the hibernation process
project the structure of the construct through his soul. (or the process completes). Those ongoing effects won’t
Usually crackler ice constructs are somewhat sphere-like be further resolved before the character is fully awaken
and tend to have spikes and awesome amount of fine from the cryohibernation. Also a character in full
jagged details. hibernation does not need any life support, food, air,
The crackler ice constructs are only a temporary piece water or what so ever. Technically the character is not
beauty and after 10 minutes their structure is flawed and living any more until he starts awakening.
they become normal pieces of ice. Also if the crackler ice A character in cryohibernation cannot use any psychic
construct suffers a physical hit of any sort it loses its powers, senses, devices or anything else, he only exists.
structure crumbling and thus it needs to be handled very He is also rendered totally motionless and after the
carefully. process for hibernation is complete there is no way to
Should an intact and structurally fine crackler ice change his posture or otherwise manipulate his position
construct get a hit from any source that delivers a sort of before awakening process begins. The character in
heat blast to it, it explodes violently. The blast can be for hibernation is very resilient to any damage, but some
example a blast from a las weapon or even fire bolt. heavy damage is likely to shatter him partly or
Exploding crackler ice construct deals 1d10+2 P Damage completely. As a rough guideline consider him as having
with Blast(2) quality. Toughness Bonus 12 while under hibernation and he only
Note: The construct can be also thrown or hurled with suffers from critical effects that severe limbs, destroy
some telekinetic power and will explode in mid-air if hit organs and body and head hits that cause instant death.
with some heat blast while flying. However the effects from severed limbs and other
Overbleed: Should the psyker achieve at least 5 Degrees damage are fully resolved after the character awakens.
of Success, he has created a masterpiece that copies his Awakening takes always 20 rounds and during that time
very own soul and feels to him as a kin or even as a child. the character is unable to interact or otherwise do
After this construct becomes flawed or destroyed the anything including using psychic powers.
psyker receives one Point of Insanity. If a masterpiece If the character is exposed to some effect that nullifies
construct explodes it has following profile: psychic power such as nullrod, to some power that heals
Damage: 1d5+WB+FB+AB, Penetration: IntB, Special: Wounds or a cryomancer uses this power to prematurely
Blast(SB) and the blast is heard TB x 100m away with the start the awakening, the character starts to awaken
sound blast causing Deafened(5 minutes) upon anyone uncontrollably. Uncontrollable awakening causes the
within 20 metres. Also anyone suffering wounds from the thawing character to do a Cold Test (+10) each round
explosion also suffers the same amount of Toughness until he is fully thawed. This Cold Test is not affected by
Damage due to warp energies draining his life. any other modifiers from clothing, equipment or

A cryomancer can use this power to get uncontrolled Note: Any time this power is manifested with 4 or more
thawing kept controlled, but to do so he must focus for Degrees of Success the GM should decide whether this
the entire time the thawing process lasts and if the cloud affects the long term weather conditions around
cryomancer himself is the thawing character, he won’t be and in coming days.
able to regain control the thawing process.
If any power that would heal Wounds is used on a PILLAR OF COLD
character who is still in a cryohibernation or awakening, PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain
the awakening process starts and instead of healing - Range: 10m
Wounds the process is shortened by one round for each
Wound that the character would have healed. The psyker concentrates his mind to reach out in far
heights and instantly chills the air causing flow of thick
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success the psyker is able fog and rain of large hails. As the awfully chilling fog hits
to extend the duration of the cryohibernation by 48 the ground and other environment it causes the area to
hours. instantly cover in slippery mirror like ice that starts to
thicken every round.
DOWNBURST The pillar of cold air and fog is formed around the psyker
PR: 6 Focus: Extended and it is 50 meters high and its radius is the range of this
- Range: 150 m power thus showing as an enormous unnatural column in
A true measure of psyker’s ability to channel the energy the air.
of the Warp to manipulate weather and air. The All characters except the psyker within pillar have a 20%
downburst begins with psyker opening himself as a chance of getting hit from a very large hail each turn. This
conduit of energy from warp to atmosphere rapidly hail causes 1d10 I Damage that is Primitive. Also anyone
cooling massive amounts of air several kilometres above. except the psyker within pillar after it has been sustained
The cooling takes 10 minus psyker’s WB (to a minimum at least two rounds must pass an Ordinary (+10) Agility
of 1) rounds to complete and he needs to remain focused Test to move carefully or act in combat. This Test is
for this time. Challenging (+0) when acting in melee or moving any
After the psyker finishes channelling, the cold air is faster than carefully. Failing this test results into slipping
heading down with extreme speed and strong downburst and the character is knocked to ground. Failing the Test
will hit the area around any spot within range after 1d10 by 2 or more degrees causes the character to suffer
rounds. Pain(1). The icy surface remains slippery for 1 minute
after this power ends.
The downburst affects an area that has 100m radius.
Anyone within this area is instantly knocked into ground The fog causes everyone within pillar to ne unable to see
without ability to stand up the downburst lasts. Within farther than 20 centimetres thus inflicting Blindness to all
burst area all trees crack and fall, weaker parts from those within including the psyker himself.
structures and vehicles are damaged and buildings have The extreme cold within pillar affects everyone else
their windows shattered and roofs torn. The GM should except the psyker and causes them to make a Cold
determine, whether collapsing trees and flying debris hits Test(+10) each round.
anyone in the area and how much Damage that does. As a Half Action the psyker is able to make a clearing
Also everyone within this area is hit with a rain of huge around any character within this pillar. Those in clearings
hails dealing 1d10+3 Impact Damage with Penetration of cannot get hit by hails nor suffer from Blindness while
3 and Primitive quality. moving.
The downburst also affects and area around the main Overbleed: For each Degree of Success the pillar gains
area of effect. This area extends further 100 metres from another 50 meters height thus adding +1 to Damage and
the edge of the affected area and anyone within this area Penetration of any hits from hails. In addition for each
must make Hard (-20) Agility Test each turn to avoid two Degrees of Success the psyker may increase the
being knocked to ground. Also any light items and debris radius of this power by 10 meters or densify the
is sent flying. The downburst last for 1d10 + 5 rounds. appearance of hails adding +10% to the chance of being
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success the range is hit each round.
increased by 50 metres. Also if at least three Degrees of Note: Any time this power is manifested with 4 or more
Success are scored, hails become even larger gaining Degrees of Success the GM should decide whether this
Crushing quality and their Damage and Penetration are cloud affects the long term weather conditions around
increase by total Degrees of Success minus two. and in coming days.

PR:3 Focus: Half Sustain PR: 6 Focus: Extended Action
- Range: You - Range: Touch
While this power is sustained, you cause the warp With this power, you can read a target’s mind, probing
energies to aid your efforts to drain the heat from your whatever secrets are hidden therein. You must touch the
victim thus making the Cold Tests caused by your powers target for this power to work, which, unless clever
to affect creatures with Daemonic, Incorporeal and From methods are employed, means you must successfully
Beyond Traits. Test Weapon Skill. If you manage to touch the target, you
Overbleed: For every two Degrees of Success, add one may enter a contest of wills in order to pierce your
additional Degree of Success to all Cryomancy Powers target’s mental barriers and discover all sorts of
you successfully manifest while sustaining this power. information.
Mind Scan is a lengthy process, extending at least over
eight Rounds. During each of these Rounds the Psyker
DIVINATION COMPLEX POWERS and target make Opposed Willpower Tests. If the Psyker
wins by at least two degrees, he may delve deeper into
the target’s psyche. Otherwise the psyker may attempt
again later.
PR: 4 Focus: Full Sustain
Should the target succeed, it indicates that he has
- Range: 1km/Willpower Bonus
managed to thrust the Psyker from his mind, and the
Some diviners are capable of opening their inner eye to Mind Scan power ends.
perceive events that occur at places far away from them.
Each Round that Mind Scan is successfully maintained
Far Sight may be used to make you aware of a single
and the psyker wins the test by proper margin, the
space anywhere within Range of this power. You need
information from the next level is revealed:
not be aware of the destination; you merely need to
identify how far away you need to cast your senses (for Level 1 (Break In) Information: The Psyker becomes
example: “I look two kilometres to the west”). Should the aware of the ways to reach into the target’s mind.
point you select be inside a solid object, such as a wall, Level 2 (Structure) Information: The Psyker is able to
tree, cliff face or the like, the power simply fails. You may determine how the target’s mind is structured and where
use Far Sight to cast your view inside buildings, bodies of to thread for finding some information.
water, pockets of gas and so on without impediment. Level 3 (Contact) Information: The Psyker contacts the
Once you have cast your sight to a particular place, you target’s mind, learning information that is readable from
can see up to the normal range of your vision from a the target’s being such as mood, Insanity Level, physical
specific point of view. You may change your facing by 90- health, state of mind, attitude towards ongoing events
degrees by spending a Half Action. Once you choose your and so on.
point, you may not select another. You must use the Level 4 (Instinctive Thoughts) Information: The Psyker
power again to select a new point. Far Sight does not contacts the target’s mind, learning basic information
grant any special forms of vision; if your clairvoyant point such as name, favoured language, the things that the
is within a darkened room and you cannot normally see target is currently focusing on , and so on.
in darkness, you perceive nothing but darkness. In
Level 5 (Surface Thoughts) Information: The Psyker
addition, Far Sight does not pick up sound (though if you
investigates the thoughts which are uppermost in the
have the Lip Reading skill, you can use it to work out
target’s mind, such as opinions on the Psyker, immediate
what speakers are saying).
fears, conscious lies, a single location, object, event or
While under the effects of this power, you are person which is significant to the target (such as a lover,
disoriented and cannot spend more than a Half Action personal hab block, treasured heirloom or cult initiation).
each Round. In addition, you take a –30 penalty to all
It is not apparent why the significant thing is important—
only the emotions associated with it. The target’s
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you can add Corruption Level is also apparent to the Psyker.
1km to the Range of this power.

