Caffeine Annotated Bib
Caffeine Annotated Bib
Caffeine Annotated Bib
Caffeine is the worlds most widely consumed psychoactive drug. It is legal and
unregulated in all parts of the world. I did not really start drinking coffee until my first year at
college and since most people consumed caffeine I wanted to learn more about it and how it
affects us during our stressful final exams. Although caffeine is in our lives always will be it
impacts us with every sip we take.
Estimating caffeine intake from energy drinks and dietary supplements in the United States.
Nutrition Reviews. Bailey, Regan L; Saldanha, Leila G; Gahche, Jaime J; Dwyer, Johanna T
Nutrition Reviews (NUTR REV), Oct2014 Supplement; 72: 9-13. (5p)
Retrieved by:
This source is an article.
I received my source from an article. The article contained information on the various
type of caffeinated products and how it affected the individuals who consumed it. It also
contained a study to see which individuals consumed caffeine the most. The study was from the
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2007 to 2010. The study
had shown the highest use of caffeine was from males ranging from 19 to 30 years old. I believe
the authors were trying to uncover how much caffeine is consumed and if it is a health risk in the
United States. Energy drinks was the topic for the article because energy drinks contain two
times the amount of caffeine than other products and they are becoming exceedingly popular.
The information I used from this article was very reliable and showed great estimates of
the caffeine usage. The only problem was the data was from 2007 to 2010, but it was still
helpful. This article was great to use, but it mostly talked about energy drink and I wanted to
learn more about different caffeine products not just one.
Jan-Feb, 2015Caffeine. Food The Athlete's Kitchen In: American Fitness, Vol. 33 Issue 1, 2;
Aerobics and Fitness Association of America Language: English, Database: Academic OneFile
Retrieved by:
This source is an article.
The information presented from this source was how caffeine positively impacted
athletes. It states how they should consume caffeine and the benefits they receive from it. This
source used most of its information from a book called, Caffeine for Sports Performance. It was
trying to perceive caffeine as a good thing for athletes but then stated some side effects. Also it
states how caffeine affects you positively, but you have to consume it in moderations otherwise
worse side effects can occur.
I did not like this source much at all, because it first stated how caffeine typically is not
associated with health risks and how athletes get many benefits from it. Then it stated how you
need to use it in moderation and the side effects that could occur. This source was trying to
perceive caffeine as a good product and make the audience believe it was too.
This source is a journal.
This source obtained up to date nationally representative estimate of caffeine
consumption in adults. It provided a descriptive introduction of what caffeine really was and safe
ways to consume it. This source also used NHANES information to assess the intake trends in
caffeine consumers. It provided me with a long list of accurate information for intake by using
tables graphs.
I could not summarize much of this source because it was mostly like my first source
except this source used information from 2001 to 2010. Some of the information was confusing,
because it contained different measurements and math symbols to calculate accurate intake. It
also did provide me with different products other than just energy drinks.
01 Sept. 2014."Caffeine." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Ed.
Mary L. Gavin. The Nemours Foundation.
Received by:
This source is a website.
This source provided me with typical information about caffeine. It briefly explained
what it was, the addiction of it, how to moderate consumption, and how to cut back if needed. It
was atypical website providing me information about a topic. It was intended for readers who
wanted to learn more about caffeine in just a short amount of time. It provided me with data of
how much caffeine there is in other products which I enjoyed.
This source was different then all my other sources because it was brief, it had helpful
information, and it was to the point. My other articles are longer and go further in depth than
intended, while this one stays close to the point. I found it very helpful and used some of the
information in my presentation.
Jul2010.Myth Buster: Caffeine does not exhibit a diuretic effect during exercise
performance.Indian Journal of medical Research.Greer, Felicia. Vol. 132 Issue 1, p11-13. 3p.
Recieved by:
This source was from an academic journal.
This source informed of the disadvantages caffeine has on athletes when they are
performing in an environment with high humidity. This journal focused more on the
disadvantages athletes face when they consume caffeine and what happens in their body. This
journal only informed of what athletes face in humidity while on caffeine, but not in other
different environments. The purpose of this source is to inform the dangers and risks taken for
athletes in a certain environment.
I believe this is the worst source out of all the others I have. It does not inform me much
of anything except the challenges athletes face in one environment. There are different
environments athletes train in which means different effects may happen. I was intending for this
source to inform me more on athlete's exercise performance.
Recieved by:
This source is a journal.
This source informed of a woman who was addicted to caffeine. She was bipolar and had
an alcohol use disorder and would rely on caffeine. The source explained how individual who
previously had suffered from addiction would then start to be addicted to caffeine to replace what
they lost. The source showed how the woman would live her life and sometimes put it in danger
by the amount of caffeine she was consuming.
This source provided me with new information about the how caffeine can become an
addiction to people. Although I did not use the information in my presentation I learned many
new things from it. I do wonder however if the effects would be the same for a normal person
who previously was not addicted to a substance and did not have a disease.
Jan2014.Caffeine: Dont Let your Pick-Me-Up Drag You Down.Nation's Health. McGill,
Natalie. Nation's Health.Database: Corporate ResourceNet
Received By:
This source is an article.
This article contained a small basic amount of information on caffeine. The author wrote
the article to inform readers of how much caffeine to consume and its drug like effects it has. It
provides basic knowledge the readers may want to know with interesting facts.
This article did not provide me with information I did not already know about. I like how
it uses interesting facts for the reader to keep reading on and learn more. Other wise I could not
write much about it.
10/3/2015.The Beneficial Bean.Science News.Seppa, Nathan. p16-19. 4p. 1 Color Photograph,
1 Black and White Photograph, 1 Chart, 1 Graph. Reading Level (Lexile): 1180. , Database:
MasterFILE Premier
Recieved By:
This source is an article.
This source contained information on the certain type of elements in caffeine that cause
specific problems to the human body. The article goes in depth of different studies done
throughout the years to examine the effects. It provides a graph and table to better understand the
studies. The author wanted to better inform readers who are concerned to know more about the
effects and how they happen to better understand.
This source was not bad, but really went in depth more than I wanted it too. The
information is reliable and the article was well written, but I felt if I used it in my presentation it
would confuse some individuals because of the information.
Oct2014.Methodological and metabolic considerations in the study of caffeine-containing
energy drinks.Nutrition Reviews.Shearer, Jane.Supplement, Vol. 72, p137-145. 10p. DOI:
Received by:
This source is an article.
This article provided information on energy drinks and how it affects the body. It also
provides a detailed description of the ingredients energy drinks contain. The author wanted to
inform the reader the disadvantages of energy drinks and the risks they are to our health. The
article provided a picture to better explain the impact energy drinks do to the human body.
This article was hard for me to engage in, because it went in depth and it contained
confusing scientific terms. This article was no use to me at all. It would have been better if it was
to the point and simple.
After reading about caffeine from ten different sources it feels as though I have repeated
myself over and over. Some of the sources I found useful and most were not.What I did figure
out is we rely too much on a drug to enhance our abilities. It could be potentially harmful as we
age more but, we will never stop consuming caffeine. Approximately 86% of the world
consumes caffeine on a daily basis. Why is it we rely on a drug to motivate us when we could eat
vegetables or fruit and get the same result?