December 18

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December 14th- December 18th

Reading- Woohoo, we finished the main part of the reading wall. We
are now reviewing the letters, sounds, and other parts of a sentence.
We are working on our reading stamina. Please continue to practice
reading at home over break.
Math- We are working on addition facts within 20. We are working
on money. We do addition flashcards to practice. We use the
strategies count on, count on our fingers, number line,
manipulatives, and pictures to solve

Inquiry- We are finishing

our Economic Unit. We
worked hard learning
about needs versus
Writing- We are working
very hard on our
narrative writing. We are
sounding out a whole
word on our fingers.

Learning- We have
introduced a new aspect
of our day. Students have
been given groups to
practice social strategies
such as problem solving,
working together, and
asking questions. We
practice these skills
during different play
scenarios to learn about
more critical thinking

It is getting cold. Please send your child with a hat, gloves/mittens,

boots, snow pants, and a winter jacket. If kids dont have snow
pants and boots, then they cannot go into the snow.
School resumes on January 4th, 2016

Other Info
+ Please make sure your child brings a snack each day.
+ We are in need of Kleenex, paper, bags, and glue sticks. If you
have any extra at home, we would greatly appreciate it!

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