Level 6 (Short Term Memory) Information: The Psyker SOUL SIGHT
may rifle through the target’s memories over the
PR: 5 Focus: Full Sustain
previous twelve hours, and may uncover two further
- Range: You
significant locations, objects, events or persons. Again, it
is not apparent why the significant thing is important— Diviners are said to be able to read a person’s shifting
only the key emotions associated with it. The Psyker may aura, the ghost self they unconsciously project into the
also dredge up simple passwords and routine behaviours warp. From observing the nature of this aura, they can
from the target’s mind (e.g. hab block entry code, learn many things about a person’s emotions and
habitual paths to work, bank ident numerals or feelings: from their current emotions, to habitual moods,
frequently used Skills, Talents and Characteristics). to their levels of injury, and even any addictions or
madness they may suffer from.
Level 7 (Subconscious) Information: The Psyker may gain
detailed understanding of why significant locations, When this power is manifested, the diviner may try to
objects, events or persons hold importance to the target, read the aura of any person they can see as a Full Action.
and how they relate to each other. The target’s beliefs, This requires a successful Psyniscience Test with each
motivations and personal goals are apparent to the degree of success granting him more information. The
Psyker, as are the target’s immediate network of diviner must manifest this power each time he wishes to
contacts. Complicated ciphers may be extracted from the view an additional person’s aura.
target’s mind, and the Psyker is aware of pivotal Degrees
moments in the target’s life (earliest memory, of Success Result
adolescence, coming of age and so on). 1. Hue. You focus on the dominant colours in the
Level 8 (Soul Baring) Information: The Psyker may target’s aura. This allows you to detect the strongest
plunder the target’s mind at will. Any information three emotions they are currently experiencing. You
contained within the target’s psyche is there for the are also able to detect their race, and if they have
Psyker to do with what he wishes. any Psychic Discipline Powers (though not what they
Special: The Psyker may attempt to scan his target’s are). From the brightness and consistency of the
mind covertly. In this case, the Psyker must make an aura, you are also able to gain a rough idea of the
Opposed Willpower Test at a -20 penalty. target’s physical and mental health. This does not tell
you their exact Wounds or Insanity Points, but rather
Should the Psyker succeed in a covert scan, the target
grants a loose impression (good, poor, slightly weak,
gains a faint sense of unease, but is unaware that his
and so on). Finally, you may tell whether the target is
mind is being probed unless the target wins by 3 or more
an Untouchable.
2. Flow. You gain all the impressions of the previous
If the Psyker does not attempt a covert scan, the target is result, and also gain a greater understanding of their
fully aware that his psyche is under attack. emotional state. You can read all of the target’s
He may attempt to break physical contact with the current feelings. You also gain an insight into the
Psyker or even strike out. target’s nature and their habitual tides of sentiment
(depressive, misanthrope, optimist etc).
These perceptions grant you +10 to all Fellowship
Tests made against the target whilst this power is
In addition to this, you can see undercurrents of
emotion caused by biological feedback, such as
hunger, desire, fatigue, intoxication and pain. You
may determine the target’s current Wounds and
Fatigue levels. Finally, if the target has any Psychic
Discipline Powers, you may tell which Disciplines
these powers originate from (though not which
specific powers these are).

3. Shape. You gain all the impressions of the previous
result, and gain a greater understanding of the
target’s longstanding emotions and emotional states.
The aura’s connection to the warp around it reveals if FLAME BREATH
the target has any Corruption Points (though not how PR: 4 - Focus: Half
many). Ripples in the aura reveal the three major - Range: 20 + Base Psy Rating in meters
emotions experienced by the target over the past
Using his body as a conduit for his Warp-drawn power,
twelve hours. You may determine the target’s
the psyker expels a torrent of flame from his mouth and
Insanity Points and any madness or addictions they
eyes. Even his allies can find the sight terrifying as his
are currently suffering from. If the target has any
foes are burned with his unnatural exhalations.
Psychic Disciplines, you may infer their precise Psy
Rating. This causes 1d10+Base Psy Rating Energy Damage with
4. Pattern. You gain all the impressions of the previous Flame and Igniting qualities. The psyker also has Fear(1)
result, and gain a full appreciation of the target’s Trait for the duration of this round.
aura. You may determine the exact Corruption Points Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the Damage or
of the target. You may also detect if the target has Penetration of the breath is increased by one.
any Minor Psychic Powers (though not what they
Finally, you may tell if the projected aura is genuine,
or has been produced by some unnatural means PR: 3 - Focus: Reaction Sustain
(Psychic Power, Daemonic ability, technological - Range: 20 metres x Base Psy Rating
means etc). With but a gesture, the psyker summons a wall of
Note that you cannot divine what the target’s shimmering, unnatural fire in the air before him. Any
genuine aura should be; only that it is artificial. who would strike the pyromancer must contend with
fiery retribution, as flames leap outward, travelling in
reverse down the path of the bullet or lasbolt to strike
the psyker’s assailant.
PR: 5 Focus: Half
While this power is in effect, any character in range and
- Range: You
line of sight that successfully strikes the psyker with an
Tapping into the power of the Empyrean, the psyker’s attack immediately suffers a hit from a fire bolt that
mind skims the Warp for glimpses of the immediate deals Energy damage equal to 1d5 plus the psyker’s Base
future, seeking to prepare himself. While under the Psy Rating. The inflicted damage has Penetration 2.
effects of this power, the psyker reacts and thinks with
Overbleed: Each Degree of Success adds 1 point to the
unbelievable speed.
Penetration of each retribution bolt or adds one level of
Until the end of his next round the psyker gains the Proven quality to each retribution bolt.
Unnatural Agility, Unnatural Weapon Skill and Unnatural
Ballistic Skill traits, all at values equal to his Effective Psy
Rating. Also the psyker resolves any immediate test that SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION
benefits from thinking and planning as if he had about 30 PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain
minutes to focus on the task. The psyker also counts as - Range: 20m
having highest Initiative at the beginning of next round. In one of the purest displays of his power, the psyker
The Unnatural Agility does not affect the psyker's ignites his enemies, burning them alive. The target’s
movement speed. blood boils and flesh smoulders, and as the psyker’s rage
reaches its pinnacle, the target’s body begins to explode
in blasts of ash and flame, though the psyker must spend
a Half Action each round to sustain this burning.
The target's skin is set aflame and the flames start to gain
more strength each round. Each round the flames deal
normal Damage for being aflame and inflict one point of
additional burn damage for each round that the target
has burned. Damage from Spontaneous Combustion
always ignores the target's armour. There is no way of
extinguishing these flames, but each round the target is
allowed to make a Difficult (-10) Willpower Test to force
this power to end.

PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain*
- Range: 2 metres x Effective Psy Rating
In perhaps the ultimate display of his mastery of both the
PR: 3 - Focus: Half Sustain physical world and the Warp, the psyker tears open a
- Range: 10m hole twixt the two. Around the roiling vortex, the laws of
This power manifests an uncontrolled storm of physical space are undone as the ravenous predations of
unleashed psychokinetic potential around the psyker, Chaos devour all in the vicinity. This power is
raising a tumult of squalling winds from nowhere and extraordinarily dangerous, and not only to the psyker’s
causing small objects to jump and topple, glass to enemies. The Vortex of Doom feeds on itself and can
shatter, electrical contacts to short out and spark, flames sustain its power without need of the psyker.
to leap, cogitators to spit gibberish, and other distracting The psyker chooses a point in range and line of sight, and
phenomena. Everyone within the radius of the power creates a vortex of energy centred on that point that
other than the manifesting psyker suffers a –10 penalty starts with a radius of 2 metres. Each character who is
to all physical actions while the power is in effect, in touching the vortex at the end of the psyker’s turn
addition to any damaging effects the Psychokinetic Storm suffers damage as detailed below. The psyker cannot
has on the surrounding environment. voluntarily stop sustaining this power. Instead, at the
Also the unnatural nature of this storm is rather likely to beginning of each turn the psyker is sustaining the
cause the average mortal to panic. Each person within vortex, he must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower test
this storm must make a Pinning Test each round and with a –5 penalty for each metre in the vortex’s current
should any Psychic Phenomena occur the storm gains radius. If he passes the test, he may perform one of the
Fear(2) Trait against all those within including the psyker. following actions:
Note that the Adeptus Mechanicus are especially 1. Increase the vortex’s radius by one metre.
loathing of this kind of ability and tend to take a very dim 2. Decrease the vortex’s radius by one metre.
view of Psykers that employ it. 3. Move the vortex any direction a number of metres
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the radius of the equal to the psyker’s psy rating.
storm is increased by 10 meters and the penalty to all Those touching the warp suffer 2d10 points of Explosive
physical actions within storm is increased by 10. Damage with Penetration equal to the radius of the
vortex and this damage has Blast quality and it causes
OBJURATION MECHANICUM effects similar to Righteous Fury. Any hits as inflicted to
the victim's Body and any Critical Effect that would throw
PR: 4 - Focus: Half the victim away pull him towards the centre of the vortex
- Range: You instead.
With this power, the psyker reaches into and disrupts the
If the psyker fails the Willpower test to sustain the
inner workings of nearby machines, jamming gears,
vortex, or if he is unable to make the test due to other
blowing fuses, and severing power couplings. Those who circumstances, its radius increases by one metre and it
rely on technology find themselves bereft of their moves a number of metres equal to the psyker’s psy
support and helpless. rating in a random direction this also causes the psyker
This power creates a Haywire Field centred at the psyker. to roll on Psychic Phenomena.
This field has Haywire(psyker's Effective Psy Rating)
If the vortex’s radius ever decreases to zero metres, the
quality. power ends and the vortex disappears. If the vortex’s
Note that the Adeptus Mechanicus are especially radius ever grows larger than the psyker’s psy rating, it
loathing of this kind of ability and tend to take a very dim explodes, ending the power, and destroying the vortex.
view of Psykers that employ it. The explosion has Blast quality with twice the radius
exploding vortex and this deals Damage in the same
manner as the vortex did. The psyker is hit by this
damage regardless of his proximity to the exploding
vortex as the energy of the Warp he was channelling
lashes back into him. Also the explosion causes the
psyker to immediately roll on Perils of the Warp with +10
to the result.

PR: 4 - Focus: Extended
- Range: Touch
With a surgeon’s skill, the psyker opens up his target’s
PR: 6 - Focus: Extended mind and slices away a memory, removing it forever. This
- Range: Touch power is of immense utility to an Inquisitor’s work,
This power allows you to subvert the minds of others by particularly one who wishes to operate discreetly,
planting a seed of influence within a person’s mind; a without the usual mess of an execution.
psychic keyhole that you can use in the future to unlock The psyker chooses a single foe in range and line of sight
their psyche and enslave their will to your own. who opposes this power with a Willpower test. This
The psyker must be in contact with the target of this continues until either the psyker or the target has
power for the length entire process of using this power. achieved a cumulative total of five degrees of success. If
If contact is broken before the psyker or the target has the target is the first to achieve five degrees of success
won the contest of wills the power must be used again then the process has failed and their mind is locked off
from scratch. from the psyker who may not use this power on the
Every round the psyker and the target must make target again. If the psyker wins, he removes a memory of
opposed Willpower Tests. This continues until either the a recent event from the target’s mind.
psyker or the target has achieved a cumulative total of The psyker can only remove an amount of time from the
five degrees of success. If the target is the first to achieve target’s memory up to 10 x PR minutes, and the event
five degrees of success then the process has failed and removed cannot have occurred more than PR hours prior
their mind is locked off from the psyker who may not use to the use of this power. The enemy is left with a gap in
this power on the target again. his memory, with no recollection of what occurred
If the psyker achieves five degrees of success, they have during that time.
seeded the target’s mind with their influence and the
target will now automatically be effected by the Psychic
Powers: Compel, Dominate, Suggestion and Zone of
Compulsion when successfully manifested by the psyker,
with no rolls allowed for resistance. This weakness will
remain in effect for the next year.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you gain an
additional +10 bonus on your Opposed Willpower Test.

PR: 4 - Focus: Full
- Range: (5 + Willpower Bonus) radius in Metres
You send out a wave of telepathic force that carries a
single command. Every person (both friend and foe)
within range must make an Opposed Willpower Test
against you. You only roll once to oppose all those who
may be affected. Anyone who loses the battle of wills
must follow your command as per the Compel psychic
power. The command must be identical for all those
within the zone.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, you gain a +10
bonus on your Opposed Willpower Test.

Cost: 600 XP

For Primaris Psykers, and other psykers of similar skill - Range: Self
and training, the concept of psychic disciplines begins to The psyker surrounds himself in a cracking, sparking
take on less importance. Rather than limiting their nimbus of electricity, daring his enemies to strike him.
powers to a particular area of expertise, these psykers Whenever an opponent touches the psyker or hits him in
tend to focus on perfecting their mastery over several melee, he takes Energy damage with the Shocking
individual abilities, learning to manipulate them with Quality equal to 1d10 plus the psyker’s Willpower Bonus
consummate skill. In doing so, the psyker willingly allows and with Penetration of the psyker’s Base Psy Rating. If
his understanding in some periphery abilities to lapse, the psyker is hit by a weapon that has the Shocking
but what he sacrifices in breadth, he more than makes quality while manifesting this power, he automatically
up in depth. Learning an Ascended Power costs a passes the Toughness Test to see if he is Stunned.
considerable amount of experience. However, the psyker Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success the psyker
must also trade some of his existing Major and Minor may increase the Damage from Lightning Field by 2 and
Psychic Powers to gain the Ascended Power. When a increase the Penetration also by 2.
psyker trades a Power, he willingly gives up his ability to
use it, as if he never had it in the first place. The psyker RANK 3:
must either trade four Minor powers, 2 two Major Cost: 1,000 XP
powers or a single Complex Power when purchasing an
Once a psyker learns an Ascended Power, he may use the PR: 6 - Focus: Full
Power’s Rank 1 ability. To access the Rank 2 or 3 abilities, - Range: 20 metres
he must spend experience equal to the amounts listed
With charged air and the stench of ozone, the psyker
next to the ability. A psyker may only unlock Ranks in an
reaches into the warp and lets forth a blast of etheric
Ascended Power that he has already purchased.
lightning. Bolts arc in all directions, striking all those the
However, once the Power has been purchased, he is able
psyker chooses.
to unlock those Ranks in the same manner as purchasing
any other Advances. There are no level requirements for Within the range of the power a number of random
unlocking ranks. targets (not including the psyker himself) equal to
psyker’s Effective Psy Rating are struck with crackling
series of lightning bolts doing 2d10+Effective Psy Rating
STORMWROTH Energy damage with a Penetration of psyker’s Effective
Psy Rating and with the Shocking quality.
The psyker focuses on summoning warp lightning to
smite his enemies or wreathe him in a protective field of Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker may
electricity. increase the Penetration of each hit by 2 or he extends
the range of Lightning Storm by 5 meters and has it strike
Those who master the ability to manipulate this etheric 2 more targets but those of his choice this time.
energy are greatly prized by the Imperial Guard.

PR: 3 - Focus: Half - Storm
- Range: 30 metres
The psyker channels the warp into electric energy that
crackles from his fingertips, burning through his foes.
Each bolt deals 1d10+Effective Psy Rating in Energy
damage with a Penetration of 5 and the Shocking quality.
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker may
boost the power’s range by 10 metres or increase the
Penetration of each bolt by 1.

Cost: 2000 XP
The psyker delights in the frenzied chaos and conquering
the beings of warp. Using his powers his is able to turn
the warp itself against its own structures. WARP SMITE
PR: 6 - Focus: Full - Barrage
- Range: 4 metres
The psyker’s frenzy for destruction and damnation of the
MALLEUS HAMMERHAND Warp itself burns hot in his soul. At a thought, it flashes
PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain out from him in series of destructive warp waves and rips
- Range: Self apart the soul and flesh of his enemies. The psyker must
The psyker’s whole being glows with otherworldly power immediately make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test.
as is infused with a terrible strength that not only lets Failure in the Willpower Test causes the psyker to
him tear apart mortal opponents but also those of embrace the Warp and he gains one point of Corruption
daemonic nature. When fighting with his bare uncovered for each Degree of Failure. However, success means
hands and feet the psyker’s Strength Bonus is increased every being excluding the psyker himself within range of
by his Willpower Bonus. Any Damage he deals is not the psyker loses 1d10 Wounds for each hit ignoring
primitive, and the psyker’s limbs possess the Sanctified armour and Toughness Bonus. Those who have their
and Power Field qualities. The psyker has Natural Wounds reduced to zero are blown apart but inwards
Weapons and Improved Natural Weapons Traits, but his and they are sucked into warp with no hope of survival.
attacks have total Penetration and Proven quality with Should more than one target be cast into Warp the
level of his Effective Psy Rating. Any Damage the psyker psyker must immediately roll on Perils of the Warp with
deals with his bare hands is doubled and has Tearing +10 to the roll for each target beyond second.
quality against targets with Daemonic Trait. Overbleed: For every Degree of Success the psyker gains
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker one level of Fatigue and he may gain one additional
increases the Damage of his Hammerhand attacks by 1, Degree of Success (or one less Degree of Failure) on his
or the Penetration by 1. Willpower Test or cause an additional Damage equal to
his Base Psy Rating to each target or Double the Damage
of one hit against any one creature with Daemonic Trait.
Cost: 1,000 XP

PR: 5 - Focus: Free
- Range: 10 metres
The psyker reaches into the minds of his opponents,
momentarily crushing their psyche with a blank,
murderous rage. Rational thought, sense, and even skill
with weapons are lost in an overwhelming desire to slay
the source of their sudden hate. The opponent must
make an opposed Willpower Test with the psyker. If he
fails, on his next turn he drops any ranged weapons and
attempts to use his bare hands and enter in a melee
combat with the psyker. He directs any melee attacks
solely against the psyker using any melee weapons he
has, but suffers a –30 penalty to Weapon Skill. This effect
lasts for one turn only.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the psyker may
affect one additional target, or gain one additional
Degree of Success (or one less degree of failure) on the
opposed Willpower Test. When affecting multiple
targets, the psyker should test his Willpower once and
compare it to all of his opponents’ tests.

Cost: 1,200 XP
The psyker’s mind has grown in potency until it is far too
powerful to remain within his skull. At the apex of this
power, his psyche roams free, unfettered by flesh, MY WILL, OBEYED
reading the thoughts of others at a whim, and frying their PR: 5 - Focus: Half Sustain
synapses where they stand. - Range: 20 meters x Base Psy Rating
The psyker projects his consciousness into another,
fighting through the target as if wearing his flesh. The
psyker may select one human target to project into. The
MY WILL, KNOWN target must be aware of the psyker’s intent and accept it.
PR: 4 - Focus: Full Sustain If the target is aware of the the psyker’s intent and
- Range: 10 metres accepts it, the psyker occupies the mind with little
The psyker’s awareness radiates out like a blanket, trouble. While the power is active, he effectively controls
suffusing the very atmosphere around him with his the possessed as if it were his own body. His own body
consciousness. All those present feel a strange sensation, goes into a trance while the power is active, although the
like delicate fingers tracing the inside of their skull. psyker is always aware of it and what is going on around
Unless they are shielded from his senses in some way, it.
the locations of all creatures within the power’s range While occupying the possessed, the psyker manipulates
are known to the psyker, as are their surface thoughts. the target’s actions, effectively using the target’s body
Though this is not sufficient to pry forth their deepest instead of his own. He does not have access to the
secrets, they psyker does know the individuals’ target’s deeper thoughts and memories, only surface
immediate plans and intentions. In a combat situation, thoughts. In combat, however, he can access any combat
this grants the psyker a +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill, training the target has. In effect, this means the psyker
Weapon Skill, Dodge, and Parry Tests as long as the can use the target’s Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength,
power is active—after all, he knows his enemy’s Toughness, Agility, and Perception, any Skills related to
intentions as soon as they do. these Characteristics, and any combat related Talents (if
The psyker can also touch the minds of his allies, warning there is any question as to what constitutes a combat
them of danger and guiding their attacks. The psyker can related Talent, the GM is final arbitrator). For all other
spend a Reaction and make a Difficult (–10) Willpower Skills, Talents, and Characteristics, the psyker uses his
Test to share this bonus with one other individual within own.
the power’s range. If he fails the test, the psyker retains The psyker may also manifest powers while occupying
the bonus. another. In all cases, ranges are measured from the
Knowing the current thoughts of an individual can also possessed, not the psyker’s body. For every ten minutes
be very useful in many other non-combat situations, the psyker maintains this power, he suffers one level of
giving the psyker +30 to Scrutiny Tests for detecting Fatigue. (This time may be increased or decreased at the
deceiving and lies. GM’s discretion).
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker may If the possessed is killed while the psyker is maintaining
extend the range of the power by 5 metres or affect one this power, the psyker loses 2d10 Wounds ignoring
additional ally. armour and Toughness.
Overbleed: For Degree of Success, the psyker may
increase the range by 50 metres or for 6 Degrees of
Success the psyker may attempt as a Half Action a
Difficult (-10) opposed Willpower Test to use this power
even on any unwilling target that his is able to touch. If
the Test is successful the power is manifested but the
psyker needs to manifest it again after 5 + Degrees of
Success from the Willpower Test rounds to remain in
control, though this time the psyker does not need to
touch his victim. If this test is failed the psyker gains one
Insanity Point for each Degree of Failure he rolled.

Cost: 1,200 XP
The psyker’s soul burns with the intensity of a barely
contained inferno. Pyrokinetics are rare, and those who
MY WILL, MANIFEST can control their abilities enough to avoid self-
PR: 6 - Focus: 2Full Sustain immolation are rarer still. The few that can often focus
- Range: Self on their ‘inner fire’ to the exclusion of other disciplines
The psyker’s psyche leaves its fleshy prison, roaming free and abilities—obsessed with the destruction they can
as an invisible being of etheric energy. In this state, the render.
psyker is all but invulnerable to mundane threats, and RANK 1:
can travel great distances while leaving his body behind.
When this power is manifested, the psyker’s body
collapses, and for all appearances goes into a deep coma.
The psyker becomes an ethereal being of light and PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain
crackling energy with the Incorporeal Trait. He is also - Range: You
completely invisible to nonpsykers, although anything You become a thing of pure heat and flame, a raging
with a Psy Rating perceives him normally, and inferno with a humanoid form. The following effects
mechanical devices perceive strange ‘auspex ghosts’ or apply to the psyker for the duration of the power:
‘visual anomalies.’ The psyker’s new form has a - All weapons and equipment you are carrying are
movement speed equal to his Willpower bonus, though a permanently destroyed, as they’re consumed by your
successful Challenging (+0) Willpower Test allows him to flames.
quadruple his speed for 10 Rounds. - You are completely immune to all hits from fire and
The psyker may use other powers in this form as normal, Flame, Plasma, Las, and Melta weapons.
but he triples the chance for any Warp Tearing and any - Gain Fear(3), The Stuff of Nightmares and Unnatural
psychic foci does not function. Toughness(x4) Traits while this power lasts.
In this state, the psyker perceives the world differently— - Anything within 5 metres of you suffers 1d5 E Damage
psy-active beings or items glow with brilliant light whilst each Round, and any flammable objects within this
more mundane surroundings seem muted and grey. radius will quickly ignite. All other characters within this
If the psyker’s body is killed while in this state, the psyker area must make Heat Test(+0) each round.
dies. If the psyker wants to return to his body, he must - You gain Natural Weapons and Improved Natural
move back to it and spend one half action to renter it. He Weapons Traits. Also your Attacks with the natural
may renter it instantaneously from any location— weapons have Proven(Base Psy Rating), Penetration of 4
however if he does so, he immediately loses 2d10 and count as having the Power Field and Igniting
Wounds, ignoring armour and toughness. qualities. Likewise, anyone making a melee attack against
the psyker with a weapon without Reach quality must
make a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or he suffers 1d5 +
psyker’s Base Psy Rating Energy Damage with
Penetration 2 and Igniting quality.
Special: After this power lapses, the psyker suffers 1d5
levels of Fatigue.
Special: The psyker does not suffer any Psy Rating
Penalties from sustaining the Molten Man and does not
need to spend Actions for sustaining the Molten Man.

Overbleed: For each two Degrees of Success, the psyker

may increase the Penetration of the Attacks with Natural
Weapons by 1.

Cost: 800 XP Cost: 1,500 XP

PR: 5 - Focus: Full PR: 6 - Focus: Full Sustain*
- Range: 20 metres - Range: 20 metres
The air around the psyker is choked with ash and cinders, Some of the most powerful pyrokinetics can wipe out
swirling in an unseen wind. The very atmosphere grows whole hab-blocks or villages by summoning a true
hot, burning the eyes and throat. With a thought, the inferno. The fire washes out from them like waves,
psyker can send the cinders whipping around an unlucky burning all unlucky enough to be near them. However,
individual, enveloping him in flame. what is truly terrifying about this power is not the ease
This power fills the area within range of the psyker with with which a powerful pyrokinetic can summon it, but
heat, ashes, and cinders. Easily flammable items, such as the difficulty they have in putting it out.
paper or promethium, ignite. (Although the focus time is When a psyker manifests the inferno, fire erupts out of
only a Full Action, these effects may linger for some him in all directions, indiscriminately incinerating
time.) Beyond that, Conflagration has two effects. anything in its path.
The first is that the psyker may select a number of Anything within range of the power takes the psyker’s
targets less than or equal to his Willpower Bonus who Willpower Bonus + Base Psy Rating in Energy Damage,
are within the power’s range. Each target takes 1d10 + and is automatically set on fire. (At the GM’s discretion,
Effective Psy Rating in Energy damage with a Penetration things like heavy ceramite shielding or deep pools of
of 12 minus the number of targets. If the target takes water can protect individuals from this power.) For every
Damage, the damage counts as having Flame quality and round this power is maintained, first those within the
the target is set on fire. range of this power suffer the previous Damage +
The second is that the psyker fills the area with choking psyker’s Base Psy Rating and then the range of the power
ash and smoke. The area is considered to be suffering increases by 10 metres, and all those caught in the area
from darkness and including the psyker himself everyone take the psyker’s Willpower Bonus + Base Psy Rating in
within the area of affect must make a Challenging (+0) Energy Damage, and are automatically set on fire if they
Toughness Test or begin suffering from Suffocation. The are not already.
cloud persists for 1d10 rounds. Special: This power is taxing on the psyker, however. For
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker can each turn past the first the psyker maintains the power,
select one additional target, or one target does not inflict he must make a Difficult (-10) Toughness Test or suffer
penalty to the Penetration or he increases the power’s one level of Fatigue. This test increases in difficulty by
range by 20m. one step for every subsequent turn that the power is
sustained. To end the power, the psyker must make a
Difficult (-10) Willpower Test.
Failure means the power continues to be sustained. Of
course, if the psyker cannot maintain control over his
inferno, and passes out, he is consumed and suffers the
same damage as his victims.
This damage takes place after he becomes unconscious,
and is an exception to the rules covering sustaining
psychic powers.
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success the Penetration
of the damage from Inferno is increased by 1.

Cost: 800 XP
The Inquisitors and psychic Daemonhunters of the Ordo
Malleus learn to turn their prodigious mental powers
towards the destruction of their warp-spawned SANCTUARY
adversaries. PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain
Special: This Ascended Psychic Power is only available for - Range: Self
those psykers with less than 10 Corruption Points and The glory of the God-emperor is channelled through the
the psyker also needs to have Common Lore (Imperial psyker, causing all who would strike him and those who
Creed) Skill and Insanely Faithful Talent to be able to take stand with him to quail against the terrible radiance.
this power. While this power is active, anyone who wants to target
the psyker with a ranged attack or approach within 3
metres of him must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower
Test or forego their turn. The target gains a bonus to his
BANISHMENT Willpower Test that is equal to twice the amount of
PR: 4 - Focus: Full Corruption Points the protected character has. In
- Range: 5 metres addition, any attacks with the Warp Weapon Trait that
The psyker focuses his mental powers on the bonds that hit the psyker do not ignore armour and deal half
tie the Daemon to the immaterium, snapping it with his damage. If the psyker makes any ranged attacks, the
indomitable will. This power may only be used against a power ends immediately.
creature with the Daemonic and Warp Instability Traits. Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker can
The psyker makes an Opposed Willpower Test with his extend the benefits of Sanctuary to one target within 3
target. For every degree by which the psyker wins, the metres of him. If the ally makes a ranged attack or moves
target takes 1d10 damage ignoring armour and more than 3 metres from the psyker, he loses the
Toughness. If the psyker wins by five or more degrees, benefits of Sanctuary and cannot regain it unless the
the Daemon is flung screaming back into the warp— power is re-manifested. On the other hand, for two
counting as destroyed. Degrees of Success the psyker may alternatively increase
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker can the Difficulty of the Willpower Test by one Step.
either extend the range of the power by 5 metres or
impose a –10 penalty to the target’s Willpower Test.

Cost: 1,000 XP
Although the witchhunters of the Ordo Hereticus abhor
the witch and unsanctioned psyker, many are not above
WORD OF THE EMPEROR using psychic abilities to accomplish their goals. Many
PR: 5 - Focus: Full claim their powers are a gift of the Emperor, and
- Range: 30 metres therefore acceptable to use. Others simply acknowledge
The psyker’s belief in the power of the Emperor is so that the ends always justify the means.
strong, it overpowers the minds and wills of the Daemon RANK 1:
and unbeliever. His holy liturgies and chants crush their
puny psyches. The psyker himself is affected and he may
select a number of other targets equal to his Willpower HIS WILL BE DONE
Bonus. Each one of the targets with 10 or more PR: 4 - Focus: Full
Corruption Points or with Daemonic or From Beyond - Range: 12 metres
Traits must make a Hard (–20) Willpower Test. If they fail The psyker’s mind reaches out to the minds of his friends
the test, they must forego their next turn. If they fail the and allies. Emboldened by his indomitable will, they
test by 4 degrees or more, they lose 2d10 Wounds become furious manifestations of the Emperor’s justice.
ignoring armour and toughness as the holy words of the The psyker may select a number of allies, without the
Imperial Creed sear their minds and cause their ears to Machine or Bestial Traits, equal to his Willpower bonus.
Each ally must immediately stop whatever they were
Should this reduce a target’s Wounds to 0, he explodes in doing and despite any mental conditions make a
a fiery conflagration that effectively destroys his armour Standard Attack Action (ranged, or melee if adjacent)
and carried equipment. Treat this as an inferno grenade against a single target of the psyker’s choice. Each
explosion centred on the target. individual affected return afterwards back to doing
If a target fails the first test, he must make a Challenging whatever they were doing and they are again affected by
(+0) Willpower Test on his next turn to see if he can act any mental conditions and still take a full turn during his
or forego that turn as well counting as helpless target. next turn.
This continues until the target makes a Willpower Test or Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the psyker may
Combat ends. select one additional ally or target.
Special: This power has no effect against a staunch and
true believer of the Imperial Creed (the GM should RANK 2:
determine who qualifies as this). Cost: 1,000 XP
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success psyker exceeds
the threshold, he can increase the difficulty of the initial HAMMER OF WITCHES
and subsequent Willpower Tests by one step. PR: 5 - Focus: Half
- Range: 24 metres
The psyker reaches to the strings that connect a psyker
to his source of power, the warp. With a swift blow, he
overwhelms the psyker’s control of those strings, inviting
the dangers of the warp.
The psyker selects one target with a Psy Rating within the
power’s range. The target may not use psychic powers
during his next turn, and must make a Hard (–20)
Willpower Test. If he fails, he must immediately roll on
the Perils of the Warp table otherwise he must roll on
Psychic Phenomena.
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker may
force his target to add 10 to his roll on the Psychic
Phenomena and Perils of the Warp Table.

Cost: 1,500 XP
Most psykers are able to master the ability to manipulate
and move objects with their mind to some degree.
PURGATUS Somewhat rarer, however, are the true psychokinetics,
PR: 5 - Focus: Full psykers able to lift cargo-eight haulers with a thought
- Range: 36 metres and hurl them at their enemies with a gesture.
The psyker’s sinister gaze pins a heretic in his sights, his RANK 1:
potent will flaying the unfortunate’s mind until it is an
empty husk. This is the fate of those who defy the God-
Emperor— to be lost in mind as well as body. LIFT
The psyker selects one target within the power’s range. PR: 3 - Focus: Half – (Sustain)*
- Range: 30 metres
The psyker and his target must immediately make an
opposed Willpower Test. If the psyker loses, he takes one The most basic of the psychokinetic powers is the ability
level of Fatigue. However, if the psyker wins, the target to move objects with one’s mind, and it is an ability that
must take permanent Willpower Damage 1d10 times his can be used in a wide variety of ways. When manifesting
level of Psy Rating and he suffers 1 Wound for each this power, the psyker should choose one of the
Corruption Point he has which is not reduced by following effects:
Toughness or armour. 1. Move: The psyker may lift and move any object
within range that weighs less than 20 kilograms
Should this reduce the target to 0 Willpower, the target
times the psyker’s Willpower Bonus. The psyker
is reduced to a drooling vegetable, his mind utterly
may move the object up to his Willpower Bonus
destroyed. However, if the target’s Wounds are reduced
in metres each round as a Half Action. When the
to 0 his soul is banished into the Warp and his lifeless
object is dropped, it falls normally. Should the
body is only thing that remains.
object be a creature or machine, it may make a
This power does not work against targets with the Difficult (-10) Willpower Test to resist being
Undying, Stuff of Nightmares, Strange Physiology, moved. If the target fails the Test, he may act
Daemonic, Bestial or Machine Trait. normally, except that he is moved around at the
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker may psyker’s will.
increase the difficulty of his opponent’s Willpower Test Special: This version of the power can be
by one step. sustained, and must be sustained if the psyker
wants to move the object over multiple rounds.

2. Hurl: The psyker picks up a nearby object

weighing 10 kilograms times the psyker’s Base
Psy Rating or less with his mind and throws it at
his target. This is a shooting attack where the
psyker must make a Willpower Test. If he hits, the
projectile deals Primitive 1d10 Impact damage,
plus two points for every five kilograms of
weight. For this power to function, there must be
an item available to pick up, and depending on
what the item is, the GM may determine that it
deals more damage or has additional affects.

Should the object be a creature or machine, it

may make a Difficult (-10) Willpower Test to
resist being moved. If the target fails the Test, he
may act normally, except that he is hurled
through the air and upon landing or hitting
something the target suffers same amount of
Damage he would causewith this impact.

3. Levitate: The psyker gains the Fly (X) Trait, where RANK 3:
X equals the psyker’s Base Psy Rating. Cost: 1,000 XP
Special: This version of the power can be
sustained, and must be if the psyker wants to fly
over multiple rounds. TEMPEST
Overbleed: The effects of overbleed vary depending on PR: 6 - Focus: Full Sustain
the way this power is used. - Range: 100 metres
Move: For each Degree of Success, the psyker may The most powerful psychokinetics can agitate the very air
increase the weight moved by 50 kilograms, or the speed around them, creating swirling vortexes of wind and
he moves the object by 1 metre per round. debris.
Hurl: For each Degree of Success, the psyker increases Though this power is arduous to maintain, the damage it
the damage dealt by all projectiles thrown by 3. On the can deal is truly devastating.
other hand, for each Degree of Success, the psyker may The psyker summons up what is essentially a psychic
throw one additional available projectile at the same, or storm. The psyker occupies the storm’s eye, and around
an additional, target (test Willpower separately for each him, out to the limit of the power’s range, are high
projectile). winds, freezing temperatures, and possibly rain or even
Levitate: For each Degree of Success, the psyker hail. Any unsecured objects lighter than five kilograms
increases his Fly value by 1. are picked up and flung around by the winds, and the
swirling debris, rain, and dust reduce visibility to 1d10
RANK 2: metres (roll once when the power is manifested)—the
Cost: 800 XP psyker’s vision is not affected. All Ballistic Skill Tests
suffer a –20 penalty. Additionally, all those caught in the
tempest are only able to take a Half Action each round
and must make a Challenging (+0) Strength Test each
PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain round or fall prone.
- Range: Self
During the psyker’s subsequent rounds, he may spend a
The psyker’s mind is so agile he is able to swat aside Half Action and make a Willpower Test to briefly focus
projectiles with a thought, causing them to deflect his thoughts on one specific area, sending a barrage of
harmlessly mere inches from his skin. The psyker debris scything through it. This Test acts as a hit roll for a
becomes immune to damage from ranged Primitive, Bolt shooting attack that targets a specific point within the
and SP weaponry (or any other weapons that rely solely storm and deals 1d10 Impact Damage with Blast(Base
on solid projectiles that need to physically hit the target Psy Rating) quality.
to deal damage; needle weapons or webbers would be
For every round after the first that the psyker sustains
two examples). Flame and Blast weapons deal damage as
this power, he must make a successful Ordinary (+10)
Toughness Test or suffer one level of Fatigue.
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the psyker may
deal additional Damage equal to his Base Psy Rating or
he may increase the range of the Tempest by 50 metres.

Overbleed: For every Degree of success, the psyker may
extend the effects of precognition in Combat to grant
That the warp can have an affect on the passage of time him a +10 bonus to any Test when he makes a reroll with
is well known. It is a phenomena experienced by those this power, or outside of combat he may see an
starship captains who have travelled short times in the additional 6 seconds into the future.
immaterium, only to arrive at their destination and
discover centuries have passed in the rest of the galaxy.
Cost: 1,500 XP
Less known and understood are those few psykers who
use this aspect of the warp to twist time to their own
Conventional wisdom of the Calixian representatives of PR: 7 - Focus: Free
the Scholastica Psykana holds that such psykers simply - Range: 20 metres
‘speed up’ or ‘slow down’ the perceptions of themselves The psyker creates a spherical area in which time seems
and their fellows, rather than actually manipulating time. to completely stop, leaving whatever is inside perfectly
Perhaps they can also see glimpses of future events, frozen in time. When the affect ends, the occupants do
granting them a far better chance of success in certain not realise any time has passed. The psyker selects a
actions, but no more. spherical area roughly three metres in diameter that is
Their arguments are unconvincing, however the majority fully within range of his power.
of the Calixian Conclave accepts them—perhaps because Anything fully within this area is effectively frozen in
the potential ramifications of the alternatives are too time, and may not take actions, move, speak, or do
terrible to contemplate. anything. In turn, however, they may not be harmed or
RANK 1: affected by any means.
Anything outside the area of the stasis shell may not
enter or pass through the area affected by the shell,
which is treated as an invulnerable barrier. Anything
PR: 6 - Focus: Free partially within the barrier when it manifests rolls 1d10,
- Range: Self on a 6 or higher, they are treated as inside the shell, on a
One aspect of temporal manipulation that most often 5 or lower, they are treated as outside the shell. The
manifests in psykers is the ability of precognition—an stasis shell lasts for 1d5 rounds.
ability to see the myriad possibilities of the future. Even A psyker may only manifest one stasis shell at a time.
the strongest psykers can only see the possibilities of the Should the psyker attempt to manifest the shell on
next few moments of their life, and even then, only for a something that is too large to fit within it (such as one
brief instant. However, that can often be enough. section of a Leman Russ Battle Tank, the power does not
While in combat, precognition can be used at any time take effect. Instead, the psyker is treated as being within
during the psyker’s turn, and its effects last until the a stasis shell for 1d5 rounds, as time backlashes against
beginning of the psyker’s next turn. After the power is him. (GMs may provide a certain amount of leeway here.
manifested, the psyker can re-roll any failed Ballistic Skill, For instance, the stasis shell may encapsulate part of the
Weapon Skill, Dodge, and Parry Tests (his glimpse of the floor of a hab-building without a problem, even though
future showing him which of his actions will be successful technically the shell does not envelop the entire
and which will fail). building.)
Out of combat, this power can be used in a similar way, Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the psyker may
allowing the psyker to determine whether actions will be increase the time the stasis shell lasts by one round or
successful or not before undertaking them. However, as for every two Degrees of Success, the psyker may extend
this power only allows the psyker to see a few moments the diameter of the shell by one metre.
into the future, each manifestation only allows him to
determine the success of an action that would take
roughly six seconds.
As an example, the psyker could tell if entering a
passcode into a secured door would set off an alarm or
not, but could not predict how a suspect would react
over the course of an interrogation.

Cost: 2,200 XP
There are limitless possibilities to which the reality-
twisting powers of the warp can be put to use by
WARP TIME sorcery’s insane practitioners. Here are but a few:
PR: 7 - Focus: Free
- Range: 15 metres
The most powerful psychic adepts of the temporal arts
PR: 3 - Focus: Full Sustain*
are able to speed and slow the passage of time, both for
- Range: You
themselves, their allies, and their enemies. Before using
this power, the psyker must announce whether he is You call upon the powers of the warp to alter your fl esh
going to Slow Time or Hasten Time. and change your physical identity. This is no mere illusion
but an actual physical metamorphosis able to change
Slow Time: The psyker selects a number of targets within
your facial structure, eye and hair colour, voice, and skin
range of the power equal to his Willpower Bonus
tone, and may even alter your build, apparent age, etc.
(including himself, if he wishes). Each target (including
By using this power in combination with the Disguise
the psyker) must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test
skill, specifi c individuals may be imitated.
at the beginning of their next turn. If they succeed,
nothing happens. The effects of the transformation last up to the user’s
Willpower bonus in hours or can be dismissed at any
Otherwise any actions these targets choose to make now
time, at which point he reverts to his natural form. As
and during their next round happen together with the
soon as the sorcerer changes back, he must pass a
actions they choose to make at the round after next. This
Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or suffer 1d5 levels of
is rather likely to cause them for example to fire or strike
Fatigue from the immense pain and physical strain
themselves into their own back if they first fire and then
move and so on.
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, greater changes
Note that the targets who are slowed perceive all events
can be effected (by degree, detailed cosmetic changes—
in “real-time” except that their actions seem as if they do
gang tattoos, brands, etc.; two degrees, mass may be
not affect the world.
varied by up to 50% or cosmetic mutations imitated; by
Hasten Time: The psyker selects a number of targets 15+ points, gender and apparent humanoid species may
(including himself, if he wishes) within range of the be altered. However, these changes are merely
power equal to his Willpower Bonus. Each target imitations and offer no biological function, i.e. the
(including the psyker) must make a Challenging (+0) sorcerer could appear to be an Ork but would gain no
Willpower Test at the beginning of their next turn. If they associated Orkoid Traits).
succeed, nothing happens.
Special: If the Sorcerer suffers a Perils of the Warp event
If they fail, however, they gain an additional full action while using this power, he gains a random permanent
during their turn. All the normal limits to taking actions Minor Mutation in addition any other effect
during a turn apply, with the exception that they may
make an additional attack action with this extra full
The targets perceive everyone else as if they were PR: 3 - Focus: Half
slowed down and for those who are in “real-time” the - Range: Self
results from the actions of the hastened targets seem to You tangle the skeins of destiny to deadly effect, causing
take place simultaneously thus making the those in “real- others to fall before your assaults as if their deaths were
time” only able to react to either of these actions. preordained.
Special: If trying to manifest this causes the psyker to roll The next attack by the sorcerer that successfully strikes
on Perils of the Warp, then in addition to suffering all counts as having the Tearing Quality. If it already has this
effects of the roll, the psyker may not take any actions Quality (owing to the weapon used), then a additional
for the following 2d5 turns, as reality takes back the time damage dice is rolled and the highest of all them is
he stole with interest. chosen. If 10 Rounds elapse without a blow being struck,
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the psyker may this power dissipates.
extend the power’s range by 5 metres or for every two Overbleed: For each Degree of Success by which, an
Degrees of Success, the psyker may affect one additional additional subsequent successful strike is affected by the
target. power.

WHISPERS OF THE WARP Psychic Phenomena: If he fails on his Focus Power Test,
he gains the attention of some other entity of the warp—
PR: 3 - Focus: Half Sustain
and one that does not care to grant him a boon of any
- Range: Earshot
sort. He rolls on the Psychic Phenomena Table and adds
The echoing whispers of the warp amplify your +5 to the roll for every Degree of Failure attained on the
persuasive abilities to preternatural levels. Focus Power Test.
Anyone who hears and understands the sorcerer must
pass an opposed Willpower Test with the sorcerer (who
rolls once and applies the result to all Tests) or become
vulnerable to your suggestions, granting you a +10 bonus PR: 2 - Focus: Free*
to any Charm, Intimidate, or Deceive Tests against your - Range: Self
audience. Sorcerer has prepared a suitable victim this ritual where
Note: This power is not a true form of direct mind control he must use a blade to give his offering to make a living
but can be used to overcome good sense, sow discord, sacrifice in order to gain path to power. After killing the
alleviate just suspicion, and stoke the fires of hatred. preparered victim he is likely to gain his reward. The
Focus Power Test used with this Arcana is a Free Action,
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, a further +10
made immediately after slaying someone in prepared
bonus to Skill Tests is gained to a maximum of +30.
ritual. If successful, the sorcerer may add a bonus equal
Special: This power requires no gesture or component to five times his Effective Psy Rating to all rolls for his
other than that the victims must be able to hear and next Extended Test and has a duration of 48 hours.
understand the sorcerer.
PR: 3 - Focus: Half Sustain
PR: 2 - Focus: Free* - Range: 25 metres x Base Psy Rating
Alternate Names: Dark Sacrifice Harrier Imps are a swarm of minor daemons that press
- Range: Self up against the barrier between reality and the warp that
As the sorcerer cuts through his enemies with unnatural laugh at and harry the poor soul vexed by their presence.
vigour, he takes a moment to make an offering to the Though otherwise harmless, they prove to be quite
Dark Gods in all their glory. With the dead at his feet and distracting tricksters that revel in the frustration they
his weapon held high, he utters a prayer and sends a soul cause.
to its damnation. Should the Dark Gods take notice of his These minor daemons harry the target, preventing him
ignoble sacrifice, he can expect a reward for the fruits of from performing even the most basic of tasks
his unholy labour. The Dark Gods are fickle, however, and unencumbered. He suffers a –10 to all Tests made while
at times have a strange way of responding to their this power is in effect.
worshipper’s offerings.
The imps themselves suffer from two fatal flaws,
The Focus Power Test used with this Arcana is a Free however— stupidity and cowardice. If the target spends
Action, made immediately after slaying someone in a Half Action and succeeds on an Ordinary (+10)
combat or otherwise. If successful, the sorcerer may Intimidate Test, the imps, unaware that the barrier
select one of the following benefits: between the warp and reality protects them, quickly flee,
• He gains a +10 bonus to all Tests he rolls. thus ending the Arcana’s effects.
• He gains the Unnatural Characteristic (2) Trait for any
one Characteristic.
• He gains the benefits of the Jaded, Nerves of Steel, and
Resistance (Fear) Talents.
Regardless of which option the sorcerer selects, these
benefits last no longer than until the end of his next turn.
Even though the Focus Power Test is a Free Action, as an
additional cost the sorcerer must sacrifice his Reaction
for this turn.

PR: 2 - Focus: Half Sustain
- Range: 5 metres x Base Psy Rating radius
The psyker summons a black halo around his head,
wrought from his own corrupt soul. All light flows PR: 5 - Focus: Full
towards this shadow-well in a ghostly processional, only - Range: 50 metres
to be consumed in the halo’s umbral wrath. As the light By weaving a pattern of warp energies, the sorcerer may
dies, it leaves behind the phantoms of its passing in the attempt to repel or ensnare and seize command of
form of haunting whispers, faint apparitions, and an daemonic entities.
unnatural coldness that grips those within it in a pall of After successfully using this power, the sorcerer may take
fear. an Opposed Willpower Test to inflict Malediction on a
Within the radius of this power’s effect, if the area is not targeted daemonic creature.
already in Darkness, reduce the lighting by one step An entity suffering Malediction suffers 1d10 Wounds as it
(from Bright to Shadow or from Shadow to Darkness). occurs and each Round of exposure. Such Damage is not
The user does not suffer from any ill effects due to the reduced by armour, incorporeality, or Toughness Bonus.
reduced lighting and the radius follows him everywhere Additionally it suffers a –10 to all Characteristic Tests and
he moves. Additionally, all creatures except the user double the adverse effects of Warp Instability for 2d5
must make a Test against Fear (2) when entering the Rounds afterward. Further, having suffered Malediction,
radius while the Arcana is active. a daemon must pass a Difficult (–10) Willpower Test to
directly attack or closely approach the source of the
PR: 3 - Focus: Full Alternatively, if the daemon has a Willpower
- Range: Line of Sight Characteristic of 50 or less, then the sorcerer may force a
Daemonic Mastery Test to control it instead.
You call upon a twisted conjunction of malign energies to
blight and curse your victim. The victim can attempt to Overbleed: For every 5 points that the power’s Threshold
resist the curse’s effects by passing a Challenging (+0) is exceeded, add +10 to the Opposed Willpower and
Willpower Test. Daemonic Mastery Tests to a maximum of +30.
If he fails the Test, the victim is bedevilled with ill- Special: This power only affects entities with both the
fortune, bone-gnawing chills and supernatural dread, Daemonic and Warp Instability traits.
suffering a –10 to all Characteristic and Skill Tests for the
next 1d5 hours. If the Test to resist this power is failed by MALEFIC CURSE: BLINDNESS
three or more degrees, the victim must roll on Table 8-4: PR: 4 - Focus: Full
The Shock Table as well, counting this as Warp Shock. - Range: Line of Sight
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the victim’s Test The victim’s eyes fill with cataracts and weep blood, and
to resist the curse’s effects in worsened by one level to a he is blinded for 1d5 hours. If the Test to resist this
maximum of Very Hard (–30). power is failed by three or more degrees, his eyes are
Special: Every time a curse is used, the sorcerer invoking destroyed in a shower of blood inflicting 1d10 Explosive
it must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or suffer Damage that is not reduced by armour or Toughness to
1d5 Corruption Points. the Head Location and the blinding is permanent (he will
need replacement eyes should he survive). If his eyes are
destroyed, he also suffers 1d10 Insanity Points.
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the victim’s Test
to resist the curse’s effects in worsened by one level to a
maximum of Very Hard (–30).
Special: Every time a curse is used, the sorcerer invoking
it must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or suffer
1d5 Corruption Points.

PR: 5 - Focus: Full PR: 6 - Focus: Extended
- Range: Line of Sight - Range: 5m
This curse is strong enough to incapacitate and kill by The sorcerer needs to focus on a consuming ritual where
stopping hearts, exploding blood vessels, rupturing he meditates upon the place he is wishin to travel and
organs and other unpleasant effects. The victim of the calls by name as many objects and details as possible.
curse suffers 3d10+10 Toughness Damage (halved in the This ritual is automatically failed if the sorcerer is
case of Unnatural Toughness (×2), etc.). If the victim is physically distracted during it. The ritual takes 20 -
reduced to “0” Toughness, he dies. Should a victim of this sorcerer's Willpower Bonus minutes. After completion of
curse survive, the Toughness Damage may be healed the ritual the sorcerer summons a burning doorway from
normally. thin air. The doorway may be used to transport the
Note: If death occurs as a result of the curse, then a Fate sorcerer anywhere he can clearly recall in his mind. The
Point may be burned by the victim to avoid his sudden sorcerer’s player must tell the GM where he would like
demise, restoring him to 1d5 Toughness, but leaving him the door to lead; the GM will then set an appropriate
comatose and in need of serious help. Difficulty rating based on when the sorcerer was last in
this place, his state of mind, circumstances, and
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, the victim’s Test
concentration. The sorcerer can then step through the
to resist the curse’s effects in worsened by one level to a
doorway and make an Intelligence Test based on that
maximum of Very Hard (–30).
Difficulty. If passed, all is well. If not, the GM will
Special: Every time a curse is used, the sorcerer invoking determine a suitable alternate destination—typically one
it must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or suffer the sorcerer would prefer to avoid.
1d5 Corruption Points.
Special: Travelling through such a blasphemous portal
brings users closer to the horrors of the warp than it is
HELLISH BLAST safe to tread. Anyone passing through the door must
PR: 5 - Focus: Half pass a Hard (–20) Willpower Test. If the Test is failed,
- Range: 5m × Effective Psy Rating then that character must roll on the Perils of the Warp
Use this power to hurl a burst of raw destructive energy table.
channelled from the warp at your victim, burning and Distance Difficulty
10m-100m Routine (+20)
blasting him apart. Test Ballistic Skill to strike the target
101m-1000m Ordinary (+10)
as normal for a ranged attack. If you succeed, your attack
1km-4km Challenging (+0)
deals 1d10 Energy Damage. This Damage is counted as
5km-20km Difficult (-10)
having the Warp Weapon quality and so will bypass most
21km-50km Hard (-20)
armour and defences.
51km-250km Very Hard (-30)
Overbleed: For every Degree of Success, deal 2 points of 251km-1000km Arduous (-40)
additional Damage. 1001km-10000km Punishing (-50)
Anywhere upon a Planet Hellish (-60)

PR: 4 - Focus: Half PR: 4 - Focus: Half
- Range: 5m - Range: You
With a contemptuous flick of his hand, the sorcerer The sorcerer opens his mouth, using it as a gateway for
invites a plague upon his target, who then begins to the fires of the warp. The power inflicts 1d10+4 Energy
vomit bile and blood as the skin forms into bulbous Damage with a Pen of 3. The effects of his power extend
pustules. The disease lasts for a number of Rounds equal to a range of 20 metres and possess the Flame Quality. In
to 1d10 minus the target’s Toughness Bonus. During each addition, due to the unnatural nature of the flames, any
Round in which the target is diseased, all of his target struck by the effects of this power is automatically
Characteristics are reduced by 10. Should his Toughness set on fire.
reach zero, the target dies. Special: The sorcerer may not communicate verbally
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the duration of while this power is manifest; this may prevent him from
the disease increases by 1 round. casting certain other powers.
Special: If a character dies from Disease, his soul is forfeit
to the plague god Nurgle. The fallen corpse will decay IMMUNITY
further and arise as a Plaguebearer 5 Rounds later. The PR: 5 - Focus: Half
Plaguebearer will immediately attack anyone nearby. - Range: You
By swallowing a solid round of ammunition, the sorcerer
EXSANGUINE fortifies his body against projectiles and crude weapons.
PR: 4 - Focus: Half The sorcerer must pass a Toughness Test. If successful,
- Range: 10m he does not suffer any Piercing or Impact Type Damage
By snapping his fingers and bellowing an incantation at for 1d5 Rounds.
his target, the sorcerer causes the target’s blood to Special: The sorcerer obviously needs to swallow a
bubble and rush from his body. Make an Opposed bullet, which requires a Challenging (+0) Carouse Test
Willpower Test against the Target’s Toughness. If and if this is failed the psyker may not manifest this
successful, the target suffers Damage equal to double the Arcana.
sorcerer’s Willpower Bonus (Toughness Bonus and
Armour will not reduce this Damage) and will suffer from LEACH LIFE
Blood Loss(1).
PR: 4 - Focus: Full
- Range: Touch
Sinking his fingers into the flesh of a target, the sorcerer
PR: 4 - Focus: Half Sustain absorbs the target’s very life force until nothing remains
- Range: You but a dessicated husk. This power can only be used on a
Using strands of warp energy, the sorcerer binds Stunned or otherwise incapacitated target.
together the skulls of the fallen, creating a flail of skulls Overbleed: for each Degree of Success, the sorcerer
that burns with malice. Once manifest, the Flail of Skulls regains 1 lost Wound and the target’s Wounds are
uses the same profile as a flail but has the Warp Weapon reduced by 1. The sorcerer may not gain any additional
quality and will bypass most armour and defences. Any Wounds over his beginning amount. If the target is
target suffering Damage from the Flail of Skulls gains reduced to 0 Wounds, he dies.
1d10 Insanity Points.
Special: Obviously, manifesting this power requires the LIVING WEAPON
sorcerer to possess three or more skulls.
PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: You
The sorcerer carves a foul symbol of Chaos into his flesh,
calling on the warp to remake his flesh for war. Whilst
this power is in effect, the sorcerer gains the following
profile increases: +20 WS, +20 S, +10 T, and +10 Ag. In
addition, the sorcerer gains a +3 bonus on all Initiative
rolls, the Natural Weapons and Improved Natural
Weapons Traits, and all of his melee attacks gain the
Tearing Quality. Whilst in this bestial state, his Fellowship
is reduced by 20.

OPEN Special: The sorcerer will need some reasonably fresh
blood from a dead character in order to manifest this
PR: 3 - Focus: Half
- Range: Touch
Using his own blood, the sorcerer traces a blasphemous
rune across a sealed portal or object, dissolving the WALL OF SOULS
essence of the locking mechanism. This power can be PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain
used on any object regardless of how it was originally - Range: 15m
sealed. The sorcerer suffers 1d5 Damage for a small The sorcerer draws on the power of the warp and calls
object, 1d10 Damage for a mediumsized object, and forth a wall of leering, aetheric faces to bar the path of
2d10 Damage for a large object. The GM should feel free his adversaries. Once manifest, this wall of souls is 15m
to alter the amount of Damage taken to better represent in breadth and height and has Fear 3 Trait that does not
a given object. This Damage is not reduced by the affect the sorcerer himself. Crossing or penetrating the
Sorcerer’s Armour or Toughness Bonus. wall is easy, but carries a price. Any individual unlucky
enough to be hit by the wall as it manifests, stumble into
PSY BARRIER it, or passing through suffers 2d10 Insanity Points and
must pass an Ordinary (+10) Toughness Test or become
PR: 4 - Focus: Half
- Range: 5m
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the sorcerer may
With a finger dipped in blood, the sorcerer draws a
add 1 metre to the height or width of the wall.
burning rune in the air which then burns the minds of
those nearby with a mixture of fear and confusion. Special: If the sorcerer fails to manifest this power by 2
Anyone wishing to advance towards the rune must pass a Degrees of Failure or more, the aetheric faces are called
Difficult (–10) Willpower Test or become rooted to the forth and swarm around him like a cloud of flies. The
spot in fear. A target that fails his Willpower Test may do sorcerer gains 1d10 Insanity Points and may do nothing
nothing further that turn. further that round as he clutches his head and tries to
hold onto what remains of his mind though he has Fear 3
trait for that duration.
PR: 5 - Focus: Full Sustain
- Range: 10m
PR: 6 - Focus: Full
Through ritual blood-letting, the sorcerer summons an
- Range: Earshot
object out of thin air. The sorcerer’s player must describe
to the GM the object he wants to manifest. The GM will Crying aloud the dark truths of the warp, the sorcerer is
then set a Difficulty rating. For the object to manifest, able to corrupt the souls of those around you. Everyone
the sorcerer must pass a Willpower Test at that Difficulty who hears your chanting—friend or foe—must pass a
rating. Willpower Test or gain a number of Corruption Points
equal to the amount by which the Test was failed.
Overbleed: For Degree of Success, the sorcerer gains a
+10 bonus to the Willpower Test for creating an object.
Note: Obviously, the larger the object you wish to WARP LIGHTNING
manifest, the more blood you will need. PR: 4 - Focus: Half - Storm
- Range: 10m
TRANSFIX Whispering in an ancient tongue, the sorcerer manifests
a ball of pulsing energy in his palm. With the
PR: 4 - Focus: Half
outstretched fingers of his other hand, the sorcerer
- Range: 5m
releases dark bolts of warp lightning upon his targets. If
Flicking the blood of the recently dead onto the target’s struck, a target must roll 1d10 minus their Toughness
face and muttering a guttural curse, the sorcerer inflicts Bonus on the Energy Critical Effects Table.
horrible hallucinations on the target. The victim
witnesses horrific images of darkness and despair.
Distraught and emotionally paralysed, the target is
totally transfixed. Unless he passes a Very Hard (–30)
Willpower Test, the target can do nothing for 1 hour. He
also gains 1d5 Insanity Points.

PR: 3 - Focus: Half
- Range: Earshot
The sorcerer distorts the cacophony of voices in the
warp, fooling daemons into believing he is a minor
herald. Any creature with the Daemonic Trait who hears
the sorcerer must pass an Opposed Willpower Test or
become vulnerable to his suggestions. The sorcerer
receives a +10 bonus to any Charm, Intimidate or
Deceive Tests against these targets. If the daemon wins
the Opposed Test, it gains a +10 bonus to all Tests made
against the sorcerer (including Weapon Skill Tests!).
Overbleed: For each Degree of Success, the sorcerer
gains a further +10 bonus to Charm, Intimidate, or
Deceive Skill Tests against creatures with the Daemonic
Special: This power requires only that the target must be
able to hear the sorcerer.

PR: 3 - Focus: Half
- Range: Touch
With a mix of blood and ash, the sorcerer marks a
burning rune on the target’s head. Through the rune, the
target can draw on unnatural reserves of fortitude. A
character marked in this way may re-roll any Strength or
Toughness Opposed Tests he is required to make and
gains an additional 5 Wounds whilst this power is active.
Any Damage that is inflicted upon the subject of this
power affects these bonus Wounds first before affecting
the rest. The rune will continue to protect the character
for 1 hour.
Special: Any character whose body is defiled by this
unholy symbol gains 2 Corruption Points.


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